BRC Building Responsible Competitiveness

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BRC Project - Building Responsible Competitiveness

CMB Carpi has been among the first companies in the construction sector which introduced the use of the Porter’s social value chain as a logical way to analyze the company in its organizational and operational processes. The model proposed by CMB allows a more efficient system of control by the social base, the integration of environmental protection into the production line, in service provision and the increasing of the awareness of the employees. From a methodological point of view, the project implemented by CMB Carpi specifically describes the creation of value generated by the activities of the production chain. By developing its own chain of social value, CMB has obtained a synthetic indicator system to respond to three questions that simplify reasoning that could be produced by a company in terms of CSR: does my company work well? How is the progress /development of the CSR program approved by the company? Which are the impacts generated by the company on the socialeconomic-environmental context?

Fig.3: CMB’s social value chain Source: Social Report 2006

10 Sponsored by the European Commission DG Enterprise and Industry Grant Agreement N. SI2.ACGRACE020970800

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