Dental Entrepreneur Woman - Spring 2023

Page 24

Spring 2023
Cherry How an Entrepreneurial Spirit Helped Me Thrive in My Beautiful, Unconventional Life Dr. Elaine Vowell Your Entrepreneurial Journey Dr. Lindsay Goss Buen Camino! Linda Harvey
Leadership is an Evolution Cara
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Spring 2023

Editor and Publisher

Anne M. Duffy, RDH

Assistant Editor

Clare Yeo

Project Manager

Tari Sixpence

Sales & PR Officer

Nyasha Maripakwenda

Creative Consultant

Beth Linesch

Design and Layout

Brian Rummel Production [CURAtive]

James B. Kennedy

Web Management

Bhakti Kulmala

Cover Photo

Amy Rausch

Spring Contributors

Sayna Behkar

Julie Booher

Stephanie Botts

Kristie Boltz

Dr. Lindsay Goss

Linda Harvey

Karese Laguerre

Allison Norris

Lauren Seymour

Dr. Elaine Vowell

Charter Sponsors



Mary Fisher-Day

Inspired Hygiene

Patterson D5

Patterson Fuse Shofu

Advisory Board


Linda Miles

Advisors to the Board

Victoria Peterson

Katherine Eitel-Belt


Dr. Brittany Bergeron

Deborah Carrier

Dr. Meghna Dassani

Cris Duval

Vanessa Emerson

Dee Fisher

Dr. Hazel Glasper

Suzanne Kump

Tonya Lanthier

Dr. Laura Mach

JoAn Majors

Joanna Scott

Samantha J Strain

Junior Board

Christie Bailey

Minal Sampat

Dr. Amisha Singh

Look up “Spring” in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, and you’ll be greeted with a number of definitions. The most notable of all being, “a time or season of growth or development.” Just as the flowers around us start to blossom and bloom, the women in this issue are springing into action.

Capturing this growth is our cover author, Cara Cherry. She recounts the evolution of leadership and the cast of important characters that supported her throughout a lifelong journey of learning. From her obsession with horses to her dedication to supporting women, Cara’s words are an encouraging reminder that perfection is the enemy of progress.

Sayna Behkar shares the unexpected solace painting offered her when the world spiraled into uncertainty. Dr. Elaine Vowell opens her heart up, sharing a look into her messy, unconventional life, and how her entrepreneurial spirit has equipped her with the skills needed to navigate any storm. On the theme of failing forward and unabashed progress, Dr. Lindsay Goss divulges the details of her entrepreneurial journey, Allison Norris encourages you to fail humbly and forward, and Linda Harvey takes you on an exploration of pivotal moments.

From our DeW Dishes to the eye-opening powers of alignment that Julie Booher attests to, this issue is the perfect representation of everything Spring stands for. I hope you dive into the rich stories and gain the inspiration, motivation, and DeWgood momentum you need to flourish this season.

On a personal note, many of you wonder where the future of DeW is going. Here is a little glimpse of what came to me as little Orla Rose Duffy was born into our family - our precious Future DeWs are growing in numbers!

Cheers to Dental entrepreneur Women around the globe.

Here's to strong women!

May we know them.

May we be them.

May we raise them.


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Guidelines go to

Let's keep DeWing us!

With love and gratitude, Anne

- 4
DeWers 6 Leadership is an Evolution Cara Cherry DeW Dish 11 Stephanie Botts 12 Karese Laguerre 13 Lauren Seymour Living Your Strengths 16 Passion for Art and Her Joy in Painting Sayna Behkar 18 How an Entrepreneurial Spirit Helped Me Thrive in My Beautiful, Unconventional Life Dr. Elaine Vowell Resilience 22 Your Entrepreneurial Journey Dr. Lindsay Goss 24 Fail Humbly and Forward Allison Norris 28 Buen Camino! Linda Harvey Success 32 The Power of Alignment in Supporting Growth Julie Booher 36 Recipes for Success Kristie Boltz


Leadership is an evoLution

Leadership comes in many different forms. Over the course of my life, I’ve had the opportunity to experience leadership and learn from various colleagues who have helped impact the way I approach projects, people, and challenges in my professional and personal life. The thing that has remained consistent – from my childhood through today – is that being a strong leader means challenging myself and understanding that leadership is a constant evolution: a lifelong journey of learning.

From horses to entrepreneur

Growing up outside of Philadelphia, I was obsessed with horses. I tortured my mother to let me take riding lessons, and it ignited a lifelong love affair that I would never grow out of. It was my first taste of hard work, and I was hooked on the feeling of gratification that came with it. I feel so lucky to have learned such important life lessons through my childhood passion. It was invaluable to learn as a child that you got out of things what you put into them. That animals would do anything for you when you had mutual love and respect. When I was 17, I started a business teaching riding lessons and boarding horses as well as started a summer horse camp for youth in the area. What started as a small endeavor grew into a legitimate

business that required marketing plans, investors, financial decisions, and leadership. This business brought out my true entrepreneurial spirit and created lifelong habits that would help me later in my career. I put myself through college running the training and boarding business. Upon graduation, I moved to California and rode horses professionally. During this time, from age 21 to 27, I had the opportunity to travel all over the world in pursuit of my competitive riding goals. The exposure to the top coaches and businesses in the showjumping industry really helped evolve my understanding of process, systems, leadership, and citizenship. Through this worldwide journey, I evolved into my next step: the corporate world.

taking on the cha LLenge

There are so many clichés in life about the wisdom that comes with accepting challenges and how the journey will make you a better person. I live this every day. After starting as a sales representative with Patterson Veterinary on the East Coast and moving up to management, I took a job opening on the dental side of the business as general manager of the Los Angeles branch. This was the largest branch in the country and needed to be completely overhauled from the top down. A few weeks in, I knew it was going to be one of the hardest 6 D eW ERS

undertakings of my career, but I welcomed the challenge. I focused on two key aspects:

I gave my people the freedom to fail. Too often, we are held back by the idea that everything must be perfect for it to move forward. This kills great ideas that might just need some massaging or support to become great. After accepting the position in Los Angeles, I was clear with my team that if they had an idea or passion project that would benefit the business, they had my blessing to see it through (within reason, of course). This generated trust between the team and me – they knew they could come to me with any idea, and I would listen. It also provided them with the confidence to raise their hand, pursue the project, and care enough to make it happen.

Perfect is the enemy of progress, my favorite saying from my mentor, Paul Guggenheim. This one was for me as much as for the team. At the time, I had a newborn at home, and like many working mothers, I was juggling a time-consuming career while trying to be fully present for my son. I put this pressure on myself with unrealistic expectations that led to late nights, working on vacation, and second-guessing myself. I soon realized I couldn’t do this forever. Once I let go of the idea of perfectionism, I realized you sometimes must fail to move forward. From this, I started to work in a trial-and-error system which provided me with the framework to move past perfection. I started to look at my role and leadership as a constant learning experience. The only requirement is continuous mindfulness and improvement. This afforded me a level of fearlessness that can only come from operating in a safe and supportive culture.

The branch I was managing quickly went from the back of the pack to the front. Challenges I was facing tended to become easier to cope with the more I experienced them. At the time, those experiences gave me the strength and flexibility to deal with unexpected changes – lessons that are important in all stages of life.

Be a doer

Execution is key to being a great leader. From when I was young running the training stable and summer horse camp, to when I got older and transitioned to leadership roles, my biggest accomplishments happened because I cared enough to make them happen. Ideas are incredibly important but are also irrelevant if you can’t bring them to fruition. In my new role as region president, I am really inspired to set a strong, positive example for others in my organization. I love that I have the honor of representing the women of my company in this capacity. It’s important that young women starting in Patterson see that there is a path for them all the way up.

I put a lot of urgency around implementing things that empower, enable and motivate our teams. I know execution is critical to success, so I constantly ask myself, “What did I do today to move the needle?” “Am I creating change at all levels of the business?” “What kind of leader am I being right now?” A key answer to these questions was about staying true to my leadership style. My leadership style had developed into prioritizing relationships and staying close to those around me. This meant regularly checking in with my teams and going on ride-alongs with my sales reps. I’m a believer in never getting too far from the end user, and this was a way to interact with our customers and see the offices we helped them build firsthand. I also try to recruit talent that reflects Patterson’s value of being a people-first company. It’s never been about my job title; it’s about the people, the work, and caring enough to get the job done.

One of my favorite quotes is from Maya Angelou: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Everyone performs best when they feel good about their organization, leadership, and mission. 8
I tortured my mother to let me take riding lessons, and it ignited a lifelong love affair that I would never grow out of.

supporting women and giving Back

I tend to use the phrase “I’m a work in progress” quite a bit. We are always trying to find new ways to be our best, to do it “all,” and to use our voice. Being in a leadership role predominantly held by men, I do my best to set an example and raise up other women in the company. When a new role is posted, I look at the profile and send it to women that I think would be a good fit. Even if they think they are unqualified, I try to encourage them to take the leap and try. I regularly have women reach out to me on LinkedIn about job opportunities – I either help them myself or connect them with the right resource in the company. These aren’t huge acts of service, but they add up over time. I often hear others say (and I agree) that women should have a seat at the table. We bring a perspective that is multifaceted and needed in every business sector. This doesn’t mean we get to the top just by being a woman – the best idea should always win – but I want to encourage all women to be brave enough to put it forward.

In the past several years, I have had the privilege to join a few great organizations as a board member. I am currently a board member for the South Bay Children’s Health Center and the Patterson Foundation. I’ve been able to get out in my community and meet with organizations doing life-changing work. Sometimes it’s hard to keep all the balls we are juggling in the air, but when you care enough to make it happen, it usually does. Giving back consistently in small ways, whether that’s helping a colleague, volunteering with an organization, or joining that committee, adds value to your life. The more I mature, the more I am inspired to provide service to others. My other favorite Maya Angelou quote is, “Courage is the most important of all virtues because, without courage, you cannot practice any of the other virtues consistently.”

My son, Brandon, is getting to the age where I can soon get him on a horse. I’m most excited about the lessons I can pass down to him through the sport. The biggest of those lessons? That we are an eternal work in progress and to be part of something bigger than ourselves. You’re never done becoming a leader; we are always leading whether we are a “leader” by title or by deed.

About the author:

Cara Cherry is currently the Regional President of the Mountain West Region at Patterson Dental. She has worked at Patterson for a combined 15 years, starting in the Veterinary business, and eventually moving over to Dental in various leadership roles. She resides in Los Angeles, California, with her 6-year-old son Brandon and husband Ross. Together, they enjoy hiking, traveling, and skiing. 9

DeW Dish DeW Dish


IG: @steph.polishedposture, FB: stephanie.botts.rdh

what is the Best part oF my joB?

Prioritizing our health and making decisions for the betterment of our health is so empowering! I love getting to remind clinicians of this and that they matter too. Teaching them little ways to take care of themselves in the op is why I do what I do!

how do i measure success?

I measure success both objectively and subjectively. Objectively, I have goals, whether building more relationships, getting more speaking gigs, getting more clients, reaching a certain income level, or making sure my clients are happy. Those are all pretty easy to measure. Data doesn’t lie!

But I also measure success by how content and satisfied I am. Do I feel like I am headed in the right direction regarding helping and empowering my clients? My gut doesn’t lie either; this is a good way to know if I’m on the right track.

who is the most inFLuentia L woman in my LiFe?

Most definitely, my mother. She taught me how to work hard, have integrity, and fight for what I want. I talk to her

almost daily; she has been my biggest fan since starting my business. There’s nothing like having another woman have your back; only WE know what we struggle with and the roadblocks we face, so to have the support of someone who gets it is huge.

what oBstacLes have you overcome in your career?

Since starting my business, there have been so many obstacles, it’s hard to count. But the biggest obstacle has been from my own head. The doubting, imposter syndrome, and insecurity plagued me in the beginning. But I pushed through all that, just remembering why I started, which was to help dental clinicians. We get in our own heads so much!

what do you do to turn around a Bad day?

These can be tough! When I’m having one of those days, I have found moving my body helps! It helps me to destress, focus on something else, and of course, gives me those endorphins we need on those hard days. I also journal daily and am getting into the practice of daily meditation, which makes such a profound impact on my mindset. I can definitely tell the days when I haven’t meditated!

what advice do i have For the new person in my oFFice?

If I have a new hygienist come into my practice, I would first say forget perfection! It has been drilled (pun intended) into us to remove every last piece of plaque, stain, and calculus, but this just isn’t possible, nor is it the end all be all for oral health. We know so much more about periodontal disease now, and it isn’t just about getting everything perfectly clean. Simply doing the best we can and doing what’s right should be all we are striving for.

what is First on my dentaL Bucket List

Right now, my most immediate goal is to speak at all five of the big dental shows, I’ve done a few, but not all!

Eventually, I would love to see a standardized ergonomic practicum that students must pass in school. Starting with ergonomics early is so important; I think we need to prioritize this more in schools. I know some schools really focus on this, which is great, but I would like to see it nationwide.


what is the Best part oF your joB?

I fell in love with myofunctional therapy when I got to meet my children for the first time. After we got to peel back the layers of dysfunction and diagnoses, they became these beautiful humans who flourished. The very best part of my job is always getting the stories from other people who meet their children, spouse, or loved ones for the first time after we work together.

who has Been the most inFLuentia L woman in your LiFe?

My mother is the strongest person I know. The amount of loss she has experienced and struggle, but still, she rises and smiles and is eternally faithful. There is no better influence for me than my mother.

how do you measure your success?

Success for me looks like autonomy. Being able to wake up and decide my day is the ideal measure of success.

what do you do to turn around a Bad day?

Bad days for me, typically are derived from stress, which means it’s time to take a pause. I step away and take time to just breathe. Having time to recenter and understand

how minimal my stress triggers are in the grand scheme of all the things that are important to me, such as health and family.

what is your guiLty pLeasure?

Any reality television show on Bravo. It is so wonderful to escape to this magical world of chaos and ridiculousness to remember that my life is good and I’m surrounded by sane people.

what “de w ” Leaders do?

Leaders set an example. They embody their passions and take responsibility for reaching their goals. Leaders inspire others through their actions to empower others to meet goals.

what is your Favorite indoor/outdoor activity?

I love swimming! Not the stress-inducing competitive swimming that others may enjoy, but the leisurely fun of enjoying buoyancy and water.

what Famous person Living or dead, wouLd you Like to have Lunch with, and what wouLd you ask them?

I am absolutely inspired by Lois Laynee RDH and would love to have lunch with her. I use her methods in my myofunctional therapy practice and would love to tap into her ideas about her program and concepts.

they are pL aying your theme song as you waLk on stage. name that tune!

Mary J Blige's “Just Fine.” It’s such a light and fun song that inspires me. If I’m getting on stage, I want everyone in the room to feel lighthearted and complete.

what is your dream vacation?

Australia! There’s a lot on the internet that scares me about Australia (giant spiders and snakes - yuck), but it’s such a beautiful mystery, and I can not imagine living my life without ever visiting its vast glory.


Vice President, North America Sales at Dentsply Sirona

what oBstacLes have you overcome in your career?

Overcoming the statement, “Oh, she’s just a salesperson,” has always been a challenge. Salespeople are highly skilled professionals that bring great value to their organizations. They are intuitive, bright, highly analytical, and have high business acumen. My job is to highlight how a successful sales professional drives a better patient experience.

what do you do to turn around a Bad day?

I try to focus on controlling the controllables and on being grateful, even on my worst days! First, I need to focus on what I can control, I can help, and I can resolve. THAT moves the needle. Second, my bad day likely pales in comparison to folks around the globe who have problems WAY bigger than mine. Be mindful of the struggles of others.

what is your Favorite indoor/outdoor activity?

what is the Best part oF your joB?

To me, it’s helping leaders become the kind of leader they want to work for AND work with. We all had bosses we have loved, respected, and grown professionally as a result of working with them, and we've all have had some who, unfortunately, are none of the above. My hope is NOT to be the former of the two!

who has Been the most inFLuentia L person in your LiFe?

The most influential person in my life is my Dad. He’s going strong at 91. He’s a Korean war veteran and a girl dad. He taught me there is nothing that a man can do that a woman can’t do. We didn’t have any boys in the family, so if there was a “boy chore,” you did it. He also taught me to never give up and be the best version of myself that I can be.

how do you measure your success?

Through those I can influence in the trajectory of their careers. I was told once that leadership is a privilege - you can affect people in their careers, but you can also affect their entire lives. I always try to remember that it’s a great honor to be in a role where you can change people’s lives.

My favorite outdoor activity is enjoying a cocktail outside on a beautiful spring day and my favorite indoor activity is Orangetheory Fitness. I need exercise even more as I become more “mature” (old).

what is your dream vacation?

I’ve actually already taken my dream vacation. I took a cruise on a small ship around Tahiti that went to Bora Bora, Papeete, and Raiatea. It was the best vacation ever, and I still dream about going back.

what movie aLways makes you L augh?

The Proposal (Betty White cracks me up), and Elf (the comedy is unexpected and timeless).

what is the Best giF t you ever gave?

The best gift you can give those you love is the gift of your time. With work-life balance always being a challenge, I try to ensure that when I am with someone, I am fully present and engaged. Time is a precious commodity, so when you give that gift to others, give it with full purpose and intention.


Who, Wear, When 14
Dental Hygiene Seminars DeW Meet up Ohio Yankee Dental DeW Meet up Nyasha, JW and Tari - TaDa! Hinman Dental Meeting WinDSO WinDSO WinDSO DeW Meetup San Diego
Women in Denistry Women in Dentistry Toronto
boothmates Dental Diva DeWs CMW Mag signing Dr. Hazel Glasper


Mark your calendars:

Dew Summit

April 28,2023 10:00 -3:00 EDT Virtual


May 2-5, 2023

Scottsdale, AZ

AMPLIFY: Practice Growth Through Innovation!

Heart to Heart

5:30 - 8:00, February 23, 2023

Speaking Consulting Network

June 16 - 17, 2023

Nashville, TN

ADHA 2023 Annual Conference

Fri, Jul 7 – Sun, Jul 9

McCormick Place - West Building, 2317 S Indiana Ave

Chicago, IL

CE on the Beach

July 13 – 14, 2023

Turks & Caicos

Under One Roof

July 20- 23, 2023

Nashville, TN


July 20 – 23, 2023

Denver, CO

The Dental Culture Con


June 15 -17, 2023

ADA Smile Con

Oct. 5-7, 2023

Orlando, FL

Orange County Convention Center

If you want to arrange a meetup, please email 15
Surprise cover, thanks to Dr. Effie Habsha Sima Y Epstein Mommie Dentists CMW Virginia Dental Association meeting Hinman Dental Meeting Chicago Midwinter


Before starting to explain my journey, I want to introduce myself briefly.

I’m Sayna Behkar, growing up in a small family in the city of Tabriz in Iran. My mother is a painter, and my father and sister are dentists. So, I guess it’s not hard to estimate how the combination of art and dentistry carved out my personality and who I am today.

When I was an eight-year-old little girl, I started learning Piano. At that time, for me, learning piano was nothing but memorizing a bunch of theoretical structures, notes, and practicing them as much as one could. I also remember how my teacher tried to make me more passionate about Piano and bought me different little gifts to motivate me more for practice. So, yes, I continued learning Piano, but I hadn’t understood what it really meant for my soul and me until the day I, myself, felt that I wanted to go and sit in front of that Piano, close my eyes, and play what I want, in a way that I wish to, without anyone or any teacher around. But before that day came, at the age of 14, I got tired of it and stopped playing because I didn’t even know what I was trying for.

When I was 16, I looked at the people and the world around me and realized that it wasn’t actually the fairytale of my imagination in which I was living. Trust, love, value,

friendship, and time weren’t something to freely give to anyone you see, meet, or even think you know. To be honest, I didn’t have any idea of what to do with all those feelings. I just had myself and my Piano to hide behind and let it dive deep into my soul to heal all those broken pieces. So, that was when I restarted practicing Piano by myself.

At that time, it was a little bit scary and hard for me to comprehend this fact of life, but shortly after that, I felt something in my heart that pushed me to myself and made me believe that I already had a powerful soul inside myself that could guide me to the best and never leave me in the lurch.

That was a turning point for me when I firmly promised myself to do as much as I could to be the best version of myself and believed that I was on my own to create a big future and great life for myself.

Soon afterward, I got admission to Ankara University in the field of dentistry and moved to Ankara. Shortly after this interesting change, my journey converted itself to an even more unexpected way.

After finishing my first semester, the spread of COVID-19 infection started to increase uncontrollably all over the 16

world. I had been in a student dormitory until when the virus shut down the world, and the situation forced me to stay in a hotel, managed by that dormitory’s manager, for more than 6 months. Everything was in order in the first months, but 3 months later, locking down in a small room, loneliness, stress, uncertainty of the situation, and healthcare issues all conspire to make me feel at my wits’ end.

All my friends in Ankara were back in their hometowns and countries. I even remembered the day that I was walking outside alone, thinking of catching someone in the middle of the road to be able to have a face-to-face communication because all I did was video calling with my family and friends in Iran.

Before moving to Turkey, I had learned some techniques of oil painting from my mother. So, at that time, I was thinking of doing some work related to my field and art, as well. I did some research on the Internet, and I got my first idea from various websites. After sharing my new works on social media, I got so much attention worldwide and did some further work based on my own designs and patterns.

Mostly, I tried to choose some complicated patterns which might take my time as long as possible because the days were too long to survive. So, I spared more than 5 hours of the day for painting, and that was the only way to escape from daily stress and quarantines. And after a while, I started a business with my paintings and sold them all over the world to dental clinics, dentists, doctors, and students.

And YES! Every cloud has a silver lining. Quarantine and COVID-19 paved the way for me to start my own job while studying, and painting and music were actually my only remedies for enduring all the difficulties that I faced.

About the author:

Studying in Ankara University Faculty of Dentistry, I started my painting business on social media where everyone can have their order by there. Now, I still continue my studies and follow my passion in any other fields without any hesitation. In the journey of my life, I’d like to reach higher levels of my education, work harder, and improve my social skills as much as possible, beside my field of study. Only in this way, I know that where I have to go in the middle of a hectic day to recover myself! Becoming a successful woman in her dental career and a role model in other activities and social life is what I definitely crave for, and I can proudly say that I'm getting closer to that day by day.

Her Instagram account: @sayna.r.t 17 LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS


My life is messy. For some reason, I routinely mess up hotel reservations. My kids often look intriguing for all the wrong reasons, and my mouth moves faster than my brain.

But I would not change a thing! There is something about being a woman with an entrepreneurial spirit that can be unstoppable. I love this group, and I love to push the boundaries of what we can and will accomplish.

This is my story of doing the irrational and unexpected and getting so much more than I ever imagined.

First, a little about me. At 13 years old, I decided I would be a dentist. (I was not a popular kid - insert a really bad perm and early onset acne for a comprehensive picture.) Whether it was a lack of creativity or a divine calling, I never wavered in my plan. It seemed like the perfect job for a working mom. Bankers’ hours and no Fridays! Awesome! At 13 years old, I had watched my mother struggle as a single working mom with four children in Alaska, no less. She did her best, but there were hard times. As a young woman/older kid, I was drawn to the idea of being self-sufficient while still hoping for a future big family. Dentistry fits that dream perfectly.

To accomplish this goal, I attended college at the

University of Alaska Fairbanks. It was so cold! Next was dental school in the Midwest - Omaha is an underrated city and a huge improvement in the weather. I then spent five years in the Navy. I am a good dentist, but I was a terrible Naval officer. Think Demi Moore in A Few Good Men. Now, imagine her in a frumpy untailored uniform, perpetually lost on an aircraft carrier. Oh, and unfortunately, Maverick and Goose were nowhere to be found. Suffice it to say, it was awkward. However, I survived and met some truly amazing women that are good friends to this day.

By 2012, I was a dentist with 10 years of experience, and I owned a lovely 3-bedroom home. I also had an extensive collection of not-quite-successful romantic relationships. But the perils of being a professional woman in her 30s dating in the South are reserved for a different article altogether. Teaser - I online dated from the early Match to early Tinder years. (Before Tinder became established as the hook-up site. No judgment. But I was on the lookout for someone to start the family I wanted. Bonus if he looked like Shemar Moore). I was ready to find a Southern gentleman and make some fat babies or some scrawny ones. I was getting too old to be picky. Instead, I had a lot of fun kissing a lot of toads. All nice toads but not the ones I wanted to build a life with.

My next twist of fate came along due to one of my most 18 LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS

charming (and annoying) personality quirks - I have never met a stranger! Deep down, I believe even those who are avoiding eye contact definitely want to chat with me. I also believe P!NK wants to be my friend. Still waiting on her phone call, but I did get to meet Shakeena. She was 16 years old and looking a little lost at a coffee shop on a Saturday morning. I introduced myself, she asked if I had a phone charger, I did not. I asked if she was okay, and she said she was not. Under the promise that she would not make a habit of getting in the car with a stranger, I drove her to Walmart to buy a charger, and I let her hang out at my office while I caught up on some paperwork. Six hours later, I dropped her off and gave her my number just in case she was in need. This unusual introduction grew into a deep friendship. I insisted that Shakeena introduce me to a responsible adult, and I met her caseworker. No, Shakeena did not become my daughter. We still stay in touch, and I do credit her for teaching me that I have something to offer a teenager. I realized how hungry teenagers in foster care are for life skills. We talked about debit cards and basic cooking skills, and I taught her to drive. (Terrifying!!!!) At 18, she moved a few hours away.

Enter 2014, I fulfilled my professional goal of owning my dental practice! My hours were even kid friendly. 7:30 AM to 3:00 PM!!! Totally recommend it! Great life but still no kids and no husband, and I honestly wanted both. My office manager was the second person to introduce me to the idea of being a foster parent. While she had never done it, she had connections at a foster care agency. To my surprise, they wanted me. Call me antiquated, but I 19 LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS

mistakenly thought they preferred married couples. I was wrong. Foster kids come in all varieties, and they want all varieties of foster parents. I jumped in. Now if you thought passing boards and getting licensed in your state was difficult, that was nothing compared to the paperwork and hoops you must jump through to be a foster parent. Finally, after months of classes, background checks in any state I had a mailing address, and a weird nonsensical test that was supposed to rule out perverts, I got my license to help shepherd a child to adulthood.

My first foster child was a lovely 12-year-old girl. We could pass as blood-related, and she was easy - immature in a sweet way and eager to please. Not perfect, her attempt to learn to play the flute was a special type of torture that should be reserved for terrorist interrogation or members of the opposing political party. Imagine listening to someone spit for hours with intermitting tooting in a key that doesn't exist in music as we know it. And she broke my heart. Her early years were bad, worse than Olivia Bennet on Law and Order SVU bad. I lost a little faith in humanity, but I gained an understanding of the resilience that I aspire to today. And I met my husband.

As previously mentioned, I may have dabbled in online dating in my decade-plus of single years. A bad haircut and a general lack of game hid the treasure that is now my husband. I would never have recognized the gem of a man if not for my being a foster mom. We had only been on 4 dates when I learned my first foster child was on her way. I was a nervous wreck. I canceled my upcoming date with him. Or at least I tried to. When I called to reschedule, he suggested that he come over to help me prepare. An evening of hanging shower curtains and cleaning her bedroom was the best date I have ever had.

Who knew? Nothing is sexier than a man who meets the needs you did not know you had. And I was pretty impressed he was willing to continue to date me. After all, a kid after our fourth date was a curveball. Not only did he stay, but he was a great support. My first foster child was with me for 100 days. And I was okay when she left. I knew in my heart her time with me was always going to be finite.

Teneisha was a different story. I am a person firmly grounded in the literal. I have never been described as whimsical, and my husband and I were not the "locked eyes across the crowded room and were instantly soulmates" type of thing. However, I knew that Teneisha was my kid before I ever met her. Can't explain it, but it is true. That said, the instant connection I felt with her did not translate into an easy relationship.

Being a dentist/business owner makes sense to me. Being a new mom to a 15-year-old was tough. Teneisha

is vivacious and smart. From her, I learned that I under season my food, have no “shoe game,” and I talk “White.” From me, she learned she needs to floss, how to budget, and how to drive. (Even more terrifying than teaching Shakeena).

Kasey proposed 5 months after Teneisha moved in. She wanted a mama, and she got it. Then she got a stepdad, then a sister, then another sister, then off to college, then came back to a baby brother. It has been a lot. Thus, my inability to properly reserve a hotel room and my unkempt hair. But I love my life and my family. It has been a lot.

I love my life and my family. And I am thankful for the unconventional start. My entrepreneurial spirit helped me embrace the challenges of parenting a child with vastly different life experiences than my own. I had a lot to learn, and I was often humbled. Conversely, being a foster parent made me a better business owner. I try to slow down and think before I address conflict in my office. Resolution is much easier when I take some time to examine others' perspectives before I share my own. Teneisha taught me that. I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone when you feel called to new experiences. You will not be disappointed.

About the author:

Like our fearless leader, Anne Duffy, Dr. Elaine Vowell calls Charlotte, NC home. She has been a dentist for 20 years and continues to find opportunities to improve or grow in the field. Her days are full of dentistry. Nights and weekends are full of family time. Her newest passion has been creating a modern curriculum and teaching hygienists how to deliver safe, effective, and repeatable anesthesia. Feel free to visit her site at 20 LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS


a dentist’s response to “ what is the Business oF dentistry?”

Can you categorize the business of dentistry? If someone were to ask you, what kind of business are you in? If you let your mind wander, there are many different answers to this question, but for me, it is simple. We are in the business of education and relationships.

Dentistry is what we do, but day to day, we are the true educators for our patients and teams. Every single conversation we have during the day revolves around sharing knowledge. You can put dental professionals who do not know each other in a room and everyone has a tooth story to share, a favorite product they love, or a patient who left an imprint in their lives. We share all day long.

As a dentist, I spend over forty percent of my day in conversations about diagnosis, risks, advantages, disadvantages, and alternative treatments. Proper education is what patients deserve. #googleisnotareplacementforadoctor

the drive and passion in dentistry

So as a doctor, to prevent burnout or putting on a one-act play on repeat, what truly DRIVES me is knowing more about the procedures I do so I can have healthy

conversations with my patients on their diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment options.

MY PASSION is to learn as much about dentistry as I can. Why? There is literally no end to the sheer amount of education we can receive or share. For dental CE courses, I show up with a notepad in hand with only two expectations: First, is to learn at least 1% more than when I walked into that room, and second is to connect with others who attend too.

Being “ the Best”

As humans, we are programmed to want to be “the best” we can be for ourselves, and for me as a dentist, this is achieving “Super GP Dentist” status. So, being in the profession for over 22 years now, I want to continue to grow. I found the most challenging part of the process of learning is FINDING the training available in my community. I was frustrated that a paper flyer or text message was the best way to find out about them. CE providers have a responsibility to reach as many people as possible when they host CE events. Because an educated room of dental professionals is an empowered group of healthcare professionals.

When I decided to build a dental business, instead of starting a dental practice, I built a tech-based software company. A dental CE event management platform called 22 LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS

CE.LIYA (Continuing Education Live in Your Area). to allow dental professionals to FIND dental CE by giving a place for dental CE providers to post and manage their events. I wanted accessibility to find in-person dental CE events like those hosted by dental reps, dental specialists, and speakers. From the ones that go over the weekend at a local hotel or the ones at night after work hosted at a local steakhouse or dental office.

what are my chaLLenges?

My platform is fully developed, and it is ready to be used. But, there are multiple pathways full of new challenges, overwhelms, sleepless nights, financial strains, and tons of questions. I am completely overwhelmed by starting this business, and it creates a sense of paralysis at times that gets the best of me. Am I prepared to fail? Am I prepared to succeed? These are questions that need to be answered.

Good thing God created us to work really hard! Really hard work develops your confidence when doing something new. My mindset moving forward is that every obstacle is TEMPORARY.

As I move forward, I focus on what dental businesses do: Focus on building a business that attracts dental professionals who place value on continuing education and building relationships with those who choose my business to solve their problems.

the one word i use in my Business every day

As a dental entrepreneur, there are certain words that stick with me. My favorite word in my dental business is “BUILD.”

Build on the knowledge I currently have about my business so it can grow.

Build time into my schedule to market my business.

Build a business that solves pain points that improves life.

Build a company that helps dental professionals be the very best and increases their income.

Build relationships by following through with my commitments.

Build a life that follows my vision for freedom and family. Build, Build, Build.

I have had to learn that there is a certain amount of mental toughness that is needed to be successful as a doctor, woman entrepreneur, and human being in general. I used to do things because I felt an emotional connection to them. But I realize that success, motivation, and drive

do not come from emotion, but from having a clear life vision and living your passions. By continuing to BUILD my business by focusing on relationships and advancing the education available in our profession in general, I know I will get to step fully into my role as CEO soon. This will allow me to bring value to my profession today and, hopefully, for many years to come.

About the author:

Lindsay Goss, DMD, MPH, is the CEO and Founder of CE.LIYA, a dental CE event management platform for live in-person and live virtual dental CE events. CE.LIYA was created to solve the pain points that the dental profession has around live dental CE events. Mostly, there is a lack of accessibility to finding these events because of how they are marketed. It was created to allow for easier collaboration between those hosting live virtual and in-person dental CE events to those who desire/need to take the courses. Aside from building this company, Dr. Goss has been in the dental profession for over 22 years with a favor towards adultfocused dentistry. She is a general dentist at a thriving dental practice in Arizona. Off work hours, family time is very important to Dr. Goss. Her family enjoys their time together, living an outdoor lifestyle in Arizona.





My professional career began very differently from my dental hygiene school classmates. Immediately after graduation, I met a dentist who was starting a boutique dental practice in Atlanta, and I helped her build it from the start (dirt floors and all). During this time, I also worked to broaden my skill set by embracing each opportunity for growth and investing in advanced continuing education.

I had many achievements and advancements during my time as a clinician. For example, I was asked to spearhead the launch of a medical insurance prescription program which subsequently resulted in becoming a speaker for the company. Periodontists and general dentists began contacting me to train their hygiene teams on the protocols I had developed. I implemented those protocols into their practices while coaching and consulting across the Southeast. Despite my accomplishments, I was still referred to as the “cleaning lady.” I realized that my journey in clinical dentistry needed to end in 2018.

My nonclinical journey began with a dental billing organization. Because my salary decreased when I took the role, I knew I would sometimes have to work longer days. I would often work twelve or more hours in order to attempt to bridge the gap; add a newborn baby into the mix, and I was beyond exhausted. After some time, I decided to take a temporary leave of absence because I needed a mental break. Unfortunately, my temporary leave was made permanent, not by choice, which resulted

in my computer being erased by corporate the following day. I lost all of the training and educational materials I had developed for this company.  Failing forward made me realize that I didn’t know how to protect my intellectual property at the time. I wouldn’t make that mistake again.

Soon after, I was introduced to the founder of an orthodontic tech startup. I was asked to help launch his company in the Atlanta market. A tech startup sounded so appealing to me at the time.  I was given the title of Director of Development, and for the first time in my career, I felt truly respected. Some of my colleagues even referred to me as a visionary. My days were spent sitting in board meetings with investors, developing provider conversion strategies, and viewing real estate properties for the brick-and-mortar locations the founder had considered opening, in addition to performing my normal development responsibilities. I was also offered the Executive Director role at the nonprofit organization that endorsed the orthodontic tech startup. In that role, I launched a podcast, exceeded sponsorship and endorsement goals, and closed strategic partnerships.

I often thought I had made my final career move and had every intention of retiring from the company. After months of meetings, policy and procedure development, compliance research, and recruiting almost 200 dental professionals to build an affiliate program, we successfully launched the company in the Atlanta market. My time and energy, the missed special moments with my family, and 24 RESILIENCE

all my hard work had finally paid off; until it didn’t. Without warning, in the fall of 2021, the company stopped paying me. They informed me that I could continue working for them but would only be paid a commission from each sale. My husband had quit his job to support my career and stay home with our daughter. We were left with no income, which resulted in us almost losing our home. I felt like a total failure and resigned, hanging my head low while waving goodbye to the people that I had personally hired and trained to work for me. For the first time in my life, I experienced depression.

For two months, I searched for the perfect opportunity. During that time, I was declined multiple times for being overqualified or not the right fit. I felt like a complete failure but began thinking, “if you're going to fail, you might as well fail hard.” I became obsessed with networking on LinkedIn. As a dental professional whose profile was very limited, I was amazed that I could message the CEO of the company I was interested in. The running joke between my husband and I became ‘what CEO are you going to meet today?’ No one could have convinced me that I would be a CEO only a month or two later.

Christmas Eve approached quickly. I had declined all our normal party invitations. Instead, I lay on my sofa, holding back tears while staring at my Christmas tree. It looked so sad without its ornaments. My husband tried putting a few on, but I asked him to stop. There were only a few small presents under the tree for our children. The rest had been purchased by our parents, who were generously helping us during this time. I questioned my worth and ability as a mom, a wife, an employee, a dental professional, a provider- everything.

The new year began, and while I was still filled with sadness, there was a little more hope. Each day got a little better with more hope and more laughter. One day I told my husband, “I wouldn’t want anyone to feel the way I did during my darkest time. I wish I could be the one hiring. I wish I could leverage my connections, skills, and those CEOs I have met on LinkedIn. What if I started a recruiting agency, a nonclinical one!?”

So I did.

I have grown a lot over the past few years, and while I still cry over stress, the stress is different because it is my own. Giving up would have been simple, no one would have blamed or shamed me for it. However, I refused to let any of my setbacks or mistakes control my future. No one can forge your path or create your journey. It’s normal to fail and question yourself and your worth, but no one can control your worth. Your worth is something that’s deep inside your core that no one can touch.

My journey to finding nonclinical success wasn’t easy. My entrepreneurial journey isn’t easy. But my journey became a lot easier when I learned to embrace its difficulties. I used to cry when I failed, but now I embrace it, learn from it, and fail forward.  I failed to inform myself about intellectual property, and I now always request a signed mutual NDA before a business meeting. I failed to review my employment contract, and I now highly encourage everyone to thoroughly review theirs. I failed to stand up for myself and my worth, but now I support my dental colleagues that have forgotten their worth and encourage them to remember their value. My mission is to help dental professionals transition into nonclinical careers by becoming the source of hope and truth. By partnering with companies that align with our values of integrity and relationships, we create thriving career paths.

The Dentele Group has now been featured in four entrepreneur magazines, an HR publication, a recruiting software article, and four podcasts. I was asked to speak at a conference regarding nonclinical career paths. My agency was nominated for Top Talent’s Recruiting Agency of the Year and Top Startup Agency to Watch in 2022. The Dentele Group not only gives others hope, it saved me.

About the author:

Allison is the nonclinical career matchmaker, Founder and CEO of the Dentele Group, and host of the series ‘Tooth be Told. She used her experience and connections in the dental industry, combined with her strong entrepreneurial instincts to launch the fast-growing startup. Her vision is to be the source of hope and truth for candidates by becoming the "go-to" source of talent in the dental industry. 25 RESILIENCE
For two months, I searched for the perfect opportunity.
During that time, I was declined multiple times for being overqualified or not the right fit.

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Has an item ever made its way to your bucket list that surprised you? That's how I felt when something totally unexpected popped up on my radar in August of 2021.

At that time, we were one and a half years into the worst pandemic in U.S. history. As a compliance expert, I coached dental practices across the country through shutting down, reopening, and navigating several renditions of the CDC’s COVID-19 protocols. Added to that was my own loss of a parent in a nursing home and being a caregiver for my husband through several difficult surgeries. By August of 2021, I was completely drained. Although I knew my experiences were not particularly unique, I was truly weary of this journey.

There were days during the peak of the pandemic when my family didn’t even leave our house. Some days I barely left my computer. My body was screaming at me to get up and move! So in December of 2021, wondering if I’d lost my mind, I officially signed up for a ten-day, 125mile pilgrimage across the northern part of Spain. It was the Camino de Santiago, or the Way of St. James. For centuries pilgrims have traveled from across the globe to walk one of the ancient paths to Santiago, Spain, where tradition holds that the remains of St. James are buried.

Oh boy, would I be moving on this adventure! Our Camino (which is Spanish for path or road) would commence in Roncesvalles, Spain, and end ten days later in the plaza of the Cathedral of St. James in Santiago. Exhausted as I was, I was ready for a hard reset. And I welcomed the opportunity to immerse myself in the spiritual experience of the pilgrims that had gone before me.

To prepare for this 125-mile adventure, the soon-to-be pilgrims in our group were sent a training guide and a suggested packing list. This was the first trip I’d ever undertaken where even casual attire wasn't particularly needed; hiking clothes and boots were the core essentials, especially the boots. I was determined to break in my new hiking boots well in advance and build up to longer walks each week. But alas, about three weeks before departure, I developed a shin splint. Treatment required no walking at all for two weeks and being careful after that. My heart sank! So much for the best-laid plans. As with the ongoing COVID pivots, I knew I had to pivot. At that point, my practical side kicked in. I realized I would not be walking the entire 125 miles, and that was OK. I finally concluded it was much better that I go healthy and return healthy and, importantly, that pivoting would not impact the richness of my experiences.

We were a diverse group from across the county on 28 RESILIENCE

a spiritual quest. What tied us together? We were all pilgrims on this ever-changing journey of life, a journey with twists and turns just like the Camino paths we would encounter. Some terrain was smooth and flat, some narrow and rocky, and some were very steep.

Our tour guide stressed the importance of traveling light each day. In our day pack, we only needed things like water, sunscreen, and a few small personal items. Unlike many of the other pilgrims who were walking solo or in small groups and carrying everything on their backs, our tour bus met us at specified points each day and carried our luggage. This enabled us to easily refill our water bottles or ride to the next meet point if needed. Many days it was much more meaningful to me to refuel at a local café, practice my Spanish, and enjoy a cold beverage for a few minutes with new friends, then set out on the next leg of the journey.

Traveling light on the Camino was much less burdensome than the baggage we carry in our personal and professional lives; worries, disappointments, or unfinished business can weigh us down. I found that traveling light made it much easier to find peace, enjoy the journey, and recharge despite being exhausted at the end of each day. One way I had chosen to travel light was to move every work-related app from the home screen on my phone. I consciously decided work had no place on the Camino. Rather than being a slave to my phone, it would now serve me in capturing Camino memories and listening to inspiring music along the way.

But there were the blisters! As hard as I tried, there was no escaping the dreaded blisters. However, unwelcome as they were, they were like badges of courage, a sign of a pilgrim on an enervating yet extremely rewarding journey. Camino lesson #1, some things in life are unavoidable,

and we have to learn to work through them.

Step after step, mile after mile, day after day, we plodded across Spain. Sounds monotonous, doesn't it? But nothing could be farther from the truth. Each day brought new challenges, new faces, and beautiful scenery. Throughout our trek, we saw many historic sites, villages, and churches along the way. We walked through cities, villages, mesas, and hilly paths. I opted to nurse my healing shin and ride the bus in some of the hilly areas. Along with using sports tape, that seemed to be just the right combination for my personal Camino. Visiting the ancient chapels as well as the historic cathedrals were a welcome respite for a weary soul seeking to refuel spiritually and mentally. I felt enormously fulfilled and absorbed by the Camino. In many ways, I wanted it to last forever.

One fellow pilgrim spent an entire day observing doors. She observed old doors, new doors, and brightly colored doors, many of which were doors to people’s homes in local villages. She likened the doors to the people that we meet. Similar to faces, some doors were well-kept and inviting, while others seemed cold or dark, and others were worn and needed attention. I likened myself to the latter and was most grateful I had chosen to embark on what I knew—and welcomed to be a life-changing experience.

Her simple yet impactful insight about doors also reminded me of the unique needs of my family as well as each business colleague and client I served. Had I stopped taking time to actually observe or listen? Was I simply going through the motions in a relationship and simply checking off items on a list, like doors on our daily journey? 30 RESILIENCE

Just as we saw many interesting doors, we saw many friendly faces along the way. Some were other pilgrims who passed us as we walked, while others were residents of the friendly villages whose conveniences they warmly shared as we passed through. One constant was wishing one another a “Buen Camino” or “good walk” or lending a helping hand if someone needed blister advice or directions. No matter where the pilgrim was from or the language spoken, we were one big family on the Camino.

Being one of the slower walkers, I walked the majority of each day alone. I found that I didn’t need the company all day, day after day. Instead, I came to look forward to this time alone in the vast countryside. It gave me ample time to reflect and pray along the way and to soak up the beautiful sights that presented themselves for my enjoyment and gratitude. Every afternoon we met at the day’s endpoint and hopped on our bus to our destination for the night. We had a hearty dinner consisting of wonderful local cuisine and wine and great stories to share from the day. We had all walked the same path each day, yet it was interesting to hear what we each saw and experienced along the way. Taking in everyone’s insights and perspectives about the day’s journey only added to the richness of our personal Caminos.

On day 10, we finally reached our destination. Like most other days, I entered the city of Santiago alone and made my way to the designated plaza to meet the group. It was exhilarating and overwhelming at the same time, and hard not to be overcome with emotion. While I had not walked the entire 125 miles, I had walked more miles in the past

10 days than ever before. And I had the most indescribable experiences during that time.

I reflected back to the beginning of the journey when I had to pivot due to a simple shin splint. Have you ever had to adjust a much-desired goal? How did you handle it? I had chosen not to be weighed down by something I was unable to achieve, but rather to revel in what I could accomplish. I relearned the power of personal connections—both with the pilgrims in our tour group as well as with the numerous strangers I met along the way. One thing was for sure, I was now fully ready to continue my Camino experience. Part of that would mean saying “no” more to commitments that would weigh me down and not serve the good I wanted to achieve. If you are wondering, I will be saying “no” to writing a book about my adventures. Instead, I welcome the opportunity to connect more meaningfully with those I meet along life’s path.

About the author:

Linda Harvey, a nationally recognized healthcare risk management and compliance expert. When she’s not preparing for future Caminos, Linda helps dentists and teams navigate regulatory requirements. She is the founder and president of the Dental Compliance Institute as well as a compliance consulting firm. Her compliance coursework has earned the distinction of being Quality Matters™ Certified. Linda has worked in corporate risk management and has been recognized as a Distinguished Fellow in the American Society of Healthcare Risk Management. 31 RESILIENCE


At their core, entrepreneurs are builders. And, the best kind of entrepreneurs inspire others to join them in their efforts, making their work - their cause - better and more meaningful. The building of something long-term and its success from a team, or really success of any kind, seems to be contingent upon one really important thing: alignment.

If organizational alignment doesn’t exist among the team at all levels, sustainable growth isn’t possible. You’ve got to be rowing the boat in the same direction if you want to pick up any sort of speed to get where you want to go when you want to go there. Organizational alignment impacts all aspects of your company: collaboration, efficiency and effectiveness, positive company culture, and an employee’s overall satisfaction.

In Thierry Nautin’s article The Aligned Organization, they remind us, “Achieving real alignment, where strategy, goals, and meaningful purpose reinforce one another, gives an organization a major advantage because it has a clearer sense of what to do at any given time, and it can trust people to move in the right direction.”

creating aLignment within your organization

At PepperPointe, we believe that when like-minded individuals – with a shared vision and mission – come

together, great things happen. This is true with our doctors and our team members in that there must be a similar driving force, affinity, and shared purpose for everyone. However, you’ll never be able to bring the right people into the organization (or keep the best people) if you haven’t taken the time to really identify who you are as a company and who you want to be.

The foundation of organizational alignment is introspection of the owner(s) and leadership team: What is our purpose? What are our values? What sets us apart from everyone else? What is our value proposition? What are our vision and goals for the future - this year, next year, and 5 years from now? And, what are we going to need to do each fiscal quarter to reach that vision and those goals?

These conversations and questions should not be taken lightly - they set the stage for everything that follows. If you don’t do the hard work here, you’ll never know your organization well enough to create true alignment. And, you’ll never know what is best for your team because you won’t know who your organization is at its core. Instead, you’ll constantly be struggling with staff turnover, employee morale issues, frustration with not reaching certain goals, or even doctor turnover issues.

Without a purpose or mission guiding decisions and actions, and without a clear future direction to build 32

towards, there is no alignment amidst an organization, and the success of the company is at risk. Most importantly, in our industry, it’s truly the patients and communities who suffer.

how to maintain aLignment

For so many people, they don’t just want a job. They want to know that the work they do - and where they spend so much of their time - matters. They also want to know that they matter. The answers to these questions, and this foundation you’re building, give you the unique opportunity to show them just how important their role is and just how much they do matter (to you individually as a leader and to the entire company). Every single individual in your organization should know how their roles and responsibilities help the organization fulfill its mission or purpose, and how their short-term and long-term goals help the organization reach its full potential.

Leaders need to talk about their company's mission (and all aspects of alignment) often and loudly, encouraging individuals to look beyond the “what” and believe in the organization’s “how” and the “why.” Then, recognize and reward (in big and small ways) accordingly — highlighting individuals who epitomize their values in department meetings, quarterly organizational meetings, and at annual events.

Why does it matter? Because we know that purposedriven workers are more likely to stay at a company long-term and experience higher productivity levels and engagement. When you’re seeking something meaningful, and you’re doing that as a team, it’s limitless as far as what can be created and what can be accomplished.

taking it to the next LeveL

Alignment in vision, purpose and values, is critical

and foundational for overall success. Alignment (and consistency) in processes and procedures is critical for accelerated growth. So much time is wasted when the same process isn’t followed by all, and it can lead to such unnecessary confusion, miscommunication, and roadblocks. The processes that your organization determines are the most important should be documented and followed - encouraged at all levels of the organization.

It seems that the best processes are those reviewed and analyzed regularly, and where organizations are open to change, listening to their team members to create what works best for them and makes the most sense. I believe that these are organizations that are nimble, agile, and who truly believe that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts (Aristotle). And, that’s an organization I want to be part of!

I’ve learned that building something together - whether it be a start-up or taking an established company to the next level - is special, but it isn’t for everyone. It requires a certain grit, tenacity, humility, and a little bit of crazy. So, cheers to you, you crazy ones, and happy building (and aligning)!

About the author:

Julie Booher is the chief strategy officer for PepperPointe Partnerships based in Lexington, Ky. She has more than 14 years of experience in brand management, public relations, and marketing communications working with corporate and brand leaders to create platforms, programs, and partnerships that deliver on a company's purpose and make a positive impact in the world. PepperPointe currently supports more than 80 practices with 135 office locations, nearly 150 doctors, and nearly 1,000 staff members. Julie sees her opportunity to share the amazing story behind the organization's mission as one of her greatest privileges. She is also Accredited in Public Relations by the Universal Accreditation Board and the Public Relations Society of America. 33 SUCCESS

The Principles of DeW:

Look for opportunities that build on your streng ths. 2 Just DeW it! 3 Fa ke it until you believe it. 4 G ood DeWs fi nd g ood DeWs! 5 B e kind. Don’t be a jerk.
Honor people in their absence. No g ossiping. 7 Give people the benefit of the doubt. No judg ing. 8 “ To whom much is g iven, much is expected.” - Luke 12:48
Star t and don’t stop. DeWs never retire. 10 Never g ive up on your dream s.

DeW Learning Crew

Women's Health

Tuesday, May 16 7:00-8:30pm EST

"Are Your Boobs Killing You?" with Sarah Woods & Mary Fisher-Day

Mary Fisher Day and Sarah Woods have been through some tough times with their breasts. Join Mary Fisher Day and Sarah Woods as they share their inspiring journeys of battling breast cancer and dealing with breast implants that went rogue. Despite the challenges they faced, both women emerged stronger and more determined to live life to the fullest. Mary and Sarah's stories highlight the importance of early detection and seeking support from loved ones. They also remind us that breast implants are not without risks, and it's crucial to have regular check-ups and follow-ups with your doctor.

"Menopause and Me" Kelli Swanson Jaecks

Let’s be real: throughout our lives as women, our bodies change, and our hormones groan. Whether we are dealing with Periods, Pregnancy, Peri-menopause, or menopause itself, many women find themselves feeling alone and confused. As our hormones fluctuate, they affect our emotional and physical selves. Most workplaces seldom recognize this, much less provide a safe space for these very real changes. How can we best support ourselves and each other throughout these differing seasons of life? The more we learn about what is happening in our bodies, the more we can empower ourselves with positive lifestyle choices to better show up for our families, co-workers, and patients.

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"If cooking is an art, baking is a science" is said to have originated in the 1960s in a King Arthur Flour catalog. Many food professionals, and amateur bakers like me, often respectfully disagree. Don't get me wrong - I own a cookbook called "Flour, Water, Salt, Yeast" (Ken Forkish, 2012), where he outlines how to manipulate these four ingredients with time, temperature, and technique to create many kinds of artisan bread. There are eight "essential" baking ingredients: Flour, eggs, fat (usually butter), sugar, salt, a form of liquid, and leavening agents. Flour provides the foundation, eggs add texture, fat holds it all together, sugar adds sweetness, salt adds flavor, liquids carry flavor, and leavening agents make things rise. Almost everyone reading this article will know that you have much more flour and sugar than baking soda and salt, but getting the measurement of any of the eight can result in disaster. It sounds like an eighth-grade science project, right? Baking has foundations in science, indeed.

And yet, if baking were simply chemistry, we would not have the difference between Pierre Hermé "The Picasso of Pastry" and Duff Goldman's "The Ace of Cakes." The artistry comes as you experiment with all the different things that can influence those eight essentials - including "secret" ingredients. Brown butter, or as the French call it, "beurre noisette," is one of those ingredients. A stick of unsalted butter melts, sputters, and foams in just a few minutes. As soon as the foam subsides, the milk solids darken and fall to the bottom of the pan, and "boom,"

you've got yourself something that will transform a host of recipes.

Whether you are a dentist, a practice coach, a dental assistant, a consultant, a hygienist, a practice administrator, or a C-Suite executive at an emerging DSO - you, too, have a secret ingredient. Do you know what it is? And, more importantly, are you using it to create something extraordinary to share with others?

One of the challenges of identifying your secret ingredient is that it often comes so naturally to you that you don't even recognize it as a skill or talent. To us, it's just "who we are." Sadly, somebody told others that their secret ingredient didn't suit their current position or organization, and they have been hiding it ever since. I've met women who have been baking without it for decades. And just like in a recipe, their final product isn't quite as good as it could be.

Your unique strengths are a good starting point for discovering your secret ingredient. My Top Five Clifton Strengths are Activator, Focus, Learner, Woo, and Positivity. According to Gallup, the chance that there is another person out there with those five in that order is one in 33 million.

Well, I'm a numbers geek, and we are approaching a worldwide population of 8 billion, so... there are at least 36 SUCCESS

200 people out there who could be my Clifton Strengths "Doppelganger." So, your secret ingredient doesn't stand on your strengths alone. It must include your passions and your values. I've heard those words in more mission statements and unique sales proposition discussions than I care to mention. People want to talk about passions and values when convenient, or the "topic de jour." They rarely connect their strengths to what makes them tick and what principle they will die on the side of the mountain to defend. And those three things together are your secret ingredient - your unique superpower.

Learning to brown butter takes practice - the first couple of times you do it, it may fail. You may burn the crap out of it or be so afraid of burning it that you don't let the milk solids darken enough and miss out on the exquisite flavor. Perfecting your secret ingredient will take some time, but I promise it will be worth it. Because it will make everything you Dew that much better.

Discover it. Embrace it. Nurture it. Share it.

Here's to DeWing more with your superpower...

Happy Baking, Kristie

Brown Butter toFFee chocoL ate chunk cookies

(Adapted from Two Peas & Their Pod )

• 1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature

• 1 cup packed dark brown sugar

• ½ cup granulated sugar

• 1 large egg

• 1 large egg yolk

• 1 Tbsp vanilla extract

• 2 ¼ c unbleached all-purpose flour

• 1 tsp cornstarch

• 1 tsp kosher salt

• 1 tsp baking soda

• 1 cup dark chocolate chunks

• ½ cup toffee bits

• Flaked sea salt for sprinkling on top

- Cut one stick (½ cup) of butter into tablespoons. Place in a medium saucepan. Melt the butter over medium heat, swirling it in the pan occasionally. The butter will foam and pop, so be careful. Continue to swirl the pan often. Remove pan from heat once the butter starts to brown and smells nutty. There will be small brown bits on the bottom. The butter should be an amber color. Pour

butter into a small bowl and cool to room temperature, about 20 minutes.

- While the brown butter is cooling, in the bowl of a stand mixer, combine the remaining ½ cup butter with dark brown sugar and granulated sugar. Beat until creamy and smooth, about 3-4 minutes. Add the cooled brown butter and mix until smooth.

- Add the egg, egg yolk, and vanilla and mix until combined.

- In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, cornstarch, salt, and baking soda. Gradually mix in the flour on low speed until just combined. Stir in the chocolate chunks and toffee chunks.

- Chill OVERNIGHT for the best flavor and results. (If you’re in a hurry, chill at least 30 minutes)

- When ready to bake, preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Remove dough from fridge and form into 2 tablespoonsized cookie dough balls. Place on baking sheets lined with parchment, about 2 inches apart. Sprinkle with flaked sea salt.

- Bake cookies for 10 minutes or until slightly brown around the edges. Remove from oven and allow the cookies to cool on the baking sheet for 2-3 minutes. Transfer to a wire cooling rack and cool completely. Store cookies in an air-tight container for 2-3 days, or give them to neighbors and friends immediately!

About the author:

Strategist. Coach. Baker. Cyclist. Cancer survivor. Philanthropist. Kristie Boltz is on a mission to make everyone she interacts with become a better version of themselves. After hearing Kristie's message, you'll feel like someone gave you a Wonder Woman cape and the power to set the world on fire. 37 SUCCESS

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