Chani Morgenstern Graphic Design Portfolio

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Project: A brochure for a upright charity organisation, ‘Ezra Care’. They specialise in the medical field and every area they work with has it’s individual colour theme and logo.

Outcome: I went for a bright inviting look with clean typography portraying quality, professionalism and sophistication. Every page was designed with colours that coordinated with the logo for that page.


Public Awareness campaign against bullying

Project: These series of adverts were created for a anti-bullying campaign, ‘united we stand, divided we fall’. After re-searching the topic in great depth I took a great amount of time drafting and planning, trying to come up with clever slogans and images to go along with it.

Outcome: The main area I focused on was adult bullying and even more so, bullying in the work place. I came up with sharp slogans and put it together with a image that would depict that slogan. When looking at the poster emotions and thought should come onto a person.

Book Cover

Project: 'You'll be a survivor' a newly released book about a teenager who looses her mother and her grandmother tells her she will be a survivor. We are also introduced to the world of high school politics.

Outcome: I used a swing to depict the loneliness and dificault teenage stages. The 2 girls portray the good and friendly times.

Branding Project: Menu and logo design for ‘Trattoria Natalei’, an up-scale Italian restaurant.

Outcome: Neat and elegant font choice together with the gold colour is used to portray a calm upper class atmosphere. To the right are the different logo options i came up with but i stuck to my final one since i felt it had that bit more elegance and professional look.

Menu This menu was designed with clear and neat fonts to further portray the upper class look of the restaurant. The food images were all given great effects to make it look tempting and inviting


Corporate Identity T H E



A new identity was to be created for a popular Israeli singer. Re-search into the nature of the singer was done. Included in this project was a complete stationary set.

Outcome: Different logos along the theme of singing were drafted. The colours and font choice depicted a modern look which the singer wanted. The treble clef was imbedded into the logo, fitting perfectly into the singers name thus giving the branding that exclusive element. Sample logos and symbols that were tried can be seen, I went along with the final one since it had the most exciting look and fit the theme perfectly.


Project: Study the work of Saul Bass, a typographer and Graphic Designer from 1920 – 1996. Using the re-search I was to create a poster advertising an exhibition of the designers work and a poster giving tribute to the designer.

Outcome: During the re-search I discovered that Saul largely designed motion picture title sequences, corporate logos and movie posters. Bass is famous for his use of simple, geometric shapes and their symbolism. Often, a single dominant image stands alone to deliver a powerful message. The average lifespan of a Saul Bass logo is a whopping 34 years. I looked at those posters and logos and came up with my design – which is a mixture of Saul Bass’ work an typography typical to him.


Project: A new family Magazine, ‘Landscape’ for readers looking for easy, fascinating and intelligent reading. Included in this project was table of contents and articles.

Outcome: A few logos were drafted but I went for the cleanest comfortable one. A lot of work was put into the fonts, type settings and images of the articles so that the page would have the right balance of interest, clarity and relevance.

Stationary Set

Project: Using colour theory, design a coordinating stationary and gift set.

Outcome: I picked a colour and then tried out designs with Monochromatic, complimentary and analogous .I chose a bright welcoming and mature design that would go for older Teenagers. I felt my Monochromatic palate looked the most cheerful and stuck with that.

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