Shana Zucker Graphic Design Portfolio

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PORT 2018

shana zucker


so as nature

so as nature

so as nature













Children to our



hen I was a kid, we had family dinners every night. My dad was a successful dentist and my mom was a lawyer/politician, so they were busy. And my sisters and I were busy with all sorts of activities like choir, student council, musicals and more. But somehow, I always felt connected to my parents. Despite the fact that they were both successful in their chosen careers, they always talked to us. They always knew what was going on in our lives. And I felt like I could talk to them about anything. These days, things seem to be different. And I’m not sure what happened, but it seems like most families’ way of life today doesn’t focus on keeping the parent/child connection close. We could blame it on technology or a highly competitive culture (thus, the need to have your child in 10 different activities and be the best at all of them). Whatever the reason, just because most of our society is becoming more and more disconnected, that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice that closeness with your children. Being a single mom of two boys, I know all too well the importance of building and keeping a strong connection with your children. So, here are five simple ways you can stay connected to your children:

by: Carol Morgan


1. Ask them questions about their life. I know that sounds like an obvious thing to do, but I can’t tell you how many parents don’t do that! For example, I know someone who has no clue if her teenage son is dating anyone or not. That blows my mind. I’m not judging the people who are unaware of their children’s lives, because it might not even occur to them that they should be asking questions. But knowing information about what’s going on in your kids’ lives will lead you to a situation I just encountered the other day. My 14 year-old son came to me for advice about how to tell a girl (who is a friend of his) that he likes her. To me, that is so much more satisfying than not knowing what’s going on. Plus, asking questions of your kids sends the message that “I love you enough to want to know what is going on Parenting | 14 with you.”

ever hug your child, try doing it. It may be uncomfortable at first, but it’s worth it. And if you already do it, try doing it more often.

3. Figure out what they like and learn about it. Does your child like skateboarding? Playing with the Rubik’s cube? Creating art? Every kid has their own “thing” that they are passionate about. So take some time to learn about it so you can share in their joy! Here’s one example. My sister’s son is a huge car fanatic. She, on the other hand, couldn’t care less about them. So in order to stay connected to him, she decided to do some research on the fastest cars in the world, so

when I see families doing that, it makes me sad. Technology as almost a replacement for human interaction these days. And don’t forget - as a parent, you model the behavior that your child will probably adopt later in life. So if you are constantly on your phone or computer, then you may as well not even be there. Sure, you’re “there” physically, but not emotionally and mentally. And that’s what really counts.

5. Play and do activities with them. Not everyone is a good “talker.” In other words, some prefer to be the one doing the activities, over talking. So if you are like that (and even if you’re not like that), then why not try engaging in more activities with your child and as a family? Play cards or cool new games, go for a walk, play basketball, or pretty much anything else that you and your child find enjoyable. It doesn’t matter what it is. The point is to spend T-I-M-E with your child. Because that’s how children spell L-O-V-E.

“Everything you say, do or don’t do, can change who they are. So make your actions count!”

2. Hug, touch or sit near them. Humans need touch. In fact, many scientific studies have proven this to be true! The results of the research say that touch can increase trust, decrease violence, strengthen the immune system and increase overall well-being. This might be difficult for some people, especially if they grew up in a family that didn’t exhibit touching behavior such as hugs or kisses. My family is one in which we took it seriously. We always hug and kiss on the cheek when we say hello or goodbye. Some people might find it odd, but I love it. So if you’re a parent who doesn’t

she could have a quality conversation with him. Not only did that give her material for her to feel close to him, it also sent the message that she cares enough to learn about what he’s interested in. Sometimes, it’s these subtle messages that mean the most.

4. Have “technologyfree” times and places. Have you ever been out to a restaurant and looked around at the other people? If not, you should try it. Typically what you will see is people looking at their phones and not talking to each other. It’s bad enough when it’s just two people sitting there, but

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Being a good parent is not easy. But keep in mind that your children are only kids for a very short time, and everything you say, do (or don’t do) can change who they are. So make your actions count!

Connect in Just 10 Minutes Talking with your kids can happen when you’re working on a project or doing a chore together, going on a walk, or taking just one child on an errand. Here are a few favorite topics for each age group:


Reminiscing together: just a simple recount of the day or of a favorite family event can be very enjoyable for you and your child.


Discuss with your child, his/her likes and dislikes. Learn a bit about who this young

Parenting | 15

person is; pretend play scenarios and make up stories together.


Asking your children about things they care about but you’re not usually excited to talk about – giving just 10 minutes to say “yes” to talking about Minecraft or a recent movie for instance; asking them to teach you about something they’ve learned – all the better if you genuinely don’t know the answers.

PACKAGE DESIGN Product Code GG0009


Manufactured in China for Gamez Galore Ltd, Manchester, M25 0HS


Not suitable for children under 3 years. Small Parts. Choking Hazard. Please retain this information for future referance. Assembly by adult.


The perfect crad le for your dolls and soft toys to sleep safe and sound! k

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The perf ect highcha ir for your dolls toys to si and soft t and eat!

The perf ect hig hcha ir for your dolls toys to si and soft t and eat!

Doll’s Product Code GG0009

Manufactured in China for Gamez Galore Ltd, Manchaster, M25 OHS


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Product Code GG0009


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Product Code GG0009 Product Code GG0009

The perfect high chair for your dolls and soft toys to sit and eat!

Not suitable for children under 3 years. Not suitable for children under 3 years. Small Parts. Choking Hazard. Small Parts. Choking Hazard. Please retain this information for future referance. Please retain this information for future referance. Assembly by adult. Assembly by adult.

g din ed B

Not suitable for children under 3 years. Small Parts. Choking Hazard. Please retain this information for future referance. Assembly by adult.

0-3 Manufactured in China for Gamez Galore Ltd, Manchaster, M25 OHS

Manufactured in China for Gamez Galore Ltd, Manchester, M25 0HS


The perfect high chair for your dolls and soft toy s to sit and eat!


The perf ect highcha ir for yo ur dolls toys to si and soft t and eat!

Not suitable for children under 3 years. Small Parts. Choking Hazard. Please retain this information for future referance. Assembly by adult.

Not suitable for children under 3 years. Small Parts. Choking Hazard. Please retain this information for future referance. Assembly by adult.

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Planning is the essence of a memorable vacation and chayIsrael will very gladly assist you in making the right choices and for the best prices


Here at Chayisrael we make dreams happen! Israel is the land of opportunity and adventure, land of Milk & Honey‌ Snow & Sunny! There is so much more than what meets the eye, whether this is your 1st or 70th trip to the holy land there is always more to explore. Few countries have so much geographic variety packed into such a small space. Distances are short, so you can relax on a Mediterranean beach one day, spend the next floating in the mineral-rich waters of the dead sea, the day after skiing in the Golan Heights, and everything in between.

BROCHURE DESIGN TRIP PLANNING Chay Israel is your personal trip planner in Israel. Creating customised itineraries to fit your exact needs likes and even dislikes. We remove the stress, by creating a bespoke package and handle all the booking and planning for you from hotels, cars, personal drivers, places of interest and even your dietary needs. Our itineraries aren’t canned, and we don’t have group tours with other families, (although we can organize a custom group tour, just for your family and friends). Our work is all custom tailored, based on your wishes.


Paint the sunscreen on the kids and slide into Israel’s world of fun and beauty. We will create a perfect itinerary for you, with a combination of extreme fun in the sun, water, museums, exhilarating amusements and an all-around fantastic experience. Whether you are traveling with young children or elderly people there is an endless breadth of things to do. Beautiful hikes, fascinating archaeological sites, cool caves, shaded picnic spots, short and long trails, natural springs and wildlife sightings which are sure to delight all ages. With us you will get an itinerary created to fit your personal travel style and interests, taking into account even the small details and requirements. You’ll receive the dedicated attention of our travel designer with in-depth knowledge of the destinations and many years of experience.


Experience Israel through the tastes and smells; make it a gastronomic adventure and discover Israel’s innovative and contemporary cuisine. Israel boasts some of the most exclusive restaurants in the most unique settings in the world. There is no shortage of fast food joints or food on the go either, we can arrange you packed lunches and snacks so you can travel around worry free. Eating ice cream is a great summer pastime too. Israeli ice cream parlours serve up an Italian-style gelato with a dash of chutzpa in many flavour combinations. You can still get chocolate, don’t worry, but there’s also hummus, cheesecake, and the spicest flavours.


During your stay in Israel, you will have the opportunity to stay in some of the World’s best hotels. Choosing your perfect fit can be daunting at the best of times. Whether you are looking for a world class city hotel, a hotel oozing with history, or some splendid country spas we have options for every style and budget. Due to our high sales volume, our partners give us exclusive pricing and the best service possible, enabling us to pass this on further to you.



A car becomes necessary if you want to explore the Galilee or the sites along the coast. Distances are short, so you can take in many sites. Major road signs are almost always in Hebrew and English; don’t panic if on a major highway a sign is only in Hebrew—the next sign up or the one beyond will usually have the information you need in English. We can therefor help you rent a car at the best rate guaranteed. However In the main Israeli cities, such as Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Jerusalem, a car is not only unnecessary, it’s a burden. Parking is very difficult, and these cities are also cursed with such arcane driving regulations as “no left turns for 7 blocks, Sunday to Thursday 11am to 2pm.” Therefore you might just want to relax and enjoy your holiday, and easily let someone else do the driving for you. We have some great drivers with luxury cars at our disposal which can make your whole experience a new and smoother ride!

Shabbatons Are you planning a Shabbat Chatan, Sheva Brachot or other family get together? You’ve come to the right place. This is your opportunity to organize an event where all the preparations are on us and all the compliments come to you. Here, at last, you have an opportunity to enjoy your special, exciting celebration together with your family and close friends with no need to give too much attention to the details of the event. There is no need to arrange, to coordinate, to organize; leave all that to us. We at the Chayisrael will take care of everything for you.


EVENT PLANNING We also offer event planning for Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, corporate events, Shabbatons and more. Our resources mean we have the finest suppliers and resources available at the best prices, so we can take care of every aspect of your experience in Israel no matter how big or small your event is. Whether you are planning a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, getting together with family for Shabbat or would like to treat your employees to a well-deserved summer break, leave all the technical planning to us, we will direct you to the right venue, perfect suppliers and create picture perfect memories for you and your loved ones. Come as the host and feel like a guest...

Corporate Events Whether a congress, a convention, a seminar, an important meeting, a party for your customers or for your staff, or literally whatever it is, events are crucial to getting your message across, getting your product marketed and sold, obtaining cooperation and financing, or creating a team. Chayisrael will create the event for you, not so you just hold an event, but so that you get the exact product you wish to get from it. It is important for any company to realize that its greatest wealth is the combined willingness of its staff. It is therefore invaluable to cater to this willingness and make it grow strong, getting all employees really behind company goals and strategies and forwarding them energetically. This can be done with team building alone. Team building is usually done through events tailored for your company. Chayisrael will create any of these events with you so you do achieve the absolute best envisioned result.

Bar/Bat Mitzva Celebrating a bar/bat mitzvah in Israel is a magical experience both for the bar/bat mitzvah boy or girl, the family and all the guests who come out of town. Of course, that’s the fun part. There’s also the hard part — planning. However satisfying the outcome, the planning stages are fraught with challenges, hoops and hurdles, so it’s best to leave the planning to the experts. Whether you are looking for a small intimate family Bar/Bat Mitzvah in Israel, a private tour, or plan on having a complete Bar/Bat Mitzvah with guests from abroad in Israel, we can help. Together we will plan the perfect ceremony, tour and celebration, for your child. We will provide your child with a lifetime’s worth of memories and deepen his or her connection to Israel. You can choose to have us plan the actual Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony, tour of Israel, as well as the celebration.




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