IHE Magazine Vol. 10 Issue 1

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22 THE WHITE CROWS PROJECT West Coast’s very own Ras Kass and Mr. Lawgne team up to create a Hip Hop duo that brings back content to the music,The White Crows. Both artists speak on their background and give insight to where the game is going and how they feel they will play a role in it. > Interviews

32 Rel - Inside Story

26 Emerson Windy Exclusive Emerson WIndy gives insight on his new album and the controversy surronding it. He also brings to light his outlook with his new single Black America. > Interviews

Rel young artist that explains the balance of intelligence and goals for music and other careers. He explains the emphasis on receiving an education and getting what you desire accomplished. Rel makes valid points with the structure within the home to becoming a man in the world. > Interviews


36 Kanary Diamonds Kanary Diamonds speaks with Defiance of IHE about success and how she made it off the streets of Watts, Ca. How she clicked up with Game and Ice Cube and other West Coast Icons. Kanary gives insight to many upcoming artists on how to start a career, stay focused and meet the right people. > Interviews


Czar Black is back for his second time in the IHE Magazine, first in the formally Resource Magazine. Czar Black speaks further on his Black Cocaine project and what it entails. He discusses some of the politics in the game and his stance on taking a different approach. > Interviews

48 UPCOMING ARTISTS - UNSIGNED HYPE New artists that have contacted IHE with their music. We selected these artists because they were found to be the best of some of the newly up and coming independent talent. IHE looks over many things, from rhyme style, to production, engineering, quality, content and originality.


Welcome to IHE Mag Message from the publisher What we are bringing to the table is something unique. We pride ourselves not only on the information that makes an Artist or Reader more aware about the Music Industry, but an emphasis about the world around you. Being passionate about the music that you put into the world is important, being able to relay that to people is important as well. What is of equal importance is the content that goes into what you create. I have published The Resource and now the newly formed IHE for a long time and I have been questioned on why I continue. I am not the largest or the most popular or even the best publication to most. The bottom line is we are the only ones that do what we do the way that we do. Topics that we have covered, people are either taken back by the information provided or it’s over their head; either way it is being processed. To be different and to be original is important to me in a world that is full of so much compliance, blind following, and mimicking. People prefer not to ask questions that pertain to the world around them they just take what is given to them as a blind truth. I never wanted to be like any other urban magazine. In many ways we appear the same, but that’s only the surface. We create something that draws you in and gives you the allure of the urban feel you look for in a publication, the content changes once you start reading deeper within the pages. I offer what I have and that’s the information I find profound. I share it with the readers because I feel they have a right to know what exists beyond the boundaries of traditional media. When I first started The Resource Magazine, I wanted to create a magazine that catered world events and cutting edge news to the urban community because I felt that they had a right to know. I felt that these subjects were not being addressed within our communities, our households and educational system. What you will find is our publication is small in size with very little advertisement and packed full of articles and in depth Artist interviews. Many times I have questioned my reasons for pushing on and still doing this. Imperial Hustle as a Company I had never seen only about the money, fame, power or any of the vanity that comes along with exposure and building a brand. I have a strong sense for understanding these techniques, but this was more about sharing the information. Each One Teach One. In return I did my part of contributing in giving what I could to make particular concepts move forward on a greater plan governed by the Universe. As far as this issue, I hope you enjoy great interviews with Emerson Windy and Kanary Diamonds who both give in depth knowledge on the benefits of being an Independent Artist. Government tracking of individuals and our population as a whole, tracking and breaching of privacy, and health concerns for population control. A lot of good reading. Enjoy your Issue of IHE Magazine.


Publisher of IHE Magazine and researcher of alternative media.


> Cory Austin- Editor

Magazine Team Publisher: Imperial Media Design T. 619.866.4792 E. info@imperialhustle.com Creative Director: Cory Austin T. 619.866.4792 E. defiance@imperialhustle.com Chief Editor: April Austin T. 619.866.4792E. promo@imperialhustle.com Public Relations:: Shannan Loewy T. 619.866.4792E. shannan.loewy@gmail.com Writters Terell Banks T. 619.866.4792 E. terellbanks885@msn.com Sonia Barett T. 619.866.4792E. soniabarr@yahoo.com Cory Austin T. 619.866.4792 E. defiance@imperialhustle.com

Advertising Digital or printed media packs available on request. Sales: Imperial Media Design T. 619.866.4792 E. info@imperialhustle.com Accounts: Imperial Media Design T. 619.866.4792 E. info@imperialhustle.com Distribution IHE Magazine is printed bi-monthly digital and print. To subscribe contact our subscriptions team on the number below. Subscriptions: Imperial Hustle Promo Team T.619.866.4792 E. info@imperialhustle.com


> Urban Intell

> by: Sonia Barrett > e: soniabarr@yahoo.com

> t: @soniaunplugged

A SLAVE TO THE ILLUSION While Struggling to be free from our own creations.

Typically we don’t correlate our experiences with reality as one of slave and master. Most all humans are in servitude to their reality. Reality becomes this clutching and controlling force selectively allowing what we will and will not control or so the illusion seems.


Its A Powerful

Time to make a change A Slave to the Illusion; While struggling to be free from our own creations

Sonia Barrett

tinue to operate.

According to a number of dictionaries, slavery is defined as

Typically we don’t correlate our experiences with reality as one of slave and master. Most all humans are in servitude to their reality. Reality becomes this clutching and controlling force selectively allowing what we will and will not control or so the illusion seems. Regardless of our class, cultural or monetary status we are all in this illusionary state of servitude. We are chemically bonded to the illusion.

We launch territorial wars and wars among ourselves based on these artificial rules and protocols which our belief systems are heavily tied into. The irony is that wars allow the release of our animal nature. To a great degree those who incite wars create this pressure release valve for the overall collective. Most of these political leaders are innately primed for the ruling of society as their own animal instincts while appearing subtle, play a significant part in their ability to rule. If indeed the human race had ET masters or rulers at a more influential period in our history then I would dare to say that many of these rules were imposed on human slaves as a way of maintaining control. When the sensory makeup of the human machine/body is understood, this kind of knowledge provides a greater edge in knowing what buttons to push. This is not at all farfetched in observing our current governmental, religious, educational, medical and scientific research systems in place.

The illusion is experienced in layers. Servitude is supported by a series of applications we call rules and laws. The purpose of rules and laws is to maintain the structure or shape of the overall reality; the main playing field. What we view as morality, principles, various forms of etiquette/manners, ambition, class, civilized, values etc., are all structured social rules put in place to regulate and keep our animal nature under control. How these rules play out is based on the cultural code of each environment. These rules are immediately adapted according to where we are born. Because of this automatic adaptation very few will see through the smoke and mirrors of reality from its most basic platform of operation. This is not to say that this was not an essential edifice based on the level of consciousness from which human beings were operating and con-

When decisions are made to kill millions of people or to send young men off to war, or covering up disappearing planes and imploding buildings, annihilating anyone in proximity and writing it off as collateral damage; it becomes clear that our aggressive animal survival nature is at work. Areas of our sensory network is shut off or adjusted in order to carry out actions that would otherwise have been off limits. Those actions would normally have been processed through of our general application of programs which are in place to control such actions. Such actions by those who rule are no different than the actions of those would deem terrorists. The brain is a remarkable playable technology and adjusts to accommodate the level of consciousness from which we are operating both collectively as a species and as individuals. Not only should we

“Slavery; bondage, servitude refer to involuntary subjection to another or others. Slavery emphasizes the idea of complete ownership and control by a master: to be sold into slavery. Bondage indicates a state of subjugation or captivity often involving burdensome and degrading labor: in bondage to a cruel master. Servitude is compulsory service, often such as is required by a legal penalty: penal servitude. 4. moil, labor.”

Typically we don’t correlate our experiences with reality as one of slave and master.

“we might find today’s controllers having genetic linage to those who came and passed themselves off as masters or gods.” 7


observe the systems in place but we should also observe the gullible nature of people in response to the mandates of these systems, not excluding ourselves. Many of these systems have their ancestral roots in a very ancient form of slavery and if we were to trace the history even further back (thousands of years back) we might find today’s controllers having genetic linage to those who came and passed themselves off as masters or gods. The slave eventually becomes the master. This is simply one aspect of the illusion however a very significant element of the illusion. Without strong realisms in place there would be transparency in exposing the illusion; exposing the simulation. So we spend our lives most often struggling to meet the demands of the master; reality. What is further disabling is the impact of our repeated submission which continues to crystalize the things we most fear which further crystalizes the struggle. This formula becomes a continuous loop. The systems in place maintain a very specific blueprint of the illusion to be projected as collective reality which is an extremely enslaving concept. But this can only be so based on the collective belief in this interpretation and projection of reality. These systems simply assist us in holding on to our limiting beliefs. So the actions of the systems are merely a reflection of the consciousness of the general populous. Here we find another loop as the consciousness of the populous


is networked into a specific set of applications or programs. Through our experiences with “reality” (the master) we have been conditioned to be fearful of the consequences. Most all our actions are then in avoidance of a select set of consequences most often trading one for the other. We simply avoid one set of consequences which then propels us into a series of other consequences. This is a concept that runs true in the collective governing systems as well as in us as individuals. How do we get out of this loop? This is the burden we bear. As humans we remain in a perpetual state of problem solving, an endless attempt to avoid a consequence. With this kind of relentless cat and mouse game the illusion is all that we can see. We are cocooned in the illusion and always in hope of being rescued. We want to be freed from this simulation. The truth is that the illusion is really the slave and it is you that is the master. The challenge here is the manner in which we are wired into reality. Each segment of the base reality is an independently strong illusion: 1. MONEY 2. FOOD 3. CLOTHES 4. SHELTER

5. HAPPINESS 6. LOVE 7. BELONGING 8. IDENTITY 9. WORTH We can view all of the above as apps or applications. Just as we download apps on our mobile devises so it is in the simulation of reality. These are core applications and most seem to be automatically installed in our main operating system; the brain. The loop then becomes even more significant as we continue to loop the same thought process and solution patterns in meeting the needs of these applications. Previous experiences remind us of the end results in not meeting the needs of these applications. We fear the consequences whatever they may be. Each one of our reality has its own uniquely built in consequence barometer; it measures the consequences that we are able to handle and those which we cannot. So we make choices based on the barometer’s reading. So going back to the idea of slave and master when we step back and examine our own lives we will see just how this has played out in our past and as well as in our current experience. This is not a concept that should be met with denial or disregard but as an obser-

IHE MAGAZINE VOL. 10 controls your relationship with the concept of money in your reality. Our money flow is always reflective of our story. What does our story call for? These experiences are real to us and must be played out in a way that is believable to us. We must invest our energy in the realness of the experience. Remember that “real” is “realm” of focus. What we place our focus on becomes “real” for us. We are the fuel; we fuel up everything around us. So through focus energy is expelled. We are the source of energy for our reality no differently than being the energy resource for your employer. Your employer’s reality of his/her business imagined into existence is also powered by the energy resources of the employees. You are compensated for the energy you expelled. It’s an exchange. This is not a good or bad thing it is simply an agreement that can be broken or revised at any time. This can’t be stressed enough in saying that we are power plants. We are the resource that powers the illusion regardless of the clever wizards behind the curtain. You are the wizard behind the wizard. “With the model of the holographic brain, the holographic universe, and Quantum Physics, we could speculate that all that we hold as real is nothing more than the playful dance of light, light that has no dimension and limitless dimension.” David Bohm

vation of one’s life. When we examine reality from this extreme comparison it may very well shock us into a life changing awareness. The struggles that you may be experiencing right now are indeed very real to you and very overpowering and overwhelming. Everything about this illusion is hypnotic, captivating and is bonded to our senses like a steel trap, and the more that we observe these conditions is the more real or crystalized they become. But how do you not observe it? How do you not take it in as real when your pain and struggles cut through to the core of your being? The illusion replays a relentless slideshow of images in your head, and replays conversations, consequences and fears. How do you stop this madness? What you desperately yearn for is to leave the stage; you want the show to stop! So in this moment tune into to a feeling that may seem to be substratum to the more pronounced feelings that are stressing you, what you will find is a feeling of surrender. You will find a feeling that says to you “let go”. What you will also find is the battle that goes on between that feeling of letting go and the feeling that keeps reminding you that you can’t let go for fear of the consequences. This is where the magic happens. This the deciding factor in what stories will play in your reality from the subtle to the most extreme experiences. This kind of letting go is unattached to anything; it’s not attached to

internal negotiations. Why is this important? Because our addiction to problem solving gets in the way and so we run the risk of fooling ourselves that we have let go by cushioning the idea of letting go with failsafe promises made to our self. When we do so we essentially crystalize solutions based on our data bank of old resolutions and methods. We simply pull from the databank of the automated self. An unadulterated letting go stops the illusion, this is science! Remember that you are the real master of the illusion so without your emotional interaction and running your resolution programs the illusion is not being run. What we mostly run are memory programs from which we imagine outcomes by plugging various scenarios into the machine. We become a slave to the illusion machine. That kind of letting go seems “scary” as we envision conjured up consequences. We anticipate the outcome based on previous programs; the loop. One of the most effective programs is the “money” program. Money is more of a scientific phenomenon that the brain engages in. It is not really a material construct however it is represented in a material manner which acts as symbols. What we have and do not have is one of the greatest illusions, an illusion that establishes the puppet and the puppeteer. This most often determines just how high we will jump for a concept that seem to be controlled by others, yet it is you who

Exploring the science of our design as well as opening up to the rich resources within can offer tremendous impact in freeing one from the illusion of enslavement. Question everything for reality is being experienced based on constructed rules and conditions as a way of stabilizing the simulation. We had to believe these rules and protocols in allowing reality to be what it has been. You are the power source willingly applying energy to many facets of the illusion. What do you hold your allegiance to in your reality? We play the role of both slave and master and to realize this is powerful as we then have the opportunity to pull back our energy from crystalizing a burdensome reality. Nobody is out to get you. Step back and work your magic. Unraveling from this feeling of enslavement will require the same level of believability applied to the illusion. Release the energy that you have invested into holding the burdensome aspects of your reality in place. Just let go, nothing will fall as there was nothing there to begin with; however there will be a reformation according to your surrender. Your perception of this reformation will be the deciding factor. Falling or losing it all is only a projected illusion one which we have done a damn good job of crystalizing!




> by: Imperial Hustle Team

> e: info@imperialhustle.com

> t: @Imperial_Hustle

The incidents involving shooting massacres has caused wide concern and debate throughout the country. The issue has become a priority discussion from several points of view in the United States. American schools have become a breeding ground for the epidemic named shootings, where parents and faculty have had to think cautiously in the case of unwanted threats. Every now and then newspapers and electronic media are full of reports which highlight the rising cases of various incidents caused by an individual’s reckless use of a firearm. Gun related violence is not a new terminology in the country but one that has been more absorbed into common affluences of American culture. The gun crisis has taken on various sides from victim to perpetrator or the accused and criminal. The description has painted fear throughout our social circumferences giving the ideals of urban black kids and suburban white youth as threats against different paradigms of our social structure. Yet is this truly the case? The mass massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut shook the Country like a storm, followed by an immense amount of concern from the country. This tragedy took place in 2012. Results of the Newtown massacre led the authorities to re-evaluate security surrounding children in public schools. The US Congress had allotted a fund of $140 million dollars for the safety of the kids in public schools. Almost 10,000 special resource officers have been trained for providing protection against the violence and intruders. On the other hand the incidents involving Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown and countless other young African Americans has created an epidemic and outcry from lower income neighbourhoods. As in the case regarding the small inner-city of Ferguson, police have invaded the town with military style tactics in order to disperse a level of control among non-lethally armed citizens. Our direction and effort in how we view these circumstances has been catapulted due to the media. The media has taken a stance in portraying systematic fear by using diluted objective based viewpoints and biased images signalling poor attempts to sway public opinion. The true threat has been shrouded in a cape of mystery as we squander among ourselves through race baiting and pointing the finger of blame hoping to one up each other for the number of deaths held on a tally.


The psychology of children and people who have been involved in gun related violence has been studied. The reasons for the increased violence has not been painted accurately for the public’s awareness. We have targeted

our viewpoints to several reasons for the current dilemma. Images portrayed in television have been depicting the low standards of human life in a very pragmatic way. Hollywood portrays violence to the public as entertainment, at times with humor in a desensitized manner, while inaccurately emulating current events and realistic topics. This also attributes assistance towards financial budgets for the gaming, music and entertainment culture as a whole. With that being said, these are not the true causes but only the outcome stemming from our deep rooted obsession with devastation as a people within this nation. The government has used this time to push an agenda as an unseen hand. Steadily moving while we bicker amongst each other in a war with no end. The propaganda has allowed them to run tests throughout different cities within the US, capturing the temperament and disposition of the people infiltrating neighbourhood’s to amplify chaos with their own insurgents. The government is applying a system known as Rex 84. This method of agitation has been known as Astroturfing. The practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organization to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants. The government has placed protesters strategically in specific areas for the sake of rallying, looting, and shooting with no end simply to justify a means. These protesters are paid to look, act and react just like they were residents within a particular community, but yet


they follow very specific orders. This has allowed them to occupy streets with tanks and overlook civil liberties of all citizens within this country. The brute force that has been used to snuff out non-violent citizens in order to push a tyrannical agenda has been sickening. This is happening right in front of each and every one of us directly under our nose. FEMA Camps have been created nationwide to detain citizens of various ethnicities in the state of civil disobedience. We will be told any detaining is for own protection, when the threat was created by the same establishment enforcing your protection, it’s hard not to see an enemy. Domestic police are now reflective of a centralized military force, where citizens are domestic threats and their orders are to eliminate threats by detaining or neutralizing the assailants. Outraged protesters have been cultivated and paid to be insurgents to help push peaceful protests into violent riot based outcomes in many areas for media coverage. The gun violence enforced from those in the position of government has created a gap between civilian and armed forces. While black neighbourhoods have dealt with these atrocities from the inception of their communities, suburban America is starting to see results in another toll. A child enjoys shooting sequences in the world of video games in which he or she emerges as the winner after killing a particular group of people. Many parents have the lack of determination that is needed when dealing with kids and their overwhelming sensation for graphic game systems. A lack of focus has been created when coping in today’s digital world. An almost separation for real human interaction develops due to distanced communication that is so readily available in this digital world. Kids that show low aptitude in school, sports and social integration are heavily medicated in order to correct these internalized isolation problems. We are drugging the youth while subjecting them to violence, militarizing our communities while perpetuating chaos. This we don’t see because we have become so submerged into our digital devices and online media allowing subjective and critical thinking to be developed for us. I am a firm believer in nothing happens simply by chance, with so many sides to gun violence and the scream for regulation from part of the population they are going to implement just that. This

has always been how Governments work, create a problem in one hand in order to have a solution in the other. What needs to be emphasized is the parenting in the home and how well our youth is educated on the use of firearms from all standpoints. In the video games, from parents and armed forces, how firearms are being used on all levels, fantasy and reality. There are many methods and policies which have addressed the safety and violence issues related to the possession and use of firearms. The method includes restriction on the purchase of gun by adolescent and teenagers. A fixed waiting period has been created for the buyers. There are many education programs which are conducted to inform the parents and the kids about the various facts related to the gun. Second amendment rights protect the rights of an individual to possess the firearms for the purpose of self- defence at home. Strict laws have been formulated for the violators who do not obey the law. Gun safety has become one of the major causes used by the Government to enforce control. While we had been diluted by our own arguments, the Government is on the lookout for the methods which would make the possession and use of guns more trackable. The Government takes it upon themselves to exert its force under the clause of moral duty claiming to take measures which ensure the safety of its citizens. The Government should look for the methods which can reduce the incidents through education and economic stimulus combined with no tolerance for the misuse of firearms. In turn the Government has created problems in one hand allowing themselves to exercise control in the other. The search of such preventative methods has led to one unique idea of making the gun holder wear a RFID tracking band. RFID is Radio Frequency Identification. It is a technique in which the wireless radio frequency electromagnetic fields are used for the identification and tracking of the objects. There are special tags which are attached to the objects. The tags store the electronic information. RFID is a part of Automatic Identification and Data Cap-




These devices will be installed with GPS tracking devices.


ture technologies which include 1D and 2D bar codes. The RFID makes the use of electronic chips which are formed as labels. The information can be recorded, written and read from the chip. This gives the ability to track the individual at any point in time. The US Government has decided to take citizen’s rights to privacy into the security of its own hands. Many of the United States impoverished neighbourhoods have felt an increasing amount of lethal force from law enforcement agencies with military style tactics used. The catch is that the armed forces will not be subjected to the same regulations and compliance as citizens that have mandatory laws to wear the RFID tracking bracelets. According to the Daily Kos, in 2012 136 African Americans had been killed by some form of law enforcement. Since Sandy Hook, Yahoo News says young adults have been armed with hand guns and assault rifles using lethal force in 74 different public shootings around the country. The Government has voiced the benefit that can be received by the RFID technique. They have proposed the idea that gun holders would be forced to wear a bracelet which has RFID system installed in it. This chip would allow tracking of each and every moment of the gun owners life This particular move by the Government will definitely succeed in creating an Orwellian dictatorship. Now individual citizens will be forced to contribute a profit to greedy corporate RFID manufacturers that earn revenue from mandatory laws. The problem


may not be so much the gun, but the way we handle violence in our society as a whole. When the RFID technique has been installed in the gun, this would automatically provide registration for the same and this means a direct entry into the database “Main core” maintained by the Government. This allows the authorities to physically track the gun owners at any particular point of time. The most disturbing part of this system is that whenever the gun is moved away from the owner, an automatic message would be sent to “Main Core” and owner. This message is an indication to the owner that the gun is either lost or has been stolen. Another control feature which the government was thinking to implement was finger print identification technology. This helps to make the lawful use of firearms as it would be operational only in the hands of a person whose finger prints have created a match. The US government has allocated $1.1 billion into military trained law enforcement for the protection of this type of corporate property. The RFID technique which they decided to incorporate in the gun has faced criticism and scrutiny from several sections of society. This move has encroached upon the privacy of the gun owner. As each and every movement of the owner is being tracked, this is not acceptable to the population People have considered this move

as a direct invasion on their liberty and freedom. This decision has faced resistance from various sections of the society because once the system is implemented, the complete 24 hour record of an individual is stored in the Government’s database “Main Core”. There have been suggestions offered to the Government in regard of safety measures. Government suggests GPS tracking chip should be installed in the gun along with the RIFD chip for increased visibility. Looking at the number of massacres which have occurred in the past few years, this technique can create new problems to face. Does it truly drastically decrease the number of mishaps and crimes which are related to firearms and gun holders? Or does it embrace a society where we are complacent, controlled and dictated without any natural freedoms. Schools will take this joint responsibility and work alongside the government to push the agenda based around a so called awareness with education towards parents and children. NGO’s will also participate in this effort. They will help to spread awareness in the impoverished areas of the country. So that they have a good backing when it’s time to lobby behind laws that favour corporate interests. The tracking of citizens through gun regulations with the joint efforts of government, educational institutions and NGO’s is just a single example of an over exertion of power, more changes will come, the question is do you know how you will be affected?


Obama Calls to End Bulk Data Collection of American Citizens > Security special feature

> by: Imperial Hustle Team

> e: info@imperialhustle.com

> t: @Imperial_Hustle

The article below does not directly reflect the views of IHE Magazine but takes an objective look at presented facts. We are in a system that provides transparancy inside induvidual privacy. We find it hard to believe that we are granted the rights to have what should of automatically been given, Freedom. Obama Calls to End Bulk Data Collection of American Citizens The Obama administration has made a proposal which states that the systemic collection of the data which is related to the calling habits of Americans would be ended by the National Security Agency. The bulk records would be kept with the telecom providers and they need not store the data for longer time periods. The National Security Agency needs to have the permission from the court to get the specific records. There is a new kind of court order that would be issued by the judge as an indication of his permission to get the access to the specific records. During one of his speech in January, President Obama expressed his thought to retain the complete program of collecting call records while discarding the participation of NSA from the maintenance of records. At the same time, he shared that he has asked the Justice department and intelligent officials to devise plans which can provide an easy way for the same. The officials had to come up with a plan by 28th march. The proposal that has been made by the government authorises the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to renew the program which exists for 90 days or more. The plan is expected to undergo some major change. The new proposal requires the companies to provide the phone companies with the records in a format which is technologically compatible and is available on regular basis. The regular and continued basis over here means that data is being provided even after the order is received. The order also allows the government to gather information about the callers up to two phone calls.

Currently the NSA has been keeping the records for almost 5 years. The government does not expect the companies to hold the record for almost periods longer than 18 months. The section 215 of Patriot Act allows the NSA to use the once- secret call program, also called as the 215 program. This program helps to establish the link between callers which is of great help in identification of hidden terrorist associates. The secret surveillance program which had fallen under this category helped to unilaterally put President George Bush in the

“The National Security Agency needs to have the permission from the court to get the specific records.� palace after terrorist attacks. The proposal by Obama would help to retain a judicial role to determine the suspicion is met for a particular number before NSA asks for the records.



15 KEYExamining POINTS life under systamatic control

> Security special feature

> by: Terel banks

> e: terellbanks885@msn.com > t: @chrisburkill

Not meant to be overtly critical of anyone’s lifestyle choices or personal situation, the following 15 “signs that you’re a slave to the corporate matrix” are meant purely as an observational approach to helping identify the areas of OUR lives where WE may be missing an opportunity to liberate OURSELVES from someone else’s self-destructive design for OUR LIVES.


Understanding what can be done about busting through the holds of the matrix.




1. You pay taxes to people you’d like to see locked up in jail. This is perhaps the biggest indicator that we are slaves to the matrix. The traditional notion of slavery conjures up images of people in shackles forced to work on plantations to support rich plantation owners. The modern day version of this is forced taxation, where our incomes are automatically docked before we ever see the money, regardless of whether or not we approve of how the money is spent.

2. You go to the doctor, but you’re still sick. Modern medical care, for all of its scientific progress, has sadly become sick care, where we are rarely advised to eat well and tend to our mental and physical health, but instead are routinely advised to consume expensive medications and procedures that are pushed by the for-profit healthcare matrix.

3. You’ve picked Team Democrat or Team Republican and argue with your friends, family and co-workers about politics. This is what the control strategy of divide and conquer looks like in our society. Both of the major parties are corrupt through and through, and independent candidates are not even allowed to exist. By believing in one of these parties and burning your personal energy on arguing with other ordinary people you are turning over your soul to the matrix, and doing your share in making sure that we the people will never be united against corruption.

4. You work hard doing something you hate to earn fiat dollars. Work is important and money does pay the bills; however, so many people lose the best years of their lives doing things they hate, just for money. The truth about money today is that we do not have money, but instead, inflationary fiat currency that is privately owned and manipulated. Since it is still necessary to get by in this world, it is best that you get more value for your time by doing something you enjoy or by working with people you do not despise. It is easier than you may think to live on less money than we believe we need, we just have to be willing to go against the grain to realize this.

5. You’re willing to accrue personal debt to fund the acquisition of consumer, a consumer oriented lifestyle. Each time a credit card is swiped it creates digits on the balance sheets of the banks that are most involved with the financial looting of the world today. These digits are then multiplied electronically by the fractional reserve system in place, which exponentially increases the power of these institutions. To participate in this, and by agreeing to pay this fake money back with interest, in order to maintain a certain lifestyle is a strong indication that you are bound by one of the main tenets of the matrix – consumerism.

6. You converse with real people about the ongoing happenings of TV shows. TV is the most potent tool used for mind control, and the ‘programming’ that is available, while certainly cool, fun, or entertaining is geared to reinforce certain behaviors amongst the masses. Dramatizing the ego’s importance, over sexualizing everything, glorifying violence, and teaching submissiveness to phony authority are the main features of modern TV. By taking what is happening onscreen and making it a part of your real life, you are doing your job of supporting the matrix’s desire to confuse us about the nature of reality, proving that something doesn’t have to actually happen in order for it to feel real to people.

7. You don’t have anything to hide from total surveillance. If it does not bother you that someone, somewhere, working for somebody is watching you, listening to your conversations, and monitoring your movements, then you are a good slave to the matrix. Invisible surveillance is an insidious form of

thought control, and by using the logic of, ‘I have nothing to hide, therefore, it will do me no harm to be surveilled,’ then you are mindlessly admitting that you have an earthly master and are not of sovereign mind and body.

8. You think the world would be safer if only governments had guns. This is a violent world, and criminals engage in criminality against honest people at every level of society, including from within the government. Sure, in a perfect world weapons wouldn’t be necessary for anyone; but, sadly, our world is anything but perfect, and firearms are indeed a very effective form of protection against common criminals and abusive governments alike. The willingness to forego your right to self-defense is a sign that you’ve relegated personal responsibility to someone else. Having the masses abdicate personal responsibility is one of the most important aspects of controlling them. Welcome to the matrix. 9. You knowingly drink fluoridated water. Of all the health debates taking place today, the topic of fluoridated water is the easiest to understand, for it is a toxic by-product of an industrial process. Water is supposedly fluoridated to aid in dental health, which is debatable in itself, but if this were so, then the involuntary fluoridation of public water is a medication without your consent… a form of slavery. Knowing this and continuing to drink fluoridated water is a sign that you’re content with your slavery to the matrix.

“You think the world would be safer if only governments had guns.” 15

10. You knowingly consume toxic poisons like MSG and Aspartame. These two chemicals are widely known to be toxic to the human body. Knowing this and continuing to poison yourself with tasty, but chemical-laden processed foods is a sign that the matrix has programmed you to place less value on your health and future than on your immediate gratification.

11. You depend on the pharmaceutical industrial complex for the management of your own mental health. The use of psychotropic medicines is rising rapidly in our society because people have been convinced that mental states are similar to diseases, while the truth about natural mental health has been obfuscated by corporate media and a for-profit medical establishment. If you’re taking psychotropic medications, then you are under one of the most potent forms of mind control available. Part of this control is to convince you that you have no authority over your own mind. This is perhaps the matrix’s most terrible lie, and by willingly taking these psychotropic medications you are conforming to the worst kind of slavery, and inhibiting your natural mental and emotional responses to the life stressors that are signaling to you that you need to change your behavior and habits.

12. You haven’t yet stopped watching your local and national news programming. The mainstream news media is a tool of control and manipulation, and by continuing to support their ideas and worldviews by giving them your attention you are volunteering to be a slave to this not-so-subtle form of mental programming. Even the local news is scripted at the national level by agents of the handful of corporations tasked with shaping our opinions of events.

13. You’re more concerned with televised sports or other mindless distractions than you are with the quality of your natural environment. The Deepwater Horizon, Alberta Tar Sands, the rise of Fracking, the sacrifice of the Amazon, and Fukushima are all life-changing events that will severely impact our future on planet earth. To be unconcerned with all of this while tuning into a never-ending stream of sports trivia and distraction-based living is a sign that your sense of self-preservation has been stolen and replaced with an impulsive tendency for triviality and escapism.

14. You’re skeptical of any area of life that hasn’t been ‘proven’ or validated by modern science. The very essence of science is the inquiry into the unknown, implying that until science can grasp something, it is inexplicable. By discrediting or ridiculing experiences that other people have, yet evading scientific understanding, like near-death experiences, acupuncture, or the life-changing effects of Ayahuasca, you are slavishly reducing your understanding of the world to a narrow range of possibilities. The matrix is made possible by efforts of volunteer gatekeepers people who are unwilling to think outside of the box.

15. You’ve never questioned the popularized version of ancient history and the origins of our civilization. There are many unanswered questions about the origins of the human race that point to a different version of human history than what is taught in school. Read 20 history questions they refuse to answer in school to discover some of the many ways in which our history has been hijacked. By never questioning what we’ve been told about our origin we are acquiescing to many of the imposed belief systems and narrow-banded views of human potential that the corporate matrix promotes.

A map drawn on a gazelle skin of an unfrozen Antarctica was found in 1929. The map was drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis, who had privileged access to the Imperial Library of Constantinople. Contained within the notes found on the map, Reis stated that he compiled and copied the data from a large number of source maps, some of which dated back to the 4 BC or earlier. Our history books tell us that Antarctica was discovered by Captain James Cook while crossing the Antarctic Circle on January 17, 1773 with the ships HMS Resolution and Adventure.

How did Reis know of Antarctica several hundred years before Captain James Cook ‘discovered’ it?

Where did the Imperial Library of Constantinople get THEIR information and who is responsible for the initial drawing of that map?



What visitors came to this planet from Orion’s Belt?

What is the significance of the Orion’s Belt constellation?

Is it possible that mankind has been here many times LONG BEFORE our recorded past?

How many millennia would it take for the 100’s of Pyramids In China to be buried 300 feet into the ground?

Is it possible that there are malevolent rulers who have kept us in economic subservience for literally hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions of years?

If man evolved from ape, then why are there still apes?

There are pyramids on every continent of the world. Who built them and why were they built?


> Special feature > by: Sonia Barrett > e: soniabarr@yahoo.com > t: @soniaunplugged


REMOVING THE SHACKLES OF THE GAME The game of living consists of an assortment of expressions; we exemplify life by expressing and experimenting with ideas through play. We dance upon the stage of life with our scripts and characters. We breathe life into these ideas and soon the creator becomes the created.

We are however challenged by yet another idea or belief of fixed or irreversible idea patterns. The game of living consists of an assortment of expressions; we exemplify life by expressing and experimenting with ideas through play. We dance upon the stage of life with our scripts and characters. We breathe life into these ideas and soon the creator becomes the created. The character comes to life and takes over. We become prisoners of these characters and soon our game becomes a warzone. Life is then defined by the interaction between characters. We watch and observe from behind our eyes as characters battle for survival. The game seems to grow with increasing conflicts. Conflict does not necessarily entail an obvious struggle but can encompass much subtlety as we succumb to the role of the character. It’s all so believable.

Who or what is the character? Like everything else it is an idea being acted upon, it is an idea being played out. We have defined ourselves by these ideas from which we construct storylines. This all becomes the face of reality for each of us. These bodies are idea streamers. Through them we are able to experience particular concepts of possibilities one of which we refer to as the 3rd dimension. There is no permanency to these idea streams as they are convertible and interchangeable for new idea streams and possibilities. We are however challenged by yet another idea or belief of fixed or irreversible idea patterns. The game is made up of a series of idea patterns also known as frequency patterns; nothing fixed or permanent. It’s a synthesizing experience.



It is not a conclusive space but rather an echo descending from an endless space. “The world of matter is a relative world, and an illusory one, illusory not in the sense that it does not exist, but illusory in the sense that we do not see it as it really is. The way it really is cannot be communicated verbally, but in the attempt to talk around it, eastern literature speaks repeatedly of dancing energy and transient impermanent forms. This is strikingly similar to the picture of physical reality emerging from high-energy particle physics. Buddhist literature does not speak of learning new things about reality, but about removing veils of ignorance that stand between us and what we already are.” Gary Zukav, Dancing Wu Li Masters

guided by others. It is about feeling what feels right for you in that moment. It is about feeling what resonates. What are your fears? Some cling to spiritual ideas coddling feel good tales of saviors and of an escape to other realms supporting peace. We are driven to be on the run. This isn’t about running but rather about discovering that there is nothing to run from. We are being chased by experiences built into our version of reality. How we view those experiences greatly determine how or if we shift beyond them. “In much of these spiritual movements there are limitations…boundaries set for us. We are given only so much latitude in opening our minds to what is possible. And although we are told that anything is possible we are fed the opposite. This includes our scientists as well. Boundaries are set in our minds about the manner in which reality functions as well as limitations about our individual abilities, our function and our impact on the process of EXPERIENCING!

Quantum physics and science Although we may strongly desire to understand more about this life as in general presents us with experienced in these bodies and even beyond the body; we are continuoussmall insights into the mely being rerouted and redirected into deeper pockets of the game. The depths chanics of cosmic technology. of distractions through which we are routed create extensive distance between But our tendency is to limit the limited and the unlimited. Much of this technology to scientific these limitations are delivered to us via the spiritual journey. To become lost findings. in the idea of spirituality as a mystical Quantum physics and science in general experience attainable only by the select presents us with small insights into the is yet another mind trap. Spirituality is mechanics of cosmic technology. But our tendency is to limit about an endless remembering and of a reintegration of these this technology to scientific findings. The technology of energy memories as they unfold. We are all spiritual beings living life is much too vast and it responds according to the intelligence through these characters we have created. Despite being lost in rubbing the genies lamp. It is responding according to the magnithese characters we must realize that the stories through which tude of the consciousness or the creative force behind the action these characters operate are fully encoded with clues and codes or thought. guiding us to our own extraction or emergence from the game. We are generally immersed in the featured story in our life at this very moment and once we are immersed we become the story which seems to grow tentacles pulling us in even deeper. What is it that we fear in being exposed to the unlimited or to the unknown? Are we challenged in stretching our minds beyond current perceptions and conclusions fed to us about the nature of reality? It is necessary to ask these questions…it allows us Spirituality is not just about becoming a socially or spiritually to determine if our objections are supported by anything worth defined “good person”. It is about being what you need to be as holding on to. you explore your way to authenticity. Since the clues to unlocking yourself lies in your own stories it is then necessary to follow To recognize that the universe as understood is simply a system your own trail. This is not to say that we can’t be assisted and


We often speak of God but it is necessary to reevaluate your reference.

within which a particular kind of experience or reality construct is taking place is freeing. It is not a conclusive space but rather an echo descending from an endless space. The human experience which we are engaged in is a component of this universe’s system design. All planets exist in response to the protocols of this particular universal system. It is why the element of time is so significant to us. “ Quote taken from my (Sonia Barrett-www. spiritinform.com) lecture in 2011Decoding the Matrix of Time, Reality and Cycles. These characters are significant in the universal design. They are attached to the holographic recorder keeper called the soul. It is how characters live on through karmic debts. Characters are more of a strawman or robot. These idea patterns are continuously morphing as new ideas are formed. Although the life of the character is embedded in the story we must seek to evolve the roles being played and reintegrate them in the more profound version of who we truly are. These idea patterns ultimately emerge from us. Through these characters and these bodies we become the imagined. We become the dream. “Viewing the raw constructs of the human experience is necessary for those who are ready to peer more deeply behind the curtain of paradox. This kind of readiness emerges when we are free to be unlimited. Although many express the idea of being unlimited this is most often pursued with restrictive views on reality. The idea of being unlimited by personal definition would mean that there is a desire to explore potentials beyond the illusionary restrictions of physical reality. It is a realization that the very laws of physics are a construct or boundaries set within our own minds. The stuff of life by which your construct of reality is formed then responds to those boundaries and limitations that your mind is plugged into. Many of our limitations and preconceived notions about the nature of existence go back to our parents and the external managing systems we encounter as we embark on this life’s journey. When we enter this life most of us bring with us old concepts and old beliefs, old

limitations, old bloodline beliefs, old ancestral boundaries, old fear and so on. It is clear that we do arrive with a set of baggage and the conditions we choose in embarking on this life supports those roles and the direction that one will shift into or maintain throughout the journey. However it is within our power to create new holograms.” “ Quote taken from (Sonia Barrett-www. spiritinform. com) lecture in 2011- Decoding the Matrix of Time, Reality and Cycles. In removing the shackles of the game we must recognize the limitations that we continue to defend. What confirmations do we have that life must be lived under the protocols that we have been exposed to perhaps all our lives. We often speak of God but it is necessary to reevaluate your reference. Who or what are you speaking of? The game is devised of endless layers of mind mazes. By whose rules are we playing? Are there any absolutes in deciphering reality? Absolutes are comfort zones. It provides us with a sense of control, who is it that needs to feel in control …the character/robot perhaps. Losing control is a gift. This kind of control is artificial and serves to secure our illusions. The shackles have become a security blanket for it shields us from letting go of old concepts and beliefs. It assures a life of continued limiting idea patterns. We are shackled by the fear of discovering that we are not what we thought we were. Somehow we fear a decrease in our value individually and collectively. This is a slave mentality. We worry about borders and immigration issues and health care issues and political candidates and spiritual concepts that promise the

ideal afterlife. Give us anything but freedom! This is indeed the nature of the game; no right or wrong however. There is a high price for freedom. Freedom means self-reliance, freedom is about mastering the game; freedom is about letting go of comfort zones and not “going gently into that good night without a fight” poet Dylan Thomas. The game is about the beginning and the ending of cycles and themes. What we truly are supersedes these cycles and themes. Cycles and themes are protocols for the regulation of collective consciousness. They establish boundaries and guidelines in the human game. They determine the concept of time! Whatever your story entails at this moment; stop and decode it for there lies the answer to the changes you seek to make in your life. You are not bound by the apparent protocols of reality but you are rather a free agent (we each know if this is true for us). One may choose to release or to remain committed to these boundaries. No one loses for we are always where we choose to be. So where do you choose to be? There lies the treasure in your response. The answers are always there.




“RAS KASS AND MISTA LAWNGE” IHE - People that follow the work of real Hip Hop, Lyricist and Producers that have been in the game may know of this project that’s upcoming and what you guys have put together. There are a lot of people that might not, and I want to know personally, how did you come up with bringing this concept together? MR LAWNGE - Yo Ras, you want to hit him with it?


RAS KASS – So basically I did a project

about a year ago called Armageddon. I’ve always been a fan of Lawnge and Black Sheep, Native Tongues and the whole movement. We ended up meeting through social media - it’s a beautiful thing. I’d never met Lawnge in the process of my career. We ended up being cool via Facebook and we chopped it up from there. I was working on a project and he’s such a stand up dude, he was like “I’m gonna send you a joint or two, tell me if you are feeling something”. He sent me a joint, quite

a few that I loved, but I ended up recording one for the project called ‘Sometime’ with Monie Love. It was a dope record and I had kinda eluded to say “Mr. Lawnge from Black Sheep I guess we the White Crows”. From there, just writing a couple of those bars as he heard the song, he was like, “Yo! What’d you think?” and I was like, “I’m with it!” and the rest was history. MR LAWNGE – It was that quick! IHE – When you came up with the


Utilising technology makes us different shit”. That’s what it is becoming. IHE – What’s your perspective as you see the game and how you want to put your stamp on it from the White Crow perspective?

name White Crows, was that driven off of coming out of the Black Sheep? Is that kind of what you played off it? RAS KASS – For me when I thought about it, because I’m a socio-political person, I know the terms that usually black is bad white is good. The good guy wears white, bad guy wears black. You can tell a little white lie but your heart is black as coal. I didn’t like those connotations. Black always gets the negative attention, so why don’t we reverse it. How about a black crow, I’ll tell a little black lie, we’ll

perform some black magic why is white magic good. For me it was my own personal interpretation of society and why they eluded to black is bad and white is good. I like the name White Crows. I always think about those two crows from back in the day in the Warner Brother cornfield. They were two crows that would sit around and crack at each other all day. I was thinking about that to be perfectly honest (laughs). MR LAWNGE - The concept was so dope my wheels started spinning, my brain was just like “this is dope”. So I automatically went into production zone. I was just like, “Yo man, this can be some real

MR LAWNGE – I’m not a big fan on what’s going on right now. Although there are a lot of songs and artists out there that I like and respect. As far as my perspective goes, I just want to do what I do and keep it Hip Hop. If I want to flip and do a song about whatever the fuck, I’m gonna do it. I’m not trying to lock into one particular thing. If what I’m working on isn’t what everyone else is working on then alright! I’m just here to keep it Hip Hop and do what I do. IHE – At this point in the game, what would be your advice for these new



artists; should he try and work hard nowadays and stay true independent or is it still promising to look forward to seeking a record label or record consultation or something? RAS KASS – My answer would be its individual. If you are in the position, like a Don Kennedy, I believe he’s pretty much Indie. What do you really need them for? Or better yet, like Tech-Nine. When you are making nine million a year without a major label, why do you need them? What are they going to do aside from put their hand in your pocket? Everybody’s situation is different. Those are things I tell people, they think the grass is greener, I can tell you from my personal experience and other Artists I’ve known. Some made it to the other side and it worked out for them after a lot of trials and tribulations. People think about getting signed is you are rich and you become a star. That’s far from the reality of getting a record label. For people who aren’t familiar with my situation, I spent 8 years trying to get fired from the same label, who wants that. I worked a great deal to get hired and then when they didn’t do their job I tried to get fired and they were trying to keep me. It’s a case by case situation. I would

“There are so many people in corporate business that are ready to line your pockets just to be seen with you.“ 24

suggest 9 times out of 10 if you want something done right you gotta do it yourself. MR LAWNGE – I agree completely with Ras and even further this is a new world and it’s a new day and time. Artists really don’t have to depend on Record companies anyway. There are so many people in corporate business that are ready to line your pockets just to be seen with you. Your sponsors kick in and that takes care of you living and you really need to find people that believe in you and your product for what it is. You don’t need people coming in and changing your shit and dictating what you can and can’t do and controlling your life like you are a puppet, you don’t need that. If you put out a project into the universe that the people love, that’s the power. Like Ras said, “Why do you need record labels digging in your pocket if you are already making 9 million a year?” You don’t! You can partner with other companies and make your money bigger. Like Dre, who’s got a billion dollars on some headphones. That’s bananas! He did that off what he built. It’s no different than Indie cats like a Macklemore. Now he has the leverage to go out and get 20-30 million from whatever

water companies or alcohol companies or whatever. Once you create enough buzz you have people coming at you anyways. IHE - As far as the tracks that you guys have put together so far and the collaborations that are already out there, where can people start going to get the music? MR LAWNGE - As far as the White Crows Project right now you can only preview it. Me and Ras are still working on it; we got it up for preview on Sound Cloud on the website. That’s about it. You can preview it, get ready for it, but we’ll definitely let you know where to go cop that. RAS KASS - We give them content and let people enjoy it, just making sure to build an awareness of where to go get this brand solidified. It’s coming soon, but it’s already here. IHE - Can people expect to hear something as far as a full project sometime this year? RAS KASS - I think so! MISTA LAWNGE -Yea, absolutely!


Alot has changed except the name. > Special feature > by:Cory Austin > e: defiance@imperialhustle.com > t: @defiancethedon


Emerson WIndy sits down with IHE Magazine to discuss his Herojuana album, perceptives on his single Black America and the contreversy surronding the albums intitial release. Emerson explains how he dropped the independent album featuring some of the heaviest hitters in the game. IHE – Defiance here with Emerson Windy we’re going to get into this Herojuana Album, this whole project has been fire from beginning to end, and if you haven’t heard it yet this is the perfect time to jump on line on Datpiff and get the whole album. Emerson, lace us up. How did you come up with the name Herojuana? Emerson Windy – My homeboy, who is on the album as well, me and him were sitting down recording a record, the Herojuana record and he was like “Man, we should call this shit Herojuana”. I was like damn nigga that’s hard, I forgot all about that. He was like “that’s that pot from up north we use to fuck with”. I was like damn, I wish I thought of that myself but I got to give credit where credit is due though, it was really the homie’s idea. From that point forward the rest of the album took shape around that concept, but everyone knows me, I’m the weed man ain’t nothing new so it was just in line with everything I’ve been on. IHE – People hear that and those that already are bud smokers and stay on their chief game, they already know that shit is like getting addicted, the whole album. Emerson Windy – It just fit, when I heard the name I was like damn that’s a strong strain of pot and I make a very strong strain of music. I hum a lot of my concepts before I write anything down because I don’t use any pens in the studio at all. So, I hum a lot of the concepts and if they get stuck like a drug in my brain then that’s when I get to

“I don’t use any pens in the studio at all” putting the words to it. I go straight into the booth and boom there comes some fire. IHE – You had a lot of great artists attached to this whole project, for you this must have been phenomenal to work with some of these guys. Who are some of the people that are on there? Emerson Windy – We got a lot of my favorites on this one. We got Pusha T, Raekwon from Wu Tang, Lil Wayne, Two Chainz. On the production side, we got Mustard on the beat; we got Mike Will Made It, Timberland all types of people. Illmind he’s one of my favorite new producers. If you end up on one of Ill Mind’s beats, that boy is a monster out of New Jersey. I was blessed to work with so many of the people who I grew up listening to and now they are all over Herojuana. It’s a blessing in itself. The secret says you gotta count your blessings and I’m definitely doing that.

“The secret says you gotta count your blessings and I’m definitely doing that.” 27


IHE – You came with such a variety with the whole project, yet show a level of deepness with each track. That’s something that’s very unique. How did you come up with the whole concept? What inspired you to create this body of work, this song Black America? Emerson Windy -When I hear a new track, I let the track preach to me. It tells me what to say. When I was listening to that beat my brain just kept going back to that. It kept going back to education in the ghetto, so I took a step back and saw what it’s like for a young black man in the hood and how we come to make a lot of the decisions we make. The main thing that kept playing in my brain is how the people who have degrees who teach the kids, sometimes they are struggling financially and that is a very powerfully thing for a student to sit there and see. Every week, cut backs, the jobs ain’t secure but here they are preaching education and they lead by example. They went to school and got degrees and they teach people to do the same shit. So I asked myself the question, what would I say to my son if he was smart enough to ask me a question like this because here I am doing what you are

“As a kid, I wasn’t that kid that you could just sell anything to.”

They Fear What They Don’t Know. suppose to do which is to preach school, school, school to your kid. If I’m preaching school, school, school and he comes to me like “Dad, what the fuck do I need to go to school for? The teachers up at the school ain’t got no mothafuckin job, they all got fired last week, there’s like 18 people in the whole school who still have a paying job and yet Jamal out here he’s got it poppin’. He’s got the big body, he’s got all the jewelry, he’s got all the money, he’s got all the hoes and he’s got the clothes”. Me being the type of person I am I would low key be like “shit this my nigga”, but as a Father you would obviously be like “no, fuck what he’s doing you need to ding, ding, ding and get your life together. But what if he hit you with those real deal questions? As a kid, I wasn’t that kid that you could just sell anything to. The shit had to make some kind of sense, as a kid I asked all kinds of questions to my parents and they were forced to sit there and just answer those questions. I just thought about how I would answer that question if he had made that observation for himself. Here it is the teachers in the school are broke, but the niggas in the streets are ballin. That would be American Societies fault because we put such a big emphasis on how someone does financially to grade their success. In the song I’m just asking a lot of questions, I’m not making a lot of statements. I’m just saying this is how things are and how do we fix this problem and how did it become like this? The other thing I came to think about





in the process of recording that song is how the parallels between say Black American and White America really are. When you think about it a lot of the kids in White America go to College after High School, they know they are going to College, they are going to get a good paying job after the 4 or 5 years they spend at a University or State College. In the process they hope to get a really good paying job and in 10 to 15 years they hope to have made a million dollars. You have the American Dream. A young black kid might think about another set of circumstances. I’m going to ball out of control in these streets and make a million in a few years in 4 or 5 years and then I might go off to prison for 4 or 5 years. Young black men expect to spend some time in jail at one point in time in their life and that’s fucking sad. Not a lot of them expect to ever attend college. Where the average white kid, it’s in his cards. His parents might frown upon him deciding not to go to college. I don’t know everything I play on both sides of the fence. I went to college…I also sold college. I don’t know everything, I’m just asking questions.

“A young black kid you might think about another set of circumstances. I’m going to ball out of control in these streets” IHE - Speaking about these concepts with America and the different divisions; we saw the race relations - go into the whole Peace Pipe situation, the song and let’s talk about it a little bit. What happened there? Emerson Windy – I made a video and I wore a Native American Headdress in the video for artistic purposes. Everything I know now opposed to a few weeks ago, I was educated on what the Native American Headdress meant to the Native Americans and that’s completely my fault. It’s your responsibility to educate yourself before you do anything and I didn’t do so. I had no idea what you had to do to earn that in their culture. Afterwards there was a lot of backlash. To be real now though I completely understand why after I researched the topic and I spoke to a lot of people. I understand why it had the response that it had in the Native American community. Had I known what I know now I would have never decided to shoot that video and when I knew what I knew I decided to take the video off of World Star Hip Hop. I redesigned all of my album artwork simply because it was the right thing to do. I learned that you have to earn each and every one of those feathers for a good deed or other things that you can do, and that to me is just a beautiful thing. I didn’t earn it the right way I bought it in a store.



REL VOICE OF PA I went to school and my whole life was sports, my real goal was go to school and get a scholarship



PA Artist Rel Interview IHE - Coming up in PA, how was the music scene growing up and how did it influence you to get started? REL - Growing up with music I grew up around family and friends who lived Hip Hop and were moved by Hip Hop. I was born into it. I didn’t really choose it; it’s just how I grew up. I was kind of out of the loop coming up when I was a teenager. I did music my whole life but as far as a career I was focused on basketball and school. I went to school and my whole life was sports, my real goal was go to school and get a scholarship to play hoops. That’s exactly what I did, but at the same time I never stopped doing music but it was like music was on the back burner. I didn’t dig deep into the music industry at a young age, I was doing music but I wasn’t in the circuit. It took me a while to get in the circuit of things, I was out of the loop I was just doing me and trying to get better from year to year but no really knowing much about the business and the music circuit and what was going on. I had to go through the stages of networking at a young age when I just had no idea what I was doing and I had no one to guide me. As you getting into it though you start bumping into peo-

ple and start showing up. I was in the city doing things I had to do, recording here and recording there. When I was young, just graduating High School, Khalifa he was God to Pittsburg for years. I know he’s just getting his main stream career really leveled, just in the past couple years, but Wiz Khalifa was always it in Pittsburg in my time. That was all the inspiration and I guess guidelines or blueprint you can say when you were my age coming up. You kind of looked at that and saw that and really that’s all you could do because Pittsburg was a terrible market for music and entertainment when I was really coming up. All you really knew was Wiz Khalifa so that’s kind of what got me in the circuit and realizing just what it took to do something in this music game. IHE – How do you find time to be able to juggle both music and sports and still find a way that you are able to excel at both?

“Growing up with music I grew up around family and friends who lived Hip Hop and were moved by Hip Hop”

REL – I graduated college last May, I’m done and my basketball career is now over but for the majority of my life that’s what it was. Honestly, I have to give a lot of respect and credit to my parents because I was brought up the right way

with a level head. Regardless to what was going on with music or any other quote unquote hobby I had, I was going to school, I had to get passing grades and I had to get a scholarship. Some people use to think it was a little bit much for my parents to put pressure, like “you better get a scholarship”, well I never thought there was anything wrong with that. When you get a scholarship and you are trying to college, trust me you need some help because trust me college is not cheap. It was something that was instilled in me as a kid, that you put work towards whatever sport you are playing. I never for once thought I wasn’t going to play basketball. That was something I was born


that motivation to be good at sports, “ We’ve seen people with, when you truly love a sport that never away. Playing basketball was a no be very successful goes brainer; I was going to do it regardless that was my life. Music was my motivataking the tion. I had motivation from my family to basketball and I had motivation to independent route play do music because no one put music in my hands I ran with that on my own. When and we’ve seen you juggle two things and actually take both serious to see them both through people be very -my goal to be a basketball player was to a scholarship and I did that. My goal successful taking get in music is to just be successful. I’m not where I want to be yet but I will get there the mainstream and I’m on that path. The thing is people route. It all depends are usually scared or they want to make an excuse for why they can’t do both. I just on the plays you never ever had an excuse really. I never a doubt or gave reason why I couldn’t make and the path had do both. I just knew for sure I was going to do both no matter what anyone told me or you set yourself.”

thought about it. A lot of it comes within you. Are you going to make an excuse for why you can’t do it or are you going to tell people why you can do it? IHE – There is a lot of debate on this topic. People are starting to have such a voice in music and able to do it themselves. What would you say is a greater asset for a musician to become successful doing his thing independently or a musician that decides to sign with a bigger label? What would you see as more of an asset? REL - I don’t think either one outweighs the other. We’ve seen people be very successful taking the independent route and we’ve seen people be very successful taking the mainstream route. It all depends on the plays you make and the path you set yourself. I think regardless of which one you pick you just have to make things


genuine. You have to genuinely work for something, you don’t ever want to look for hand outs - you don’t rely on handouts. You have to build your own solid foundation and build your own base. If you are a mainstream artist and you get dropped tomorrow and everyone stops calling your phone, you have a solid base under you and you’ve done the work yourself. You’ll be alright, you can keep moving yourself and be successful. Same thing as an independent artist, you have no choice. You have to build a solid foundation in order to get yourself successful and get yourself into that mainstream category. A lot of Artist want to say they don’t care about mainstream stuff, and they don’t care about signing record deals. I don’t look into that too much because everybody wants mainstream success. Everybody wants mainstream money. IHE - Is there an overall project we can expect from the singles you’ve been dropping?

“You have to build a solid foundation in order to get yourself successful and get yourself into that mainstream category. ”

REL - The singles that I’m dropping are pretty much music that I’m throwing out there. They aren’t attached to any certain project. I don’t record in projects, I just keep recording music and when it’s time to release a project we pick out all this music I have and put them together. I don’t necessarily have any plans for these records. Really, I just want to get rid of some stuff, just throwing them out there as leaks like that. As far as the Shot of Rel Project, that’s my focus as far as a project right now. We are just going to build that out with doing visuals for all 8 songs. I’m actually doing videos tonight. Then when it’s time to drop an EP or an album or mixtape, we’ll go ahead and start piecing stuff together that will be all unreleased music

Suits and the city REL – My official website is teamrelusa.com, it has pretty much everything on there. All of my previous videos, projects, pictures. The leaks that I throw out are also on that page. You can get everything you need from me at that website. I’m on Twitter, you can follow me @ Rel412 and I update that daily. Those are the two ways to keep up on what I’m putting out.

IHE – Where can people go that are trying to go ahead and pick up all the Rel music, projects that have been released and updates? Where’s the best way for people to follow that and get that information?


Kanary Diamonds speaks with Defiance of IHE about success and how she made it off the streets of Watts, Ca. How she clicked up with Game and Ice Cube and other West Coast Icons. Kanary gives insight to many upcoming artists on how to start a career, stay focused and meet the right people. IMPERIAL HUSTLE: Tell the audience a little bit about your background as far as where you’re originally from? KANARY DIAMONDS: I’m from Watts, California. Southern California, L.A. area. Born and raised in California. IMPERIAL HUSTLE: Coming out of an area like Watts, you got so much history with the City and it’s riddled with many different problems with poverty and stuff like that; then you got the diamonds in the ruff, which goes with your name, that are able to surpass some of these elements. How did you find your focus in being able to pursue music the way you did and get up out of there?

KANARY DIAMOND: That was the main driving force. Just wanted something different, I wanted to not continue that cycle and live that life. I wanted something better for myself and my family and my future. I thought “I need to do something”. That is the main drive behind my work ethic, its to change my life and those around me. IMPERIAL HUSTLE: How was it that you came about being able to work yourself into that niche of being able to mess with a lot of the majors on the level that you are? KANARY DIAMOND: Just working, networking and out there grinding. One link leads to another link. Just out there and


“I will be Independent until an absolutely undeniable deal comes across my plate.” the street and stuff like that.

IMPERIAL HUSTLE: Are you right now with a major label or are you still pushing independent? KANARY DIAMOND: I’m Independent and I like it, I love it. I will be Independent until an absolutely undeniable deal comes across my plate. Until then it’s Independent. It’s an Independent game right now! c so unless it’s an absolutely undeniable deal, it’s Independent.

putting myself out there performing and networking with other artists. At one point, KRS ONE, Game, Mac 10, Chingy…most of those people that I’ve worked with came to me. That has been the big blessing! The big blessing is not me having to be out there saying, “Work with me! Please

work with me! I’m really good at it, listen to my stuff!” It hasn’t been that! Most major artists I have worked with heard about me and decided to say “let’s work”. That’s been the blessing and those came about by me being out there, networking, performing, and getting my name out in

IMPERIAL HUSTLE: What would you say for most Artists that are trying to get into the game, that might look at someone like you making headway and they’re trying to find whether they should get a deal or not; would you say try and remain independent in building their name is the way to go or try and seek out a bigger deal? Is it different from artists to artists? Or is that just the way you see it? KANARY DIAMOND: From my personal experience Independent is the way to go. It’s a business. Yea it’s something you love to do, it’s something creative, but at the end of the day its business. At the


GONE IN SECONDS Award winners and team playe rsgeri gerimus publiis num condacerur Bo. Ehenihit, nobitis explit ut qui occatur millupiet licipid quiandis maximi, voluptatia consere sin reribus, qui num hicatus aut a sed es dolutem quidit eum aut et ent.Moluptat fugiati berupta speliqu issus, ut officil magnimo qui ipidunte eatisit, sam, sequias nit aspita

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beginning of the day its business. When you wake up its business. You have to build equity in your brand, you’re a brand as an Artist. You’re not an Artist, you don’t just make music. You’re a brand and you have to build the brand and make the brand attractive. So people, you got to get out there and network, work hard and build your brand and give your brand a big name. Give it some buzz and they’ll come to you. If your buzz is big enough and your brand is big enough they’ll come to you. When they come to you

“It’s a business. Yea it’s something you love to do, it’s something creative, but at the end of the day its business.” 39


they have to be more flexible but when you go to them they can take and do whatever they want to because you need them they don’t need you. As a new artists, build your brand before you go running to the labels.

> Special feature > by: Cory Austin > e: defiance@imperialhustle.com > t: @defiancethedon

IMPERIAL HUSTLE: Outside of just music, you’ve had a lot of success with television from being on MTV, BET, Oxygen, VH1, all the music stuff, the Reality TV, Bad Girls Club, The Fab Lane…the list goes on with the stuff you’ve been able to be a part of. Is that something you stumbled upon and it just kind of happened or was that strategically business move that you looked at as wanting to seek out television as well as this music thing?

to date I have about 300 songs played throughout. IMPERIAL HUSTLE: Right now what would you say is your primary focus? Is it more in the music side or is it in the entertainment as far as television, movies, film side? KANARY DIAMONDS: My main focus is my music. I’m actually working on my EP right now. So that’s my main focus, in the midst of that I’m doing other stuff. I’m about to start filming a new film in about two weeks called Concrete Jungle. It’s an L.A. based film. I’m just working, I’m doing it all but my main focus is my EP, my new project to give the people some new music.

KANARY DIAMONDS: It was at first, it was a little bit of both. At first it was something that I stumbled on and then I realized “hmmm, this is a lane”. Anybody who really does this music business, anybody who’s really in any kind of entertainment

“You’re a brand and you have to build the brand and make the brand attractive.” business knows it’s not the glitz and glam you see on TV. Your average Artist is broke. Your average Artist, big name and all is broke. I’m thinking “I’ve got bills to pay”. So I got a placement with an old partner of mine with Waist Deep and I saw that check and thought “this is a lane!” So I pursued that and


Czar Black is back for his second time in the IHE Magazine, appearing first in the formally known Resource Magazine. Czar black speaks further on his Black Cocaine project and what it entails. He discusses some of the politics in the game and his stance on taking a different approach.


MPERIAL HUSTLE: What do you have going on since the last time we interviewed, what do you have poppin opportunity wise?

CZAR BLACK: I’m promoting my new single Flight. We released it around the first part of April. It’s going to be a single off of my album titled “The Millionaire Suite” but it’s also going to be on my mixtape which is titled “Black Cocaine”, that’s the latest project. I actually wanna hit everyone with the Black Cocaine first, it’s been a crazy project.

IMPERIAL HUSTLE: I’ve heard flight, on the hook Flight has that real poppy sound that brings you in but the verse is raw uncut. The verse is just bars and you get to see that he’s an Artist that has something to say. Flight is a good track. IM interested in being able to hear more of what you have planned for “The Millionaire Suite” a full blown album too based on hearing just the single because I know outside of just the mixtape the album would definitely be hot coming from Czar Black.

CZAR BLACK: For me, the Millionaire Suite is going to be full of a lot of creativity. I see it as a royalty project, a wealthy project. I’m not saying wealth as in the sense of bragging about having finances or I got more money than you etc. etc. but more so it’s gonna be big boy music. You either gonna be motivated to do it big or you are gonna be a person already doing it big and it’s gonna go right along with your own soundtrack to your life. With the Black Cocaine, that project there is going to be straight raw and uncut. Bricks…but it’s going to be bricks of knowledge. I listen to the a lot of the trap beats that come out of my region out of the south, there are a lot of

Artist that I commend on what they are doing and their grind. I feel like a lot is not being said over the music, so I’m gonna take this opportunity to say what’s not being said. There is a lot things that you and everybody else need to hear and need to know. Don’t get me twisted I’m not saying I’m going to do a 100% conscious rap album but it’s going to have consciousness in it because I think that’s one of the elements of hip hop that’s missing. We don’t have a lot of that anymore.

IMPERIAL HUSTLE: When can we expect to see Black Cocaine solidified for people to be able to cop it?


CZAR BLACK: I’m shooting for May but I’m gonna say June.

IMPERIAL HUSTLE: Would you say Black Cocaine is going to hold us over till Millionaire Suite or is it going to show a different side to Czar Black?

CZAR BLACK: I think it’s going to be a split between the two. It’s going to hold you over but at the same time it’s going to show you another side to me so everybody knows I live every day like everybody else. I’m not in this fantasy world, this fantasy bubble, I’m poppin bubbles, and everything is like fine and dandy, got the Cuban calling me on the phone for the connect and all this extra shit. I’m keeping it 100. I woke up this morning pissed off because my pockets were on empty because I had to spend X amount of dollars towards this bill so now I got to go out and hustle and



grind and get it. I ain’t scared to speak on it like that. A lot of cats don’t want to talk about the struggle, they want to talk about the glorification and all the fun things that happen after you to put in that work and you hustle and you’ve gotten money. There are a lot of fake cats out here in the street talking about “I’m ballin, I got bricks”. No you just got a check from a record label. You went and bought jewelry and created this facade after you got a check from your label.

IMPERIAL HUSTLE: What is your take on the way the Black Muslim and the persona is painted out there. How do you feel it’s affected Hip Hop, you as an Artist or in any way your relation to the public?

CZAR BLACK: My thing with the whole Black Muslim Movement, to keep it real you have two sides to that situation. On the negative you have people that look at it as more or less of a militant stance and that we are trying to be something we are not. A lot of you haven’t done the research and studies into the history of African Americans but know that we come from that. There were brothers who were brought here on the ships and those brothers that came here 85% of those brothers were Muslim. As far as the Muslim movement, there’s no such thing as a Black Muslim, you are either Muslim or you are not. We all are born Muslim because we were all born in the humble state of submission. We all are born into Islam because that is the will of the Creator. It’s not just the

religion or the name of the religion it’s the meaning behind the religion or the word itself. The whole take of the media, when brothers in the country try and stand up and reach back to their culture, there are certain forces that don’t want you to do that. There is profit in ignorance and there is profit in our pain, there is profit in incarceration. As long as you stay caught up in the idea of “hey man I’m selling bricks and I’m doing this and trying to live that life” and staying away from anything that’s culturally connected to values, morals, ethics, and anything like that then there is a whole party in this country in politics that profit from that. They profit from your ignorance, they profit from your incarceration and they profit from your death.







Armani plots his return with “$laves”, a tripped out take on modern slavery and the oppression of the lower classes. Free Download/Stream. Production from Chicago’s Hank Iving of The Turkey Club (@TheTurkeyClub). The song is the first release from ‘Volume I: The Dawn’ of the

Crisis Fresh uses his originality and creativity to ensure he sounds unlike anyone who is already in the industry. He considers his style “Hood Harmony” which is rap/singing harmonized over a hard hitting rap beat. Crisis Fresh’s main goal is to make hot timeless music on a national level and help open up the market in Minneapolis.

His name is International Grizzly (I. Grizzly). He may be a new emcee to the nation but he’s a veteran to the entertainment industry. Born in the projects of South Philadelphia, I. Grizzly learned how to take care of himself at an early age. In the era of hot beats and punch lines I. Grizzly has the raw edge and aggressiveness of rappers from the South and West Coast.

‘Book of Armani EP’ series, the first of which will be released this summer. Look out for the music video coming soon. Please visit the Armani Webpage to learn more about current projects and to connect on social media. Song Courtesy of Vinyl & Gold Records, a division of 2014 Vinyl & Gold Inc.


Listeners can expect real music with no gimmicks when it comes to Crisis Fresh. With his label Phi Alpha Nu Records he plans to make his mark in the industry. To date he has opened up for the likes of 8Ball & MJG, 3 Piece, The Dream, Pretty Ricky, Sammie, Jon B, Adina Howard, Huey, Jibbs, Young Dro and more.






SASS gives Hip Hop her emotion, her stories and her voice and Hip Hop returns the love by giving her a worldwide platform on which to perform. The multi-talented artist has parlayed her reach and fan base into stints in modeling and acting. Creating videos that tell a story, as well as being summoned to star and feature in a bevy of independent films.

Sparxx Yungfetti releases the video for “Yung Pimpin”, one of the first singles off his up coming project, “Overdose” .

Music producer, Musician, sound engineer,rapper, actor. T MaTic occupies all of these titles. He started off as a child actor at the age of 4, appearing in magazines such as Essence, Strawbridge & Clothier, and ChildsWork ChildsPlay. Commercials such as Pep Boys and the opening for,”The Ray Rhodes Show”. At the age of 10 he started playing drums, taking after his father Anthony “Spike” McRae and also taking lessons at Settlement Music School. At the age of 14 he began producing music and writing lyrics. With the help of his production partner Derek Hall, T MaTic gets better by the day and keeps an open ear to new music.

J SASS has taken her love for Hip Hop and made it tangible. It is a love that her fans can feel each time she picks up the mic. It is a love that oozes from her when she performs and can be heard through the speakers whether she is delving into thoughts on beats about domestic violence or bodying anyone who tests her skills on wax.

Sparxx Yungfetti is not your everyday new fly, slick talking, hip-hop artist. Instead he shows listeners that he is a triple threat with his video coming from his own production house as well as being adorned through out in his own clothing label, “Krushh Akademy”.






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Fosho, producer/ rapper from LA releases highly acclaimed free album “Mali, Molly & Tamale”


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WOO CHILD Versatile, talented, and honest, Woo Child is rapidly making a name for himself as a true up and comer in the fiercely competitive hip hop game. Recently credited on songs by Lupe Fiasco, T-Pain, and Soulja Boy. Check him at www. woochild.com

INTERTSTATE SNAKE Dropped The Album YOTS with DJ Rob @InterstateSnake @TargetSquad, @ JoIyceWorld @InterstateSnake Official Grind Ent 路 For booking: officialgrindentertainment@gmail.com http://youtube.com/ interstatesnake 路 YOTS we out chea personally (street album) out now!!

FIGA EIGHT Grand Fam Artist Figa 8 and Producer Drew Infinite have completed the Album WTFSTS. During the downtime Figa 8 released a mixtape called GameFace to hold his fans over. Be Sure to Follow Figa 8 @figa8thetruth and www.grandfament.com.



SHUICIDE HOLLA Article written by: Ms. Cream of the Crop of T.E.T. Entertainment and Shuicide Holla

I got a chance to catch up with Cleveland’s own Lyricist of the year, Shuicide Holla. I’ve been watching his career for a while now. It began with intrigue, continued with a few internet searches, show attendances and we’ve arrived at sitting down and doing interviews. It seems as though I’ve interviewed him throughout each interval of his rap career, with the exception of the VERY beginning. Each time we sit down he’s on a different level, working towards a new goal, and plotting on his next big move. This time was no different. I asked him a few key questions and based on his responses I’m sure you’ll see why he’s in this month’s Imperial Hustle Artist Spotlight. When I Step on Stage it feels like the Highest High. Performing Is My drug, the more I do it the more immune I become. The feeling of looking An Audience in the eyes and giving them your raw passion is unmatched. To be mentioned amongst the All-time Greats and embed my name in the history of this craft is what motivates my artistry. I’m just trying to be legendary. Supporters knowing my lyrics and understanding my passion is motivation. I am heavily influenced by some older NY cats such as Big L (R.I.P), Grafh, Wale is a big influence as far as my style of rap and K.Dot should be motivation for any lyrical artist. I would Truly Enjoy a session with Wale who is my biggest Hip-Hop influence right now. Started Rapping


September 7, 2011. I knew how to rhyme before then yet had never made a song. Honestly what got me started was having a daughter on the way, I felt I needed to secure a future for her, henceforth I decided to try the sport out and ended up falling in love with the Journey. I’m from The Eastside Suburb of Cleveland Ohio. Bedford Heights to be exact. You can find me on Instagram & Twitter @ShuicideHolla or www.ShuicideHolla.com I am Currently pushing My Self Proclaimed Debut Album S.H.U (STILL HIGHLY UNDERRATED) released November 1st, 2013 with a host of videos off the project on my Youtube channel (Yhollaoh) including “Piece Of My Love”, “Cleveland Our City”, “Famous”, & “Father To Son Speech”. Currently working on a Major EP titled “Achilles Tongue” I haven’t set a release date on but definitely have been in the studio working heavily on. I’ve Headlined 5 Major shows in Kent Ohio, the most recent alongside Bricksquad CEO Waka Flocka Flame, also Rocked Stages in Akron & Youngstown alongside Mayalongsidec Group (MMG) Artist Stalley. I was Crowned Citywide “Lyricist of the Year” by the Ohio Kings as well as Statewide “Lyricist of the Year” by the Ohio Hip Hop Awards Committee both in 2013 & expect to carry that title for years to come.


VALI DIMES Interview Written By: Kareem Williams

1. Vali you are a recording artist that is signed to Rostrum Records. What are the pro’s and con’s of being the first lady of Rostrum Records? Being the first lady of Rostrum Records is an honor. To follow acts like Wiz have really pushed me as an artist; to keep creating more music and bettering myself as a singer. I have big shoes to fill as a new artist and only female solo artist under Rostrum. So I’ve had to work really hard to get to where I am today 2. Vali one of the first couple of songs I heard from you were Shut It Down and Polaroid. I am interesting in knowing the concepts behind those records and the process in creating along with recording those records? Shut it down was a feel good party record. I just wanted a song that I could dance around and have fun to. I wrote it with the Revenge of the Nerds and the Co Stars, and we wrote it in a couple of hours. Polaroid was produced by SAP and co written by Tru Collins. I actually wrote that record with Tru in my car on a laptop. The track had such a dope vibe to it, and we both loved the idea of word playing “Polar”.. “Polaroid” and “Polar bear.” 3. Vali you are very very interactive with you followers and fans by doing Google Hangout Q and A’s with them. What made you start doing Q and A’s, in your eye’s what are the pro’s and con’s of doing Google Hangouts along with Q and A’s? I need to do more of these! I’m doing a lot more shows so I might just bring my computer back stage with me! I love interacting with the fans! At the end of the day it’s the fans I do this for, and I love hearing from them. They’re family.

4. Vali you were working with Wiz Khalifa in the very beginning doing hooks for his Mixtapes. What are three things that Wiz has told you, that has helped your career and what are three things you learned from Wiz by just watching how he moves within the music industry? Always stay interactive with your fans. Always stay in the studio. And always mix your gin with lemonade…. lol… actually when it comes to writing he taught me to sing a rhythm of the words before u even come up with lyrics; that way the flow will be perfect. 5. Vali you just dropped your EP called Paper Charades. What is the concept behind this EP and what do you personally want the fans to take away from this EP? This ep is very true to my heart. You always “Pay-per the games you play (Charade).” Paper Charade. Its about love and money mostly. Beginning with a little girl reading a poem I wrote about love and money. And leading into dimes where I get to floss the money and beauties I surround myself with, since I’ve worked hard at everything I’ve ever done since I was a kid. Each song on my ep mean something to me, and were written at a significant time in my life. I hope my fans can connect with me and understand the kind of girl I am. I hope they are ready for more… 6. Vali Dimes featuring Wiz Khalifa was a big record for you. if you were do a remix to Dimes. Who would you put on it and why would you put them on that record? I would love to have Nicki jump on a remix. She’s so dope at what she does, and she always adds character to whatever records she features on. I think she would give a dimes remix so much bossness. (is that a word? lol) Always staying grounded but keeping ur heart in the pink clouds. Thanks for reaching out xx Love, Vali



P. International

Article Presented on Behalf of: Tha Print Music Group and Kangler Entertainment The greatest story untold from a hood near you. Artist “P. I.” aka “P. International” embodies the spirit of everyday people through music. Hence the name International came about, because people worldwide can relate. Being able to capture every emotion in a song with the ability to deliver a universal sound. An upcoming Hip hop/R&B Artist from Pasadena, C.A. a small town by way of the Los Angeles area. “A Renaissance man, self-taught, jack of all trades” as rapper/co-partner DEE states. Being that everything accomplished is self-taught, from song writing, producing & mixing to artwork & visuals. With a flow that can hang with your top 5 artists, and a melodic sound that’ll have your top 5 artists begging for Hooks. “Fadez here, Fadez there, Fadez Everywhere”, the title & theme for his upcoming joint project with rapper/co-partner DEE. Meaning, “It’s out here if you want it”. Capturing every angle in the everyday hustle from corporate to street. Not rushing excellence,

Capturing every angle in the everyday hustle from corporate to street. “Good takes time, but great takes patience” a quote from the artist that they used as a motto to help guide them to form a classic project. Still understanding the demand & importance of staying


relevant, they’ve launched a promotional campaign called “Warm-up Wednesdays” where they share a new song

“A Renaissance man, self-taught, jack of all trades” every week via social media. The highly anticipated Street Mix-tape will be available for free download late 2014. P.I. Currently Owns an Independent Record Label with his co-partner DEE Called Tha Print Music Group. With a roster of hot artist/producers & an unbreakable game plan, the world is at their feet & there’s no limits to what could be accomplished.


CASANOVA MILLS Article Presented on Behalf of: Celestial Caring Enterprises and 50/50 Music Management

This 25 year old lyrically poetic artist who produces his own music is under Management through 50/50 Music Management located in Connecticut. Currently, Casanova Mills is set for summer release with his new single, “Go Crazy” a dance club track that exhilarates an element of having fun. Next, he’ll release his first music video, “My Demons” that portrays the skeletons in his closet being a reflection of his life while he is fine tuning his Debut EP,

“I couldn’t be happier to be given the chance to showcase my art of work with Music Rocks”, said Casanova Mills. “I create a pretty cool stigma of my audience’s vivid imagination that will touch a nerve.” “Demigod” scheduled for a fall release. He has opened up for artist icons, such as Method Man, Wu Tang, Marcus Houston and One Republic. He started making a name for himself by dropping his first Mixtape, “On the Grind” with over 16,000 CD’s sold at the beginning of his music journey.

Casanova Mills will have the opportunity to be awarded slots on the, “Hit the Stage Showcase” to perform on June 26th in Upstate NY in front of

Sony, Def Jam, Ruff Ryders and other influential Music Industry Executives, 2014 Ocktoberfest Stage and at Fuzionfest 2014 in Trinidad. Ricky Barrino, Host for Music Rocks will have RVT TV interview Casanova Mills live at the concert in addition to other onsite media coverage so he can share his story behind the message in his forthcoming releases. Creating a local buzz hasn’t been an issue for Casanova Mills and he has confidently moved into other areas, such as Wilmington, North Carolina to further his music career by collaborating with southern artists which landed him on the Port’s most known Hip Hop DVD, “Stop, Drop & Spit.” This month he will be back in New York on June 24th to perform at the Official Power is Industry event hosted by DJ Reymo & Curt Flirt of POWER 105.1 FM. June 28th he’ll be in Hamden, CT performing at the Good Money Magazine Launch Party & Showcase hosted by Rich Dollaz of VH1’s Love & Hip Hop and music by DJ Hawk of 97.3 FM presented by Team Good Money and RoughHouse Entertainment. For more information on Casanova Mills, his upcoming debut releases or performances, please contact Thaddeus Sanders at 5050musicmanagement@gmail. com EDITOR’S NOTE: To arrange for special seating, write a story or interview Casanova Mills, please contact Tishawn Seaton, Publicist at 209-227-4643 or tseaton@celestialcaringent. com



any hip-hop artists claim titles like Entrepreneur, Hustler, or Go-Getter, but none exemplify this title better than Lefty. Born Kareem Williams in South Philadelphia, PA, Lefty, the son of The Late Doo Wop singer Charles Williams From “The Turbans�, began his quest to hip-hop stardom in 1998, rapping his heart out on the set of Philly Most Wanted video shoot for legendary producer Pharrell Williams


of the Neptunes, heavily influenced by 2Pac, E-40, Eightball and MJG and more, as part of a South Philly rap group named Plead Da Fifth, including Takedown Records star Daytona, among others. After dropping 3 well received mixtapes with the group, Lefty, decided to become a co-owner of Lab Addicts studio. He helped shape the careers of noted Philly rappers NH, Random (aka Mega Ran) and many more. Never one to hustle backwards, Lefty

decided to leave the studio and mic behind in 2003 to focus on business ownership and family life. After putting up amazing numbers in the MLM (Multi-Level-Marketing) and Internet marketing business and relocating to Phoenix, AZ, Lefty is now returning to the hip-hop world with a vengeance, boasting an improved flow and sharper business mind. On the side, Lefty hosts a high profile hip-hop gossip blog call Real Entertainment News, and has conducted interviews with some of the




yla Sinanaj from the Kris Humphries and Kim K Trial: Kelly Price from R&B Divas L.A.:

Sara Oliver from Bad Girls Club Miami: Shay “Buckeey” Johnson from Love and Hip Hop Atlanta: Paula Hellen from Bad Girls Club All-Stars: Vivian Billing from The Gossip Game: Mary Jane from Love and Hip Hop Atlanta: Sarah Michael Novia from Couples Therapy: Mimi Faust from Love and Hip Hop Atlanta: Che Mack from Love and Hip Hop Atlanta: Gloria Govan from Basketball Wives L.A.: Erika aka Lucci Vee from Bad Girls Club All-Stars:

biggest names in Reality Television and Adult Entertainers such as Singer and Actress Antonique Smith Singer Brittany Smooch Atlanta Rapper K Camp

Lefty’s first single “The Industry,” features legendary Philly MC Freeway, as well as Random aka Megaran. His album release will feature several noted guests, including Corey Gunz (Young Money), Journalist, Daytona, Mr. Charlie (Suave House) and more, dropped on August 7th, 2013. Multiple hustles, many talents. He is also the owner of a website called Real Entertainment News One Lefty. Lefty is also in the September issue of Tru Entertainment Magazine which has Kelly Price on the cover. Here is the link, article starts at page 35. Tru Entertainment Magazine Feature: http://issuu.com/truentmagazine/docs/ september_final5/1?e=6135939/4835151

Atlanta Female Rapper Diamond Bay Area Rapper Lil Debbie Erica Dixon From Love and Hip Hop Atlanta


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