11 June, 2016

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How will UK's EU referendum vote count work on the night? a European Parliamentary election can vote.

12 DAYS TO GO When will results come?

Registering to vote

Votes will be counted by hand starting as soon as polls close at 2100 GMT. Each of 382 local counting areas will tally the number of ballot papers cast and announce local turnout figures (including spoiled ballots and postal votes) in each of the areas. The British Electoral Commission watchdog has estimated that most turnout announcements at counting-area level will come between 2230 GMT on June 23 and 0130 GMT on June 24. The last turnout figure is expected at around 0400 GMT. Then each area will count the votes and announce totals for “Remain” and “Leave” in each of the 382 areas. The majority of counting areas are expected to declare between around 0100 and 0300 on June 24. The last declaration is expected around 0600. These local totals will be collated into totals for 12 regions, and then a final, national, result. The final result will be announced in Manchester by Jenny Watson, who is the Chief Counting Officer.

Britain extended the voter registration period for the referendum to midnight on June 9 after a late surge in applications crashed a key website shortly before the original June 7 midnight deadline.

When can people vote? Polling stations open at 0600 on June

Can the count and vote be challenged?

23 and close at 2100.

Will there be an exit poll? There are currently no plans by broadcasters for an exit poll as the margin of error is deemed to be too large.

The question Voters will be given one piece of paper with the question: "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?" They will be asked to put a cross beside either: "Remain a member of the European Union and "Leave the European Union"

Who can vote? All those who are entitled to vote in a UK parliamentary general election can vote in the referendum, including British, Irish and qualifying Commonwealth citizens over the age of 18 who are resident in the UK. UK nationals resident overseas who have appeared on a parliamentary election register in the past 15 years will also have the right to vote, as will Irish citizens who were born in Northern Ireland and registered to vote in Northern Ireland in the last 15 years. In addition, peers and citizens of Gibraltar who were able to vote at

The electoral commission says this: "The referendum rules do not provide for a national recount to be carried out in any circumstances. Any request for a recount of votes will be at local count level and is for the Counting Officer to determine. We expect local recounts to be granted if a specific issue has been identified with the process in that counting area, rather than simply when the local totals are close. "The national referendum result is only subject to challenge by way of judicial review. An application for judicial review would need to be lodged within six weeks of the certification that is being challenged being made."

Source: Reuters

Democrats searching unity after confirming Clinton's nomination n Tribune International Desk Nearing the end of a lengthy primary fight, Democrats are coalescing around Hillary Clinton's presidential bid and looking to reunite the party through a carefully orchestrated plan aimed at nudging rival Bernie Sanders to make his exit. President Barack Obama's endorsement of his former secretary of state on Thursday headlined a day of unity for Democrats as the party prepares for Republican Donald Trump. Amid the message of harmony, Sanders crisscrossed the nation's capital and received praise in meetings with Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Senate Democratic leaders. Democrats are wary that divisions that emerged between Clinton and Sanders during the primaries might spill out during next month's Democratic National Convention or provide an opening to Trump, who is on course to be-

The campaigns for Hillary Clinton and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders were working on Sunday out of the same union hall in Santa Fe last week AP come the Republican nominee. So unity has become Job 1 in the party. Biden and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren joined that effort Thursday evening, both endorsing Clinton and signaling to many of Sanders' supporters that it's time to unite around the party's presumptive nominee. Warren, the progressive stalwart, who has been positioning herself as one of Trump's tough-

est adversaries, had been the only holdout among the Senate's Democratic women. But she said she would do all that she can to prevent Trump from getting "any place close to the White House." In his long-expected endorsement, delivered via an online video, Obama pointed to Clinton's grit and determination but also called for "embracing" Sanders' economic message, which has galvanised

liberals and independents. Trump responded to Obama's endorsement by tweeting: "Obama just endorsed Crooked Hillary. He wants four more years of Obama — but nobody else does!" The Clinton campaign tweeted back, "Delete Your Account." While Sanders stopped short of endorsing Clinton, he told reporters he planned to press for his issues — rather than victory — at the party's convention and he would meet with Clinton in the near future to discuss ways they could work together to defeat Trump. Clinton declared victory over Sanders on Tuesday, having captured the number of delegates needed to become the first female nominee from a major party. Obama's endorsement and Sanders' visit were the public culmination of that work. Leaders on the Hill underscored Obama's message. The party's delicate handling of the Vermont senator reflected Sanders supporters' deep distrust of the Democratic establishment and its meddling in the primary. l

US House passes Puerto Rico debt relief bill Following months of internal wrangling, the US House of Representatives, on Thursday passed legislation creating a federal control board to help Puerto Rico cope with crippling debt that is wreaking havoc throughout the island’s economy. By a vote of 297-127, the House approved the bill, sending it to the Senate for consideration. -REUTERS


Suspended Brazil president calls for referendum on early polls Brazil’s suspended President Dilma Rousseff is calling for a referendum on whether to hold early elections if she survives removal from office in an impeachment trial that is expected to conclude in August. Under the Brazilian electoral timetable, presidential elections are scheduled every four years, with the next due in 2018. Rousseff ’s proposal for early elections, which are not provided for by the Constitution, is seen by many political analysts as a way out of Brazil’s political crisis. -REUTERS


German finance minister: Brexit would shut UK out of single market German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble warned Friday that if Britain voted to leave the European Union, it wouldn’t have access to the single market like non-members Norway and Switzerland do. If a majority of Britons opt for a Brexit in the June 23 referendum, it will shut the nation out of the single market with its free movement of people, goods and services, Schaeuble said. -AFP


Sweden agrees to continue nuclear power Sweden’s left-wing government struck a deal with the opposition Friday to continue nuclear power for the foreseeable future, backtracking on its pledge to phase out atomic energy. The government coalition, made up of the Social Democrats and the Greens, had agreed in October 2014 to freeze nuclear energy development, while the opposition has been in favour of building new reactors. -AFP


Niger Delta Avengers claims fresh oil attack A Niger delta militant group on Friday claimed a fresh attack on a pipeline operated by the Nigerian subsidiary of Italy’s Eni in the restive oil-producing south. There was no immediate confirmation of the attack from Eni. -AFP

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