Update December 22, 2020

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Update Working from home DHS students remain perseverant through second lockdown

photos gathered from a survey of DHS students

Volume 44, Issue 3 • December 22, 2020 • H. H. Dow High School, Midland, Michigan • https://update.midlandps.org • @dowhighupdate


Dec. 22, 2020

Distribution Update is distributed monthly from September to June to 1,300 students and staff of H. H. Dow High School, 3901 N. Saginaw Rd., Midland, Mich., 48640, free of charge. It is printed by the Midland Daily News and produced by the Advanced Journalism class in room 218.

Staff Editorial The staff editorial is the managing editors’ response to current news events. The staff editorial reflects the opinion of the Editorial Board. The final draft is subject to a vote by the Editorial Board. A majority vote is required for the document to achieve publication.


Mission Statement As a public forum for student expression, Update will honor the H. H. Dow High community and the journalism profession by placing truth, accuracy and objectivity first and encouraging all sides to voice their opinion. Editor-in-Chief Jason Laplow Managing Design Madeline DeLong Managing Copy Sofi Aultman Managing Business Hannah Kilbride

Letters are encouraged. They will be screened for libel, defamation, and/or obscenity and may be edited for length. All letters must be signed, although the Editorial Board will consider withholding names upon request. Letters may be rejected due to limited space, untimely material, or unbalanced representation. A full editorial policy is on file in room 218.

Managing Photo

Open Column

Hayden Hetherington

Emily Danielsen Managing News Samuel Baker

photo by Emily Danielsen

photo by Natalie Nussear

DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY: Students celebrate during the LETTUCE SEE: Then-sophomore Sam Baker eats a head of annual Sadie Hawkins dance on Jan. 5. The event was the lettuce during the lettuce club meeting on Jan 17. Baker last dance of 2020 as a result of the pandemic. went on to win his second consecutive championship.

Managing Opinion Kayla Dominowski Managing Feature Molly Birch Managing Sports Chloe Stafford Managing Graphics

The ‘My Turn’ column is open to the entire school. Columns will undergo the same screening process as letters. All columns should be turned in to room 218 and should include the author’s name.

Managing Social Media


6/7: Madeline DeLong

Update is a member of the NSPA, CSPA, and MIPA. Update was a CSPA Gold Crown Winner in 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, and 2019. It was a Silver Crown Winner in 2006, 2009, 2016 and 2017. It was an NSPA Pacemaker winner in 1999, 2000, 2002, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, and a finalist in 2001, and 2003. In 1989, 1999, 2000, 2004, and 2005, Update won Best of Show in NSPA competition. It won second place Best of Show in 2006. It won eighth place Best of Show in 2007. It won third place in Best of Show in 2008. Update has won 28 MIPA Spartan Awards since 1989 and was inducted into the MIPA Hall of Fame in 2004.




Sophie Ungerleider Page editors 1: Jason Laplow 2/3: Jason Laplow 4/5: Emily Danielsen 8/9: Molly Birch

photo by Paige Barnard

photo by Emily Danielsen

KEEP SWIMMING: Then-junior Louie Sun turns around WHAT’S UP?: Drum majors Jacob Hansen, Ryan Erdmann, during a boys swim meet against MHS on Feb. 11. The Reese Elza, and T.J. Neunfeldt look up during practice on team’s season ended just before the state was shut down. Sept. 16. The band played at three football games.

10/11: Madeline DeLong & Molly Birch 12: Hayden Hetherington Assistant copy editors Giselle Mahoney Cassidy Wainwright Staff writers Katie Hagen Rebekah Strike Adviser Cammie Hall


photo by Emily Danielsen

DRIBBLE IT DOWN: Sophomore Jack Wolohan approaches the net in a soccer game against MHS on Sept. 30. The Chargers lost the contest, 4-1.

photo by Emily Danielsen

POMMERS: Freshman Marie Pavlik and sophomore Lilamm Thomas stand ready at a JV football game. on Oct. 16. The team was able to perform at select JV contests.


Update Dec. 22, 2020

Humanity prevailed


Letter from the Editor

1. “Blinding Lights” - The Weeknd 2. “Circles” - Post Malone 3. “The Box” - Roddy Rich 4. “Don’t Start Now” - Dua Lipa 5. “Rockstar” - DaBaby feat. Roddy Rich

1. “Hollywood’s Bleeding” - Post Malone 2. “My Turn” - Lil Baby 3. “Please Excuse Me For Being Antisocial” - Roddy Rich

4. “Fine Line” - Harry Styles 5. “Folklore” - Taylor Swift lists from www.billboard.com

1. “Bad Boys for Life” 2. “1917” 3. “Sonic the Hedgehog” 4. “Jumanji” 5. “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” graphics by Hayden Hetherington


list from www.the-numbers.com

The state of the world will not magically change as soon as the clock strikes midnight on January 1. Just as many people will be spending the night in hospital beds. Just as many hearts will still be broken from the deaths of loved ones. Race relations will still be on the fringe, as will the number of unemployed Americans. For some, it’s been easy to tune all of this out for the last number of months, gathering in large groups, walking into public places without a mask, spreading misinformation on the internet. But for others, the state they were in on December 31 of last year is a far cry from where they are now. The pandemic has taken the lives of more than 300,000 Americans, all of whom were moms, dads, brothers and sisters, grandmas and grandpas. Millions are on the brink of homelessness, and minorities are being persecuted at an alarming rate. We all need to acknowledge the amazing things that happened this

year, though. Humanity was tested in a way never seen before, but there was perseverance. Health care workers put their lives on the line for weeks at a time, scarring their faces with mask marks and not being able to go home to their families. Science prevailed. It took just 11 months to formulate a safe and effective vaccine for the coronavirus, and people are receiving it as we speak. Going into 2021 may not magically change everything, but it will be a continuation of hope in a dark and unforgiving world.

Enjoy the issue,

news 4 New vaccines helping fight pandemic Update Dec. 22, 2020

Pfizer, Moderna share spotlight in beginning of eradication efforts Sophie Ungerleider & Sam Baker

managing social media & managing news


ll eyes were on local hospitals and medical providers over the weekend as the vaccine began to roll out. The MidMichigan medical center in Midland is the main distribution center for MidMichigan health care and will soon start giving out vaccines to high-risk health workers. On Friday, Dec. 11, MidMichigan Health published a Public Service Announcement on several details of the coronavirus vaccine. Chief Medical Officer Dr. Lydia Watson was seen in the video-formatted PSA speaking out and encouraging her fellow community members to receive the

graphics by Emily Danielsen

vaccine when it becomes available. Dr. Watson empathized with the community on her hopes that the virus would “simply - go away,” and proceeded to explain that the vaccine is the best bet at achieving the goal of a Coronavirus-free world. “Stopping a pandemic requires using all the tools available,” Dr. Watson said. The short, minute and 50-second long video urged the public to strongly consider the vaccine and spoke of the role that a vaccine plays while fighting the virus, stating that vaccines stimulate the immune system, therefore aiding in the body’s ability to fight the virus if exposed. Watson reiterated the rhetoric of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) by making several remarks on staying socially distanced from others, consistently washing hands, and wearing a mask as a means of protection. The vaccine has been under the public spotlight this year as it has been nearly eight months since research began. Watson’s PSA came on the same day that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released that they had authorized the Coronavirus Pfizer-BioNTech and vaccine to be distributed in the U.S. Recently, on Dec. 18, the Moderna vaccine was also approved by the FDA for emergency use. This will add millions more doses to help fight the pandemic, as cases still rise in the United States. With the announcement that the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine was approved for EUA, or emergency use authorization by the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration, the vaccine can now be sent to states to distribute. The vaccine can be used for those who are 16 years and older and while initially will be given to high-risk

workers, it will eventually be available to all. The FDA has made it clear that any potential risks are outweighed by the benefits of the vaccine. The statement also came with a quote from the FDA Commissioner Stephen M. Han, M.D., who stated the vaccine has been developed in an “expedited time frame after its emergence is a true testament to scientific innovation and publicprivate collaboration worldwide.” Han also spoke on the process of thorough review that the vaccine has undergone as it is at the forefront of American’s minds. “The FDA’s authorization for emergency use of the first COVID-19 vaccine is a significant milestone in battling this devastating pandemic that has affected so many families in the United States and around the world,” Han said. “Today’s action follows an open and transparent review process that included input from independent scientific and public health experts and a thorough evaluation by the agency’s career scientists to ensure this vaccine met FDA’s rigorous, scientific standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality needed to support emergency use authorization.” The Director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research Peter Marks M.D., Ph.D., stated that the FDA’s authorization, “holds the promise to alter the course of this pandemic in the United States.” In an effort to ease the minds of those who are concerned about the unprecedented speed at which the vaccine has been developed, Marks stated, “Efforts to speed vaccine development have not sacrificed scientific standards or the integrity of our vaccine evaluation process.” He goes on to explain the additional

review from members of the agency’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee. Both the FDA’s authorization of the vaccine and Dr. Lydia Watson’s Public Service Announcement released last Friday have sparked nationwide conversations surrounding what’s next for the country and the Coronavirus. “The FDA’s authorization for emergency use of the first COVID-19 vaccine is a significant milestone in battling this devastating pandemic that has affected so many families in the United States and around the world,” Han said.


Update Dec. 22, 2020



Combating coronavirus vaccine misinformation


he past few months have been difficult for everyone. Though each person is affected in different ways, everyone has had to face some challenges through all this coronavirus drama. Each person simply does their best with what they have because that’s all they can do in the midst of the uncertainty plaguing the globe at this moment. However grim the world currently seems, to the surprise of all parties involved, a glimmer of hope is finally emerging into view. A vaccine for the coronavirus has been developed by Pfizer and approved by the FDA. The vaccine is currently being shipped across the country and state governments are embarking on the distribution process as this editorial is typed. The question to ask is whether or not the Pfizer vaccine is safe, but that’s not something able to be concluded at this time. Based on the results of the vaccine trials, though they may seem rushed, positive results for combating the coronavirus were shown, though it does have some side effects. Other vaccines still in development stages have seen more side effects than the Pfizer vaccine, which had a very E small amount in IN R


clinical trials. This vaccine has a serious potential to bring the world back to normalcy faster, though it will not decrease mask and social distancing guidelines right away, and those guidelines will not go away unless a vast majority of the population takes the vaccine. In order for the world to go back to normal, America’s population needs to reach what is called herd immunity. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), this is a term used in the medical field to describe “when enough people have protection—either from previous infection or vaccination—that it is unlikely a virus or bacteria can spread and cause disease.” In short, the whole community is protected from disease even if some people don’t have any form of protection. Coronavirus experts don’t really know right now what percentage of Americans need to be vaccinated to reach herd immunity. There are some predictions, but the total percentage is currently unknown, so it is best that as many people as possible take the vaccine. Whether or not someone takes the vaccine is up to the individual, but it is also up to the individual to gather information on the vaccine from credible news sources. Cable news programs on Fox News and CNN are not good sources for information on the vaccine, as their content is largely based on opinion, especially Fox News’ television broadcasts. The fact is, it’s cheaper for broadcast networks to have people sit on a panel and spew their opinion than it is to fly a reporter somewhere to do actual research on a topic. Thus, the content put out by broadcasting


networks in primetime isn’t necessarily real news. It won’t actually give the viewers the facts and the highly concentrated opinion content does not aid in the source’s credibility. Facebook is also a terrible source for information on the coronavirus vaccine. A key point to keep in mind when getting information from any social media source is that individuals post their opinions on these sites, some with little to no regard for the truth. Facebook holds a spotty reputation that since its inception has allowed people to spread incorrect information and utilize fear-mongering tactics to spread misinformation. Do not believe everything on Facebook, especially when it comes to the coronavirus vaccine. If it seems unreal or “too good to be true”, it probably is. If you want real information on the safety of the vaccine, try the CDC website. The CDC is the top dog of medicine in the American government and anything found on that website will be the truth. In addition, the Associated Press (AP) is the most unbiased news source in the country, unless a story is clearly marked ‘opinion’ or ‘editorial’ or ‘column’. If a story on AP’s website does not have one of those labels, readers can be sure to find factual information that has been checked for accuracy. It’s important during these uncertain times for individuals to have all the information possible to make the best decisions for themselves. Do the research and decide the best route from there, but don’t make life-changing decisions about this vaccine based on other people’s snap judgments. Chances are they didn’t do any research either.


How to look out for fake news, where to find factual information

graphics by Emily Danielsen



Update Dec. 22, 2020

Favorite holiday movies Taking an indepth look at a host of classics Hannah Kilbride & Rebekah Strike managing business & staff writer


“Elf” (2003) is a movie about Will Ferrel’s character Buddy the Elf, who has been raised in the North Pole, and realizes that he is actually human and from New York. During the film he heads to NYC to find his dad and throughout the movie also helps spread Christmas cheer. “Elf” is easily one of the most popular holiday movies, and for good reason as it has a

lot of funny moments. Although it is overall a good movie, it sometimes feels that it has been overhyped, with so many people claiming it to be one of their favorite holiday movies. There is no denying that it’s good but it seems that there’s other holiday movies out there that are just as good, if not better and don’t get the same level of recognition.

Star rating:

A Christmas Story In “A Christmas Story” (1983) a young boy dreams of getting a Red Ryder Range BB gun for Christmas. He tries to convince that it is the perfect gift and that it is all he wants. His mother and school teacher try to tell him that it isn’t safe and he will “shoot his eye out.” Although he thinks he will never get his BB gun, it might turn out different in the end.

Star rating:

Home Alone “Home Alone” (1990) follows the story of a child named Kevin who accidentally got left behind by his family for Christmas vacation. While home alone, he discovers that two crooks are planning on breaking into his home on Christmas Eve, leading Kevin to take action and set up traps to put an end to their plan. This movie definitely has a unique plot compared to many other Christmas movies, making it a favorite for the holiday season.

Star rating:

The movie itself is really cute and funny. It is one of the classics and reflects on the excitement and the ups and downs of the holiday season as a kid, making it a great movie to watch every Christmas, without it getting old.

A Charlie Brown Christmas Although not an actual movie, A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965) is a special television short that follows the Peanuts gang during Christmas time and Charlie Brown’s search for the true meaning of Christmas. Overall this film is very cute and has a good message and is shorter than the average Christmas movie so it doesn’t get boring while watching it.

Star rating:

graphics by Madeline DeLong


Update Dec. 22, 2020


The Santa Clause

Star rating:

Polar Express “Polar Express” (2004) shows the story of a young boy who questions if Santa is real or not. On Christmas Eve night he is awoken by a train that is offering him a trip to the North Pole. Throughout his journey there, he makes new friends and learns lessons on the

importance of believing. As a child, this was always the best movie as it seemed so magical, and now years later it still is one of the best. “Polar Express” has that timeless feature that no matter what age the viewer is, they can still love it.

Star rating:

Star rating:

1. Polar Express 2. Elf 3. A Christmas Story 4. Home Alone 5. It’s a Wonderful Life 6. The Grinch (2000) 7. The Santa Clause 8. A Charlie Brown Christmas

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How the Grinch Stole Christmas

“How the Grinch Stole Christmas” (2000) follows the Grinch and his plan to steal Christmas from Whoville. This story is a classic and even though the writers developed a solid more in depth plot on this story, it still isn’t as good as the 1966 animated version. This movie isn’t bad, but it definitely isn’t one that needs to be watched during the holiday season. Not every cartoon needs to have a live action version created for it, and this movie is no exception to this rule. Watch a different version, maybe even the newer animated version that came out in 2018, for a better version of the classic Dr. Seuss tale.

Students’ favorite holiday movies

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This movie is good, especially when watching it the first couple times, but it seems as more years pass it does not have the same charm as it used to. It still tops the lists as a favorite but that has more to do with nostalgic reasons than actually enjoying the movie.

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“The Santa Clause” (1994) is a story of Scott Calvin, a divorced father, who is trying to be the best father he can be. On Christmas Eve night, Scott scares Santa off his roof leaving him and his son the role of delivering presents and making Scott the new Santa.

It’s a Wonderful Life In “It’s A Wonderful Life” (1946) it follows the story of George Bailey who is feeling unsatisfied with life after fulfilling any of his ambitions. However upon meeting his guardian angel Clarence, George begins to have a new outlook on life and a deeper meaning of life. This movie can be slow at times, but has a very sweet message making it worth watching and one of the better holiday movies.

Star rating: graphics by Madeline DeLong



Update Dec. 22, 2020

Don’t waste the holiday magic

Outdoor decorations need to stay inside or shut off until after Thanksgiving Chloe Stafford & Molly Birch

managing sports & managing feature

graphics and photo illustration by Molly Birch


s the holiday season rolls around, people start decorating their homes to celebrate. Some choose to hang lights outside and some begin by putting up decorations inside. The main question to ask is: when is the right time to begin decorating? There is, in fact, a correct answer to this question. Outside decorations (lights, inflatable snowmen, etc.) should not be put up until after the Thanksgiving holiday. “Putting up Christmas decor before Thanksgiving is like putting up wedding decorations for a first birthday party,” freshman Nicholas Dehlin said. “It’s just not right.” Over the years, this debate has become more and more volatile as people argue. The fact of the matter is: Thanksgiving deserves the time to shine and be celebrated before the December holidays, even if every radio station known to man is already playing holiday music 24 hours a day. Wintertime holiday celebrations can wait until Thanksgiving is over. “Once Thanksgiving is over, you can decorate for the upcoming holiday,” sophomore Megan Smith said. Now, it is not a crime to put up outdoor decor if the weather before Thanksgiving is ideal. This past November, for example, contained multiple sunny and 75 degree weekends, which would be perfect for

putting up outside decorations in comfort without risk of frostbite or severe hypothermia. If one decides to put up decorations before the Thanksgiving weekend has concluded, just do everyone else a favor and don’t turn on the lights. Some even choose to keep their lights up year round. This is also acceptable as long as the lights stay off. December is the only acceptable time during the year for decorative outdoor lights to be turned on. “It’s like overlapping seasons,” freshman Tule Achor said. “You obviously wouldn’t put your sunbathing chairs in the spring, just like you won’t put your Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving.” Some people find themselves heavily invested in this polarizing debate. Others couldn’t care less about when their decorations are put up. People who believe the holiday season begins after Halloween, however, are a special breed. Seriously people, stop forgetting Thanksgiving. Santa won’t be ashamed if his lights go up a little later in the year. “If you put Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving I don’t want to ever see your face again,” freshman Aydan Angus said. There’s also the question of keeping this time of year special. In 2020 especially, trying to be merry and spread cheer throughout the holiday season will

prove extremely difficult for some people. Outdoor decorations light up the darkness and allow people to feel that excitement which comes with the holiday season. The world needs as much cheer as it can get right now, and putting decorations up too early will make those warm fuzzy feelings fizzle out sooner rather than later. “If we put up decorations any earlier, it would lose its enchantment by Christmas,” senior Andrea Vargas said. Picture this: It’s Dec. 23, Christmas Eve-Eve. Michigan is covered in snow after the first storm of the season. It’s midnight. Christmas Eve has begun. Driving around Midland with loved ones, looking at all the houses decked out in holiday garb, that magic, that warm feeling starts as the music swells on the radio. This is what the holiday season is all about. Being with loved ones and cherishing the meaningful time spent together. This magic would be ruined for everyone if lights were put up too early in the year. “I don’t like getting in the Christmas spirit too early,” senior Evan Trotter-Wright said. “Not only does it put Thanksgiving in Christmas’ shadow, but it also gets me anticipating it for way too long.” Don’t ruin the holiday season for everyone. Keep the lights off until Dec. 1.

opinion The power of technological advancement

Eliezer’s eye view with Eliezer Maldonado Imagine yourself in the 100 meter Olympic finals, about to run the race of your life. Winning an Olympic medal has been your dream ever since you first discovered the sport of running, but, you know how stacked the field is. However, even though you are about to be racing against the worlds’ best at the sport, you have confidence in your abilities to win. Not because of the countless hours you devoted to the sport. Not because of the blood, sweat, and tears, you have poured over this sport. But because you have the newest advancements in technology. You have the newest shoes, which utilize carbon fiber plates to maximize efficiency and minimize lost force with every step. You have the newest running watch, which accurately tells your speed, heart rate, and body efficiency within the deci-second. These features have made it nearly impossible to run a bad race. BOOM! Right as the gun goes off, you bolt out of the starting blocks with your eyes set on crossing the finish line just a little ways away. The competition is tough but ultimately stands no chance with your advanced technological improvements. You cross the finish line first, winning that Olympic Gold you always dreamed of, and you even break the

world record! But did you really achieve your goal? Should you have gotten that medal/record? Did you deserve to win that medal/record? No, because your use of technology influenced your performance, and now you will face the ongoing dilemma of whether or not you actually won the race for the rest of your life. Forget the fact that the technology gave you an unfair advantage over the rest of the field. Forget that you could have potentially stolen someone’s only chance at ever winning a medal, at a lifetime of fame and glory, at proving that hard work and dedication truly pays off. What should concern you the most is what technology has done to the value of medals and records. Over the past few years, many world records have been broken in the field of running. According to Wikipedia, 11 running world records have been broken and counting in 2020. In a year where nothing has been normal, there has been an absurd amount of world records getting broken. But why have there been so many broken records this year? It’s because of technology. Along with the new pair of shoes that come out every year that benefit the athletes in some way or another (like how the Alphaflys revolutionized marathon running last year), this year there has been an addition to the

Update Dec. 22, 2020


Navigating “Chrismukkuah”

Sophie’s stance with Sophie Ungerleider Each year during the holidays, I felt ironically like Rudolph the red-nose reindeer. In elementary school, I quietly participated in making Christmas ornaments for “technology family”. The my nonexistent tree (or addition of a light system on tracks across the world. should I say Hanukkah This light system, which bush?). It was apparent that I didn’t celebrate the is set up right alongside jolly holiday that the rest the entirety of the track, of my classmates did. But flashes lights at a speed that is predetermined. For I wasn’t sure why amidst the lengthy celebration example, if you are trying to break a world record in of Christmas, not one day could be taken to the mile, you can set the acknowledge my holiday: light system to where it Hanukkah. It felt like flashes at a world record something that needed to pace, so if the runner be kept a secret, something is ahead of the flashing that couldn’t escape the lights, then they’re confines of my home. running at a world record As a naive 7-year-old, pace. I assumed that my only I saw how this light option was to assimilate system affected runners with what everyone else attempting to set a new record a couple of months recognized as the status quo. If Christmas was ago when I saw Joshua Cheptegei and Letensenbet the normal holiday, then Hanukkah was not. I would Gidey both shatter the have Christmas parties at previous world records school, perform Christmas at the NN Valencia World songs, go on “Christmas” Record Day in Valencia, break, and participate Spain. During these two in Christmas themed races, I saw how the light lessons throughout the system affected these two rest of my public school athletes. It led to almost career, abandoning perfect pacing for both my individuality that I races, and for the final privately cherished. few laps, the laps where But my complacent most runners struggle to keep up the pace, the light sentiment would not become the reality. My system seemed to reach mom made it certain that I out with a helping hand, didn’t feel like I needed to guiding them to a new hide my Judaism during world record. the “most wonderful So next time you imagine yourself in a race, time of the year.” During make sure everyone’s gear the anticipated event of decorating Gingerbread the same as yours and homes, I created a then win it.

“Hanukkah house” with blue and white candies that my mom specially brought in. And on an extra special day each year, my mom came into school to celebrate our holiday. After telling the story of Hanukkah, she would cook the traditional fried foods (which she spent hours preparing) for my classmates to eat. She would teach everyone how to play dreidel and hand out little bags of gelt. It felt like my small heart had grown three sizes. My peers remained fascinated as they huddled around and asked me questions, begging to learn more about this holiday that was so new to them. After this event, the glass ceiling of my false reality had been shattered. The lens through which I viewed my individuality would never regress to the desolate place it once was. Earlier this month, as I rummaged through my family’s container of Hanukkah supplies (unsurprisingly, filled with homemade Christmas crafts), I reflected on the journey that has led me to feel so comfortable within my own identity. In my thirteenth, and final year of attending Midland Public Schools, I urge the students, staff, and administrators of MPS to

Check out these columns online!

continue the good fight for representation in and out of the curriculum. I hope that as a district, we strive to play the role of my mother for each student who walks through our doors. As a community, we need to seek beyond what is required and encourage learning that exceeds past material. Let’s teach our students and classmates to celebrate their differences by teaching about them in the first place. Let’s inspire them to ask questions by asking questions ourselves. And let’s listen to their experiences so that we can learn from them and propel the next generation of learners into an entirely inclusive environment. An environment where they won’t doubt that what makes them different, makes their goals any less achievable. In this atmosphere, we can ensure that no student feels like they need to keep who they are a secret. When the status quo is challenged, fundamental change is made. Who knows, maybe you’ll even be put on the “nice list!”

Joe Craig Lindsay Hart Emma Mertes Molly Birch Teagan O’Dell




Dec. 22, 2020

Charger families welcome pets

Students, teachers share photos of new pets, adoption stories Kayla Dominowski & Giselle Mahoney

managing opinion & assistant copy


n the new world of the coronavirus, 2020 has impacted many DHS students’ lives. With being in quarantine and the health restrictions Michigan is going through, some can feel quite isolated and alone during these unprecedented times. Since everyday life is changing, some families are deciding to change too. In a time where people are stuck at home with nothing to do, getting a pet seems to be the most popular option. Throughout the pandemic, some students added a new member to the family, by adopting pets. Senior Evelyn Pressnell was one of the firsts students to get a new pet during quarantine. Her new dog, Rookie, was taken in back in March, just when the lock-down was beginning. “My family has been looking for another English setter for the past two years,” Pressnell said. “Quarantine rolled around which happened to be near my birthday, Mar. 17, and they found the perfect puppy. We didn’t choose to get him because of quarantine, but because we had been previously looking for one and it was the right timing.” Throughout being in quarantine, Rookie kept the Pressnell house busy with the rambunctious antics of a new puppy. “I was never bored during the shutdown,” Pressnell said. “He was eight weeks when we first got him, so he needed to be potty trained and was constantly waking up throughout the night. But he brought our family a lot of joy.” Another student that recently adopted a new pet is senior Maggie Wallace. During quarantine, Wallace got a chocolate lab named Gus. “We got a pet because our parents

finally caved,” Wallace said. “I would say that they were more open to the idea of a new pet because my mom and us are home all day now. But we have been wanting one for a while now.” Gus has made Wallace’s life seem more normal after wanting a new dog for a while. After dog-sitting someone else’s pet, the Wallace family realized how much they liked the idea of getting a new dog. The new addition has brought a new sense of comfort after her other dog passed away in the 6th grade, and allowed her family to escape isolation by taking the dog outside to explore. “It definitely has helped getting my parents out of the house more like walking and being outside, but I’m usually outside quite often so I don’t really see a difference,” Wallace said. Senior Sydney Johnson also added a plus one to her family after getting a rescue Lab Beagle mix named Baxter. They have been looking for a new dog after the recent passing of their previous one in October. Their hopes of a new family member finally paid off when their puppy was found and taken home in January. “Having a new dog was better because it gave me something to do,” Johnson said. “I could take him outside and train him and take him for walks.” Quarantine has given Johnson more motivation to go outside and take Baxter for a walk or training him. She usually takes her dogs out on a stroll but, especially with being isolated, it can make life seem a bit more normal by leaving the walls of her house. Barrett, an American French Bulldog, joined the household of health and physical education teacher Matthew Schurman. The

family already made the decision before quarantine to add another family member. “My kids wanted a dog that was going to be bigger than the one we already had,” Schurman said. With Barrett and young children, a puppy does add extra chaos into the mix with the children doing school online. “It’s fun to have a puppy around and the kids love playing with him,” Schurman said. “However, I would say it has added some stress to the situation. Puppies need a lot of attention and when you have to continue to teach two elementary students at the same time, it can be challenging at times.” To get out of the house, Schurman and his wife take the dogs out for a walk at night and occasionally in the morning. These were

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only a few of the many families who have recently took in pets. With the state restrictions, not being able to leave, and the feeling of isolation, getting a new family member can be a great way to spend time during the world’s current state of uncertainty.


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Baxter graphics by Molly Birch photos courtesy of Sydney Johnson, Evelyn Presnell & Maggie Wallace





Dec. 22, 2020


What kind of musical person are you? Take this personality quiz, receive a Spotify playlist Sofi Aultman & Cassidy Wainwright managing copy & assistant copy

How are you feeling right now? a. energized/happy

b. tired/sad

c. angry

Hang out at home or go out? a. go out b. stay home c. it depends

What do you do on the weekends? a. game night b. movie night c. talking with friends

How do you usually dress at school? a. dress up b. comfy c. casual

What role do you play in your friend group? a. the life of the party/the funny one

b. the planner c. the sweet one

What will you do once life is more like pre-coronavirus times? a. travel

b. watch a movie in theaters

c. have a little party with friends

Pick a color combination: a. orange/yellow

b. green/blue

c. purple/red

At school dances you are... a. in the middle of the crowd

b. talking on the side

What is your favorite season? a. summer

b. winter

c. spring or fall

Night owl or morning person? a. morning person

b. night owl

If you picked mostly B, You are extremely practical. You know exactly what you want and exactly how to achieve it. After social gatherings, spontaneous events, or loose plans, you need time alone to recharge. Above anything, you value one-on-one conversations with close friends. Highly reflective, you tend to listen more than you speak and learn through observation. According to “Impact of Extroversion-AmbiversionIntroversion on Music”, introverted people tend to hear music at a louder volume leading to a high level of anxiety in aggressive sounds. This playlist contains smooth and relaxing music that is great for quiet nights on your own.

c. it depends

c. dancing with your friends

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If you picked mostly A, You are very social and love to explore new ideas, even if it’s a risk. Creating a tidy schedule doesn’t cross your mind when it comes to adventure. You enjoy human experience more than anything. Flexible, optimistic, and outgoing, you thrive around other people like you. According to “Impact of Extroversion-Ambiversion-Introversion on Music”, more outgoing people tend to hear music softer than what it really is, resulting in increased volume and variety of genres. This playlist consists of upbeat tunes for any spontaneous occasion, from late night drives to virtual parties with friends.

If you picked mostly C, You are open to the idea of taking risks and trying new things, but you may prefer an evening curled up alone with a book. You have no trouble entertaining yourself; however, you enjoy the company of a close knit group of friends. In the right context, you become the life of the party. In an uncomfortable situation, you become closed off and reserved. Because of this, you are both a team player and an independent worker. According to “Impact of ExtroversionAmbiversion-Introversion on Music”, ambiverts tend to hear music at a milder level than their counterparts. Because of this, this playlist consists of a balance of exciting and mellow music for every situation.



Update Dec. 22, 2020

Athletic alumni accolades

Students who continued their passion past DHS Emily Danielsen & Katie Hagen

managing photo & staff writer he love that many students and staff members have for DHS sports has been around since the school’s opening in 1968. Over the years, athletic programs have produced a plethora of student-athletes, some of whom decided to continue their athletic career past their high school years. Many alumni that walked the halls in the past realized that they wanted to continue their careers into college and perhaps beyond into their daily lives. Jenna Hoag, past member of the varsity pom team began her time as a pommer at DHS and is currently a member of the Saginaw Valley State University pom team. Hoag traded the green and gold poms for red and blue ones in 2019, after she graduated from high school.


“I continued pom after high school because I always admired the college teams and what they did at competition,” Hoag said. “I always told myself that I was going to be one of them.” It was the positive atmosphere in the pom world that made her want to continue the sport even past her time in high school. Hoag has since come back to the DHS pom program as a co-coach of the JV pom team. Her best advice to high school pommers today is to “never give up.” “It’s so rewarding to look back and see what you’ve accomplished over the years,” Hoag said. Molly Davis graduated in 2019 to continue her women’s basketball career at Central Michigan University. Davis started playing basketball at five years old and says that the competition is what she loves most about the sport. Davis says that being patient and working hard are the best things for athletes to do in order to be successful at their sport. “The most influential person in my basketball career has been my dad,” Davis said. “He’s been my coach ever since I was little. He’s always in the gym working with me and traveling with me to tournaments. I wouldn’t be where I am without him.” The game of basketball has taught Davis about the importance of hard work over anything else. photos courtesy of Maya Piper, Jenna Houg & Ted Davis

JERSEY SWAP: The two topmost photos are of Maya Piper, who graduated in 2015; middle two are of 2019 DHS graduate Jenna Houg, and the bottom two are of 2019 alumnus Molly Davis. graphics by Hayden Hetherington

“Nothing comes easy and there will be bumps in the road, but control the things you can control, like the effort you put in, and the result will follow,” Davis said. Although her love for the sport has never faded away, the transition from high school athletics to college level wasn’t particularly easy for her. Davis says that balancing her college classes and her athletics was a challenge in the beginning. “Balancing academics and getting adjusted was pretty difficult for the first month or so. But going into my second year things have definitely become easier,” Davis said. Maya Piper, a former member of the varsity soccer team, graduated from DHS in 2015. After graduation she continued onto Indiana University to play soccer and to continue her academic career. She believes that the grueling hours of training and competing have shaped her into the hard worker that she is today. “I think it’s necessary to really love your sport and to be playing college sports for the right reasons,” Piper said. “You have to be extremely passionate about it, and be really excited about the experience because it is very demanding with the 20 plus hour weeks dedicated to your sport. With all of that, you have to be maintaining grades and try to have a social life.” Many players agree that playing a collegiate sport isn’t for everyone. With the long hours and constant stress, many find it hard to manage their time. Piper believes that her time at Indiana University has taught her a lot about herself and prepared her well for the real world.

“It can be physically and mentally demanding.” Piper said, “I know that this experience has set me up well to manage my time, and now work just seems really easy compared to college. All my hard work in college has carried over into my work life now.” Having the right dedication and passion for a sport are part of the required criteria for an athlete to be successful in college. Sticking to a passion and defining necessary skills within the team or individual is what pays off in the end. There may be people to help guide the way, but it’s all up to the athlete to continue the success.

MDS North Inc. is holding classes at:

Midland Community Center 2205 Jefferson Ave. Midland, Mi. Segment One is ONLY $345.00 !! Segment Two is ONLY $60.00 !! All Segment One classes run Monday thru Thursday three (3) weeks. All Segment Two Classes are for three (3) days. Call: Mon.-Fri. 1-3p.m. for secretary

Call: (989) 893-8403



Mon. Jan. 4,2021 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Mon. Jan. 25,2021 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Mon. Jan. 4,2021 6-8 p.m.

Mon. Jan. 25,2021 6-8 p.m.

Mon. Feb. 1,2021 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Mon. Feb. 22,2021 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Mon. Feb. 1,2021 6-8 p.m.

Mon. Feb. 22,2021 6-8 p.m.

Mon. March 1,2021 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Mon, April 5,2021 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Mon. March 1,2021 6-8 p.m.

Mon. April 5,2021 6-8 p.m.

Mon. April 12,2021 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Mon. May 3,2021 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Mon. April 12,2021 6-8 p.m.

Mon. May 3,2021 6-8 p.m.



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