6 minute read

Engaging In Conversation with AJ Gorman & Kaylene Campbell

By Kelly Roberts

In the dynamic world of lighting design, AJ Gorman and Kaylene Campbell stand out as catalysts for inclusivity and empowerment in the Pacific Northwest. Their inspiring journeys reflect the diverse paths that women can take in the traditionally male-dominated realm of lighting and design.

Now serving as Chapter leaders for Women In Lighting + Design (WILD) Seattle and Portland, respectively, AJ and Kaylene are advocates for gender diversity and professional development in the industry, using WILD as a catalyst for conversation to support women navigating the complexities of modern life.

Initially drawn to architectural engineering, AJ's journey took a decisive turn when she attended a Society of Women Engineers event the weekend before classes began at Penn State. At the event she met Maggie Golden, another active WILD member in Boston, and with Maggie’s prompting during this serendipitous moment, AJ shifted her focus. AJ found a passion for the field, leading to her current career as a lighting designer at Windward Lighting Studio.

I think the Spotlight Series is one of our most popular events because it's women talking about not just their careers, but also their lives in general. Jill was asked how she balanced having a family and starting a business. And Naomi didn't have children, but she was asked to take on more responsibility to cover those that did. That's how their careers interact with their lives, and it’s important to understand that impact.

-AJ Gorman

AJ Gorman

In contrast, Kaylene embarked on her lighting odyssey after a successful career in tax accounting. Looking for a more artistic endeavor, she first pursued interior design, managing to earn her degree while working full time as a single mom with 3 daughters. Her shift to lighting came towards the end of her studies when, during a routine grocery trip, her 5-year-old asked about the lighting of the store.

Kaylene realized that she had been speaking about lighting and focusing on it in her studies so much that her daughters had recognized the passion before she had! Kaylene appreciated how lighting blended her analytical mindset with her creative instincts and has never looked back. She is now a lighting designer at DLR Group.

I think for so long women have been told what we can and cannot talk about. But I’m done with that. There are things women talk about because we really understand what it's like to hold the entire world on our shoulders. So for me, leveraging conversations that aren't just professional is key to women doing well. We're far more relational in the way we interact and thrive, and gaining industry knowledge to make us good at our jobs is only part of that. But we also want to succeed as women.

-Kaylene Campbell

Kaylene Campbell

Becoming WILD

AJ and Kaylene's journey with WILD began with a shared desire to create a supportive community for women in the lighting industry. AJ's involvement stemmed from her frustration with the lack of open networking opportunities beyond events organized by specific companies. Expressing her desire for a more expansive organization in Seattle, she was introduced to Mariel Acevedo, Eileen Thomas, and the existing Pacific Northwest Chapter. There she joined forces with Mariel, Eileen, and Kaylene to revitalize and expand its reach.

Similarly, Kaylene's path to WILD was influenced by empowering women's content online and inspired by WILD initiatives in Denver. She initially encountered challenges in finding a similar platform until she connected with Mariel in Portland. Recognizing the potential of WILD to provide a safe space for women in the industry, Kaylene eagerly embraced the opportunity to contribute to its growth and impact.

Originally, Portland and Seattle were combined under the Pacific Northwest Chapter, but the success of WILD in their respective areas led to a geographical split. Despite the physical distance separating them, Seattle and Portland remain united in their shared mission, co-hosting virtual events for both sets of members.

Their developing Spotlight Series, featuring interviews with lighting powerhouses such as Naomi Miller of PNNL and Jill Cody of Dark Light Design, is a chance to highlight professionals from diverse backgrounds and career stages. By amplifying women's voices and highlighting their contributions to the field, they are challenging stereotypes and breaking down barriers that have historically hindered women's advancement in male-dominated industries.


Holding Space

As chapter leaders, AJ and Kaylene spearhead efforts to create diverse and engaging events that cater to the broad interests and needs of their members. Non-lighting related conversations play a crucial role within the WILD community, offering opportunities to connect on a deeper level beyond professional interests. By addressing topics like menopause, work-life balance and career-family dynamics, they are creating a safe space where women can share their struggles, insights, and advice with one another.

These conversations not only validate individual experiences but also highlight common challenges – they dismantle the isolation often experienced in male-dominated fields and provide a platform for mutual understanding and solidarity.

As AJ and Kaylene emphasize, these conversations are essential for empowering women to navigate the complexities of modern life. Many of the topics discussed are considered taboo in the business world, but it is impossible to separate your life at home from your life in the office. There is an intersection between leveraging conversations that are more personal to help create a supportive ecosystem where women can thrive professionally.

Visions for the Future

AJ and Kaylene harbor ambitious dreams for the future of both their local communities and the lighting industry at large. Their shared vision revolves around prioritizing inclusivity and openness to counteract the competitive and exclusionary tendencies that often plague other professional organizations.

For Kaylene, she envisions WILD becoming the new standard for women in lighting, where membership is not just encouraged but essential for professional growth and networking opportunities.

Similarly, AJ envisions a future where WILD serves as a catalyst for change, inspiring greater engagement and participation from younger generations and marginalized communities. She emphasizes the importance of reaching out to high schools and colleges to raise awareness about career opportunities in lighting and design, particularly among women and people of color. By championing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, AJ aims to dismantle barriers and create a more equitable playing field for aspiring lighting professionals.

Both AJ and Kaylene are committed to leveraging WILD's platform to spark meaningful conversations, drive industrywide transformation, and ultimately shape a future where everyone, regardless of background or identity, feels empowered to pursue a career in lighting and design. Through their unwavering dedication and forward-thinking leadership, AJ and Kaylene are paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive future for women in the lighting industry.

WILD Portland WILDpdxOR@gmail.com

WILD Seattle wildseattlewa@gmail.com

Women in Lighting and Design womeninlightinganddesign.org info@womeninlightinganddesign.org@womeninlightinganddesign

Become a WILD member today!

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