Bagger Nation distributing Rockford Fosgate motorcyclespecific audio systems for Tourers AUL Yaffe's Phoenix, Arizona based Bagger Nation has announced an exclusive program of Tourer audio systems developed with noted sound specialist Rockford Fosgate. Bagger Nation has been working with Rockford Fosgate for two years to develop a line of motorcycle-specific stereo systems that feature a super high quality selection range of complete, model-specific fitments. Yaffe has been trialling some of the system components in his Bagger Nation custom tourer parts and accessories program for a year or so, but 2012 sees Bagger Nation and Rockford Fosgate step up to offer complete kits that include full wiring harnesses, hard mount/heatsink for the amplifiers and perfectly paired speakers. Yaffe told AMD "we have everything from basic 6.5 inch coaxial speaker upgrades to full six speaker, 600 Watt reference quality mind blowers". The brainchild of Tech-Gear EMMY winner and audio industry legend Jim
Fosgate, the Rockford Fosgate brand has been amongst audio technology innovators since 1973, the company was the first to develop a MOFSET design amplifier in the 1970s and more recently introduced the first automotive MP3 player and Dolby ProLogic II decoder, having entered the source unit business in the mid-1990s. With the tourer parts and accessories market proving to be one of the major growth areas for vendors and dealers alike in the past 5 years, and the bagger audio market in particular having emerged as a profitable new sector, Yaffe views the exclusive deal he has struck with Rockford Fosgate as a major business opportunity for his dealers. "I couldn't be more excited about the relationship between Rockford and Bagger Nation. When two market leaders get together, big things are bound to happen. "The Rockford Fosgate brand speaks for itself in the audio industry, and the quality of sound that we have been able to achieve in adapting their patented technology to the motorcycle
platform has surpassed all of our expectations. "We are now able to offer our dealers a complete new audio system for every Harley model with options at all price points. The Bagger Nation/Rockford program offers dealers a unique and uniquely profitable new business opportunity that can be marketed to their customer base as a genuine and exciting showroom traffic builder". Yaffe has also developed a new program of trike parts (tank, fenders, wheel adapters, rear lowering kit, rollpan handlebars and tour-pack) and has built a new project trike and trailer called "The Cycle Sound Lab" that will be making its custom parts and accessory industry debut at the V-Twin Expo, Cinncinati, in February - hot from the Rockford Fosgate booth at the Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show in January. The Bagger Nation program includes a new digital media center for Road Glides, the Rockford OEM Supreme Complete System, and a Rockford Road Glide "Super Stereo" Complete System, featuring up to eight speakers and BRT 344 amplifier.
FEB 2012
ISSUE #151
Confederate now shipping Mk III Hellcat
Steve McQueen Edition Road Test
Rafik Kaissi began planning RK S while travelling home from the 2009 World Championship of Custom Bike Building. His efforts paid off with the new bike placing 5th in the 2011 Championship; See pages 48-50
FEBRUARY 2012 (#151)
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ROBIN BRADLEY robin@dealer-world.com PUBLISHER SONJA WALLACE sonja@dealer-world.com EDITOR DUNCAN MOORE duncan@dealer-world.com INTERNATIONAL EDITORS AL FRANCK al@dealer-world.com DESIGN & PRODUCTION MANAGER BEN OAG ben@dealer-world.com
News ..............................................................................6-11, 72 Confederate now shipping Mk III Hellcat ............11 The latest motorcycle from Confederate - the C3 X132 – is now in production. The 132ci Copperhead motor used to power it is built around an engine case machined from two blocks of 6061 aircraft grade aluminum, rather than the more conventional forged design
Cathcart Report: Triumph Road Test ..........10-13 Steve McQueen was well known for his interest in motorbikes, and now Triumph has recognized that and one of his most famous film roles, with the release of a limited edition bike celebrating ‘The Great Escape’
Products: The new, the best and the must-haves ....................................24-46
neil@dealer-world.com PUBLISHING MANAGER
Wimmer Custom Cycle p.18
Bad Dad p.23
Samson Exhaust p.24
Wilwood Engineering p.24
Covingtons Cycle City p.27
Zodiac p.30-31
Drag Specialties p.34
Supertrapp p.35
George’s Garage p.40
BEN BRADLEY benb@dealer-world.com PROJECT MANAGER SARA VINEY sara@dealer-world.com ACCOUNTS MANAGER REBECCA SELL rebecca@dealer-world.com
Chapman House, Chapman Way, Tunbridge Wells Kent TN2 3EF, GB TEL: 0044 (0)1892 511516 FAX: 0044 (0)1892 511517
DISCLAIMERS No part of AMD may be reproduced or used in any way without permission. The views contained in AMD are not necessarily the views of the publishers. Every effort is made to ensure that all material included is as accurate as possible, however the publishers cannot be held responsible for any erroneous statements, facts, figures or mistakes. All trademarks, brand names and other key words are used purely for descriptive purposes. No approval, endorsement of, or involvement in the contents of AMD is implied by the use of these or any other words, names or marks associated with all or any companies. All trademarks acknowledged.
‘World Championship of Custom Bike Building’ is a registered trademark of Robin A. Bradley, Dealer-World.com
POST MASTER AMD (ISSN 1465-7627) is published monthly by Dealer-World.com, Chapman House, Chapman Way, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3EF, United Kingdom. Subscription price $200 per year. Postmaster: Please send address changes to: AMD, Dealer-World.com, Chapman House, Chapman Way, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3EF, United Kingdom or e-mail to ben.bradley@dealer-world.com
ISSN 1465-7627
VendorTech: S&S Cycle & Rivera Primo........................44 This month AMD introduces a new install and tech advice feature that allows leading parts and accessory vendors to share their wealth of custom and performance experience...
Bike Review: ‘RK S’ by RK Concepts........................48-50 It takes a special type of bike builder to create a bike from a single length of twisting 3.5in steel tubing. Rafik Kaissi is one such builder with his latest creation RK S...
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If for any reason you can’t connect via our toll free numbers then dial TEL: 01144 1892 511516 - Fax: 01144 1892 511517 AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE DEALER - FEBRUARY 2012
False dawn or fool’s gold? T the time of writing (early January) the latest batch of key economic indicators coming out of the United States are pointing to improving macro-economic growth, increases in manufacturing output and export earnings and, most importantly, further increases in employment. As ever, there is a huge debate to be had about the possible/probable nature of that employment - are they high value jobs or people taking multiple low value bill paying jobs in the absence of meaningful opportunities - but either way the worry remains whether or not continuing theoretically positive indicators any longer have a direct connection to the fortunes of specialty leisure dollar spend markets such as ours. As I have said before, the changes we have seen in the past five years are much more subtle than a simple tale of the rise and fall of economic activity. Some of the factors that fuelled our industry were indeed those same lending/borrowing practices that have so notoriously come back to bite us all, and some were other issues (such as outsourcing and institutional malpractice) that also affected all areas of economic activity. However, the bigger picture changes that have taken place in our small pond aren’t ones that are going to be addressed solely by a return to mainstream economic growth and improving consumer confidence alone. In the decade since wait lists for new Harleys peaked and the five or six years since custom v-twin builds started to decline, consumer expectations and demographics have moved on. The primary growth area of the past five years, namely parts and accessories for tourers, tells us much about where we are headed. Living as they do at the top end of the Harley-Davidson price point, owners of FLs have actually proven to be amongst the most resistant to sticker shock and the economic downturn something that is counter-intuitive to the orthodox understanding of how and where the recession has hit hardest. hat the growth of the tourer parts and accessories does reinforce is the interpretation of change that I have repeatedly pointed to in the past couple of years as being one in which ownership and rider expectations have been fundamentally reshaped by our market’s demographic, and not despite our dependency on older, wealthier consumers. As Drag Specialties’ CEO Fred Fox pointed out in his annual ‘state-of-themarket’ address to vendors at his company’s annual dealer showcase in August, the way in which Paul Yaffe has redeveloped his business model in the past few years (see cover story for latest Bagger Nation news) has been an excellent case study of how to respond to market changes and new opportunities. That is not to say that our industry is destined to live by baggers alone, far from it. But from engine and fuel management right through to suspension, performance and durability we have long since been trading in a market where the credit card has replaced the wrench-kit as the emergency roadside assistance
aid of choice. Amongst older riders the values that have been associated with car ownership for 20-30 years are no longer ones that they are prepared to assume motorcycle ownership should differ from, and among younger riders, while the development of the custom market has matured into a demand for a riding experience that is full of character and individualism, that experience is not one that such riders feel is furthered by discomfort or poor quality. Even the hardtails of the 21st century are expected to offer a riding experience that is superior to the earliest softails. While predictions about where our markets’ parts and accessories will take us in the years ahead vary widely, but the one common denominator that they will all share is that riders will continue to expect to be served with ever better products at ever better prices, and ever better riding experiences. The so-called riding experience of prior generations is no longer one that consumers will allow to shape and determine overall lifestyle choices and expectations. uite the reverse. The consumers that we will all be making our money from in the decades ahead expect their riding lifestyle to reflect and be consistent with the other disparate lifestyle choices and consumer tastes that they embrace. While there are many who will shed a tear for the riding values that brought us to where we are in motorcycling in general and owning and riding custom and custom-style motorcycles in particular, ceased to be a cult niche and transitioned into the business mainstream long before the economic apocalypse of 2008 and long before the custom v-twin market so spectacularly slashed its own throat. In this context, the biggest question we are faced with addressing isn’t so much what the changes have been, but to understand that the very nature of change is something that is around us and affecting us constantly. If the economic indicators emerging currently do indeed represent a foundation for any kind of rebound, then it is important to understand that consumer expectations simply will not allow our market to exist, never mind prosper, on any foundation other than one that makes sense of why they want to ride. Any growth that is based on anything other than a focus on the fundamentals of owning and riding a motorcycle, of keeping it well-maintained, looking good and being reliable, comfortable and fun will be fool’s gold.
disparate lifestyle choices and Q consumer tastes
Robin Bradley Co-owner/Editor-in-Chief robin@dealer-world.com
Confederate now shipping Mk III Hellcat CONFEDERATE Motorcycles’ third generation of Hellcat, the C3 X132, is now available. The new model, which was made available to pre-order in early 2011 prior to its launch, is based around the company’s 132ci Copperhead motor, which was developed in alliance with S&S Cycle.
Named after the F6F Hellcat fighter plane of WWII, the X132 Hellcat is built around a billet aluminum engine case. Instead of the usual casting method, the Hellcat’s case is machined from two blocks of 6061 aircraft grade aluminum. Talking about this change, H. Matthew Chambers, Confederate
Founder and CEO, says: “This new case unites America’s best V-twin technology (the engine design is based upon S&S Cycle’s X-Wedge) and America’s superior powertrain technology into a singularity. Although this is the most expensive material selection and craft methodology, it is simply the best approach for maximizing strength and guaranteeing permanence.” Confederate’s lead designer, Edward Jacobs, added: “We’ve always dreamed of designing the core of the machine. For the first time in our 21 year history, we’ve been able to do that with the unitized case of this new Hellcat. The result is the first pure and undiluted Confederate.” “Because we design and craft each Confederate motorcycle to be a multigenerational heirloom product, we require that each component, from the carbon fiber wheels to the smallest stainless steel bolts, be of the highest quality, no matter the cost. Our clients deserve nothing less,” said Clay Morrison, the company’s Director of Marketing. CONFEDERATE MOTORS INC Birmingham, Alabama, USA Tel: 205 324 9888 enquiry@confederate.com www.confederate.com
H-D closes Australian cast wheel plant HARLEY-Davidson has announced plans to close the Australian cast wheel manufacturing plant it purchased in 2006. New Castalloy was acquired by the Motor Company to ensure continuity of supply at a time when the facility, previously an outside supplier to H-D, was on the verge of closing due to the bankruptcy proceedings of its then parent company.
“The Company’s decision on wheel production follows a review of the long-term fit and competitiveness of the New Castalloy business with our strategy, and was not made lightly,” said Matt Levatich, President and COO, HarleyDavidson Motor Company (pictured). “New Castalloy has been a valued part of the Harley-Davidson team, and we appreciate the many significant
contributions of New Castalloy’s employees over the years.” Following-on from the planned
closure of New Castalloy, the Company will source cast motorcycle wheels and wheel hubs through other existing suppliers. The transition of supply is expected to be completed by mid 2013. The change of supply is expected to generate about $9 million in annual ongoing savings beginning in 2014, while H-D expects to incur about $30 million in restructuring charges related to the transition, including approximately $10 million in 2011 and $20 million in 2012. www.harley-davidson.com
2012 'Bikers Book' supplement ZODIAC has now released the 2012 supplement to the 38th edition of its Bikers Book parts catalog. The new supplement contains 288 full-color pages listing new products. New product highlights include Trollpack and Streetpack detachable top cases for Touring models, Texas Leather throw-over saddlebags, Softail swingarm bags and tool rolls, fixed
and detachable sissybars from Zodiac, new mufflers and complete exhaust systems, such as National Cycle’s Peacemakers, SuperTrapp, Kerker, Cycle Shack and S&S, reverse gear kits for five-and sixspeed Big Twin and Twin Cam transmissions, wheels, pulleys and disc brake rotors from Performance Machine, Roland Sands Design and now also from RC
Components, chrome aluminum license plate frames for almost any size license plate used in Europe and the latest additions to the Arlen Ness program.
Corbin partners with John Lehman passes V-Twin Marketing LEGENDARY motorcycle saddle manufacturer Corbin has hired V-Twin Marketing to assist with their advertising, marketing and PR efforts. Mike Corbin, President and founder of Corbin, stated “we chose V-Twin Marketing due to the marketing strengths, well executed PR campaigns and their total dedication to the motorcycle market. “We are taking Corbin to the next level and feel that Rick’s industry relations, among his many other talents, will help propel us forward”. Commenting on Corbin’s decision to hire his company, Rick Raus, President of V-Twin Marketing, said that “Corbin manufactures by far the best saddles in the industry. I’ve used Corbin seats on every bike I’ve ever built and am totally flattered to have Corbin choose V-Twin Marketing to help with their marketing and public
relations needs”. Founded in 1968, Corbin’s headquarters and manufacturing facilities are located at Hollister, California, in 82,000 square foot premises, where more than 100 craftspeople make every component of Corbin’s products by hand and in house. In addition to their well known saddles program, Corbin also offer custom fairings and saddlebags.
LEHMAN Trikes announced January 6 that founder John K Lehman passed away in Arizona on January 5 from a suspected heart attack. John built his first trike in 1984 and established Lehman Trikes Inc. with Larry Strilchuk in 1993. Since that time Lehman has been credited with doing much to create the trike market that we see today and was inducted into the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame in 2009. Known for his caring and charitable nature, Strilchuk said that “John Lehman was my lifelong friend and amazing partner. Through good times and bad times John’s gracious nature, love of family and friends and positive outlook always touched everyone who came in contact with him”. Lehman Trikes Inc had recently announced a letter of intent
from an investment group relating to the sale of Lehman Trikes USA, Inc. The passing of Mr Lehman will not materially affect that endeavor.
London International Classic and Custom show LONDON’S legendary Alexandra Palace (‘Ally Pally’) will again be hosting the London-based round of AMD’s World Championship of Custom Bike Building affiliate program on February 25th and 26th, 2012. This is the third year of the event and sees the show footprint extended to include the classic motorcycle market. This year’s Best in Show winner will again win bike freight expenses to compete at the World Championship at the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in August and will have a tough act to follow as the 2011 winner, Larry Houghton’s much admired “Son of a Gun” (a 1951 BSA 500 db32 Goldstar) went on to score second place in
August 2011 - the best ever World Championship result for a British custom bike builder. Organized by legendary British custom magazine Back Street Heroes the custom show at ‘Ally Pally’ is one of two events being operated in the UK this year by show organizer Andrew Greenwood. March 17th and 18th 2012 will see his first annual Manchester bike show staged at EventCity in Manchester, England.
Larry Houghton’s much admired 1951 500cc BSA Goldstar won at ‘Ally Pally’ in 2011 and went on to score second in the AMD World Championship at Sturgis in August 2011
W r i t t e n b y A l a n C a t h c a r t - c a t h c a r t @ d e a l e r- w o r l d . c o m • P h o t o c r e d i t : Ky o i c h i N a k a m u r a
Triumph Steve McQueen Edition road test WO decades after Steve McQueen’s tragic early death from cancer in November 1980, aged just 50, the world’s ongoing fascination with the movie star lives on. As the iconic Hollywood biker, whose movie exploits matched by his allround two-wheeled riding skills, especially off road, marked him out as a special person, the star of The Great Escape and the ultimate motorcycle movie, On Any Sunday, retains a special fascination for all bike enthusiasts. McQueen was reputed to own 138 bikes at the time of his death in 1980, many of them Triumphs, as was the bike in that legendary 1963 movie, The Great Escape. It told the true story of how 250 Allied P.O.W.s tunneled their way out of a German military prison during WW2, with McQueen cast as USAF pilot Captain Virgil Hilts. After making it out of the camp, Hilts steals a German army motorcycle (actually a Triumph disguised as a German bike at McQueen’s insistence) and after a chase sequence with German troops tries to escape to freedom by jumping over a 7ft high barbed-wire fence. The famous bike chase, which is an integral part of the film’s appeal was actually Steve’s own idea – originally, Hilts escape attempt was supposed to be by train, but McQueen is reported as approaching director John Sturges with the famous suggestion: “John, I’ve got an idea that will put more juice into
this... !” Steve McQueen performed all his own character’s motorcycle stunts in the escape scenes, except for the famous final jump over the wire, which the film’s insurers refused to let him attempt. Instead, the jump was performed by his friend and stunt double, Bud Ekins, but in the scenes leading up to the jump where Hilts is being chased by the Germans, director Sturges ran into a problem. McQueen as Hilts kept outrunning the less skilled stunt riders who were chasing him, so by way of a solution, Steve was first caught on film doing his own riding as Virgil Hilts, then changed into a German uniform and helmet, and was next filmed as one of the pursuing troops. So in fact, through clever film editing, in the final cut you see Steve McQueen chasing Steve McQueen, all on disguised air-cooled Triumph Trophy 650cc parallel-twins. And now Triumph Motorcycles has joined forces with Steve McQueen’s estate to create an officially licensed version of today’s classic Bonneville T100 air-cooled, parallel-twin, which pays tribute to the late actor’s love for British bikes. With the approval of McQueen’s son Chad, 1,100 individuallynumbered examples of the Steve McQueen Edition launched at the Milan EICMA Show in November are scheduled to be sold worldwide in coming months.
Continued on page 13 >>>
he price premium on these new bikes over the stock Bonneville T100 buys an undeniably coollooking bike, which is more a utilitarian warhorse than custom model in appearance, with a distinctly ‘60s feel, even if its design is inspired by the Trophy TR6 that McQueen and Ekins rode in The Great Escape. The Steve McQueen Edition features a series of modified parts aimed at taking it a step beyond a normal Bonneville model, painted in a military-style matte Khaki Green livery, with a rough cut-looking stencil-style Triumph decal on the tank, and the actor’s signature on the side covers. Sporting a specially-designed solo seat and black luggage rack, the McQueen Edition comes with a rugged-looking skid plate and smaller black-bodied headlamp, and features a host of other blacked out components, like the wheel rims and hubs, handlebars, rear springs, mirrors and front mudguard supports. And to confirm its provenance, each limited edition bike is individually numbered via a plaque on the handlebar riser, while owners will also receive a certificate of authenticity with their machine. he Steve McQueen Edition is based on the older Sixties-style T100 wire-wheeled version of the then born-again British manufacturer’s Bonneville model launched at INTERMOT 2000 as the foundation of its ‘Modern Classic’ line-up. Since then, Triumph has built more than 120,000 air/oilcooled, 790/865cc parallel-twins, spread between its Bonneville, Scrambler, T100, Thruxton, America and Speedmaster models. These models have been augmented by the cast aluminum-wheeled Bonneville update launched in 2009, subtly adapted to deliver a quite different, more Seventies-type look, as well as significantly altered handling via the single most obvious change to the aesthetics, the sevenspoke cast aluminum wheels each carrying 17in tires. The wire wheels fitted to the McQueen model are both shod with Metzeler tires, but the front one is a 19in delivering more languid, relaxed steering that’s further promoted by the more conservative front end geometry of the older model, with the nonadjustable 41mm Kayaba forks that offer 120mm of travel setting a rangier 28-degree rake angle, onedegree more than on the current cast-wheeled version. The larger diameter front wheel also has the effect of kicking out the wheelbase a couple of inches.
On top of that, the riding position is altered, too, with the stock T100’s very authentic ‘60s-looking flat platform that wasn’t very comfortable for very long, now replaced by a much more welcoming periodstyle single seat which is, while taller than today’s stock Bonneville, has been narrowed at the front to make it easier for shorter riders to touch both feet down at rest. The luggage rack behind the seat is a useful as well as very retro-looking item isually, though, the most striking features of the Steve McQueen Edition styling are the traditional peashooter exhaust silencers either side, plus the fact that the bike’s painted all over in the very distinctive matte Khaki Green livery, with the engine powder-coated black all over except for the cylinder fins. Triumph’s established 865cc air/oil-cooled, eightvalve parallel twin with modular chain/gear drive to the twin overhead camshafts, remains at the heart of the Steve McQueen Edition, complete with the 4mm overbore adopted across the range in 2005, and unchanged internally from then, still with a 360degree two-up crank which delivers a satisfying if muted traditional Brit Bike thump to the exhaust note. But thanks to the engine’s twin gear-driven counter-balancers, there’s absolutely no undue vibration of any kind felt through the seat, handlebar or footrests, even revved out to its 7,500rpm power peak, the torque summit is a little lower, with 50 ft/lb delivered at 5800rpm. But 90 percent of that torque figure is already delivered at just 2,500rpm, and this is maintained all the way through to the 8,000rpm redline, providing smooth, effortless acceleration as you run up the unchanged ratios in the five-speed gearbox. This had an exceptionally smooth, crisp shift action that made it the best gear change on any Triumph Bonneville I’ve yet sampled. he Bonneville’s broad spread of torque and accessible power, with just 67 horsepower to its name, makes it a relaxing, satisfying ride thanks to the Keihin EFI that arrived on the Bonnies for the 2008 model year, which delivers responsiveness and zest. Triumph has been at pains to make the throttle bodies look as if they were carbs, and the Keihin closed loop multipoint sequential EFI that’s been calibrated in-house at Hinckley to be five times cleaner than the previous carbureted version, is Euro 3 compliant thanks to the single three-way catalyst.
The sense of willingness conveyed by the wellmapped fuel-injected motor, which comes without being over-aggressive or snatchy, makes that ride down memory lane relaxing and fun. Limited to a manufacturing run of just 1,100 models, the Bonneville T100 Steve McQueen Edition is sure to jump straight to the top of the wish list of every one of the Hollywood movie actor’s fans - and who knows, maybe finally over that border fence. Let’s see you try it one more time, Virgil... TRIUMPH MOTORCYCLES (AMERICA) LTD. Newnan, Georgia Tel: 678 854 2010 www.triumphmotorcycles.com www.AMDchampionship.com
Beehive Valve spring kit for Evo/Twin Cam KIBBLEWHITE Precision Machining has taken advantage of the latest developments in valve spring wire chemistry and manufacturing techniques to develop ovate wire Beehive style springs for H-D applications. The company has not only explored new manufacturing techniques in the development of the high performance valve springs, it also used simulation and FEA analysis software to overcome the torsional stresses unique to ovate wire springs, which in the past had limited the parameters they could be used within. The new Beehive valve springs, which are available for use in ’84 – ‘11Evolution and Twin Cam engines, are progressively wound using heat-treated and shot-peened Kobe ‘SuperClean’ chrome silicon based wire. To insure correct assembly height and resist keeper pull through, the accompanying PosiLoc style retainers are designed with FEA software and made
from hardened steel. Also included are hardened steel base washers to locate the spring and control lateral movement. KIBBLEWHITE PRECISION MACHINING Pacifica, California, USA Tel: 650 359 4704 info@blackdiamondvalves.com www.blackdiamondvalves.com
Twin Cam air cleaner covers accent trim rings
carb or fuel injection. Two styles are being offered; either three- or five-spoke designs in a choice of chrome or black finishes. The interchangeable screens come in black and stainless, allowing the user to mix and match.
WIMMER Machine has introduced a new accent piece that fits the stock air cleaner cover on Twin Cam motors, either with a
WIMMER CUSTOM CYCLE Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, USA Tel: 215 721 4110 info@wimmermachine.com www.wimmermachine.com
WanaRyd Stark-line Series wheels WANARYD Motorcycle has introduced a new range of 3D, forged, one-piece billet wheels – the Stark-line Series. The Stark-line Series offers six different wheel designs as well as matching rotors in three different styles and sizes and matching pulleys (including cush drives). The wheels are offered to fit all ’84 – ’12 Harley-Davidson models and Victory Vegas, Kingpin, Kingpin Tour, Jackpot models. Size options are 30 x 4.0in (custom cut), 26 x 4.0in, 24 x 4.0in (custom cut), 23 x 3.5in, 21 x 3.5in, 21 x 2.15in, 19 x 3.0in, 19 x 2.15in, 18 x 3.5in, 17 x 3.5in and 16 x 3.5in for the front and rears can be ordered in 20 x 10in, 20 x 7.0in, 18 x 13in, 18 x 10.5in, 18 x 10in, 18 x 8.5in, 18 x 5.5in, 18 x 4.25in, 18 x 3.5in, 17 x 12in, 17 x 6.25in, 17 x 3.5in, 16 x 5.5in and 16 x 3.5in. Brake rotor options are 13in floating, 11.8in floating and 11.5in two-piece. Colton Curtiss, President of WanaRyd Motorcycle, said of his company’s wheels: “Our new Stark-line Series of wheels feature never before seen styles and technical innovations of precision one-piece forged billet motorcycle wheels. The revolutionary new finish we offer is totally unique and proprietary to WanaRyd Motorcycle and is quite a process for us to take on. Stark-line wheels have to be 3D machined, than
polished, black powdercoated and then re-machined a final time.” All Stark-line wheels come with a lifetime structural warranty and a two-year chrome warranty. WANARYD MOTORCYCLE Charleston,South Carolina, USA Tel: 888 926 2793 E-mail: sales@wanaryd.com www.wanaryd.com
Softail and Dyna Fuelpak at MAG Europe MAG Europe now has the Vance & Hines made Fuelpak available for use on 2012 HarleyDavidson Softail and Dyna models (with the exception of the 2012 CVO Softail Convertible). This, the latest LCD version of the Fuelpak, which allows for changes to the bike’s fuel management, has been designed to work with the new ECM and
OEM connectors for ease of installation and a simple push button interface for map data input with new map configurations constantly being added to the company’s database.
wire harness for the Softail and Dyna families in 2012. Features on the Fuelpak include duplicate
MAG EUROPE Denton, Manchester, UK Tel: +44 (0)161 335 9955 E-mail: sales@mageurope.net www.mageurope.net
New parts from Pistor MADE by Pistor has introduced a range of new small parts for the rear of Harley-Davidson motorcycles. The first of the new pieces is a rear rack lift kit. The kit has been created to raise the stock factory fitted luggage rack enough to clear a standard size German license plate. It is available in a choice of black or chrome finishes. However, Made by Pistor is also catering to users of the new smaller 180 x 200mm license plate with its new universal mounting plate, which is made from 3mm aluminum and mounts with stainless steel
The 3mm thick aluminum license plate mounts from Made by Pistor are marked for drilling to fit various options
The universal rear reflectors from Pistor have a perforated mount to allow them to be set at any angle
The Made by Pistor rack kit raises the stock H-D rack to clear standard German license plates
bolts. Mounting holes are marked for drilling on the mount to suit all license plates and the most common H-D license plate holders.
Pistor is also offering a universal rear reflector, which can be used on its own or in conjunction with the company’s license plate holder. The mount is perforated to allow it to be easily bent to allow it to be set perpendicular to the road. The included reflector is E-marked for use in Europe. MADE BY PISTOR Bibertal, GERMANY Tel: +49 (0)8226 9181 E-mail: info@madebypistor.de www.madebypistor.de
Bad Dad fenders BAD Dad is now using RTM injection for the construction of many of its custom front fenders, which it claims allows it to produce fenders that are strong, precision fit, and feature a smooth exterior and interior. The RTM fenders are available for 21in and 23in wheels in both a classic FL style design and also the streamlined look of the Bad Dad ‘Wrap’ fender. All
of the company’s front fenders are pre-drilled and pre-fitted for easy installation and include chrome mounting spacers.
BAD DAD CUSTOM FINISHES Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA Tel: 260 407 2000 sales@baddad.com www.baddad.com
Bare Knuckle Choppers SS seat springs BARE Knuckle Choppers is now offering 3in stainless steel seat springs. Made in the USA, the polished finish alleviates the need for chrome plating which can flake off, and they are said to be 20 percent stiffer than other springs available.
BARE KNUCKLE CHOPPERS Wright City, Missouri, USA Tel: 636 262 6591 E-mail: nic@bareknucklechoppers.com www.bareknucklechoppers.com
Sportster tank lift kits LICK’S Cycles’ Sportster tank lift kits have been designed to give the bike an aggressive look without the need to do any cutting. The tank lift brackets are formed from steel and finished in black powder coat with laser etched Lick’s logo. They bolt in place on ‘95 to present XLs and lift the front of the tank a full 2.5in. LICK’S CUSTOM CYCLES Clarksburg, Massachusetts, USA Tel: 413 663 9050 lickscycles@gmail.com www.lickscycles.com www.AMDchampionship.com
Samson True Dual ‘Crossover’ Bike Bumper motorcycle for Softails fairing protector
SAMSON’S True Dual ‘Crossover’ system is now available to fit most Harley-Davidson Softail models. The systems, which include 4in x 30in mufflers with dB Killer baffles and billet end caps, feature a patented muffler design said to create negative pressure that scavenges exhaust gases for increased horsepower, torque and fuel mileage and reduces noise levels without any loss in performance. The True Dual design also eliminates the rear crossover pipe to the front pipe, which is said to provide a cooler ride for both rider and passenger. Available to fit 2012 Harley-Davidson Softail motorcycles (‘06 and earlier models require O2 sensor plugs), the C.A.R.B. approved pipes are finished in Samson’s exclusive Quad Chrome plating with the option of black ceramic finish on request and feature removable 21⁄4in full coverage head pipe heat shields pre-installed.
SAMSON MOTORCYCLE PRODUCTS Brea, California, USA Tel: 714 518 2480 E-mail: info@samsonusa.com www.samsonusa.com
’84 onwards. The front GP310 calipers mount directly to the Factory location, while the rear units require a model-specific bracket kit. The calipers feature stainless steel pistons, high temperature seals, anti-rattle pad clips, and are available in chrome, polished, black, red and other custom Wilwood colors.
BIKE Bumper is a new product from Cycle Sounds that has been created to protect the stock Harley fairing, with an additional design for the Road Glide fairing in development. The Bike Bumper fairing protector covers the entire outer fairing with heavy canvas material with Neoprene padding at the outer edges where the fairing is most vulnerable to damage during transport on either an open or closed trailer. Hold-down straps attach the Bike Bumper to prevent the cover shifting or flapping.
WILWOOD ENGINEERING Camarillo, California, USA Phone: 805 388 1188 E-mail: customerreply@wilwood.com www.wilwood.com
CYCLE SOUNDS Lees Summit, Missouri, USA Tel: 866 427 2346 E-mail: sales@cyclesounds.com www.bikebumper.com
Wilwood GP310 MPR brake kits WILWOOD Engineering has introduced its GP310 MPR brake kits for H-D applications. The kits, which are made up of Wilwood’s GP 310 four piston calipers with BP-10 ‘Smart Pads’ and MPR polished stainless steel rotors, are available for Softail, Dyna, and Touring model Harley-Davidsons from
Rivera Primo carbon fiber belts
RIVERA Primo has followed the example set by the Motor Company and has released a line of carbon fiber reinforced final drive belts. The use of carbon fiber in the belts is claimed to allow them to be made narrower, while still being capable of handling a large amount of horsepower and torque. Indeed, Rivera Primo
says its carbon cord belts have 25-30 percent more horsepower holding capacity then regular Kevlar reinforced belts. The Primo Poly Carbon GT belts are available in 1.5in width for use on ’85-’00 H-D models and also 30mm and 1.125in wide options in teeth counts from 125 up to 150.
RIVERA PRIMO Whittier, California, USA Tel: 562 907 2600 E-mail: info1@riveraprimoinc.com www.riveraprimoinc.com www.AMDchampionship.com
Ultra speaker grills COVINGTONS’ newest parts introductions are replacement speaker grills for use on Ultra models. CNC machined from billet aluminum, they replace the stock grills on ’93 and later bikes. Finish options are chrome, black anodized, or black anodized with diamond cut edges. COVINGTONS CYCLE CITY Woodward, Oklahoma, USA Tel: 580 256 2939 E-mail: info@covingtonscyclecity.com www.covingtonscustoms.com
Paughco frames and fenders Bobber frame has been created for use with ’86 – ‘03 Sportster engines and features a 11⁄2in single loop downtube and 11⁄8in lower frame rails. For ‘04 and later rubber mount engines Paughco is offering a chassis that accepts all of the OEM mounting hardware. It has a 11⁄2in backbone and 11⁄4in downtubes. Both frames are available with a choice of rake and stretch. Catering to the needs of Bobber builders further, Paughco is able to offer bobbed front fenders specially designed for use with its own and early OEM Springers with brackets repositioned for correct clearance and bobbed look. Bobber rear fenders from Paughco come pre-cut with an early style rounded design. Rear fender struts include integrated chain guard mount and chain splash shield.
PAUGHCO is now offering two different styles of rigid frame for use with Evo-engine Sportster drivetrains. The single loop rigid
The 135EPB fender has been designed to fit special order Paughco Wide Springers fitted with upper fender tabs and special rocker studs
PAUGHCO Carson City, Nevada, USA Tel: 775 246 5738 E-mail: info@paughco.com www.paughco.com
Paughco has two new frame options for Sportster drivetrains from either ’86 – ’03 or ’04 and later www.AMDchampionship.com
New parts from Küryakyn KÜRYAKYN continues to release new chrome accessories and performance parts and among the latest parts to be launched is the Chrome Crusher Power Cell exhaust for Softails. Designed by Mike Roland as a component of the company’s Perfect Storm tuning package, the 2-into-1-into-2 exhaust fits ’86-’11 Softails.
Two LED illuminated frame options are available for the Küryakyn curved license plate for CVO Road Glides and Street Glides
Küryakyn’s Chrome Crusher Power Cell exhaust system is now available to fit Softail models
The design team at Küryakyn appreciate that some riders often need to transport their bikes by trailer and to cater for those riders they have created tie-down brackets for Street Glide and CVO models. The brackets bolt on between the stock turn signal or passing lamps, and fit ’06-’12 FLHX, ’04-’05 FLHTCSE, ’06-’12 FLHTCUSE, ’10-’11 FLHXSE and any Touring model equipped with Küryakyn 5005 or 5029 driving lights. The tie-down brackets from Küryakyn are a bolton fit for Street Glide and CVO models
With the number of handlebar mounted electronic accessories constantly increasing, Küryakyn has created its universal handlebar accessory mount to allow riders to use them on their bikes. Available for both 1in and 11⁄4in ‘bars, the adjustable swivel-head mount will attach cell phones, MP3 players or almost any portable device with an AMPS four-bolt pattern. When not in use the quick detach mounting plate leaves a simple clamp in place. Specifically for CVO Road Glides and Street Glides, Küryakyn now has two bolt-on, plug-and-play options to replace the fender-mounted, black plastic, stock license plate mount. The Küryakyn chrome mounting back plate can be used with a choice of the curved LED lighted frame or the curved LED lighted ‘Tri-Light’ frame. Both options fit ’09 FLTRSE CVO Road Glides and ’10-’11 FLHXSE CVO Street Glides. Lower leg deflector shields from Küryakyn are supplied with fender boss covers
Küryakyn’s lower leg deflector shields with fender boss covers can be used to protect the lower fork legs on ’86-’12 FLST models (except FLSTSB, FLSTS, FLSTSC, ’91-’10 FXST, FXSTB, FXSTC), or to cover up existing damage. The shaped tapered steel covers are supplied with ABS covers to dress-up the area around the fender mounting bosses.
The new handlebar accessory mount will work with anything that has an AMPS four-bolt pattern www.AMDchampionship.com
KÜRYAKYN USA Somerset, Wisconsin, USA Tel: 715 247 5008 E-mail: salessupport@Küryakyn.com www.Küryakyn.com
New products at Zodiac AMONG the new in-house branded parts being offered by Zodiac in 2012 are black billet aluminum forward control kits for four- and five-speed Softail models and four-speed FX and FL models. Finished with black anodizing, the parts feature contrasting machined highlights and include a billet aluminum 3⁄4in bore Kelsey-Hayes type master cylinder and rubber band equipped foot and shifter pegs. The brake pedal and shift lever both rotate on bronze bushings. The kits are available as a stock replacement for all four- and fivespeed Evolution Softail models including most aftermarket style Softail frames, as well as all four-speed FX and FL models from ‘58 – ‘86. On some ‘80 – ‘84 FXE models the right side-mounting tab might not be installed and these models require installing a weld-on mounting tab (Zodiac part number ZPN 233527). A second Zodiac product line is a range of LED indicator lights, which fit the 5⁄16in holes used in most dashes, control light panels and handlebar clamps. The Zodiac lights have a stainless steel bezel and come with 30in leads. Lens colors offered are clear, blue, green, red and amber. A new vendor to Zodiac is RC Components and the European distributor now has a selected range of
Zodiac’s black billet aluminum forward control kits fit four- and five-speed Softail models and fourspeed FX and FL models
wheels, disc brake rotors and belt pulleys available from the US manufacturer. From the many designs RC Components has, Zodiac has the three most popular ones in the most popular sizes, for the most popular models and in polished or Eclipse finishes. The Eclipse finish is achieved when the wheels are powder coated black and machined to expose bare aluminum. The wheel sizes available from stock at Zodiac are 18 x 3.50in, 19 x 3.00in, 21 x 2.15in, 21 x 3.5in front and 18 x 3.50in, 18 x 5.50in, 18 x 8.50in for rear. Matching disc brake rotors and matching belt pulleys are also available. A second new US vendor that Zodiac is working with is Biltwell, whose Dogbone style riser top clamps are now available. The use of the stainless steel clamps is recommended when handlebars with a wire hole between the risers are used, particularly in combination with rubber handlebar damper kits.
The Dogbone style riser top clamps from Biltwell are manufactured from stainless steel
Zodiac’s LED indicator lights fit the 5⁄16in holes used in most dashes, control light panels and handlebar clamps
The three most popular styles of wheel from RC Components are now available through Zodiac, along with matching pulleys and rotors
Designed to fit the left-side of Softail swingarms, the Texas Leather saddlebags are offered in a choice of finishes
The clamps can be ordered in a choice of polished or black finishes. The Texas Leather Softail swingarm bag is, like the rest of the Texas Leather line of luggage, exclusively available from Zodiac. The Softail swingarm bags are made from cowhide leather, and feature extra wide 1in straps and are available in a choice of plain black with matte buckles, natural brown with chrome buckles or black with chrome studs and chrome buckles. Straps to tie the bag to the swingarm are included. The shape of the bag matches the lines of the left-side of the Softail’s swingarm. The bag’s front height is 141⁄4in, rear height 61⁄4in, 10in long and 5-1⁄4in deep, with a capacity of 9.5qt.
ZODIAC INTERNATIONAL Mijdrecht, NETHERLANDS Tel: +31 (0)297 288 621 E-mail: sales@zodiac.nl www.zodiac.nl AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE DEALER - FEBRUARY 2012
New lines at Drag Specialties DRAG Specialties continues to expand its own line of products with the introduction of a new LED low profile taillight, which is said to be lower than a laydown lens. The Drag Specialties light features a 56-LED board, is DOT-approved, offers the choice of top, bottom or no tag light and a choice of red or smoke-tint lenses. The low-profile taillight has been designed for use on most ‘99-‘12 models with conventional ‘Squareback’ taillights.
Drag Specialties’ low profile taillight is lit by a 56-LED board
A second new line from the Janesville-based distributor is its line of driver backrest kits for Dresser/Touring models. The backrests have been created to work with ’88 and newer Dresser or Touring model OEM slotted seats. They use a framemount EZ Glide receiver mechanism that allows for mounting a choice of pad and includes polished and chrome-plated hardware with a design that provides 2in of fore and aft adjustment and pivots out of the way to make it easier to get on and off the bike. Pad
The Super Clamp one-piece riser clamp for 1in handlebars is by Bagger Nation
The driver backrest kits for Dresser and Touring models work with ’88 and newer OEM slotted seats
The latest Danny Gray seat is the Airhawk Longhaul 2-Up XL
options includes Drag Specialties’ solar reflective leather or a pillow-style pad to match pillow-style seats. Alongside its own range of seating options, Drag Specialties offers the Danny Gray Airhawk Longhaul 2-Up XL seat for use on Dressers. The new seat offers a wide seating area and generous back support, and integrates the ‘Airhawk Comfort Seating System’ with a built-in pump and relief valve that allows the user to adjust air pressure while seated, providing a custom contoured fit. An additional feature on the new seat is the patent-pending ‘Dry Flotation’ design that channels airflow to keep the seat cool and dry. The seats, with Drag Specialties custom stitch pattern using charcoal gray thread, are available for ‘08-‘12 FLHT, FLHR, FLHX and FLTR models. Continuing the parts options for Baggers, Drag Specialties is now able to offer Paul Yaffe’s Bagger Nation Super Clamp one-piece riser clamp for 1in
handlebars. The clamp features three ¼in-20 setscrews to prevent slipping and is designed to accommodate internal wiring. It fits most ‘84-‘12 bikes with 3½in on-center risers and offset mounting holes. DRAG SPECIALITIES Janesville, Wisconsin, USA Tel: 608 758 1111 E-mail: drag@dragspecialties.com www.dragspecialties.com
Ultima Shovelhead in black MIDWEST Motorcycle Supply has introduced a new version of its Ultima Shovelhead motor. The latest version of the engine features a black finish. The 96ci capacity motor has a 3.625in bore and 4.625in stroke. The compression ratio is 9.5:1 and it makes use of forged pistons and a five-piece forged flywheel.
MIDWEST MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY Pevely, Missouri, USA Tel: 636 931 3200 E-mail: midwest@midwest-mc.com www.ultimaproducts.com
SuperTrapp and Kerker Imposters SUPERTRAPP has its Imposter exhausts available under both the SuperTrapp and Kerker brands. The new pipes have been designed for use on 2-into-1 equipped Baggers to create a ‘True Dual’ look. The Imposter is a non-functioning, cosmetic, leftside pipe that mounts at the transmission bracket and to the stock muffler mount bracket. The Imposter does not connect to the 2-into-1 head pipe. It is available in chrome or black finishes for both the tunable, disc-based SuperTrapp 2-into-1 SuperMeg or the non-disc Kerker 2-into-1
SuperMeg. The SuperTrapp Imposter includes twenty 4in discs and a closed end cap. The SuperTrapp and Kerker Imposter each include a heat shield, and are available to fit ’85 – ’08 and ’09 – ’12 FLH models. SUPERTRAPP INDUSTRIES Cleveland, Ohio, USA Tel: 216 265 8400 E-mail: sales@supertrapp.com www.supertrapp.com
Motor Trike Billet brake switch manifold mechanical reverse MOTOR Trike has released its new mechanical reverse gear, which it says is suitable for use on motorcycles, trikes or sidecars. The Motor Trike reverse offers an electronic kill switch to prevent transmission damage. If the reverse and the transmission are engaged in gear at the same time, the kill switch will stall the engine. The reverse is clutch operated, which is said to
KT Components, a division of Kendon USA, is now manufacturing and distributing a billet brake line manifold. Machined from 6061-T6 billet aluminum, the manifold accepts the stock brake light switch, and it bolts directly to the rear transmission cover bolts and designed to be compatible with Big Twin Evo and Twin Cam machines with left or right side drive. KT COMPONENTS Anaheim, California, USA Tel: 714 630 7144 E-mail: info@kendonusa.com www.kendonusa.com
eliminate any strain on the electrical system. It has been designed to work with OEM header pipes on the following applications, ‘99 – ‘06 five-speed standard or hydraulic clutch, ‘07 – ‘08 six-speed standard or hydraulic clutch and ‘09 and onward sixspeed standard or hydraulic clutch. On ’07 to present Softail bikes (except Springer) a braided steel oil line kit is required. The use of a true dual system may be required to use the reverse on the Softail. Bikes with a hydraulic clutch require a longer clutch push rod. MOTOR TRIKE INC Troup, Texas, USA Tel: 903 842 3094 E-mail: info@motortrike.com www.motortrike.com
KickShoe kickstand coaster BRUKUS Motorcycle Parts latest addition to its range of parts is the KickShoe. It has been designed to securely attach to H-D’s Touring bike kickstands to help stabilize the bike on soft and uneven surfaces. The KickShoe was designed to do away
with the need to carry a kickstand pad and then the struggle to put it in place. With the KickShoe users have an attached coaster that is easily removed if no longer needed. It is made of polished aluminum, ABS plastic and polycarbonate and includes a stainless steel binding pin to hold it in place. There are currently two models of KickShoe available. One model
fits all Harley Touring bike kickstands ‘06 and older. And another model fits all Harley Touring bike kickstands ‘07 and newer. BRUKUS MOTORCYCLE PARTS Mount Pleasant. South Carolina, USA Tel: 843 822 6582 www.brukus.com
Vance & Hines Shortshots Staggered VANCE & Hines’ 2012 Shortshots Staggered pipes now feature a new flat plane mounting panel for the 12mm oxygen sensors. Used on the pipes for Softails, the panel positions the sensor deeper into the exhaust stream, which is claimed to provide enhanced data feedback to the ECM. The two-into-two system, available in chrome or matte black finishes, features full-length heat shields, is fitted with louvered-core baffles, and can also be fitted with optional quiet baffles. VANCE & HINES Santa Fe Springs, California, USA Tel: 562 921 7461 E-mail: sales@vanceandhines.com www.vanceandhines.com
News tools from George’s Garage GEORGE’S Garage is preparing for the 2012 riding season with the launch of a new range of specialist tools specifically for use on H-Ds. The George’s Garage drive gear seal and bearing installer allows for perfect alignment and mounting depth when installing a new drive gear bearing and seal to specific Big Twin machines. The new tool has been designed for use on ’06 to present Dynas and ’07 to present FL and FXST models. The installer should be used in conjunction with a hydraulic or arbor press. Drive seal Continuing with bearing installer the bearing tools,
Main drive gear tool
Primary bearing installer
George’s Garage is now offering a main drive gear and bearing remover/installer. It has been designed to remove and install the main drive gear and main drive gear case bearing on ‘06 to present Dynas and ‘07 to present Twin Cam machines. All hardware is
Grade 8 and includes a ‘NICE’ bearing and thumb screws to attach the puller plate. The third new bearing tool to come from George’s Garage is its primary bearing remover/installer, which is a multi-piece tool allowing precise removal and installation of both the primary case bearing and seal on ’84 – ‘86 FXST and FLST, ’85 – ‘06 FLT, FLHT, FXR and FXDWG models, except ‘06 Dynas. The large mainshaft seal installer is for use on ’06 to present Dyna and ‘07 Main shaft to present Twin Cam seal installer engines. The installer is said to insure a leak-free seal with proper depth and alignment. It has been created for use in conjunction with a driver handle from George’s ‘small’ mainshaft seal installer. Starter jack shaft tool
For use on ’94 – ‘06 Big Twins (except 06 Dyna models), George’s Garage has created the starter jackshaft seal installer/remover. It slides through the new seal and then into the bushing. The handle of the installer is also designed for use in removing the old seal.
Fuel pump retainer
The final new piece from George’s is the FL fuel pump retainer tool for use on ‘08 to present FL models. Use of the tool allows mechanics to gain access to the pump and then refit while guarding against damage and subsequent leakage issues. GEORGE’S GARAGE Ontario, California, USA Tel: 909 843 7043 E-mail: sales@georges-garage.com www.georges-garage.com
Custom options from KewlMetal Kiru style front fender
KEWLMETAL continues to cater for riders opting to run speedo bezel cover, which over-sized front wheels on fits all tank-mounted Victory motorcycles with the Custom speedos on Softail, Nostalgia introduction of its Kiru style speedo bezel and Road King models. front fenders, which are cut cover for H-D The machined billet to suit 21in to 30in front aluminum bezel can be wheels. ordered in chrome, black The fenders are designed to powdercoat or brushed mount on KewlMetal’s sixaluminum finishes. degree front end for Victory Cross Country models and are available in sizes to match 19 x 2.15in, 19 x 3.0in, 21 x 2.15in, 21 x 3.25in, 23 x 3.75in, or 26 x 3.75in wheels. KEWLMETAL Finish options include raw steel, raw Prescott, Arizona, USA aluminum, chrome or custom painted. Tel: 623 298 7181 Although better known for its Victory parts sales@kewlmetal.com and accessories, KewlMetal also caters for www.kewlmetalstore.com H-D riders as evidenced by its custom
RSD expands Black Ops line ROLAND Sands Design (RSD) has expanded the number of pieces it is offering with its proprietary Black Ops finish to include parts made from steel. The Black Ops has both textured black and a gloss black finish on one part, and it is now being offered on the company’s Vintage handlebars, clip-on bars and fork braces. The Vintage, Vintage King Apes and Vintage Shortstack handlebars, now available in Black Ops finish, are slotted and drilled for internal wiring and feature multi-hole drilled corner gussets for strength and rigidity. Continuing the handlebar options finished in Black Ops, RSD is offering its adjustable pull-back clip-on bars in the textured coating. The clip-ons, available for use on 39mm, 41mm and 49mm fork legs, mount between the top and bottom triple clamps with a fixed 5 degree down angle and replace top mounted handlebars and risers.
The range of handlebars that can be ordered in Black Ops include the Vintage Shortstack
Both the Wide Glide and Narrow Glide fork braces from Roland Sands Design can be ordered in Black Ops
The Back Ops options for the front of the bike continue with the inclusion of fork braces for use on either Wide Glide and Narrow Glide forks. The laser cut 1018 3⁄16in steel braces replace the stock fender. ROLAND SANDS DESIGN Los Alamitos, California, USA Tel: 562 493 5297 E-mail: info@rolandsands.com www.rolandsands.com
The clip-on bars from RSD are now available in the company’s unique Back Ops finish www.AMDchampionship.com
Welcome to VendorTech - an all new feature in AMD Magazine that will spotlight technical and product advice and fitment recommendations from aftermarket vendors. Ours is a market populated by industry professionals with unparallelled experience and knowledge, and AMD is pleased to offer them this opportunity to share their insights with the dealer and customizing community ...
Rivera Primo RIVERA Primo has long been known for its line of primary drives, clutches and transmissions and induction solutions. What it is less well known is that they also offer solutions for poor handling bikes. The company’s Stiffey is available to fit ’80 – ’08 FL models and is said to improve the bike’s handling by reducing rear end wobble. Ben Kudon, Rivera Primo’s Sales and Marketing Director, told AMD Magazine about how the Stiffey came about. “The idea for the Stiffey was originally developed by an old friend of ours by the name of Russ Romero, a die-hard gearhead and racer. We refined the idea and after months of gruelling testing finally released the current product.” The Stiffey is a set of aircraft quality steel replacement swingarm blocks, designed to alleviate the feel of rear wheel steering. Ben explains the benefits, “The Stiffey is cheaper by at
Ben Kudon, Sales & Marketing Manager
least half then the other types of suspension ‘stiffeners’, which typically grab the frame rail and trans to minimize wobble and incidentally often reduce ground clearance. The Stiffey attacks the problem from where it is initiated, by encapsulating the swingarm pivot shaft and reducing movement in the shaft and rubber mount. The Stiffey takes an average of approximately 30 minutes to install, the other products typically take 2 - 4 hours. So, to sum it up, the Stiffey is lots cheaper then the ‘other’ guys, it takes very little time and effort to install, so that a consumer could do it easily if so inclined, and last but certainly not least, our dealers make a good profit at the same time because the Stiffey does work, and makes his customer happy. It’s a win-win situation!” RIVERA PRIMO Whittier, California, USA Tel: 562 907 2600 E-mail: info1@riveraprimoinc.com www.riveraprimoinc.com
S&S Cycle Stealth air cleaner THE new Stealth air cleaner from S&S Cycle is described by the company as being one of the cornerstones of its four-step tuning program for 2012. Talking about the design and development of the Stealth, Scott Sjovall of S&S Cycle explained: “We called it the Stealth air cleaner because customers can choose to run their stock air cleaner covers over the filter/backplate assembly for a ‘sleeper’ look, or they can choose to run one of our new covers, which includes the first update of our famous teardrop shape since the release of the E & G carbs over 20 years ago. “The Stealth air cleaner is priced very competitively compared to its competitors and offers as much or more performance with the S&S quality and ease of assembly. In fact, the whole kit was designed around simplicity, ease of installation, ease of maintenance and, of course, performance. It is the only air cleaner of its kind to incorporate the ‘stinger’ to direct and smooth airflow into the engine that has been an integral part of our teardrop air cleaner covers since we started selling them with the legendary L carbs in the ‘60s.” The air cleaner cover which Scott talks about was designed as an update of the classic S&S teardrop with the advantage of offering increased air flow. However, it is not the only cover option for the Stealth, as S&S is also offering several minimalistic billet covers in a choice of black or chrome that leave the air filter element and back
plate exposed for a more industrial look. One of the covers, the ‘Muscle’ uses miniature hood pins similar to those that held the hoods down on the muscle cars of the late ‘60s and early seventies hence the design’s name.
Head of Product Development, Scott Sjovall
Sjovall had this to say on the benefits of the new air cleaner’s design: “We designed the backplate to be a bolt-on part with minimal fasteners and assembly required. No shims to worry about, no breather lines to hassle with and internal hardware that is locked in place so that it can’t come loose and be ingested into the motor.” He carried on saying: “Because we designed the stinger section of the air filter to be a separate piece from the element, it makes the filter replacement much more affordable when the need comes to change it. The element is washable though and should never need to be replaced unless it is damaged, or the
owner just chooses to change it.” The kits are available for almost every Big Twin and Sportster application from ’91 XL and ’93 Big Twins to the 2012 models. The air cleaner kits and the covers are sold separately or as a kit, allowing dealers to decide how they want to stock them and to make the product line more flexible.
S&S CYCLE La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA Tel: 608 627 1497 E-mail: sscust@sscycle.com www.sscycle.com www.AMDchampionship.com
Rafik Kaissi first entered the World Championship of Custom Bike Building in 2009 with his ‘Chain Bike’, a bike that redefined what was possible to achieve with a ground-up custom build and featured a frame that looked like it was made out of over-sized sections of drive chain, and a fuel tank that the bike’s rider carried as a back pack. Rafik returned to the Championship in 2011 with another unique build – the RK S World yle class at the 2009 ced 10th in the Freest e’, he Bik ain ‘Ch l ica FTER Rafik Kaissi pla rad Building with his e Bik m sto Cu s the of say ip he Championsh build. Indeed, think about his next to d the rte on sta ing y nk tel thi dia of imme : “I did a lot him on the way home about to e ing cam nk S thi RK ip, the nsh for pio idea Cham from Sturgis after the ad it was a popped into my he drive home to Texas ide the ce On n. sig de w ne a le, sty w ne a creating ” I could make it work. a challenge to see if
The idea that Rafik had was to create a frame that wrapped around the side of the bike’s motor, leaving the top of the cylinder heads exposed. The starting point for this unique frame design was a length of 3.5in stainless steel tubing that Rafik planned on using for what would normally be the backbone of the frame. This was taken to a specialist contractor to be bent into the ‘S’ shape needed to mount the engine and the single-sided rear wheel. Unfortunately, the shop that Rafik entrusted the work to was unable to successfully complete it. When Rafik went to collect his bent tube, he was given the tube, which was bent but not correctly, and told he could take it away without paying for the work and that the shop was not willing to try and get the job right. As he had already paid for the tubing, Rafik took what was offered back to his own shop and set about working with it to create what he wanted. His solution was to cut the bent tube into sections. The front section mounts not only the headstock and down tube, but also acts as the oil tank. The center section, Continued on Page 50 >>> Words by Duncan Moore - duncan@dealer-world.com
Photos by: Frank Sander - frankthunder1@aol.com www.AMDchampionship.com
Once bent the frame tubing was cut so that flanges could be welded on to make the center section into a gas tank
The tubing of the single-sided frame hides the caliper for the rear sprotor style brake
The holes drilled through the frames downtube are to aid cooling the oil that is carried in that part of the frame
The entire frame on RK s has been made from 3.5in diameter stainless steel tubing
which now bolts in, acts as the gas tank and the rear section carries the rear motor mount battery tray and rear wheel. The front section of the frame, which carries the oil in the downtube, has also had holes drilled through that have had smaller diameter sections of tube welded into them. In doing so Rafik has
achieved two aims, so air can flow through to help cool the motor and the oil is also cooled by the passing air. The radical design of the bike is continued with the front end treatment where a triple-tree-less unit has been created. The single-side pivots below the headstock and is suspended by a leaf sprung at the top of the headstock, where the handlebars are also directly mounted. The solid 18in wheels used at each end to get the bike rolling where supplied by Ride Wright Wheels and measure 3.5in wide at the front and 10.5in at the rear. There is no front brake, but the rear wheel carries a sprotor style brake. With a rolling chassis complete, attention then turned to the drivetrain. This is made up of a Buell 1200 motor and transmission. Due to the unit construction nature of the Buell design, the complete package can be ‘hung’ from the frame. Due to the unique design of the frame there is no bodywork as such on RK S, the gas and oil tanks
Rafik Kaissi (standing) pushes the boundaries of bike design with each machine he enters in the World Championship of Custom Bike Building
Twisted hexagonal rod is used throughout RK S for the foot pegs, side stand and as trim on the exhaust and other parts of the bike
being part of the frame and no fenders are fitted. The filler caps for both the tanks though are simply oversized Allen head bolts that screw in to threaded bungs in the tanks. ar less simple is the finish that has been applied across much of the bike. Rafik took a length of hexagonal stainless steel bar and began twisting it along its length, which was then cut along its length to create the unique design that can be found on the grips, centers of the wheel hubs, engine mounts, velocity stack, exhaust pipe caps, and many other places on the bike. The unusual design and use of the frame for multiple purposes, besides that of carrying the engine and gearbox, rear wheel and front suspension, certainly got RK S noticed and as a result Rafik’s bike was voted into fifth place at the 2011 World Championship of Custom Bike Building in Sturgis.
RK CONCEPTS Round Rock, Texas, USA Tel: 512 947 4433 E-mail: rafik@rkconcepts.com www.rkconcepts.com
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AUSTRALIA East Coast Custom www.eastcoastcustoms.com.au
CANADA Mongoose Machine & Engineering
www.mongoosemachine.com Motovan Corporation
Neo Factory
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Tel: 0081432128082
Three Miles Trade Tel: 0081252312811
Europe Custom Chrome Europe-Germany Tel: 0049 671 88888 - 0
W&W Cycles-Germany Tel: 0049 931 250 6116
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Winner’s Circle www.winnerscirclecanada.com
NEW ZEALAND Performance Cycle Wholesale
SWEDEN Moto Speed AB
Tel: 0031 297 284 821
Zodiac International B.V.
Bikers Choice
Tel: 817 258 9030
Drag Specialties Tel: 608 758 1111
MC Advantages
USA Baisley Hi-Performance
Tel: 800 726 9620
Bikers Choice
Tel: 314 351 3733
Custom Chrome, Inc.
Tedd Cycle
Tel: 845 565 2806
TEC Dist. Tel: 978 352 4710
Drag Specialties
www.dragspecialties.com Engine Dynamics LLC
www.enginedynamics.com Mid USA Motorcycle Parts
www.mid-usa.com Midwest Motorcycle Supply
www.midwestmc.net Newcomb Dist. www.newcombdistribtors.com Rivera Engineering www.riveraengineering.com Star Racing
www.starracing.com TEC Distributing
www.tecdist.com www.blackdiamondvalves.com
East Coast Custom
Fax: 0031(0)297 288226
Tel: 0031(0)297 288621
Email: sales@zodiac.nl
Tel: 07 3252 4633
Power Twins
Tel: 2 9684 1210 Fax: 2 9684 2091
Tel: 403 250 6611
Email: cassons@cassons.com.au
Custom Chrome Europe
Tel: 01 45 93 10 75 Fax: 01 45 93 18 41
Tel: 0049 (0)671 88888 0
Email: zodiac-france@zodiac.nl FC PARTS
W & W Cycles
Tel: 03 27 85 57 15
Tel: 0049 (0)931 2506115
Fax: 03 27 85 96 50 Email: fcparts@wanadoo.fr
Motorcycle Storehouse BV
Tel: 02154 428828 Fax: 02154 412715
Tel: 0031 (0)50 303 9771
Email: zodiac-deutschland@zodiac.nl
Zodiac International Tel: 0031 (0)297 28 86 21
Tel: 01453 758451
New Zealand
Australia East Coast Customs
Performance Cycle
Fax: 01453 752939 Email: zodiac-uk@zodiac.nl
Rollies Speed Shop Wholesale
Tel: 0064 (0)9 308 1625
Japan Neo Factory www.neofactory.co.jp
Sundance www.sundance.co.jp
Bikers Choice
Germany Drag Specialties Europe
Tel: (800) 347 8080
Custom Chrome Europe
Drag Specialties
The Netherlands Zodiac International www.zodiac.nl
Tel: (800) 222 3400 Midwest
USA Biker’s Choice www.bikerschoice.com
Custom Chrome www.customchrome.com
Tel: (800) 352 3914
Drag Specialties www.dragspecialties.com
Tec Dist. Tel: (800) 356 0043
MC Advantages www.mcadvantages.com
Rivera Primo www.riveraprimoinc.com
TEC Dist www.barnettclutches.com
Zipper's www.zippersperformance.com
Canada Parts Canada www.partscanada.com
If not, then you need to stock and sell the U.S.A’s fastest growing line of custom helmets Contact: Al Sobel
Tel: 06 30 217 1832 Fax: 06 87 480 882 Email: zodiac@chello.hu
Tel. TOLL FREE: 1-888 550 3731 Tel. Intnl: 1-561 330 3700 Fax: 1-561 330 2501
Delray Beach. Florida. USA
Tel: 02 6472287 Fax: 02 64749555 Email: zodiac-italia@zodiac.nl
Tel: 00800 963422 65 (Toll-free) Email: sales@zodiac.nl
Tomás Cerny Moto Classic, s.r.o Royal Enfield Pro CR a SR Tel: 00420 775 997 648 e-mail: info@royal-enfield.cz
Fax: 96 81 42068
Bad Boy Helmets Tel: 0031 (0)653 119 597 e-mail: info@badboy.nl www.badboy.nl
GZM/Accessories Unlimited Tel: 0034 96 6758000 Fax: 0034 96 6758015 e-mail: gzm@gzm.es
Tel: 96 81 42067 Email: zodiac-espana@zodiac.nl
Tel: 071 761 2678 Fax: 071 761 0678 Email: abs-zodiac@rheintal.ch
Australia Rollies Speed Shop Tel: 07 3252 2129
USA Bikers Choice Tel: (800) 347 8080
Canada Preston Cycle Products Tel:(800) 265 2298
Custom Chrome Tel: (800) 729 3332
Parts Canada/Drag Specialties
Tel:(877) 717 2858 Europe Custom Chrome Europe Tel: 0049 (0)671 88888 0 DĂœX Industries Tel: 0049 (0)40 434037 Motorcycle Storehouse Tel: 0031 (0)50 3039775 Zodiac International Tel: 0031 (0)297 288 621
Drag Specialties Tel: (800) 222 3400 Kustomwerks Tel: (800) 498 4711 Midwest Tel: (800) 325 3914 MID-USA Tel: (800) 527 0501 Tedd Cycle Tel: (914) 565 2806
w w w. b e l t d r i v e s . c o m
Motorcycle Storehouse B.V. Industrieweg 22, 9781 AC Bedum, The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)50-3039775 - Fax: +31 (0)50-3039777
MCS Spainish agent Paloma Pinto Tel: +34 0 93 865 7427 - Fax: +34 0 93 865 7427 E-mail: paloma@mcseurope.nl MCS French agent Bruno Selle Tel: +33 (0)4 90 67 76 33 - Fax: +33 (0)4 90 67 92 11 E-mail: bruno@mcseurope.nl MCS German agent Rasi Bayazid Tel: +49 (0)211 289 0538 - Fax: +49 (0)211 289 0532 E-mail: rasi@mcseurope.nl MCS Italian agent Marcello Fontana Tel: +39 0445 390437 - Fax: +39 0445 395539 E-mail marcello@mcseurope.nl MCS UK agent Simon Letts Tel: +44 (0)1892 668844 - Fax: +44 (0)1892 667722 E-mail: simon@mcseurope.nl
This INDEX is a complete listing of all the items in this edition. It includes all our advertisers and the product, feature and news items published this month. The INDEX will act as a quick reference guide, and will be useful when searching this and other editions either for contact details for a particular company, or for a specific item that has appeared. The INDEX appears in every edition of AMD .
AIM Corp (US) Clutches & gear kits................................................................................8
Bad Dad Custom Finishes (US) RTM custom front fenders ............................................23
Avon Grips (US) Boss Performance Grips ......................................................................25
Bare Knuckle Choppers (US) Stainless steel seat springs ..............................................23
Bad Dad Custom Finishes (US) Stretched saddlebags......................................................6 Barnett Performance Products (US) Clutch kits, distributor network..........................16,59
Brukus Motorcycle Parts (US) KickShoe kickstand coaster ............................................37
Belt Drives Ltd (US) Clutches & kits, GMA brakes, Distributor network ................38,49,60
Classic Shows Ltd (GB) London International Classic & Custom Show 2012 ....................8
Biker's Choice (US) Twin Power lubricants ....................................................................41 Classic Shows Ltd (GB) London International Classic & Custom Show 2012 ..................53 Colony Machine (US) Hardware....................................................................................58 Colorado Custom (US) Wheels......................................................................................60 CV Performance (US) Carburetor & intake parts............................................................58
Confederate Motors Inc (US) Now shipping Mk III Hellcat ..............................................6 Corbin Saddles (US) Partners with V-Twin Marketing ......................................................8 Covingtons Customs (US) Ultra speaker grills................................................................27
Cycle Kraft (US) Motorcycle products ............................................................................59
Cycle Sounds (US) Bike Bumper fairing protector ..........................................................24
Darkhorse Crankworks (US) Crank assembly balancing & rebuilds ................................27
Drag Specialties (US) Taillight, backrest kits, Airhawk 2-Up XL seat................................34
Daytona Twin Tec (US) Twin Scan 3 ..............................................................................22 Designs By Novello (US) 2-tone covers ........................................................................58
Fluidyne High Performance and Powersports (US) Acquired by SuperTrapp ....................64
DNA Specialty (US) Greed wheels ................................................................................26
George's Garage (US) Bearing & seal installer tools ......................................................40
DP Brakes & Clutches (US) Brakes & clutches................................................................45 Drag Specialties (US) Saddlemen luggage ....................................................................11 Fehling (DE) Parts and accessories ................................................................................58 Feuling Oil Pump Corp (US) Distributor network, Bulletproof camchest kits ..............59,61
Harley-Davidson (US) Closes Australian cast wheel plant ................................................7 IMBBA (US) Partners with AMD World Championship ..................................................64 KewlMetal (US) Kiru style front fenders for oversized front wheels ................................43
Free Spirits (IT) Street and race parts ............................................................................29 Helmet City Inc (US) D.O.T. & novelty helmets, Distributor network ..........................21,59
Kibblewhite Precision Machining (US) Beehive Valve spring kit for Evo/Twin Cam..........18
JIMS (US) Welded handcrafted covers, Big inch flywheel assemblies ..............32,58,59,60
KT Components (US) Billet brake switch manifold ........................................................36
Joker Machine (US) Parts & accessories ........................................................................43 K&N (US) Wrench-Off Performance oil filters, become an authorized K&N dealer ..........33 K&P Engineering (US) High performance oil filters ........................................................61 KewlMetal (US) Bolt on 13 degree rake kit ..................................................................64 Kibblewhite (US) Valvetrain components, distributor network..............................52-53,58
Küryakyn (US) Chrome Crusher Power Cell exhaust for Softails ....................................29 Lehman Trikes (US) John Lehman passes ........................................................................8 Licks Custom Cycles (US) Sportster tank lift kits ............................................................23
Koelnmesse (DE) INTERMOT Cologne 2012 ..................................................................56
Made by Pistor (DE) Rear rack lift kit, universal licence mounting plate ........................20
Küryakyn (US) Parts & accessories ..................................................................................2
MAG Europe (GB) Vance & Hines Fuelpak for 2012 Softail & Dyna................................20
Kustom Tech (IT) Parts & accessories ..............................................................................4 Le Pera Enterprises (US) Seats ......................................................................................42
Midwest Motorcycle Supply (US) Ultima Shovelhead in black ........................................35
MAG Connection (FR) Distributor ................................................................................51
Motor Trike (US) Mechanical reverse gear ....................................................................36
MAG Europe (GB) RSD Clarity timing cover ..................................................................19 Medallion Instrumentation Systems (US) Gauges and stereo products ..........................30 Mid-USA Motorcycle Parts (US) 2012 En-Cycle-Pedia....................................................40 Motorcycle Storehouse (NL) Distributors, Int Sales Offices ..................32-33,34-35,36-37
Paughco (US) Rigid frames for Sportster drivetrain, bobbed front fenders ......................27 Paul Yaffe's Bagger Nation (US) Rockford Fosgate audio systems for tourers ..................1 Rivera Primo (US) Carbon fiber reinforced final drive belts ............................................24
Mustang Motorcycle Products (US) Nostalgic luggage ..................................................59 NAMZ Custom Cycle Products (US) Wiring harnesses & fluid lines ................................30
Rivera Primo (US) VendorTech: Stiffey rubber mount stabilizer ......................................44
Paul Yaffe's Bagger Nation (US) Rockford Fosgate motorcycle audio products ..........46-47
RK Concepts (US) RK S bike feature ........................................................................48,50
Pingel (US) Parts and accessories..................................................................................31 Pro-One Performance (US) Billet aluminum parts ..........................................................25 Renegade Wheels (US) Kingman 26" wheel ............................................................14-15 Revolution Performance (US) Three piece crankshaft alignment ....................................61 Ride Wright Wheels (US) Wheel manufacturer ..............................................................17
Roland Sands Design (US) Expands Black Ops line........................................................43 S&S Cycle (US) VendorTech: Cycle Stealth air cleaner ....................................................44 S&S Cycle (US) Announces new Minimum Advertised Price policy..................................64
Rivera Primo (US) Parts & accessories, Distributor network ......................................45,58
Samson Motorcycle Products (US) True Dual 'Crossover' for Softails ..............................24
Rush Racing Products (US) Reaper 2-into-1 exhaust ....................................................28
SuperTrapp Industries (US) Imposter exhausts ..............................................................35
S&S Cycle (US) Crane Cams, high performance products..........................................16,38 Samson Motorcycle Products (US) Exhausts ....................................................................5
SuperTrapp Industries (US) Acquires Fluidyne Powersports ............................................64
Spectro Oils of America (US) Premium-quality lubricants ................................................5
Triumph Motorcycles (GB) Cathcart Report: Steve McQueen Edition road test ..........10,13
STD Development (US) Panhead replicas ......................................................................20 Supreme Legends (US) Forward controls ......................................................................59 Tech Cycle Performance Products (US) Belt drives & starters..........................................61 TecMate (BE) Optimate 5, distributor network ................................................................7
Vance & Hines (US) Shortshots Staggered 2-into-2 system............................................37 WanaRyd Motorcycle (US) Stark-line Series wheels ......................................................18 Wilwood Engineering (US) GP310 MPR brake kits ........................................................24
Trask Performance (US) Bolt-on turbo kits ....................................................................63 TTS Motorcycles (DE) Rims & wheels ............................................................................23
Wimmer Custom Cycle (US) Twin Cam air cleaner cover accent trim rings ....................18
Vance & Hines (US) Exhausts........................................................................................39
Zodiac (NL) Black billet forward controls, LED indicators, RC Components range,
Wizards Products/RJ Star Inc (US) Professional finishing products..................................49 Zipper's Performance Products (US) ThunderMax EFI Module ........................................52 Zodiac (NL) Parts & accessories, Issue 38 Bikers Book, European offices ....................9,59
Biltwell clamps, Texas Leather swingarm bag ..........................................................30-31 Zodiac International (NL) 2012 Bikers Book supplement ................................................7 www.AMDchampionship.com
Fluidyne Powersports acquired by SuperTrapp SUPERTRAPP Industries continues to defy the general ongoing downturn in the motorcycle industry with the news of its latest acquisition. The company announced at the end of November 2011 that it had acquired the assets of Fluidyne Powersports. This latest development follows the news of SuperTrapp taking onboard the V-twin
brake and component manufacturing specialist JayBrake earlier in 2011. Under SuperTrapp’s control the business, which manufactures high performance radiators, oil coolers and accessories directed towards the offroad, dirt bike, ATV and UTV markets, is now operating as FPS Racing. “We are excited about expanding
our off-road product offering and look forward to adding FPS Racing to the SuperTrapp family of products,” said Kevin Berger, President of SuperTrapp Industries.
SUPERTRAPP INDUSTRIES, INC Cleveland, Ohio, USA Tel: 216 265 8400 fpsracing@supertrapp.com www.supertrapp.com
S&S Cycle announces new Minimum Advertised Price policy IN recognition of the changing marketing and communications landscape, S&S Cycle has introduced a new Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) policy to replace the Internet Reseller Policy (IRP) that it introduced some five years ago. The MAP policy applies to all advertised pricing, such as print and broadcast as well as internet media. It also applies
to new product sold on auction websites. Speaking to AMD in November last year, S&S President Steve Iggens said that "with so many of our resellers developing online sales solutions, this new policy recognizes their marketing and communications needs and delivers the flexibility they require. "The policy applies to Crane and
Flathead Power as well as S&S branded product. It is important to us that we give our resellers the opportunity to increase their sales, but also to provide a level playing field that protects price integrity. Resellers will be able to report any advertising that doesn't appear to conform to the policy through our website”. www.sscycle.com
S&S President Steve Iggens
IMBBA partners with the AMD World Championship ORIGINALLY set to take place at Laval, Quebec (as part of the Classic Bike and Tattoo Show) the IMBBA’s International Cup Competition is to be staged at AMD’s 9th annual World Championship of Custom Bike Building during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in August this year. Commenting on the decision to change the date and venue, Jeff Starke, IMBBA President, said that “the show will now be part of the most famous and
largest motorcycle rally in the world, and with the standard and number of great bikes that are seen at the World Championship each year, it is fitting that we hold our show at a venue where hundreds of thousands of people can potentially see these world class bikes for the first time anywhere”. Moving forward, IMBBA International has entered into a partnership with the AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building with their International
Cup now being known as the IMBBA International Qualifier Class of the World Championship. This will yield the annual IMBBA International Champion and will be qualified under the same rules of being a bike never seen before and of the builders concerned representing their country. As an added bonus for IMBBA International members, the IMBBA will
pay for the World Championship entry fee so that the bikes can simultaneously compete for the undisputed World Championship under AMD rules and classifications. IMBBA International Cup builders should contact Jeff Starke at jeff@masterbikebuilders.com for further details on the revised competition.