April 2018 restoration rewind

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better-quality customers with higher retention rates and raising the perceived value of your products or services.” They go on to explain how consistency can help your employees understand what their role is within your organization. The building blocks of a consistent brand include: •

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Your message. Your brand message should be an extension of your actions and behavior. If it isn’t true to who you are, or you can’t deliver on it, you are being inconsistent. Your brand’s overall tone also factors in to your message -- in other words, how you position yourself in the market. Do you want to be perceived as dependable, aggressive, helpful or some other characteristic? Stay focused on the image you’re developing. Your design. Creating consistent imagery across your logo, website, social networks and print materials is an easy win that can help you build trust with customers. Your delivery. How will you communicate with your target audience, through what channels and how often? Knowing your prospects makes it easy to answer these questions and deliver the expected brand experience.

Final thoughts Trust is a byproduct of a commitment to quality and excellence. If you can deliver the right results to the right people over the long haul, they will come to believe and trust in your product and service offerings.

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