Urban Water courses from THE ACADEMY by DHI

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URBAN WATER Urbanisation – the challenge of the century


URBAN WATER The ACADEMY by DHI provides training courses and packages in topics related to urban water management such as sustainable water management for city planners, non-revenue water management and safe drinking water. We also provide training in using our software tools to improve urban water management. Urban water is a complex issue with many stakeholders. The concept of integrated urban water management aims to protect the environment and resources, while fostering growth and sustainable development at the same time. Clean water is a limited resource, which is under increasing pressure. Rapid urbanisation combined with the implications of climate change is one of the major challenges facing society now and in the years to come.


MIKE URBAN COLLECTION SYSTEMS - Introduction to the modelling of collection systems


MIKE URBAN WATER QUALITY - Introduction to the modelling of water quality in collection systems


MIKE URBAN LTS - Long Term Statistics (LTS) modelling of collection systems


MIKE URBAN CONTROL - Real time control (Control) modelling of collection systems


MIKE URBAN WATER DISTRIBUTION - Introduction to the modelling of water distribution systems


WEST - Introduction to the modelling of wastewater treatment plants


WEST - Advanced modelling of wastewater treatment plants


WEST - The model library and how to customise it


INTEGRATED URBAN WATER SYSTEMS (IUWS) - Integrated modelling of water quality in urban areas


SUSTAINABLE CITIES FOR WATER MANAGERS - Introduction to integrated urban water management (IUWM)


URBAN DRAINAGE MASTER PLANNING (UDMP) - Modelling and the development of urban areas




DRINKING WATER SAFETY PLANS (WSP) - Implementation of risk management in water supplies


PLANNING (WSP) FOR SAFE SUPPLY OF DRINKING WATER - Planning as a tool to secure safe and clean water in distribution networks


MIKE FLOOD - Integrated 1D and 2D urban flood modelling


MIKE FLOOD - Integrated pipes, channels and surface modelling


FLOOD MODELLING WITH FLEXIBLE MESH - Take your flood modelling a step further


SCREENING OF URBAN FLOOD RISK - Cost-effective mapping of urban flood risk using MIKE 21 Flood Screening Tool (FST)




URBAN FLOODING - ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT - Preparing for flooding and the impact of climate change on your city


FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT - How to prepare for and manage floods


MIKE URBAN COLLECTION SYSTEMS Introduction to the modelling of collection systems

This two-day, hands-on course gives you an introduction to data management and numerical modelling (MOUSE) of urban collection system networks (separate and combined). The aim is to enable you to set up and run basic collection system models and to analyse and present the simulation results. MIKE URBAN COLLECTION SYSTEMS (MU CS) is a GIS-based software system that provides a complete working environment for the analysis, management and operation of storm water drainage and waste water systems in separate and combined systems. MIKE URBAN covers modelling of surface runoff, flows, water quality and sediment transport. The software is the urban water modelling software of choice when the important parameters for model selection are stability, work flow, openness, flexibility, GIS integration and physical soundness.

© DHI/ Photo: iStock © Michael Kolodziejczyk


Overview of MIKE URBAN and the project concept

GIS functionalities: Selection, layers, symbology, labelling, etc.

Model data requirements and model building principles

Manual and graphic data input and editing options

Essentials of data import/export functionality

Tools for facilitating the modelling process

Surface runoff methods

Time series and boundary conditions

Running runoff and hydrodynamic simulations

Presenting and analysing results

Hands-on exercises

THE ACADEMY BY DHI THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training. MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, and product safety and environmental risk. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.

TARGET GROUP AND PREREQUISITES Professionals who are interested in obtaining a general understanding of the MIKE URBAN CS modelling system and in setting up and run simple urban collection models. This course or corresponding knowledge is required in order to participate in the courses 'MIKE FLOOD - 1D and 2D urban flood modelling', 'MIKE FLOOD - Integrated pipes, channels and surface modelling', 'MIKE URBAN CS - Long term statistics (LTS) modelling of collection systems', and 'MIKE URBAN CS - Real Time Control (RTC) modelling of collection systems' , ‘MODELLING OF STORM WATER FOR GREEN CITIES - Methods and structures’ and MIKE URBAN WATER QUALITY - Introduction to the modelling of water quality in collection systems’.


courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


MIKE URBAN WATER QUALITY Introduction to the modelling of water quality in collection systems

This two-day, hands-on course gives you an introduction to model water quality in urban collection system networks using MIKE URBAN. The aim is to enable you to set up and run basic water quality models and to assess and present the simulation results. MIKE URBAN covers modelling of surface runoff, flows and water quality. The water quality in the collection system and in the discharges/overflow has an impact on both the infrastructure and the recipients. The formation hydrogen sulphide in sanitary and combined sewer systems causes odour and corrosion nuisances as well as unsafe working environment. This is a serious problem, which affects large areas of a typical sanitary sewer system. The mitigation of the odour and corrosion damages is costly. Other examples are the combined sewer overflow to recipients, which impacts both the aquatic life and causes a health risk to human activities. The management and treatment of storm water quality is yet another topic, which also has impact on the receiving waters. MIKE URBAN models the build-up and wash-off processes of water quality components on the surface which are thereafter transported by advectiondispersion by the flow in the network. The on-going biological processes are modelled using MIKE ECO Lab coupled to the MIKE 1D hydraulic engine. COURSE TOPICS  


Long Term Simulation and Advection-Dispersion

Introduction to MIKE ECO Lab

 

© DHI/ Photo: iStock © master2

Surface runoff quality

THE ACADEMY BY DHI THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training. MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, and product safety and environmental risk. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.

Use existing MIKE ECO Lab templates Modify existing MIKE ECO Lab templates and create your own template

Local treatment options using MIKE ECO Lab

Running surface runoff quality and water quality simulations

Presenting and analysing simulation results

Hands-on exercises


TARGET GROUP AND PREREQUISITES Professionals in the fields of design, planning and optimisation of urban water infrastructure interested in obtaining understanding of how to model water quality using MIKE URBAN MIKE 1D and MIKE ECO Lab. Participants must be acquainted with the functionalities of MIKE URBAN CS either through experience or through participation in the course ‘MIKE URBAN COLLECTION SYSTEMS Introduction to the modelling of collection systems’.

courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


MIKE URBAN LTS Long Term Statistics (LTS) modelling of collection systems

This one-day, hands-on course gives you a detailed insight into Long Term Statistics (LTS) modelling of collection systems. The aim is to enable you to analyse and exploit LTS results. MIKE URBAN CS is a GIS-based software system for the data management and modelling of surface runoff, flows, water quality and sediment transport in urban catchments and collection systems. It provides a complete and effective working environment for sophisticated storm water drainage and waste water systems in separate and combined systems. MIKE URBAN covers the modelling of surface runoff, flows, water quality and sediment transport. Assessment of the performance of the systems is often required by local environmental authorities or national design criteria, for example in terms of number of overflows. Statistical assessment of the number of overflows or other parameters exceeding a threshold value can be done using the MIKE URBAN LTS. COURSE TOPICS 

The concept of a Long Term Statistics simulation

Definition of the simulated period (creation of the appropriate Job List)

Setting up the result types expected

Setting up a Long Term Statistics simulation in MIKE URBAN

Visualisation and presentation of the LTS results in MIKE View

Presentation of case studies

Hands-on exercises

THE ACADEMY BY DHI THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training. MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, product safety and environmental risk, etc. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.


© DHI/ Photo: iStock © Matsou

Professionals who wish to enhance their skills to include the capability to undertake projects involving the assessment of Long Term Statistics (LTS). This course is offered as an extension to the MIKE URBAN COLLECTION SYSTEM (MU CS) course 'MU CS - Introduction to the modelling of collection systems'. Participants must be acquainted with the basic functionalities of MIKE URBAN CS either through experience or through the participation in the MIKE URBAN CS introductory course prior to the course.


courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


MIKE URBAN CONTROL Real Time Control (Control) modelling of collection systems

This one-day, hands-on course gives you a detailed insight into real time control (Control) modelling of collection systems. The aim is to enable you to set up a reliable real time control model and to analyse and present the simulation results. MIKE URBAN CS is a GIS-based software system for the data management and modelling of surface runoff, flows, water quality and sediment transport in urban catchments and collection systems. It provides a complete and effective working environment for sophisticated storm water drainage and waste water systems in separate and combined systems. MIKE URBAN covers the modelling of surface runoff, flows, water quality and sediment transport. The operation of pumps, gates and weirs and valves requires frequently more advanced control options than offered in CS-Pipe Flow module. Especially in cases where for instance a pump station is controlled not only locally but also on the basis of information from other locations/sensors in the system. This can be done using the MIKE URBAN RTC. COURSE TOPICS 

The concept of Real Time Control

Definition of the elements in the RTC model: level control of weir, flow control of gate, predictive control, PID control

Setting up a Real Time Control simulation in MIKE URBAN

Running the RTC model

Analysis of the RTC results

Visualisation and presentation of the RTC results

Hands-on exercises

THE ACADEMY BY DHI THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training. MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, product safety and environmental risk, etc. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.


© DHI/Photo © John A. Anderson

Professionals who wish to enhance their skills to include setting up a reliable RTC model and to analyse and present the simulation results. This course is offered as an extension to the MIKE URBAN COLLECTION SYSTEM (MU CS) course 'MU CS - Introduction to the modelling of collection systems'. Participants must be acquainted with the basic functionalities of MIKE URBAN CS either through experience or through the participation in the MIKE URBAN CS introductory course prior to the course.


courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


MIKE URBAN WATER DISTRIBUTION Introduction to the modelling of water distribution systems

This two-day, hands-on course gives you an introduction to data management and numerical modelling (EPANET) of water distribution systems. The aim is to enable you to set up and run basic water distribution models and to analyse and present the simulation results. MIKE URBAN WATER DISTRIBUTION (MU WD) is a GIS-based software system for the data management and modelling of flows, pressure distributions and water quality of pressurised water distribution systems. It provides a complete working environment for sophisticated analyses in water supply engineering. MIKE URBAN covers modelling of surface runoff, flows, water quality and sediment transport. The software is the urban water modelling software of choice when the important parameters for model selection are stability, work flow, openness, flexibility, GIS integration and physical soundness. COURSE TOPICS 

Overview of MIKE URBAN and the project concept

GIS functionalities: Selection, layers, symbology, labelling, etc.

Manual and graphic data input and editing options

Essentials of data import/export functionality

Tools for facilitating the modelling process

Demand distribution and allocation

Running the simulations and presenting the results

Hydraulic analysis (steady state and extended period simulation)

Water quality analysis (chemical concentration, water age and source tracing)

Control rules (simple and rule based) and fire flow analysis

Hands-on exercises

© DHI/ Photo: Corbis © sjlocke


THE ACADEMY BY DHI THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training. MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, product safety and environmental risk, etc. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.


Professionals who are interested in obtaining a general understanding of the MIKE URBAN WD modelling system and in setting up and run simple urban water distribution (system) models.

courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


WEST Introduction to the modelling of wastewater treatment plants

The two-day, hands-on course gives you an overview of the aspects to be addressed when working with modelling biological wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). The course provides you with a comprehensive training in the WEST modelling simulator. WWTP modelling is essential for scientists and practitioners who work with exploring design alternatives, optimising plant operations (eg to improve performance and reduce cost), implementing control strategies, etc. WWTP modelling is also an ideal learning tool that may be used (eg by plant operators) to investigate the complex process dynamics and interactions that characterise a modern WWTP. WEST is an extremely user-friendly software tool that combines advanced modelling features such as objective evaluation and uncertainty analysis with extraordinary performance, full flexibility and openness. COURSE TOPICS 

Introduction to the WEST Graphical User Interface

Model configuration (plant layout)

Base experiment type: dynamic simulation - objective evaluation

Hand-on exercises - control loops - biological P-removal

THE ACADEMY BY DHI THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training. MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, product safety and environmental risk, etc. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.

- sludge treatment TARGET GROUP AND PREREQUISITES Professionals working at all levels of WWTP engineering (i.e. design, operation, process optimisation and management); academics involved in wastewater engineering (at under– and post-graduate level); decision and policy makers.

© DHI/ Photo: iStock © shilh

It is an advantage, but no condition, that you are familiar with the activated sludge modelling (ASM) concept and design/operation of WWTP.


courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


WEST Advanced modelling of wastewater treatment plants

This one-day advanced WEST training provides you with a hands-on experience of the advanced experiments that are available in WEST. WWTP modelling is essential for scientists and practitioners who work with exploring design alternatives, optimising plant operations (eg to improve performance and reduce cost), implementing control strategies, etc. WWTP modelling is also an ideal learning tool that may be used (eg by plant operators) to investigate the complex process dynamics and interactions that characterise a modern WWTP. WEST is an extremely user-friendly software tool that combines advanced modelling features such as objective evaluation and uncertainty analysis with extraordinary performance, full flexibility and openness. COURSE TOPICS 

Local and global sensitivity analysis

Parameter estimation for model calibration

Optimisation, scenario analysis and uncertainty analysis for advanced modelling applications

TARGET GROUP AND PREREQUISITES Modellers, researchers and professionals involved in WWTP optimisation. Participants should be familiar with the activated sludge modelling (ASM) concept and design/operation of WWTP either through experience or through following the course 'WEST - Introduction to the modelling of wastewater treatment plants' prior to the course.

THE ACADEMY BY DHI THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training. MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, product safety and environmental risk, etc. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.

© DHI/ Photo: iStock © Antikainen


courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


WEST The model library and how to customise it

This one-day advanced WEST training provides you with a good understanding of the WEST model library. You will learn how to customise it by adding your own models. WWTP modelling is essential for scientists and practitioners who work with exploring design alternatives, optimising plant operations (eg to improve performance and reduce cost), implementing control strategies, etc. WWTP modelling is also an ideal learning tool that may be used (eg by plant operators) to investigate the complex process dynamics and interactions that characterise a modern WWTP. WEST is an extremely user-friendly software tool that combines advanced modelling features such as objective evaluation and uncertainty analysis with extraordinary performance, full flexibility and openness. COURSE TOPICS 

Introduction to the WEST Model Library hierarchy

Overview of the MSL programming language

The WEST Model Editor - Use of the Code Editor to add new models - Hands-on exercises: Controller; Storm tank; Data manipulation - Use of the Matrix Editor to add new model categories - Hands-on exercises: toxicity effect

The WEST Block Editor

THE ACADEMY BY DHI THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training. MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, product safety and environmental risk, etc. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.

- Add a new icon to the library TARGET GROUP AND PREREQUISITES

© DHI/ Photo: iStock © Jonutis

Modellers, researchers and professionals involved in WWTP optimisation. Participants should be familiar with the activated sludge modelling (ASM) concept and design/operation of WWTP either through experience or through following the course 'WEST - Introduction to the modelling of wastewater treatment plants' prior to the course.


courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


INTEGRATED URBAN WATER SYSTEMS (IUWS) Integrated modelling of water quality in urban areas

This two-day thematic course provides the theoretical basis for the modelling of integrated urban water systems. It includes some interesting case studies of practical applications and hands-on exercises based on the WEST software package. Both policy makers and the industry are increasingly realising the necessity of adopting an integrated approach to water management. Urban water management presents big challenges, but also great opportunities to minimise both the impact on the receiving water (and on the environment in general, e g energy and materials consumption, pollutants emission) and any costs. Options like water quality based real time control, sewer operation minimising odour and corrosion problems, global sewer control, construction of retention volumes and treatment facilities, water reuse, nutrient recovery, can be better designed and evaluated by using models, which include the interaction between all units involved. Optimising individual subsystems may not be the best solution for the entire system. The integrated assessment of the system provides the opportunity to develop holistic solutions and/or provide the justification for prioritising implementation plans in a manner that will provide the best value and greatest benefits for the receiving water. COURSE TOPICS 

Hydraulic models simplification

Water quality model interfaces

What to request and expect from a model

Examples from planning cases

THE ACADEMY BY DHI THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training. MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, product safety and environmental risk, etc. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.

- conceptual model development - integrated models - decision support, scenarios and indicators

© DHI/ Photo: iStock © Steve Mcsweeny

TARGET GROUP AND PREREQUISITES Urban water resource professionals including water managers, wastewater collection system and treatment managers.


Comprehensive experience with modelling principles and modelling tools is a prerequisite.

courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


SUSTAINABLE CITIES FOR WATER MANAGERS Introduction to Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM)

This three-day, thematic course supplies professionals with an introduction to Integrated Urban Water Management (IUWM). It covers drinking water, storm water and wastewater management as well as water demand management. By 2015 more than half of the world’s population is expected to live in urban areas with immense pressure on urban resources and infrastructure. This process drives the need for sustainable Integrated Urban Water for water resources in cities. It is imperative to adopt measures that enhance sustainability, reduce risks, increase safety and reduce costs of urban infrastructure, from planning to operation. Implementation of such solutions worldwide has proven to be a major step towards securing the sustainable development of the city through the optimised protection and use of scarce water resources and the safe delivery of clean water. COURSE TOPICS 

Climate Change adaptation and urban flooding

Monitoring and using On-line information

Storm water management

Network planning

Inflow and infiltration - issues and solutions

Waste water treatment and energy optimisation

Drinking water and water demand management

Decision Support Systems for analysis and optimisation and resource assessments

Bathing and recreational waters within the city

THE ACADEMY BY DHI THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training. MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, product safety and environmental risk, etc. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.

© DHI/ Photo: iStock © Libby Chapman

TARGET GROUP AND PREREQUISITES Professionals in the field of urban water management: city managers, water utility managers, and planners active in the fields of urban development schemes, optimisation and improved operation.


Modelling tools are not included in the course. Topics included are dealt with at an introductory level and do not require modelling skills.

courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


URBAN DRAINAGE MASTER PLANNING (UDMP) Modelling and the development of urban areas

The purpose of this two-day, thematic course is to give you an understanding of urban drainage master planning (UDMP) and the procedures and tools available for its design, assessment, implementation and development. In the past master plans of sewerage and water courses consisted of individual, isolated and fragmented plans for a city or urban area, which often turned out to become a costly and not sustainable approach for city managers and professionals involved in urban planning. Urban Drainage Master Planning (UDMP) signifies an integrated approach to the drainage of urbanised areas as a whole. UDMP combines a number of interrelated activities and tasks focusing on urban catchment, collection system, waste water treatment plant and receiving waters. COURSE TOPICS 

Introduction to UDMP: concepts, principles and approaches

Current legislation

Climate change impacts

Overview of the techniques and tools available for UDMP

Input data processing

Application of monitoring results

Advanced simulation models

Engineering solutions related to the general urban concept (eg. storm water management, urban flooding, investment planning, best management practices)

Results presentation tools

Hands-on exercises

THE ACADEMY BY DHI THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training. MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, product safety and environmental risk, etc. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.

© DHI/ Photo © DHI Thailand

TARGET GROUP AND PREREQUISITES Participants should be acquainted with the basic functionalities of MIKE URBAN prior to the course either through experience or through participation in the MIKE URBAN courses 'MIKE URBAN COLLECTION SYSTEMS - Introduction to modelling of collection systems' and 'MIKE URBAN WATER DISTRIBUTION Modelling of water distribution systems'.


courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com



The purpose of this two-day thematic course is to provide you with an understanding of the principles, procedures and tools available for designing and managing a Non-Revenue Water (NRW) Programme in the most efficient and cost-effective way. The aim is to make you obtain reduced water losses, reduced pipe burst risks, and reduced energy consumption within a short period and with only a minimum of input data. Optimal operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of water distribution systems constitutes a complex, complicated and often expensive process. DHI’s approach to NRW offers much more than Non-Revenue Water mapping – with short return on investment. Our solution to optimal Non-Revenue Water management works with the data that you have, follows international recommendations and uses a well-proven methodology – and it pays off from the beginning. COURSE TOPICS 

Introduction to NRW: concepts, principles and approaches

Overview of the techniques and tools available for NRW

Introduction to DHI's approach

Modelling in NRW

Measurement campaigns and field activities

Pressure optimisation

Delineate District Meter Areas

Asset management - Network reconstruction

DHI software solutions for NRW

Hardware for leakage monitoring

Case stories

Hands-on exercises

THE ACADEMY BY DHI THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training. MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, product safety and environmental risk, etc. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.


© DHI/ Photo: iStock © Blueberries

TARGET GROUP AND PREREQUISITES Professionals working with NRW either in a water utility or in a consultancy company. Both decision makers as well as engineers and operators will benefit from the course. Participants should be acquainted with the basics of a water distribution system and have a basic hydraulic understanding.

courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


DRINKING WATER SAFETY PLANS (WSP) Implementation of risk management in water supplies

This course (1-5 days) introduces you to Drinking Water Safety Plans (WSP), which is the most efficient method of systematically preventing the presence of health hazards in drinking water. The course gives you the theoretical background for analysing and controlling health hazards in water supply. You are given concrete cases, exercises, instructions and guidelines on how to assess health hazards and minimize the risk of contamination. Today governments and health authorities worldwide demand that water supply plants and supply companies delivering large quantities of water per year must implement quality assurance schemes - for example through the establishment of WSP. The course contents has been designed according to national and international guidelines on drinking water quality. COURSE TOPICS 

Historical background for drinking water safety

Overall principles of WSP

Barriers, validation, monitoring, corrective actions, audit, review of WSP

Assessment of risk factors, practical instructions

Discussion of case studies

Determination of health hazards and priorities

National and international WSP guidelines

Risk management: Barriers, validation, monitoring, corrective actions

WSP review and audit

Risk management: Group work based on the participants’ cases or cases from water supply companies.

THE ACADEMY BY DHI THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training. MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, product safety and environmental risk, etc. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.


© DHI/ Photo: Claus Jørgensen

Managers and operating staff in water supply companies who intend to start planning and implementing WSP.


Participants from water supply companies will benefit from bringing a flow diagram of their respective water distribution networks.

courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


PLANNING (WSP) FOR SAFE SUPPLY OF DRINKING WATER Planning as a tool to secure safe and clean water in distribution networks

This two-day, thematic course provides a broad overview of Water Safety Plans (WSP), which is the most reliable method to systematically prevent health hazards in drinking water. The course focuses particularly on the introduction of Water Safety Plans in the urban water distribution networks for drinking water supply. You obtain a theoretical basis for analysing and controlling health hazards that may threaten the water quality in the networks. Today governments and health authorities worldwide demand that water supply plants and supply companies delivering large quantities of water per year must implement quality assurance schemes - for example through the establishment of WSP. The distribution networks is the most sensitive part of the water supply system and where risk assessment is most difficult. COURSE TOPICS 

Historical background and overall principles for WSP

Management and planning

Risk factors of particular relevance for the network

Risk assessment in the network

Quantitative microbial risk assessment

Training and hygienic behaviour

Risk management: Barriers, validation, monitoring, corrective actions, audit, review of WSP

Risk management: Group work based on case studies

THE ACADEMY BY DHI THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training. MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, product safety and environmental risk, etc. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.


© DHI/ Photo: @ Claus Jørgensen, DHI-DK

Professionals such as managers and operating staff in water supply companies who have implemented Water Supply Planning or who intends to do so. LEARN MORE AND CONTACT US

courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


MIKE FLOOD Integrated 1D and 2D urban flood modelling

This two-day, hands-on course aims to teach you urban flood modelling by integrating the 1D urban drainage model (MU CS) and 2D overland flow model (MIKE 21). The emphasis is on establishing a 2D overland flow model followed by coupling the 1D and 2D model components to simulate the fully integrated flow dynamics between sewage/storm water systems and surface areas.


Urban flooding often occurs as a result of insufficient storm drainage capacity, river overflows, storm surge or as a combination of these phenomena. The risks of flooding are amplified by the expected effects of climate change.

MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems.

MIKE FLOOD is a comprehensive modelling package covering all the major aspects of flood modelling and a tool for understanding urban flooding, analysing scenarios and testing mitigation measures. MIKE FLOOD integrates flood plains, streets, rivers, coastal areas and sewer/storm water systems into one package. COURSE TOPICS 

Introduction to 2D overland flow modelling with MIKE 21

Building urban bathymetries

Preparing MIKE URBAN models for coupling with MIKE 21

MIKE FLOOD graphical editor

Coupling of 1D and 2D models with MIKE Zero

Coupling 1D and 2D models with MIKE URBAN 2D Overland Flow

1D-2D linkage options; stability issues

Tips and troubleshooting with model coupling

Results viewing and presentation

Hands-on exercises

THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training.

Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, and product safety and environmental risk. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.

© DHI/ Photo: iStock: © Adrian Beesley

TARGET GROUP AND PREREQUISITES Professionals involved in urban drainage, flood management, flood risk assessment or other flood related studies. Participants must be acquainted with the basic functionalities of MIKE URBAN COLLECTION SYSTEMS (MU CS) prior to the course either through experience or through participation in the MU CS course ‘Introduction to modelling of collection systems'.


courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


MIKE FLOOD Integrated pipes, channels and surface modelling

This three-day, hands-on course aims to teach you the integration of the 1D urban drainage model (MU CS), 1D river model (MIKE HYDRO River) and the 2D overland model (MIKE 21) into one comprehensive dynamically coupled model. The emphasis is on establishing a 2D overland flow model followed by coupling of the 1D and 2D components to simulate the fully integrated flow dynamics between sewage/storm water systems, open channels and surface areas. Flooding often occurs as a result of high rainfall intensity in the catchment area, insufficient storm drainage capacity, river overflows, dam/dike breach, storm surge or as a combination of these phenomena. The risks of flooding are amplified by the expected effects of climate change. MIKE FLOOD is a comprehensive modelling package covering all major aspects of flood modelling and is a tool for understanding flooding, analysing scenarios and testing mitigation measures. MIKE FLOOD integrates flood plains, streets, rivers, and littoral and sewer/storm water systems into one package. COURSE TOPICS 

Introduction to 2D overland flow modelling with MIKE 21

Building urban bathymetries

Preparing MIKE URBAN models for coupling

Preparing MIKE HYDRO River models for coupling

MIKE FLOOD graphical editor

Coupling 1D and 2D models (3 ways)

1D-2D and 1D-1D linkage options; stability issues

Tips and troubleshooting with model coupling

Results viewing and presentation

Hands-on exercises

© DHI/ Photo: iStock: © On - Air


THE ACADEMY BY DHI THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training. MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, and product safety and environmental risk. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.


Professionals involved in flood management, flood risk assessment or other flood related studies. Participants must be acquainted with the basic functionalities of MIKE HYDRO River and MIKE URBAN COLLECTION SYSTEMS (MU CS) prior to the course either through experience or through participation in the MIKE HYDRO River course 'Introduction to river and channel modelling' and the MU CS course 'Introduction to the modelling of collection systems'.

courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


FLOOD MODELLING WITH FLEXIBLE MESH (FM) Take your flood modelling a step further

This two-day, hands-on course aims to teach you how to improve your flood modelling projects by using flexible meshes. The emphasis is on the added value of using flexible meshes compared to rectangular grids. However, advanced features of MIKE 21 FM and MIKE FLOOD for riverine and urban floods are also included. Time is dedicated to address your issues from your own experience.


Flooding often occurs as a result of high rainfall intensity in the catchment area, insufficient storm drainage capacity, river overflows, dam/dike breach, storm surge or as a combination of these phenomena. The risks of flooding are amplified by the expected effects of climate change.

MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems.

MIKE FLOOD is a comprehensive modelling package covering all major aspects of flood modelling and is a tool for understanding flooding, analysing scenarios and testing mitigation measures. MIKE FLOOD integrates flood plains, streets, rivers, and littoral and sewer/storm water systems into one package. COURSE TOPICS 

Flexible mesh generation

Optimising a mesh to reduce simulation times

Parallel computing for improved performances

Controlling banks and dike descriptions

Specific 1D-2D coupling features with MIKE 21 FM

Stability issues

Tips and troubleshooting with model coupling

Analysing results and volume balance for a coupled simulation

Post-processing tools for flood applications

Open discussions

Hands-on exercises

© DHI/ Photo: iStock: © Gina Sanders


THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training.

Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, product safety and environmental risk, etc. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.


Professionals involved in flood management, flood risk assessment or other flood related studies. Participants must be acquainted with the functionalities of MIKE FLOOD either through experience or through participation in the courses ‘MIKE FLOOD - Integrated 1D and 2D river flood modelling’ and/or ‘MIKE FLOOD Integrated 1D and 2D urban flood modelling’.

courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


SCREENING OF URBAN FLOOD RISK Cost-effective mapping of urban flood risk using MIKE 21 Flood Screening Tool (FST)

In this one-day course you will learn to apply a methodology (using MIKE 21 FST) by which only the surface runoff of the excess part of the rainfall volume is modelled. This enables you to map large geographic areas with limited time and effort. The course includes a step-by-step review of the modelling approach from initial DEM processing to result presentation as well as hands-on exercises.


Mapping the effects of extreme rain events can be time consuming and thereby costly if models of storm water systems for entire cities are to be established. In many cases, necessary information on the geometry of pipes and gullies is also unavailable. During an extreme rain event, only a limited portion of the rain volume is gathered by the existing storm water system or has time to infiltrate.

MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems.

Floods caused by extreme rain events are an increasing problem for cities of all sizes world-wide. Densifying of urban developments and climate change are stress factors which increase the pressure to deal with the problems. Pluvial flooding and climate change are new topics on most city planners’ agendas. COURSE TOPICS 

Introduction to pluvial flooding

Overview of pluvial flood modelling tools and techniques - advantages and disadvantages

Data need and their use

Processing and preparation of digital elevation model (DEM)

Case studies

Result presentation

Mapping flood risks, values and economic costs related to flooding

Strategies to manage surface runoff within existing and planned developments

Hands-on exercises with MIKE 21 FST

© DHI/ Photo: iStock © ffolas

TARGET GROUP AND PREREQUISITES Professionals who work with city planning, climate change, risk assessment and software tools for flood management in municipalities, regional organisations, water supply and sewage companies. Priority is given to participants with computer modelling experience. It is preferable but no condition that participants have knowledge of MIKE 21 and ArcGIS.

THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training.

Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, and product safety and environmental risk. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.


courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com



This two-day course gives you an introduction to different approaches to the modelling of various types of green infrastructure in MIKE URBAN and their effect on different types of storm events. In addition, you are also introduced to storm water quality and modelling thereof as well as storm water quality treatment options. The course encompasses all types of the green infrastructure practices on the local level thus including bio-retention cells, rain gardens, green roofs, infiltration trenches, permeable pavements, rain barrels and vegetative swales. In recent years we have experienced increased focus on making cities water sustainable. Today many cities strive towards integrating the entire urban water cycle into the urban planning. In this way, environmental degradation is minimised and the aesthetic and recreational appeal of the cities improved. Concurrently, cities also need to adapt to a changing climate. Cities and water utilities need to be able to quantify and document the effects of introducing green infrastructure, for instance in relation to climate change adaptation options, the improvement of water quality in recipients and rainwater harvesting in cities with water shortage.

© DHI/ Photo © Morten Kjølby, DHI-DK


Modelling of green solutions at screening level

Modelling the different elements of a green infrastructure at a detailed hydraulic level

On-going developments in urban storm water modelling with MIKE URBAN

How to couple the green solutions with an existing drainage network

Storm water quality and the modelling thereof

Applying treatment water quality measures to various types of green infrastructure

Result viewing and analysis

Hands-on exercises

THE ACADEMY BY DHI THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training. MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, and product safety and environmental risk. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.


TARGET GROUP AND PREREQUISITES Professionals who are experienced MIKE URBAN users and who are working with storm water projects or planning to do so. Participants must be acquainted with the basic functionalities of MIKE URBAN COLLECTION SYSTEMS (MU CS) prior to the course either through experience or through participation in the MU CS course ‘Introduction to modelling of collection systems'. courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


URBAN FLOODING - ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT Preparing for flooding and the impact of climate change on your city

This two-day course focuses on climate change and flooding with an emphasis on tools for analysing impacts of climate changes in urban areas. Thus, you learn about the practical application of flood management tools and their constraints, as well as how to develop flood risk assessments and maps. The course includes presentations, discussions and hands-on exercises in using the different software tools to support risk assessment. City water planners and decision makers have to adapt to a changing climate. Climate change is expected to change the distribution of precipitation in both time and space. This will change the flood risk profile of all cities. Accordingly, cities and water utilities need to decide which adaptation measures to prioritise and implement. Climate change assessment often requires integrated modelling of flooding. This is a combined result of local heavy rainfall, overtopping river or coastal flooding. Flood modelling and risk assessment – based on software tools ranging from simple GIS analysis to coupled 1D-2D hydrodynamic modelling – are important for decision makers in order to minimise the costs related to extreme flooding. COURSE TOPICS 

Global and regional climate change models and predictions of climate changes

Combined flood risks from sewers, rivers, lakes and the sea

Overview of flood modelling techniques

FLOOD TOOL BOX: presentation and practical use of various methods and tools to assess the current and future flood risk of urban areas

Different types of data and their use

Mapping flood risks, values and economic costs related to flooding

Methods to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed adaptation measures

Cases of tackling climate change challenges through active control rather than through traditional methods of upgrading

Examples of international urban flooding and climate change adaptation

Hands-on exercises (related to FLOOD TOOL BOX, mapping flood risks, cost-benefit analyses)

© DHI/ Photo: iStock © Libby Chapman

TARGET GROUP AND PREREQUISITES Professionals who work with adaptation to climate change, risk assessment and software tools for flood management in water supply and sewage companies, municipalities, regional organisations, river basin organisations. Priority is given to participants with computer modelling experience. It is preferable but no condition that participants have knowledge of MIKE FLOOD, ArcGIS, MIKE URBAN (or MOUSE) prior to the course.

THE ACADEMY BY DHI THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training. MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, product safety and environmental risk, etc. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.


courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT How to prepare for and manage floods

In this this one-day, thematic course we aim to provide you with an overview of integrated solutions available to allow you to address disaster risk management with respect to floods. How can you make a difference in preparing and subsequently manage floods. Disasters are of concern for almost all countries and are growing in terms of people affected and economic losses. A majority of all disasters today are related to hydro-meteorological factors, with floods (inland and coastal) as the main factor causing disasters. A changing climate will increase the risks for many regions. In recent years several floods have resulted in severe damage and health problems due to lack of timely and coordinated communication and lack of preparedness of local government and support services. The missing integration of knowledge and dissemination of information causes greater damage and hence costs. COURSE TOPICS 

What is disaster risk management

Prevention and mitigation of floods

Improving preparedness

Prediction and warning,

Response in form of flood maps and dissemination of information to the public

Presentation of integrated solutions for flood risk management

Examples of local/regional/international cases

Legislative framework (optional and depending on the office)

THE ACADEMY BY DHI THE ACADEMY offers a palette of courses and capacity building packages designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training. MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, product safety and environmental risk, etc. Our trainers are experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their fields. The use of highly skilled trainers guarantees the quality of THE ACADEMY courses.


© DHI/ Photo: iStock © RonfromYork

Managers and professionals involved in flood management and flood risk management. It is preferable but no condition that participants have previous experience with water management, hydrology and models.


courses@dhigroup.com www.theacademybydhi.com


THE ACADEMY BY DHI Global training and knowledge sharing activities

To address challenges in water environments, knowledge on sustainable water management is essential. That’s why we constantly strive to advance our global knowledge and make it accessible to everyone who can benefit from it. In doing so, we help people around the world solve their specific challenges in water environments. THE ACADEMY by DHI is all about knowledge building and sharing. With our skills and capacity development activities, we make sure you’re equipped to find and apply the appropriate solutions to your unique challenges. We share our results from research and development activities and engage with you to share experiences. Through THE ACADEMY, we invite you to take part in our activities. These include public dissemination of information and technology, university partnering and support, MIKE Powered by DHI User Group Meetings and global training activities and events. OUR AREAS OF EXPERTISE

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• • • •

Aquaculture and agriculture Energy Climate change Coast and marine Surface and groundwater Urban water Industry Environment and ecosystems Product safety and environmental risk

Training courses in the use of MIKE Powered by DHI modelling tools Training courses in the use of tailor-made Decision Support Systems Thematic courses within all our areas of expertise Knowledge sharing through events: conferences, seminars, workshops and user group meetings • Dissemination of publications from our research projects and guidelines • MSc/PhD co-supervision engagements and university partnering and support • Serious games

MAKE A DIFFERENCE — ENHANCE YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS THE ACADEMY by DHI embraces all of our global training and knowledge sharing activities. We develop and arrange training packages and facilitate access to research results, expert forums, networks, partnerships and technology.



Each year, we arrange hundreds of courses, which thousands of professionals attend and learn from. The courses range from thematic and capacity building workshops to training in the use of specific software tools.

We work in close collaboration with our partners worldwide.

Our training packages come in many forms, ranging from a few days to months. They are designed to fit your needs and specific challenges — whether you are a water manager, a professional engineer or a technician. Some of our capacity building projects include large training components and training-on-the-job schemes.

THE ACADEMY cooperates with universities and other knowledge institutions to establish a large network of knowledge partners. Special training packages are arranged for universities and research institutions. We also teach at universities. MSc and PhD students from all over the world come to us for practical experience and to write their theses under our supervision.


Our attendees include:

We have more than 200 trainers worldwide — experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their individual fields.

• • • • • • •

Our trainers have a thorough knowledge of the local markets and regulations. They provide training tailored to your needs and help you develop skills and build expertise in your language whenever and wherever you need it. You always have a trusted advisor at hand.

governmental agencies regional and local water bodies research institutions and universities engineering consultants professional bodies and engineering companies urban water utilities coastal and harbour authorities

Delivered worldwide, our training courses enable you to effectively solve your unique water-related challenges

MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems.

MIKE Powered by DHI user group meetings offer you a unique opportunity to learn about real world applications, the latest software updates and share knowledge and experiences with fellow users, DHI modellers and colleagues.

Thematic courses embrace a range of current topics in all our areas of expertise, such as climate change adaptation or integrated water resources management. They allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process.

Our thematic workshops, seminars, round tables and conferences take up cross cutting views of how to combine decision support principles and concepts across current themes in our areas of expertise. These events are typically arranged by collaborating academia and professionals. A number of training sessions are typically offered in conjunction with our events.

Contact us: theacademybydhi@dhigroup.com For more information, visit: www.theacademybydhi.com

© DHI / Picture credits: ©DHI / ©iStock / ©Photolia


THE ACADEMY BY DHI GLOBAL TRAINING AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING ACTIVITIES THE ACADEMY by DHI embraces all DHI’s global training and knowledge sharing activities. We develop and arrange training packages and facilitate access to research results, expert fora, networks, partnerships and technology. We share our experiences with our partners in order to make a difference in the world’s water environments. Through THE ACADEMY we invite you to join the thousands of water professionals and organisations, who every year participate in our global training and capacity development activities as well as MIKE Powered by DHI user group meetings, seminars and conferences. The activities are run by our experienced trainers and facilitators. We offer a palette of courses, capacity development packages and workshops all designed to fit your needs and challenges. We offer standard and/or tailored training and workshops. Our MIKE Powered by DHI courses focus on practical skills, hands-on exercises and teaching you how to get the most out of your software. These courses also enable you to understand the power of the MIKE tools for building decision support systems. Our thematic courses allow you to apply concepts, applications and decision support principles to the entire business process within current areas: aquaculture and agriculture, energy, climate change, flooding, coast and marine, surface and groundwater, urban water, industry, environment and ecosystems, product safety and environmental risk, etc. We have more than 200 highly skilled trainers and facilitators located at our offices worldwide. They are all experienced professionals, many of whom are recognised international experts in their individual fields.

DHI OFFICES AND REPRESENTATIONS WORLDWIDE Hungary India Indonesia Italy Japan Malaysia Mexico New Zealand Norway Peru Poland Portugal

Contact: theacademybydhi@dhigroup.com For more information visit: www.theacademybydhi.com

Romania Singapore Slovak Republic South Africa Spain Sweden Thailand Turkey United Arab Emirates United Kingdom USA Vietnam

DHI headquarters Agern Allé 5 DK-2970 Hørsholm Denmark +45 45 16 92 00 Telephone +45 45 16 92 92 Telefax

©DHI - Picture credits ©iStockphoto.com - Cover: sack

Australia Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Canada China Czech Republic Denmark (head office) Finland France Germany Greece

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