Raunch & Righteous

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Synopsis: In the year 1448 A.D. Janissary captain Jolen-Heli returns to Constantinople after a successful military campaign in Kosovo. Upon returning to the Great City, he meets a gorgeous Berber princess named Mia Arrabo. Although Mia is engaged to a Moroccan nobleman, Jolen manages to court and wed her. But Jolen’s choice to take a human wife creates controversy within his Church as evil forces seek to destroy their union and their blessed child, The Promised Key. Cast: Jolen-Heli – Lumi-Visian Sage of Wisdom who seeks a bride to beget an heir Mia Arrabo – young Berber princess from Fez who visits Constantinople Lord Dagon – Hæysux overlord, ruler of Caprasecks, enemy of Jolen-Heli Magistrate – Jolen’s pathological former Lumi-Visian mistress Elizabeth – Mia’s mother who believes Jolen is using sex to controlling Mia Darius – Persian businessman and Lord Bishop who handles Church finances Stefanos - Jolen’s most trusted Lord Bishop and a gladiator Mesha – Mia’s younger sister who loves to shop Ishtar – Mia and Mesha’s promiscuous young cousin Jolen Dindar Sahte Sofu – son of Jolen and Mia, a newly ordained Diocesan Bishop Seren – captain of the Exo-Threm army, son of Dyno-Might, friend of Jolen Dindar Sirius Stoutkong – Arch Bishop, son of Emperor Stoutkong, friend of Jolen Dindar Other Characters: Nasir – the Sheikh who owns a lodge for Muslim girls only Dubai – a Sheikh who owes several bath houses in Constantinople Beata Rico Monte – Mia’s employer and mistress Nador – Mia’s father, architect for the city of Fez in Morocco Zar Iberia – Mia’s boorish fiancé and a wealthy nobleman General Dyno-Might – Leader of the Denzenhut people Emperor Tamarin Stoutkong - Ruler of the Babodrill race Tama-Cider – Lumi-Visian Sage of Knowledge, Jolen’s older brother Muta-Ramah – Lumi-Visian Sage of Understanding, Jolen’s younger sister Sayler Dangru – Jolen’s personal guard Aurum Norser – Jolen’s personal guard Kiko Basin – Jolen’s personal guard Matthuyah Kabinda – Jolen’s personal guard Lord Shinar – male Lumi-Visian noble of Jolen’s court Lady Warka – female Lumi-Visian noble of Jolen’s court

LUX FACIES Jolen's Duty In the year 610 A.D., Lumi-Visian Sage Jolen-Heli meets with a group of men in Constantinople known as the "People of the Book" and shows them plans for the Universal Library. They all come together and agree to wait for someone called "The Promised Key". After the meeting, Jolen is confronted by his former mistress, The Magistrate. She says that she will remain faithful to him as long as he doesn't seek another suitor. By 1439, Jolen-Heli has set up his Church in the great city. He recruits a Persian accountant named Darius and a Greek/Roman gladiator named Stefanos. Along with his Holy Court Officers, Jolen begins making preparations for the Universal Library and the coming of the Promised Key. Jolen is later brought before John VIII Palaiologos. The Emperor asks Jolen to join him and 700 others on a trip to Rome to secure protection against the Ottomans. In 1448, John VIII Palaiologos passes away without an heir to his throne. Jolen is then brought before Sultan Murad II. Seeing Jolen as a powerful leader, Murad asks Jolen what should become of Constantinople. Jolen wants the city to remain as it is for the sake of his Church and his faithful followers. The Sultan asks Jolen what he's willing to give in exchange for this. Jolen agrees to be a Janissary in Murad's army to keep the peace. Mia's Choice Meanwhile in Morocco, a birthday party is held for a 21-year-old Berber princess named Mia Arrabo. Her mother, Elizabeth, has been planning to marry Mia off since Mia turned 19. Mia is engaged to Zar Iberia, a wealthy nobleman who is about to inherit his father's fortune. During the party, Zar flirts with other women and even goes after Mia's younger sister, Mesha. Mia's father Nador notices that Mia isn't happy with Zar and formulates a way to get his firstborn daughter away from Zar. Nador announces that he's sending Mia to the Great City to shop for her wedding. Elizabeth wants to go too, but Nador wants Elizabeth to learn to trust Mia, for she is an adult. But Elizabeth doesn't want Mia traveling alone, so Nador orders Mesha and his niece Ishtar to go with her. Nador writes a letter to his friend Nasir, a landlord in Constantinople, and reveals his plan to help Mia escape from the forced marriage. Nasir agrees to help and says that he has opened an inn for Muslim women only. In order for everything to be set in place, Mia is told by her father that she must wait a few months before she can leave for the Great City.


LUX FACIES A Janissary's Last Request Before leaving for Kosovo, Jolen tells his Congregation to continue his work. Darius and Stefanos are against Jolen fighting in the war, fearing the Crusaders will kill him in battle. Jolen reassures them that he has a powerful weapon and that the only way he dies is if The Most wills it. Darius reminds Jolen that, like John VIII Palaiologos, he will have no heir to succeed him if he dies. Jolen tells Darius not to worry about that and to focus on the printing press machine they need to make books for the Universal Library. Darius conforms that the machine is being built in German and that it will be shipped to the great city with the said typefaces installed (Hebrew, Greek and Latin) when it is finished. Jolen's four Holy Court Officers escort him from the Church where he boards a carriage with other Janissaries and leaves. Jolen arrives in the Kingdom of Hungary where he and his comrades are ambushed by Serbian soldiers. Unknown to his fellow Janissaries, some of the Crusaders are really HĂŚysux satyrs in human guise. When the Ottomans are unable to fight off the Serbs, Jolen uses the Blade of Anonymous to turn the tide of the battle. The Serbian soldiers flee for their lives while Jolen and his men continue to Murad's camp. A Mother's Benign Omen Back in the city of Fez, Mia is reminded by her mother Elizabeth that Mia is destined to marry a very powerful man. Mia says she doesn't believe in the words of soothsayers. Then Mia realizes that her mother is not trying to curse her. Elizabeth is actually telling the truth about events to come. Mia finally gives in to her fate and goes to meet with Zar only to stumble upon a wild bachelor party. Disgusted by his behavior, Mia leaves in tears. Back at the Arrabo Estate, Mia kneels and asks God to send her a decent man. She is later joined by her father Nador who says that everything is in place for her to go to Constantinople. Mia tells her father about Zar and the belly dancers. Nador comforts Mia with a hug and tells her a story about a girl who wanted to leave home so badly that she tricked her parents into sending her away on a hoilday. When Mia asks what happened to the girl, Nador tells her that the girl found what she was looking for, because the people around her were no longer there to interrupt her growth as a woman. Mia doesn't see the moral of the story, but Nador says she soon will and tells her to get ready for tomorrow. The next morning, Mia, Mesha and Ishtar board a stage coach. Nador bids Mia godspeed on her journey before the carriage pulls off. 2

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS KOSOVO October 1448 It’s an all out ground war! Christian flanks of Crusader knights rush toward a battle line of Turkish soldiers guarding a nearby Turkish camp. The two sides clash with many of the Turks being driven back. The Crusaders fight their way toward the center of the Turkish camp. CRUSADER COMMANDER: Onward! (cuts down a Turk) For the Glory of God! The Crusaders rush to the Turkish camp nerve center only to find a fully-armed Persian infantry waiting for them. Silence sweeps over the two groups. The Crusaders are outnumbered. JANISSARY CAPTAIN: (behind mask) Commander. The lead Crusader notices a tall figure standing near a large cannon; his face is veiled in shadow. JANISSARY CAPTAIN: (approaches) You have come to the end of your journey. PANICKY CRUSADER: We’re dead, we’re finished! CRUSADER COMMANDER: Heathen! Have you no fear of God? JANISSARY CAPTAIN: Turn back, Commander. CRUSADER COMMANDER: (raises sword) With God as my witness, I will—! A whirling scimitar strikes the Commander in the chest. He looks down at the hilt of the Persian sword and drops to his knees. The Janissary Captain looks to a young Persian with his arm out. JANISSARY CAPTAIN: Thank you for making my point, Mehmed. MEHMED: Let us smote these wicked infidels, Captain. The Janissary Captain pulls out a long, glowing sword. Crusader knights move backward. CRUSADER KNIGHT 1: The rumors are true! CRUSADER KNIGHT 2: It’s the crystal sword of light! The Captain whirls the huge blade overhead and thrusts the blade into the ground, causing a shockwave to knock the Crusaders down. Cannons fire, firearms discharge and the remaining stunned Crusaders are chased away by Mehmed and his company of Anatolian troops. A Persian soldier approaches the Captain. PERSIAN SOLDIER: Captain, the Sultan wishes to see you. Like a magician, the Janissary Captain makes the blade vanish and walks with the soldier. The Persian soldier enters a large tent with the Captain. PERSIAN SOLDIER: Sultan, he’s here. Sultan Murad II turns to them. MURAD II: Leave us. (approaches the captain) You’ve done it again. Those poor Serbs will talking about this from here to Albania. You never cease to amaze me, Jolen-Heli. Jolen-Heli is in human form, ruddy skin, a metal mask, a large afro and in his Janissary uniform. JOLEN: Thank you, Sultan. But this is only a mere victory over the coalition forces. 3

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS MURAD II: Exactly. See? I knew there was a reason you joined my military. But I’ve been thinking; a cleric of your many talents is better needed in the community, not on the battlefield. JOLEN: What are you saying, Sultan? MURAD II: I’m sending you back to Constantinople. And when the new emperor arrives, I want you to watch him. JOLEN: You wish for me to be a spy? MURAD II: I wish for you to build your Universal Library so that people all over the world may know the way of Islam and not just the narrow views of the Christian Church. JOLEN: It will be a network of free information resources, not just another religious archive. MURAD II: Surely you can’t be around forever to see this library made manifest. JOLEN: I won’t be here in this realm much longer. I have other matters to attend to. MURAD II: If that is the case, I suggest you elect someone to takeover before you pass on. JOLEN: Then I shall return to the chapel and select a bishop. MURAD II: No, no. That’s not what I meant. Tell me, Lord Jolen, is there that special someone? JOLEN: Someone? MURAD II: Yes. JOLEN: Like a priest? MURAD II: Like, a woman. JOLEN: Woman? MURAD II: A man of your great influence surely must draw out a few matrons. JOLEN: I have no interest in human females. MURAD II: You may be wearing a mask, but I can tell you’re curious about them. JOLEN: I have observed them. Many of them tend to act on emotion, instead of rationale. They are drawn to unruly men who seem to care nothing for them and they bask in spreading rumors for the sake of mimicking her male counterparts as socialites. MURAD II: Yes. Amazing, aren’t they? JOLEN: On the other hand, their compassion and understanding is quite admirable, making them suitable teachers and perfect care-takers of children. They are also helpful and priceless, charitable life-long partners when coupled with the right mate for the right reasons. MURAD II: You know what’s unique about a woman? She can give you something that nobody else can. JOLEN: A hard time? MURAD II: A successor. JOLEN: Well, most beneficiaries tend to be chosen. MURAD II: I’m talking about a child, Lord Jolen. Most beneficiaries are also of the ruler’s noble bloodline. The only way you’re going to keep your legacy alive is if you have an heir. JOLEN: An heir? Like, a man-child? 4

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS MURAD II: A child made in your image, in your own likeness. Think about it. You’re free to go. Jolen steps out of the tent. JOLEN: (says to himself) An heir. Jolen looks to the sky and shoots up into it. Jolen flies back toward Constantinople. He soars with his reflection in the sea. Below him is the TITLE CARD: RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Jolen arrives at night to a caravansary where a festival is being held in the courtyard. Turkish soldiers dance with exotic belly dancers. Jolen’s human Bishops Darius and Stefanos await him. JOLEN: Lord Darius. Lord Stefanos. STEFANOS: Your Lordship. DARIUS: Welcome back. JOLEN: (looks around) Where are the others? Darius points to four men in metal masks. They are Sayler Dangru (bronze mask), Aurum Norser (dark golden mask), Kiko Basin (gold Kenyan mask), Matthuyah Kabinda (silver Congo mask)–Jolen’s personal guard. JOLEN: Where are Erech and Inanna? STEFANOS: Still in Greece with the Emperor. DARIUS: My lord, the device has arrived. JOLEN: (looks to Darius) Already? Jolen and his followers are back at his holy chapel. He is joined by citizens in the sanctuary. They all stand before a printing press machine from Germany. DARIUS: As I said before, my lord, it prints in Hebrew, Latin and Greek. JOLEN: For Universes Liber, we need someone who can translate Arabic. DARIUS: My lord, we still need the complete set of Arabic type plates. STEPANOS: And I doubt the Christian metal smiths will fulfill your request for this private orthodox library you’re planning to build. JOLEN: Worry not. We’ll find a craftsman worthy of working for the Will of The Most. STEFANOS: It’ll never work, my lord. Besides, we already have the Imperial Library. JOLEN: No, Stefanos. The people need free, untainted, uninhabited information resources. No religious body can be involved in filtering its contents. STEFANOS: We’re a religious body. JOLEN: Sponsoring a library, not controlling what the people can and can’t read in it. STEFANOS: Even if the books in the library you’ll create condemns our religion? 5

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS JOLEN: I’m not going to create it. The Promised Key will do that. CHURCH MEMBER: What is the Promised Key again? STEFANOS: Jolen’s personal representative on earth, whom His Lordship hasn’t chosen yet. JOLEN: I haven’t chosen him because he hasn’t been born. The assemblage is silent. STEFANOS: A child? DARIUS: My lord, does your kind even believe in marriage? JOLEN: Yes. But my options on the celestial plane are limited. So I must seek a mate here. Stefanos gets close to Jolen. STEF: You’re not seriously thinking about getting married to a woman, are you? JOLEN: Why not? STEF: Look at what my marriage is doing to me. JOLEN: I only see what you could be doing to make it better. STEF: Honestly, who in their right mind would want to settle down with a monk like you? Morning. An Imperial carriage stops before a loading area. Out steps a Berber princess in a regal pink gown with a veil; she has sparkling chestnut eyes and a comely countenance. She is Mia Arrabo. Young, hopeful, fertile. She takes in the busy city with an open-mouth smile before she is joined by her younger sister Mesha and their cousin Ishtar who jog past her. MESHA: Come on, Mia! ISHTAR: Last one to the inn is a rotten herring! MIA: Wait for me! CONSTANTINOPLE Two Weeks Later The girls laugh as they weave through the crowd. Their bags are carried by servants. They come to a building called Regia Uia, a lodge for Muslim girls only. ISHTAR: (reads sign) The Royal Road. A man clears his throat; he is Sheikh Nasir. Beside him is his wife, Habeba. NASIR: Ladies, As-salam alaykum. GIRLS: Wa-Alaikum-Salaam. Nasir puts his hand under Mia’s chin. NASIR: You must be Nador’s first born. (smiles) Glory be to Allah for such a gorgeous child. Mia blushes. Ishtar rolls her eyes.


RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS NASIR: I was expecting only you, Lady Mia. But at your father’s request, you and your guests may use the noble’s suite on the third floor. (shows finger) but—you are to keep it clean, no rambunctious un-lady-like behavior. Habeba steps in. HABEBA: And no boys. Mia, Mesha and Ishtar unpack. MESHA: I cannot believe it, Ishtar. The city is just as beautiful as you described it. ISHTAR: Abbu brought me here many times. His brother is a skilled craftsman. Mia approaches the balcony. She sees Jolen’s chapel across the way. MESHA: (OS) Does he still work at that awful monastery near the sea? ISHTAR: (OS) Yes. For those no-good monks. MESHA: (OS) They’re worse than those animals in the Baltics. ISHTAR: (OS) The Crusaders? Or should I say the Cruel-saders. MESHA: (OS) I say throw them all to the Persians. MIA: What purpose does that building serve? ISHTAR: Probably just another polytheistic den of infidels. MIA: It looks Judaic in nature to me. Ishtar pulls Mia away from the balcony. ISHTAR: Come on, Mia. Everybody knows who the real Jews are around here. The girls walk down the hall. MIA: Why can’t we all just live as one people regardless of our religions? ISHTAR: Because our plush fantasy world isn’t limited to blind, money-hungry idolaters who seek to control every man, woman and child through fear, finance, secrecy and sex. MIA: Ishtar! ISHTAR: It’s true. It’s reason why we’re here. MESHA: We’re here to shop for Mia’s wedding to Zar. Right Mia? Mia looks elsewhere without a sound. ISHTAR: Not a single word about her beloved Zar this whole trip here. MIA: Can we please not talk about him? Thank you. They enter the marketplace. MESHA: Mia, Zar Iberia is wealthy. You’ll be set for life. ISHTAR: She’ll also be his legal, live-in whore while Zar has his way with Zina. MIA: The Sharia code of conduct forbids that. They stop at a table with jewelry on it. 7

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS ISHTAR: Like it matters. I mean, who even reads the Qur'an? MESHA: I still do. ISHTAR: Shut up, Mesha. MIA: Don’t tell her to shut up. ISHTAR: She’s so callow and green. She doesn’t even know what ‘Istimna is. MESHA: What’s ‘Istimna, Mia? MIA: Forget it about, Mesha. Help me find a necklace. ISHTAR: It’s when…(she whispers into Mesha’s ear) MESHA: That’s disgusting. What kind of woman would do such a thing? ISHTAR: Ask your sister. MIA: Ishtar! ISHTAR: I caught her the night Zar proposed to her. Mia looks at Ishtar with her mouth wide open. MIA: Be quiet! ISHTAR: Maybe I should have joined in. MIA: Ishtar you promised to be silent! MESHA: So is that like having your way with Zina, but not having to be with— MIA: Shut up, Mesha! Mia walks away. Mesha and Ishtar snicker and follow Mia. Back at the Royal Road, Mia and her family are at a gown fitting with Habeba. Mia is bored and sees a seamstress having trouble adjusting the bodice on the wooden dress form the wedding gown. Mia excuses herself to help the young girl who is around Mesha’s age, but the young girl is chastened and taken away by a Sheikh named Dubai. Mia rejoins Mesha and Ishtar. DUBAI: Ladies, As-salam alaykum. LADIES: Wa-Alaikum-Salaam. Dubai studies Mia with wanton eyes. Mesha and Ishtar keep their eyes on the floor. DUBAI: Whose little foal are you? Mia moves backward and into the wall. Her eyes are low as his hairy hand reaches for her face. DUBAI: You are skilled in tailoring. I could use a young fawn like you. HABEBA: (OS) Will there be anything else, Dubai? Dubai grins wickedly at Mia. DUBAI: That will be all. He leaves with several young girls. HABEBA: Be wary. He has taken many young girls from their beds and put them to work. MIA: Is it a crime for a vigorous Muslim woman to work hard for a Sheikh in a Christian city? Habeba backs Mia into the wall like she would put her through it. 8

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS HABEBA: That man is a whoremonger, a wolf looking for fresh hatchlings to devour from the hen house. You stay away from Sheikh Dubai! Do not accept any job offers from him, no matter how much he says he’ll pay you. Mia goes back over to the wedding gown on the woodened dress form. NOBLEWOMAN: My lady, let the servants. MIA: I can do it myself. The noblewoman watches Mia quickly work on the under bust corset of the wedding gown. Night. Jolen is underneath the chapel in the tunnels, reading a book on courtship and pairing. A woman walks up behind him. He looks up from the book. Behind him is a woman in an evening gown and a silver metal mask. She is his former mistress, The Magistrate. THE MAGISTRATE: So, this is what you do with your Universal Power on earth? Jolen turns to her with his finger in the page he last read. She approaches looking around. JOLEN: Why are you not overseeing the Courts? THE MAGISTRATE: My peers up there can function without me in their presence. JOLEN: You came down here for a retreat? THE MAGISTRATE: I came to talk. JOLEN: Be brief with your words. THE MAGISTRATE: Very well. The Magistrate lets her gown fall into a pile at her feet. JOLEN: Praise be to the Most. THE MAGISTRATE: I’ve improved the overall look of my human form. You like it? JOLEN: I love it. She moves toward him, puts her hands on his chest and lets her face plate touch his. JOLEN: You know my rule: become my wife and with it comes your full submission. THE MAGISTRATE: And you know my only request in exchange for your dominance over me. JOLEN: Your Honor, I cannot make you a Sage while… She abruptly moves away from him and picks up her gown. THE MAGISTRATE: You never change. She puts it back on and turns away from him. JOLEN: Your Honor. THE MAGISTRATE: Do you not find my aura appealing? JOLEN: That is not the reason you pout. You are doing this because I made my sister a Sage. THE MAGISTRATE: (turns to him) Yes! Your sister. Why not me? JOLEN: You were already the civil authority of the highest courts. THE MAGISTRATE: I am the Universal Power of Justice. I should have been your first choice. 9

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS JOLEN: You were my first choice. But you were too busy making a name for yourself in the cosmos. I proposed to you twice and you rejected me both times. Why now do you come to me seeking to be my wife? Have I not approached you with dignity and respect aforetime? THE MAGISTRATE: The time just wasn’t right. We had just defeated the Su-Naru. We needed time to get to know each other. JOLEN: So, you waited a millennium just to build the nerve to submit yourself to me? THE MAGISTRATE: That’s not fair, My Lord. JOLEN: Your wheels turn slow, my dear. But not everyone is willing to wait for you. THE MAGISTRATE: That is how I work. It is my nature. JOLEN: Then you know how I work. I am patient, but I will not wait to do that which is right forever. If I cannot find what I need on the celestial plane, I shall look elsewhere. THE MAGISTRATE: Is that why you came here? For a suitor? JOLEN: I’m here for the Library. THE MAGISTRATE: Ah, yes. Your precious library. Still pursuing that ridiculous covenant you made with those foolish humans? JOLEN: My Lady. Are you not impartial in aura? For your strength lies in objectivity? THE MAGISTRATE: What exactly is this Promised Key you’ve been talking about down here? JOLEN: That is no concern of yours. THE MAGISTRATE: Is it a power source? Another one of your silly ideas? Or is it a person? JOLEN: My Lady, please. THE MAGISTRATE: It’s a person isn’t it? You’re looking to create an heir. JOLEN: You must go now. She rushes in and presses her face plate to his. THE MAGISTRATE: Lay with me. JOLEN: Your Honor, please. THE MAGISTRATE: Give me offspring, or I’ll dim and cease to glow. Jolen moves her away. JOLEN: Return to Invisibase. THE MAGISTRATE: You can do whatever you wish with me. But give me children. JOLEN: Return to Invisibase at once. And don’t ever come down here unannounced again. The Magistrate bows to Jolen before she vanishes in a flash of light. The next morning Sheikh Dubai is back at the inn! He meets with Mesha and Ishtar. DUBAI: Where is your sister? MESHA: We were told not to speak with you. ISHTAR: She left early for the library. I’m Ishtar. Dubai looks around. 10

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS DUBAI: Where is Habeba? MESHA: Out on business. ISHTAR: Quiet, Mesha. (asks Dubai) What do you have that we might want? DUBAI: Opportunities. But you must be willing to seize them. I am well acquainted with Habeba’s husband Nasir. I even offer spiritual guidance to young girls should they ever need it. This city has a way of corrupting our youth and sending them into death. ISHTAR: This city is dying anyway. What kind of work do you have? MESHA: Ishtar, we can’t. DUBAI: I understand. (says to Ishtar) Some other time, then? Dubai leaves. Ishtar and Mesha walk. MESHA: What does he do again? ISHTAR: He owns a few bath houses. MESHA: Why do I get the feeling bathing isn’t all they do there? Mia sits in a café. She sees Dubai’s seamstress nearby. She takes her drink and joins her. MIA: May I? (sits down) Listen, about last night… SEAMSTRESS: Please forgive me. I wasn’t trying to ruin your… MIA: It’s okay. Really. You have good skills. Where did you learn to sew? SEAMSTRESS: Beata Rico Monte. She was my mistress after my mother died. MIA: Then why are you not working for her? SEAMSTRESS: Because I’m a party girl. Mistress Beata didn’t like that. MIA: How might I seek an audience with her? Dubai watches from afar with thinned eyes as Mia talks with the seamstress. After Mia gets up and leaves, the seamstress walks quickly into an alleyway. She is mobbed by several men. Dubai points for them to follow Mia. Mia walks with her face in a book as Dubai’s men close in on her. Before they can grab her, a carriage pulls up. Mesha and Ishtar poke their heads out. MESHA: You’re going to the Imperial Library without us? ISHTAR: (to Mesha) Shut up! (to Mia) Get in! Mia smiles and jumps in. Dubai and his men back off and fade into the crowds. Inside the carriage, Mia reads her book. ISHTAR: Put that away. MESHA: Have you picked out your lace patterns yet? MIA: I have plenty of time. 11

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS ISHTAR: You’d sooner catch the sickness than purchase what you must— MESHA: Don’t wish the sickness on her! ISHTAR: Malaria is just a fable. Nobody dies from a simple bug bite. MIA: It’s derived from the term “bad air”. The disease usually— MESHA: Abbu sent us here to shop for your wedding and you haven’t decided on a single gown. ISHTAR: Why should she? We all know she hates Zar. MIA: I don’t hate Zar. ISHTAR: You’re right. You really hate the fact that your mother is giving you to Zar as a gift. So when your family’s fortune runs out, you and Aunt Lizabeth can live off of his. MIA: I don’t want his money. ISHTAR: Nor his hand in marriage from what I can see. MIA: You see a lot. (eyeballs Ishtar) Sometimes more than you’re supposed to. Did Habeba not say for us to stay away from Dubai? Ishtar looks out the window. MIA: Then, don’t talk about the man I’m engaged to when the type of men you want would give his best to a rabid dog before he gives you the respect you deserve as a human being. Ishtar has no words. Mia starts reading again. MESHA: (whispers to Ishtar) How did she know? Ishtar cuts her eyes at Mesha. Mia arrives at the Imperial Library and walks up the steps. She walks by Jolen-Heli, Darius and Stefanos. STEFANOS: So Constantine the ninth is the new emperor? JOLEN: Indeed. Now is the perfect time to begin construction of the Universal Library. STEFANOS: Your Lordship, the city is on the brink of war. DARIUS: The Turks seek to overthrow the Empire and if Constantine doesn’t stand with Rome, I have no doubt they will succeed. JOLEN: Like I said, the perfect time. Rome questions our beliefs as well as the Persians. STEFANOS: Yes, but we’re not killing Crusaders. JOLEN: And let’s hope we never have to, gladiator. STEFANOS: (grins) Don’t remind me. They stop at a large counter. A librarian priest greets them. LIBRARIAN PRIEST: How can I help you gentlemen? JOLEN: I am Lord Jolen of the Kal-Paniym Temple. This is Bishop Darius and Bishop Stefanos. LIBRARIAN PRIEST: What do you need, Lord Jolen? JOLEN: Does this library have any books printed in Arabic or Persian? 12

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS LIBRARIAN PRIEST: I’m afraid not. JOLEN: Do you know any metal smiths who may specialize in—? LIBRARIAN PRIEST: Why don’t you ask an Ottoman? Why come to a Christian establishment and ask for such things? Mia peaks up from her reading and glances at Jolen, Darius and Stefanos at the counter. Then she does a double-take with her eyes widened. She fixes her stare on Jolen’s mask. JOLEN: Is this not a library under the Universal Church? Should not the information resources be in all languages, even those the Church may find unsavory? LIBRARIAN PRIEST: My point is, Lord Jolen, we do not carry books— JOLEN: That are printed by those who go against the faith, I understand that. My question is: isn’t that what having faith is about? LIBRARIAN PRIEST: I don’t understand. JOLEN: Of course you don’t. But, thank you and good day. Jolen walks away. Darius and Stefanos grin at each other. MIA: Excuse me. The Bishops and the Librarian look down upon her. MIA: I speak Arabic. LIBRARIAN PRIEST: What gives you the right to speak among men? MIA: I meant no disrespect. STEFANOS: Lower your voice. MIA: I wasn’t speaking to you. Some men gasp, others whisper. LIBRARIAN PRIEST: Get that woman out of here! STEFANOS: With pleasure. Stefanos goes to grab Mia. Darius blocks him. DARIUS: Wait a moment. Other priests come out of nowhere. Darius blocks Mia. DARIUS: She’s with me. STEFANOS: Are you insane?! DARIUS: Wait outside. STEFANOS: Nobody addressed her! You know that’s not how we do things— DARIUS: Wait outside for me. After Stefanos, the librarian priest and the staff are gone, Darius takes Mia into a study room. DARIUS: What’s wrong with you, woman? You want to get flogged? MIA: No infidel’s cane with ever touch my skin. DARIUS: Who are you? MIA: Princess Mia Arrabo, the daughter of Lord Nador Arrabo. 13

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS DARIUS: Why are you in here without male supervision? MIA: No man supervises me. I am my own person. DARIUS: Well that doesn’t go over well around here. MIA: Do you and your friend treat all women with such distain and mistrust, even when they come bearing solutions to your troubles? DARIUS: Wait. You said you speak Arabic? MIA: I even have an uncle who is a metal smith. He knows Arabic too. In fact, I’m certain he can makes those type faces your masked friend was talking about. DARIUS: You know about printing? MIA: If you wish to make books to have a library, you must know about printing. DARIUS: Who is this metal smith? Mia grins up at him. On the street, Jolen looks at a piece of parchment and then at Darius. JOLEN: A young woman gave this to you? DARIUS: I swear it, my lord. STEFANOS: It happened right after you left. Wise-talking mutt came out of nowhere. DARIUS: She talked out of term to all of us. Stefanos here was ready to take her head off. JOLEN: Well, good thing you intervened. STEFANOS: She said she knew Arabic. DARIUS: Chances are she probably knows Persian too. JOLEN: Let us pay this metal smith a visit. Jolen, Stefanos and Darius get off of their dromedaries. DARIUS: My lord, perhaps I should remain out here. JOLEN: For what reason? DARIUS: I don’t think I’d be welcome. JOLEN: Are you not my financial consultant? DARIUS: I’ve been since the day you recruited me. JOLEN: Then why of all occurrences do you choose not to help me complete this business transaction? DARIUS: My lord, it’s a Christian print shop. They will look upon me and see that I am Persian. JOLEN: Do you speak Persian? DARIUS: No. I was born here. JOLEN: Then you have nothing to worry about. DARIUS: My lord. JOLEN: The Most will make a way for us. 14


They enter the print shop. Several monks approach them. CLERK MONK: If you are from the Watermill, I told your boss his order will take another week. JOLEN: We are not from the Christian Church. CLERK MONK: Then who are you? JOLEN: I am Jolen-Heli of the Kal-Panyim Chapel. CLERK MONK: Do you have an order with us? JOLEN: No, sir. CLERK MONK: Then you’ll have to leave. DARIUS: We’re willing to pay… LEAD MONK: I don’t care. No order, no service. DARIUS: With all due respect, we’d like to… LEAD MONK: Get rid of them. A guard goes for his sword. In seconds, Stefanos puts his blade to the guard’s neck. The guard looks to the lead monk. The lead monk gestures for the guard to back off. STEFANOS: Say what you will, Lord Darius. DARIUS: We need an Arabic type face for a printing press. LEAD MONK: A printing press? STEFANOS: Shut up and listen to him. DARIUS: I know that this is a Christian print shop. But like it or not, the Ottomans are coming and when they do, this city will fall. We need this type face to produce books for a new type of library, one open to all people or all faiths. A Universal Library, a global network of Free Information in all languages, and it begins right here. Yes, I’m a Persian. But I was born here in this great city. I don’t seek to destroy the Christian Church. I seek wisdom, knowledge, understand and the search for the One Truth. METAL SMITH MONK: (OS) The Most. Another monk comes forth. He is the metal smith, Hagan. HAGAN: As-salam alaykum. DARIUS: You’re Muslim? HAGAN: I am Hagan, a Persian, like you. But I believe what you all believe. I believe in the Promised Key. Because it must. Darius looks to Jolen. Jolen tips his head to the monk. HAGAN: I am the metal smith you seek. I will make your typefaces. Darius and Stefanos eyeball each other. Jolen and his Bishops leave the print house. STEFANOS: Three weeks. 15

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS DARIUS: Not a bad deal. He’s even willing to join the Church. STEFANOS: I certainly do have a way with people, don’t I, Lord Jolen? JOLEN: I told you it is The Most. STEFANOS: What are you saying? That God sent that girl to us? Jolen pauses. JOLEN: What was her name? STEFANOS: Air-uh-boo…air-bow… DARIUS: Arrabo. Mia Arrabo. JOLEN: Arrabo. STEFANOS: Forget about her. Darius and Stefanos mount their dromedaries. Late evening. Jolen and his Bishop ride through the street. Darius rides ahead. STEFANOS: You really couldn’t tell? JOLEN: What? STEFANOS: That young filly at the library had her eye on you. JOLEN: How can you be certain? STEFANOS: I spotted her even before that pompous record keeper opened his mouth. JOLEN: What was she doing? STEFANOS: Reading. (scoffs) If I ever caught Rhea with her head in a book… JOLEN: Maybe that’s the problem with your marriage. STEFANOS: What? The fact that she thinks she’s over me because she’s the daughter of some fancy Platonic philosopher? Because I’m not a scribe and a scholar like her father? JOLEN: No. The fact that you think you’re over Rhea because you’re stronger than her and you don’t want her feeling smarter than you because you can’t read. Stefanos slows his camel down. STEFANOS: I’m a warrior. JOLEN: I’m a wanderer. But even I will myself to learn new things. STEFANOS: I fight, my lord. That’s all I know how to do. JOLEN: If you can pick up a sword and learn to fight, you can pick up a book and learn to read. STEFANOS: If you’re asking me to do that which is outside of my said duties, I can no longer be in this Congregation. JOLEN: You said that the Congregation is your home. STEFANOS: My real home is with my wife and kids. JOLEN: Then go where you feel most needed. STEFANOS: But, I swore an oath to you, Lord Jolen. And I intend to keep it. JOLEN: Then make certain you know exactly where your priorities lie. 16

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Jolen and Darius are in the print shop in the cellar of the Church. JOLEN: Was I too hard on him? DARIUS: For telling him to get his education? (works on press) I think everybody should be subject to an exam before joining. JOLEN: He said that Persian girl was watching me. DARIUS: Berber. JOLEN: Excuse me? Darius removes a piece of metal and tosses it. DARIUS: If her family name is Arrabo, she’s a Berber out of the Marinid Dynasty, just north of the Atlas Mountain range. JOLEN: There is famine in that region. Do you suppose she came here for food? DARIUS: She would have been here already. JOLEN: What was she dressed like? DARIUS: She wore a bejeweled Abaya, matching headscarf. This filly was no mere peasant. JOLEN: But according to Stefanos, she behaved like. And then, she helped us find a metal smith. (bobs head) I must meet this Mia Arrabo and thank her. DARIUS: My Lord, many Muslims and Jews fled to Morocco from Portugal and Spain to settle in that area. Does the term Berber even matter in that region anymore? JOLEN: (leaves) Were there any real Romans in Rome? Daytime. Jolen waits near the steps of the Imperial Library. He looks to the marketplace across the street. Two teens in hijabs hurry toward a young woman coming down the steps. MESHA: Mia, where have you been? Jolen looks in the direction of the girls. Mia’s back is to him. MIA: I told Ishtar to tell you where I was. MESHA: She’s looking at jewelry. MIA: Did she buy anything? MESHA: I don’t know. MIA: Come on. Jolen moves in their direction. Marketplace. Mia and Mesha find Ishtar at a vender. Ishtar turns with a necklace on. MIA: What are you doing? ISHTAR: Spending money. Isn’t that why Uncle Nador sent us here? MIA: Take it back. ISHTAR: He won’t. I paid for it. 17

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Mia: (pulls Ishtar) Come on! Jolen follows the girls to the vender who sold Ishtar the necklace. MIA: What was the price? ISHTAR: I’m not telling. It’s mine. MESHA: Forget it. Let’s go. Mia looks over the merchandise on the table. Mesha notices Jolen standing across the table from them. Ishtar looks up and sees the tall masked man. She nudges Mia. ISHTAR: Mia. (pokes her) Mia! Mia looks up and sees Jolen. He head tilts from side to side. Mia stares into his shiny eye guards; a faint sparkle shows in his eye guards. This same sparkle is in Mia’s eyes. She shuts her eyes and nods her head before she’s pulled away by Mesha and Ishtar. Once they are a good distance away, Jolen comes around to where the girls were standing. Mia looks back again as she is taken away by her sister and cousin. Back at the inn. Ishtar watches from behind the curtain as Jolen stools away. She sits on the bed. ISHTAR: Now he knows where we stay. MESHA: Who is he? ISHTAR: He could be a spy from Zar’s family. MIA: He’s not a spy. ISHTAR: How would you know? MIA: Because I saw him at the library. MESHA: You know him? MIA: No. I just helped his friend find a metal smith who knew Arabic. ISHTAR: You told them about my uncle?! Mia, you don’t go around extending your services to common peasants and strangers. MIA: Extending services. You would know all about that, wouldn’t you Ishtar? ISHTAR: You don’t have to act high and mighty, Mia. We all know your father is about to lose his estate. Then you and Mesha and Aunt Lizabeth will be just like me. So stop acting like Zar isn’t good enough for you. Because, if you don’t marry that man, somebody else will. MIA: I will be married in the Spring. That is my concern and none of yours. Ishtar leaves. Outside of the inn is a woman in a cloak. She is The Magistrate. She turns and walks into a white man in a royal uniform. He has horns spiraling out of his forehead. THE MAGISTRATE: Dagon. Lord Dagon smiles and bows to her. 18

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS DAGON: Isn’t stalking a crime, Your Honor? THE MAGISTRATE: Be swift with your words, Hæysux. DAGON: Why is your lord and master really here? Surely not to open a library. THE MAGISTRATE: I do not question my master’s intentions. DAGON: Then why are you spying on the woman he seeks to court? The Magistrate blasts Dagon with a bright beam of light. Dagon flies back into a brick wall and vanishes into it. She looks around to see if anyone saw what she did before she walks away. Morning. Muslim Girls’ Inn. Food court Mia is reading while Ishtar and Mesha eat breakfast. ISHTAR: Why are we really here, Mia? MIA: Just eat your food. MESHA: Why would Abbu send us all here with only his royal escorts and not your beloved? MIA: You question Abbu’s judgment? MESHA: Sister, I question what it is you really want. MIA: You already know. I want to get married. ISHTAR: Is that so? Because I’d really like it if we can start shopping for the wedding. MIA: We are shopping. MESHA: Mia, you haven’t even bought anything yet. MIA: I’m still looking. ISHTAR: If you’re still looking, then why are you engaged to Zar Iberia? MIA: You know what I mean. MESHA: Don’t imply things like that, Ishtar. You want her to get stoned to death? MIA: Relax. They don’t execute whores anymore. They put them to work for the Sheiks. ISHTAR: Whores among whoremongers. Mia puts her book away and gets up. MIA: Come now, ladies. I have to pick out my wedding gown. Mesha and Ishtar follow Mia. Jolen’s Chapel. Daytime. Jolen and his Bishops are seated in the meeting room. DARIUS: Half the city is going hungry. STEFANOS: The other half is dying of disease. JOLEN: Malaria? DARIUS: That’s what they’re saying. JOLEN: Then I’ll double the previsions. DARIUS: My lord, we are not a charity. 19

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS STEFANOS: And I didn’t join this Congregation to be somebody’s maid. JOLEN: Then why are we here? If not to serve our community and bring those in the dark into the light? STEFANOS: The only light these folks see is the warm fire under a pot of hot soup. DARIUS: Stephanos has a point. The only time people ever really come here is for free food. JOLEN: It’s a start. Nobody used to come here at all. Now Darius, send a letter to all of the regional farmers saying the Church needs whatever they can spare. Maybe that will boost the economy around here. DARIUS: When the government gets whim of this, they may start taxing us. JOLEN: Then they’d better tax the Christians too. DARIUS: They’ll do no such thing. The Church interests in this hemisphere would plummet. JOLEN: Then let us pray that suitors church and state remain clandestinely integrated. Now, let us prepare the previsions. We have a city to feed. Front of the Chapel. Lord Darius follows Jolen with a log book and quill pen in hand. DARIUS: The poverty rate around the city has gone up, my lord. Jolen helps Steponus open a crate of fruit. They pass out fruit to citizens. DARIUS: Employment opportunities have dropped since Constantine the ninth was crowned. JOLEN: Darius. DARIUS: Most of the major traders are moving— JOLEN: Bishop Darius. DARIUS: Yes, my lord? Jolen takes the manifest from Darius and hands Darius a large cloth bag from the bakery. JOLEN: Break bread. Darius smiles and passes out loaves of fresh baked bread. Across the street Mia, Mesha and Ishtar watch people clamor before Jolen’s chapel. Bishop Darius points to the door and out comes Jolen directing them to stand in a line. MESHA: (points) That’s him. Ishtar smacks Mesha’s hand down. ISHTAR: You want to get us flogged? Jolen goes back into the chapel. MESHA: What are they doing? MIA: Must be their day of communion. MESHA: What’s that? ISHTAR: A pagan form of fellowship for Christians. MESHA: How do you know he’s a Christian? 20

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS MIA: I intend to find out. Mia moves toward the temple. ISHTAR: (hisses) Mia. Mia! Mia walks up to the Bishop Darius. DARIUS: How can I help you? MIA: You don’t remember me? DARIUS: Oh, yes! From the library. MIA: I’m Princess Mia. DARIUS: Yes, of course, my lady. MIA: What’s happening here? DARIUS: We are handing out commodities for needy families. If you wish to receive a basket, you must get in line. MIA: Your lord. What is his name? DARIUS: Jolen-Heli. MIA: Why does he wear a mask? DARIUS: What is your business with him? MIA: Forgive me, sir. I don’t mean to pry. DARIUS: Then unless you have an appointment with him, be on your way. Mia quickly walks back to her sister and cousin. Darius looks to the chapel roof. He waves to Jolen and Jolen leaves the ledge. At a clothing shop, the girls look at wedding dresses. ISHTAR: Why did you even have to go over there? MIA: I was curious. ISHTAR: For all you know he could be a filthy infidel. MIA: He’s not filthy. His garments are clean. ISHTAR: I’m talking about his faith, Mia. Use your mind. He’s just another pagan heretic who rejects the almighty will of Allah. Remember your studies. MIA: I remember them well. And it is not up to us to decide who is an infidel and who is not. They leave the shop and head back for the inn. ISHTAR: We came here to celebrate your engagement, not chase strange men who wear masks. MIA: We all wear masks, Ishtar. JOLEN: (OS) I agree. The deep voice startles the young women. Jolen stands before them and they freeze where they stand. They all have their heads down. Jolen moves toward them. JOLEN: What is your name? 21

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS MIA: (bashfully) Mia. JOLEN: What a lovely name. And who are they? MIA: This is my sister, Mesha and my cousin, Ishtar. JOLEN: Do you stay at the inn? MIA: Yes. It is for Muslim women only. JOLEN: Perhaps I shall stop by. And, with permission from your superiors, I should hope to see you again. MIA: For what reason? JOLEN: I was hoping you would return to my holy chapel and join my congregation as we give praise and worship to The Most. MIA: The most what? JOLEN: The Most High. MIA: Allah is the most high. JOLEN: If you say so. MIA: If you will excuse me. I must see my sister and cousin to prayer. JOLEN: Of course. MIA: Good day, my Lord. JOLEN: And to you, my lady. Mia, Mesha and Ishtar hustle off while Jolen watches. The girls are in their room, excited about heir encounter with Jolen. ISHTAR: You should’ve told him our names. MIA: He knew that even before he asked us. ISHTAR: It’s like he appeared out of nowhere. MESHA: They say he has spiritual powers. MIA: Nonsense. Nobody has spiritual powers. ISHTAR: My mom does. So does Aunt Lizabeth. MIA: Omi is a card reader, nothing more. Aunt Maria was accused of witchcraft so she went back to Portugal so she wouldn’t get her head chopped off. MESHA: Would you two stop? We’re supposed to be enjoying ourselves before we go home. MIA: I’m not going back to Fez. MESHA: Why? MIA: I have an appointment. MESHA: With who? MIA: Baroness Beata. ISHTAR: You’re getting a job, Mia? You can’t do that! You’re getting married. 22

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS MIA: I’m going to be sewing for Lady Rico Monte and getting paid well to do it. I’ll have my own room and my own personal assistants. MESHA: Abbu and Omi will never agree to this. MIA: I’m not looking for their approval. I’ve made up my own mind. ISHTAR: You’re making a big mistake, Mia. MIA: No. I’m doing what I feel is right. You’re right, Ishtar. This whole trip has been one big farce. Why did Abbu send us here? Surely not to celebrate my engagement to a man whom I openly resent. If he should send me away from my betrothed unassisted with no way to make certain that I remain faithful, then what does that say about his intentions for my upcoming wedding to this horrid man Zar? MESHA: You’re not thinking clearly, Mia. You need to ask an elder for guidance. MIA: I don’t need an old hypocrite’s insight. I am my own person. Mia leaves. Darius and the other bishops clean up the front chapel area from the food drive. DARIUS: I take it you’ve meant Mia Arrabo. JOLEN: Why didn’t you tell me she is a virgin? DARIUS: I honestly didn’t know. JOLEN: She behaves like one. DARIUS: How is that so? JOLEN: Darius, she couldn’t even look at me. She spoke to me as if I were her father. DARIUS: Maybe that’s what she needs. Darius moves toward the chapel doors. Jolen follows. JOLEN: Needs? DARIUS: Lord Jolen, back at the library she told me she’s engaged to be married. But when she said it, her countenance fell. JOLEN: Meaning? DARIUS: I don’t think she’s happy with the man she’s currently engaged to. JOLEN: She’s being married off. DARIUS: So it would seem. If that child needs anything, she needs to be cherished, not treated like property of some noble’s estate. Jolen walks off. DARIUS: Where are you going? JOLEN: To break that engagement. Mesha and Ishtar sit before the desk of a Sheikh (presumably Nasir). MESHA: The city has changed her. 23

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS ISHTAR: She’s engaged to be married, and she’s beginning to think that she is like a man. MESHA: She talks out of term to men. ISHTAR: She tries every second to usurp authority over men. MESHA: And now she’s going to work for servant wages for a pagan Christian Baroness. ISHTAR: You have to help her, Sheikh. She is not well. DUBAI: The city has a way of poisoning souls. I will speak to her. Mia meets with Lady Beata Rico Monte. BEATA: I need someone who can tailor noble garments. MIA: I and my sister designed garments for Abu al-Wattasi at my father’s request. I can have them sent to you if it will secure my position among your esteemed staff. BEATA: You are a Berber princess, are you not? MIA: Yes, my lady. BEATA: Then why would you work for a half-breed Spaniard mistress for servant wages? MIA: Because some wages are better than a life-long prison sentence disguised as a marriage. BEATA: Ah, I see. Fleeing from planned matrimony, are you? I know how you feel, Mia. My mother tried to marry me off to a cardinal, but I knew that I could never be his wife because of who he truly loved. MIA: Another woman? BEATA: No. Young boys. MIA: Oh my. BEATA: So I fled Spain with a Moorish merchant and never returned. MIA: How did your parents feel about it? BEATA: They thought Umar would lead me directly to hell. MIA: What happened to him? BEATA: He did the right thing and he got married. MIA: To another Muslim? BEATA: To me. Mia is shocked. BEATA: Mia, I’m going to give you some advice: if you truly want to be happy, it must first come from within. I’m happy because I didn’t let religion or race shape the course of my life. MIA: But, he’s Muslim and you’re Catholic. BEATA: We’re human beings, Mia. We are together because we want to be. Just like you are here for this position: because you want it. Mia bobs her head, understanding. BEATA: Oh, you got to job. Mia smiles and lowers her head. 24

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS MIA: Thank you, my lady. BEATA: You can start tomorrow if you’d like. My attendants will see to everything else. MIA: Yes, ma’am. First thing tomorrow. Mia finds Sheikh Dubai at the inn entrance. DUBAI: Mia Arrabo? MIA: (looks around) Where’s Lady Habeba? DUBAI: How are you feeling? MIA: Weary. I’ve had a long day. DUBAI: Your sister and cousin say that you are becoming spiritually ill. MIA: That is not true. DUBAI: They say that your soul is being poisoned by this city. I am here to cleanse you of any impurities. MIA: I appreciate your concern, but I am perfectly well. He blocks the doors. DUBAI: Do you intend to blend in with the infidels? MIA: No! DUBAI: Do you have it in your heart to run the streets like the Christian harlots of this city? MIA: That is insane! Dubai grabs her. DUBAI: You’re going to learn respect, young lady. MIA: Unhand me! Dubai grabs at her bosom and then her bottom. MIA: Take your hands off of me! DUBAI: You’re a healthy little mare! A carriage pulls up. Two men get out. DUBAI: You’re a little too old for my taste, but you’d make a fine addition. MIA: Release me! When Dubai goes to hit Mia, his hand freezes in place. Mia covers her head, then looks at the Sheikh as he struggles to move his arm. Behind Dubai is Jolen with his hand up. The two from the carriage pull out scimitars. Jolen waves his other arm and they fall over seemingly dead. JOLEN: Where are you taking this young phillie? DUBAI: It is no concern of yours, infidel. Be g— Jolen turns his hand palm up; Dubai lifts off the ground and remains in midair. DUBAI: What manner of witchcraft is this?! JOLEN: Are you not Sheikh Dubai al-Aedas? DUBAI: I cannot move! 25

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Mia is shocked by what she sees. JOLEN: Did you not build an inn much like this one for Muslim women? DUBAI: Set me down! JOLEN: An inn that is—in actually—a brothel where you sell young girls into slavery? Jolen turns his hand. Dubai cries out as he pivots backward. JOLEN: Hurts, doesn’t it? DUBAI: Why are you doing this?! JOLEN: (says to Mia) Go inside. Mia rushes inside. Jolen drops the Sheikh on the ground. JOLEN: You run one of the biggest child prostitution rings in the city and you have the nerve to ask me why I’m hurting you? DUBAI: Please don’t kill me. JOLEN: If you come here again, I will snap you in half and end your career as a whoremonger. Are we clear on that? DUBAI: Yes. Very clear. Yes. Dubai gets up with his men, gets into the carriage and rides off. Jolen looks up at Mia watching from the window before he walks off. Mia confronts Ishtar. MIA: You were going to sell me away? ISHTAR: No! He said he could give spiritual guidance! MIA: He runs a brothel, Ishtar! ISHTAR: He didn’t tell us that. MIA: That’s why Habeba told us not to speak with him! ISHTAR: He told us he was a Courtier of a powerful monarch. I was thinking maybe you forget about getting a job and even forget about marrying Zar and marry him. MIA: Do I look like I want to be a courtesan?! Ishtar says nothing. MIA: From now on, I do the thinking for us. Understand? Ishtar bobs her heads. MIA: If you will excuse me, I have to work tomorrow. (stops) Where’s Mesha? ISHTAR: She wasn’t feeling well. The Rico Monte Estate. Mia works with her servants. Lady Beata enters with a uniform. BEATA: Mia, this Mehter’s garb must be re-fitted. MIA: Right away, my Lady. 26

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Mia lays the uniform down; she and her servants go to work. Mia looks closely at the uniform. SEAMSTRESS: My Lady? Mia lifts the uniform up. She notices the coat of arms. MIA: Merciful Allah. Mia is standing before Beata. MIA: My lady, this is no minor officer’s uniform, like a soup-server or a water-carrier. Beata sips her drink as if Mia isn’t even there. MIA: This is the garb of a Chief Sergeant or a Commander. Beata waves her servants away; they close her chambers doors. MIA: I thought they were only rumors, but this is a new type of solider, part of an elite corp. This is the uniform of a— BEATA: A what? (sits drink down) A Janissary? Is that what you want to hear? (exhales) All right. We make uniforms for the Persians. Persians that kill Christians. MIA: Tis treason against the Empire. BEATA: Excuse me, but did you not help a church seek to create Arabic and Persian typefaces for printing books for a private, unauthorized library in a Christian city? MIA: Books don’t hurt people. BEATA: It was the Christians who used the holy book to run me and my husband away from our homelands. What better irony is there, but to live in a Christian City and provide Islam with the same commodities the Christians taxed us for making. MIA: I want no part of this. BEATA: Mia, the era of Byzantium is coming to an end. The Emperor is weak and the Ottomans will storm these walls the moment the Sultan discovers how terrified of hand-to-hand combat these cowardly Crusaders really are. MIA: The Greek East will come to the aid of the Latin West. You must realize this. BEATA: That deal never happened, my dear. Constantinople will fall. And when it happens, I’d rather be on the Sultan’s payroll than on his hit list. Beata moves by Mia and opens one of the doors. Mia goes for the door. BEATA: War is coming to all of us, young Mia. Mia pauses in the doorway. BEATA: What will you fight for, little Berber princess? Mia’s eyes shift side to side before she leaves. Mia comes home from work and finds Ishtar outside the inn. ISHTAR: It’s Mesha! They go to the room. 27

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS ISHTAR: It’s bad. MIA: How bad? NURSEMAID: The sickness. MIA: Malaria. ISHTAR: We have to find a doctor. MIA: I’ll find a doctor. Mia leaves. While Mia is out, Jolen comes to the door of the inn. A nursemaid sees him. NURSEMAID: Are you from the hostel? JOLEN: I am here to see Mia. NURSEMAID: She went looking for you! Come quickly! Jolen is brought to the girls’ room. He sees Mesha sick. ISHTAR: (asks Jolen) Will she die? JOLEN: If she does not receive treatment soon, then yes. ISHTAR: You have to help her. JOLEN: Where is your cousin Mia? ISHTAR: Nevermind Mia. Mesha is dying! NURSEMAID: Please, your Lordship. Jolen sits on the bed beside Mesha. He puts one hand on her forehead and the other on her chest. Meshsa spasms a bit before she falls still without a sound. Jolen gets up. JOLEN: Just let her rest. Jolen leaves. Ishtar and the nursemaid just stare at Mesha. As Jolen walks down the street, Ishtar and the nursemaid watch him from the window. The doctor checks out Mesha. Mesha is sitting up in bed. DOCTOR: There’s no trace of any disease. MIA: She’s okay. MESHA: Of course I am. Mia looks to the doctor as he packs his things. MESHA: Are we still going to the festival? MIA: This can’t be right. The nursemaid said she had full-blown symptoms. DOCTOR: Well, she’s fine now. You ladies owe me 20 folles. The girls are all silent. DOCTOR: Now look. I didn’t come all the way out here for nothing. Now, either one of you pays up, or I’m going to get the Magistrate. MIA: Give the man his coinage before he has us arrested. 28

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS ISHTAR: Why do I have to? MIA: Because this was your idea. Ishtar looks to Mesha. MESHA: Pay him. Ishtar gives the doctor his payment and leaves with the nursemaid. Mia sits beside Mesha. MIA: What happened, Mesha? MESHA: He was here. MIA: Who? MESHA: (grins, moves close to Mia) Your boyfriend. Mia finds Jolen in a Basilica speaking to a group of holy men. MIA: (shouts OS) What did you do to my sister?! Stefanos grabs Mia and holds on to her. A priest goes to smack her. Jolen catches his arm and twists it. JOLEN: (to Stef) Release her. Mia is released. Jolen take Mia away from the crowd. Behind the Basilica. JOLEN: It is not proper for a woman to raise her voice at a man in public. MIA: You’re not exactly a man, are you? JOLEN: What do you mean? MIA: Mesha told me that you took away her sickness. JOLEN: Your cousin mistook me for a doctor. MIA: Then why did you return to inn? JOLEN: I wanted to apologize for what I did to the Sheik. MIA: He deserved. JOLEN: It was not proper to do that in front of you. MIA: It wasn’t proper for him to attempt abducting me. JOLEN: But he didn’t. Now you see what holy men like him are all about. MIA: And yet you intermingle with them in their own pagan temples where they perform occult rituals to their— JOLEN: You still haven’t said why you’ve come. MIA: You still haven’t told me what you’re all about. JOLEN: I didn’t know I was obliged to.


RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS MIA: You helped my sister get well and you saved me from becoming a sex slave, so my father would want to meet with you to thank you. And if you turn down his proposal, he and my family would be sorely offended by it. JOLEN: I don’t think this has anything to do with your father. MIA: Is that so? JOLEN: I know so. MIA: Then tell me what you know, Miracle Healer. JOLEN: I know that you’re rebelling against one of your parents. And seeing that you would use your father in such a noble reference, it is your mother who you have fled from. MIA: You don’t know anything about me. JOLEN: I know enough and I’m willing to learn more, if you’re eager to learn more about me. MIA: Don’t patronize me. I saw how you were looking at me that day in the marketplace. JOLEN: Then you know the real reason why you’re here right now, and it’s not for the sake of your sister’s health or you father’s reputation as an indebted gentleman. MIA: Are you saying I’m here for you? JOLEN: No. You’re saying that. MIA: I’m engaged. I can assure you I have not come for you. JOLEN: Then why gain employment here when your beloved is in Fez? MIA: How do you know about that? JOLEN: I know many things. I even know when a restless princess runs away from home to seek a better life for herself, even if it means being disowned by the dynasty she is from. MIA: Don’t talk to me like a child, Jolen. JOLEN: Well don’t treat me like your fiancé, Mia. Mia is stunted to silence. Jolen walks away. The Royal Road. Mia is sitting before her mirror brushing her hair. She sits her brush down and pulls her hair. She shuts her eyes. She imagines Jolen standing before her. He puts his hands to his face plate. He removes his mask… Mia snaps out of it. MIA: Who are you, Jolen-Heli? Jolen’s Chapel. Morning. Jolen reads near the podium. Behind Jolen is Mia holding a bag. MIA: I want to know what you are. Jolen looks to Mia and sees Darius leaving. Jolen’s private chambers. Jolen goes over to Mia and takes her bag. Mia watches Jolen as he removes her books. 30

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS JOLEN: The Regement of Princes by Thomas Occleve, The Master of Game by Edward of Norwich, The Siege of Thebes by John Lydgate. MIA: And what are you reading, Your Lordship? Jolen shows her his book. She laughs, hand to her mouth. MIA: Chaucer? JOLEN: You don’t like the Canterbury Tales? MIA: You actually read English literature? JOLEN: Does it astound you? MIA: No. It’s just that—English isn’t even a language. (walks about) It’s a chaotic concoction of Latin, Greek and Old Norse tongue. No holy book should ever be translated in English. JOLEN: Now you sound like the Eber people. MIA: Well, Semitic languages are pure. Like Hebrew. And Arabic. JOLEN: I never got the chance to thank you for helping us find the metal smith. They look at each other for a moment. JOLEN: Thank you. Mia comes to Jolen’s holy garb draped on the banister. She turns to find him standing right in front of her. She stares up into his glossy eye guards with wide, sparkling eyes. MIA: Did Allah send you here? JOLEN: No. MIA: Are you a Christian? JOLEN: No, I’m not. MIA: Are you a Judaist? JOLEN: Mia, I am the Masked your Bastard. Mia is lost. Mia and Jolen are at a café. MIA: Are you close with the emperor? JOLEN: I prefer to keep him at a distance. MIA: Can’t trust a Christian? JOLEN: Religion has nothing to do with it. He’s an opportunist. MIA: You think the city will really go to war? JOLEN: The Ottomans have made it no secret. MIA: I asked you what you thought about it. JOLEN: Wars come and go. But knowledge through free information keeps the peace. Mia walks with Jolen. MIA: I’ve never seen you eat. 31

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS JOLEN: I don’t. MIA: How do you get nourishment? JOLEN: I drink. You see, my body cannot ingest solids. MIA: You don’t have a bed in your private quarters. Do you rest? JOLEN: Yes. For a short period of time. MIA: You still haven’t fully explained why you wear the mask. JOLEN: it is for your protection. MIA: I’ve seen my share of facial injuries. I was ten years old when I saw my first dead body; he was a solider that fought to defend the citadel. JOLEN: The Battle of Tangier. MIA: Much like the uniforms I sewed and the armor they wore, your use of that mask is… While Mia rambles on, Jolen falls behind Mia and watches her rear end bump behind her dress. He realizes what he’s doing and catches up with her. MIA: …so I can hardly imagine you in the uniform of an armed solider. JOLEN: Has your betrothed ever been in a war? MIA: He’d sooner serve as a regent’s pet than go into battle. JOLEN: And so you’ve come here to search for a more fitting suitor? MIA: Yes, he’s a bit of a milk-sop. But I am engaged to him. JOLEN: Yes, to a man in a nation across the sea that you plan never to return to. MIA: I do plan to return to Fez. And when I do, I will be married. JOLEN: So now you hold on to hopes that you can change his womanizing, cowardly man? MIA: (stops) Lord Jolen, I know that you think I’m callow and confused. But I am a Muslim and I have been brought up to honor myself as well as my male counterparts. Now, if you’d like, you can attend the wedding when I return to Fez to marry my fiancé. JOLEN: It’s one thing to honor him, but will you be happy with him? Mia moves onward. Jolen and Mia are at the beach. They look out at the Sea of Marmara. MIA: My mother is somewhat of a seer. She said that I would marry a stranger who is powerful. The only part she was wrong about was the stranger. I’ve known Zar since I was young. JOLEN: No. Your mother was right about the stranger. MIA: (smiles) Most men aren’t like you, Jolen-Heli. JOLEN: How is that so? MIA: I can speak my mind and you won’t hit me.


RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Jolen walks with Mia to the inn. They talk and laugh. MIA: I should go. We have evening prayer. Ishtar and Mesha watch from the window as Jolen lifts Mia’s head by the chin. JOLEN: You have gorgeous eyes. MIA: (bashful) Oh, my lord. Jolen kisses Mia on the forehead. She smiles. MIA: You are very kind. (opens eyes) But, I’m engaged. JOLEN: I know. And you will be married. MIA: But, I am indebted to you for your kindness. So, as a departing gift, I’m going to make you a cassock. JOLEN: A cassock? MIA: Yes. Like the elders wear. So you don’t look out of place. JOLEN: What’s wrong with what I have on? MIA: It looks like you’re starring in a Greek play. You already have the mask. JOLEN: Ha! That was funny. Mia walks up the steps. JOLEN: Mia. MIA: Yes, Your Lordship? JOLEN: Have you ever been to the Hippodrome? MIA: No. As a Muslim, we’re really not allowed to attendant— JOLEN: There’s a festival tomorrow night and the Kathisma will be available to me, but we don’t have to watch the races. There are plenty of books in the emperor's loge. Then there’s a big feast after the race and I know how you like— MIA: I’d love to go with you. Mia pauses and realizes what she just said. JOLEN: Very well. I’ll see you this time tomorrow night. MIA: This time tomorrow evening. Jolen and Mia stand there and stare at one another. JOLEN: (snaps out of it) Well then, good night, my lady. MIA: Good night to you, my lord. After Mia goes inside and Jolen walks off, a hooded woman in a cloak appears from a nearby alley. The Magistrate’s shiny metal faceplate shows forth as Dagon walks up behind her in his human guise. DAGON: You know where this is going, my lady. THE MAGISTRATE: He wouldn’t dare. DAGON: Why wouldn’t he? THE MAGISTRATE: She’s only a child. 33

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS DAGON: From my point of view she’s capable of making her own choices. THE MAGISTRATE: He can’t! He’s never loved anyone else, but me! DAGON: You’re way past your prime, antiquis mulier. (circles her) The sophos rex is looking for a young filly to take to the races. And you, old mare, are only good for producing manure. The Magistrate takes a swing at Dagon, but his vanishes with a sinister laugh. Evening. Jolen and Mia are at a table overlooking the Hippodrome. MIA: And this Universal Library is going to be part of your church? JOLEN: The library will first be designed on the celestial plane. MIA: The place you’re from? JOLEN: Yes. Invisibase. MIA: Whatever you say. (nods with a smile) Are there others like you? JOLEN: Yes. We’re all over this realm and in other realms. We are missionaries for The Most. MIA: Is The Most equivalent to Allah? JOLEN: The Most can’t be put into a category and designated to finite religions. We’re talking about a vast, endless, timeless, being that mortals and celestials can never fully comprehend. MIA: That sounds like Allah to me. JOLEN: If that’s what you believe. Mia lets her head rest on her hands while she grins starry-eyed at Jolen. Mia walks with Jolen to the private chambers of the royal family. MIA: So this is where the emperor stays. (looks around) Where is he anyway? JOLEN: Greece. He’ll be here come Spring time. Mia turns to Jolen with a newly sewn cassock. MIA: Try it on. Jolen begins undressing; Mia gasps and turns away. She waits a few second before she turn back to him. The cassock is visibly tight and his chest is exposed. She moves over to him and tries to pull the front of the cassock closed. Then she adjusts the garment on his large frame. He is powerfully built. She caresses his body as she does this. MIA: You’re very strong. She touches his arms. MIA: Your skin, it’s so warm. She brings her hands to his chest. MIA: You’re so solid… She moves her hand down his rippled abs. MIA: And so hard. 34

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Jolen takes up her hands and holds them. Mia gets lost in his eye guards. Then she gets on her tippy toes, pulls his head down and she kisses his face plate. MIA: (pulls away, breathless) I want to have your baby. Mia quickly grabs her things and leaves. Jolen stands there alone. Confused. Back at the inn. Mia paces. Luggage and travel bags are lined up near the door. MIA: (to self) Why did I do that? Now he thinks I’m a harlot. ISHTAR: How come you’re not packed? MIA: I’m not going with you. ISHTAR: Mia, you can’t do this. In front of the inn. Mia watches Ishtar and Mesha get into the carriage. ISHTAR: Mia, think about what you’re doing. MIA: I am. ISHTAR: You’re letting a good man get away. MIA: You’re right. And I intend to go after him. ISHTAR: Mia, you’re speaking of Jolen. Zar is wealthy and of a noble bloodline. MIA: Then why don’t you marry him, Ishtar? Ishtar looks to Mesha. Mesha grins. ISHTAR: But, he’s engaged to you. MIA: You going to let that stop you? ISHTAR: (grins) I suppose not. MIA: Take care of Mesha. They ride off with Mia watching. Jolen’s temple. Jolen looks at hand-drawn plans for the Universal Library. Behind him is Mia. JOLEN: I thought you would’ve left the city. MIA: I’m not marrying Zar. JOLEN: Your family will be expecting you. MIA: My family won’t have to live with a man who lusts for every woman he sees. JOLEN: So why have you come? MIA: I wish to join your congregation. JOLEN: What about Islam? MIA: I want to see what The Most has to offer. JOLEN: Mia, don’t do this to prove something to your parents. 35

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS MIA: I’m doing this because I want to. JOLEN: You’ve made a vow to this man. At least tell him the truth. MIA: He’s not worthy of the truth nor is he worthy to exchange vows with me. He only wants to undress me and have me as a dog pants of unquenchable thirst. And once he’s slept with me, he will add me to his collection and he shall find another young filly to taint and continue in the same manner as before, prior to taking me for a bride. JOLEN: He is the man you are engaged to. MIA: He is no man. He is whoremonger. And I am no whore. JOLEN: you’ve made a commitment. MIA: I’ve made a mistake, but I don’t intent to repeat it. JOLEN: What are you saying? MIA: I’m saying (kneels) I want to be your wife. But first, let me prove myself as a member of your church. Jolen take her by the hand and helps her up. JOLEN: That won’t be necessary. He kisses her. JOLEN: Why don’t you finish shopping for the wedding? Then we can get married. MIA: But I have no money. I have no place to go and no job. JOLEN: I spoke with Lady Beata and her husband. If you are willing to humble yourself, you can return to work for her. I will give you food, clothing and shelter. And much, much more. MIA: Lord Jolen, you are truly The Most. Mia smiles and hugs him. Jolen’s chapel. Jolen walks quickly in his royal Lumi-Visian garb. DARIUS: Your Lordship, the Emperor just arrived. STEFANOS: I still can’t believe you’re doing this. JOLEN: This is not a time for unbelief, Stefanos. Holy Sanctuary. Jolen enters with Darius and Stefanos. STAFANOS: Forgive me, my lord. But you hardly know this girl. JOLEN: She’s resilient, benevolent, well-read, respectable, proficient, modest and willing to serve the Church. And might I remind you that this woman got us the typefaces we needed. It was not by chance that we came across her. It is the will of The Most. STEFANOS: But you’re not taking her into the Congregation. You’re taking her to your bed. JOLEN: Did you not do the same with your wife? 36

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Stefanos stops before the podium with Jolen and Darius. STEFANOS: Your Lordship, I’m one of your first Bishops. JOLEN: Actually, Darius here was one of the first. You came much later. STEFANOS: I think you should wait. Jolen turns his head to Stefanos. JOLEN: Now hear this: I waited a millennium for a partner and she rejected my proposal twice. I will not wait a moment longer. STEFANOS: I’m sorry, my lord. But this is a mistake. Stefanos leaves. DARIUS: Forgive him. (turns head) My lord, your colleagues have arrived. Six Lumi-Visians enter. Sayler Dangru, Aurum Norser, Kiko Basin, and Matthuyah Kabinda are all members of Jolen’s personal guard. Lord Shinar and Lady Warka are nobles of Jolen’s court. Humans watch puzzled as the Lumi-Visians bump foreheads together and swivel their heads a bit, their metal masks touching with chings and clacks, an inexplicable form of salutation. SHINAR: Lord Jolen. JOLEN: Lord Shinar. WARKA: (says to Jolen) I will see to the bride. Jolen sits in the front pew with Shinar. SHINAR: Does The Magistrate know? JOLEN: How can she not? SHINAR: Do you think she will come? Jolen only lowers his head. At the altar. Jolen and Mia are holding hands. After the priest backs away, they kiss. People clap. On the balcony. Jolen and Mia stand near the railing lined with lavender roses and white ribbon. An artist paints a renaissance-style portrait of them. Behind the chapel, on the patio. There is a celebration. Jolen and Mia dance. Jolen’s four guards dance with women. Darius watches with Nasir and the other Bishops. Later. Mia is presented with gifts. Jolen watches with Constantine Palaologus XI. CONSTANTINE XI: She truly is a gem. 37

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS JOLEN: Yes. CONSTANTINE XI: The mannerisms of Theodora and the beauty of Caterina. (sips drink) After them, who would ever remarry? Jolen turns his head to the Emperor. JOLEN: You got here rather swiftly. CONSTANTINE XI: I sailed from Greece on a Venetian ship. No way could I miss the wedding of the man who helped secure my crown over this holy city. JOLEN: Pope Gregory has agreed to crown you here as well? CONSTANTINE XI: I am the exception. That’s the beauty of the Great Schism. JOLEN: Ecclesiastical differences and theological disputes have embittered relations between the Greek and Latin branches of the Christian Church. CONSTANTINE XI: And all the while, the Persians are ready to break down these city walls while the anti-unionist thugs in Rome play politics. (gulps down drink) God help us all. Private estate. Day. Jolen and Mia walk in a field, holding hands. MIA: What must a mortal do to see your true face? JOLEN: Taking off my mask is like disrobing. MIA: Well, you’ve done that already. JOLEN: That is true. MIA: So, take off your mask. Nobody around. JOLEN: You may want to sit down. MIA: I’m find standing. JOLEN: Very well. Jolen puts his hands to his face plate. He slowly lifts his mask from his head. She thins her eyes, and then she gasps and moves backward. She nods her head with widened eyes before she faints. Later. Mia is laying in the grass green. She wakes up when Jolen’s glowing hand touches her head. MIA: Where am I? How did I get here? Jolen touches her face. She touches his too. Private estate. Master bedroom. Mia is in an evening gown. Jolen is in his Lumi-Visian robe. MIA: How long will be you gone? JOLEN: A few hours. I shall return. 38

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Jolen leaves. Mia goes over to her desk. She sits down and takes out a quill pen and writes a letter: Dear Abbu, It is I, your eldest daughter Mia Macha. I know that you’re wondering why I haven’t returned with Mesha and Ishtar, but the truth is I will not being marrying Zar this spring as omi had intended. You see, I’ve met someone here in the city. Oh Abbu, if you could only meet him you would see why he is so perfect for me and why Zar should look elsewhere. I am so deeply in love with this man. He is a man of faith, like you asked. He is a leader in his community, like you required. He is a pillar of strength, like you my father. He is mysterious, handsome and so very strong. The joy I feel with this person I cannot explain. But I know that he was sent to me by divine intervention. The things that he knows, the way he carries himself, he reminds me so much of you, and so I had to take his hand in marriage. Please do not send agents to apprehend me, for I will only flee further from your jurisdiction. I am happy here in the great city and here I will remain. Please understand how I feel. I cannot turn my back on true love. I will not marry a man for his wealth or status. I see all people for who they are, not for what they have. And this man whom I’ve met is everything that I’ve always wanted in a soul mate. Again, please don’t be angry with me. If you never wish to speak with me again, I understand. If my inheritance is denied to me, I will hold no ill will toward anyone on the estate. And tell omi that I am sorry, but this is my life and I intend to live a happy one. Please give Mesha and Ishtar my best.

Your Generous Little Princess,


Invisibase. Jolen appears on the ley and walks toward the holy city. He enters the Kal-Panyum Temple. Jolen comes to the vault of the Sages. He waves his right hand and the vault door opens. Inside he sees various Universal Powers, orbs of white light. JOLEN: In the Name of The Most, I call forth Freedom and Endurance. Two orbs move toward Jolen and float there. He takes them into his hands and moves away as the vault door closes. THE MAGISTRATE: You cannot do this. Jolen turns to her. THE MAGISTRATE: The Elders will condemn you. JOLEN: Oracles of the Elders are only words. THE MAGISTRATE: Words have power. You know this. JOLEN: It is recorded in the Sacred Writ: the Promised Key will be bred of two Universal Powers. 39

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Jolen moves on. He gets to the Kal-Panyim veil of the royal court. The Lumi-Visian Elders confront him. ELDER: Lord Jolen, you cannot do this. JOLEN: Why? Because The Magistrate holds sway over your decisions? ELDER: You have taken a human wife. And now you have taken Universal Powers to create an heir? Elements that were once the evil Su-Naru? JOLEN: Are we not the descendants of the Su-Naru? The forbearers of all cosmic life that these very primordial elements represent? ELDER: We have evolved beyond the Su-Naru. JOLEN: We are no different from the celestial giants who once governed the cosmos. We have sealed up these Powers and kept them from mortal men. The time has come to spread the knowledge. Mankind needs a Promised Key and they will have it. ELDER: Cursed are you from this day forth, for when you lay with your wife and she conceives, that child will bring about the end of the Sages and the era with Chaos and Havoc. Jolen leaves. The Magistrate joins the Elders. THE MAGISTRATE: What was his reaction? ELDER: He is unwavering, my lady. THE MAGISTRATE: Is he really going to risk his reign over some little girl? ELDER: He has made a choice. And for your role in his demise, you will slain by the lead Sage. THE MAGISTRATE: You fail to make sense. He can’t kill me if he’s dead. ELDER: And what you fail to realize is that you are already dead. Time will have its way. The Elders leave The Magistrate standing all alone. Constantinople. Night-time. The Magistrate stands across from Jolen’s Chapel. DAGON: You missed the wedding. The Magistrate turns her hooded head halfway as Dagon appears from the shadows. DAGON: Food was great, but the music was horrible. THE MAGISTRATE: Go about your business, Hæysux. DAGON: I’m here about business, my lady. An injustice that has been done to you. THE MAGISTRATE: What are you saying? DAGON: Your master and his new mistress. They’re on a private estate near the Golden Horn. THE MAGISTRATE: I know that. DAGON: Then why not go over there and slay her? Why torment yourself? THE MAGISTRATE: My lord and master has made up his mind. What they do is their business. DAGON: Then why are you here? Surely not to plot on how to destroy his church. The Magistrate moves away from Dagon. DAGON: Can you imagine what he’s doing to her right now? 40

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Jolen and Mia vertically grind bodies. DAGON: Everything he was supposed to do with you he’s doing with her. Mia has her eyes shut; the light of Jolen’s head beams down on her. DAGON: How much do you want to bet he’s got his mask off? Oh yes, he’s taken it off. Mia is pinned beneath Jolen, the Missionary Position. DAGON: Isn’t that sacred among your people? Mia rides Jolen with her head up. DAGON: See, the truth is: you aren’t ready to submit to him. But she is. Mia cries out on her stomach with Jolen on top of her, pounding her from behind. DAGON: Oh, yes. She’s submitting to him and he’s breaking her down. Mia is on Jolen’s lap with her back to him, bouncing on him with yelps and shouts. DAGON: Amazing, isn’t it? You’re the Universal Power of Justice and yet you cannot secure honesty and integrity in your own personal dealings. Jolen falls on top of Mia. She pants and places a pillow over his shining head with a smile. DAGON: Does that make you angry? THE MAGISTRATE: It hurts. DAGON: Because you thought he’d wait for you? THE MAGISTRATE: Because she’s so happy with him. DAGON: Or is it because you dislike Mia Arrabo? THE MAGISTRATE: It’s not that I dislike her. (breathes heavily, snarls) I hate Mia Arrabo! DAGON: Well, then. We have to do something about that. I know! We’ll get the Christians to murder her and say that the Persians did it! THE MAGISTRATE: No. To kill a woman is to crush her spirit. We must take away her purpose of being a wife. DAGON: We cannot stop her from reproducing, but we can kill the child. THE MAGISTRATE: (turns to Dagon) We must also consider the reverse outcome. DAGON: Worry not, my lady. I have foreseen the fall of this Promised Key. If she does have a baby, I will become its father, you its mother and we will turn Jolen’s own child against him. Jolen’s Chapel. Day. Jolen stands with Mia before all of his Bishops. Mia is dressed in her traditional Muslim garb: a hijab and a dress. JOLEN: Fellow Bishops, Congregation members, this is my wife, Mia. I have ordained her a Lady Bishop over all of the female members. You will treat her with the same dignity and respect that you give to me. Anything you tell her, she will report directly to me in my absence. No one is permitted to touch her, unless her life is threatened and she requires assistance. No one is degrade, patronize, threaten, or abuse her verbally, mentally or physically. If she becomes unruly or offends any of you, document the incident and I will speak with her personally. 41

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Mia joins the female members of the Church. Stefanos glares at her as she goes away with them. Stefanos catches up to Jolen in the hallway. STEFANOS: Lord Jolen. JOLEN: Yes? STEFANOS: Please tell me this is a joke. JOLEN: I’m very serious. STEFANOS: In most churches, women are not allowed to… JOLEN: We’re not most churches, Stefanos. If we want to change the world we have to start with ourselves. STEFANOS: My lord, you’ve giving her authority. JOLEN: Authority over other women in the church, not you or any of the other male bishops. STEFANOS: That’s what the men are for! You never put a woman in charge of anything! JOLEN: Is that so? STEFANOS: It’s divine law. JOLEN: Very well, then. When you go home, put your wife outside like a dog and you watch the children. You cook for them and clean up after them. Your youngest child? You nurse him and rock him to sleep. STEFANOS: I shall not do any of those things! That’s a woman’s job. JOLEN: Then if she can handle raising children and doing all of those things which you say you shall not, then she won’t have any trouble dealing with her adult counterparts. STEFANOS: You’ve made your poin. Stefanos walks away. Mia is in her private chambers. Her mistress enters. MIA’S MISTRESS: My lady. A letter. Mia takes the letter from her father and unrolls it. She sits down at her desk. My dearest daughter Mia, Please forgive my deception, but it was the only way I could set you free. I sent you to the city praying that you wouldn’t come back here. I sent you to the city to find yourself. I told your mother that you needed the best for your wedding, and it was enough for her at the time. But now that she knows the truth, she is irate. But fear not. She is angry with me, because I sent you away from here. The reason I sent you away from the man your mother wanted you to wed, is because your mother married me by choice and you should have that same freedom. I pray Allah has led you to a decent man, who is a kind and loving pillar of faith who will cherish and honor you as I’ve done your mother.


RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Please bear no ill will against Elizabeth, for she needs time to see the error of her ways. Write to me at your own discretion, all I ask is that you send on correspondence to the capitol building and not the estate. You will always be my little princess. Be on your best behavior and make that man you love feel like a prince. For when he grows to be king, you shall be his queen. Love Always, Your Abbu,


Mia bursts into joyful tears. Later. Mia watches with a smile while Jolen get dressed. JOLEN: I have a meeting with the Emperor. Apparently he wants aid from Rome. I will be gone for several weeks. I’m leaving Bishop Darius in charge until I return. Jolen notices Mia grinning. JOLEN: Do you find my instructions amusing? MIA: I’m pregnant. Jolen meets with her. He touches her belly. JOLEN: So it begins. MIA: It’s growing very fast. JOLEN: You’re carrying the Promised Key. He will not be like a normal child. MIA: It is an honor to carry your child, the holy offspring of a Lumi-Visian Sage. They kiss. Mia and the other Bishops watch Jolen get into the Emperor’s royal carriage. After the carriage pulls off, Stefanos glares at Mia. Mia lowers her head and goes inside. Across the street Dagon and The Magistrate in human guise watch. DAGON: Lord Jolen is taking this quest to be human a little too serious. THE MAGISTRATE: He still has some of his powers, but many of them are limited. And he has to pretend to be human in front of those religious fools. They watch Stefanos pace and kick at stones on the ground. DAGON: This Stefanos character intrigues me. THE MAGISTRATE: Stefanos has no character. And, he won’t act unless he’s provoked. DAGON: Like a warrior. But we must turn him into a predator. THE MAGISTRATE: A predator needs bait and the right tools for the job. DAGON: But for this to work, we need to make Mia act out of character. 43

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS THE MAGISTRATE: We need to ally Stefanos with someone that Mia doesn’t like. DAGON: Zar Iberia? Sheikh Dubai? THE MAGISTRATE: We can do better than that. Weeks later. Meeting room. Day. Pregnant Mia speaks to the young girls all with their heads covered. MIA: …so let us look at Queen Kahina’s legacy as an example of strength and prestige. For far too long we as women have been sexualized for the pleasures of men who treat us like objects for short term personal use that they then cast aside once they are done with us. Darius and Stefanos watch from the doorway. MIA: We are more than our bodies and our looks. We are the earth and the first teacher of the children. We control our own perception as well as the growth of the general population. Look within yourselves, ladies. Know that you are more than what others say and think. Show that you are more. Know that you are The Most. Mia notices the Bishops standing there. MIA: That is all for today. Please read the materials from Lord Jolen for our next discussion. The young ladies leave the room. Darius and Stefanos enter while Mia arranges books on her desk. DARIUS: Lady Mia. MIA: (bows) Lord Darius. STEFANOS: I never thought I’d see the day. (approaches Mia) A woman giving orders instead of taking them. DARIUS: My lady, you have a visitor. MIA: I wasn’t scheduled to see anyone today. DARIUS: She says she knows you. She said you’d be happy to see her. MIA: Describe her. DARIUS: Wearing white, brown-skinned. Mid-aged. STEFANOS: Looks like a belly dancer. You know, curves in all the right places. MIA: It must be Habeba. Thank you. STEFANOS: Can you believe it? A woman having authority like a man? DARIUS: Leave her alone. STEFANOS: I think she’s getting too full of herself. If she was my wife, she’d know her place. DARIUS: Well, she’s not. Let’s go. Stefanos blocks Mia’s way. STEFANOS: You just watch yourself, little girl. Mia goes around him and leaves the room. 44

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Mia approaches her mistresses who have gathered around a woman in white. Darius and Stefanos approach. MIA: Who seeks an audience with me without making a proper appointment? The mid-aged woman in white comes forth. LIZ: Well now, I didn’t know I needed an appointment to see my own daughter. MIA: (shocked) Ummi. Liz Arrabo hugs Mia and touches Mia’s belly. LIZ: Well, I see you didn’t waste any time. Mia takes her mother’s hand away. Stefanos notices Mia’s behavior toward Liz. DARIUS: Greetings my Lady. I’m Darius and this is Stefanos. LIZ: Call me Liz. Everybody does. STEFANOS: Lord Jolen is away on business. If you’d like, you can use his guest suite. LIZ: Thank you, Lord Bishop. It’s been a long journey. MIA: There’s an inn for Muslim women not far from here. LIZ: (overacts) I’m so very tired. Please, don’t make your poor old mother walk any further. STEFANOS: (whispers to Mia) You’re going to make your own mother stay in a hotel in the city? What the hell is wrong with you? (to Liz) I’ll show you to the guest suite. LIZ: Thank you. Liz and the mistresses follow Stefanos. The guest suite. Mia watches Liz unpack. LIZ: When your father told me you joined a church, I thought it was a coven of some sort. MIA: What are you doing here, mother? Liz looks to Mia, who is clearly jaded. LIZ: Mia, I know we disagreed on a lot of issues back at home. I read your letter and I realized that I was wrong. But your father refuses to sell the estate to settle his debts. So I left. MIA: You left him? Where’s Mesha? LIZ: She’s with Ishtar and Zar. MIA: Ishtar and Zar?! LIZ: Why, yes. They got married. MIA: Zar married Ishtar?! LIZ: Calm down, child. MIA: Calm down?! You gave Ishtar to Zar and then you left father?! LIZ: As a woman, I need comfort and security. Not broken promises and excuses. I don’t expect you to understand. You haven’t been married long enough, but one day you will see. MIA: No. I won’t see it the way you do. I didn’t marry my husband for money and status. LIZ: (pfff) I can see that! 45

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS MIA: When I told father not to send anyone here that meant you too. LIZ: What’s gotten into you, child? What have I ever done to you do deserve this treatment? Mia rushes over and slams the suite doors. She walks right up to Liz like she’d knock her over. MIA: You were ready to marry me off to that horrid man Zar. You crushed all of my dreams of being a scholar. You told me that I had no future and you ask why I treat you the way I do? LIZ: I told you that I was wrong, Mia. And you should be happy for Zar and Ishtar. Mia’s face contorts before she moves away from her mother. MIA: What kind of sick, twisted person are you? LIZ: Let’s get one thing straight, little girl. Your father’s estate won’t be worth anything in a few years. Zar’s family is well connected. If you’d just did what I told you, we’d all be living better right now. Instead you’re here in the city of Constantine, pretending to be a peasant, dressing like a servant and laying up with some masked freak. And for what? MIA: For me. (voice rises) That’s who! For me! Because I deserve better! Better than what you were offering. Better than what Zar had in store for me. Does Ishtar know that Zar still has concubines that he sees regularly? LIZ: I was a concubine before I met your father. I used to think he made me realize what a good man was. MIA: You married father for his money. LIZ: How dare you! MIA: This is my domain, mother. Mine! I didn’t invite you here. But, when my master is away, I am in charge of all the women under this roof. If you don’t like it, you can leave. LIZ: I have nowhere else to go. MIA: Go to hell. Mia quickly walks to the doors and leaves. Seconds later, Stefanos peaks in. STEFANOS: Feisty, isn’t she? Liz looks to the Greek in his cassock and scoffs. LIZ: Go away. Stefanos strolls over to Liz. STEFANOS: We all feel the same way you do. Liz continues unpacking her belongings. STEFANOS: I ask myself: what kind of mother allows her daughter to speak to her that way? LIZ: Are you questioning my role as a parent? STEFANOS: I asking why you won’t let your daughter be properly disciplined. Did her father protect her from you? Liz moves to the dresser. LIZ: He spoiled that child rotten. 46

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS STEFANOS: What if I told you I can make her respect you? If you would help me get in touch with my Higher Self? Liz turns to Stefanos with her tarot cards and smiles. LIZ: Who was your reader? STEFANOS: My mother. But she died when I was still a child. Liz sits down at a nearby table. Stefanos joins her. LIZ: You say you can make her respect me? STEFANOS: Just tell me everything I need to know about her. Starting with her childhood. Liz grins and places tarot cards on the table. LIZ: And what do I get for giving you this information, my lord? STEFANOS: You look good for your age. So tell me: does your watermill wheel still turn? LIZ: (leans forward) Well now, that depends on the raw materials that you have in production. Outside of the Chapel. Darius chats in private with Mia. DARIUS: My lady, I have to get these provisions ready for tomorrow. MIA: Promise you won’t tell the other Bishops. DARIUS: Tell them what? MIA: I think Stefanos is sleeping with my mother. DARIUS: You’re insane. (walks away, but stops) You know that? MIA: I know I’m not crazy. (meets with him) I heard them. DARIUS: Why would he have sex with your mother? MIA: Because she’s sick. And he’s a deviant. I don’t know. Maybe she wants to get back at me. Maybe he wants me out of here. DARIUS: You need to rest. You’ve been on your feet for weeks. MIA: I don’t need rest. I want that woman out of here. DARIUS: Lord Jolen will be back by the end of the week. Then we can— MIA: I want her gone right now! DARIUS: You need to rest. Darius moves onward. Mia struggles to keep her composure, and then she puts her hands to her face and sobs. From the doors, Stefanos and Liz watch Mia cry. They grin at each other. The city capital. Jolen chats with the Emperor Constantine XI. CONSTANTINE XI: This entire forum was a complete disaster. It’s like they want this war. Constantine pours himself a drink. CONSTANTINE XI: How’s your wife? 47

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS JOLEN: Doing well. In fact, we are expecting our first child. CONSTANTINE XI: Ah. (sips) Took the Sultan’s advice. JOLEN: He was a noble man. CONSTANTINE XI: Yes, he was. (puts cup down) I can’t say the same for his son. Constantine sits down before Jolen. CONSTANTINE XI: I hear you are somewhat of a fortune teller. JOLEN: I can see beyond human perception. CONSTANTINE XI: Then answer me this: will the Empire fall? JOLEN: Yes. CONSTANTINE XI: What about me? JOLEN: You’ll flee to avoid persecution. If you stay, you will be a prisoner of war or dead. CONSTANTINE XI: I prefer the latter than to live in subjugation under a bloodthirsty brute. JOLEN: Mehmed is a statesman, a general and a skilled organizer. CONSTANTINE XI: You praise the man who would destroy this great city? JOLEN: The person you call a brute is well-read and speaks more than five languages. The man you think is a savage paces around his palace daily planning military actions by which he might take possession of Constantinople. This is a man you should not underestimate. CONSTANTINE XI: Then what shall I do, Lord Jolen? Cower behind the walls of the city and hope he passes by? JOLEN: Respect him. CONSTANTINE XI: You’re telling me I should bow down a heathen from the East? JOLEN: I’m telling you that if you underestimate this man, you will fail. CONSTANTINE XI: I am a proud Christian. And with Jesus Christ as my witness, I will defeat this heathen upstart and they will know that there is a God in heaven. JOLEN: Then he’s already won. CONSTANTINE XI: What do you know of these Janissaries? JOLEN: Your troops are no match for them. CONSTANTINE XI: And what will happen to your church if he takes over? JOLEN: It will be no different from what is going on now. When I first came here, your brother and his people were wary of my congregation because any faith that appears contrary to the Christian religion is a threat that must be removed. So shall it be the same when the Ottomans arrive with Islam. CONSTANTINE XI: You’re not as dense as they say you are. JOLEN: Who says that I am dense? CONSTANTINE XI: Oh, politicians. Councilmen. Religious leaders. Scholars. Need I continue? JOLEN: Will that be all, Your Highness? Jolen walks away. 48

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS CONSTANTINE XI: Lord Jolen. Jolen pauses. CONSTANTINE XI: Please forgive me. I didn’t mean anything by it. (exhales) I just need to know that you’re on my side. JOLEN: Jesus is on your side. Jolen walks out. Mia is in the chapel sanctuary cleaning. The mistresses try to assist her. MISTRESS: My lady, you need to rest. MIA: I’m fine. Go see to the others. Mia moans and sits down in a pew. Stefanos enters. STEFANOS: Hey. Mia turns, sees him and stands up. STEFANOS: Get me some water. Mia pours water from a pitcher and brings it to him. STEFANOS: Mmm. See, you can do what you’re told when the right person is speaking to you. MIA: If you will excuse me, I must have this area clean before I go. STEFANOS: I didn’t say you could go. MIA: My lord, please. STEFANOS: Please what? MIA: I don’t want to… STEFANOS: You don’t want to do what? You don’t want to do what I say? MIA: I’ve given you what you want. Now, I must finish my work. Darius and other bishops enter. STEFANOS: You know what the problem is with woman like you? You think because you’re from some rich fancy castle you can come in here and sleep with our Abbott and corrupt him so that he’s effeminate and docile, so that the enemies of this church can infiltrate and destroy us. MIA: Excuse me, my lord. But those are not my intensions. STEFANOS: Is it true you tried to marry your cousin’s fiancé for his money? MIA: How dare you! STEFANOS: I know all about women like you. You won’t do what a man tells you, but you’ll put your own mother out in the cold. MIA: (calms herself) Lord Jolen is my master and he has been nothing but be good to you. He told you that you should treat me as an extension of himself. STEFANOS: I know what Lord Jolen said. You don’t have to repeat nothing to me. 49

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS MIA: Then why do you treat me with such detest? To look upon me with repulsion is to look at my lord and master in the same manner. STEFANOS: That’s where you are wrong. You are not his equal, even if you shared his bloodline. You know what you are? You’re a cross-breed half-Moor, half-Portuguese harlot with the mind of a bocó. (literally puppet. A person without opinion, a fool.) Mia is clearly angered by this comment. STEFANOS: Did you get that? Bocó de mola, minha senhora. Some of the bishops laugh. Darius approaches. STEFANOS: What? You don’t like what I said? MIA: No. I don’t like when child-molesting grease bags insult me in the holy chapel of my lord and master. Stefanos goes to grab Mia, but Darius intervenes. DARIUS: Don’t do this. Stefanos walks away. MIA: I see why your wife hates you. Stefanos stops. DARIUS: My lady, please. MIA: Any man who belittles a woman is not a man at all. DARIUS: Lady Mia. MIA: Don’t take out frustrations on us because you can’t please your woman bedroom, and then you pretend to be a gentleman in the ballroom. Stefanos smiles and moves on. Darius looks to Mia. But before he can speak… MIA: Did you like what he was doing to me? DARIUS: No. MIA: But you agree with him. Darius leaves with the other Bishops. Mia continues cleaning. She gets to the Altar of Bastard and dusts it off. When she turns around, she is struck in the face by Stefanos. He props her up against the altar and hits her continuously. Mia falls to the floor and screams with her face covered. Darius and the other bishops enter and pull Stefanos off of her. DARIUS: What are you doing?! She’s pregnant! Stefanos gets free and kicks her in the chest. The other bishops hold Stefanos back while the lady bishops tend to Mia. Stefanos breaks free and adjusts his cassock. STEFANOS: (spits) Filthy Nego. Stefanos leaves while Darius and the Bishops watch the mistresses tend to Mia.


RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Jolen returns. He is introduced to Liz. LIZ: I’m Elizabeth Arrabo, Mia’s mother. JOLEN: Where is Mia? LIZ: She’s resting. I’ve been taking care of her since I arrived. Liz follows Jolen. LIZ: She’s been on her feet the whole time you’ve been gone. (blocks doorway) My lord, she’s really tired and she needs her rest. The child will be due any time now. JOLEN: You do not tell a man that she cannot see his own wife. Liz bobs her head and moves aside. Jolen enters and finds the mistresses gathered around Mia. JOLEN: There you are. (opens bag) I couldn’t find the fruits you wanted, but I did find a similar… Mia is bruised and battered. JOLEN: Who did this? MISTRESS: It was Stefanos, my lord. That coward! Jolen kneels before Mia. JOLEN: Did Stefanos do this? Mia nods and sobs with her hands covering her face. Jolen approaches Bishop Stefanos in the chapel. STEFANOUS: My lord. You’re back. How was your trip? JOLEN: Did you hit my wife? STEFANOUS: No. I hit a woman who talks like she’s man. JOLEN: Did you strike Lady Mia? STEFANOUS: Don’t no woman tell me what to do. JOLEN: Just answer the question. STEFANOUS: A woman should know her place. JOLEN: Did you hit her, yes or no? DARIUS: She asked him politely to leave the sanctuary. He started yelling at her. STEFANOUS: Stay out of this! DARIUS: Then he struck her in face. He hit her like she was a man! I told him to stop hitting her because she’s pregnant. There was blood everywhere. I thought for certain she was dead. JOLEN: Is this true? STEFANOUS: You made a mistake making her a lady bish— Jolen lifts the bishop by the throat. Darius chokes as Jolen brings him close to his mask. JOLEN: I’m going to make this very clear, Stefanos. So when your loved ones come to claim your mangled body, it will be cut into your flesh. If you ever touch my wife again, I will kill you. Jolen drops him. 51

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS JOLEN: You’re excommunicated. Darius, have the other Bishops remove him and his personal property from this building. DARIUS: Yes, my lord. Jolen tends to her wounds. MIA: May I speak? JOLEN: As you wish. MIA: My lord, I didn’t talk back to him. JOLEN: I know. MIA: I gave him the same respect I would give you. JOLEN: It’s okay. MIA: He kept on following me. JOLEN: Mia. MIA: And then he told me I was nothing! Just like my mother used to do! JOLEN: What are you saying? MIA: I want her gone! JOLEN: You need to think rationally. MIA: I am rational! I know what she’s been doing with Stefanos. JOLEN: You don’t mean that. MIA: She’s sleeping with him. She got into his head and got him to do what he did. JOLEN: Mia, you’re emotional. MIA: My lord, I know you’re trying to understand human nature. But I know my mother. You don’t know what she’s capable of. I’ve seen her destroy people. I’ve seen her use people. JOLEN: Mia, you need lie down. You haven’t been resting like I told you. MIA: Rest? (screams) Look at my face! (sobs) Look at what he did to me. Jolen hugs her as she cries. He waits until she quiets before he releases her. JOLEN: The time for the child to come is near. You need to rest. MIA: I want her gone, Jolen. Do you hear me? JOLEN: I hear you, Mia. But she’s your mother. MIA: (moves away) Either she goes, or I do. Jolen bobs his head, gets up and leaves. The mistresses tend to Mia. Jolen chats with Darius. DARIUS: My lord, I think it would be best if Lady Mia stepped down. She’s fragile. JOLEN: Only to certain the members of this church that want to shatter her spirit. DARIUS: She’s not meant to be a bishop. 52

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS JOLEN: You were not meant to be an accountant, and yet you work for me. No lending institution around the Mediterranean would hire you, but I did. DARIUS: That is true, Your Lordship. JOLEN: Then why do you speak against my wife as the bankers spoke against you? DARIUS: Forgive me. It’s just that, we’re not used to seeing a woman… JOLEN: Making her own choices? Being herself and not what a man wants her to be? DARIUS: It’s just…so different. JOLEN: Being different is a human right. And just as you have your position which was denied to you by others, so shall she, for she was denied by others as well. Mia will remain the lead Lady Bishop over the women of this church. And we will discuss this no further. Stefanos prepares to leave the church with Liz and the other Bishops watching. But he has something to say to Jolen and Mia. STEFANOS: My lord, I’m asking you to please reconsider. JOLEN: Please leave, Stefanos. DARIUS: My lord. Stefanos is our most trusted bishop. We cannot throw him away. JOLEN: We are moral leaders, Darius. He cannot lead by example when he fails to set one. STEFANOS: You’re just doing this because it makes you feel powerful. JOLEN: My rules were that no one is to touch Mia, and if she becomes unruly to report it to me. STEFANOS: When my wife becomes unruly, I don’t leave my own house. I deal with her. You’re afraid to put her in her place because she’ll deny you relations once you are in the bedroom. MIA: You’re filthy dog. LIZ: Mia! STEFANOS: (asks Jolen) Do you hear how she talks to people? MIA: What’s more offensive to his ears? My words? Or you having sex with my mother?! The bishops jeer, some chuckle. The mistresses gasp and whisper to each other. LIZ: I can’t believe what you’re saying about me! MIA: Oh, shut up, mother! You put him up to this! JOLEN: That’s enough. STEFANOS: Do you see how she behaves? She would not be my wife. JOLEN: And lucky for her, she is not. Now, please leave. STEFANOS: This church is my family. You take me away from my family from over a woman? JOLNE: Your family is at home, with your wife. Remember? STEFANOS: I’ve dedicated my life to you, and this is how you repay me? JOLEN: If you do not leave, I will have you escorted away. STEFANOS: (looks to Mia) If I ever see you in the street, I will finish what I started. JOLEN: What did you say to her? 53

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS STEFANOS: I said if I ever see that harlot in public, I will beat her like the half-bred mutt she is, since you don’t have the guts to stand up to her. MIA: Are you threatening me because I offended you? Or is it because your wife Rhea goes around the city telling people about your lack of performance in the bedroom? Some bishops snicker. MIA: I paid Rhea a visit right around the time my mother suddenly showed up here. She told me how you beat her that one time and she lost the baby. STEFANOS: You little Muslim whore. I should have killed you at the Imperial Library. MIA: What kind of father are you when you can’t read to your own children? Yet you strike down a pregnant woman and you still call yourself a warrior? You’re an illiterate coward. Stefanos kneels down like he’s dusting off his boot. He grabs up a stone and flings it at Mia. Jolen catches the rock just inches from her face and crushes it. He leaps over to Stefanos and knocks him down. He puts Stefanos in a submission hold. JOLEN: Which hand did he strike her with? MIA: His right. Jolen snaps Stefanos’ wrist. Mia looks away as Stefanos screams. STEFANOS: Oh God! Help me! Somebody help me! Jolen then puts Stefanos’ forearm over his leg STEFANOS: Please don’t! Please! Jolen snaps Stefanos’ arm back. Mia covers her face. JOLEN: Get him out of here. Stefanos screams as he is taken way. Nearby The Magistrate and Dagon watch. THE MAGISTRATE: Some warrior. Dagon scoffs and nods his head. Jolen approaches Liz, who is pretending to be shocked by the whole scene. JOLEN: Elizabeth. LIZ: My lord, I told you to call me Liz. JOLEN: Liz, I want you to accompany Stefanos. LIZ: Good idea. And I’m going to have a serious discussion with him about his treatment of women. JOLEN: And like Stefanos, you are not to come back here. Liz looks puppy-eyed at Jolen and then at Mia. LIZ: Well, I can see that I’m not wanted here. Her bags are brought to her and she is put into a carriage.


RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS In their private chambers, Mia is laying down; she is heavily pregnant with her hands on her pot belly. She looks to a large bowl of various fruits. Jolen sits beside her with a book. MIA: May I speak, my lord? JOLEN: Mia? MIA: Yes, my lord? JOLEN: I know that you wish to be respectful to me, but I do not own you. Therefore, you do not need my permission to talk. MIA: But as your wife it is my duty to know my place in the household. JOLEN: I understand that. MIA: Then you know that a woman shall never usurp authority over a man. JOLEN: Indeed. You’ve never done such a thing. MIA: You are my earthly lord and master, and I am in complete submission to you. JOLEN: Mia, you’re not my property. You’re a living person with a soul and a mind. You may address me as you would any other human being. MIA: But, you’re not human, are you? Neither is this child. JOLEN: That’s not the point. Your true lord and master is Allah. Remember? MIA: My true and living master is The Most. They kiss. Outside the chapel, The Magistrate and Dagon move away from the window. THE MAGISTRATE: Those two make me sick. DAGON: Looks like the child is going to be born. THE MAGISTRATE: Let it. The very nature of that abomination will make her abandon it. DAGON: Yes. We shall wait in the shadows, and then we will kill it. (gleeful) No, we can get kill Elizabeth to kill it. It’ll be the perfect sacrifice. THE MAGISTRATE: The time for her child’s birth approaches. DAGON: Then let’s make her labor hell. Mia is on the birthing stool. She cries out. The nursemaids try to comfort her. The midwife confronts Jolen. NURSEMAID: She’s having difficulty. JOLEN: What kind? NURSEMAID: She has a very small frame and the child is…unusually large. JOLEN: I can help her. NURSEMAID: How? JOLEN: Let me see her. 55

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Jolen enters. MIA: I can’t do this, my lord. Jolen puts his hands to her head. JOLEN: Focus on my face, Mia. Think of what you saw that day in the field. MIA: I’m ready. NURSEMAID: Let us tend to her, my lord. Jolen waits outside the room. Mia is heard screaming. Then a baby cries. NURSEMAID: Congratulations, my lord. It’s a boy. JOLEN: May I see her? NURSEMAID: Go right in. JOLEN: Have you thought of a name for him? MIA: He’s your son. I’ll leave that honor to you. JOLEN: Mia, for once, do something that makes you happy. MIA: I’m the wife of a Lumi-Visian Sage and the mother of your child. I am happy. You foretold his coming. It is only right that you name him, for the glory of the Most. JOLEN: Very well. His name will be called Jolen Dindar Sahte Sofu. MIA: How about just plain Jolen? Or Dindar? JOLEN: Very well. That will be his name. MIA: Your name? JOLEN: Yes. He shall carry on my name. But to avoid confusion, you will call him Dindar. And when he reaches the 25th rung on the ladder of light, he will ascend to meet with me and I will ordain him. Chapel. Day. Jolen meets with Hagan the metal smith who made the Arabic typefaces. METAL SMITH: My lord, the Sultan wishes to see you. Jolen meets with Sultan. Jolen looks to a scrap book on the Sultan’s desk with ink drawings of three-quarter face portrait busts of Greeks and Persians. MEHMED II: (OS) A hobby. Jolen moves away from the desk with his hands behind his back. Mehmed approaches in his uniform with a sword on one side of his belt and a firearm on the other. MEHMED II: Please keep your hands where I can see them. Jolen lets his arms rest at his sides. 56

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS MEHMED II: Do you know why I sent for you? JOLEN: No, Sultan. MEHMED II: I’ve called you here because you once served my father. And one of my Janissaries has brought your Church to my attention. But before I get into that…(touches firearm)…tell me captain, are you now a Christian? JOLEN: No. MEHMED II: Do you think that I am a heathen? JOLEN: I do not share the opinions of the Christians about you. Mehmed comes closer to Jolen, hand still on his firearm. MEHMED II: Are you not a colleague of Constantine the ninth? JOLEN: I worked with his brother John to bridge the gap between the East and West Empires. MEHMED II: Do you know why I have been training the Janissaries so intensely? JOLEN: To overthrow the Byzantine Empire by conquering the Christian city of Constantinople, because you feel that it is your Islamic duty. MEHMED II: I only seek to praise and promote the application of Sharia Law in this region of the world, because the Church has failed in its ridiculous Crusades to free and defend people. As you know my father is a kind, patient and gentle soul. You might even say that he is an idealist. JOLEN: He was kind enough to release me from his service early. MEHMED II: But I am a conquer. I am also a supporter of free information resources. Mehmed II takes his hand off of his firearm. MEHMED II: Most men fear for their lives when I gesture for this weapon, but you remain indifferent. And even though you wear a mask, I can tell that you are valiant. JOLEN: Is it safe to say that you wish to recruit me again for the Janissaries? Mehmed II goes over and closes his chamber doors. He returns to Jolen. MEHMED II: I know all about you. Your Church, your Library, your wife, your abilities. That glowing crystal sword. (grins) You powers have far beyond anything a mortal man can weld. Mehmed II circles Jolen. MEHMED II: My father once told me that he saw you flying like the Huma bird. He said that you could shoot spheres of light from your hands. He said that your face is brighter than the sun. Mehmed II stops before Jolen again. MEHMED II: He said that you are like a god. (kneels) I am not here to demand your services. I am asking you to help me secure victory. I am asking you to befriend me as you did my father. JOLEN: I am no god. Mehmed II stands up. MEHMED II: And yet you pretend to be a man. You can destroy me right now and none of my armies will be able to stop you. You have power, Lord Jolen. A power that the Christians have taken for granted. I am asking for that power to be on the side of Islam once again. 57

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS JOLEN: When you take over, what will become of my Church? Mehmed II goes over to his desk. MEHMED II: We cannot have it looking as if we are on the same side. So here’s what I will do. We will burn your chapel to the ground. Once we have looted the city, I will give you the best land closer to the capital, closer to me. All I ask is that you become my colleague. Jolen moves toward the desk. JOLEN: Sultan, I won’t be in this realm for much longer. For this I ask that any dealings who wish to have with me you also have with my heir, for he will continue my legacy and he will run my Church and he will oversee the construction and keeping of the Universal Library. MEHMED II: I swear to Allah that I will keep my word to you and your son. Jolen begins to leave, but turns around. JOLEN: One more thing. MEHMED II: Yes, Lord Jolen? JOLEN: There’s a matter in the city of Fez that I need taken care of. Mehmed’s eyebrows rise. Back at the chapel. Jolen approaches Mia in a large overcoat. MIA: What do you mean you’re closing the Church? JOLEN: The Ottomans are coming and I don’t know what they’re going to do. I have to make the Sultan see the Church as his ally and the only way to do that is to serve him. MIA: Serve him? Mia opens Jolen’s coat; he’s wearing a Janissary’s uniform. MIA: You’re going to fight for the Persians? JOLEN: Mia, listen to me. What I must ask of you, you may not like. MIA: What is it? JOLEN: I need for you to take the baby and leave the city. MIA: And go where? JOLEN: To your father’s estate. MIA: My father’s estate has been sold. You heard what my mother said. JOLEN: I spoke to the Sultan. Your father’s estate will remain his. MIA: No. I refuse to go back to Fez. JOLEN: The Sultan spoke to your father. Everything’s been arranged. MIA: You could have asked me first, Jolen. JOLEN: I’m afraid we’ve run out of time. MIA: All right, my Lord. I’ll do this thing that you ask, but I won’t like it. JOLEN: It’s only until the war is over. MIA: It won’t be a war. (walks away) It’ll be an occupation. 58

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Jolen and his Bishops close up the Church. Darius walks with Jolen. DARIUS: My lord, do we really have to close down the operation here? JOLEN: Sultan Mehmed made it clear that he would first send the janissaries in to weaken the city’s infrastructure. They hit the churches and government buildings first. DARIUS: Have you considered the possibly that despite your powers you could die in battle? Jolen stops before the front doors. JOLEN: That is not just a possibility. It is the idea. DARIUS: But what of Lady Mia and your child? JOLEN: I will always be with them. And if I have to die defending free information, so be it. Jolen gives the keys of the church to Darius. DARIUS: When we next open the church doors, you will serve under my son. He will continue my legacy. He will become the Promised Key to his people. He will be The Most. Darius smiles. DARIUS: It has been an honor to serve you, my lord. Jolen leaves with his masked colleagues. MONTAGE Jolen rides to battle with Sayler Dangru, Aurum Norser, Kiko Basin, Matthuyah Kabinda and his nobles Lord Shinar and Lady Warka. Darius closes the church doors and locks them. Stefanos is sitting in a chair while his wife tends to his arm and hand. Constantine XI looks out at the city while holding a cup of wine, which he drinks. Sultan Mehmed looks at battle plans with his chief commanders. Mia is in a carriage holding her baby close. She looks out the window at the setting sun. City of Fez. Day. Mia arrives at her family estate. She gets out of the carriage and is greeted by servants. SERVANT GIRL 1: Welcome back, my lady. MIA: Thank you. SERVANT GIRL 2: I’ll take him, my lady. Mia gives her child to her servant. Her father Nador approaches. They hug. Inside the estate house. Mia is sitting with Nador. NADOR: It’s great to have you back, Mia. MIA: I won’t be staying long. I’m only here until Jolen sends for me. NADOR: Yes. Your master is quite the miracle worker. He saved the estate; he convinced the Sultan here to excuse my debts. And in return, Jolen offered his service to the Mehmed. 59

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS MIA: The Christians and Persians merely fight for control of the city. Whoever controls the city controls that entire region. (gets up) Excuse me, father. I must see to my son. NADOR: Mia, wait. Mia enters the guest chamber and finds the bassinet empty. She goes to the lounge area and finds the servants gathered around a woman in royal garb. Mia hears the baby cooing. MIA: I’ll take him now. (moves closer) Did you hear me, mistress? Liz turns around with the child in her arms. LIZ: He’s so beautiful. You’ve made me a wonderful little grandchild. Mia quickly takes the child away and checks him. Nador enters as the servants leave. LIZ: Mia, what’s wrong? MIA: What are you doing here? LIZ: I live here. MIA: You left father, remember? Nador gets between the mother and daughter. NADOR: Mia, listen to me. (takes a second) Yes, we separated. But we’re back together. MIA: She left you because she thought you were broke. NADOR: She left to look for you in the great city. She wanted you to come home. MIA: She didn’t need to look. She read the letter I wrote. (scoffs) Well, I’m back home. NADOR: Mia, you haven’t been married long enough to understand… While Nador talks, Mia glares at her mother, who is trying to look as innocent as possible. NADOR: …if I’ve taught you anything, Mia, it’s to forgive. Mia walks away with her child in her arms. Dagon walks over to The Magistrate as she watches Liz Arrabo on the patio with her tarot cards. THE MAGISTRATE: So sad. That old woman really thinks she has power. DAGON: It’s all about the presentation. Liz thinks those silly cards will allow her to see into the future. That rebellious daughter of hers has better insight than she ever will. THE MAGISTRATE: The child will soon molt. His face will begin to transmogrify. DAGON: Then let us use that to our advantage. Arrabo Castle. Study. Mia walks with the baby held close. Liz shows up. Mia backs away. LIZ: There is something I must tell you. MIA: We have nothing to say to each other. LIZ: That child is cursed, Mia. MIA: How would you know? Unless you cursed him? 60

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS LIZ: That child is not normal. The father is an evil spirit who uses sex to control you. MIA: Just like you used sex to control Stefanos? Liz looks to several servant girls. They leave. LIZ: (points to Mia) That child you hold in your arms will bring about Chaos and Havoc to this world. If you know what I know, you’d get rid of it. Destroy it before it can destroy the earth. MIA: I’ll not murder my own child. LIZ: You don’t have to. Give it to me and I will sacrifice it to the fish-god for the coming of his son, the mighty horned king of the Djinn and of all men. MIA: I always knew you were a witch. LIZ: Don’t be so naive. Most of the imams in this region practice magic. MIA: (walks away) You’re insane. Arrabo Castle. Mia is in her room sewing by hand. A servant rushes in. SERVANT GIRL: My lady, it’s the baby. Mia rushes into the adjacent chamber and sees Liz standing there. MIA: How did you get in here?! Mia looks down into the bassinet. MIA: (gasps) What’s wrong with his face?! (turns to Liz) What have you done to him? Liz stands there grinning. Mia runs over and knocks Liz to the floor. Liz covers her face as Mia tries to get her hands around Liz’s neck. Escorts come in and pull Mia off of Liz. Arrabo Castle. Main Hall. Nador stands before Liz and Mia. NADOR: What’s going on here? LIZ: I was watching the baby and she just jumped on me like a wild animal. Mia runs over and grabs for Liz. She is grabbed by Nador’s escorts and pulled away. MIA: She put a hex on him! She cursed my baby! NADOR: What are you talking about? MIA: You know exactly what I’m talking about, father. You’ve seen what’s in her private study: the tarot cards, the magic trinkets, the eerie potions, the books on divination. LIZ: You failed to keep your child healthy, and you want to accuse me of sorcery? MIA: (to Nador) The servant girls said that she was bragging to her friends that she had put a curse on my baby so that I wouldn’t want it anymore. LIZ: Is that what you want to hear, Mia? Okay. Fine. I put a hex on your son. I cursed him. NADOR: Be quiet Liz. (to Mia) I’ll have the best doctors tending to him. Mia looks to Liz as Liz walks away.


RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Weeks later. Mia paces before the nursery. The doctor comes out. DOCTOR: My Lady. Mia enters the room looks upon the child. She screams. Arrabo Estate patio. Mia is sitting on the step. Her eyes are bloodshot from crying. Liz appears behind her. Before Liz can speak… MIA: You were right. (sniffs) I should have listened to you. LIZ: (kindly) If you care about your child, you will end his suffering. Mia stands up, but doesn’t face her mother. LIZ: Let me see to him. Tears run down Mia’s face. LIZ: (malicious) If you don’t, I will smother that little bastard in his sleep. Mia lowers her head. LIZ: (kindly again) Give me the child. MIA: Take him. Liz immediately leaves. Arrabo Estate. Mia is in her chambers. She goes over to the dresser before a blinding light flashes before her. It is Jolen-Heli in his Lumi-Visian form. She falls to her knees and covers her face. JOLEN: What have you done with our son, Mia? MIA: My Lord, he is deformed. I gave him to my mother to dispose of. JOLEN: She will do no such thing. You will retake the boy and leave this estate. MIA: I have no money, no food and no water. No place to put my son. Where will I go? JOLEN: I have prepared a place for you. Rise up and go to your sister in Marrakesh. There she and her friend Fatima, wife of a farmer, will give you shelter. There you will remain until I say that it is safe to return to the great city. MIA: A metal plate covers my child’s face! What cruel deformity has been inflicted upon him? JOLEN: Fret not, my wife. For the child was formed in your womb like any other child. But his growth will be unlike anything a human child will go through. The mask is for your protection. MIA: My protection? I don’t understand. JOLEN: Our son was made in the image of his father. Even now as you bow your head and shield your eyes from the light of my face, so shall you do if he had no protective covering over his true visage. This is the true nature of the child you have birthed. You are his mother and a 62

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS mother shall not put her own child away. You will take back your son from your mother, for she will be struck down with an afflicting sickness, for she has done wickedly before The Most. MIA: (calms herself) Surely The Most is in you. I will do as you say and I will raise our son. JOLEN: Your mother has fallen into a deep sleep, for she means to murder the child and serve up his blood to Lord Dagon of the Hæysux. Go now. Take your child and flee. For when she wakes up, you will be gone and she will begin to suffer with sickness and fever and she will have no more rest. For she sought to kill our son and she know that I am the MASKED your BASTARD. Mia stands up and wipes her face. Liz’s chambers. Night. Mia enters. She sees Liz snoring in bed. She takes the sleeping baby out of the cradle, puts him into a sling and covers his head. Inside the carriage. Morning. Mia steps out. She is greeted by Mesha, her friend Fatima and Fatima’s husband. Mia and Mesha hug. Mia shows the top of the baby’s head to them. They go into the main house. Arrabo Estate. Day Liz is heard screaming. Nador comes into Liz’s room and watches his wife pace frantically. LIZ: My grandbaby! Someone has taken my sweet, precious grandchild! (sees him) Nador, you have to do something! He’s gone! He was stolen from me in the dead of night! NADOR: The baby’s fine. LIZ: Where is he? NADOR: Safe. LIZ: Where? Tell me. Nador goes over to Liz’s table. He pulls back the red sheet covering to reveal tarot cards, books on divination and surgical tools. NADOR: (picks up knife) Is this how you were going to help my grandson? LIZ: What are you talking about? Nador drops the knife and grips up Liz by the arms. NADOR: What did you say to Mia last night? That you’d smother the baby while he slept? LIZ: The child is sick! You saw its face! Nador pushes Liz into the dresser and moves in. NADOR: You had no right to attempt taking that child’s life! 63

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS LIZ: What about my life?! What about our marriage?! What’s going to happen next time you can’t pay your debts on time?! You gonna go beg Mesha’s husband for help? You gonna look to Zar and Ishtar to bail you out next time?! All you had to do is let Mia marry into the Iberian royal bloodline! But you put her together with that masked freak! Now her child is a freak! Why don’t you just whore me like you used to?! What do you say, Nasty Nador?! Got any more bad debts I should know about before this entire estate goes bust?! Nador cracks Liz across the face with his open hand. Liz yelps and puts her hands to her face. Nador moves away from her. NADOR: Let us be truthful then. You played the harlot on your own accord. Back then and even now. Mia told me about you and that Greek. Before Liz can begin her sob/deny story, Nador said: NADOR: I am your husband. I swore to you to remain true and faithful. And I have. Yet you go behind my make a mockery of me. You tried to poison Mia, but she got away from you. And now you seek to murder my grandson in cold blood. LIZ: (hisses) He’s evil! Why can’t anybody see that?! NADOR: If any harm comes to my grandson by your hand, if my little princess suffers anymore grief by way of your evil devices, you don’t have to worry about me putting you away. I’m going to do what the city should have done to your devil-worshiping sister Maria. LIZ: You wouldn’t dare! I’m your wife! NADOR: You don’t stop and start being my wife when it suits you, Elizabeth! LIZ: It suits me to have a husband who stays true to his word and pays his bills. NADOR: Oh, I will stay true to my word on this. And I promise you, if you even try to harm my grandson, I’m going to have you convicted and found guilty of witchcraft—and I have more than enough evidence here to sway the elders. Liz keeps her eyes low. NADOR: I will have your covetous eyes dug out of your skull with red hot irons and your lying tongue cut out of your mouth. Then I’ll have you hung upside down in the courtyard and have you sawn asunder. Liz looks at him with widened eyes. NADOR: (stern) I will saw you in half, from groin to gullet. And that’s a debt that I promise you I will pay. Nador leaves. Five years later. Mia watches from the cottage front door while her son plays hoops with the other kids. Mesha comes to the door pregnant with another child on her hip. MESHA: He’s still at it? 64

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS MIA: Yes. MEHSA: He’s growing so fast. It’s like the other children look up to him. The child laughs behind his metal face plate with only his eyes exposed through oval apertures. MESHA: It’s like he’s leading them. MIA: Like his father. MESHA: Where is your husband? Mia does answer. She only watches the children play. Constantinople. 1453. A large cannon blasts away a portion of the city wall. Arrows are launched, javelins are thrown, stones are catapulted and even bullets from firearms fly. Christian troops fall. Janissaries rush the stockade and take on the Christians in hand-to-hand combat. Many Christians fall. Off the shore line more Janissaries come off of Ottoman ships at sea and begin storming the city walks. The Turks overwhelm the Christians at the harbor walls. After 3 days of looting, Sultan Mehmed enters the city. He approaches Jolen-Heli and a group of Janissaries. MEHMED: Have they all fled? JOLEN: A few remain. Those who couldn’t leave due to the blockade. The Sultan sees a few Christian soldiers nearby. MEHMED: Shall we? Jolen lets Mehmed go first. MEHMED: (in Greek) Greetings, you poor souls. The Christians eye each other and then the Sultan. MEHMED: I know that you don’t expect me to know Greek or Latin, but it is that kind of unenlightened, obtuse, benighted ignorance that led to the downfall of your city, state and culture. (paces) So, now you are wondering what I will do with you? Jolen watches the Sultan remove his sword from the sheathe. MEHMED: You are all welcome to stay in my city. As Christians you are allowed to continue practicing your faith. But the moment to take up arms against me and my people, you will join your fallen brothers in the ground below. For Allah forbids subversion in the face of his elect. The Sultan and Jolen move on to Augustaion, the ceremonial square. MEHMED: I suppose you want to rejoin your wife and child. JOLEN: He’d be about four years old, by human standards. The Sultan smiles at Jolen. MEHMED: You have done a great service, Lord Jolen. Name your price. JOLEN: Sultan, I just want my Church to be reestablished and the Universal Library to come to pass here in the city of Constantinople. 65

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS MEHMED: Istanbul. JOLEN: Excuse me? MEHMED: The city is now called Istanbul. JOLEN: Why that name? MEHMED: That’s nobody’s business, but ours. (grins) I’ll find you nice plot of land. CRUSADER: (screams from behind) Traitor! The Sultan and Jolen turn to see a Christian solider with a Janissary’s rifle. JANISSARY: Stop him! CRUSADER: (aims) This is for be betraying our emperor! The blast blows a huge hole in Jolen’s chest. The masked Janissary falls to his knees and hits the ground. The Christian aims for the Sultan. An arrow pierces the Christian’s right shoulder. He drops the rifle and falls to his knees. The Sultan is tossed his firearm. MEHMED: Look at me! The Christian looks up at the Sultan. MEHMED: You are but three days into my rule and you invoke my ire?! CRUSADER: Jesus is the son of God! The Sultan shoots him in the head. MEHMED: There is no God, but Allah. The Sultan stands by while a Janissary kneels before Jolen’s body. JANISSARY: What do we do now? MEHMED: We must tell Mia Arrabo that her husband is dead. JANISSARY: (stands) I thought he was immortal. MEHMED: So did I. But he sure fought like one. Farm. Day. Mia watches her son play with the older children. Mesha comes outside as Janissaries ride up and dismount. They approach Mia with a wooden box and give it to her. MIA: Is this from my master? The Janissaries quickly ride off. Mia returns to the porch and sits down. She opens the box to find Jolen’s mask. She gasps and shoves the box to the ground. MESHA: Mia? Mia gasps with her hands to her chest, eyes glassy. While Mesha picks up the box, Mia’s son Dindar approaches. He looks down at his father’s mask on the ground. He sees Mia tearing up. DINDAR: Is father all right? Mia begins to sob. Dindar picks up the metal mask and looks at it, then at Mesha, who takes it away. Dindar walks up to Mia who has her face covered. DINDAR: Father’s not coming back, is he? 66

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS Mia breaks from sobbing and embraces Dindar. Dindar’s eyes wander while he is hugged. Night time. Mia is on her bed with glassy eyes. Jolen’s mask is on her table. She leaves in tears. Outside, near a well. Mia runs and falls near the well. She kneels with her face to the ground. MIA: (sobs) My lord and master is gone from me! He was my life and now my life is gone! How can I go on? What of my future when the Christians have dashed it away with the fall of their wicked, pagan city? (gasps) What of my child? He has no father. He is a bastard! JOLEN: (voice) Mia. Mia lifts her upper body and sees glowing Jolen-Heli in his celestial form standing before her in white linen. On either of his sides are beings who are dressed and glow like him. They are the Lumi-Visian Sages. MIA: My lord. (bows down) Praise The Most you live again! JOLEN: I was on earth for short time. But I am always with you, Mia. Mia lifts her upper body as Jolen moves closer to her. She remains on her knees. JOLEN: Our son needs you to be strong. And when the time comes, I will come upon him. And I will ordain him and he will know that I am the Masked his Bastard. MIA: What do you want me to do, my lord? JOLEN: The war with the Christians has ended. You will take the child and return to the great city of Istanbul. MIA: Istanbul? JOLEN: There you will meet with the Sultan. He will take care of your needs. I have bought you and my Church favor with the Persians with my service and life. Go now. MIA: Yes, my lord. (stands) I love you. Jolen gently touches Mia’s forehead with the mouthpart of his mask before he and the Sages vanish. Istanbul. Day. Mia observes from the changes to the city, namely mosques, from her carriage window. She gets out of the carriage with little Dindar and walks toward the waiting Sultan. MEHMED: As-salam alaykum, Sayyida. MIA: Wa-Alaikum-Salaam, Sultan. MEHMED: Your husband served me with honor and dignity. I only hope that his son here will grow up to fill his mask. MIA: I have no doubt he will. Mehmed walks with Mia, Dindar and his royal guard. 67

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS MEHMED: When my men finally took hold of the city, I told the citizens who had escaped detection to come out into the open. They were to remain free and no question of their beliefs would be asked. I am in the midst of restoration of houses and property to those who had abandoned our city before the siege. And I gave everyone here my word that if they returned home, they would be treated according to their rank and religion, as if nothing had changed. They pause before the steps where Jolen was shot down. MEHMED: Lord Jolen told me about how you fled your homeland partly because of the religious constraints forced upon you. But here, no one will judge or impose their way on you. I made a promise to your husband and I intend to keep it so long as Istanbul remains a mighty city. They go over to a monument with a metal engraving of Jolen’s mask. MEHMED: I have dedicated this to your husband, so that future generations will know that a man who was more bastard than masked fought not just for the Ottoman Empire, but for the right of free information without restrictions from religious and political intrusion. Come. Mia gets out of the Sultan’s carriage and sees a building being constructed. MEHMED: My gift to you and your family. Behold, the Church of Fatherless Time. Mia and Dindar walk up to the building and enter the front finished portion. A few years later. The Church is fully built. Fully-grown adult Dindar comes out of the Church and walks down the gold brick walkway. Dindar walks with a book in hand. He stops and holds his head. He groans and darts off the dirt path. He finds an open field and falls to his knees. He puts his hands to his head and tears his metal mask away from his face. The entire front of his face is like a dome of light. Dindar crawls on the ground, trying to stand. The light of his head continues to envelope the back and sides of his human head, consuming his hair and ears. He tilts his light face to the sky and a beam of light shoots out of his head. Dindar is lifted by this beam into the clouds. Then there’s a bright flash. Dindar finds himself in a heavenly place. He’s wearing a white cassock with yellow trimmings. JOLEN: (OS) My son. Dindar turns to see Jolen-Heli standing a few feet away. DINDAR: But, you died. JOLEN: I am dead to the realm of men, but I am alive here on the celestial plane. DINDAR: What’s happening to me? JOLEN: You are becoming exactly what you are supposed to be. DINDAR: What am I supposed to be? 68

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS JOLEN: The Promised Key. Jolen produces a large sword with a glassy glowing blade. JOLEN: Kneel. After Dindar kneels, Jolen raises the sword high. JOLEN: I ordain thee (lowers sword) Bishop Masked Bastard. Keeper of the Universal Library, Bearer of the Cipher, The Blessed Promised Key of Men, the incarnation of Freedom and Endurance. You will lead my people on earth, so long as you resist the Hæysux and keep my covenant and go do not go stray from what is written in the Sacred Writ. Rise. Jolen walks with his son. JOLEN: In order to become the Promised Key and fulfill your purpose, you must first go to the realm of Denzenhut to be trained by General Dyno-Might of the Exo-Therm people. Jolen shows his son the celestial plane. JOLEN: Our loyalty is to The Most, for we are his children and representatives of Him. Go and spread the word, for the Universal Library is at hand. DINDAR: Father, if I come in your name, will they not doubt and refuse the message? JOLEN: Do not give your name, unless they ask of it. DINDAR: It is your name, father. And it is too holy for me, mortals and celestials to utter. And if I give them the name you are called, they shall profane it and dishonor it and curse it. I shall therefore be called Pious Sanctimonious, for it is my lesser name for I am lesser than you are. JOLEN: If you choose to keep my name from them, you will be called Pia Arrabo, to honor your mother, for she is a noble woman and a Lady Bishop, but you shall be her lord just as I was. Pia walks through the temple. He stops and looks out at the cosmos. THE MAGISTRATE: (OS) Greetings, child. Pia turns to her as she approaches him in her Kal-Panyim vestment. THE MAGISTRATE: Do you know who I am? Pia only stands there with his hands behind his back. PIA: The Universal Power of Justice. The supreme judge over the Kal-Panyim courts. THE MAGISTRATE: You know much, for a half-glow. PIA: My father took a human bride. I am both celestial and human. THE MAGISTRATE: I would have been your mother. In a way I am your mother. PIA: You did not birth me, nor did you raise me. THE MAGISTRATE: But I looked out for you and your mother. I made certain that your human mother was treated well and with respect. PIA: I am grateful to you for your services rendered to my family on earth. The Magistrate moves in and touches Pia’s chest. THE MAGISTRATE: You’re very strong, like your father. 69

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS PIA: (moves away) My lady. It is not proper for a judge to intermingle with— THE MAGISTRATE: A Lord Bishop? Dindar, you’re not a child anymore. PIA: You are my father’s mistress. THE MAGISTRATE: (moves in) Former mistress. Pia backs away with his hands up. PIA: My lady, it is not proper that we exchange words like this. THE MAGISTRATE: What are you afraid of? (pulls him close) They are but words. She puts her hands to his head and pulls his mask to hers. The metal of their face plates make a clank sound as she moves her head side to side. THE MAGISTRATE: Lay with me. PIA: My lady, I cannot do this. THE MAGISTRATE: (demanding) Lay with me. Pia moves away, but the Magistrate’s got a hold of his garb. THE MAGISTRATE: Lay with me! Pia struggles until he pulls away. The Magistrate grabs for him, but he flies away. On earth. Dagon stands on the shore of Istanbul. He sees a hooded woman approaching. DAGON: We have to stop meeting like this. THE MAGISTRATE: We have to be far from Jolen’s watchful eye guards. DAGON: No. You do. THE MAGISTRATE: He has ordained that foolish child of his. DAGON: Are you mad? THE MAGISTRATE: I need a favor. DAGON: Another one? Liz Arrabo’s rotten soul wasn’t worth much. If you want another favor from me, you will have to offer up another sacrifice. THE MAGISTRATE: He’s the Promised Key. DAGON: Did you say—? THE MAGISTRATE: The Living Library Cipher. Jolen ordained him. DAGON: That is not good for business down here. THE MAGISTRATE: Listen, I want that little brat out of the way. You want control of this realm. I can give that to you if you give me what I need. DAGON: And what is that, my lady? THE MAGISTRATE: I need for you to drive a wedge between Jolen and his little whelp. DAGON: There has to be a way to take his power away from him. THE MAGISTRATE: There is. It may cost you a few legionnaires. DAGON: Just tell me what I need to know. 70

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS THE MAGISTRATE: Pia’s aura must first be tainted by fear. Once he’s afraid, he’ll run away. Then he’ll want to prove that he’s not afraid, so he’ll become cocky. DAGON: Yes, yes! Cockiness leads to ignorance. Then he’ll rush into battle without rational thought and he will fail. THE MAGISTRATE: He won’t even have the good sense to defend himself. DAGON: Because all he’ll be thinking about is proving a point. It’s perfect. Dagon puts his arm around her. DAGON: Any chance we can—? The Magistrate grabs Dagon by the throat. THE MAGISTRATE: We’re done here. DAGON: Of course. The Magistrate shoves him away before she walks off. Pia looks to the open cosmos and shoots off. He flies toward an orange-yellow cluster of gases and dust. A horned red creature comes toward him. It is a satyr-looking being with yellow eyes, wearing only a kilt. Pia watches the Hæysux Legionary float there. PIA: (moves forward) Greetings from Invisibase. My name is… The Legionary snarls and slugs Pia, knocking the youth away. Pia gasps and flies away with the growling Legionary close behind. Before the horned beast can get a hold of Pia’s foot, a black fist knocks the Legionary away. Pia turns around and sees a humanoid soldier in a purple uniform with a bulbous black head with a single wick on top of it. The soldier fights with the Legionary while Pia gets away. Invisibase. Pia enters the throne room of the Sages and falls before the staircase. Jolen comes down with his brother Tama-Cider and his sister Muta-Ramah. JOLEN: Why are you not in Denzenhut? PIA: I creature with horns and hooves attacked me. So I fled. TAMA: The Hæysux. JOLEN: They’ve gone too far this time. Jolen leaves. Jolen’s domain. Tama and Muta follow Jolen to a chamber. They enter and stand before a sword in a pedestal. MUTA: What are you about to do? JOLEN: I think you know. TAMA: You can’t give him the Blade. He’s only a child. 71

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS JOLEN: Were we not new to the cosmos when we fought the Su-Naru? TAMA: That was a long time ago, brother. We had centuries to learn. It took time to become what we are. JOLEN: (removes sword) Well, in time Dindar will become what he was meant to be. MUTA: If you give him that blade, he will become worse than the hordes of Dagon. Jolen leaves with the sword. Kal-Panyim Temple. Sacred Chamber. Pia is kneeling before the Sages. Jolen bestows the sword upon his son. JOLEN: This is the Blade of Anonymous. It was this weapon that slew Lord Baal, the father of Lord Dagon and brought about the era of peace in the cosmos. Pia sees his masked reflection in the blade. JOLEN: Forged in the Fires of The Most within the Furnace of the Sages, it is the greatest power a celestial can weld. Take this blade. Travel to the realms of our allies. If you should find the hordes of Dagon there, slay them for the glory of The Most. Pia leaves with the sword. After Tama and Muta leave, the Magistrate shows up. THE MAGISTRATE: Do you really think giving him that weapon will make things better? JOLEN: The Hæysux must know that no Lumi-Visian is theirs to harm. She follows Jolen. THE MAGISTRATE: He’s grown into a fine young Bishop. He’s even shown interest. Jolen stops and turns to her. THE MAGISTRATE: He wants to lay with me. JOLEN: That is not in his character. THE MAGISTRATE: What do you know about him? You spent most of his childhood up here so you wouldn’t have to raise him and know what it is to be a real father in the realm of men. JOLEN: What is this grudge that you hold against me, my lady? I asked you twice to be my wife and you turned me down both times. THE MAGISTRATE: You know why I couldn’t. JOLEN: You will never wed because you will never know what it is to submit. THE MAGISTRATE: Submit? Like that pathetic little Muslim girl you raped? Jolen grabs the Magistrate by the neck. JOLEN: Don’t think that I won’t have you thrown into Gavisel. You’re not ready to give up your power for what you believe in, but you’ll probably kill for it. Now, you stay away from my son. Jolen shoves her away and leaves. Quick Montage. Pia fights in various realms. 72

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS He is trained by Dyno-Might in combat. Denzenhut. Jolen pays a visit to Dyno-Might’s Fortress. A female Exo-Therm and a young male Exo-Therm approach them. DYNO-MIGHT: This is my wife Blastina and my son Seren. She smiles at Jolen and leaves with Seren. JOLEN: General, I am grateful to you for helping my son. DYNO-MIGHT: Don’t get it wrong. I was protecting Denzenhut. JOLEN: Whatever do you mean? Dyno-Might pulls Jolen between support columns. DYNO-MIGHT: My Lord, do you not sense the uncertainty in your son’s aura? JOLEN: There is nothing to fear. He has my powers, plus his own. DYNO-MIGHT: He’s half-human. You can’t trust a mortal. JOLEN: He is my son. And although he is callow now, I have faith that he will choose which side of his nature his loyalties lie. DYNO-MIGHT: What happens when his human side overpowers his celestial side? JOLEN: Have you no faith in my chosen elect? Even now my siblings have human offspring of their own. DYNO-MIGHT: (blocks Jolen) If you know what I know, you will destroy that accursed creature you’ve helped create. JOLEN: What are you saying, General? DYNO-MIGHT: I’m saying take the Blade of Anonymous and kill Pia Arrabo, before he kills you. Kratolego. Pia visits Babodrill Emperor Stoutkong. EMPEROR STOUTKONG: Bishop Pia I’d like you to meet my son Sirius. Sirius dips his head to Pia; Pia walks with the Babodrills. EMPEROR STOUTKONG: This treaty between the Babodrills and the Lumi-Visians is important. But I must be reassured that Lord Jolen has our best interest in mind. PIA: My father cares for all celestial beings. The Blade of Anonymous was created to defend us. EMPEROR STOUTKONG: I question your father’s judgment. PIA: What do you mean? EMPEROR STOUTKONG: If I had such a weapon, I would not give it to a child. SIRIUS: Forgive me, father. But Bishop Pia does not seem to me like a child. PIA: I am full-glown. EMPEROR STOUTKONG: Is it true a single Legionary of Dagon’s hordes overwhelmed you? PIA: I survived that ordeal. 73

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS EMPEROR STOUTKONG: With help from an Exo-Therm, who by the way could have blown all of you into the Plane of Oblivion. SIRIUS: Father, the sword Pia has will defend him from any future attacks. EMPEROR STOUTKONG: What happens if the Hæysux get their hands on it? PIA: They won’t. And even if they did, they cannot wield its power. EMPEROR STOUTKONG: But they can duplicate it. SIRIUS: They’ll need Universal Powers and they are locked safely in the Vault of the Sages. EMPEROR STOUTKONG: (faces Pia and Sirius) Clearly you two are still callow. You have much to learn about the universe. You must be ready for anything. Even if what you feel is nothing. Pia and Sirius watch the Emperor walk away. SIRIUS: Forgive him. He’s like that with all of us. PIA: He does not understand. I am the son of a Lumi-Visian Sage. SIRIUS: I’m an Arch Bishop and he still treats me like a Prior. PIA: An Arch Bishop? SIRIUS: Yes. You can call me The Primeit. PIA: I’m off to the realm of men. SIRIUS: Then I’m coming with you. PIA: What about your father? SIRIUS: We’re both grown, Your Lordship. Pia and the Primeit fly toward earth. Several Hæysux Legionaries follow them. North Africa. Desert. Pia and the Primeit walk in their clerical garb. PRIMEIT: Why are we in Libya? PIA: It is said that the people of this region seek truth. I am erecting a temple in my father’s name so that they may know the presence of the Sages and the glory of The Most. PRIMEIT: Is your birth mother not a Berber? PIA: She is. PRIMEIT: Then why not build for the Sultan as well? PIA: Because we of the Holy Father Church are ministers of free information. Not religion. PRIMEIT: You know we are practically defenseless in this realm. PIA: Part of our goal to win the minds of men is to blend in. A caravan approaches. PIA: Finally, some human interaction. PRIMEIT: I’ll wait. 74

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS The Primeit goes over to outcropping and sits down. He watches from afar as Pia approaches the caravan. Pia waves his arms. The horses stop. PIA: Greetings. Can you spare a thirsty bishop from Istanbul some water? The cloaked driver gets down from the carriage. Pia notices that the carriage has bars. He looks closer and sees fettered hands reaching out of the bars. Pia moves away and reaches for the Blade on his back. He is hit with a fireball and thrown back into the sand. The Hæysux Legionaries reveal themselves and pull out large tridents. The Primeit ducks down and peaks through the rocks. Pia fights with six Hæysux Legionaries. He is doing well, until he is hit with a bright burst of light. The Blade goes flying away. Pia tries to get up, but the Hæysux Legionaries are all over him. He beat him into the sand. The Hæysux Legionaries put Pia in chains and throw him into the carriage. A hooded woman picks up the Blade and brings it over to the Hæysux Legionaries. The Primeit can’t see the hooded woman from where he is. He quickly flees the scene. The hooded woman is The Magistrate. She holds the Blade up to the Hæysux Legionaries. LEGIONARY: What do we do with him? THE MAGISTRATE: I have a shrine in Mizraim. Take him there and sacrifice him. The Magistrate places the Blade on the carriage driver’s bench. THE MAGISTRATE: Wait for my word, and then inform Invisibase of Dagon’s ransom. Pia lies still in the carriage, face down. Invisibase. Throne room of the Sages. A Kal-Panyim guards enters and kneels. GUARD: My Lord, the Prince Bishop has been abducted. TAMA: Abducted? MUTA: By whom? GUARD: The hordes of Lord Dagon. Jolen paces before the Elders. ELDER: What of the Blade? JOLEN: The Hæysux can’t use it. ELDER: My Lord, if the Hæysux get any secrets from the boy… JOLEN: Refrain from talking. My son is no turncoat. ELDER: He is weak. They will torment him until he talks. THE MAGISTRATE: (OS) They don’t want our secrets. Jolen turns around. THE MAGISTRATE: They want you to step down. JOLEN: That’s their ransom? 75

RAUNCH & RIGHTEOUS THE MAGISTRATE: My Lord, let him go. He is your only weakness. JOLEN: Is that what you told Mia’s mother to say? Jolen looks to four Lumi-Visians in white grab. They are Pia’s cousins. Tama-Cider’s sons are Agar, Zelpha and Urias. Muta-Ramah’s daughter is Tabita. JOLEN: Perhaps we should let my niece and my three nephews handle this. THE MAGISTRATE: My Lord, the Hæysux will slay him if they— JOLEN: Pia is too important for Dagon to destroy. If it’s power he wants, let’s give it to him. Pia’s cousins leave. The cousins walk toward the opening of the temple. AGAR: Dagon took him. ZELPHA: He wants the secret of the Blade. URIAS: He thinks Pia knows it. TABITA: He’s about to get a big surprise. Earth. Desert. A prison convey moves dirty a dirty road. In the main metal carriage is Pia in chains; his white Bishop garb is filthy. He sees other darkskinned men in chains. Above the convey, Agar swoops down like a bird, followed by Zelpha, Urias and Tabita. Pia looks out of the carriage bars. He sees a blur fly by. Pia’s cousins make another pass at the convey. The Hæysux Legions in human guise look up. Pia’s cousins do one more round before they spin around and dive bomb at the convey. Zelpha, Urias and Tabita blast downward; Agar raises his hands and bursts of light fill the frame.


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