Girls Who Rock with Success

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GI RLS WHO ROCK WI TH SUCCESS Sept em ber edit ion


TI PS FOR LA BOR DA Y WEEK END Di gi tal V i deos I nsi de


Featuri ng Si nger & A ctress Fl o Ol i v arro

w w w.pu m

w w w.pok et t

In gr edien t s 2 cu ps of leaf y gr een 1/ 2 cu p spr ou t s 1/ 2 car r ot , sliced3 ? en glish cu cu m ber , slice an d cu t in h alf 1/ 2 r ed pepper , sliced len gt h w ise1/ 2 cu p cu be cook ed ch ick en 6 pecan s, ch oppedSea salt an d pepper t o t ast e

I n st r u ct ion s Place t h e leaf y gr een s at t h e cen t r e of t h e plat e an d layer all ot h er veget ables.Season w it h salt an d pepper t o t ast e.Add a 2 t bsp. of dr essin g of ch oice. In t h is case I ch ose Balsam ic m u st ar d dr essin g.En joy!

In gr edien t s 1 egg per wrap 1/2 tbsp grass fed butter 1 tbsp full fat organic coconut milk Pinch of seal salt Pinch of pepper to taste Filling Options Sliced tomato AvocadoSpinach or any leafy greens Zucchini ,Onion ,Cucumber, etc.

In st r u ct ion s Whisk the egg, coconut milk, sea salt and pepper in a bowl until there are no lumps and you cannot see any separate egg yolk or white pieces/Heat some grass-fed butter in a smaller frying pan.Pour the egg mixture into the frying pan and rotate the pan to let the egg spread out into a thin layer. The thinner the better when using eggs as wraps.Once cooked on one side, flip over and cook for only 30 seconds on the second side.Remove each wrap as they cook and leave on a plate and allow to cool.Repeat the entire recipe until you have made enough wraps.Place your favorite filling inside and roll up. By St eph an ie Dodier

PHYLLIS ZIM BLER M ILLER I live in Los An geles an d am a digit al m ar k et er an d on lin e con t en t cr eat or besides a f ict ion an d n on f ict ion au t h or . I h ave a B.A. in Jou r n alism f r om M ich igan St at e Un iver sit y an d an M .B.A. in Fin an ce f r om Th e Wh ar t on Sch ool of t h e Un iver sit y of Pen n sylvan ia. Fr om Sept em ber 1970 t o M ay 1972 m y h u sban d M it ch an d I w er e st at ion ed w it h t h e U.S. Ar m y in M u n ich , Ger m an y. M it ch w as an of f icer w it h t h e 18t h M ilit ar y In t elligen ce Bat t alion , an d I even t u ally got a secu r it y clear an ce an d w or k ed as a civilian f or t h e 66t h M ilit ar y In t elligen ce Gr ou p. Th is exper ien ce in spir ed m u ch of m y f ict ion an d n on f ict ion , in clu din g book s an d scr een plays.

Basics of Planning for College:

List en Her e f or Tu t or ial

Click Her e

Im pact ADHD is a com m u n it y of par en t s w it h sim ilar cir cu m st an ces w h o com e t oget h er t o su ppor t each ot h er an d lear n h ow t o t ak e a coach -appr oach t o r aisin g you r k ids. Bein g par t of a com m u n it y t h at in clu des com passion at e coach es h elps u s all st ay t h e cou r se, set lim it s, t r y n ew t h in gs, f in d accept an ce, ch an ge ou r h abit s, lau gh in st ead of cr y, u n der st an d in st ead of yell. Th r ive in st ead of ju st su r vive. Ou r u n iqu e pr ogr am s ar e design ed t o give you t h e su ppor t you n eed in a w ay t h at w or k s f or you . Coach in g r adically im pr oves t h e w ay you m an age t h e r oller coast er of r aisin g ADD/ ADHD k ids ? an d allow s you t o en joy t h e r ide!

Par en t s ar e so u sed t o givin g t o ot h er s ? t o jobs, t o f am ily, t o f r ien ds, t o sch ools an d t o colleagu es ? t h at t h ey of t en h ave n ot h in g lef t f or t h em selves. We cr eat ed Im pact -ADHDÂŽ f or t h ose par en t s w h o t en d t o pu t t h em selves last , bu t w h o vit ally n eed su ppor t , solu t ion s, an d coach in g. Em pow er in g you r self is t h e best w ay t o em pow er you r ch ildr en . Th is is f or you . As w e sou gh t an sw er s an d w ays t o u n der st an d an d m an age ou r ADHD k ids, w e t u r n ed t o w h at w e k n ew best : coach in g. In ou r pr of ession al pr act ices, w e each h elped gu ide clien t s t o gr eat er clar it y an d h elped t h em r em ove obst acles t o su ccess an d sat isf act ion . Coach in g em pow er ed t h em t o do t h e sam e t h in g in t h eir par en t in g appr oach . It m ade a w or ld of dif f er en ce, an d w e w an t ed it t o m ak e a dif f er en ce in t h e w or ld.

Af t er t h e 2010 CHADD con f er en ce in At lan t a, w e decided t o h elp ot h er par en t s of k ids w it h ADD/ ADHD ben ef it f r om coach in g an d com m u n it y. Ju st m on t h s lat er , w e f ou n ded Im pact ADHD t o give par en t s t h e st r at egies, sk ills, an d exper t gu idan ce you n eed t o m an age t h e r ealit y of ADD/ ADHD. Wit h coach in g, you can lear n t o set r ealist ic, at t ain able goals, com m u n icat e m or e ef f ect ively, an d st ar t on a pat h of h appier , m or e ef f ect ive par en t in g.

As a professional in my late-thirties, I was the ?get-it-done-woman.? Known for my tenacity and achievements in the corporate world, I hit every pitch out of the park? Enter ADD! As the reality of raising two complex children (and being married to a complex adult!) set in, I realized I needed to make some changes, for my family ? and for me. It marked the start of a lifelong journey of growth, acceptance, and compassion. Like any challenge I?d overcome in my professional life, I thought I could tackle ADD with sheer willpower and hard work. I became Super Mom, getting everyone up and moving in the morning, making sure homework was done at

night ? and managing everything else in between. A walking, talking Executive Function machine! It worked, too. For a while. As I poured more and more of myself into my family, I had less for work, less for my relationship with my spouse, less for myself. Super Mom became Short-Tempered, Stressed, Resentful Mom. I felt like I was losing myself. Nothing worked, from yoga to anti-depressants. I realized I needed to make some major changes.

Helpin g M y Fam ily St ar t ed w it h Helpin g M yself

Through coaching, I was able to regain confidence in myself. With a strong spiritual connection and the tenacity I thought I?d lost, I redefined ?Super Mom.? Now, I know that it means honoring my own needs and taking care of myself with as much compassion as I do my family (and as much patience!). With my coaching clients, I use an ?inside-out? approach. When they connect to a positive vision, and identify roadblocks that are impeding their journey, they can overcome and thrive. First inside, then outside, as that energy and awareness impacts every aspect of their lives.

I h ave: Co-f ou n ded Im pact ADHD, t h e f ir st vir t u al coach in g an d t r ain in g r esou r ce design ed specif ically f or par en t s of ch ildr en w it h ADHD Ser ved on t h e Boar d of Dir ect or s of ICF Geor gia (st at e ch ar t er ch apt er of t h e In t er n at ion al Coach Feder at ion )Ear n ed m y coach in g cer t if icat ion f r om t h e In st it u t e f or Pr of ession al Excellen ce in Coach in g (iPEC)Fou n ded In n er Pr ogr ess Coach in g t o h elp pr of ession als discover , or r ediscover , t h eir passion s, r edu ce st r ess, m axim ize per f or m an ce, an d f ocu s on pr ior it ies Held leader sh ip posit ion s w it h in Kaiser Per m an en t e Ear n ed cer t if icat ion as an En er gy Leader sh ip In dex M ast er Pr act it ion er an d Reik i M ast er Gr adu at ed w it h a BA in Biology/ Hu m an Ser vices f r om Albion College an d a M ast er s? Degr ee in Healt h car e Adm in ist r at ion f r om t h e Un iver sit y of M ich igan .

My first ten years as a parent, I was miserable. Let me be clear: I love my kids. More than anything. But there was always a ?but.? But it was hard. But it was frustrating. But it was lonely and isolating and terrifying. When my daughter was just two weeks old, she started to scream. It didn?t stop. As other kids passed childhood milestones, she struggled to master simple life skills. Instead of sleepovers and summer camp, she went to vision therapy and occupational therapy. Instead of forming friendships, she changed schools again and again. My daughter carried the heavy, lonely burden of not just one life-changing diagnosis, but three: ADHD, anxiety, and learning disabilities. As parents, we want to carry it for them. I wanted to pick her up and make everything better. Knowing that I couldn?t ? that was one of the most painful, difficult learning experiences of my first decade as a parent of a ?complex? kid. Equally challenging was the incredible isolation. It seemed like parents of other complex kids found each other. It was as if they had radar and could seek out others who struggled, just as they did.

Sharing the load ? talking about challenges and solutions and just making contact ? makes it that much lighter. I felt like I was completely off the radar, that even among the complex kids, mine was more complicated. I was desperate for community, for help. My daughter, thankfully, had a great therapist who provided her with guidance and support. Honestly, I couldn?t help but think: ?What about me?!? I knew I needed to do something. I just had no idea what.

Som et h in g Had t o Ch an ge ? M e You can?t help your kid ? or yourself ? build a strong, healthy life if you start with a shaky

foundation. I needed to strengthen mine and parent from a place of hope and optimism, not fear and anxiety. When I began to realize that my child could have a fulfilling life, that she could thrive, I saw a way out of my panic.

Elain e?s Exper t Advice Elaine?s helpful articles, tips, tricks and videos to help you turn the chaos into calm. ADHD ARTICLES What prompted this change? For one, I was diagnosed with ADHD at age 40. Suddenly, my whole life made sense! At the same time, I had two powerful allies on my side: a nutritionist who

taught me that small changes could make a big impact, and a coach who ? finally! ? offered me the support and connection I so desperately craved. Full of hope and purpose, I went back to school and earned my coaching certification. Why? Because that coach saved my life! I wanted to provide that same compassion, understanding, and light for all those other parents who were ?off the radar ? too. They would have a community; they would never have to feel as alone and desperate as I did.

Co-founding Impact ADHD, the first virtual coaching and training resources designed specifically for parents of children with ADHD Launching Touchstone Coaching, a leadership, executive, and personal coaching practice, and pioneered the Touchstone Method to help clients overcome obstacles and develop strategies for change and growth Founding one of the largest political action committees in Georgia Founding a ?Breakfast Club? for mothers and daughters, designed to facilitate effective communication Launching a Speakers Series to support service providers and caregivers of kids with special needs Working with the NYC Commission on the Status of Women, Planned Parenthood Federation of American, and on the Governor ?s Council for Maternal and Infant Health (Georgia)Teaching couples labor and delivery classes, as well as pregnancy and postpartum yoga classes Completing CTI?s Co-Active Leadership Program, a leader in coach training Certification by Coach Training Institute and the International Coach Federation Sharing expertise with ADHD as a contributing author for The Huffington Post Speaking and exhibiting at CHADD Serving on the CQN (Chapter Quality Network) ADHD Executive Review Committee for the American Academy of Pediatrics

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iFOLIO Fou n der an d CEO pr esiden t an d ch ief execu t ive of f icer of iFOLIO. Rich ar dson?s back gr ou n d in clu des For t u n e 500 f ir m s Or acle Cor por at ion , M icr osof t , an d M ast er -Car d, an d 9 year s h elpin g select m er it sch olar sh ip r ecipien t s at Geor gia In st it u t e of Tech n ology.

Rich ar dson cu r r en t ly ser ves on t h e Geor gia Tech Sch eller College of Bu sin ess Advisor y Boar d, t h e Geor gia Tech TI:GER Gr adu at e Pr ogr am Advisor y Boar d, t h e M et r o At lan t a In n ovat ion Advisor y Gr ou p, an d t h e Dean?s Sch olar sh ip Cou n cil. Sh e en joys gu est lect u r in g on t ech n ology in n ovat ion f or Geor gia In st it u t e of Tech n ology ?s M BA pr ogr am an d h as been a f eat u r ed speak er at n at ion al con f er en ces.

Digit al por t f olios ar e bein g u sed t o lan d sch olar sh ips an d jobs. Rich ar dson design ed a solu t ion an d f ou n ded iFOLIO t o h elp an y u ser h ave t h at edge in an in cr easin gly digit al w or ld.

Jean M ar ie Rich ar dson gr adu at ed f r om Geor gia In st it u t e of Tech n ology cu m lau de an d a Pr esiden t ?s Sch olar , an d r esides in At lan t a w it h h er h u sban d Hap, an d t h eir t w o dogs, Jack son an d Bu r t on .

Jean M ar ie Rich ar dson ser ves as

Military spouses/partners are by necessity resilient, independent, & resourceful. As a proud, young Navy wife, I spent a lot of time on my own. During those early years, I had to learn how to successfully juggle my full time job, childcare, & home management, while balancing the joy (& often the disruption!) of a come & go husband. Challenging to say the least. But while I was on my own, I was never alone. Truly, the military community is one big family. We get through deployments and disappointments together. We open our hearts & our doors to people from all over the world, and from all

walks of life. We share joy, pain, proud moments, commissary runs, parenting tips, advice (wanted & unwanted!) and much more. We prop each other up during the long weeks of separation and we support each other however we can. I learned clear steps to take to help our family stay strong and succeed ? from amazing men & women who?d been through it all before.

found overwhelming amounts of advice, treatments, providers & programs, I quickly foundered. Unlike my experience in the Navy, I could find no clear path to success.

My own knowledge had gaping holes. I struggled with every decision involved in the care & feeding of our little guy with ADHD. I read books, tried various medical, social & dietary experiments, created gorgeous When our child was reward charts? yet diagnosed with ADHD nothing seemed to at a young age, it never work! Relationships at occurred to me to keep home ? and with it a secret or to try to extended family ? tough-it-out solo. I were strained. Our immediately sought house was always a help & guidance within mess, we yelled at each our civilian community, other constantly for just like I had on the reasons I can no longer Navy base. And while I

Our son?s new psychologist suggested we find other parents of ADHD kids to talk to so we could help support each other. I didn?t realize how isolated and alone we?d felt until we met other parents just like us! As we heard their stories, I could feel my shoulders relaxing. I hadn?t consciously been holding my breath, but I clearly remember exhaling during that first meeting. Just knowing that what happened in our house also happened in other homes with ADHD kids ? well, it empowered us to erase any lingering shame. Our son?s behaviors, energy level and lack of self-awareness were actually NORMAL

BEHAVIORS for complex kids! Knowing we weren?t alone kept us grounded & sane. Just like when my husband was off to sea, having a support system in place made all the difference.

Here?s how I got from there to here: Founder & Group Director, ADHDKC, Kansas City?s Award Winning CHADD Chapter ? named affiliate of the year in 2014Recognized as CHADD?s volunteer leader of the year in 2013CHADD Parent 2 Parent Teacher Graduate of ADDCA (ADD Coach Academy,) and of JST?s ?Coaching Kids, Teens & Young Adults with ADHD? Program Graduate of

the inaugural class of the Chris Z. Dendy Executive Function Training Camp Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA), providing a stable presence in at-risk kids? lives Military wife, ADHD Adult and Mom of 5 Fabulous Kids Successful 15-year career in telecom & pharmaceutical sales & marketing Proud graduate of the University of Kansas School of Journalism, B.S. (Rock Chalk Jayhawk!)Lover of all things Star Wars & Star Trek (Live Long & Prosper!)


How t o be a Su ccessf u l Sin ger / Act or w h ile in High Sch ool By Flo Olavar r ia

In order to achieve one?s dreams, sacrifices have to be made. This is one of the main things I?ve learned. On countless occasions I have stayed at home rehearsing instead of going out with my friends. But I know the only way to reach my dreams is by having perseverance and putting in a lot of effort.

dramatically. I have calendars, weekly planners and agendas that allow me to strategically plan when and how I am going to get work done. Since I am in my final year of high school the workload has been very heavy, and being organized has helped me get through all my assessments and This journey has also study for my final exams shown me how to while still being able to become more organized pursue my dream. The and manage my time quality of my studying effectively in order to has also improved. A lot achieve the goals I set for of time is dedicated to myself (which are quite my career which has ambitious). This is a meant that I now have lesson I learned after six less time than I did months: you need to before starting this manage your time and to journey to focus on never leave anything to school work. I have the last minute. If I could learned how to study have done anything effectively and get work differently it?s that; to done at a high level in a have managed my time shorter period of time effectively and planning An important factor that ahead right from the can drive one?s success is beginning. That being surrounding oneself with said my organizational a network of capable skills have improved people who love, support

and respect you. This is key in order to withstand and overcome the difficult and stressful moments one can face. My family has been incredibly supportive throughout this venture and I wouldn?t have achieved what I have today without them. They understand that I have a passion and they believe in me. They watch every single one of my performances, listen to all of the songs I write, and help me deal with the stress that comes from trying to balance school and developing my career. Because of them I have been able to deliver successful results on both fronts. To say that I?m truly grateful for my family is an understatement! .

Surrounding myself with friends that motivate and believe in me has been the key to keeping me energized. I am so thankful to them because they support me and keep my feet on the ground. They also help me to feel motivated and happy. My school has also understood and supported my passion for my career. They backed me up when I was absent for 5 weeks in 2016 attending a summer program at Berklee the College of Music in Boston. Earlier this year I also got the tremendous opportunity to sing with David Foster at a private event in Singapore, for which I spent 2 weeks away from school rehearsing relentlessly. My teachers were incredibly understanding and helped me catch up with all the work I missed. My vocal coach has also been an inspiration in

terms of stress management and teaching me how to build the space where my songwriting can flow freely and abundantly. Another amazing mentor was Dru West who helped prepare me for the December 2016 Premiere Program that took place in Orlando. The results were fantastic and it demonstrates once more that with hard work, preparation, and by surrounding yourself with people who support you, you can reach your goals. During January 2017 I got the incredible opportunity to record my first album with some extremely talented musicians in Los Angeles, California. The songs recorded were written by me and I am currently in the process of producing the songs and building a marketing strategy in order to

launch my first single in 2018. I am also looking at defining the pathway to take my passion to the next level. One day I dream of touring the world performing my songs and being able to star in musicals/movies. Will balancing my dreams along with my school commitments be easy? No. But I will continue to work very hard to make this happen because sacrifices need to be made to achieve one?s dreams.

FLO & DA V I D FOSTER On April 3rd, 2017 Flo had t he incredible opport unit y t o perform wit h David Fost er. David?s music promot er saw a video of Flo singing on her vocal coach?s (Corinne Gibbons) Facebook page. She t hen showed t he video t o David and he want ed her t o perform wit h him at his show in t he Rit z Carlt on hot el in Singapore. The event was organized by t he Bank of Singapore and Flo was a surprise guest at t he show. She sang a medley of t he songs I Have Not hing and I W ill Always Love You, songs writ t en and/or produced by David. Aft er mont hs of preparat ion, t he performance t ook place on Monday night (April 3rd) at t he Rit z Carlt on hot el in Singapore. David Fost er is one of Flo?s biggest musical inspirat ions and her biggest songwrit ing idol. This was an incredible and unforget t able experience for Flo.

Flo is a 17 year old singer/songwriter and actress. Her passion for the arts began at the young age of 6 in Canada, where she spent a large part of her childhood. The other part was spent in Santiago, Chile. At the age of 13, the Chilean/Canadian singer and actress moved to Singapore and has been living there for the past 5 years. Flo has been heavily involved in school performances; singing in school events and participating in plays and musicals, as well as performing outside of school. Flo takes singing, dancing, acting and piano lessons. In 2014, Flo had a few shows in Los Angeles and she performed at the President?s Challenge in Singapore for the president. A year later she attended ?Summer Shot? at Musicians Institute and in August 2016 Flo went to Berklee the college of

music to participate in the ?5 week summer performance program?. In December 2016, Flo participated in Premiere Program and further developed her acting skills through coaching lessons with Dru West and Michael David Palance. Flo received an award for being one of the participants with most callbacks within her age group (16 callbacks) and made incredible friends from all around the world. Flo began 2017 by recording her first album in Los Angeles. She recorded some of her original songs and worked with very talented musicians such as Mo Pleasure (piano and producer), Leland Sklar (bass), Donald Barrett (drums), Corinne Gibbons (producer) and Kara Grainger (guitar). Her first single will be released later in 2017.

h t t p:/ / w w w.bu bblebu m .co/

Bu bbleBu m s Tr avel Tips f or you r Labou r Day Holiday Weeken d

#1Th e f ir st t ip f or car t r avel is t o en su r e t h at you r k ids ar e on an appr oved ch ild saf et y seat as r equ ir ed by t h e cou n t r y t h at you ar e t r avellin g, if you ar e t r avellin g in t h e US t h e Bu bbleBu m m eet s all saf et y r equ ir em en t s an d h as been cr ash t est ed. Th e r egu lat ion s dif f er in dif f er en t cou n t r ies bu t t h e Bu bbleBu m In f lat able Car Boost er Seat is appr oved in t h e EU an d USA. It is a r eliable an d saf e opt ion w h en t r avellin g an d even allow s you t o f it t h r ee boost er seat s in a r ow in t h e back of car w h ich is a pr oblem en cou n t er ed by m an y par en t s. It s in f lat able an d def lat able, ligh t w eigh t , por t able an d pack able aged f or ch ildr en 4-11 year s old. #2 Alw ays pack a f ir st aid k it con t ain in g it em s su ch as pain r elief f or adu lt s an d ch ildr en - sach et s can be u sef u l t o avoid spillages, a t h er m om et er - t h e Oblu m i Tapp is ou r f avou r it e as it con n ect s t o you r sm ar t ph on e an d is sm all an d r eliable, an t ih ist am in es (f or adu lt s an d ch ildr en ) bu g/ st in g cr eam , an t isept ic cr eam , in st an t ice pack , su n scr een , m ot ion -sick n ess t ablet s, in sect r epellen t , w et w ipes, t issu es an d ban d aids.

#3 No m at t er h ow you r m et h od of t r an spor t by plan e or car , it is alw ays a good idea t o br in g ext r a t oys an d act ivit ies t o k eep you r ch ild en t er t ain ed, let t h em pack t h eir ow n bag so t h ey can br in g t h eir f avor it e it em s w it h t h em bu t alw ays h ave a sm all su r pr ise it em t u ck ed aw ay f or em er gen cies. Cr ayon s an d a color in g book ar e sm all an d can k eep lit t le on es occu pied f or h ou r s don?t f or get you r ch ild?s bedt im e t oy, t eddy or special blan k et t o avoid an y bedt im e dr am as or n ap t im e n igh t m ar es. Don?t f or get t o be scr een w ise w h en t r avelin g an d lim it elect r on ic gam es an d t ablet s. Keep older ch ildr en en t er t ain ed by playin g f u n t r avel gam es su ch as i-spy. Don?t f or get t h ose im por t an t sn ack s an d dr in k s f or all t h e f am ily t o avoid an y h an gr y ch ildr en , f r u it an d yogu r t s w ill alw ays go dow n a t r eat , t r y t o avoid sw eet s an d su gar as t h is w ill give you r k ids an en er gy boost ! #4 Wh en t r avelin g by car , you sh ou ld k eep t h e f ollow in g it em s in you r t r u n k f or em er gen cies ju m per cables, f lair s, blan k et s, w at er , pr eser ved sn ack s, f ir e ext in gu ish er , m in i t ir e com pr essor , basic t ools, r ope an d a f lash ligh t . Th is is you r su r vival k it in t h e case of an em er gen cy. Bef or e you r jou r n ey t ak e you r car f or a qu ick in spect ion t o en su r e you w ill n ot en cou n t er an y dif f icu lt ies on you r jou r n ey. M ak e su r e t o br in g a car ph on e ch ar ger t o m ak e su r e t h at you r ph on e does n ot die on you r jou r n ey. If you ar e u sin g a sat n av pr e-pr ogr am m e it w it h you r dest in at ion bef or e you leave, t h is w ill save you t im e.

#5 Wh en t r avelin g ch eck t h e w eat h er f or ecast t o see if you w ill n eed an y ot h er t r avel su pplies, pon ch os, w at er boot s or t o allow f or ext r a t im e. Alw ays allow en ou gh t im e f or t r af f ic jam s, acciden t s or r oad w or k s an d h ave you r r ou t e plan n ed an d h ave an alt er n at ive r ou t e ju st in case. #6 Rest st ops ar e so im por t an t w h en t r avelin g w it h k ids as t h ey becom e bor ed an d r est less, t h er ef or e f r equ en t st ops w ill allow t h em t o st r et ch t h eir legs an d st op an y ar gu m en t s. St op an d let t h e k ids r u n f or 15 m in u t es or so, get a sn ack an d r et u r n t o you r jou r n ey. Th is sh or t st op w ill allow t h e k ids t o bu r n of f all t h at en er gy t h ey gat h er ed f r om sit t in g st ill. #7 Plan n in g an d or gan isat ion is t h e k ey, r esear ch you r dest in at ion an d locat e f u n f am ily or ien t at ed places t o visit or f am ily f r ien dly r est au r an t s or st ops on you r jou r n ey, as t h is w ill m ak e you r lif e a lot easier . Kn ow in g w h en you w ill h ave a br eak or st op an d w h er e w ill of f er a sch edu le an d r ou t in e f or you r k ids. #8 Or gan isin g you r lu ggage in you r car an d r oof box w ill also save you t im e an d st op an y st r ess of t r yin g t o locat e specif ic it em s. Keep you r sn ack s, f ir st aid box, coat s, en t er t ain m en t an d som e t oys in t h e car an d pack ever yt h in g else. Also h ave a ch an ge of clot h es available f or each ch ild as acciden t s can h appen qu it e easily w h en t r avelin g. Saf e t r avels f r om Bu bble Bu m t h is h oliday w eek en d! Bu bble Bu m In f lat able Car Boost er Seat can be pu r ch ased on Am azon , Bu bble Bu m




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