Work life balance

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Guiding Factors: Participate & Learn Check need & modify

Insight into self and the Organization…  “I” is a bunch of roles made up of KSA + GOAL. (SMART & SWOT). Different way of seeing things

 “I”–Role = Empty, Role–Personality (KSA)= Ineffective.

 Goals help us to use KSA, be Productive, & Develop

For Young and Aspiring Managers……………

 Growth & Development help succeed in Changing Roles.  Organizations are Vehicles to our goals & must earn Profits. (O2) The Elephant & seven blind men

 To Succeed do what is important for the Organization.

Once, long ago, seven blind men and their teacher went to “see” an elephant The teacher directed each of them to different parts of the elephant

 Quickly shift from “My Right” to the “Common Right”.

Watch the Role Performance: Eagle’s Push… Click to edit Master text styles Second level ● Third level ● Fourth level ● Fifth level

Insight into Work-life Balance  Work-life balance is to have: Achievement & Enjoyment.  Purpose: To convert work, family and leisure time into a satisfying life.

 Approach:  To create a skill set that enhances the ability to evaluate priorities, focus on the big picture & use long range planning.  Be productive & use organizational skills to handle conflicting demands well.

Explore Work life Balance‌

To Enjoy & Achieve together: Keep learning  Proactively seeking opportunities to Learn & Re-learn.  Seeking new challenging experiences without Fear of Failure.  Quickly attaining mastery over even-unrelated areas.  Utilizing new learning to improve performance. The story of the eagle…

 Seeking feedback for improvements.  Acquiring extra knowledge through sharing of experiences.  Acquiring skills for next job by spending time.  Extracting & Absorbing experiences of seniors in No-Time.

Insight into Work-life Balance……..  The Power or ability to decide an outcome by using one’s strength, influence or support to one side or the other.  About living authentically.  Doing work that feels intrinsically rewarding.  Balance also requires us to pay attention to our commitments Self, family & friends.  Meaningfully Achieve & Enjoy all aspects of life.

Insight into Work-life Balance…….. Sr. No.

Past scenario

Current Status


Work & personal world were once very distinct.

It is harder than ever to keep up with both your work and personal activities.


Activities & social spaces used to be very important in one’s life.

Activities and social spaces are becoming ambiguous.


Face to face Communication, Advanced communication Fixed-time schedule & work technology. Location. Flex-time schedules. Alternative or flexi-place work Joint family structure location. Changes in family structure (dual-career)

Work-life Balance…….. A perspective shift  Definition has changed over time:  60s -70s: WLB was mainly considered an issue for working mothers, trying to balance the demands of their jobs with raising children.  80s: Structural changes took place. Policies & procedures, linked to benefits were added to support WLB.  90s: Solidified WLB as an issue that was vital for everyone (men, women, singles, couples, parents, non-parents, etc.) Also studies were done to show how work life issues influenced people while selecting their jobs.  21st : Century is finding that companies, though they’ve adopted policies to support WLB, still many have not implemented them well.

Shifting needs... Issue


Personal – non work

Home / family…



Material wealth

Modest purchase...


Well being & Fitness…


What you know…

Spiritual / Cultural

Social / community Maslow’s Hierchy Of Needs

Work-Life Balance: Some Constraints… The lack of balance is due to: Time- Long work hours, More time in the car Feeling Guilty. Climbing the Corporate Ladder. Failure to Set Limits. Can’t Say NO. Changing demographics. Deterioration of boundaries between work & home. 11

Consequences of imbalance in Work-life… • Physical: • Headaches, upset stomach, sleep disturbances, changes in appetite, muscle tension, fatigue, heart palpitations • Emotional: • Depression, anxiety, irritability, difficulty making decisions, angry outbursts, resentment, feelings of powerlessness. • Personal: • Less time for friends & loved ones, job burnout, isolation, stopping social activities, relationship loss, self medicating etc.

Explore steps to improve WLB‌

Strategies to Improve Balance…  Identify the sources in the workplace as well as outside of work.  Accept that some things are beyond your control to change.  Take action to identify & reduce/remove the stressor.  Break problems down into smaller more manageable pieces  Work to improve Time Management. (Track your Time spending pattern).  Modify self to replace negative relationships to positive ones.  Energize self through hobbies, social events, education, etc  Learn to withstand pressure.  Learn to say ‘No’ politely.  Leave work at work.

Stress: Withstanding Pressure…  In Medical terms: Body’s general response to environmental situations, that changes our physical, emotional & mental state while facing various stimulating circumstances.  Yoga: Imbalance emanating from excessive speed & demanding situations, leading to pain, ailments & diseases.  Stress is a pressure we feel in life causing:  Short term discomfort.  Unhappiness.  Possibility of long term diseases.

Stress & Performance relationship‌ Inverted U

Consequences of Stress…  On family of the occupant:  Withdrawal from family interaction.  Reduced contributions.  On organizations:    

Low performance & Low productivity. Poor work attitudes. Increased employee alienation. Destructive & Aggressive behavior.

 Cost of employee stress leads to:  

Low profits, Declining assets. Bad image projection, Poor reputation.

Simple steps to withstand pressure…  Relaxation Training: Practice Managing Mind:  Meditation, Yoga, Breath control. (Inhale= Retain= Exhale)  Physical Exercises like Aerobics, Jogging and Swimming etc leading to burning of calorie and use of energies.  Continuous learning: Focus on Self Development.  Social Support:  Enhance the social support sharing about self & get (+) strokes from the known people to boost Self-Esteem.  Recreate & re-energize self to withstand pressure.

To Achieve & Enjoy: Use time Well...  Time is an irreversible factor & thus makes us to perform in present.  Has to be utilized in first chance. (No Re-takes).  Mostly we attend Urgent things & more Urgent out of Urgent gets the priority.  Efficiency demands more out-put in less time, thus doing more in less time is now common.

• Imagine there is a bank that credits your

 Pursuit for vertical growth, makes things Urgent.  At times we do things without knowing well & ascertaining whether they need to be done.

account each morning with R86,400. • It carries over no balance from day to day. • Every “evening” deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use during the day. • What would you do? • Draw out every cent, of course!!!!

Insight into Time Quadrants‌

Urgent and important.

Important but not urgent

Urgent but not important.

Neither Urgent Nor Important.

To achieve important Goals: use time well‌

Assess Time spending pattern in Quadrants‌ Urgent


Not Imp.

Not Urgent

To achieve tough Targets: Stick to Timelines‌

Effective Time Management‌

Comprehending Tasks

Prioritizing Tasks

Scheduling Activities

Knowing Must, Should & Could

Set personal Goals to be Assertive: Just say “No”  Is to decide to live on your own terms.  Advantages:  Deciding important things to be achieved.  Sorting Irrelevant from Important.  Motivating Self.

 It is demonstrated by expressing personal:  Likes & Dislikes, Do’s & Don’ts & Preferences & Choices.  Practicing: Fearlessness: “What to say & Humility: “How to say”

Emotional Intelligence - At a glance… What is Emotional Intelligence?

It is the ability to • UNDERSTAND: The needs & feelings of Self & other people. • MANAGE: one’s own feelings in positive & constructive way. • RESPOND: To others in right ways. • (Managing response irrespective of stimulus)

• Visualize role of Fear & Desire.

Analyze the event and explain‌ JM

Assess expression of Emotions & their Impact‌

Insight into Emotions Sr. Primary Secondary emotions no Emotions

Tertiary Emotions



Affection, Lust, Longing



Cheerfulness, Zest, Contentment, Amusement, Bliss, Happiness, enjoyment, Pride Optimism, Enthrallment, satisfaction, elation, ecstasy, euphoria, relief




Amazement, astonishment.



Irritation, Anger cum Frustration Rage, Disgust, Envy, Torment

Irritation, Aggravation, agitation, annoyance, frustration, jealously, hate, dislike, hostility.



Suffering, Sadness, Agony, hurt, depression, hopelessness, grief, Disappointment, Shame, Neglect, sorrow, melancholy, displeasure, guilt, regret. Sympathy



Horror, Nervousness

Adoration, affection, fondness, liking, attraction, caring, tenderness, compassion, sentimentality,

Freight, terror, panic, anxiety, nervousness, worry, distress,

Managing Emotions for success‌ Multiple

Emotional Intelligence: An overview…  “An array of non cognitive capabilities, competencies and skills that influence one’s ability to succeed in coping with environment demand and pressures.”  Is about knowing what feels good, What feels bad and how to go from Bad to Good.  Emotional intelligence is the ability to:  Perceive and control and evaluate emotions.  Identify,, Understand, Manage & Use emotions in (+) & constructive way  Recognize own as well as others emotional states.  Emotional intelligence is also about engaging with others in ways that draw people to you.

Explore Emotional Impact: Bande - Acche hain‌

Steps to promote EI 1. Start thinking about Emotions, Recognize them and Explore their cause. 2. Ascertain if needs to be addressed. (All emotions need not be worked upon) 3. Develop Listening skills & Non verbal communication skills to handle others emotions better. (Eye contact, Facial expression, Tone of voice, Posture & gesture ,Touch etc.)

4. When you start feeling low, enthuse self by self affirmation. 5. Manage your Anger by shifting focus towards interests. 6. While deciding things use Emotions along with Facts. 7. Accept Conflict as part of life and work to Resolve it positively. 8. Identify your stress, its causes & address the same through right means.

To Achieve & Enjoy: Manage Emotions… Click to edit Master text styles Second level ● Third level ● Fourth level ● Fifth level

For Work life Balance: Practice Self Discipline…  To achieve Goals withstand pressure/Stress.  Manage response irrespective of Stimulus.  To handle Stress: Practice Self Discipline (APA)  Manage Time to Utilize in first shot & Create from Q3.  Prioritize “What to do”& Decide “What not to do”  Be more Productive by remaining Goal directed.  Couple Hard Work with SMART Work.  Convert Let Things Happen to Make Things Happen

It’s Time to say…

Thank you.

Negative Thoughts increase Circle of Concern

Circle of Concern

Circle of Influence

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