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Finding time to fight isolation

The weekly four-hour forecast BY LUKE MCMAHON

For most men, being a father can be both an extremely busy and surprisingly isolating experience. After the initial excitement of welcoming a new baby into the world has worn off with the help of sleep deprivation and an endless supply of dirty nappies, you’ll find it difficult to find time for your wife, mates and especially yourself. Furthermore, not much changes in the following years; toddler tantrums, doctor appointments and constant kid commitments soak up your energy and ability to do the things you used to. Let’s be honest, it’s not all doom and gloom but for anyone to say it’s a breeze is having

you on. To be the best father you can be, you need to make time for your own emotional wellbeing.

Here’s my run-down on getting the best out of the key relationships and avoiding the isolation when you have young children.

Yourself Firstly, and most importantly, make time for you. When you’ve got a young family, it can be really hard to occasionally put yourself first. If you’re not enjoying a break from the busy world and getting a chance to relax in your own company – whatever that looks like – you can hardly expect to be on your A-game as a Dad, husband and mate. Sip a barista latte, catch a wave, lift some weights or hit a bucket of golf balls kid-free, wife-free

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