HexaPanels-Experience Towards Digital Crafting

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HexaPanels Experience Towards Digital Crafting STANLEY / DANIHERMAWAN / ANINDYTA Contributors: Suwardana Winata and David Hutama

HexaPanels: Experience Towards Digital Crafting C 2011. form-o 45 halaman 176 x 250 mm

Cetakan pertama, 2011 Jakarta, Indonesia Diterbitkan pertama kali oleh form-o ISBN 978-602-19219-0-6 Penyunting: Stanley Wangsadiharja, Dani Hermawan & Imma S Anindyta Terjemahan: Stanley Wangsadiharja & Hafiz Amirrol Sampul dan perwajahan: Rampakasli & form-o Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang. Dilarang memperbanyak sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini dalam bentuk dan dengan cara apapun tanpa izin tertulis dari penerbit.

HexaPanels Experience Towards Digital Crafting


Foreword (04) Fro Script:New Spectr Designing Process Modelling & Fabric Installation (28) Wo Aspect of Context Architectural Fabr Discourse (36) Refe Funding & Collabo

m Visual to rum in s (06) Digital cation (12) orkshop (34) t in rication erences (40) orators (41)

Foreword Dani Hermawan & Stanley Wangsadihardja

HexaPanels is an installation work that serves as a medium of information for Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH). This installation work was part of the Festival that is held every year by UPH in order to welcome new students for the new academic calender. For the 2011 UPH Festival, form-o, which consists of professionals and faculty members from the UPH Department of Architecture, initiated the idea of making this installation by inviting design students of UPH to collaborate in, right from the design process until the installation work. From our perspective, 'creative' is not only exploring 'what is expressed' but rather the understanding of 'how the process of realizing' a masterpiece. Our background as architects lead us to appreciate that a good process is the cornerstone in the creation of a work well done. And as designers, we have an obligation to understand the material in accordance with their capacity, particularly in their relation to factors of saving, reduction and sustainability. The process of production and processing of materials that are ready to use are our emphasis in this HexaPanels project, so in the designing process, students can incorporate these factors of saving, reduction and sustainability. In this HexaPanels project, we focused on the integration of design process so that students can understand the importance of understanding the process of production, material processing for ready-made materials, transportation of materials and installation. In this context, the usage of computers were also introduced so that students can know the correlation between computer technology with the material itself, which then can be synergized in meeting specific demands of design and production. We use the computer technology to compute, either in the process of generating a particular design scheme, right to the calculation process of materials used and wastages produced in this HexaPanels project. The usage of computer technology was integrated to assist in the overall design process from beginning to end. We deliberately encourage the use of computer technology, which include the usage of software and hardware. Specifically, we used the advantages of the algorithm provided by the software to produce a derivative of our design scheme that are in the forms of hexagon panels. We also performed the process of unfolding, coding and numbering with the software on each pieces of the panels, leading us to know the right construction methods, while at the same time being able to calculate the quantity of the panels’ pieces. We realized that this matter is very important for students to understand the design implications towards materials, costs and labor. These methods are very important, and will greatly assist us in the engineering process, for example: we can determine the size of each elements corresponding to the ability of fabricating machine used (laser cutting), and we are able to perform simulation on the construction process at the specified location.



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Digital Modelling & Fabrication

MATERIAL AND FABRICATING MACHINE The fast development of CAAD technology (Computer Aided Architectural Design) offer great benefits for the world of design. We collaborated with students, utilizing this opportunity to explore our design to the level of manufacturing (fabrication). Due to infrastructural reasons on site, we decided to use corrugated cardboard material with a thickness of 3 millimeters and 6 millimeters with laser cutting machine for fabrication. Within this limitation, we understand and accept the fact that the fabrication work we did was still within the limits of crafting. But in this digital crafting work, we were able to delineate important factors in the design that relates to the problem of production and processing of materials that are ready to be used. Furthermore, we had the opportunity to study on how the materials were sorted, cut, marked, folded, and constructed in accordance with the capacity of these materials, especially with respect to the issue of time and labor. MODULATION The size of a material has always been a question at the beginning of a construction process. So is the size of the hexagon module that we used. Basically, we have determined the size of the calculation as a result from the laser cutting machines that are available. We used a machine with a laser bed capacity of 40 centimeters x 70 centimeters, resulting the modules that we designed do not exceed the size of the laser bed available. With two laser cutting machines that are working intensively, we are able to produce 1350 pieces of module components within 180 hours, and through an intensive process of folding, we managed to produced seven types of 225 hexagon shaped three-dimensional modules. These modules were then assembled to form the HexaPanels that ran the length of 2040 centimeters and 290 centimeters high. DIGITAL FABRICATION Through this parametric modeling, algorithmic capabilities of the application (Rhinoceros) can help us in generating information and data. These information and data were used as input for the fabrication machine. Considering the fabrication machine used is a laser cutting machine that works in both directions (two axis), each component of a three-dimensional hexagon module which we will fabricate should be projected in parallel to the two-dimensional or planar planes. The results of the above projection process are data in the form of two-dimensional vector graphics, which then became the input data for the laser cutting machines. Along with the fabrication process, the PC, specifically through computational capabilities can help to affix marks or coding for 1350 modules pieces that will be fabricated precisely to suits its sizes. Thus, the construction team can easily determine the position of each components in the arrangement.



Digital Modelling & Fabrication

inner hexagon

curve of reference curve of reference(to evaluate) hexagon‘s centroid point

hexagon‘s centroid point

evaluating closest point to the curve of reference


step #1 collecting centroid point of the hexagon shapes

step #2 evaluating all hexagons‘ centroid points to find its closest point

step #3 using the distance between hexagons centroid points and closest points

HexaPanels Parametric Customization

curve to evaluate










































Grasshopper appearance on Rhinoceros Grasshopper become the instrument that accomodates algorithmic and parametric mass customization process


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01_04 b




















01_06 c



Digital Modelling & Fabrication

01_02 a










module hexapanels





#2 step




















module information board

Previous and this page: Fold, taped, clamp Each HexaPanels modules are 3 dimensional and are made up of 6 components, which were formed by the technique of fold, taped and clamp







Digital Modelling & Fabrication
















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INSTALLATION The HexaPanels installation process begins with a process of folding, taping and clamping of 1350 component pieces, reducing it becoming 225 modules. The entire process took 240 working hours, done by 12 people who were divided into four groups. Those hexagon modules were arranged to become 2040 centimeters long and 290 centimeters high. Mobilization of the entire modules was also part of the processes. In each trip, two students work together to bring 10 modules using a two-meter stick. With eight people, we made seven trips to move the entire hexagon module to the workshop venue. Installing HexaPanels provides an experience in itself. We realize that the cardboard material itself is very lightweight. The most difficult problem installing them is that when the panels were stretched, they cannot stand firmly. We have to use a metal plate and linked the modules with thread attached to the ceiling of the room. The modules were arranged on a metal plate and the ceiling becomes a structure that holds the whole plane, while the rest act only as infill that contains the information panels.


Fold, tape and clamp techniques in components assembling The process of components assembling uses the fold technique, tape joints and clamp, using plastic cable fasteners


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HexaPanels process 400 hours (June-July 2011) were needed to construct every components into becoming hexagon modules, and 40 hours (26-30 July 2011) to arranged each modules into becoming the HexaPanels installation



WORKSHOP The workshop that was conducted in the midst of this project is part of the whole process. This workshop was dedicated for students to learn deeper on the design process of using computational methods. The workshop begins by exploring simple geometric forms and through an integrated design process, they tried to find linkages between technologies used and design possibilities that can be achieved. In this workshop, students were introduced to some form of research techniques to explore and simulate the relationship between material, structure and the overall shape. After going through this stage, students were introduced with the knowledge of scripting and parametric modeling by using Grasshopper (Rhinoceros, NURBS based 3D modeling tool). By using this application, students began to explore the possibilities of forms that have been studied previously to be later developed into digital parametric models. Knowledge of the design process in this workshop will ultimately equip them during installation and assembling works on site. This HexaPanels project is not the first project in the realm of design that utilizes hexagon modules. However, in terms of design and construction process, form-o and HexaPanels team believes that this project has brought


new ideas to optimize the synergy of advanced methods in digital design, fabrication and design techniques, and creativity. We tried to use technology in accordance with their capacity to assist the design process, even involving it into the process of fabrication and construction. These technological usages include exploring geometric shapes of the hexagon modules, computing the pieces of the component modules, calculating materials, simulating the composition of modules, evaluating the capacity of production machinery, labor, work schedules, construction methods, and cost. This HexaPanels installation is not merely aesthetics search, but it is a process of searching for the best approach for design methods, material selection and processing, and appropriate construction techniques. Although still in the realm of crafting, it is not impossible for HexaPanels, which applied simple advanced digital design, fabrication and techniques to develop other exploration opportunities for design methods, materials and construction, and further develop it into a specific design domain such as architecture, interiors, products and so forth. Each project will have its own story. We expect other projects that with similar process like HexaPanels will soon emerge, both in the fields of academics and practice. We as designers will be sensitively encouraged and be responsible towards the realization of an object. Because only through proper understanding on the process of realizing an object that we become aware on what is being used and wasted (what is lacking and what is excessive).


Aspect of Context in Architectural Fabrication Discourse David Hutama

The backbone of many mass-production fabrication capabilities in these modern times is the assembly-line method, which was introduced and developed by Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company in the 1920's. Assembly-line fabrication using sequential flow is to produce large amount of cars in a short time. This method work through the replication of all design element models, and was assembled in standardized sequences. Therefore, the relationship between the amount, time, and quality can be accurately predicted and reduce operational costs. Modernist architects like Le Corbusier's is a supporter of this Ford method of fabrication (then known as Fordism or the Fordian approach). Le Corbusier thinks that if this similar fabrication method can be applied into architecture, then architectural design will be able to resolve many social problems, especially the problem of housing since they can be built quickly and cheaply in large amount (Kieran & Timberlake, 2004:6-7). However, post 1960s, through a cultural revolution, which we know as post-modernism, harsh criticism on uniformity and loss of identity resulting from mass-production fabrication, were heard. Therefore, many movements during this period started to raised issues on subjectivity, identity, and personalization. It was also during this period that new design visions rebelling from the reality and standards were born. Fantasies regarding irregularity, anti-gravity, mobility, and lightness were voiced out by artists and designers in the form of exhibitions or other form of artworks. Materials such as plastic and concrete that have the nature of flexibility' become the object of experiments that we popular during this era. (Kolarevic, 2003: 13). During this period, however, to achieve freedom in the exploration of fabrications were difficult to materialize, if not impossible. In addition to the limitations of research and technology development, this fantasy, if realized, demanded lots of detail changes causing the common system of that time (the Fordian assembly line), became costly, require longer time and with high levels of errors. The cause of this problem is due to the detail changes with high permutations, demanding the control of information consistency from each element so that changes of any parts will be followed by the others, but the overall integrity is still maintained. This problem has been mapped by Christopher Alexander in the book "Notes on the Synthesis of Form" which was published in 1964, that the system self conscious process, a term used to describe a system governed by a master builder, will lead to many design problems that do not occur in the system unconscious process (as in vernacular architecture) because the problems are generated dynamically and unstable (Alexander, 1964: 59).



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Funding & Collaborator

Funding UPH Festival 2011 Collaborators Form-O (formologix+formoperation) Department of Architecture UPH HexaPanels Team Amanda Gracia Addi Darmawan Dani Hermawan Davina Nathania Frederick Tjandradjadja Gloria Ivan Billy Jacky Thiodore Jerry Ferdinand Kambey Prajna Mudita Ruth Mega Sari Susy Gunawan Stanley Wangsadihardja Suwardana Winata Tanya P Utomo Tatyana Kusumo Vina Oliviana Kencana Xenia Sabina Lembono Fabricator Widji Printing Steel Fabricator PT. Daya Cipta Anekareksa Book Editor Stanley Wangsadiharja Dani Hermawan Imma S Anindyta Contributors Suwardana Winata David Hutama Book Design Rampakasli


Digital Design and Fabrication Research . Training . Consulting


www.formoperation.com www.formologix.com


Department of Architecture Universitas Pelita Harapan

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www.arch.fdtp.uph.ac.id twitter: @UPHarchitecture facebook:UPH architecture

Gitalaras Interior Interior & Furniture Contractor www.gitalaras.com

HexaPanels Experience Towards Digital Crafting Recent developments in the fields of computer-aided architectural design (CAAD) have opened the potential for a seamless connection between design, architecture, and the construction industry. These advance processes in technology allow designers to design digital materiality and produce them into real physical object. This technology also promise high precision in build production without necessarily implicating greater expenditure of labor and materials. Seeing these advantages, our project aimed to explore digital fabrication on a conceptual and technical level, and investigate possible impact on our design. Through a rigorous thinking process, we went into comprehensive consideration on issues of using specific material, fabricating machine, hexagon panels modulation, while paying special attention to specific assembling methods, which can be applied to construct our design.

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