Designing Dublin : The Compendium

Page 173

04 / Market Wheels How can a movable market make citizens happy, healthy and engaged by bringing the produce of the Market’s to the City?

03 / Smoothie Champions How can a smoothie shop act as a stimulus to facilitate the people of Dublin to become champions of local initiatives?

02 / Conversation Bakery How can a bakery nurture links between Dublin City Council and its citizens, while growing a more engaged, open and collaborative City?

01 / People’s Café How can a café facilitate unemployed people to create and run businesses that provide local food to the people living in the City?

09 / After School Shop

10 / Jamming Space

How can an after-school shop educate a new generation of confident, ambitious and entrepreneurial young people in the City? 164

How can a rehearsal studio grow music in the City by providing a space for musicians to practice and share their skills?

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