Creating a Brownfield Cleanup Fund The Committee also recommended funds be set aside to clean up Brownfields so that redevelopment could occur without plowing under as many Greenfields.
Establishing a Multi-Flag University and Training Center in Downtown Wilmington In addition to expanding broadband and upgrading water infrastructure, the Committee discussed the idea of a multiflagged university and training center in downtown Wilmington. By looping in a wide range of college and university programs from different schools, a center like this could provide evening classes for career professionals as well as serving daytime students. A hub like this could also include certificate training program providers and serve as a single destination for area high school students enrolled in dual-enrollment classes. What we do know is that every great city in the world has a center of excellence within its downtown and something like this could be an “idea factory” for employers and employees for decades to come. In closing, it’s important for decision makers to invest in infrastructure that is both physical and human. We have before us a once-in-a-generation opportunity to change the course of events in meaningful and positive ways. With careful thought and planning, we can do just that.
Michael J. Quaranta is president of the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce.
DELAWARE BUSINESS | Nove m be r/ De ce m be r 2021
Kevin P. Kelly Inducted into National Housing Hall of Fame The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) inducted Kevin P. Kelly, chairman and managing principal of Leon N. Weiner & Associates, Inc. in Wilmington, Del., into its National Housing Hall of Fame during the association’s fall leadership meeting in Houston in October. The National Housing Hall of Fame recognizes individuals whose spirit, ingenuity, and determination have changed the nation’s housing for the better, making the United States one of the best housed nations in the world. “Kevin has made significant and lasting contributions to the home building industry throughout his impressive 40-year career,” said NAHB Chairman Chuck Fowke, a custom home builder from Tampa, Fla. “His dedication to our industry is immeasurable and we are proud to name him a recipient of this prestigious honor.” Kelly, an industry veteran with four decades of experience, served as NAHB chairman in 2014. Mentored in his career by two NAHB Hall of Fame members, Leon Weiner and Joseph Singer, Kelly’s NAHB chairmanship was marked with the development and implementation of training and orientation programs for state and local association professionals and membership initiatives to foster greater participation by young members.
Throughout his career, Kelly has been active in the NAHB leadership structure at the local, state, and national levels. A life director of the Home Builders Association of Delaware, he served two terms as its president—1998 and 1999—and was named Builder of the Year in 1999. In 2008, the Delaware association honored him with its distinguished service award. Kelly is only the third person to receive the award since the association was chartered in 1947. His passion for housing affordability policy and production earned him spots on various housing, land use, and advocacy organizations across his home state. Kelly is also president and co-founder of the Leon N. Weiner Education Foundation and served on the board of governors of the National Housing Conference and the board of directors of Home Innovation Research Labs, among other nonprofit and charitable interests. “Kevin Kelly has been an incredible advocate for the affordable housing needs of Americans and has done an excellent job of building quality housing in Delaware,” said U.S. Senator Chris Coons. “Kevin was a vital connection to NAHB when I was executive of New Castle County, even more so during my decade in the Senate. I am thrilled he is being inducted into the National Housing Hall of Fame with my dear friend, Senator Johnny Isakson.”