Own your people

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Insight into Self Behavior

Branch & leaves Visible from distance / Fast Changing

Visible from Distance / Fast Changing

I Attitude Visible if we go Close /

Influenced from Environment

Trunk Visible if we go Close / Slow Changing

Slow Changing

Thoughts Invisible / Very Slow Changing



Invisible / Very slow Changing

Insight into Self & the Organization  “I” is a bunch of roles made up of KSA + GOAL. (SMART & SWOT). Different way of seeing things

 “I”–Role = Empty, Role–Personality (KSA)= Ineffective.  Goals help us to use KSA, be Productive, & Develop

For Young and Aspiring Managers……………

 Growth & Development help succeed in Changing Roles.  Organizations are Vehicles to our goals & must earn Profits. (O2)  To Succeed do what is important for the Organization.  Quickly shift from “My Right” to the “Common Right”. www.apshubham.com

The story of the eagle…

Some Important Shifts in Business World  Monopolistic to Competitive.  Authoritative to Persuasive.  Instruction to Indication.  Product driven to Market driven.  Volumes to Contribution driven.  Employment to Employability. www.apshubham.com

Some of the Challenges:

Create Competitive Advantage

Improve Customer Satisfaction


Increase Business Efficiency

Control Costs

Leverage Intellectual Assets

Basic forward path:  Path ahead demands:  Higher automation, higher competition, lower realizations.

 Success depends on improvement in:  Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, Behavior, & Out looks of people.  Use of technology by trained Man- power.  Concern for Quality & Passion for Excellence.  Work culture causing higher productivity, & profile enhancement. www.apshubham.com

Managers are required to: Maintain People & Accomplish Targets Use Team Strengths to Beat Beat the Targets Targets Track team member’s work to get desired result. result.

Give instructions and/or orders to subordinates.

Ensure their Safety, Security & Health. SMARTLY decide when to Pitch in & Pitch out. Optimally utilize Power & Authority to:

Ensure compliance of Law.

Train People for proficient performance.  Use Head, Heart & Guts properly.  Display love to Win & make Team Win. www.apshubham.com

Be responsible for the work & actions of other employees.

To retain people: know what type of superior inspires them  Knows him self & Understand people properly.  Displays Power and Direction. (Engine)

 Feels responsible for Tasks, Team & the Individual.  Sets SMART challenging & agreed targets.  Displays confidence in teams ability.  Hold together when going is rough.  Makes more demands on self than others. www.apshubham.com

Responsibilities of Managers  Understand the strategies developed by Top Mgt. & implement them.  Achieve the Sectional =>Org Goals.  But at times they:  Strive to achieve their Goals in isolation, ignoring needs of other Departments.  This creates Functional-Myopia.  At times they start working at Cross purposes.


As Manager: Aim high & Inspire others to achieve  Strive for excellence & to achieve the Goal.  Observable Behavior:  Be Active, Work hard, attempt challenging tasks enjoy doing difficult things & look for quality.  Steps to enhance Achievement Motivation:

Don't compare yourself with any one in this world.

If you compare, you are insulting yourself.

1. Volunteer to take more & new responsibilities.

Conflict emerges when parties:

2. Take moderate risks, face adversity & succeed.

Get Goal Directed.

3. Be future oriented, innovative & show tolerance. 4. Convert thoughts into words and deeds.


Depend on each other. See variance between: Expected & Actual behavior.

To get Results: Clarify Roles & set clear Goals.  Clarifying: “WHAT”, “WHEN” & “HOW” of the tasks  Make the person agree & write his agreed Goal.  Let him realize all the dimensions of the goal carefully.  Tell him what a good behavior looks like.  Make him revisit his efforts towards goal frequently.  Tell him if or not his behavior supports his goal.  For people to contribute well & enjoy their work, they must know when they are doing well or doing poorly. www.apshubham.com

To Drive results: Show Functional Competence  Complete in-depth, practical understanding of each & every aspect related to the function, Value them all & leverage the knowledge.  Apply functional expertise innovatively to improve quality of service.  Follow Systems & show command over Processes & Procedures.  Display knack to spot deviations & take steps to correct them swiftly.  Be Sharp to pick up useful experiences from Seniors.  Have Open mind to change work patterns to suit the situation.  Display Capacity to see the unobvious. Thinking out of box. www.apshubham.com

To Drive results: Praise at the right moment  Stay in touch & observe the activities closely.  Make them record their work & ask the report regularly & use them to spot them doing right. \ .

 Praise on right things, reinforces (+) behavior.  Through personal contact make them feel that you are on their side.  Look into the eye of the person and tell him specifically what good he did and you are really happy about it.  Remain consistent. www.apshubham.com

To Drive results: Reprimand at the right moment  For wrong behavior reprimand immediately.  To reprimand Go to the person & confirm the facts.  Don’t smile, look straight in the eye, tell precisely what wrong has been done, & how you feel about it not more then 30 seconds. (Crisp and Clear).  Let what you have said, sink in for a few seconds.  Tell him how you see him & never expected this from him, & you don’t like this to get repeated.  It indicates that you are on top of things and he can not get away with sloppiness.  If you don’t attack the person but only to his behavior it is easier for the person to be receptive and open to accept. www.apshubham.com

As Manager: Manage Mind to Control Ego & Emotions MOTIVATION

 Our mind is a Garden, we are the Gardner.  Weed out the waste, Maintain the Good & Bring in the new.

The story about Tiny Frogs

 Be a Self-Starter & use Goals as Motivator.  Link Fear of Loss & Hope of Gain with goals for assured success.  Control Dislikes & avoid loss of credibility. www.apshubham.com


To Maintain People: Manage your response


To Maintain People: Express self Assertively  Effective Expression is a must to:  Assign tasks & give feedback on performance.  Assess the results with preset goals, & take corrective actions.  To cause Understanding, Acceptance & Action, remain alert to the Intellectual & Emotive level, and see that the message is found Logical.  Create an environment of trust and confidence.  Listen Empathically, use Feed-back & Grape-wine.





Compromising Unassertive


To Manage Work Place: Practice Collaboration






To Manage Work place: Build upward communication Listening is hearing with thoughtful attention.

Probing interviewing Enquiring

Use eyes, ears & brain to understand Words & feelings. Make them Read & Express through In-house Magazine. Encourage them to express process limitations & flaws.

Information collection


To manage work place: Maintain Discipline  Discipline: Is orderly behavior under control or command.  Poor discipline shows Omission & Commissions.  Is needed for smooth business & its prosperity.  Must be directed towards “an act” but not “against the person”. “Fair & Firm”.  Statutes provide uniform terms & conditions of employment. (Industrial Employment - Standing Orders Act 1946)  Disciplined employees are “not the creation of GOD” but are the fruits of efforts of dedicated Line Managers. www.apshubham.com

To manage work place: Handle Indiscipline properly  Indiscipline is a behavior of a person who does:  With understanding and intention.  With knowledge of doing something wrong.  Does thing recklessly not bothering about its results.  It is a violation of a definitive law or doing a forbidden act.  Anticipate & Address irritants to avoid Indiscipline.  Develop network to “observe occurrence=> investigate=> report for action”.  To maintain discipline follow “Red Hot Stove Theory”.  It provides Warning, Impact is Immediate, Consistent and Impersonal. www.apshubham.com

To “OWN YOUR PEOPLE” practice:

Walk the Talk

An Eagle’s Eye

(Be the Role Model)

(Knack to spot deviations)

SMART Listener

Empathic Custodian

(Listening Untold)


(Appreciate the concerns)

It’s Time to say…


Make others: Understand, Accept and Act. (+)


Make others: Understand, Accept and Act (-)


D2: Session 3: Assess Inter Personal effectiveness


D2:Session1: Manage Mind & Motivate self


D2: Session1: Manage Mind: Control Ego & Emotions


D 2: Session 2: To Achieve Targets Pursue Tasks.


D 2: Session 2: To Achieve Targets Build Relations


D 2: Session 2: As leader display Passion to Achieve


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