AMD187 February 2015

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Strong international growth boosts Harley in 2014 as US motorcycle sales disappoint N line with its lowered forecasts for the second half of last year, HarleyDavidson's full-year motorcycle sales were up, but only by a disappointing 1.3 percent in the United States in 2014 - which translates into 171,079 motorcycles sold (63.8 percent of total production), an increase of just 2,216 additional bikes. Overall, Harley's worldwide motorcycle sales are up by +2.7 percent, but the good news, in motorcycles sales terms (as opposed to shipments, and as opposed to the corporation's financial performance), comes from their international sales, which dramatically improves their overall performance picture. Total international sales are now a massive 96,920 motorcycles, up by 9.2 percent and accounting for 36.2 percent of total production. Harley's Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region leads the way with 45,323 motorcycles sold (+6.4 percent), 38,491 of which were sold in Europe itself (+6.7 percent). The Asia/Pacific region was up by 11.8


percent with 30,074 motorcycles sold (of which 10,775 went to Japanese customers); Harley's Latin American markets were up by +2.1 percent (11,652 motorcycles sold). As AMD’s regular dealer surveys conducted for us

international sales 36.2 percent of total production by Milwaukee based analyst R.W. Baird had suggested might be the case last year, Harley's Canadian dealers sold 10.8 percent fewer motorcycles than in 2013 (9,871). Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Keith Wandell is nonetheless upbeat in his investor community briefings, preferring to point instead to balance sheet and demographic improvements, while acknowledging the Company's international strength. "Harley-Davidson achieved a great year

of financial performance in 2014, with double-digit earnings growth, revenue topping $6 billion and continued strong improvement in margins. "We also continued to broaden our customer base and expand the reach of our brand through unrivaled products and experiences. In international markets, our dealers in Asia Pacific, EMEA and Latin America posted their highest new motorcycle sales on record for each region, delivering on our expectation for international sales to grow at a faster rate than U.S. sales. And in the U.S., for the third straight year, sales to our outreach customers grew at more than twice the rate of sales to core customers." "Our success is the result of a clear focus on managing the Company for the long term, building on our well-established strategies and driving continuous improvement in every aspect of our business," Wandell said. Full-year 2014 diluted earnings per share increased 18.3 percent to $3.88 compared to diluted EPS of $3.28 in 2013. Net income was $844.6 million on Continues on page 6 >>>

After winning the Modified Harley class at the 2013 World Championship of Custom Bike Building Winston Yeh returned to the competition in 2014 to compete in the Freestyle class with Graphite Speedster

FEB 2015 ISSUE #187

NEWS 143 reasons to be cheerful

PRIMARY USE: Mark + Typeface logo

PRODUCTS ALTERNATE USE: Mark + Typeface logo


FEBRUARY 2015 (#187)


News ............................................................................................................................6-15, 64 Bradley Report ............................................17-18

Robin Bradley reports on the latest acquisition news as Polaris CEO Scott Wine continues with his ambitious "intelligent diversification" mergers, acquisitions and capital expenditure programs



PROGUIDE: The new, the best and the must-haves ......................20-52 p.22














5, Rendlesham Mews, Rendlesham, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 2SZ United Kingdom

p.38 Graphite Speedster by Rough Crafts ............55-56 Graphite Speedster was built by Winston Yeh as his entry for the 2014 World Championship of Custom Bike Building when he made the move to the Freestyle class after winning the Modified Harley class in 2013

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COMETH THE ANNIVERSARY, COMETH THE CORPORATION S an Indian Motorcycle dealer, J.C. "Pappy" Hoel, legendary founder of the Jack Pine Gypsies and the event that became the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally (The Black Hills Motor Classic), would for sure have had a thing or two to say about Harley's 75 year sponsorship deal with the City of Sturgis. He was a businessman, so from the point of view of securing the financial future of the City, indeed the State's primary income source, he would no doubt have applauded the move. I myself have been exposed to the inner workings of the Rally from the City of Sturgis' point of view, and the, until recent years, startling reality of the surprisingly limited contribution the event made to City (as opposed to State) coffers, and the harsh realities of life for the Sturgis community year round when the motorcycle industry isn't watching. So in principle I say "way-to-go" Sturgis for having managed to pull things round so well in the past five years. However, as has been seen by the unedifying tensions and conflicts raised by the licensing issues, the City finds itself walking a tight rope - it has a tricky balancing act to perform, between not short-changing the year-round needs of its citizens, and not allowing the goose to choke on its golden egg. It is interesting that the deal, which will see Harley build itself the mother of all corporate 'Bar 'n' Shield' mothership presences right in the middle of downtown Sturgis, also sees Harley-Davidson proclaimed the "Official Motorcycle" of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Quite apart from the fact that the event started out as a weekend picnic for Hoel's Indian riding customers, with catering in stores’ back yards, and quite apart from the fact that Harley-Davidson essentially told Sturgis where to shove their City for the fifteen years or so they had decamped to the Convention Center at Rapid City, the re-emergence of the Indian brand is what has got Harley's attention at Sturgis. ow it is (finally) under credible ownership, ownership with the kind of potential pocket-depth that no doubt makes even Harley blink, the thought of such a vast audience and enthusiast base possibly being snatched from under their nose has got to have an awful lot more to do with the decision than the sense of righteous brotherhood portrayed by Motor Factory management as they danced around the car park at Juneau Avenue in January waving bricks in the air, declaring their unswerving bonds of brotherhood and filial piety. As the Corporate Mind Control Program spokes out from Harley's new Main Street "Hog Pen" in the coming years, as the whole City gradually fades to Orange & Black, 75 years from now there'll be gantries over I90 that groan under the weight of the array of government Population Information and Security Sensors (geddit?) that automatically record your arrival. They'll record your bike details, your personal details, search your credit rating for the grade of City Approved lodging you can afford (if you and your family forego food


for the next 30 days), and refuse you permission to exit through the Freeway off-ramp barriers unless you scored well enough to be able to replace your strictly stock late model Harley (and only Harley) with the personalized new Stock Keeping Unit that the Culture Kops determine will be waiting for you by the time you park. Your old bike will be recycled though, so don't worry about your environmental footprint - by the year 2090 (or MY 187 as it will be known by then) Harley ownership will have become compulsory throughout the world. Your pre-owned machine will be among the tens of millions being provided free each year for every third world citizen at age 18. It was the introduction of that program, an unprecedented act of civil responsibility, that prompted a grateful planet to award to what, by then, will have become the world's only legal motorcycle manufacturer with its 100 percent tax break. That will be among a whole slew of enlightened mid-21st century forward-facing regulations and socially enlightened legislation steered through the newly created "Terra Gov" by President Davidson's fifth term administration. further irony in the 75 year sponsorship announcement is that Rally founder "Pappy" Hoel (by then a Yamaha dealer btw!) had actually been against the sanitization of the Rally when the City tried to start banning the so-called outlaw gangs - a presence that a near bankrupt mid-80's Harley-Davidson cited as their reason for turning their back on the City of Sturgis, and the by then 100,000 or so riders/customers/citizens (mostly non-stock, non late-model Harley riders) that the Jack Pine Gypsies had had to give up trying to host. They and their event were a victim of their own success, and had to turn operation of the Rally over to the City and independent commercial interests, in the same decade that Harley-Davidson's response to finding themselves circling the drain was to turn their back on those who were doing the miles on their own products and head down the road to Rapid City in search of some of those nice people you see on Hondas. Some fifteen or twenty or so years later, having successfully cookie-cuttered a new customer base into homogeneity, with their identikit leathers, patches, bikes and ownership expectations, Harley have now turned the attention of their H.O.G. army back on to the City they eschewed, and plan to build their worshippers a bespoke temple in which to stamp out any possible thoughts of defection.

President Davidson's fifth term administration



Robin Bradley Co-owner/Editor-in-Chief

<<< Continued from cover consolidated revenue of $6.23 billion compared to full-year 2013 net income of $734.0 million on consolidated revenue of $5.90 billion. Dealers worldwide sold 47,149 new Harley-Davidson motorcycles in the fourth quarter of 2014, up 2.8 percent compared to 45,875 motorcycles in the year-ago quarter. In the U.S., dealers sold 26,957 new Harley-Davidson motorcycles in the quarter, down 1.6 percent compared to sales of 27,387 motorcycles in the year-ago period. Full-year revenue from motorcycles was $4.39 billion compared to $4.07 billion in the year-ago period. Revenue from parts and accessories was $875.0 million compared to $873.1 million in 2013. Revenue from general merchandise was $284.8 million compared to $295.9 million in the prior year. Full-year gross margin for the Motorcycles segment was 36.4 percent, and operating margin was 18.0 percent compared to 35.4 percent and 16.6 percent respectively in 2013. Operating income from financial services in 2014 was $277.8 million compared to $283.1 million in 2013. Harley say that results for the fourth quarter and full year reflect the impact of higher credit losses. The Company expects full-year 2015 operating margin of approximately 18 to 19 percent for the Motorcycles segment. The Company expects 2015 capital expenditures for Harley-Davidson, Inc. of between $240 and $260 million.

Harley-Davidson sales revenue and production data… 4th quarter 2014 Income statements in $1,000s (except share)


Net sales revenue Gross profit Total operating income Net income Diluted earnings per common share NET SALES REVENUE Figures are shown in $1,000s


United States Canada Europe Asia Pacific Region Latin America Region Total

DEC 2014

DEC 2013

$1,031,150 $314,210 $98,333 $74,475

$1,032,292 $324,745 $122,036 $75,409

$5,567,681 $2,025,080 $1,280,983 $844,611

$5,258,290 $1,862,372 $1,153,702 $733,993






MOTORCYCLE SHIPMENT DATA United States Exports Total H-D

DEC 2013

DEC 2014

H-D Motorcycles Parts & Accessories General Merchandise Other


DEC 2014


DEC 2013

DEC 2014

DEC 2013



$165,581 $75,044 $5,990

$169,296 $75,876 $5,348

$4,385,863 $875,019 $284,826 $21,973

$4,067,510 $873,075 $295,854 $21,851


28,554 18,603 47,157

DEC 2014 22,364 15,324 9,469 47,157

DEC 2014 26,957 1,118 6,115 8,121 3,130 47,149

27,202 19,416 46,618

173,994 96,732 270,726

DEC 2013

DEC 2014

20,486 18,222 7,910 46,618

122,481 91,426 56,819 270,726

DEC 2013

DEC 2014

27,387 1,186 5,636 7,113 2,990 45,875

171,079 9,871 38,491 30,074 11,652 267,999

167,016 93,455 260,471

DEC 2013 107,213 102,950 50,308 260,471

DEC 2013 168,863 11,062 35,927 26,890 11,415 260,839

Moscow Custom & Tuning Show H-D signs long-term Sturgis sponsorship deal February 20th - 22nd WITH 2015 marking the 75th anniversary of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, Harley-Davidson has announced a 75 year sponsorship deal with the City of Sturgis to become the "Official Motorcycle" of the Rally. “Harley-Davidson riders have attended the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally for decades. This new agreement will help fuel many more years of freedom, independence and rebellion for this

Harleys - Bill Davidson, left, Christian Walters, and Matt Levatich - grown men playing with bricks!


iconic gathering,” said Matt Levatich, Harley-Davidson President and COO. “Riding is a passion passed down through generations, so it’s important we celebrate the legacy and history of Harley-Davidson in Sturgis, while helping creating new memories.” The agreement between the motorcycle manufacturer and the City of Sturgis will include the building of a permanent plaza on Main Street in Sturgis that will be used to stage events, concerts and even weddings. The year-round location, which will be completed in time for this year’s 75th rally, will be the official HarleyDavidson destination for riders and fans alike. The new plaza will integrate bricks from Harley’s Milwaukee headquarters, a building that once housed the company’s factory dating back more than 100 years.


THIS year's Moscow Custom & Tuning Show is being staged at the 12th annual Moto Park Expo, the leading annual motorcycle show in Russia, at Moscow's IEC "Crocus Expo" facility. It will again be co-joined with the Moscow Custom & Tuning Show 2015, a custom bike show that has always provided highly competitive entries at the AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building. Moto Park regularly sees some 100 exhibitors and close to 80,000 visitors. Many of the leading manufacturers are represented at Moto Park, and these have included HarleyDavidson, Polaris (Victory and Indian), Honda, Yamaha, BMW, Triumph and Peugeot. Harley now has 8 dealerships in

Russia, with more planned. In 2013 the Russian motorcycle market is said to have had total revenues of $1.4bn and to have grown by over 40 percent since 2009; however, that rate of growth is set to slow, averaging something in the region of 4 percent a year between 2014 and 2018. Rosstat data suggests that annual motorcycle sales in Russia were around 203,000 in 2010; Autostat data puts the total number of motorcycle in use in Russia at around 2.5 million in 2012.

Polaris sale revenue up 19 percent in 2014 POLARIS Industries Inc. reported record fourth quarter sales revenue of $1,275.00 million, an increase of 18 percent over the final quarter in 2013, and full year sales revenue of $4,479.6 million, an increase of 19 percent compared to 2013. Net income was $135.4 million for the fourth quarter of 2014, up 25 percent from the year-ago quarter, and $454.0 million for the full year 2014, up 19 percent. Fourth quarter net income was a record $1.98 per diluted share for the quarter, and a record $6.65 per diluted share (up 23 percent) per diluted share for their full January -December 2014 financial year. Polaris’ Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Scott Wine commented that “2014 marks our fifth consecutive year of double digit sales and earnings growth, an accomplishment which testifies to the

Fourth Quarter Performance Summary (in thousands except per share data) Three Months ended December 31, Product line sales Off-Road Vehicles Snowmobiles Motorcycles Small Vehicles Parts, Garments & Accessories Total Sales

2014 $781,500 138,070 103,475 41,213 210,742 $1,275,000

2013 $659,051 134,934 68,778 46,276 174,671 $1,083,710



Gross profit

innovative spirit and dedication of the 8,000 member global Polaris team. "During the year, we added over thirty new vehicles to the Polaris armada, expanding and strengthening our portfolio with our largest ever new

Change 19% 2% 50% -11% 21% 18%

2014 $2,909,020 322,449 348,733 157,379 742,067 $4,479,648

2013 $2,521,559 301,659 219,819 122,765 611,266 $3,777,068

Change 15% 7% 59% 28% 21% 19%





product introduction, while our strategic acquisitions and significant investments in our global manufacturing infrastructure allow us to both create and meet the increasing demand for our products.”

Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials August 29-September 3, 2015 THE second annual Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials (aka The AMA Land Speed Grand Championship) will be staged from August 29 to September 3. The event is building on the legacy of AMA Hall of Famer Denis Manning's 10 years of operating the Bub Exhausts sponsored Motorcycle Speed Trails. This AMA and FIM sanctioned

event offers AMA national and FIM world record opportunities. The event caters for all contenders, from the ‘Run Watcha Brung' vintage, street legal and class records, right

Years ended December 31,

through to the streamliners. Indeed last year's 241 mph fastest time was set by Eva Hakansson on KillaJoule - an electric motor powered streamliner. Online entries are expected to open on April 1, 2015. DELICIATE PROMOTIONS LLC Eva Håkansson with KillaJoule

The company says that fourth quarter off-road vehicle sales increased 19%, while motorcycle sales (Victory and Indian) increased 50%, with PG&A sales up 21% - North American retail sales remained strong for the Medina, Minnesota headquartered manufacturer, increasing 13% in the fourth quarter compared to 2013.

Drag Specialties Spring Regional Showcases DRAG Specialties are staging two of their popular Dealer Showcase trade shows and customer appreciation events in February. The first will be at the Arlington Convention Center, Arlington, Texas, on February 14 and 15; the following weekend a second Spring Showcase for this year will be held at the Atlanta Convention Center, at AmericasMart, Atlanta, Georgia, February 21 and 22. Both these invitation-only events for Drag Specialties dealers will feature a selection of vendors from the Drag Specialties and Parts Unlimited programmes; full details and invitation from your area Drag Specialties sales representative.



Hawg Halters goes mobile Hawg Halters has continued to develop its online presence with its new website now available optimized for mobile devices. The company was a prolific new product launcher in 2014, not least with their AirFX front/rear Air Ride Kit for touring FL models. The company's platform-optimized mobile website technology allows dealers and consumers to specify the year, model features and specification they need for their bike and riding preference for the AirFX system and most of their other product lines,

including their popular front end kits. Other well-received new products last year included the innovative HHI BFBK 18" 6-piston direct bolt on caliper and "true floating" rotor kit and touring model front ends (in

Softail Rear AirFX shock kit



chrome or black anodized finish) for 2000-‘13 Harley tourers with dual or single disc ABS or non-ABS set-ups. Company owner Mark Thompson told AMD Magazine that "dealers should check out our booth at the VTwin Expo, where we will be unveiling a new Integrated Solutions package for Big Wheel Bikes, part of which is the Innovative, New ThunderMax TracMax for 2014 and newer ABS equipped HD Motorcycles." Thompson explained that TracMax "lets you regain control of the factory ABS function of your big wheel '14 '15 touring models with applications for 21'', 23'', 26'', and 30'' wheels." The TracMax is said to install in under 15 minutes with no splicing of wires.

HardDrive and Firebrand to make V-Twin Expo debut THIS year's V-Twin Expo will see the debut of Boise, Idaho based distributor HardDrive, the specialty Harley aftermarket parts and accessory division of respected distributor WPS (Western Power Sports). In the news last year for acquiring Marshall Distributing (among other company news and initiatives) WPS has been building an impressive range of product lines for its HardDrive program, among them the new Californian exhaust manufacturer Firebrand. The Firebrand product line started with Loose Cannon slipons for Touring, Sportster, Softail, Dyna and the new Street models. More recently the company added chrome 2 1/2" 'Double Down' muffler bodies with quadradical end treatments, twin core baffles and 2 1/4" heat

shields for stock and most aftermarket Harley Tourer head pipes. Firebrand make all their products at their California factory, and the HardDrive booth with also see a debut for further new Firebrand products, including their first 2:1 and 2:2 full systems, a new line of slipons for Touring models and the 'Upstarts' for Sportsters seen here. Other well known product lines recently added to the HardDrive program include Arnott air suspension products, Lyndall brake

rotors, Delkron cylinder kits, Lick's Cycles handlebars and grips, Lunati's Voodoo cams and valvetrain components and Energy One performance clutches, among others. HardDrive will be showcasing Firebrand exhaust products, among other v-twin lines, including these new 'Upstarts' for Sportsters

When Harley President and COO Matt Levatich attended the Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council's annual conference in December, he did so rolling in on a Project Livewire electric motorcycle prototype. Among other related remarks of interest Levatich is reported as saying that H-D thought "it needed to design an electric bike to become a strong voice in the electric vehicle battery discussion." Mitchell, South Dakota based Klock Werks has released an Outrider radiator guard for the Indian Scout as one of a slew of new product designs it is releasing for the liquidcooled v-twin this spring. Yorba Linda, California based manufacturer Cobra Engineering has followed the launch of its Center-Pro exhausts with their Race-Pro slip-on 4" muffler bodies. They are said to feature acoustic tuning technology that is similar to that used in their Power-Pro and Tri-Pro mufflers. Owned for some years now by Cometic Gaskets, Delkron is still most closely associated with Shovelhead and Evo crank cases. However, the company also offers top end kits, cylinders, pistons, billet heads, cam plates and oil pumps for Twin Cams. Noted Italian suspension specialist Bitubo is set to become the latest 'metric' market manufacturer to enter the Harley-Davidson aftermarket with a new line of front end suspension tuning products. Look for full details in next month's AMD. Orlando, Florida, city authorities have now finally approved zoning changes that will allow legendary British Ace Cafe's US partner to proceed with plans to develop a downtown Orlando motorcycle and car enthusiast destination. Daytona Beach based Magic City Cycles will sell Ducatis, Triumphs and BMWs there, and Tampa based Dime City Cycles will also be a subtenant at a facility which will eventually total some 50,000 sq ft.



143 reasons to be cheerful OLLOWING the launch of one of the largest volume production aftermarket engines ever seen, S&S is unveiling the 'DRAGON143' - the torquey tourer that will showcase the 162 bhp beast on the dragstrip... The unforgiving ten seconds of truth that awaits the latest "Proven Performance" demonstrator to emerge from the Viola 'skunk works' a 'bagger' that features S&S Cycle's new T143 45 degree v-twin, a 162.1 bhp/151.6 ft/lb of torque beast that the company are billing as the "Biggest & Baddest" bolt-in yet offered as a volume production unit. First seen late last year, the T143 is aimed at experienced owners/riders for who available bolt-in options haven't kept pace with the evolution of the 'Bagger' market. The positioning of the engine by S&S is predicated on the demand for a bolt-in option that delivers adrenaline and distance in equal measure. An engine that answers a disconnect that has emerged between the capability of the chassis and the power available to it from existing powerplants without going down the exotic or custom engine route. The T143 isn't a replacement for the T124 in the S&S Cycle range, but rather it is an additional or alternative option for touring riders who think "too much is just about right" as S&S Vice President of Product Development Scott Sjovall eloquently put it. "At double the hp of a stock engine, the power of the T143 clearly isn't going to be to every rider's taste, but there is no question that there is now demand for a larger displacement option." In preparation for the formal unveiling of the T143 at this year's VTwin Expo, S&S have been preparing a custom bike based on the T143 "Project Dragon" - to showcase the engine's power and performance on the dragstrip later this year. "Our goal was to build a bike totally


focused on performance. All the components we used to build the 'Dragon' allow us to harness and exploit the massive power of that T143 engine. "If it doesn't help us go fast, stop fast or handle better, then it is not on this bike!" The T143 is a genuine bolt-in for stock Harley bagger frames, but making over 160bhp at the rear wheel and some 151lb/torque means that a lot of the stock components just aren't going to cut it. Naturally, the drivetrain needed some more beef, so S&S added a Rivera Primo 3" open belt primary, a huge clutch, and we converted to chain final drive. There's a special S&S exhaust system that the company sell for the T143, that bolts right up to the special application B3 cylinder heads, and those heads are one of the main reasons this engine makes so much power.

Assembled by Dan Kinsey, left, and Gene Dlask, S&S repaced the stock belt drive with a Rivera Primo 3" open belt primary, installed a "massive" clutch and used a T-Man Performance chain drive conversion kit with a race-proven X-Ring D.I.D chain

The T143 is a direct bolt-in that answers the disconnect that has emerged between the capability of Harley's chassis and the power available to it

"We're looking to hit low tens or even high nines at the drag strip, so to help us do that we installed super-light carbon fibre wheels (South African made BST items from Brock's Performance), better brakes (dual Brembo 4 piston radial calipers, Speed Merchant 13" radial caliper mounts, and Lyndall 13" ceramic rotors) and an air shifter (Pingel). We made the chassis more rigid and we fabricated a couple of special things that we're not saying anything about yet ... maybe at the show!" says Dean

Young, Events Manager and Project Dragon lead. The 'Dragon143' was built by two of the best 'wrenches' in the S&S R&D department, Dan Kinsey and Gene Dlask - who are both land speed records holders in their own right. The donor bike is a brand new 2015 Road Glide bought from Reel Brothers H-D at Mauston, Wisconsin. The chain drive conversion is based on a kit from T-Man Performance using a D.I.D. Pro Street X-Ring 530 VX that S&S sourced from Drag Specialties. The suspension is by Ohlins (front cartridge kit, rear adjustable drag shocks, steering stabilizer) with a Glide Pro engine stabilizer kit. Klock Werks of Mitchell, South Dakota, provided the handlebar kit and a 'Windwhield' windshield. The seat is an 'Aviator' design by LePera. In addition to the T143 2-1 black exhaust, S&S also used an oil line install kit of their own, Siemens 80lb

High Z injectors from Racetronix, Power Commander 5 from Dynojet, and for the throttle body they used one of their own 70mm induction kits... correct, that is not a 'typo', 70mm of air to power the Dragon's lungs!

S&S has developed a specially tuned exhaust system for the T143 that accommodates the special application B3 heads



V-Twin Expo Schedule and Seminars This year's 15th annual V-Twin Expo at downtown Cincinnati, Ohio, will again feature the two-day format adopted a couple of years ago, and again avoids clashing with the Superbowl ...

Saturday, February 7, 2015 7:30am – 9:00am 8:00am - 6:00pm 9:00am – 6:00pm 9:00am – 12:30pm 11:00am – 2:00pm 12:00pm – 1:00pm 1:00pm – 2:30pm 2:00pm – 3:00pm 2:00pm – 3:00pm 2:00pm – 3:00pm 3:00pm – 4:00pm 6:00pm – 7:00pm

SEMINAR: Advanced Fuel Injection Tuning – Room 236 On-Site Registration and Badge Holder Pick-Up - Duke Energy Convention Center EXHIBIT HALLS OPEN SEMINAR: Power Vision – Overview and Tuning Basics – Room 234 SEMINAR: ThunderMax – Real Performance – Room 231 SEMINAR: Turnin’ Gears with BAKER Drivetrain – Room 261 V-TWIN EXCLUSIVE SEMINAR: Search Engine and Social Media Marketing Best Practices Workshop – Room 232 SEMINAR: Power Vision – Advanced EFI Flash Tuning – Room 234 SEMINAR: S&S Cycle Presents: Proven Performance Systems – Room 235 SEMINAR: TechnoResearch – Introducing Tune Builder & Diagnostics for Victory & Indian - Room 237 SEMINAR: ThunderMax – Real Performance – Room 231 EVENT: V-Twin Expo Welcome Party Show Floor - Duke Energy Convention Center

Sunday, February 8, 2015 8:00am – 5:00pm 9:00am – 5:00pm 9:00am – 12:30pm 10:00am – 11:00am 2:00pm – 3:00pm 3:00 pm

On-Site Registration and Badge Holder Pick-Up, Duke Energy Convention Center EXHIBIT HALLS OPEN SEMINAR: Power Vision – Overview and Tuning Basics – Room 234 SEMINAR: S&S Cycle – Powering Your Business – Room 235 SEMINAR: Power Vision – Advanced EFI Flash Tuning – Room 234 EVENT: AMD Magazine's 10th annual 'Industry Photograph' ... recording the 'Class of 2015' for posterity, on the AMD booth # 649

Updated custom oil filter/cooler design PERF-FORM Filters has announced the introduction of its new HD-CXS2 oil filter/cooler. Designed as a an updated, new lightweight easy-change version of their popular HD-CXS, it is a spin-on replacement oil filter/cooler for Harley-Davidson Twin Cam and Sportster '88-'12 engines. It features a high efficiency disposable filter cartridge mounted in a finned aluminum

housing that stays permanently mounted to the engine - meaning that there is only need to remove the easily accessed end cap to change the filter for mess-free filter changes. The company says their deisgn and filter delivers superior oil filtration with more filter surface area than stock filters for highflow and low differential pressures. Delivering between 5 to 10

percent increased cooling, the filter design and material provides superior small particle retention capabilities of a kind not possible on other canister style filters. The kit ships with three replacement filters and fits all Harley Big Twin models, including FLH, Ultra, Road Glide, Street Glide, Softail and Sportsters.

Biker's Choice Expands Jacksonville Distribution Operation AS part of their "ongoing initiatives to increase our service commitment to our v-twin market dealers, Biker's Choice has expanded the size of its Florida distribution center by 80,000 square feet, and invested more than $3 million to equip it with a state-ofthe-art high-density pick module for faster order fulfilment", said Biker's Choice Brand Manager and product specialist Aaron Whitney. "We are also nearly doubling the size of our Pennsylvania operation by relocating some two miles from our existing facility near Scranton, PA, to a


new 280,000 plus distribution center with state of the art technology. “We're extremely excited about these developments. The new facilities provide dealers in the Southeast and Northeast with double the number of brands previously available in their one-day shipping zone,” said Dan Courtney, President of Tucker Rocky/Biker's Choice. Biker's Choice is headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas, and also operates distribution centers in Fort Worth; Visalia, California; Portland, Oregon; Denver, Colorado and Bolingbrook, Illinois.


The company also exports products to international distributors and dealers, offering dealers access to a program that is said to number over 100,000 products for street, custom, touring and off-road motorcycles, and vehicles of all kinds. It has exclusive distribution rights to many well-known powersports brands

that sell in the v-twin market, such as BikeMaster, ProTaper, Firstgear, Speed and Strength, River Road and Twin Power, the popular and fast growing specialty Biker's Choice brand of service products, hard parts and accessories for the custom v-twin industry.

MAG Connection takes on Bad Dad and Arnott Suspension distribution MAG Connection, the French aftermarket parts distributor, has announced it will now be carrying the Bad Dad Inc. and Arnott Air Ride System line of parts. Bad Dad, the Fort Wayne, Indiana based Bagger specialist has steadily increased its product range since opening in 2000. The Bad Dad production process includes the hand-sculpting of

prototypes, which are used as the basis for the finished items, with a coordinate measuring machine creating a virtual digital model to generate the computernumeric control file. The parts are then typically cut from high density foam, which are used to create a series of interior and exterior molds, for use in Bad Dad’s resin transfer molding (RTM) injection molding process. This uses closed molding technology to create a part that is smooth both inside and out, while having the strength and integrity of a fully composite component. The other method of parts manufacture used by Bad Dad, and the one it originally used before the introduction of RTM, is hand-laid fiberglass. For this process random strand material is used to ensure that the interwoven fibers create an interlocking of mat that allows for a

very rigid part. Using these methods, the company produces a range of front and rear fenders, stretched saddlebags, side covers, tanks and fairings, all of which can now be ordered through MAG Connection. Arnott is a family owned and run business that has been producing aftermarket air suspension products and accessories for over 20 years, with its motorcycle offering including noncovered Bilstein shocks in chrome or black and Aldan covered shocks, again in black or chrome finishes. These are complemented by a line of optional handlebar mount kits and air pressure gauges. MAG CONNECTION Paris, FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)8 20 82 01 11

Designed and engineered for heat protection BEST known for their popular exhaust wraps, Avon Lake, Ohio based Design Engineering were founded in 1995 and have become one of America's major manufacturer and suppliers of heat and sound control products for a wide range of powersport applications. The company is a regular exhibitor at the V-Twin Expo and it is the now almost ubiquitous status of their exhaust wraps, boot and wire protectors and thermal sleeving products that keeps them coming back. A popular choice with customizers seeking to create a performance look as an alternate to heat shields, DEI's exhaust wrap is a high

performance material that can reduce the ambient temperature by up to 50 percent, therefore increasing rider comfort and providing protection from burns.

By keeping the heat contained within the exhaust pipe the system is able to keep the heat expanded longer and therefore increase the velocity of gas flow

out of the exhaust header and system mufflers. For additional protection and enhanced cosmetics, DEI's HT silicone based paint can be applied to any of their exhaust wrap products to help seal out moisture and provide additional durability. Recent new product introductions include a new tie tool for stainless steel locking ties and their ONYX Series of flexible heat shields which offer "the next generation of heat protection performance using a combination of advanced textiles and reliable stand off bracket design."

W&W publishes ’15 catalog W&W CYCLES, the German-based parts distributor and manufacturer has released its catalog for 2015. Running

to over 1,000 pages the catalog not only contains details of the , more than 24,000 parts carried by the business but also editorial content and photography including the W&W Wrecking Crew’s test ride to Cuba. W&W CYCLES AG Wuerzburg, GERMANY Tel: +49 (0)931 250 61 16



Dublin show to be World Championship affiliate again THE ninth biennial Carole Nash Irish Motorbike and Scooter Show is being staged from 27th February to 1st March at the RDS (Royal Dublin Society) in Dublin, Ireland, this year. Regularly attracting 27,000 visitors, the organizers say that

Medaza Cycles with ‘Rondine’ the 2013 World Champion

there is strong recovery in the small but growing Irish market, and that with over 2,000 sqm (approx.10,000 sqft) of booth space already sold, the show is destined to be a sell-out and the biggest for many years. Exhibitors include company or dealer booths for most of the major manufacturers including Harley-Davidson, Ducati, BMW, Honda, Polaris, Triumph and Yamaha. Show Director Ruth Lamass told AMD: "When I began organizing

this event back in 2003, I had no idea that it would grow to the scale that it has now. For me it is very important that when we put on the show, we improve on the previous years. This policy ensures that people who visit the show will always experience something new, something that has never been seen in Ireland before. "I have no doubt that visitors to the 2015 show will agree that we achieved this again with an even bigger and more action-

packed three-day event. I would like to again thank our headline sponsor Carole Nash Insurance Consultants, who help make it possible to be the best show in Ireland." We here at AMD Magazine are proud to say that the Irish International Custom Show at the Carole Nash Irish Motorbike and Scooter Show will again be an affiliate to the AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building. Two years ago, the Irish Championship was won by ‘Rondine’ from Medaza Cycles, who then went on to scoop that year's 10th annual AMD World Championship for Ireland.

HE news about Polaris' latest acquisition outright purchase of the electric motorcycle business from Brammo - is the latest stage not just in the evolution of their relationship with the Ashland, Oregon based e-bike manufacturer, but also in sharp contrast to Harley-Davidson's conservatism in such matters, in an M&I spending spree in which CEO Scott Wine appears well set to deliver on his 2010 promise to spend some $300m of the company’s resources on buying their way to happiness in the following 3 to 5 years! Following the abortive attempt to marry KTM in 2005/06, and their rather less ambitious "strategic alliance" with Bobcat in 2009, Polaris' 2010 purchase of Swissauto Powersports, the company that produced the 4-stroke Weber engine used in several of their snowmobiles (and developed race engines, including for MotoGP teams), the check book has been getting regular fresh air - ever since Wine committed Polaris to a program that he described as seeing the company "diversify intelligently" with deals that could "cross-pollinate". That Swissauto deal came in a year in which their net expenditure on M&I came to some $4.75m. That jumped to some $51.9m in 2011, the year they bought Indian Motorcycle from Stellican (the Chris-Craft boats owner) and Chrysler's GEM (Global Electric Motorcars) operation. At the time Indian and GEM had annual sales revenue of around $11m and $30m respectively, but given the progress that Polaris has made with both since then, especially with Indian, it is clear that in "splashing the cash" Wine's management team have been judicious and effective. Indeed that is also reflected in the Minnesota based manufacturer's stock price performance in the past five years. Like Harley, their price bottomed-out just below $8.00 in 2009, but unlike Harley theirs has not stalled in the low $60.00s, rather it has been very much the star performer in powersports manufacturer terms, powering




INSIDERS Used vehicle price guide the Black Book says that while snow mobile prices are up slightly so far this winter, the usual December and January appreciation in used motorcycle prices has not been seen so far. Prices at auctions for street bikes, utility vehicles and dual sports are down -1.7%, with cruisers down by 2.3%. The Cycle Gear network of some 100+ accessory stores has been sold by its owner Harvest Partners, L.P. The new owner is J.W. Childs Associates, L.P. an "established private equity firm specializing in leveraged buy-outs and recapitalizations of middlemarket growth companies." Founded in 1974, Cycle Gear operates in 34 states, is headquartered in Benicia, California, and is said to distribute more than 13 million catalogs annually.

to more than double of Harley's at over $130.00 a share in January 2015. The same year as the Indian deal, Polaris bought Goupil Industrie, a French $25m sales modular on-road commercial electric vehicle manufacturer, and, the same month, announced its first investment into Brammo. t the time Wine described it as a "small but important investment for Polaris in an electric vehicle market that we feel is poised for significant growth." It bought Polaris an 8 percent stake in Brammo, and a second finance deal followed some time later. Some two and half years later Polaris made another acquisition of another French company that is involved in Continued on page 18 >>>


BMW has posted record US sales for 2014 at 14,945 units/ +5.4%. The NHTSA has announced that motorcycle fatalities in the United States dropped by 6.4% in 2013 - the first decrease since 2009 and only the second since 1997. More than half of the reduction is attributed to reduced fatalities among older (50-69 year-old) riders. Ducati has announced record sales for 2014, delivering 45,100 bikes, 2% up on 2013, and a fifth consecutive year of growth. The United States soaked up 8,004 units and continues to be Ducati's largest single market. .



Sources: The Bradley Report, AMD Magazine, Big Bike Europe, MIC, AMA, PSB, Dealernews

Polaris continues to write itself an impressive 21st century playbook with Brammo acquisition

THE BRADLEY REPORT <<< Continued from page 17 small electric vehicles, Aixam Mega, marking its fourth foray into the electric powered vehicle sector in as many years, and that kind of puts former golf cart and delivery vehicle manufacturer Harley-Davidson's Project Livewire into an interesting context! In 2012 Polaris is said to have spent a further $41.13m on mergers and acquisitions, including the acquisition of Idaho based technical riding gear brand Klim, and continued with a capital expenditure plan to increase production capacity that had started with a controversial 2010 announcement to build in Mexico. Some of that capital went into joint venturing - Polaris committed $50m to a 50/50 joint venture plan to build a production facility in India with Eicher Motors manufacturer of the Royal Enfield line of motorcycles among other activities (including a 50/50 commercial vehicle partnership with Volvo). ndeed, just this month Polaris has announced that the facility will meet its planned 2015 readiness, and will soon start producing a highly fuel-efficient and inexpensive 600cc Greaves Cotton diesel powered fourwheeled delivery vehicle for the Indian market. In the last four years Polaris' capital investments in its facilities have also included expanding its Wyoming Product Development Center, further developing its Spirit Lake, Iowa, footprint, growing its Vermillion, South Dakota, PG&A distribution center, building and then expanding its Monterrey, Mexico, facility, not, after all, closing its Osceola, Wisconsin, plant, opening a 345,000 sq ft factory in Poland last year, and just in January this year confirming an expected announcement to build a new 600,000 sq ft facility that will employ up to 1,700 people on a 453 acre site near Huntsville, Alabama. In 2013 Polaris is said to have spent some $137.1m on expansion oriented investments, and a further $19.49m up to September 2013. Some of the deals have included additions to its growing military equipment and vehicles operations (such as the purchase of a $2m turnover specialist software company called Primordial); more strategic partnerships, such as that with Ariens, the Wisconsin based manufacturer of outdoor power equipment; the Aixam Mega deal mentioned earlier, and further boosting its burgeoning PG&A line-up with acquisitions such as Kolpin and Pro Armor. In 2013 Polaris’ sales revenue reached $3.8 bn, up from the $1.6 bn they'd dropped to in 2009. Little wonder then that when the opportunity arose in 2013 for Polaris to buy back nearly 4m shares of its common stock held by engine partner Fuji Heavy Industries, it was able to fund the $497.5m from a combination of cash on hand and $250m of borrowings under an existing revolving credit facility. FHI had been an investor ever since Polaris went public in 1987, and been an engine supplier since 1968, indeed Polaris' sole engine supplier right up to 1995 when the company first started to produce its own engines, and still provided as many as 25 percent of their engines in 2013 – however, it is anticipated that this figure will diminish as Polaris continues to significantly expand its own engine portfolio. cott Wine is quoted as saying that he doesn't believe Polaris suffers from "not invented here" syndrome, and maybe there are no better recent examples of their willingness to enter market sectors that others had got to first, than the launch of the Slingshot threewheeler, or of their preparedness to "buy in" strategic positioning and technology, rather than the decision to convert their minority position in Brammo into full effective ownership.








Since becoming CEO in 2008, Scott Wine and his management team at Polaris have defied the stock market and shown a way forward for the powersports industry in the 21st century

In the deal Polaris is also acting as a lead investor in a recapitalization of Brammo that will enable them to focus exclusively on the design, development and integration of electric vehicle powertrains, while Polaris will utilize the assets acquired to begin manufacturing electric motorcycles in the second half of 2015 at its Spirit Lake, Iowa facility. “We have enjoyed our involvement with Brammo Motorcycles over the past three years, and our excitement about their industry-leading lithium-ion electric drivetrain technology has increased commensurate with their improvements in cost and performance", said Scott Wine. This deal "strengthens not only Polaris’ commitment to bringing our consumers lithium-ion electric solutions, but also this partnership’s ability to continue innovating and developing leading electric drivetrain technology. We anticipate a return on these investments and believe the new alignment brings us that much closer to delivering world-class electric solutions across our products.” ine's focus on ROI is instructive - especially for anyone considering making Polaris stock part of their portfolio. When he became CEO, Polaris were already a decade into losses with their Victory Motorcycles program, and locked into a heavyweight cruiser market that was about to fall off a cliff. In the past he has emphasized profitability. "Growth without margin expansion is worthless", he has said, and as the Head of a company which has understood the importance of allowing dealers to run lean inventory, and shown his disdain for inefficiencies, waste, bureaucracy and tardiness, he runs a tight ship - a solid foundation for ensuring that his management can continue being creative where acquisitions and investments are concerned without compromising their ability to continue building balance sheet strength. If "intelligent diversification" and "cross-pollination" mean anything, it must mean laying down the basis for organic growth, and this Brammo acquisition is the latest in a long line of moves that show why the likes of Arctic Cat and BRP, as well as Harley-Davidson and other motorcycle manufacturers, are right to be keeping a close watch on Polaris. It has to be said that when it comes to 'bang-for-thebuck' Polaris have shown that $300m can still go a long way!


Polaris has issued a recall for some 2,300 2013-15 Victory motorcycles because the fuel pump may have been incorrectly crimped increasing seize and stall risk. Also has now issued a "stop sale, stop ride" order for Slingshot 3 wheeler models citing potentially faulty ball bearings in the steering system and possible roll bar issues. Santa Cruz, California based Zero Motorcycles says it achieved record sales in 2014, and expects "dramatic growth" in 2015. Whilst the company hasn't released details, it said that it had added seven new distributors last year and is now selling to more than 50 US police departments among its growing public authority customer base. Bad news for motorcycle manufacturers such as Harley-Davidson who are eyeing increased sales to India - the government there has not renewed excise duty concessions, which ended on December 31st 2014. Team Hero EBR is to return to World Superbike racing in 2015. Running the circuit version of Erik Buell's acclaimed 1190 RX, the team will field two riders in the premier SBK class. Indian-owned British car maker Jaguar Range Rover has unveiled a prototype of technology that will allow cars to sense motorcycles or bicycles in the driver's rear three quarter area and warn of their proximity. Called 'Bike Sense', the system is still at least two years away from production, and the company says that "Bike Sense takes us beyond current hazard detection technologies and allows for faster cognitive reaction and response."


New billet parts from WUNDERKIND WUNDERKIND-Custom has expanded its line of CNC machined billet aluminum parts with the introduction of a fork stabilizer for use on Dyna models. Designed to improve ride performance, the three-piece design clamps the lower fork together to create a firmer front end.

Alongside ride improvements, WUNDERKIND is also working to change the bike’s looks. Available not just for the Dyna range, but also Sportster, Touring, V-Road and Softail models, WUNDERKIND has its Hexagon horn cover. The 3D CNC machined cover includes a horn, and an additional machined engine steady set is also available to match. The cover, steady and brace are all finished with WUNDERKIND’s BLACKPearl Eloxal surface treatment. WUNDERKIND-CUSTOM Breisach, GERMANY Tel. +49 (0)7667 944692

Contoured primary belt drive system TECH Cycle’s range of open belt primary drives includes its Contoured primary belt drive system. It features a one-piece, fully contoured motorplate, which is machined from billet aluminum and polish finished. This is then combined with the company’s own Cyclone open primary belt drive. Tech Cycle states that the contoured lines of the Cyclone system complement ‘07-Up Softail, Dyna and FL models, and is offered with a choice of 2in or 3in belt widths. An additional option offered by Tech Cycle is a contoured belt guard system, designed to keep the

rider’s legs safe, as well as making the bike look good. The guard system can be used in a front/side configuration or a full side configuration, and is available in chrome or black anodized finishes. TECH CYCLE PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS Penndel, Pennsylvania, USA Tel: 215 702 8324




RCX Power Max headers for '10 - '15 Touring models RC Components’ new RCX Power Max headers have been designed specifically for use on ‘10-‘15 HarleyDavidson Touring models. These latest headers from the Bowling Green, Kentucky, business feature traditional styling of the company’s existing RCX True Dual headers with the addition of a tuned collector. The collector has a unique chambered design that is said to balance the exhaust between the cylinders, creating what the company describes as "an impressive amount" of low end torque and horsepower. In addition to improved performance, the Power Max headers feature smooth radius bends wrapped in a full coverage chrome or black heat shield. Customers have the option of two collector heat shield options, clean and smooth without visible screws, or a race inspired look with visible screws.

The RC Components header system is supplied complete with all necessary mounting hardware and utilizes the factory mounting brackets. It is recommended that the headers are used with a set of RCX 4.0in slip-on mufflers and a RCX-Celerator fuel management system.

CV Performance Harley CV carb vacuum slide

RC COMPONENTS Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA Tel: 270 842 6000

CV Performance now has its own vacuum slide for Harley CV carburetors as a direct replacement for the stock OEM slide. The CV Performance Harley vacuum slide is said to bring a Harley CV carb back to original specification so the air/fuel mixture and intake flow is optimized. The diaphragm used in it is made of a durable yet pliable rubber material not found in other aftermarket applications, and this is said to provide the ideal amount of slide action required by the carburetor while maintaining the correct seal under harsh conditions. The CVP Harley replacement vacuum slide is recommended for high mileage Harley motorcycles, carburetors requiring a rebuild due to age or deterioration, or those where previous modifications may have compromised performance. It is compatible with all Harley CV (constant velocity) 40 carburetors made from ‘90-‘06, and used on Big Twin Evo and Twin Cam engines, plus all Sportster (‘89-‘06) models, but is not for use on non-Harley models or other Keihin carburetors. CV PERFORMANCE Glendora, California, USA Tel: 800 473 1287

Wicked Bagger bars GREG’S Custom Cycleworks has released a new handlebar design under its Deepsickness custom accessories line. The new Wicked Bagger bars are manufactured using either 1-1/2in stainless steel or DOM American steel tubing with .120 wall thickness, depending on the customer’s request. The stainless option is supplied mirror polished, while the steel version is offered in raw or black powder- coat. This version of the Wicked bars has been designed for use ’14 and onward Electra Glide and Street Glide models, and is based on the


original Wicked bar, which makes them 16in tall and 42in wide. However, Greg’s is also offering this version in a 20in high option. Both sizes are offered pre-drilled for external wiring or ready for internal wiring, and are throttle-by-wire compatible. GREG’S CUSTOM CYCLE WORKS INC. Clearwater, Florida, USA Tel: 727 461 4840


Free spirits expands H-D Street product range FREE Spirits is continuing to work with Motorcycle Storehouse to develop a range of parts and accessories for the Harley-Davidson Street 750, and the newest additions to the range are a selection of pulley covers and sprocket guards. Two styles of pulley cover for the front final drive pulley are available, both are machined from aluminum, finished with black anodizing and mount to the pulley locking bolt to cover the stock pulley. Designed to complement the pulley covers, Free Spirits has two designs of aluminum sprocket guard in production; either a ‘V’ design or an ‘X’. Like the pulley cover they are finished in black anodizing, and no modification is necessary to install either option.

FREE SPIRITS SRL Carrè (VI), ITALY Tel: +39 0445 390437

SINCE 1997

TAB Performance BAM Sticks

Boogey Lights expands product line

TAB Performance’s newest option are its BAM Sticks slip-on mufflers for H-D Touring models. The 4in diameter slip-ons are said to offer a deep throaty sound and have a removable baffle core allowing users to choose just how loud the exhaust is. TAB Performance also state that the BAM Sticks will provide double digit gains in horsepower on a stock bike when properly tuned with the use of aftermarket fuel injection tuners and air cleaners. TAB Performance offers its BAM Stick in the choice of black or chrome finishes and, unlike the ceramic coating commonly used by other manufacturers, TAB’s cermet finish is a two-coat process that is said to create superior heat and abrasion resistance qualities, and is the same finish used by H-D, which allows customers to easily obtain heat shields from Motor Factory dealers that will match with the TAB exhaust.

speeds. A high-flow louvered core baffle is used in the muffler section, and optional sound reduction inserts are available for quieter running. The tips of the exhausts are finished with machined billet aluminum tips that sit behind embossed brushed stainless steel bands that carry the Crusher name. Available in chrome or black ceramic finishes, the Crusher Maverick 2-into-2 systems are available for ‘06-‘15 Dyna (except ‘12-‘15 FLD and ‘14-‘15 FXDL), ‘86-‘15 Softail (except FXCW/C, FXSB and FXSBSE), and ‘04-‘15 Sportster XL models.

FOLLOWING a recent change in ownership, Boogey Lights has completed extensive R&D work in order to be able to introduce what it claims is the first ever Bluetooth 4.0 capable light remote control that works with an Android or iOS smartphone. The new controller app works like the company’s existing Fireworks multifunction remote control, and allows users to create their own colors to give a bike a truly custom look. Pre-set functions include color switching, blending, strobing, flashing and a customer favorite – breathing mode. The new remote app was primarily designed for Boogey Lights’ multi-color lights, but it can also be used with the company’s single color light strips to light different custom lighting zones on a bike, with each section controlled separately.

KÜRYAKYN USA Somerset, Wisconsin, USA Tel: 715 247 5008

BOOGEY LIGHTS Florence, Kentucky, USA Tel: 800 846 1382

TAB PERFORMANCE, INC. Lincoln, Nebraska, USA Tel: 888 822 0070

Crusher Maverick 2-into-2 systems KÜRYAKYN has released a new acoustically tuned performance 2-into-2 exhaust system through its Crusher performance division. The Crusher Maverick system is being made available to fit Dyna, Softail and Sportster applications. The company states that the new exhaust system provides increases in both horsepower and torque, along with a unique, throaty exhaust note at wideopen throttle with lower decibel levels at cruising



Barnett clutch tools for H-D BARNETT not only makes high performance clutch parts for Harley-Davidson models, it also offers a line of specific clutch tools. From diaphragm spring compression tools to clutch ‘lock plates’ that assist in removing inner hubs, Barnett produces specialist tools that make clutch replacement and maintenance easier. Barnett’s clutch tools are available for Sportsters through 1970, and ‘86-present Sportsters, ‘41-‘84 Big Twins and ‘90-‘97 Big Twins. Also available are clutch tools

designed specifically for use with the Barnett Scorpion line of clutches. BARNETT CLUTCHES & CABLES Ventura, California, USA Tel: 805 642 9435

H-D Flathead valves and guides valves are one-piece, 21-4N KIBBLEWHITE Precision stainless steel forgings, which Machining is well known are impregnated by a special for its line of performance PARTS AND ACCESSORIES German process to a depth of valve train products, but it .002in, with a surface build-up of .0002in. also caters for the vintage market and as This process, which gives the valves their such has cast iron guides for use in H-D Black Diamond name, is said to improve Flathead engines. The cast iron guides are wear properties, reduce friction and provide claimed to offer excellent wear resistance, resistance to corrosion and wear when which allows for a superior bore finish that compared to chrome and nickel electrolysis is easy on valve stems. plating. To accompany the guides Kibblewhite has a Additionally, each Flathead valve has version of its Black Diamond valves. The stellite welded to the tip to prevent wear from impact and abrasion. Kibblewhite states that it chose to weld stellite rod to the tips rather than friction weld a hardened wafer, because wafers can crack and cause failures. KIBBLEWHITE PRECISION MACHINING INC Pacifica, California, USA Tel: 650 557 2046



J&M integrated helmet head-set kits J&M Corporation has created integrated headsets designed specifically to fit many leading brand full face and flip-up/modular helmets. Seen here on Nolan's Evo-tech flip-up J&M headset kits are available for including premium products from manufacturers such as Arai, Schuberth and HJC. he kits features J&M’s high-output AeroMike III miniature boom microphone (tuned for use with all motorcycle audio systems), two wide-fidelity miniature

helmet speakers in stereo (sized specifically to fit the speaker depressions built into the Nolan helmets), integrated headset mounting system and the upper section (only) of the J&M P-series eight-pin right-angle hook-up cord. J&M states that the headsets can be connected to any factory installed motorcycle audio system, now and in the foreseeable future, just by interchanging the lower-section hookup cord. Hook-up cords are available to work with Harley-Davidson ‘98–‘15 seven-pin and ’89-’97 five-pin system, ’08-’15 Victory seven-pin systems, and J&M’s ‘80–‘00 five-pin system, ‘99–‘15 six-pin system and ‘99–‘15 six-pin system with inline volume control. J&M CORPORATION Tucson, Arizona, USA Tel: 520 624 7000

Cyron H4 LED retrofit headlight bulb CYRON has an LED headlight bulb that is suitable to replace the H4 bulb in most motorcycles. The company’s ABH4 light is claimed to produce 2000 Lumens with an extremely low power draw. It is supplied with four interchangeable adapters to fit in most standard H4 headlight bulb applications. Cyron's headlight bulb has both a high and low beam that is pre-set, and the company states that no extra headlight adjustment is needed after installation. The LED light has an active cooling fan system to make sure the light runs cool. The retrofit H4 comes ready to install with a three-pin connector that will fit all standard motorcycle headlight wiring

harnesses. However, it will not fit new Indian motorcycles, nor is it DOT approved. The ABH4 light is available directly from Cyron, as well as being distributed by both Biker’s Choice and Zodiac International.

Klock Werks fairing vent screens

we do our best to get our hands on them and get to work. At Klock Werks we are mostly known for our patented Flare windshields, but we love designing cool little parts like the new Road Glide vent screens too. The vent screens serve a purpose and add a custom touch,” says Laura Klock of Klock Werks.

HARLEY-Davidson’s 2015 Road Glide is the latest model to benefit from the screen options offered by Klock Werks. The South Dakota company’s latest part accents the splitstream vent system on the Road Glide’s fairing. Available in a honeycomb pattern, the Klock Werks fairing vent screens can help to catch or stop larger bugs and other road debris from entering through the fairing vent. “As soon as new model bikes are released,

CYRON Chatsworth, California, USA Tel: 818 772 1900

KLOCK WERKS Mitchell, South Dakota, USA Tel: 605 996 3700

New primary and lighting options from Rivera Primo RIVERA Primo now has a belt drive available for use on ’07 and later Touring models. The Brute III Extreme 1-3 /4in enclosed belt replaces the stock chain drive, and in doing so removes 25lb of rotating mass. This reduction allows the engine to work more efficiently and release more horsepower. The change from chain to belt also reduces the number of regular service and maintenance jobs needed. The 8mm thick belt used in the drive is made up from layers of Aramid fibers for increased strength. The Brute III Extreme 2007 Touring comes standard with a Rivera Primo Pro clutch, which is a diaphragm clutch that uses one cupped piece of spring steel to put equal all around pressure on the pressure plate. This design is used instead of

multiple coil springs that do not all have the same rate of collapse, resulting in uneven distribution of pressure. The diaphragm spring used by Rivera Primo is said to provide a mechanical advantage over coil springs and is easier to pull in, offering a lighter lever action. Alongside the launch of the new primary

drive, Rivera Primo is also debuting new lighting options. The new RFB LED is an all LED headlight with high and low beams of 2400 Lumens. The LED light is held in a retro shaped lamp, which also houses LED marker/turn signals within the billet bezel. RIVERA PRIMO Whittier, California, USA Tel: 562 907 2600

Ness designed exhausts now in production MAGNAFLOW is an exhaust manufacturer best known for its automotive systems, which it has been producing for over 30 years. Following the 2014 launch announcement, the company has now started production of motorcycle systems with designs created by Arlen Ness. Among the range of Ness designed systems for use on Bagger applications is the Redline Tru-X, a crossover exhaust system made up of head pipes and mufflers, said to offer performance upgrades. It has been engineered to equalize the overall exhaust flow for increased performance on stock or tuned engines while also reducing the heat reaching the rider’s legs. The system features 1-3/4in head pipes with 2-1/4in heat shields and 4-1/2in mufflers with gloss black accent cut end caps. The system has 12mm and 18mm oxygen sensor ports and is offered in chrome or black finishes to fit ’09-’15 Bagger models. A second Arlen Ness by MagnaFlow option is the Megacone Tru-Dual, a classic looking complete truedual system with head pipes and mufflers with gloss black inverted end caps. The system shares the same head and muffler dimensions as the Redline Tru-X,

Redline Tru-X

as well as having 12mm and 18mm oxygen sensor ports. The Megacone Tru-Dual fits ’95-’08 and ’09’15 Touring models and can be ordered in black or chrome, with both finishes having custom look, gloss

Megacone Tru-Dual



black inverted end caps. Alongside the Touring systems, MagnaFlow also has an option for other H-D models. The Ness-Comp is a 2-into-1 system which fits not only Touring models, but also Softail and Dyna applications. Designed for use on stock and tuned engines, the Ness-Comp features a gloss black accent cut end cap and large radius bends for a smooth profile. The 41/2in muffler is connected to 1-3/4in head pipes, which are covered by 2-1/4in heat shields, and 12mm and 18mm oxygen sensor ports are also included. Versions of the Ness-Comp are available to fit ’09-’15 Touring, ’96-’05 Softail, and ’06-’15 Dyna applications. MAGNAFLOW Rancho Santa Margarita, California, USA Tel: 949 858 5900

Bad Dad continues to expand range BAD Dad has arrange of new parts available for 2015 including its 992 floorboards. CNC machined from 6061 aluminum and offered in the choice of chrome or black powder coat, the floorboards are supplied with all necessary mounting hardware. They feature

The Competition Series speaker lids by Bad Dad are designed to carry any 5 x 7in or 6 x 9in speakers

A full line of matching accessories are available to complement the Bad Dad 992 floorboards

a custom cut rubber insert and can be matched with passenger boards, shift pegs, brake pedal, and shift linkage from Bad Dad. For customers who want to give a bike a custom look on a budget, Bad Dad has stretched gas tank that is actually a cover that fits over the existing tank. The two-piece (left and right halves) fitting is finished in gel coat ready for paint. Moving to the rear of the bike, Bad Dad has its Competition Series speaker lids available for all ’93 onward Touring models. The lids are designed to use

any 5 x 7in or 6 x 9in speaker, including the Boom Audio system and J&M’s Rokker Series. The custom lids are made with injection technology for a precise fit and include new weatherstrips and mounting hardware. The Competition lids are also available with lights flush mounted into the saddlebag lid’s custom bodyline.

Bad Dad’s two-piece tank cover gives stock gas tanks the stretched look

BAD DAD INC. Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA Tel: 260 407 2000

Radical Radius XL pipes FREEDOM Performance has its Radical Radius two-into-two pipes available to fit all Sportster models ’86-’15. The system, which features headpipes that increase from 1-3/4in to 2-1/8in for anti-reversion and improved torque and horsepower, has a hidden crossover chamber. The pipes are fitted with one-piece 220-degree heatshields, in a choice of chrome or black ceramic finishes, and O2 bugs and plugs are supplied, too. The installed baffles are removable and quiet baffles are available as an option, and customers have the choice of chrome or black end caps. The Radical Radius system will work with both forward and mid controls on XL applications. Versions of the Radical Radius exhaust are also available to fit Dyna, Softail and Touring models.


FREEDOM PERFORMANCE Gardena, California, USA Tel: 310 324 0415


James Gaskets’ Foamet and DL-Style gaskets nitrile synthetic rubber is chemically blown to create a soft, conformable layer that is permanently bonded to the SAE 5052 H38 aluminum core. When installing the Foamet gaskets, the foam will compress expelling the nitrogen gas formed during the creation of the foam structure, providing excellent torque retention sealability. The Foamet gaskets and DL-Style seals require no additional sealants and release cleanly from all mating surfaces, eliminating the need to clean away old gasket material from castings and covers. All iterations of derby cover gaskets eliminate the need for the factory-style O-rings and molded rubber seals.

JAMES Gaskets has a line of Foamet gaskets and DL-Style molded seals available for use with clutch derby covers and primary chain inspection covers. The DL-Style seals are made using a mild steel core that is fully encapsulated with a high-temperature rubber that is impervious to oils. The stiff metallic core and raised beading are said to provide exceptional torque retention and a sealing across the entire range of aftermarket and factory covers. Additionally, warped and pitted covers benefit from the conformable sealing face engineered to both the front and back of the gaskets, which are available for all models from ‘65 to present. The Foamet gaskets are also available for all models 1965 and later for use on the inspection cover and derby cover applications, along with a wide range of gaskets for outer primary cover, transmission, and engine applications. The cross-linked


Aerocharger turbo systems AEROCHARGER has turbo systems for fuel injected Harley-Davidson applications that are a bolt-on fit, and use variable-vane turbos for the highest efficiency. The 53 Series turbo chargers by Aerocharger are available to fit FL models from ’08 onwards with displacements of 88-142ci. The turbo units used by Aerocharger utilize VATN technology, where a variable vane formation perpetually optimizes the compressor ratio to the engine. This is said to completely eliminate turbo lag. It is a self-contained unit that doesn’t rely on engine oil pressure due to a self-contained oil supply, and nor does it require a wastegate for the exhaust gases. The side-mount air to air intercooler, which is supplied as part of the package, is claimed to be the largest in the industry. Aerocharger claims that an install on an otherwise stock 2015 Road Glide will produce 137hp and 151ft.lbs torque.


AEROCHARGER New Century, Kansas, USA Tel: 913 829 3400



Cometic Twin Cooled head gasket COMETIC Gasket has launched its new Twin Cooled head gasket, which is specifically for the liquid cooled Harley heads used on Touring models. The new head gaskets are the same specification as the regular multi-layer steel Twin Cam head gasket design, which requires no sealer, with the addition of new embossing to seal off the liquid between the head and cylinder. The Twin Cooled gaskets are available in all the common bores from 3.875in through 4.250in, and in different thicknesses from .018in through .140in. COMETIC GASKET INC. Concord, Ohio, USA Tel: 440 354 0777

Love Jugs’ Cool-Master in black LOVE Jugs’ Cool-Master, the H-D cooling system from Hammerhead Engineering, is now available in two new finishes; gloss

black and matt black. The new finishes have been introduced in direct response to customer requests.

The Cool-Masters utilize a unique patented dual fan cooling system that is claimed to deliver more cooling air than any other product on the market, and it uses new compact fan motors to deliver the cooling air. The heat treated black powder coating on this latest version is applied on top of highly polished stainless steel components. HAMMERHEAD ENGINEERING Delray Beach, Florida, USA Tel: 561 499 0974

Fishtails mufflers from Bassani BASSANI has an extensive range of new exhaust options for Harley-Davidsons available, and among them is a Fishtail muffler for use on Bagger models. Designed to mount to either stock or Bassani’s own

header pipes, the Fishhtails are offered in 33in and 36in lengths and with or without baffles. The mufflers are offered for Baggers ’95-’15. A second Fishtail option being offered by Bassani

is for use on Softail models. Versions are currently available to fit '89 - '06 and '07 - '15 bikes, and both options are offered in two variants. There is a choice of 1-3⁄4in head pipes that step into a 1-7⁄8in muffler, or 1-3⁄4in head pipes that step into a 2-1⁄4in muffler. There is also the choice of with or without baffles and muffler lengths of 30in, 33in or 36in. BASSANI MANUFACTURING Anaheim, California, USA Tel: 714 630 1821



New lines from NAMZ

The Badlands module from NAMZ for 2014 model H-Ds allows users to run amber turn signals

Victory riders can use a Badlands module to have running light, brake light and turn signal functions on the rear turn signals

NAMZ is not only celebrating 15 years in business, but is also working to integrate the Badlands product line. Following NAMZ’s acquisition of Badlands a year ago, a new website has been launched, which includes the option to buy online and download new color-coded installation instructions and wiring schematics. In addition to this change NAMZ has also released its IHL-04, since the module separates the brake functionality from the rear turn signal output. A second Badlands module for 2014 model Harleys is a plug-n-play unit that enables customers to have left and right only turn signals, running and brake lights along with license plate illumination and a ground wire. It also allows users to run amber turn signals, and a new product that has come to market as a result of the Badlands purchase is the NAMZ’s NCBH-01-A, a complete bike harness. It is said to be easy to install, and comes complete with colorprinted instructions and all parts needed to wire any non-fuel injected bike. OEM color matching wire, full size starter relay and socket, 3-ATO protected circuits and a self-canceling/run, brake and turn signal module are included with the harness. Completing the latest round of new product releases from NAMZ are the company’s ILL-VIC-01 and ILL-VIC-02 Badlands modules for Victory motorcycles. The ILL-VIC-01 fits ’09-‘15 Jackpot, Hammer, Vegas, Kingpin, Highball, and Gunner models. The ILL-VIC-02 fits ’11-‘15 Judge, Boardwalk, Cross-Country, Cross-Roads and Magnum models. The new modules are virtually plug-n-play and enable customers to have running light, brake light and turn signal functions on the rear turn signals, which only operate as turn signals from the factory. Customers will need to switch to red lenses on incandescent models or switch to red LEDs. NAMZ CUSTOM CYCLE PRODUCTS Oreland, Pennsylvania, USA Tel: 610 265 7100


NAMZ’s NCBH-01-A is a complete bike harness to wire any non-fuel injected bike



Pickard rear air ride package Le Pera adds Spoiler Solo to 'Stubbs' line PICKARD USA has extended its product line to now include a rear air ride package for Harley-Davidson Bagger applications. The air shocks included in the Pickard package have approximately 5in of travel and are equipped with machined bushing sleeves to allow them to bolt directly to the bike’s frame and swingarm. In addition, the new package is also supplied complete with a Pickard air tank, which mounts to the bike’s pannier frame, leaving it hidden once extended bags are in place. Along with the fitting instructions supplied with the package, Pickard also has a full installation video online on its website.

PICKARD USA Richardson, Texas, USA Tel: 972 231 1298

LE PERA’S line of Stubs seats includes the Spoiler, a café racer styled seat, which is available to fit both Dyna and Sportster applications. The Stubs Spoiler for Dyna and Dyna Wide Glide models fits bikes built between ’06 and ’14 and is 10.5in wide. It is available in black with a choice of black, grey or red stripes. To fit Sportster ’04-’14, the Stubs Spoiler can be used on bikes with either a 4.5 or 3.3-gallon tank, on the latter there will be a 15in gap between the seat and tank. The seat is finished in black with the choice of stripes and contrast stitching in black, brown, red, or yellow. LE PERA ENTERPRISES North Hollywood, California, USA Tel: 818 767 5110

Avon expands grip line AVON Grips has expanded its product line with the introduction of both heated grips and grips for use on new Indian motorcycles. Avon Grips is now producing its Caliente heated grips for H-D and Victory applications and will have them available for Indian models shortly. The Caliente grips feature heating elements between the throttle and clutch side sleeves, are wired internally on the bike’s bars, and compatible with ’08newer touring bikes with electronic throttles. A rocker style controller is used for the heat control which has HI/OFF/LO settings. The Caliente heated grips are available in most design models that Avon Grips produce. For ’14 and later Indian motorcycles Avon Grips is

already producing aftermarket grips that have a new throttle and clutch side tube for the unique handlebars, and throttleby-wire controls developed by Polaris for the bikes. The oversized bars step down to a 7/8in under the grips, which is different to all American touring bikes and most metric models. Avon currently produces three base model grips, as well as many variations for Indian fitment. AVON GRIPS Kingwood, Texas, USA Tel: 281 358 6738

Indian gel chrome

Indian air cushion anodized

Indian custom contour chrome

Caliente heated grip




New lines from Drag Specialties DRAG Specialties’ product range includes small parts for detailing engines, and among these are finned spark plug/headbolt covers. The die-cast aluminum covers remove the need to buy individual headbolt and spark plug covers by fitting over the entire headbolt and spark plug base, accenting the head area. The covers are sold as a kit to complete two heads fitting ‘99-‘15 Twin Cam and ‘04-‘15 XL models, in finned, wrinkle black finish. The options offered by Drag Specialties to dress to a bike include the company’s satin black transmission side covers. The covers, which are made from die-cast zinc and mount with the existing hardware, are available to fit ‘07-‘15 FLHT, FLHR, FLTR and H-D FL trike models with mechanical clutch, and also for ‘06‘15 FXD, FXDWG and ‘07-‘15 FXST and FLST models. Drag Specialties has designed its Big Buffalo saddlebag bars to match its Big Buffalo engine bars. They are made from 1-1/4in steel tubing and offered in the choice of chrome or black powder coat and fit ‘14-‘15 FLHT, FLHX and FLHR models. The Precision Tourbox lid from Drag Specialties can be used as a bolt-on replacement for the OEM part, and be used in repairs or simply to freshen an older bike up. Manufactured from OEM-grade materials, the lid accepts OEM and aftermarket mounting hardware, reinforcing plate, liner and accessories, and is supplied with pre-drilled mounting holes and in a smooth finish that requires minimal prep before painting. The Precision lid is available to fit ‘06-‘13 FLHT and FLTR models. To protect a bike’s fenders, Drag Specialties has fender skins available that feature a felt lining under automotive-grade vinyl or embossed gator leather centers with leather perimeter and a finished edge. The fender skins are designed to match Drag Specialties solo seats, but will work with most OEM and accessory solo seats. The fender skins, to fit ‘97-‘15 FLHR, FLHT, FLTR and FLHX models, include black zinc washer and screw to complete installation. DRAG SPECIALTIES Janesville, Wisconsin, USA Tel: 608 758 1111

The finned spark plug/headbolt covers are made from die-cast aluminum

The Precision Tourbox lid from Drag Specialties can be used as a bolt-on replacement for the OEM part

The satin black transmission side cover mounts with the existing hardware

Drag Specialties has designed its Big Buffalo saddlebag bars to match its Big Buffalo engine bars

Drag Specialties fender skins are designed to match Drag Specialties solo seats



Motorcycle Storehouse extends range MOTORCYCLE Storehouse has always had a wide range of aftermarket custom style exhaust mufflers available, and is now offering them in a black finish too. The muffler styles, which include Megaphone, Wrestler, Moonshine Bruiser, Trumpet, Megaphone and Megaton among others, are all supplied with a universal slider mounting system and a 1-3/4in inlet that will fit all stock Harley-Davidson headers. An internal baffle is fitted to the pipes, but it does not meet EC approval standards. Created specifically for ‘06-‘14 Dyna models, the forward control reduced reach kits from Motorcycle Storehouse can be used to bring the stock forward controls 1in closer to the rider. The kit, which is compatible with all stock ‘06-‘14 Dyna forward controls, except those in the FLD Switchback, can be fitted with no permanent modification needed to the bike. Motorcycle Storehouse is now offering its aftermarket exhaust mufflers in black as well as traditional chrome

The latest Velona gauge is a combination digital speedo and tacho

The latest gauge from Velona stocked by Motorcycle Storehouse is an EC-approved, 60mm diameter, fully digital speedo/tacho. It displays speeds up to 250mph or 399kph, an adjustable 020,000rpm tachometer with bar graphics, a 99,9999-mile/km odometer and two separate 09999.9 miles / km trip meters. The instrument comes with LED background lighting and can be connected to the bike's digital output signal. If there is no digital output available, MCS recommends the use of one of its MCS 900404 sensors. MOTORCYCLE STOREHOUSE BV Bedum, Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)50 303 9775

Motorcycle Storehouse has a kit to move Dyna forward controls back 1in nearer to the rider

Vented FL screen from F4 Customs F4 CUSTOMS is producing a new replacement windshield for FLHT models that features an adjustable vent, designed to provide the rider with cool air on hot days. The screen is manufactured from .156in thick, shaterproof polycarbonate material that features a hardcoat surface. F4 Customs claim the screen is so scratch resistant that even rubbing it with steel wool will not damage it.

It is also claimed to offer optical clarity, no distortion and to shed water extremely well. In addition it is DOT approved. F4 CUSTOMS LLC Streetsboro, Ohio, USA Tel: 330 968 4644



New additions to range at Zodiac ZODIAC’S latest additions to its product range include bolt-on neck kits from American Suspension that allow for the correct geometry to run either a 26in or 30in front wheel on Touring models. The patent pending kits, which can be removed to return a bike to stock for resale, include a billet aluminum neck, steering stem, billet aluminum triple trees, bushings, fork caps, and bearings. Kits for 26in wheels are available for ’01’08, ’09-’13 and ’14 to present Touring models and the same fittings are available in the 30in options.


Zodiac has expanded the BSL Hot Shot exhausts line to fit models other than Softails with versions now being offered for selected Sportster and Dyna models

Fuel Tools professional installation kit allows repairs to the gas line without removal of the gas tank

The American Suspension bolt-on neck kit creates the correct geometry for either 26in or 30in wheel use on Baggers

The Fuel Tool range being stocked by Zodiac includes O-ring kits and rebuild kits that allow the repair of a leaking check valve and fuel line instead of replacing the complete unit. There is also the option of an additional professional installation kit that allows the job to be done without removal of the gas tank. The kits are designed to be used on ‘01 to present Delphi fuel injected models, except V-Rods.

any fuel system related issues, such as loss of power, poor fuel economy, hesitation and stalling. The gauge works with all ‘01 to present Delphi fuel injected Harleys, except V-Rods, and features solid nickel plated brass adapter and release valve, steel housing 100psi gauge, Viton O-rings and O-ring lubricant and is supplied with a nylon storage pouch. Following the announcement that it would be distributing BB Comfort Systems products, Zodiac now has the Butty Buddy pillion pads in stock. The Butty Buddys are extra-wide, ergonomic seat pads, which detach into three segments for easy storage and transport with the included carrying pouch. They are available with suction cups for bare rear fender or with clamps to fit over existing up to 11in wide seats. The over-seat Butty Buddy features rotational locking mechanisms and comes complete with the required hex tools and anti-blow off straps. Both versions have a lower aggressive gripper surface for a secure fit.

An exclusive line for Zodiac is the Texas Leather luggage range, which includes new Dyna side bags. The Dyna bags have been designed to match the lines of the bike and feature cowhide leather and 1in wide straps. Straps are also supplied to tie the bags to supports, which are available separately. Sold individually, the bags measure 12in high, 12in wide and are 4.5in deep with a capacity of 9.5 US quart. Saddlebag supports are available in chrome to fit ’91-‘05 Dyna, except Wide Glide (turn signal relocation required), ’91-‘05 Dyna, including Wide Glide (turn signal relocation required), ‘09 to present FXDB Street Bob, ‘10 to present FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide, ‘08 to present FXDF Fat Bob, ‘06 to present Dyna, except ‘08 to present FXDF Fat Bob, ‘09 to present FXDB Street Bob and 06 to present FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide. Black finished saddlebag supports are offered for ‘09 to present FXDB Street Bob, ‘06 to present Dyna, except ‘08 to present FXDF Fat Bob, ‘09 to present FXDB Street Bob and ‘06 to present FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide.

Fuel Tool’s rebuild kits allow the repair of a leaking check valve and fuel line instead of replacing the complete unit

The Butty Buddy range of pillion options is now being stocked by Zodiac

Also from Fuel Tools, and available through Zodiac, is a quick disconnect fuel pressure gauge. It has been designed to allow users to quickly diagnose

The quick disconnect pressure gauge from Fuel Tools allows quick diagnosis of fuel injection system related issues


Zodiac has increased the line of Euro-3 approved BSL Hot Shot exhausts it has available. Previously only available for Softail, Zodiac can supply BSL exhausts for selected Sportster and Dyna models now too. BSL Hot Shot pipes are made of 2mm thick stainless steel 2-3/4in diameter tubing. The pipes come in both Euro 3 and race versions. The Euro 3 version has a patented two catalytic insert and a baffle in each header to comply with the current European noise and emissions standards. The nonEuro 3 race version is available for selected models and has less restricting baffles and no catalytic converters for more horsepower and louder rumble.


Texas Leather’s Dyna saddlebags are designed to match the bike’s lines

ZODIAC INTERNATIONAL BV Mijdrecht, NETHERLANDS Tel: +31 (0)297 288 621

New seats from Saddlemen SADDLEMEN is one of the first aftermarket seat companies to have options available for the H-D Street 500 and 750 with the introduction of the Street Two Up. It features a wide, supportive bucket for the driver, which is combined with a slim contoured rear seat, and the specially designed base allows the seat to drop down into the bike to create a low riding position. Internally, the Street Two Up uses Saddlemen’s Gel Core technology, which combines the attributes of its proprietary SaddleGel with its advanced Progressive Density Foam (Pd-F) to create superior comfort. In this seat, it is used to create a refined gel channel to relieve seating pressure on the perineal area, increasing blood flow for greater comfort. Externally, the seat is covered with SaddleHyde upholstery that offers a combination of a leathery feel with weather-resistance. Saddlemen’s range of Harley-Davidson seats also includes the Profiler line, available to fit XL and FX models. The two-up Profiler seats are designed to offer the lowest riding position possible, and to achieve this they have seat pans that follow the shape of the bike by incorporating Saddlemen’s Integrated Design Philosophy (IDP), which takes styling cues from each motorcycle and incorporates them into the contours and patterns of each seat. Internally, the Profiler seats feature a combination of progressive density foam and SaddleGel in the driver's position, which is claimed to ease tailbone pressure and improve circulation. Options on the seat include a contrasting grain basket-weave and SaddleHyde cover, where the basket-weave seating area is said to allow for more breathability and extra traction when needed. There is also the choice of a leather covering with a tuck ‘n’ roll finish with no-show seams. The company’s seat offerings continue with the

Tuck ‘n’ roll is a finish option on the Profiler seats from Saddlemen

Saddlemen has the Street Two Up available as an aftermarket seat option for the H-D Street 500 and 750

The Road Sofa LS from Saddlemen has been developed specifically for use on Touring models

Road Sofa LS, which is available for Touring models. The newly refined unique split cushion design, which separates the lumbar support from the seating platform, which is claimed to reduce hot spots and tailbone pressure. In addition, the contours of the seat have been sculpted to provide the lowest ride possible. Ventilated soft upholstery seating leather is used on the Road Sofa LS to cover Saddlemen’s proprietary SaddleGel, which is used in conjunction with its advanced Progressive Density Foam (Pd-F). The thickness, shape and location of the SaddleGel is adjusted and combined with the Pd-F to produce a

seat core best suited for each ride. The Saddlemen Road Sofa LS accommodates the Harley-Davidson backrest option and a matching backrest / Tour-Pak pad cover is available to complete the custom look, and a further option is independent heating for driver and passenger. SADDLEMEN Rancho Dominguez, California, USA Tel: 310 638 1222

BDL Ball Bearing Lock-Up Clutch BELT Drives’ patented Ball Bearing Lock Up Clutch features a unique clutch mechanism that is said to significantly lighten clutch pull at the lever while providing slip-free lock-up. In order to achieve this, each unit

incorporates a designated number of steel ball bearings set in a model-specific diaphragm assembly. Replacing the factory pressure plate and springs, stock applications use the factory diaphragm

spring, and associated hardware, the new ball bearing diaphragm design provides feather light lever control, smoother operation and more positive lock-up. For racing applications BDL offers heavier carbide bearings that can be used to tune the clutch for varied applications. The BDL Ball Bearing Lock-Up Clutch is standard equipment with new 2in BDL belt drives and available for retro fit for most early BDL units, stock H-D models from ‘98 through ‘07 and ‘90 to ‘07 Primo Pro-Clutch belt drives. BELT DRIVES LTD Anaheim, California, USA Tel: 714 693 1313




Words: Duncan Moore - Pictures: Onno @ Madness Photography -

GRAPHITE SPEEDSTER In 2013, Winston Yeh entered the World Championship of Custom Bike Building, traveling all the way to Germany from Taiwan in order to do so. He was rewarded with the win in the Modified Harley class. In 2014, he once again made the trip from Taiwan to Germany, this time to compete in the Freestyle class with his Dyna based build Graphite Speedster

AVING won the Modified Harley class at the 2013 World Championship of Custom Bike Building, Winston Yeh returned in 2014 not to defend his title but to take on the Freestyle class. Due to the restrictions placed on custom bike builders in his home country of Taiwan, Yeh’s bike – Graphite Speedster – might at first look a little simple to be entered in Freestyle, but a closer look reveals just how much work has gone into radically changing a Dyna. In Taiwan, while it is possible to modify motorcycles, there are many issues to overcome, as Yeh explains: “My country has very strict regulations for custom motorcycles, they compare the modified bike to a picture of the stock bike. This means I can’t radically change the frame or put long forks on a bike, otherwise it would be impossible for the customer to change back if needed to pass the government inspection.” It was this need to retain the




The single rear shock has been integrated into the custom-machined billet aluminum backbone grafted into the stock frame

The ribbed rocker box covers used on the two S&S Cycle front heads are part of the extensive Rough Crafts product line

Inboard Beringer disc brakes were used to make the wheels look as though they were running drum brakes without sacrificing stopping power

stock bike’s silhouette that inspired Yeh to completely rebuild the frame on Graphite Speedster. After the bike had been stripped down, the frame was clamped in the frame jig and the down tubes, headstock and backbone were all cut off along with the stock swingarm, shocks and fender struts being discarded. The frame’s front down tubes were then replaced with polished stainless steel tubes which join a new stainless steel headstock that in turn bolts up to a backbone CNC machined from a piece of aluminum billet. It has been machined in such a way as to create cavities within that allow the bike’s electrics, which are carried on the inside of one-half of the removable gas tank, to be accommodated. That billet backbone is also used to house the single shock that now suspends the custom fabricated Softail style swingarm, which features CNC machined aluminum axle plates. However, unlike a Softail, the swingarm on this build has been designed to disguise it as much as possible, and when viewed from the side, the bike appears to be a hardtail. The concept of the bike being rigid is helped by the new seat rails incorporated into the frame’s redesign. he stock front end has been dispatched, to be replaced by a one-off Springer, which features machined billet aluminum rear legs combined with tubular front legs with stainless steel highlights. The twin shocks at the top of the forks were originally meant for use on a mountain bike, but pairing them together here, Winston has made them strong enough for use on a motorbike. To return the Dyna frame to a rolling package, a pair of Diesel wheels in Black Ops finish were sourced from Roland Sands Design. The front is a 3.5 x 18in and the rear is a 16 x 5in, and both were then shod with 5in wide Dirt Track Ribbed Firestone tires. The wheel package was complete with the use of Beringer inboard brakes chosen, as Winston explains “to give the look of vintage drum brakes, but the performance of a modern system”. A look that is further aided by the rear brake being housed in a modified sprocket. With the bike now a roller, Winston turned his attention to the engine. The original Dyna motor was stripped down and then rebuilt with S&S Cycle front


The left side of the split gas tank is used to house the bike’s battery and electronics, and is designed to be easily removed for maintenance



The headlamp grill is an example of the first part that was introduced to the Rough Crafts parts line and sits in front of twin mountain bike shocks on the custom Springer fork

heads being used on both cylinders. However, before fitting the heads the fins on them were turned down to give them a more rounded look when compared to stock heads. The top end work was completed with Rough Crafts own finned rocker box covers. A custom 2-into1 exhaust was then made up in stainless steel and fitted along with a pair of FCR carbs, one for each head. The engine was then finished with custom pushrod collars from regular Rough Crafts collaborators 2 Abnormal Sides, who also designed and created the tank and head badges on the bike. The gas tank, on which the badges sit, is a two-piece design that straddles the aluminum backbone. The right side houses the gas, and the left side carries the Ultrabatt batteries and electrics and is a quick detach design to allow easy access. he only other bodywork on Graphite Speedster is the one-off minimal rear fender mounted directly to the swingarm. This, the tank and frame were then all shipped to Air Runner Custom Paint for finishing before re-assembly began, which included the use of Rough Crafts’ mid-mounted foot controls, lights, gas cap and grips. Having won a supporting class at a previous World Championship of Custom Bike Building, Winston knew it would be a challenge to not only enter the Freestyle class, but also to place highly, especially given the constraints that are placed on his bike builds by the Taiwanese government. However, he rose to it and not only created a full custom build that can pass the Taiwanese government inspections, but was also good enough to impress his fellow competitors at the 2014 World Championship, who went and placed Graphite Speedster 4th in the highly competitive Freestyle class.


ROUGH CRAFTS Taipei City, TAIWAN The twin S&S front cylinder heads have been modified and fitted with FCR carbs and a custom stainless 2-into-1 exhaust



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DISTRIBUTOR Australia Rollies Speed Shop Tel: 07 3252 2129 Canada Preston Cycle Products Tel:(800) 265 2298 Parts Canada/Drag Specialties

Tel:(877) 717 2858 Europe Custom Chrome Europe Tel: 0049 (0)6721 4007 0 DÜX Industries Tel: 0049 (0)40 434037 Parts Europe Tel: 0049 6501 9695-2000 Motorcycle Storehouse Tel: 0031 (0)50 3039775

NETWORK Zodiac International Tel: 0031 (0)297 288 621 USA Bikers Choice Tel: (800) 347 8080 Custom Chrome Tel: (800) 729 3332 Drag Specialties Tel: (800) 222 3400 Kustomwerks Tel: (800) 498 4711 MID-USA Tel: (800) 527 0501 Tedd Cycle Tel: (914) 565 2806

w w w. b e l t d r i v e s . c o m

Motorcycle Storehouse B.V. Industrieweg 22, 9781 AC Bedum, The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)50-3039775 - Fax: +31 (0)503039777 If not, then you need to stock and sell the U.S.A’s fastest growing line of custom helmets

MCS Spainish agent Paloma Pinto Tel: +34 0 93 865 7427 - Fax: +34 0 93 865 7427 E-mail: MCS French agent Bruno Selle Tel: +33 (0)4 90 67 76 33 - Fax: +33 (0)4 90 67 92 11 E-mail: MCS German agent Rasi Bayazid Tel: +49 (0)211 289 0538 - Fax: +49 (0)211 289 0532 E-mail:

Contact: Al Sobel


Delray Beach. Florida. USA

Tel. TOLL FREE: 1-888 550 3731 Tel. Intnl: 1-561 330 3700 Fax: 1-561 330 2501



MCS Italian agent Marcello Fontana Tel: +39 0445 390437 - Fax: +39 0445 395539 E-mail

Tomás Cerny Moto Classic, s.r.o Royal Enfield Pro CR a SR Tel: 00420 775 997 648 e-mail:

MCS UK agent Simon Letts Tel: +44 (0)1892 668844 - Fax: +44 (0)1892 667722 E-mail:

Bad Boy Helmets Tel: 0031 (0)653 119 597 e-mail:



GZM/Accessories Unlimited Tel: 0034 96 6758000 Fax: 0034 96 6758015 e-mail:



This INDEX is a complete listing of all the items in this edition. It includes all our advertisers and the product, feature and news items published this month. The INDEX will act as a quick reference guide, and will be useful when searching this and other editions either for contact details for a particular company, or for a specific item that has appeared. The INDEX appears in every edition of AMD .


Bad Dad (US) Distributed by MAG Connection ..............................................................................14

AIM Corp (US) Clutches & gear kits ..............................................................................................64

Bad Dad (US) Speaker lids, tank cover and floorboards ..................................................................36

Arlen Ness Enterprises (US) Parts & accessories ........................................................................24-25

Barnett Clutches & Cables (US) Clutch tools for H-D ......................................................................29

Avon Grips (US) New GEL grip ......................................................................................................39

Bassani Manufacturing (US) Fishtails mufflers ................................................................................40

Bad Dad (US) Speaker lid package ................................................................................................57

Belt Drives Ltd (US) Ball Bearing Lock-up clutch ............................................................................52

Badlands Motorcycle Products (US) Parts & accessories ..................................................................59

Boogey Lights (US) Expands product line ......................................................................................27

Barnett Clutches & Cables (US) Throttle-by-wire extensions, distributor network ........................53,58

Brammo (US) Acquired by Polaris..............................................................................................17-18

Belt Drives Ltd (US) GMA calipers, belt drives, distributor network ........................................35,46,60

Cometic Gasket (US) Twin cooled head gasket ..............................................................................40

Biker's Choice (US) Twin Power oil and pistons ..............................................................................54

CV Performance (US) Harley CV carb vacuum slide ........................................................................22

Darkhorse Crankworks (US) Crank assembly balancing & rebuilds ..................................................29

Cyron (US) H4 LED retrofit headlight bulb ......................................................................................31

Deltran Corporation (US) Battery Tender chargers ..........................................................................51

Delicate Promotions (US) Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials ............................................................8

DP Brakes & Clutches USA (US) Brakes & clutches..........................................................................45

Design Engineering Inc (DEI) (US) Designed and engineered for heat protection ............................14

Drag Specialties (US) Customized 2010 Harley-Davidson XL1200N ................................................13

Drag Specialties (US) New lines ....................................................................................................47

Fehling (DE) Parts & accessories ....................................................................................................59

Drag Specialties (US) Spring regional showcases ..............................................................................8

Free Spirits Srl (IT) New parts for H-D Street 750 ............................................................................43

Easyriders Events (US) V-Twin Expo schedule..................................................................................12

Goodridge USA (US) Parts & accessories ........................................................................................60

F4 Customs (US) Vented FL screen ................................................................................................49

Hawg Halters Inc (US) Calipers, triple trees, front ends ....................................................................7

FireBrand Design (US) Exhibiting at V-Twin Expo with HardDrive ......................................................9

James Gaskets (US) Distributor network ........................................................................................59

Free Spirits (IT) Expands H-D Street product range..........................................................................27

Joker Machine (US) H-D Levers ......................................................................................................49

Freedom Performance Exhaust (US) Radical Radius XL pipes ..........................................................36

Kellermann GmbH (DE) LED indicators ..........................................................................................39

Gregg's Customs (US) Wicked Bagger bars ....................................................................................22

Kibblewhite Precision Machining Inc (US) Replacement wrist pin bushings......................................53

Hammerhead Engineering (US) Love Jugs' Cool-Master..................................................................40

Kustom Tech (IT) Parts & accessories ................................................................................................4

HardDrive (US) Make V-Twin Expo debut with Firebrand ..................................................................9

Lauge Jensen Engineering (DK) 'Sleipner' EURO 4 engine ..............................................................15

Harley-Davidson Motor Company (US) Fourth quarter figures ........................................................1,6

LePera Enterprises (US) Seats ........................................................................................................11

Harley-Davidson Motor Company (US) Signs long-term Sturgis sponsorship deal ..............................6

Mag Connection (FR) Distributor ..................................................................................................23

Hawg Halters Inc (US) Launches new website; new products............................................................9

Mid-USA Motorcycle Parts (US) Parts and accessories ....................................................................19

J&M Corporation (US) Integrated headset for Nolan helmets ..........................................................30

Motorcycle Storehouse (NL) Distributor, international sales offices........................................30-31,60

James Gaskets (US) Foamet and DL-Style gaskets ..........................................................................38

NAMZ Custom Cycle Products (US) Wiring harnesses & fluid lines ..................................................61

Kibblewhite Precision Machining Inc (US) H-D Flathead valves and guides......................................29

National Cycle (US) Windshields and accessories............................................................................61

Klock Werks (US) Fairing vent screens ............................................................................................31

Platinum Air Suspension (US) Side mount shock kits ......................................................................47

Küryakyn (US) Crusher Maverick 2:2 systems ................................................................................27

Pro-One Performance (US) Billet Bagger parts ................................................................................57

LePera Enterprises (US) Adds Solo to 'Stubbs' line ..........................................................................42

Rebuffini Cycles (IT) SR 45 Control lever for Harley-Davidson..........................................................33

Mag Connection (FR) Distributes Bad Dad and Arnott ....................................................................14

Renegade Wheels (US) Clear coat finish, copper wheels ................................................................37

Magnaflow (US) Ness designed exhausts now in production ..........................................................32

Rivera Primo (US) 6 speed conversion kit ......................................................................................51

Motorcycle Storehouse (NL) Extends range ....................................................................................49

Rush Racing Products (US) High performance products ..............................................................2,63

NAMZ Custom Cycle Products (US) New Badlands lines and 15th anniversary ................................41

S&S Cycle (US) Viola V-Twin engine rebuild program, S&S T143 engine, Power Tune ..............16,26,35

Perf-form Filters (US) Updated custom oil filter/cooler design..........................................................12

SBS Friction (DK) SBS brake pads ..................................................................................................28

Pickard USA (US) Rear air ride package ........................................................................................42

SDL Exhibitions (IE) 2015 Irish Motorbike & Scooter Show..............................................................21

Polaris Industries (US) Brammo is latest deal in acquisition plan ................................................17-18

Spectro Oils of America (US) Premium-quality lubricants ................................................................45

Polaris Industries (US) Fourth quarter figures....................................................................................8

Tech Cycle Performance Products (US) Belt drives & starters ..........................................................61

RC Components (US) RCX Power Max headers for touring models ................................................22

TecMate (BE) Optimate battery-saving charger, distributor network ..........................................46,58

Rivera Primo (US) New primary and lighting options ......................................................................32

TTS Motorcycles (DE) Rims & wheels..............................................................................................41

Rough Crafts (TW) Bike Feature: Graphite Speedster ................................................................55-56

Tucker Rocky Distributing (US) Twin Power oil and pistons ..............................................................54

S&S Cycle (US) Project Dragon ......................................................................................................10

Vance & Hines (US) Grenades 2-into-2 pipes..................................................................................48

Saddlemen (US) New seats for HD-Street and touring models ........................................................52

WUNDERKIND-Custom (DE) Design your own................................................................................59

SDL Exhibitions (IE) Dublin Show, World Championship Affiliate ....................................................15

Zodiac International (NL) Parts & accessories, new 2015 Bikers Book, European offices................5,58

TAB Performance (US) BAM Sticks slip-on mufflers ........................................................................27


Tech Cycle Performance Products (US) Contoured primary belt drive system....................................20

ACCEL Motorcycle Products (US) Bought by Z Capital Partners ......................................................64

Tucker Rocky Distributing (US) Expands Florida and Pennsylvania warehouses ................................12

Aerocharger (US) Bolt-on turbo systems for FI H-D ........................................................................38

W&W Cycles (DE) Launches 2015 catalog......................................................................................14

Arnott Air Ride Systems (US) Distributed by MAG Connection ........................................................14

WUNDERKIND-Custom (DE) New billet parts ................................................................................20

Avon Grips (US) Expands grip line..................................................................................................43

Zodiac International (NL) New additions to range ..........................................................................50



NEWS ACCEL bought by MSD

BRIEFS & Superchips owner Harley-Davidson is already celebrating the 5th anniversary of its presence in India. Operations started there in 2010 and has now sold more than 8,000 motorcycles in India through a network that now numbers 17 dealership in 14 cities. Industry legend Keith 'Bandit' Ball has been honored by the MRF (Motorcycle Riders Foundation) with a 2014 award of Excellence In Communication. Ball is best known for his site that he started 19 years ago, but his career has also included two spells as editor of Easy Riders magazine and as biker fiction author K Randall Ball. Industry veteran Paul Gomez has left Maywood, Illinois based National Cycle and returned to California to take up a new role with the exclusive US distributor of the British-owned Bull-Tec line of reinforced motorcycle jeans and apparel. Before moving to the Midwest to take up a role with J&P Cycles Pauls' career had included stints with Corbin Saddles and Arlen Ness Enterprises. Harley-Davidson has announced a recall of some 19,000 2012 Softails and Dynas because threads for the brakeline banjo bolt in the front brake master cylinder may corrode.


INVESTOR Z Capital Partners, the owner of El Paso, Texas based MSD Powersports, has added to its powersports portfolio by acquiring ACCEL. The Cleveland, Ohio based ACCEL group includes brands such as Mr. Gasket, Mallory Ignition, Lakewood, QuickTime and Hays. “The acquisition of ACCEL significantly enhances our position in ignition technology and allows MSDP to expand our product portfolio aimed squarely at diehard racing and street performance enthusiasts,” said Rick Ruebusch, Chief Executive Officer of MSDP. “ACCEL complements our existing brands, providing us with both increased capability and an unmatched footprint in the aftermarket. With this complementary acquisition and ACCEL’s impressive portfolio of brands, MSDP has an even greater ability to serve our customers with new, innovative product offerings.” Z Capital Partners bought MSDP out of Chapter 11 in December 2013. At that stage it was part of Autotronic Controls, which had been founded in El Paso, Texas, in 1970. The MSDP "portfolio" also includes the (originally British) Florida based Superchips/Vigilante engine tuner operation, meaning that the new group line-up now includes three different brands, engineering pedigrees and performance culture heritages, all of which have


product for the HarleyDavidson performance aftermarket. Z Capital Partners was founded in 2006 as an investment vehicle by James Zenni, who is Chairman of MSDP and CEO of Z Capital. “ACCEL is a natural fit for MSDP and a valuable addition to the company’s product portfolio,” said Zenni. “Since making our investment in December 2013 [in MSDP via its then named Hot Rod Brands LLC investment vehicle], MSDP has experienced significant growth, as well as enhanced its product innovation, brand marketing and distribution strategies. "We look forward to the company’s continued success with the addition of ACCEL and its impressive collection of brands.” According to Bloomberg Business Week, Mr. Zenni "has experience of investing in opportunistic, value-oriented private equity, mergers and acquisitions and related strategies". He co-founded Black Diamond Capital Management, L.L.C. (BDCM) in 1995, and was responsible for all portfolio management and business operations at the firm until he divested his ownership interest in 2006. Bloomberg

James Zenni founded Z Capital in 2006. Having acquired MSD (El Paso, Tx) and Superchips (Sanford, Fl) he has now added Cleveland, Ohio based ACCEL (and the group's other famous name brands such as Mr Gasket, Mallory, Hays and Lakewood) to his burgeoning powersports industry portfolio: "We look for businesses that have defendable market share and high cash-flow"

went on to say that "he was responsible for numerous distressed debt/private equity transactions at the firm." Z Capital Partners has approximately $1.9 billion of assets under management and offices in Lake Forest, IL, and New York, NY. The company says that their approach in private equity "includes making control investments in companies that may require growth capital, balance sheet and or operational improvements. Z Capital portfolio companies are said to currently have aggregate worldwide annual revenues of approximately $1.5 billion, sell products in over 30 countries, and employ in excess of 190,000 associates directly and through joint ventures.

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