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DEVELOPMENT & TECHNOLOGY What would Psychology be now without the great ideas from the past? This discipline has been expanding for decades, new branches have risen, new approaches to each direction, and new methods and techniques to each approach have emerged. All these coming from proactive people aspiring to new ideas and growth. What will Psychology be tomorrow without development today?

DEZVOLTARE SI TEHNOLOGIE Ce ar fi Psihologia acum fara ideile marete din trecut? Aceasta disciplina se tot extinde de zeci de ani, s-au format noi ramuri, abordari noi in fiecare directie. Sa nu mai spunem de noile metode si tehnici care au aparut. Toate acestea vin de la oamenii proactivi care aspira la idei noi si dezvoltare. Ce ar fi Psihologia maine fara focalizarea pe dezvoltare in prezent?



The EFPSA Congress Congresul EFPSA

10 15 16




Cognosis Partnership Parteneriat



CONGRESUL EFPSA Previous editions: Editii anterioare:

Previous editions: Editii anterioare:




It has the longest tradition among psychology students from all around Europe. For 27 years, it was held in France, Norway, Croatia, Estonia and many other European countries.

300 voices

In 2014, Romania will be the host of its 28th edition. • 300 psychology students • 32 countries • 6 days of scientific activities • one excursion day

• 20 lectures • 20 workshops • 20 paper and poster presentations • open space discussions • trainings

delivered by psychologists, trainers and students from Europe and Romania

can discover • a positive image of Romania • professionalism in Psychology • interest for culture • a professional multicultural network • opportunities for international scientific cooperation between Romanian psychology students and students from other European countries, but also between psychologists. • how psychology is taught in Faculties • how it is practiced • how the society perceives it



Are cea mai lunga istorie in randul studentilor la Psihologie din Europa De 27 ani incoace, a avut editii in Franta, Norvegia, Croatia, Estonia si multe alte tari europene.

300 voci

In 2014, Romania va fi gazda celei de-a 28-a • 300 studenti la psihologie • 30 tari • 6 zile de activitati stiintifice • o zi de excursie


• 20 prelegeri • 20 ateliere de lucru • 20 prezentari de lucrari sau postere stiintifice • sesiuni de discutii • traininguri

livrate de psihologi, traineri si studenti din Europa si Romania

pot descoperi • o imagine pozitiva pentru tara noastra • profesionalism in domeniul Psihologiei • interes pentru cultura • o retea multiculturala la nivel profesional • oportunitati de cooperare la nivel stiintific, intre studentii nostri si cei din alte tari, dar si intre practicantii din domeniu. • modul in care Psihologia este predata in facultati • felul in care este practicata • cum este vazuta in societate


EFPSA Congress testimonials Testimoniale despre Congres si EFPSA

“Since 2009, I have had the pleasure of working with EFPSA students in a variety of capacities. In terms of professional development, this interaction has helped me to gain experience supervising and supporting students as they extend their academic studies or move into careers in psychology. These relationships have continued to grow and now create something of an unintended global network of young psychologists who are engaged in research after sharing their experiences in EFPSA. This growth for me has been productive, rewarding and, without any doubt, unforgettable.” - Dr Kai Ruggeri - Director of Research, EFPSA Junior Researcher Programme; Senior Analyst, Health Team, RAND Europe, Research Associate, Cambridge University Engineering Department (CUED)


“EFPSA changed my life particularly with the first congress I have ever attended in 2006, Czech Republic. More than 200 ambitious psychology students motivated me to engage in scientific and extracurricular EFPSA activities by the time I stepped into this wonderful world. Throughout years, I improved myself in terms of scientific presentation, event organization, formal writing and cultural exchange. Currently, I am doing my PhD in another country that I was born in and this is mostly by EFPSA, who introduced me international research, cultural aspects and many lovely friends who embrace my presence in their country. I can fairly say that EFPSA is one of the best things that has ever happened in my life.” - Baran Metin, Turkey – studying in The Netherlands

“Dating back to April 2010, I still accurately remember the first time I literally walked into my first EFPSA Congress, in The Netherlands, in what would soon turn out to be one of the most memorable weeks I have experienced. Participating in this Congress and the following year's editions, which I had the pleasure to be invited to, made it possible for me to engage in unique and extremely valuable academic and scientific opportunities. Importantly, it served as an important gateway for me to establish connections with fantastic people who went on to become co-workers in successful scientific projects and, importantly, very close friends. Participating in an EFPSA Congress provides an opportunity for psychology students to get a step closer to their personal, academic and professional ambitions.â€? - LuĂ­s Miguel Tojo, Portugal - EFPSA Vice-President, studying in The Netherlands




European Federation of Psychology Student’s Associations • a non-profit organization • founded in 1987

32 national students organizations 300 000 students 150 active officers working on a voluntary basis

• the main organizer of professional events for psychology students • reprezents the Psychology Students from all around Europe • provides services that enhance student mobility and networking EFPSA’s official website: 5

000 unique visitors/month Journal of European Psychology Students bulletin: 5 000

unique visitors/month

EFPSA’s official fan page on Facebook: over 12


Twitter: over 200 unique followers


Federatia Europeana a Asociatiilor Studentilor la Psihologie • organizatie non-profit • infiintata in 1987

32 ONG-uri nationale 300 000 studenti la Psihologie 150 membri activi ce lucreaza pe baza de voluntariat

• principalul organizator de evenimente profesionale pentru studenti • reprezinta studentii la Psihologie din intreaga Europa • ofera servicii ce faciliteaza mobilitatea si dezvoltarea retelelor intre studenti

Website-ul oficial al EFPSA: 5

000 vizitatori unici/luna Jurnalul Studentilor Europeni la Psihologie: 5 000 vizitatori


Pagina oficiala de Facebook a EFPSA: peste12 Twitter: peste 200 de urmaritori unici =========



EFPSA events

EFPSA’s events and services • 27thth Annual Congress

350 participants

Upcoming: April 2013, Turkey • 7thth European Summer School Upcoming: July 2013, Belgium th th Annual participants Congress •3627students senior lecturers PhD. students + 3 350 + 6 Upcoming: April 2013, Turkey nd nd Junior Researcher Conference Summer Programme School •• 72thth European August 2013, Corpus Christi College, Upcoming: July 2013, Belgium Upcoming:


EFPSA’s events and services

• Annual Congress, 350 participants

+ 6participants PhD. students + 3 senior lecturers 36 students 45 • European Summer School, Presentation of papers of the 6 ESS’ participants as part of Cambridge, UK

th th

July A pril April

July July

nd nd Junior •the2year Researcher Programme Conference Programme. Researcher long Junior

Upcoming: August 2013, Corpus Christi College, 45 • Junior Researcher Programme Conference, rainers Summer School • 4 TrainUK the T Cambridge, Upcoming: August 2014, Malta Presentation of papers of the 6 ESS’ participants as part of participants 12 students + 4 trainers = new Trainers th th

th th


the year long Junior Researcher Programme.

rainers Summer School Train theofTManagement • 4First Board 20Meeting • Train the Trainers Summer School, Upcoming: August 2014, Malta Representatives •12Executive Board-Member students + 4 trainers = new Trainers participants Meeting Conference EFPSA • Executive Board-Member Representatives Board of Management Meeting •• 1First Upcoming: November 2013, the Netherlands th th




st st

•Efpsa Executive Board-Member Representatives Meeting, 80 participants Meeting Day •• 1Second EFPSA Conference • EFPSA Conference, 150 participants Board of Management Meeting Upcoming: November 2013, the Netherlands st st

• 28thth Annual Congress Efpsa

• EFPSA Day (international EFPSA day) Romania April 2014, awareness Upcoming: Day • Second Board of Management Meeting • 28thth Annual Congress Upcoming: April 2014, Romania










EFPSA’s events and services

• Evenimente EFPSA

th Annual Congress 350 participants 27th Upcoming: April 2013, Turkey • 7thth European Summer School Upcoming: July 2013, Belgium th th Annual participants Congress •3627students senior lecturers + 6 PhD. students + 3 350 Upcoming: April 2013, Turkey Junior Researcher Programme Conference •• 72ththndnd European Summer School Upcoming: August 2013, Corpus Christi College, Upcoming: July 2013, Belgium Cambridge, UK


EFPSA’s events and services

• Congres anual, 350 participanti

+ 6 PhD. students + 3 senior lecturers students 45 participanti • Scoala de Vara Europeana,36 Presentation of papers of the 6 ESS’ participants as part of Cambridge, UK

th th

July A prilie April

July Iulie

nd nd Junior Programme. long Junior Researcher Researcher Programme Conference •the2year

August 2013, Corpus Christi College, 45 • Conferinta Programului deUpcoming: Junior, Summer School TrainUK the Trainers • 4Cercetare Cambridge, Upcoming: August 2014, Malta ESS’ participants as part of Presentation of the participanti =6 new Trainers trainers 12 students +of 4papers th th

th th


the year long Junior Researcher Programme.

Meeting Board School Train theofTManagement rainers •• 4First 20 Summer participanti • Scoala de Vara Formeaza Formatorii, Upcoming: August 2014, Malta th th

2014, MaltaRepresentatives Upcoming: • ExecutiveAugust Board-Member 12 students + 4 trainers = new Trainers Meeting

Conference 1 EFPSA • Intrunirea Biroului Executiv siBoard a Reprezentantilor of Management Meeting de ••Upcoming: First November 2013, the Netherlands




st st

• Executive Board-Member Representatives

•Efpsa Executive Board-Member Representatives Membri, 80 participanti Meeting Day 1 EFPSA Conference Second Board of Management Meeting • Conferinta EFPSA, 150 ••Upcoming: participanti November 2013, the Netherlands st st

• 28thth Annual Congress

• 28 Annual Congress Efpsa Upcoming: April 2014, Romania Day

• Ziua EFPSA (zi internationala de constientizare a • Second Board of Management Meeting EFPSA) • 28thth Annual Congress

Upcoming: April 2014, Romania











EFPSA services Journal of European Psychology Students

An open access international peer-reviewed journal: • EBSCO - indexed • 20 scientific papers published • 300 readers/article • 40 reviewers

Study Abroad platform An online platform providing guidance and information on exchange programmes and internships for psychology students in Europe. Travel Network A network of psychology students willing to give free accommodation to other students in order to enhance their mobility. - 1000 members in 30 European countries - 100 exchanges/year

Servicii EFPSA Journal Studentilor Europeni la Psihologie

Platforma pentru studii in strainatate

Un jurnal international cu acces liber si recenzii realizate de catre colegi • indexat EBSCO • 20 articole stiintifice publicate • 300 cititori/articol • 40 oameni care fac recenzii

O platforma online ce ofera ghidaj si informatii cu privire la programele de schimb de experienta si de internship pentru studentii la Psihologie din Europa. Reteaua pentru calatorie O retea de studenti la psihologie dispusi sa ofere cazare gratuita pentru alti studenti, pentru a-si extinde mobilitatea. - 1000 membri in 30 de tari europene - 100 schimburi de experienta/an


Cognosis Romanian Federation of the Psychology Students’ Associations Founded in 2006 Member of EFPSA Gathers 5 local organizations: • Bucharest • Cluj-Napoca • Iasi • Sibiu • Timisoara Represents more than 15.000 students 9 national projects/ year over 300 direct participants 15 000 indirect recipients

Federatia Studentilor la Psihologie si Stiinte ale Educatiei din Romania Infiintata in 2006 Membra a EFPSA Reuneste 5 organizatii locale: • Bucuresti • Cluj-Napoca • Iasi • Sibiu • Timisoara Reprezinta peste 15.000 studenti 9 proiecte nationale/an peste 300 de participanti directi 15 000 de beneficiari indirecti


PARTNERSHIP We’re good. Very good. That’s why we are looking for strong partnerships and financial collaborations with people who share our vision working towards a better future. The EFPSA Congress Story can lead to countless other stories. 300 participants, 300 future Psychologists and Researchers which will in their turn affect the lives of thousands of people later on.

PARTENERIAT Suntem buni. Foarte buni. Si din acest motiv suntem interesati de parteneriate puternice si de colaborari financiare cu oameni care ne impartasesc viziunea de a lucra la un viitor mai bun. Povestea Congresului poate duce la nenumarate alte povesti. 300 de participanti, 300 de viitori Psihologi sau cercetatori care vor afecta vietile a mii de oameni mai departe.


CONTACT Madalina Sava Head of Finance / Coordonator Finante +40763 81 70 75 Alisia Muresan Head of Project / Coordonator de Proiect +40742 15 20 88


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