รายงานผลงานวิจัย ปี 2551-2552

Page 110

รายงานผลงานวิจัยศูนยวิจัยและฝกอบรมดานสิ่งแวดลอม ป 2551-2552

Abstract The project on organic farming has been carried out by the Ecological Economics and Social Research Sub-Division, Environmental Research and Training Centre, since 2005. As part of promotion and campaign for organic farming amongst the farmers, the comparative demonstration plots of organic and chemical horticulture were done at the Jedrew Sub-district, Ban Paew District, Samutsakorn Province. Three kinds of demonstrated vegetable plants, i.e., round eggplant (Solanum aculeatissimun), eggplant (Solanum melongena), and bird chili (Capsicum frutescens) were selected for this study as local seasonal vegetable species. It was found that the organic plots of eggplant and bird chili gave total weight of produce, 28 and 61 percentage, respectively, more than the chemical plots. Only round eggplant that of chemical plot has total weight of produce 40 percentage more than that of the organic one. From physical observation, the organic vegetable plants in the organic plots appeared to be healthier than the chemical ones in terms of produce size, leave thickness, and stem strength. Promotion of organic farming in Thailand has been suggested for sustainability use of agricultural land and human health. Keywords: demonstration plots, bio-insecticide, compost, organic horticulture, organic farming

การทดสอบปลูกพืชสวนครัวแบบอินทรียเปรียบเทียบกับเคมี (Comparative Demonstration Plots of Organic and Chemical Horticulture)


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