Viktor Schauberger & Callum Coats - Nature as Teacher (1998)

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because I realised that one could detach one's own consciousness from the body and attach it to that of the water. When my own consciousness eventually returned, the water's most deeply concealed psyche often revealed the most extraordinary things to me. As a result of this investigation a researcher was born who could dispatch his consciousness on a voyage of discovery. I was thus able to experience things that had escaped other people's notice, because they were unaware that a human being is able to send forth his free consciousness into those places the eyes cannot see. By practising this blindfold vision, I eventually developed a bond with mysterious Nature, whose essential being I slowly learnt to perceive and understand. In the process it gradually became more and more apparent that we human beings are accustomed to see everything upside down and back-tofront. The greatest surprise was the way we allow our most valuable asset, this great spiritual gift, to flow away unused and retain only the rubbish. This wasteful tendency we owe principally to books that were originally the product of an intuition, but which subsequently became merely the repositories of residual understanding. Books seldom had any connection with their original spirituality. As a result I became an enemy of the so-called erudite, the scientists and scholars, who set down their intellectual dross in black and white. The unsuspecting masses had to accept this garbage as gospel truth and became perverted by it. As a huntsman I gradually developed a great respect for the instinct of supposedly inferior creatures. In their close connection with Nature, they manifest the unadulterated thoughts that Nature has impressed into their animal brains. It became clear to me that consciousness, which has been given to humanity as the final link in Nature's evolving chain, represents a great danger to a capriciously-minded humanity and its habitat. Free consciousness is least free as long as anyone attuned to Nature fails to understand how to make intelligent use of this divine gift. Everything in Nature is built up sequentially, step by step. Therefore as a rule the intellect is something of an outlaw. It runs the gauntlet of a thousand dangers and is subjected to perils more hazardous than unsuspecting humans can imagine. It is therefore inevitable that so much deceit abounds in our societies and that humanity is sinking deeper and deeper into a mire of depravity. This is due to the fact that humanity followed the false dictates propounded by our great philosophers, who then speculatively translated their pseudo-knowledge into a logic generally referred to as mathematics. Kant made the fallacious assertion that any knowledge to which mathematics cannot be applied cannot be described as science. Instead of becoming a creator on Earth, humanity became a vulgar speculator, more and more estranged from truth and reality. Consequently, we lost all connection with Nature and became outlaws in the truest sense of the word.

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