How to Fix a Car Dent by Yourself

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How to Fix a Car Dent by Yourself The first car of our lives will always be a moment to remember. Some people get it with all of their savings or maybe it was a gift from someone dear, whichever it is the car in our lives is a special machine to have. And that is why it needs special care so that it can be with us for a long period of time. No matter what you do to take good care of the car, some little dent or scratches are always found here and there. Maybe your kids put a scratch in your car by accident or maybe because of a shopping cart bumping your car has a visible dent now. These little incidents give huge headaches because now you have to face the hassle of repairing shops. These repairing shops sometimes take too much time even for the little tasks. There are ways to take care of these little damages by yourself so you won’t have to face the inconvenient and the heavy money loss.

Repairing scratches- Now, there is only one way to repair small scratches and that it painting the spot. But it is not that easy. To give your car a smooth finish on the scratched up area you will need more things that only the paint. Firstly you will need 400 grit sandpaper to graze the area and then to give it a smooth finish using 800 grit sandpaper. After this apply some wax for shine effect and then paint over it. Your car will not have a print of repainting.

How to remove dents on your own? Using A Plunger- Plunger is not only useful for home situations but it can also come in handy when you have small dents on the car’s body. Just put some water on the plunger and on the dent and then start pulling and pushing until the pop out sound. But do this task with a sink plunger and not with a toilet plunger.

Hot Water Method- Surprisingly, hot water is also a hack for dents. The dents on the bumper are especially hard to remove and can be very costly to put out but hot water trick can easily take care of that. Simply pour some hot water on the dented area and then get behind the bumper to pop the dent back in. The heat from the water will make the plastic a bit more flexible to put the dent back in.

Using Hot Glue, Screws, Wooden Dowels- The fear of damaging the car more when you are trying to fix it can make you stop on the track. But if you are being careful and doing things properly there is no need to get worried. For this method, you need to place to screws on the wooden dowel and then put some hot glue on the bottom of the dowel. Place the dowel on the glue side to the dented area and cover the area with as many dowels as needed. Then when the glue has dried pull each of them out until the dent is gone.

Paintless Dent Repair: When the dents are out of control and these ways are not working, go for paintless dent repair or PDR. PDR is the best option in the hail damage scenario or if your car has faced

big accidents. Paintless dent repair is the best way to fix your car because of 1. It is eco-friendly and 2. It expands your cars lifetime. Also, PDR takes only a few minutes to repair your car and can be done within your garage. This environment-friendly dent repairing has been satisfying so many people every day so why don’t you try it and see the results for yourself.

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