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Dance party

Let’s Party

Style tips & dressing etiquette BY SAM & JORDI WOODS

To celebrate the 100th edition of Kidz On The Coast Magazine we thought we would get into the party spirit! When it comes to parties one thing us VC girls love to do is to get dressed up! Whether it is a fancy dress, cocktail, backyard bbq or family gathering we love to dress up because it makes us feel good and shows we care about the event. #DressUpItFeelsGood.

We know many of our clients can feel overwhelmed at the thought of ‘what to wear’ causing stress, anxiety and often resulting in declining the invitation. This breaks our heart when we hear this, so we decided that for this edition we would share some “party dressing” tips!

When it comes to party dressing there are a few rules of etiquette to consider no matter the theme or occasion.

1Read the invitation! Does it have a dress code or theme? If there is no dress code listed, make a call and ASK – it can show you are taking pride in yourself and the event someone is holding. There is nothing worse than assuming what everyone will be wearing and completely

missing the mark when it comes to appropriate attire. tip If the event you are attending is fancy dress then put in effort! You do not need to go all out if you don’t want to but be respectful and put in a small amount of effort. e.g for a 70’s themed party you could wear your every day clothes and add in a peace sign necklace. It is a sign of respect and you won’t feel like ‘the odd one out’ all night.

2Consider the venue when it comes to shoes. Will you be walking on grass, dancing all night or sitting and mingling? Take into consideration the ground you will be on and the duration you