3 minute read

Blanket forts/cubbies

Let’s play every day!


Often time can get away from us and suddenly we're looking back wondering how it passed us so quickly. We all have busy schedules, whether filled with work, family or personal responsibilities. But how often does your schedule include time to simply play with your children? How often does your child’s schedule include time for them to just play?

With extra-curricular activities and other responsibilities such as homework, chores, even visiting friends and/or family, some weeks we may look at our calendar and see that there isn’t really much time left in the week. As adults, no matter what industry you work in, we will often hear a lot about the risks of burn out and stress, how to implement strategies to avoid and manage these, ensuring to allow ourselves some “me time” for self-care practice each day. The same is needed for children, and play has shown to be one of the most beneficial stress relievers for any age group.

School holidays are the perfect opportunity to share play experiences with your children. As a Nanny, I often have school holidays off so when work starts back up again, I always ask children what their favourite part of their holidays were. The responses are always the same, rarely will I be told about the latest movie they've seen, or the gifts they were given for Christmas or birthdays. More often the responses include “I went for a bike ride with my dad and we raced down the hill”, “Mum let us make a cubby in the loungeroom with all the couch cushions and the blankets from my bed!"

As adults we often miss those moments that stand out in the eyes of a child. We see play as just that, play. When in fact it is learning new things, it is spending time with others, it is making memories.

When was the last time you made a blanket fort? With the colder weather settling in, this weekend is the perfect time to get the blankets out, move around some furniture and why not spend the evening making shadow puppets with a torch or simply relaxing and enjoying what you made together with your child. You may be surprised with how creative they get in their structures; today’s children have aced the design factor compared to when we were growing up where we were proud to have thrown a sheet over two chairs and crawled underneath.

You may not have the time to make a blanket fort, and that’s ok, even just five minutes of play is beneficial. Quality is more important than quantity. Making the most out of your time together and allocating time specifically to play will mean the world to them.

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”

George Bernard Shaw

Here are my top 20 Family Fun Time play suggestions as we move into the colder months: 1. Blanket forts/cubbies 2. Camp out in the backyard 3. Sidewalk chalk drawings 4. Shadow theatre play 5. Board games night 6. Go to a local park/playground 7. Climb a tree 8. Work together on a big puzzle 9. String/crepe paper “laser maze” in the hallway 10. Pebble pet painting 11. Kitchen band instruments 12. Have a picnic 13. Play Simon Says 14. Outdoor obstacle challenge 15. G et the kids in the kitchen, bake a yummy nutritious treat for the whole family! 16. F amily nature walk 17. Nature collage 18. Go for a bike ride 19. Dance party 20. Read a story together