Desi Australia Issue 11 July 2018

Page 32


YouGo with Rajni – Let’s Be Mindful Series Learn to de-stress through these mindfulness tips and exercises on-the-go Rajni Ghai Malhotra

Part 3 Mindfulness Mantras Mindfulness is the practice of training the mind to be responsive to the breath and to be able to internalise in moments of stress. By bringing attention to the present moment, mindfulness helps people to fight stress and navigate toxic emotions and situations in a calm and controlled manner. However, it may not always be easy to practice mindfulness. Sometimes a little extra inspiration can help make mindfulness more meaningful. That’s where mantras (mottos) come in. Mantras are like keywords that may be used to trigger and encourage the mind into resetting itself and forming a connect with the self. Here are five handy mindfulness mantras that you could use to regain calm, to internalise and move forward with coordinated breath and thought Just Breathe Simple as that! Your breath is the quickest and surest way to connect with yourself and the present moment. And, as you focus on your breath, you could use any of the following words to navigate your emotional state and reestablish a balanced centred you. Inhale peace, exhale stress. Inhale happiness, exhale worries. Inhale confidence, exhale doubt Inhale calm, exhale chaos. “Bringing awareness to our breathing, we remind ourselves that we are here now, so we might as well be fully awake for whatever is happening.” – Jon Kabat-Zinn I am ALL here NOW “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” – Budha It’s all about being in the present moment. Dwelling in the past brings forth regrets and depression while


thinking about the future invites worries and anxieties. By focusing on the present, you can escape needless worries and negative emotions. Be present and be present completely. In the famous words of Jim Elliot, “Wherever you are, be all there” – wherever you may be physically present, bring your emotional and mental presence to that same location. I create my own calm “The stiller you are, the calmer life is” Rasheed Ogunlaru Create that calm for yourself where you are able to unwind, to disconnect with the flow of rush around you and Just Be. Identify your ‘calm activity’ - Meditate, walk, sing, dance, read, write, cook (or anything you like). You can find your calm in any activity of your choice. Allow yourself a few mindful minutes every day to de-stress while engaging in this activity. Create your ‘calm space’ – It could be outdoors or indoors, away from home (such as the park or library) or at home, it could be your garden or simply a spot by the fire in a cosy corner of your room. Spend a few mindful moments in your calm space every day to still your thoughts and reconnect with yourself. I accept what is “What would it be like – if I could July, 2018

accept life – accept this moment exactly as it is?” – Tara Brach Acceptance is the art of letting things be as they are and finding peace in that. ‘I accept what is’ Repeat these words to yourself until you are able to train your mind in the art of acceptance. Sometimes it is best to let things be, to let circumstances unfold as they do, to simply watch and move with the flow. Gratitude “The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become” – Robert Holden. Let gratitude become a way of life. When you bring your attention to the blessings in your life, you generate positivity and a happy vibe within you. The attitude of gratitude allows you to shift your focus from what you ‘don’t have’ to what you ‘do have’. There YouGo! simpler still!



To phrase it in the words of Sharon Salzberg, “Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it.” Yours mindfully, Rajni Yoga and Mindfulness Consultant, YouGo Yoga

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