DESTIG Issue 4

Page 80


Recent displays of my work include exhibitions at

Tell us the back-story of some of your projects.

the Museum of Moving Image New York;

"Are We Being Fucking Serious?" - Net Art / Data

Interactive Corp(IAC) at Chelsea in New York

Visualization on 183,947 Global Terrorism Data

City; Doosan Gallery at Chelsea in New York

Since 1980 “183,947” is the number of terrorist

City; Schwules Museum Berlin; 150th Memorial

attacks on earth since 1980, the year that John

Day of the Civil War of United States New York;

Lennon was murdered.

Gwanghwamun plaza/square, Seoul Metropolitan Government, among others.

I invite all the dreamers, like me and you, and Mr. & Mrs. Lennon, to this website at

What are your sources of inspiration?


My work, “A Thousand Breaths,” is initiated from a poem written by myself.

I have exhibited film rolls that I took from the 183,947 locations of terrorism attacks, since 1980.

at the end of everything, beginning of everything

As a data artist who wants to ‘imagine’ with other

becomes distinct.

dreamers like Mr. & Mrs. Lennon and you, I intend to maintain this website forever with annual

it was my breath. While i was waiting for the

database updates on yearly occurred terrorism

arrival of my end, this thought occurred to me;


I want to hand my breath to my you.

the world being with you was a field all in flowers. Wandering in our field, I have prepared to inbreathe eternal full of life into the scenery of us. It was the only thing I would, should, could do before someday, the end of everything, arrives from somewhere, at sometime, or sadly by some other people, not by ourselves.

even though I have already been aware that this world is not correct, my reason to live, to survive always, it was you.

to my you, I want to present this. the thing that i will keep until the end of my everything.

my gift is my breath. take this breath. you, my god’s gift.

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