Hyperhidrosis - Cause, Diagnosis and Treatment

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Hyperhidrosis : Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Hyperhidrosis :Hyperhidrosis is also known as polyhidrosis or sudorrhea. It is a medical condition that causes excessive sweating. Excessive sweating occurs when a person sweats more than is required. This condition is an extremely stressful, embarrassing, and confidencewrecking problem. Hyperhidrosis most commonly affects children, teenagers and young adults. Increased sweating may be triggered by certain things such as anxiety, spicy foods, cola drinks, exercise, warm air temperature and fever.

Types of Hyperhidrosis : One type occurs over the entire body, and other type occurs on certain parts of the body such as the underarms, soles of the feet, palms of the hands and face i.e â?– Focal hyperhidrosis: It is also known as primary hyperhidrosis. It affects areas like underarms, hands, feet and face etc. â?– Generalized hyperhidrosis: It is also known as secondary hyperhidrosis. Generalized hyperhidrosis generally occurs over the entire body.

Causes of Hyperhidrosis : In general, hyperhidrosis is caused by sweat glands that are too active. Generalized hyperhidrosis is most often caused by a medical condition such as: ❖ An infection ❖ A chronic disease ❖ A disorder that disrupts the body's natural balance of hormones. ❖ Focal hyperhidrosis is caused by a problem in the sympathetic nervous system.

Ways to Treat Hyperhidrosis: -

A dermatologist may try to rule out any underlying conditions, such as: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Iodine and starch test An overactive thyroid Low blood sugar Ordering Blood and Urine Tests.

Lifestyle and Natural Remedies : There are many ways to treat hyperhidrosis. Some modifications in daily activity and lifestyle may help improve symptoms: ❖ Use antiperspirant ❖ Use astringents ❖ Have a strong, healthy and hygiene routine ❖ Choose footwear of natural materials ❖ Free your feet for some time in the air ❖ Choose those type of clothes which suits your activity

Treatments of Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating): There are various types of treatment for focal or generalized hyperhidrosis: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Topical medications Neuromodulator therapy Botox treatment Surgical procedures Other treatments may include prescription antiperspirants or creams, nerveblocking medications, antidepressants, and more invasive procedures like sweat gland removal and nerve surgery.

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