Desert Local News November 2023 Special Issue!

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November 2023 Special


24 of 240 Hostages Released

First, Hamas Hostages Arrive in Israel ~ Page 2, 12


November, 2023


The Red Cross took care of the transfer of the hostages from the Gaza Strip to Israel via Egypt

The first Hamas hostages to be released as part of the deal between the terrorist organization and Israel are safe and finally back on Israeli territory! Among those released were 13 Israelis, including several dual nationals, said Qatari Foreign Ministry spokesman Madsched al-Ansari on Friday. According to information from Qatar, which mediated between Israel and Hamas, ten Thais and one Philippine citizen were also released. Israeli television reported that most of the hostages in Kibbutz Nir Oz had been kidnapped by terrorists on October 7.


Some of the released Israeli hostages on their way to freedom The hostages are now to be housed in protected rooms in Israel, where they will receive the necessary medical treatment and support. This was announced by the Israeli army - and called on the public and the media to be patient and sensitive. “We ask everyone to respect the privacy of the released hostages and their families.” Psychologists believe that the children, in particular, could be severely traumatized after seven weeks of being held hostage. Hostage deal between Israel and Hamas As part of a four-day ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, which began on Friday morning, a total of 50 of the

approximately 240 Hamas hostages are to be released. In return, 150 Palestinian prisoners are to be removed from Israeli prisons - three Palestinian prisoners for every Israeli hostage. According to the Palestinian Prisoners’ Commission, 24 women and 15 young people were handed over to the Red Cross for transportation to Israel on Friday. Mediator Qatar confirmed the release of 39 Palestinian prisoners. They were previously transferred from Damun Prison to Ofer Prison between Jerusalem and Ramallah (West Bank), according to a spokeswoman for the Israeli Prison Authority. Continues on Page 12 November, 2023

power transfer between to individuals who maintain cognitive Age may be just a function beyond most adults their age. administrations. number, but it can Did you know that Methuselah, sometimes be considered According to a recent AP-NORC a prominent figure in Judaism, a disadvantage when poll, 77% of Americans think President Christianity, and Islam, was believed Biden is too old to serve another to have lived for 969 years according running for president. term. This opinion was even stronger to the Book of Genesis? Neither Biden Most Americans think among Democrats. It is worth noting (81) nor Trump (77) come anywhere that Nancy Pelosi, who is 83 years that Joe Biden and close to resembling him! Methuselah old, is seeking re-election in 2024. In was the son of Enoch, the father of Donald Trump are too contrast, Chuck Grassley, the current Lamech, and the grandfather of Noah. old to lead the United Republican Senate Majority Leader, is Pretty cool, huh? 78 years old and, indeed, not a young Age has emerged as a paramount States. At 81 and 77 man either. concern among the majority of voters. years old, respectively, Noah Burden, a communication Whether Biden and Trump are consultant aged 28 from Alexandria, they have already too old for the job has become a yearns for a younger political figure to surpassed the average significant topic of discussion in the occupy the White House. Contrarily, 2024 presidential campaign. Critics life expectancy of men Greg Pack, a 62-year-old voter from argue that their age diminishes their Ardmore, Oklahoma, is seeking a and are well beyond the credibility and ability to innovate paradigm shift and is exhausted with retirement age of most in Congress, while others say this witnessing someone like Trump, who argument has been unfairly used seems self-absorbed and takes pride U.S. senators. Moreover, against them. in flaunting his allegations as badges it is difficult to imagine of honor. Longevity researcher S. Jay either continuing to hold Olshansky points out that both can power during a flawed qualify as “super-agers,” which refers 3

November, 2023

In today’s world, it’s hard not to be overwhelmed by the constant news of conflict, loss, and devastation. However, amidst all this negativity, there is a glimmer of hope and positivity in the form of the Dog Photographer of the Year 2023 award. Established three years ago, the award quickly became a cherished event showcasing the incredible bond between humans and


their furry companions. This annual competition features photographs depicting dogs in multiple settings, capturing their unique personalities and behaviors. From heartwarming moments of loyalty and affection to humorous playfulness and mischief, each photo tells a story and celebrates the joy dogs bring.

The Dog Photographer of the Year award is a testament to the beauty and resilience of these beautiful creatures, and it reminds us that amidst all the chaos and negativity in the world, there is still so much to be grateful for. Whether you’re a dog lover or appreciate the art of photography, this competition will surely warm your heart and lift your spirits. November, 2023

The California Lottery urges players to be responsible when gifting as we approach the holiday shopping season. Lottery tickets are not suitable as toys or stocking stuffers for children. Even though our games are intended to bring fun and joy during the holiday season, particularly our holidaythemed Scratchers®, it’s vital to remember that it’s illegal for anyone under 18 to participate in lottery activities. Carolyn Becker, the spokesperson of the California Lottery, emphasized the importance of being aware of this. It has been found that the earlier a person is exposed to gambling, the higher their chances of developing a gambling addiction later in life. Usually, exposure to gambling during childhood occurs through

lottery games, where a child may be given tickets by an adult who is unaware of the risks involved, as per the National Council on Problem Gambling. The California Lottery strictly follows the law prohibiting the sale of Lottery games to anyone under 18. Their network of over 23,000 retail partners has been informed of the same. The Lottery also employs underage decoys to prevent sales to minors and ensure compliance. The California Lottery is committed to maintaining the highest possible standards in-game sales and promoting responsible gaming. Their efforts have been recognized through the World Lottery Association’s highest certification and recertification for their educational initiatives. For additional information about the National Council on Problem Gambling’s campaign on responsible gifting, please click here.


The city of Desert Hot Springs has recently announced that it has received a grant of $107,000 from the California Office of Traffic Safety. The donation will support the ongoing enforcement and education programs of the Desert Hot Springs Police Department. Specifically, the grant will allow the department to increase its efforts to make the roads safer for everyone by increasing DUI checkpoints and patrols, hosting community presentations on traffic safety issues, collaborating on enforcement efforts with neighboring agencies, and funding officer training and recertification. Police Chief Jim Henson said that the grant will help officers focus on critical areas such as distracted driving, impaired driving, and speeding, which are all leading causes of severe injuries and deaths in traffic collisions.


Max Liebermann Publisher Editor-in-chief 760-808-7104 NEWS ROOM DesertLocalNews JustTheFactsMax WeGoViral DesertFox STAFF WRITERS JTFMax Pat Krause Robert Kinsler Pam Price George Paul ADVERTISEMENT Javier Soto Desert Local News is a Membership ‘DLNews1’ Online E-Newspaper For more information email:


November, 2023

Local veterans from Thermal to Twenty-Nine Palms are joining forces to help their comrades needing housing with Desert jAMBOree, a charity fundraiser and entertainment event Dec. 8-10 hosted at the 21 Arrows Ranch in Thermal, California.

ambulances into custom homes designed and constructed by program participants.

Join us for our premier fundraising festival of the year! This weekend event is an opportunity to unite and

Daniel Belew, a founder of, also does his part to end veteran homelessness. Belew, who was once homeless and served as an active-duty Marine for 24 years, understands veterans’ struggles. His non-profit charity is committed to providing housing assistance to veterans in need through a comprehensive three-phase program that addresses immediate housing needs, personal stabilization, job skills training, and a long-term housing solution by transforming retired


November, 2023

make a real difference for homeless veterans in California. With multiple bands performing each day, a great lineup of comedians on Saturday, and fun and exciting games like horseshoes, cornhole, and ladder toss, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Additionally, we will have auctions, guest speakers, food trucks, and vehicle conversion vendors to provide additional ways to support our cause. As of 2020, it was reported that over 11,000 veterans were experiencing homelessness in California. However, our organization is determined to make a difference. Our mission is to help these veterans overcome two significant barriers to finding a permanent home and securing employment anywhere in the country. By identifying eligible veterans and providing them with the support they need, we can positively impact them and help them achieve their goals. We are committed to working towards a future where every veteran can access the resources they need to thrive. A physical address is crucial when completing a job application or a resume. We offer a physical address on our site right from the beginning to facilitate this process for our program participants. While we work together to build a unique tiny home inside a retired ambulance, our recipients will also work towards defining their goals and aspirations. This will help them make meaningful progress towards a positive future.

Daniel Belew

If you or someone you know needs housing assistance in Coachella Valley, we are here to help. You can call us anytime, day or night, and we will provide the guidance and support needed to find suitable housing. RESCUE + RESIDENCE A 501(c)3 Public Charity EIN: 87-4110779 54565 Pinon Ct Yucca Valley, CA 92284 (760)974-2501


This is a group of active duty volunteers I coordinated to support food distribution in Indio with The Narrow Door. November, 2023

Two Are Better than One?


November, 2023

Evelyn Miller (31) has a rare gynecological anomaly couldn’t figure out what was going She is an erotic on.” Sometimes the men would hit partition that separated their two star on the Internet. the Vaginas separated. Imagine finding out that your body has a secret you never knew about... For Evelyn Miller (31,) this became a reality when she discovered that she had not one but two vaginas. The long road to diagnosis Evelyn has two different vaginas, two uteruses, two cervixes, and one ovary in each system. She knew something was “wrong” early on but didn’t receive a diagnosis until she was 20 years old. She was born with uterus didelphys, a rare gynecological condition in which women have two separate reproductive systems. The Australian remembers: “I got my period, and tampons never worked for me.” Sex was also a real challenge for her. “Every time I had sex because my vaginas are tilted outwards, they both felt very different to me, and I


However, it took until pregnancy at age 20 for Evelyn to finally get the answers she sought. At that time, she decided to have an abortion only then did she find out about her malformation.

Despite all the challenges, Evelyn was later able to experience the miracle of pregnancy twice uses twice the amount of tampons every month because she has two periods. One usually takes longer than the other. Since it can be painful if she wears tampons on both genitals at the same time, she must make sure that she uses them at different times. She also has to be tested twice for sexually transmitted diseases.

Double the pleasure on erotic platforms, too. Evelyn explains: “I woke up in the “I worked as an independent recovery room, and they told me that escort traveling around the world for I was still pregnant and that I had two about seven years,” says Evelyn. “I vaginas and that I would have to go was able to use one vagina for work through another abortion because the baby was on the other side.” She and one vagina for my personal describes the experience as traumatic life, which made work much easier but relieving, and finally, knowing what for me emotionally and physically.” After quitting that job and going in a was going on made it a lot easier for different direction, Miller found her her to deal with it. She is now a mother of two and path to success on OnlyFans. The happily married. 31-year-old began producing adult content about and featuring both of her vaginas - with enormous success. Two vaginas, double challenges She says she is so successful that she According to Evelyn, in addition earns thousands of euros monthly on to the health challenges, having two vaginas is also an expensive affair. She the website. November, 2023

Assault on M Thanksgiving


November, 2023

Macy’s g Parade

and ended in front of Macy’s flagship store on 34th Street. Nevertheless, at least briefly, a small group managed to interrupt the event.

be grateful to live in a country with so much. “We are the greatest nation in the world. That’s what we should focus on. “We should focus on dealing with our problems and stopping the strife,” Biden said.

The demonstrators were taken into police custody. While the police did their work, the parade continued with about 8,000 participants. The colossal event was broadcast on NBC.

SquarePants” and “Snoopy.”

Giant balloons, About six protesters, wearing white enthusiastic jumpsuits smeared with fake blood, The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day taped themselves to the ground. They children – and held banners reading “Free Palestine” Parade first took place in 1924. This year, there were new XL balloons, and “Genocide then. Genocide now” in their hands. including Netflix star “Leo the Lizard,” fake blood… but also old “faces” like “Spongebob

In New York, several women and men disrupted the annual “Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade” – and spread hatred of Israel.

According to the organizer, around 3.5 million spectators were expected at the pompous Thanksgiving parade in Manhattan, which moved from the Upper West Side through Central Park


US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden also spoke in one connection. The president said people should pause momentarily to

There wasn’t just something to see in heaven. More than two dozen floats were on the street, with bands from around the country and various clown groups. For many Americans, it is a dream to be there. Some people like to take a long car ride with their kids. November, 2023

Continued from Page 2:

Ex-Defense Minister Benny Gantz (64) comforts an emotional relativ

ISRAEL IS CELEBRATING WITH JOY AND DANCING! 24 Of 240 Hostages Released For the time since October 7, people felt what happiness means again. They laughed, sang, hugged and danced Some cried, others laughed with relief with the helpers. Back in Israel! Back to life!

Was released Friday Margalit Berta Moses (79

They are also among the released hostages: Doron Asher-Katz (34) top and her daughters Aviv (2) Raz (4) 12

On Saturday night, it finally leaked out that Israel had received another list of names of hostages. This was reported by the Israeli portal Ynet, among others. According to this, the families of 13 hostages had been informed. Israeli officials had confirmed that eight of the 13 Israeli hostages to be released on Saturday were children. In return for the release of the first hostages held by Hamas, 39 Palestinian prisoners were to be freed on Friday: 24 women and 15 male teenagers. They were handed over to the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Israeli Ofer prison near Ramallah in the West Bank. Aid supplies are also to be delivered to the Gaza Strip. The authorities are expecting hundreds of trucks full of food and medicine. November, 2023

Guide Dog of the

Desert Fundraiser


Story and Photos by Pat Krause sible to their clients. On Friday the 10th, Guide Dogs of the Desert organized an All-American Fundraiser at the SHOW at the Agua Caliente Resort Casino. The theme for the event was ‘Jazzy Night Out,’ which featured special guest Diane Schuur, a two-time Grammy winner. Over a hundred guests attended the gala, welcomed by a reception and silent auction. The unique aspect of this fundraiser was that guests were allowed to bring their dogs along, and several guide dogs appeared for guests to see. However, it is essential to note that one should never pet a guide dog as it might disrupt training; one can only observe them in action. In the green room, three puppies will eventually be trained as Guide Dogs to give visually impaired clients the freedom and mobility they could not have otherwise. All services Guide Dogs of the Desert provide are acces-


During the dinner hour, Jeff Hocker sang the National Anthem with everyone standing, many with their hand over their heart. The speakers elaborated on the reason for the fundraiser and showed photos MARGARET BURKERT, TREVOR SMITH, BOARD MEMof people with their Guide BER SHELLIE READE, AND CHARLIE CHAPLIN IMPERDogs on the big screen. SONATOR WITH GUIDE DOG JOEY. They also introduced the and expensive, so the fundraiser is volunteers that keep things running necessary to keep the program runsmoothly, the Board of Directors, and ning as more and more guide dogs are other dignitaries. needed today. Retired General Guido Portante mentioned that training a guide dog takes around three years and $50,000. Volunteer puppy raisers are given a dog to raise and coach for over two years, following which they give up the dog for intensive training. Finally, a suitable match is made for a future owner, and they train together for a few more weeks. The process is long

The honored guest of the evening was Diane Schuur, who took the stage with two entertainers to perform on the piano and sing for the audience. She served for almost an hour, much to the delight of her fans. The Guide Dog program was established in 1972, and the funds raised from the event will keep the program running. November, 2023


Ana (23) died at Taylor Swift’s concert: Now, the father and girlfriend of the dead fan are speaking.

After the tragedy at Taylor Swift’s (33) concert, the 23-year-old fan’s relatives speak. “She wanted to fulfill a dream and came back dead,” says the father of


Ana Benevides, who died at Swift’s show in Rio de Janeiro on November 17.

Ana Benevides fainted while Taylor Swift sang “Cruel Summer.” Her friend Daniele Menin accompanied Ana to the concert and reported this to the Brazilian newspaper “Folha.”

On Friday, 60,000 people gathered at the Nilton Santos Stadium to see the American superstar live. The “During the second song, she just mood was initially good despite the broke down. Then we got her out with record heat wave in Brazil. Taylor Swift the help of security and ran to the first aid center at the stadium. They electrified everyone. took care of her and took her to the But the mood quickly changed. ambulance,” said Menin. The fans started screaming for water. Eyewitnesses said they were They fought for their lives, but not allowed to take bottles into the rescuers were unable to revive them. stadium. “They tried for about 40 minutes but couldn’t,” the friend said. The doctors

November, 2023

Taylor Swift in front of 60,000 fans in Rio de Janeiro on November 16th took Ana to the hospital, where everything was tried again, but in the end, Ana was declared dead. “I lost my only daughter, a happy, intelligent girl. She wanted to graduate with a degree in psychology next April and save money. I have no words to express my pain,” Ana’s father, Weiny Machado, told Folha. He now wants to bring his daughter home.


Taylor Swift was deeply affected after her concert, writing: “I can’t even say how devastated I am.” The US star will play two more shows in the same stadium this weekend. Meanwhile, Ana’s desperate father demands answers. He wants to know whether his daughter was denied water at the concert and whether there was negligence in assisting. “I want an investigation into whether

they forbade her to bring her water (to the stadium, editor’s note),” he says. “Nothing will bring my daughter back, but I hope that if the negligence is confirmed, someone will be punished so this doesn’t happen to anyone else.”

November, 2023


November, 2023

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