10 Types Of Cyber Attacks And How They Can Affect You- Detox technologies

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10 Types of Cyber Attacks and How they Can Affect You detoxtechnologies.com/10-types-of-cyber-attacks

It’s used to disrupt the target company’s operations, either by halting trading, damaging their reputation, or causing havoc. Several government agencies have been targeted by malicious denial-of-service attacks. A denial of service assault can also be employed to keep the target organization’s information security staff occupied while a more sophisticated attack is carried out.

1:- DOS and DDOS Attacks This is very famous sorts of cyber attacks, and it aims to disrupt an organization’s business. A denial-of-service (DoS) attack is an attack by a single system to consume the bandwidth of a system’s resources, such as an internet site, preventing it from responding to service requests. A DDoS attack performs the same thing, but it comes from a vast number of sources that the attacker controls. Install a firewall and connect all of your servers to it. Inbound SYN packets should be blocked by the firewall. Reduce the timeout on connected connections and increase the capacity of the connection. On all routers, disable SMBv2 and restrict ports 139 and 445.


In the routers, turn off IP-directed broadcasts. End systems should be configured to not reply to ICMP packets. Verify fragmented IP packets for its size. To prevent traffic from faked addresses, use RFC3704 filtering. Installing firewalls and anti-virus software, as well as keeping them up to date, are the greatest ways to defend information security. Cyber Security Companies can help the business to install such firewalls and implement the right IDS and IPS solutions.

2:- Malware Threats Malware, in the context of information security, is undesirable software that entered on your computer without your permission. Malware is a kind of cyber attack, but it is distributed by a variety of other types as well. Malware is easily transmitted by attaching itself to legal code, and once infected, it can quickly infect thousands of people. The following are some of the most frequent malware types: Macroviruses: A virus is embedded in a macro within a Word or Excel document by a hacker. The malicious code is executed when victim clicks on file. When the user runs the.exe, the virus is installed. Trojan horses are malware that hides inside a non-malicious programme. Trojans are frequently used to create a back door via which hackers can obtain access to systems. Polymorphic viruses are a type of virus that might be difficult to identify. The virus hides itself by encrypting data. An accompanying decryption programme first decrypts the virus and an associated mutation engine. After that, the virus infects a section of code. The virus spreads quickly as the cycle repeats. Stealth viruses take over system processes to mask changes to file sizes and modification dates from anti-virus software. While any program is executing, adware shows advertising ads. It is frequently downloaded invisibly while visiting an infected website. Spyware: Without the user’s awareness, spyware gathers data about them, their machines, and their browsing patterns. It also has the ability to download other infected programs. When a user downloads and instals a freeware application, spyware is frequently deployed unintentionally. Logic bombs: Malicious software that is added to an installed app and starts by a certain action, such as a specific date and time.


Worms are self-contained programmes that do not attach to a host file. They’re most typically disseminated via email attachments, and once activated, they send a copy of themselves to everyone available in the list. The term “dropper” refers to an application that is used to install viruses. They have been known to download malware-infected bogus anti-virus software upgrades. Ransomware stops the victim from accessing their files and warn users to delete it if ransom is not given. Many encrypt data with complicated ways, making it extremely hard to recover without the hacker’s decryption key. Top Penetration Testing Companies can help to safeguard from such attacks from hackers.

3:- Man-in-the-Middle Threat When an attacker places themself between a client and server, this is one of the top ten most common types of cyber attacks Hijacking a session between a trusted client and a network server: the hacker intercepts a session between a client and a server. Because the server believes it is connecting with the trusted client, it continues to transmit messages improperly. Also Read Phishing - A Major Cyber Threat IP Spoofing: An attacker uses this form of cyber assault to deceive a host system into believing it is connecting with a known and trusted client. To accomplish this, the hacker steals the client’s IP address, fooling the host into compromising information security. The attacker intercepts between a client and a server in a replay kind of cyber attack. The hacker then sends them again, this time posing as one of the trusted parties. One of the top ten types of cyber assaults can be readily countered by using checksums. To counter MiTM cyber threats, information security measures such as encryption, digital certificates, public keys, hash functions, and certificate authorities are used. To stop MITM attacks we should always use HTTPS enabled websites. Cyber Security companies can help teams to implement HTTPS enabled website and protect from MITM attacks.

4:- Spear phishing and phishing attacks When a hacker sends out emails to a large number of addresses, posing as a trustworthy source such as a bank, retail store, or government agency, the attack on information security occurs. The email employs social and psychological techniques to persuade the receiver to perform activities that jeopardise their personal and confidential information’s protection. Email attachments containing malware and links to hackers’ websites or


programmes, which then download the virus and infect the target’s machine, are common types of phishing cyber attacks. One of the most common undesired acts of malware is to collect personal information and transfer it to the hacker. Spear phishing is a sort of cyber attack that is subtly different. It employs the phishing technique, but stuffs the email with facts about the user to make it seem more authentic. Attackers can buy information such as identities and bank accounts from other hackers, or they can gain it for free via social media tools. As a result, spear-phishing assaults on data security might be difficult to detect. Hackers utilise techniques including email spoofing, which uses a fake sender’s email address, and website cloning, which involves a hacker cloning a legitimate website in order to trick the victim into inputting login credentials and confidential information. To lessen the chance of getting phished, utilise the following techniques: Read each email carefully for anything out of the ordinary, such as spelling errors or notifications that you’ve missed a parcel delivery when you weren’t anticipating one. Hovering the cursor over a link without clicking it will expand it. Examine the URL to see if it’s legitimate. Hackers frequently employ URLs that appear to be authentic but contain additional letters or misspellings. Check the complete sender address, such as xxx@abcd. This can help you figure out whether email spoofing was used to compromise your data security. Cyber Security Companies need to onboard to train employees from such attacks.

5:- Password heist Password theft is a simple technique for attackers to generate money by basically taking the person’s identity and using it to withdraw money from their bank or make purchases. Hackers can also utilise this type of cyber assault, which is one of the top ten most common, to sell password information to other hackers. On the dark web, one can get access to hacked Databases storing leaked password information. Password attacks that aren’t cyber rely on strategies including guessing the information, overlooking the target when they log on, or checking for bits of paper with the login credentials written on them. The use of malware to capture keystrokes, hacking into password databases, “sniffing” network connections, and trying a series of intelligently auto-generated passwords using information about the target obtained through social engineering techniques, such as spouse’s name, pets’ name, or birthplace, are all common types of cyber attacks on passwords.

6:- Drive-by Threats


The majority of consumers put their trust in every website they visit. However, websites may contain malicious code that is difficult to detect. As a result, drive-by attacks are one of the top ten most popular types of cyber attacks that prey on the naïve, particularly those who enjoy browsing the dark corners of the internet or downloading apps from websites. Hackers search for unsecured websites and applications before injecting a malicious script into the code. When a user sees the page or starts the programme, the script either discreetly instals malware on the victim’s machine or redirects the user to a hacker-controlled website. Also Read How to Check if My Phone is Hacked in 2022 These prevalent sorts of cyber attacks pose a significant risk to information security because the victim is unaware of the website’s concealed threats. Drive-by attacks exploit information security flaws in apps, plug-ins, operating systems, websites, and web browsers. Fully-featured anti-virus software that checks apps and websites for malicious code, patching applications, browsers, and operating systems to keep them up to date, and avoiding non-mainstream websites that may contain malicious code are all useful information security approaches to guard against drive-by attacks.

7:- Injection of SQL data This is one of the less prevalent sorts of cyber attacks against individuals, but it is a common problem with the security of websites that use databases. The hacker runs a SQL query against the database, inserting malicious SQL commands. This type of attack can do almost anything with the database and the information it holds, circumventing all security precautions. This includes data deletion, modification, and insertion, as well as administrative operations like shutdowns and cloning the entire database’s contents to the hackers’ machine. As a result, this widespread sort of cyber attack can be tremendously damaging to a company. Protecting data from SQL injection threats necessitates proper database permission management, avoiding dynamic SQL, and employing stored procedures parameterized queries. Team of penetration testers and top Cyber Security Services should be hired to find such kind of SQL injections attacks on websites.

8:- An XSS (cross-site scripting) attack A malicious JavaScript script is inserted into a webpage by a cyber attacker. When the victim requests this page, the malicious code is transmitted to their browser and executed. Cookies are a common way to encapsulate code that can then be utilised in a variety of malicious ways. XSS can also be used to capture keystrokes, collect data, and control the victim’s machine remotely. As a result, one of the top ten most prevalent cyber attacks can have far-reaching consequences. Cyber Security Companies offer top Cyber Security Services using whichthey triggers sometimes Automated Pentesting tools to identify XSS attacks in quick time. 5/6

9:- Eavesdropping Threat This is very famous types of cyber attack in which the hacker intercepts network communication in order to acquire confidential data such as passwords and credit card numbers. The best method to increase information security against this type of cyber assault is to encrypt data before transmission using a powerful technology.

10:- Birthday assault Hackers and crackers are individuals that have a thorough understanding of systems, how they operate, programming, coding, and everything else. Most individuals can’t tell the difference between a hacker and a cracker and mistake them for one another. It is, nonetheless, critical to understand the distinction between the two. Hackers …


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