Derby City Mission Annual Review 2023

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God’s Abundant Grace

Last year, God promised to bless us with a deep well of Rehoboth – it means open spaces or spaciousness. At the time, it was not clear exactly what that would look like for us here at DCM. However, it quickly became obvious. Within a few short weeks, we had submitted a detailed funding application, consulted with builders and planning regulations and were successfully awarded a capital grant. Work began in January this year to build brand new emergency accommodation for homeless people in Derby - The Ark. It has 8 bedrooms with shared facilities and is right inside our existing building. We have also been able to have a brand-new café and community shop. What a difference a year can make! I have been astounded by how God continually provides when situations arose during this year that made our new development look impossible: an additional funder at the 11th hour so that we could even get started, generous individual giving and regular monthly donors and grant support from other funding bodies. God has always brought alongside us the right people, with the right skills or support, to help us every step of the way. Just like He always does. We have continued in all of our other existing services too and you will see the impact on people’s lives as you read on. Thank you to all of you for your support, finances, prayers and volunteering; it means that we will keep reaching out to those in need of love, support and the good news of the gospel. Nothing is easy is it? Jesus never promised a life of ease if we became his follower. But we are blessed in many ways. ‘Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ’ Eph 1:3

Elle Warrener-Davis Managing Director

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