5 minute read


There are always books, tv shows and blogs out there telling you how to “detox your life”, “declutter your wardrobe” and “decide if an item has a place in your home and life”. Whilst some of these can provide good advice many can be overwhelming, confusing and at the end of the process you have absolutely nothing left in your wardrobe or home – creating even more confusion! ‘After all that eliminating you should still have things you love, not nothing at all, right?!’

We are here to help you simply and successfully Detox, Declutter and Decide; breaking the cycle of “a full wardrobe and nothing to wear” but first there is something I want you to know before you get to work...

“Not every item in your wardrobe has to bring you ‘joy’”. Yes, this is a controversial statement at the moment but it is the truth! Do not get me wrong, your wardrobe needs stand out pieces that you fall in love with every time you put them on BUT you also need basic items to hold your wardrobe together! These basic items such as a denim jean

by Sam & Jordi Woods

may not bring you ‘joy’ when you hold them – but they are what we call ‘staple items’ and you need these ‘staple items’ to create a Workable Wardrobe. Here is the catch (there is almost always a catch)!!! Your staple items may not bring you ‘joy’ but they do need to suit your colour palette and enhance your body shape. Otherwise, you will not be happy with them whether they serve a purpose or not.

Feeling confused? Well don’t be! We are breaking it down below to ensure you declutter your wardrobe with SUCCESS and NO STRESS!

Note: [Auditing each season is essential if you want to have a wardrobe that is functional and serves you well. Detoxing is time consuming and tedious at times, but the results are well worth the effort. To get the most out of your wardrobe detox allocate at least half a day of uninterrupted time – more if your wardrobe is extensive – and wear something that is easy to slip on and off as you will need to try on multiple items throughout the audit. Don’t feel you have to do this process all in one go, sometimes it is more time effective (and less tiring or stressful) doing a couple of hours over a few days/weeks even.]

Now it’s time to detox Step 1: Divide your clothes, shoes and accessories into these three key sections. ƒ Summer (kaftans, shorts, sundresses, sandals etc) ƒ Winter (woollens, coats, long boots etc) ƒ Trans-seasonal (light weight knitwear, denim, mid-weight cottons, silk, polyester mixes, loafers etc). Step 2: Work with the existing season only. If it is Winter work with your Winter and Trans-seasonal piles and pack Summer items away out of sight. Step 3: Start with your clothes, then shoes, bags and accessories and assess every item. Ask yourself the below questions and place all the items to which you answered “yes” in one pile and those that get a “no” in another. The items you

are not sure about or can’t possibly part with for whatever reason get placed in the third pile. 1. Do I love the colour and does the colour love me? 2. Do I lo ve the fit, shape and style for me? 3. Does it serve a purpose this season? For example, is it a workable shape, length, colour, print or pattern for this season’s fashion or is it outdated?

Tip Be honest, ruthless and don’t hoard items that will only be worn if you lose/or gain weight

Get ready to declutter The “no” pile must go! Your “yes” pile is what goes back into your wardrobe and your third pile can either be packed away and reassessed next season or given to a good home. Either way, the third pile must be out of sight and out of mind, you can always revisit this pile half way through a season if you feel the item may work. Often what is in the “no” pile and the “third” pile is what makes our wardrobe look full but useless.

STILL STUCK ON DECIDING? Then Sam’s Toss or Treasure exert from her book Stylish, Sexy & Sane...in 30 days! below may help.

Things to toss ƒ Ill fitting garments ƒ Worn or damaged items ƒ Incorr ect colours ƒ Anything you haven’t worn in two years that doesn’t fit the “things to treasure” criteria Items you wore when you were either smaller and/or larger if you never wish to be that size again

Things to treasure ƒ Sentimental items (if they don’t make the audit above but you still want to keep them, pack them away and reassess next season) ƒ True vintage pieces – jewellery, hat, evening bag, scarf, gloves. Items that will do the “fashion circuit” and be back in style within 10 years – lace, silk, satin, floral, animal print, stripe, spot, denim, linen, velvet or taffeta ƒ Evening shoes and bags – these items often work back beautifully with new season after five wear, and give it an element of individuality ƒ Any item that is timeless in its design – the LBD (little black/navy dress), leather handbag, court shoes, pearls, linked chain. Detoxing your wardrobe is a liberating experience – but this elation can be quickly replaced with anxiety about what you have left to wear. Fret not. The

things you DO have are things that you love, suit your colour palette, enhance your body shape and have a purpose in the coming season. The next step in creating a Workable Wardrobe is to learn how to replenish your items with some savvy “new season” shopping.

Vibrantly yours, Sam & Jordi Woods x

Understanding styling and fashion is one thing. Having a super-natural flair for making everyday people look incredible is another. Once you’ve met Sam & Jordi Woods, it’s hard not to catch their infectious passion for dressing to match your own lifestyle, personality and charisma. Through their consultancy ‘VibrantConcepts’, Sam & Jordi have transformed the lives of thousands. Let Sam & Jordi show you how to look and feel fabulous everyday at their Style Studio in Erina – learn the art of illusion dressing, colour matching, styling, translating fashion trends and savvy shopping with their unique VC Signature Styling Systems and services that are truly personal and really work! To contact VibrantConcepts phone 0425 221 676.