Tests and treatments that may be necessary to achieve pregnancy

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that stimulate ovulation, HCG based drugs can cause an increase in multiple births. • Egg Retrieval - If you need to have in vitro fertilization (IVF), you and your spouse will be placed on an antibiotic such as tetracycline to prevent you from getting an infection. The drug Medrol will prepare the woman's uterus for the procedure. • Implantation - Baby aspirin or low dose aspirin is used to help an embryo from IVF implant in the uterus by increasing the blood flow. Progesterone helps improve the lining of the uterus and estrogen can prepare the lining for implantation. Surgical repairs When the reproductive system of a woman is blocked or in need of a repair, surgery is the only way to return fertility. • Tuboplasty - This is when a woman has her fallopian tubes reconstructed surgically. It is more successful if the area of the tube that is blocked or damaged is closer toward the ovary. • Hysteroscopy - This method of surgery is used to repair fibroids, scarring, and benign tumors inside the uterus. • Laparoscopy - The laparoscope is used primarily for repairing damage within the pelvic cavity on the outside of the reproductive organs. In a woman, it can be used to remove endometriosis or fibroids. Artificial insemination Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is one of the oldest methods of reproductive technology. It has been used in animals for thousands of years and has had over a century of use in humans. IUI ensures that a greater proportion of sperm reach the uterus than what would reach it during normal intercourse. This increases the number of sperm reaching fallopian tubes and the egg. • Egg donation - Some women cannot produce eggs and choose to use donated eggs. The cost of egg donation is higher because of the risks involved. Unlike sperm or embryos, unfertilized eggs do not survive freezing processes. This means that this method increases the risk to the woman receiving the donation because the egg donor cannot undergo extensive

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