Del Rio Grande 0220

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Scott Fooshee’s career in the United States Air Force took him and his family, including wife Kristen and children Kate, Will and Jack, all around the country and the world. From the Grand Canyon to the Eiffel Tower to dressing up as the Incredibles for a movie premiere, the Fooshees have shared many an adventure as a family.

something, I’m sure it was something cheesy, and asked, ‘Will you marry me?” Kristen’s reaction as far from the Hollywood reaction of screaming ‘Yes!’ and then throwing her arms around her new fiancé’s neck. “Because I’m on stage, in front of all these people, I had my hand on my face the entire time. I don’t know why. Maybe I didn’t want anyone to see me?” she said. Scott said Kristen’s hand just shook, but no sound escaped from her mouth, making the situation even more uncomfortable and nerve-wracking. “She never said anything. She was just shaking. I was holding the box and she wasn’t saying anything. And, like, all of these people were there and the whole cast was there, too, and I was like, ‘Oh no,’ and I stood back up, while she was nervous and I go, ‘I need you to say something,’” Scott said. “She never actually said yes. She just took the ring out of the box and stuck it on her finger, and she just kind of looked adorably terrified.” “And Rob Wade comes over and he goes, ‘Well I guess that’s a yes,’ and they all pulled out their six shooters, and they had blanks, and they just started shooting and everybody clapped,” Scott added. “I had no doubt she would say yes. Maybe it was confidence, maybe it was naiveté.” Kristen said it was the nervousness and the excitement of the moment, especially in front of their actual family and the theater folk who have become family ever since, that left her speechless. 12


Despite the lack of a verbal answer, Kristen did agree to marry Scott, and the two souls who met in a dance hall in San Antonio began a new life together as husband and wife on March 15, 2003. Since then the Fooshees have moved from Del Rio, moved back to Del Rio, and resumed life in the place they now both happily call home. Kristen said their marriage has been filled with plenty of ups and downs, fights and tears and laughs, but through it all they’ve maintained the belief that the secret to a long and happy marriage comes from three things – honesty, communication and a willingness to fight for the marriage. “You’ve got to fight for your marriage because there’s so many things that are going to come against you in life. Relationships are hard to begin with, but then when you are actually married to that person, you’re living together, and then you have children together, life changes and you’ve got to change with it. You’ve got to fight for what you truly love and what’s truly important. You’re gonna go through some lows, but you have an option to either run away from those lows or to fight until those highs come back again. Communication and being honest with one another but fighting the good fight. We’re in it to win it It’s not always going to look pretty and it’s not always pretty, but we’re in it to win it for ourselves, for each other and our kids,” Kristen said. “Being in love, that puppy dog love, only lasts for a while. You actually have to become love. You can’t just be in it; you have to be it. Be love to that other person,” Scott added.

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