DESTIG Magazine - (Toronto theme issue)

Page 195

"Foremost I try to evoke the experience of a place and what I find exciting as a source of inspiration. Many of my paintings feature the unique polarity between city and countryside, the contrast between the natural space of the landscape and the urban space defined by the architecture."


"I paint what inspires me and try to capture the

different composition ideas as well as colour schemes in

experience for others to appreciate. Currently my

watercolour to gain confidence on the path chosen.

motifs come from medieval French and quattrocento Italian scenes I have encountered while travelling.

You have spoken about many of your paintings having as

I was educated at MIT and UC Berkeley before

their subject: 'the architecture of cities'... Please explain.

emigrating to Canada. For many years, I was a

Cities are shaped by imagination and collective memory.

partner in a successful Toronto architectural

My experience of how architecture has shaped urban


form and landscapes is the subject of many of my paintings.

You are a successful career architect, painter, and writer... What similarities are there in your approach

You focus on Italian and French cities... Why do they

to your creative pursuits?

particularly appeal to you?

There is the initial excitement of sketching ideas and

My interest in Italian and French cities started with

trying to express what I find interesting. But I explore

studying Renaissance art and architecture in university.

this in different ways before committing to a

Later when I was able to travel I became inspired to

particular approach. In painting this means trying

sketch and paint various scenes, initially to capture the 195

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