Baby Boomers Beware

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3 WAYS TO BRING DENNIS, THE REVERSE MORTGAGE COACH, TO YOUR FIRM! 1. Brand your organization with your own Book Cover: Your elderly clients and their families will appreciate the simple-tounderstand format of Dennis Haber’s book, “Piggy Bank Your Home” (also available in Spanish). Ask us how we can print a custom cover with your organization’s name! 2. Train your professional associates on Reverse Mortgages: Do your colleages know the details that are so easily explained in “Piggy Bank Your Home”? Dennis Haber is a sought-after expert on reverse mortgages. Through interactive exercises, Dennis will ensure your associates explain reverse mortgages the right way, to help elderly clients and their families. 3. Invite Dennis Haber to give a keynote address: Your next conference should be fun and educational: Dennis Haber’s style is a brilliant mix of both. Through humor and case anecdotes, Dennis will help your organization appreciate how to properly address the growing trend of reverse mortgages.


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