De-Railed Zine Issue One - Damage

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De-Railed Zine




De-Railed Zine is a Global Zine exploring themes around the commonly assumed negative emotions and moments we all experience as human beings. De-Railed focuses on the relationship between Photography and Poetry, fusing them together to create the overall sense of each issues theme. Cover Photo/Heath Dodson/UK Wirral @neuroportal_music

Without knowing we group together memories, senses and words, this creates our character, our reactions and ultimately the people we are, there is no one in the world excluded from this, no nation immune. Sometimes as we journey through life we come across and experience DAMAGE, not just our own but of the people and places around us. Damage is universal and often keeps us away from the paths we lay out, leading us down unexpected turns, insisting that we face them head on. We become resourceful because of this and how we react to it molds us, Damage is a huge part of life, from the small to large it can lead us unintended to better and bolder things.

Photo/ Maisie /UK Manchester @hernamesjane

De-Railed Zine wants to thank everyone who submitted to our first issue and all the support from the online community through our instagram page @Derailedzine

I thought the past tasted like wild cherries the bittersweet taste of lost childhood, until I grew older, my taste buds fading along with the early signs of a mid-life crisis.

Photo over / Freddy Obando/Costa Rica @Freddyd.roronoa

Wild cherries

And then I remembered the past clearly, without vaporous fragrances, only thoughts of self-destruction, born in a dark room, floral wallpaper imagined, unimagined cold touches - colder than that winter morning when I froze, my life froze, just to defrost eras later, like lethal bacteria preserved in arctic tundras, infectious properties activated, existential pandemic spreading without cure,

Words/ Lucian Milasan @LuciusPoetry United Kingdom

a past that I thought tasted like wild cherries.

Photo under/Jake Dylan/USA New York @jakedylxn

a tumour growing incessantly from the past,

“How did the rose get its thorns?” “It was butchered by the deer For its sweet blood-red petals For many thousands of years Before it took on the shape That is known as ‘rose’ today. I like to think I’m the same; To say this death ruined me, Would be to say All those deaths ruined the rose And what’s a rose Without a thorn? I am strong, I am muscle I grow when I am torn.”

Photo/Vladut Lacob/Rominia @no.x.ah

Words/@JulianaLilley Scotland

Photo under/Matty Duncan/USA Greenville @ClassBeAspie


My armour grows with each fall from eye popping shirts to black boots and now rings on each hand I hide behind this protective costume jewellery

Photo over/Adriean Laurens /France @laurensadrien

Words/ @neonheartpoetry England

You drag me out into the rain in only my underwear, and take me to the wall, pressing my dirty, flabby frame against the fiery red bricks. The wall is wide, the wall is tall. Pushing me hard against it, you whisper into my ear the words I most fear. ‘You could be brilliant, you could be great.’ I get told that a lot and never know how to explain exactly why I’m not. The marks of the bricks remain on my chest, on my face. The cuts are ablaze. Tears are dribbling down the sides of my face. You kiss me and say, “Don’t worry, it’ll be okay”

Photo/Sonny Ortolano/ USA Mississippi @ortolano1985

Words/Ryan Sam Turner @ryansamturner Scotland

The Red Wall


the silence wasn’t the end we were over long before the quiet replaced speech or the kisses became half-hearted embraces the laughter, so lost, even our best jokes couldn’t find it. we ended when love walked out our front door and neither of us asked it to stay

Photo/Nila Jones/Wales @nila.ann

Words/ Lydia C @ lypoems Canada


Imprints on

Words/A.Yang @imbyelaw Australia

foam mats 145 bpm aching knees lunge track calorie counting sunlight peeking through a gap between my thighs a crooked horizon numbers on a gauge tipped scales everything bar the satisfaction

Back Photo/ Alexander Akopov/Georgia @sashaplenka

Photo/Lorelain Lesni/Prague @lorela-

I crave

Singapore Philippines India Canada Romanian USA Virginia Scotland USA California Georgia Costa Rice USA Greenville Turkey New York Italy Romania United Kingdom

“Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive.” ― Josephine Hart

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