Viktor Schauberger & Callum Coats - The Fertile Earth (2000)

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can also include some similarly hammered zinc. Instead of burying a barrel, you can also build a clay pit for a water container. It would be ideal to make it two metres deep, eggshaped, and with the pointed end uppermost. There you must leave a small hole and cover it with linen cloth, canvas or other porous material, so that atmospheric oxygen only enters the water in a diffused state. In this way the water will cool to about +4°C and powerful forces will be created and radiated into the surrounding soil.' — Werner Zimmermann. Copper Water From Implosion Magazine, No. 42, p. 26. In a copy of Implosion I read about Viktor Schauberger's visit to a farmer in the Bavarian forest, who scooped water out of a barrel and sprinkled it over his produce. In answer to a question the farmer replied, 'I make copper water in the barrel. In the First World War I was a prisoner of war in southern Russia and there I heard that the Tartars had put copper in their streams since time immemorial and sprayed their gardens with this copper water with great success.' To which Viktor Schauberger replied, 'If you also add zinc to the water, however, then you will obtain an even greater effect.' — Heinz Erven. Re-enlivening Sick Fields In order to enrich sour pastures with sweet-matter, one metre (3 ft) of thin copper wire should be buried in the ground at intervals of 50 cm (20 in.), such that the roughly 15 cm (6 in.) long upper end of the copper wire is made to lie horizontally below the ground surface. Now and again a thin zinc wire is placed within the triangular arrangement of the copper wires and lying in the same direction, in order to bring about the desired ionic interaction. A fairly large barrel, with no metal bands or fittings, is placed in the vicinity of the sick field and buried at such a depth that rainwater can be channelled into it with surface channels. The barrel is then covered over so that only a five cm (2 in.) wide hole is left to permit the entry of diffuse atmospheric oxygen — the hole must be covered with a filter made of the best quality linen. On the lid, rods of zinc and copper are suspended in the ratio of two copper : one zinc. When the water develops a green, algae-like layer, then it is ready to use for watering the sick field.

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