Destination Papua New Guinea

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A nother Ilimo innovation is the development of a hi-tech feed mill. T he mill, which has only recently started operating, is capable of processing up to 28,000 tonnes of grain a year. In the long run this will help to substantially cut Ilimo’s feed costs. “ T he feed mill blends different types of grain together,” said A mnon. “ T his way it can produce food mixtures for many different types of livestock - whether chickens, cattle or pigs. It is a very exciting project which I hope will boost not only local employment but the country’s economy as a whole. T he more products that can be processed in Papua N ew G uinea itself, rather than being exported, the better.” Despite his degree in animal husbandry there is one creature at Ilimo that A mnon had never encountered before his arrival in Port Moresby - the crocodile. T he lush, swampy land that runs alongside the River Laloki is ideally suited to both salt water and fresh water crocodiles . Ilimo capitalised on this and started farming both types of crocodile back in 1982. T hey now boast

over 1,000 crocs and during the next four years plan a radical increase of up to 30,000. “ T he weather and the environment is perfect for crocodiles here,” said Kambut Kamon, the crocodile farm manager. “It is tropical but not too dry. A nother advantage is we can feed them the chickens. “ Crocodiles are very much an up-andcoming market in this country. T he meat is popular locally and their skins make lucrative exports.” Ilimo employs over 400 staff of which only six are expatriates. A ll the employees receive comprehensive inhouse training but those who show particular potential are sent on training courses abroad to develop their skills. “Educating the national people so they can manage their own businesses is essential,” said A mnon. “ T hat is the key to the success of this country’s future. A griculture is full of fertile opportunities and will provide the key to this country’s long term prosperity. Ilimo is glad to be part of this. I am very optimistic for the future, both for the company and for Papua N ew Guinea’s agriculture in general.”

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