AMD 140 March 2011

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Harley say they "feel good" about their 2010 results ARLEY say they "feel good" about their 2010 results which confirm their shipment target was met as retail sales and losses continue to stabilize. In their financial reporting for the final quarter and full year of 2010 Harley-Davidson say that retail sales of new Harley-Davidson motorcycles in the fourth quarter were nearly level with the year-ago period, decreasing 1.0 percent worldwide and 0.2 percent in the U.S. For the full year, worldwide retail sales of Harley-Davidson motorcycles decreased 8.5 percent overall compared to 2009, with domestic U.S. retail sales of Harley-Davidson motorcycles down 11.7 percent against a heavyweight motorcycle market that was off 14.6 percent. In international markets, retail sales of new Harley-Davidson motorcycles decreased 1.9 percent for the full year compared to 2009, with dealers selling 222,110 new Harleys in total, 143,391 of which were sold in the U.S. "We feel good about our 2010 results," said Keith Wandell, President and Chief Executive Officer of HarleyDavidson, Inc. "Through the hard work of a lot of very dedicated and talented


‘Quantum Leap’

employees and dealers, we have made strong progress at transforming our business to be leaner, more agile and even more effective at delivering great products and customer experiences. "In 2010, we expanded our international footprint, saw improvement in our motorcycle segment results driven by the restructuring of our operations and returned Harley-Davidson Financial Services to solid profitability. A strong, financially sound Harley-Davidson is key to our ability to invest in the business and grow. While there is still hard work ahead, and we remain cautious in our outlook, I am confident that we are positioning Harley-Davidson to succeed and deliver value," Wandell said. Commenting on the firm's brand performance in relation to its ability to develop future-facing customer demographics, Wandell went on to say that "in the U.S., we are the market share leader in new on-road motorcycle sales, not only to Boomers but to young adults, women, African-American and Hispanic riders. In Europe, we moved into the number two market share spot for heavyweight motorcycles in 2010 [behind only BMW]. For 2011, we plan to build on our position as one of the

strongest brands in the world". The underlying trends in Harley's performance show that the company strengthened its position continuously throughout 2010, suggesting that, with losses diminishing and sales declines stabilizing, the company should emerge into a modest return to profitable growth in the first half of this year (subject to amortizations). The fourth quarter 0.2 percent domestic US decline in retail sales occurred against a 14.8 percent drop in industry-wide U.S. heavyweight motorcycle (651cc-plus) retail unit sales. Revenue from Harley-Davidson motorcycles in the fourth quarter of 2010 was $697.8 million, up 26.4 percent compared to the year-ago period, the Company shipping 44,481 Harley-Davidson motorcycles to dealers and distributors worldwide, compared to 35,938 motorcycles in the fourth quarter of 2009. Revenue from Parts and Accessories totaled $149.4 million during the quarter, up 3.3 percent. The Company's financial services unit (HDFS) was a key contributor to 2010 earnings, with operating income from financial services of $181.9 million for the full year, including $43.5 million in Continues on page 6

MAR 2011 ISSUE #140

Godzilla V-twin

Cathcart Report PRODUCTS


Eddie Meeks of Hardly Civilized created the back to front Quantum Leap as a solution to his boredom with building regular custom bikes. Full story p68

Motor Bike Expo 2011 Verona, Italy


MARCH 2011 (#140)


News ..............................................................................6-15, 80


Cathcart Report: Drysdale Godzilla V-twin ....16-18


Australian engineer Ian Drysdale has taken inspiration from aero engine design for


the conception of his new air-cooled V-twin motor. Alan Cathcart discovers more

about the motor’s development


Products: The new, the best and the must-haves ....................................22-53


Todd Cycle p.24

Crane Cams p.26

Hogtunes p.31

Exile Cycles p.34

Progressive Suspension p.40






Chapman House, Chapman Way, Tunbridge Wells Kent TN2 3EF, GB

Showzone: Rick’s House of Custom Open Day ..........59

TEL: 0044 (0)1892 511516 FAX: 0044 (0)1892 511517

a chance to see the parts it already has available for

DISCLAIMERS No part of AMD may be reproduced or used in any way without permission. The views contained in AMD are not necessarily the views of the publishers. Every effort is made to ensure that all material included is as accurate as possible, however the publishers cannot be held responsible for any erroneous statements, facts, figures or mistakes. All trademarks, brand names and other key words are used purely for descriptive purposes. No approval, endorsement of, or involvement in the contents of AMD is implied by the use of these or any other words, names or marks associated with all or any companies. All trademarks acknowledged.

‘World Championship of Custom Bike Building’ is a registered trademark of Robin A. Bradley,

POST MASTER AMD (ISSN 1465-7627) is published monthly by, Chapman House, Chapman Way, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3EF, United Kingdom. Subscription price $200 per year. Postmaster: Please send address changes to: AMD,, Chapman House, Chapman Way, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3EF, United Kingdom or e-mail to


ISSN 1465-7627

Rick’s once again had its ‘Open House’ day and gave visitors

the 2011 line of Harley-Davidson models

Motor Bike Expo Verona: 2011 Show Review ......61-64 This year's Motor Bike Expo at Verona, Italy, in January saw record crowds confirming the continuing growth of the Harley and custom market in Italy

Bike Review: ‘Quantum Leap’ by Hardly Civilized ........68 Each year at the World Championship of Custom Bike Building new ideas are explored, and with ‘Quantum Leap’ Eddie Meeks took a completely new direction, with a bike turned through 180 degrees


FAX: 1-866 521 0099

If for any reason you can’t connect via our toll free numbers then dial TEL: 01144 1892 511516 - Fax: 01144 1892 511517 AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE DEALER - MARCH 2011



Europe now a third of the global custom aftermarket? HIS month’s column was written just before heading to Cincinnati for the annual V-Twin Expo, and a few days after having the opportunity to spend a weekend at Motor Bike Expo at Verona in Italy. The ‘Verona’ show is a broad-spectrum consumer show with a strong custom market element,and a World Championship of Custom Bike Building affiliate event that offers two ‘Sturgis’ prizes, one for the best Italian-built bike, and one for the best ‘international’ guest-built bike. You can see a review of the show starting on page 61 of this month’s edition of AMD, but the striking thing about where I find myself in my annual travel sequence as I write this column this month, is the contrast between the market in Europe, and in Italy in particular, and the ‘vibe’ surrounding the domestic US custom v-twin and Harley aftermarket parts and accessory industry. I am not entirely sure I understand all the reasons why the custom market in Europe has fared so much better through the downturn than has been the case in the US; I guess the principal reasons have to revolve around the ‘funk’ that continues to plague America in macro-economic terms. As is now widely understood everywhere, the theoretically positive economic indicators emerging from Wall Street and the Obama administration simply have not translated into meaningful jobs, the housing market, or the general sense of consumer confidence or well-being needed for markets such as the motorcycle industry to return to growth. And as vendors eyed the year ahead in advance of the V-Twin Expo, while there appears to be a general willingness among parts and accessory manufacturers and distributors to hope that 2011 will be at worst no worse than last year, and a best a tad better, that hope was far from translating into any widespread expectation. Conversely, in Europe, the wider motorcycle industry in general is confident that 2011 will be better than last year,with many anticipating a return to overall growth in 2012 after a decade or more of steady decline; the post Lehman downturn having only been the latest instalment in a story of market atrophy that saw European ‘main-market’ motorcycle sales peak around 2000. n custom market terms though, while the virus of weakened confidence brought about by the recession certainly softened market perception and parts and accessory sales for some, the infection has not been enduring. The custom market has actually been the star in business performance terms in Europe during the downturn, and as was seen at Verona, public enthusiasm is robust and, among some vendors, translating into quite startling growth numbers. There appears to be no pattern or discernable reason why some vendors have been doing better than others in Europe, with inventories all reported to be good, and no apparent parallel to the price point bolt-on story experienced in the US. Yes, on both sides of the Atlantic service and other workshop incomes have been the cornerstones on which aftermarket shops have been basing their ability to stay afloat, and widely and wildly varying season variations have also been a factor. With big ticket items such as frames and engines having remained just as weak in Europe as they have been in the U.S., it is proving difficult to see beyond a simple


underlying increase in the popularity of custom style riding as being the primary reason for the European custom market’s relatively good performance in the past three years. With Harley’s domestic U.S. results now pointing to a better year ahead, with profits likely to return and sales likely to at least stabilize against the back ground music of increased market share, and their international results (European in particular) pointing to continued growth, it is tempting to conclude that there has now been a shift in the market’s center of gravity. While there is no conceivable way that the market available to the industry internationally will draw level with that which it has access to domestically, certainly not in the next decade or so at any rate, the shift has been dramatic. ‘Back in the day’ I used to reckon on international markets representing something in the region of 20 percent of the global market, with fully 80 percent of the custom industry being firmly rooted in the U.S. However, as a result of three different factors, that has now changed. The most obvious of those factors has been the downturn, but the (hopefully interim) weakening of the market in the United States is by no means the whole story. While the downturn has driven the domestic U.S. market ‘south’,it,or something else at any rate,has driven an at least relative growth in Europe, and this is a trend that was already in play before the credit crunch. The specific factors driving that appear to have been the trend that started to be seen in Europe first towards what I have been calling ‘motorcycles of character’, and the migration to custom by a greying boomer generation in Europe. That has largely been authored by the long-term impact that Harley-Davidson has had in Europe. o back twenty years and there was no centralized European structure for Harley in Europe, many markets still relied on distributors, there were no H.O.G Groups to speak of, and Harley’s market share languished at around three or four percent. Fast forward to now and the Harley structure in Europe has been overhauled completely, the dealer network refined and expanded beyond anyone’s imagination, and the H.O.G. infrastructure now widely established and growing apace. Much of what the continental U.S. market had been able to take for granted in market terms domestically, simply didn’t exist in Europe, but now it does, and the impact cannot be underestimated. In aftermarket terms that one-fifth of the global industry opportunity has now morphed into something more like a third of the current available market now being outside of America! For those looking to be able to understand the various changes that have taken place in our industry in the past few years, that is a ‘biggie’ to be aware of and think about.

Harley have had a dramatic impact





Robin Bradley Co-owner/Editor-in-Chief

NEWS Continued from cover the fourth quarter. Operating income from motorcycles and related products was $378.8 million for the full year.The operating loss of $6.8 million for the fourth quarter was a substantial improvement from the $221.8 million quarterly loss reported a year earlier. For 2010 as a whole the Company shipped 210,494 Harley-Davidson motorcycles, in line with its target range of 207,000 to 212,000 motorcycles.Fullyear 2010 shipments were 5.6 percent lower than 2009, when the Company shipped 223,023 units. Revenue from Harley-Davidson motorcycles for the full year was $3.14 billion, a 1.2 percent decrease compared to 2009. Full-year P&A revenue was $749.2 million, a 2.4 percent decrease from the year-ago period. Widespread scepticism greeted Harley's 2010 sales and shipments forecasts,but having met them there are echoes of a return to the kind of channel-stuffing that attracted criticism in years past in the announcement the Company has made about 2011 production levels. Harley say they plan to ship between 221,000 and 228,000 motorcycles (worldwide) this year, which will be a 5 percent plus increase; they also state quite openly that this will include shipping more motorcycles to their U.S. dealers that they anticipate will be sold at retail in 2011, but that in doing so they are returning "aggregate U.S. dealer inventory to what the company believes is an appropriate level". Harley say they'll ship between 51,000 and 56,000 of these in the first quarter of the year.

Harley-Davidson sales revenue and production data‌ 4th quarter 2010 Income statements in $1,000s (except share) Net sales revenue Gross profit Total (loss) operating income Net (loss) income Diluted (loss) earnings per common share



DEC 2010

DEC 2009

DEC 2010

DEC 2009

$917,076 $271,066 $36,720 ($46,766)

$764,499 $154,821 ($228,928) ($218,696)

$4,176,627 $1,427,403 $560,631 $146,545

$4,287,130 $1,386,196 $196,086 $55,116





NET SALES REVENUE Figures are shown in $1,000s H-D Motorcycles Buell Motorcycles Parts & Accessories General Merchandise

MOTORCYCLE SHIPMENT DATA United States Exports Total H-D Total Buell




DEC 2010

DEC 2009

DEC 2010

DEC 2009

$697,781 $4,546 $149,395 $61,458

$552,036 ($3,962) $144,626 $66,752

$3,136,987 $16,280 $749,240 $259,125

$3,174,810 $46,514 $767,275 $282,210


27,617 16,864 44,481 63

20,036 15,902 35,938 3,026

131,636 78,858 210,494 2,614

DEC 2010

DEC 2009

18,514 17,835 8,132 44,481

14,780 16,517 4,641 35,938

DEC 2010

DEC 2009

United States Canada Total North America region Europe Other Total Europe region Japan Other Total Asia Pacific region Latin America region

21,246 1,022 22,268 5,938 731 6,669 2,951 2,750 5,701 1,752

21,284 1,030 22,314 6,322 997 7,319 2,865 2,649 5,514 1,607

143,391 10,376 153,767 37,378 3,810 41,188 11,405 9,582 20,987 6,168

162,385 11,406 173,791 36,444 3,560 40,004 13,105 9,884 22,989 5,850

Total Worldwide sales





Touring Custom Sportster Total RETAIL SALES OF H-D MOTORCYCLES

DEC 2010

144,464 78,559 223,023 9,572

81,927 87,158 41,409 210,494

DEC 2010

DEC 2009 84,104 91,650 47,269 223,023

DEC 2009


Mission Motors’ Mission R electric racing superbike MISSION Motor Co. used the Long Beach International Motorcycle Show to launch its Mission R electric racing superbike, which will be competing in the 2011 TTXGP race series. The Mission R features the latest components from MissionEVT, the EV powertrain technology arm of Mission Motors. The Mission R produces 14.4 kWh and 141hp in a package smaller than a modern 600cc sportbike. The liquid-cooled three-phase AC induction motor creates 115 ft-lbs of torque at the crank from 0 to 6,400rpm, to produce a claimed top speed of over 160mph in a single gear, and the MissionEVT 100kW motor

controller, with customizable regenerative braking and throttle maps, allows the rider to tune the bike to their preferences. The chassis features an entirely new design to integrate and balance the weight and volume of the large EV battery pack into a motorcycle chassis, while creating a small frontal-area. “We are excited to announce the Mission R, our compact and powerful factory electric racebike,” said Mission Motors’ founder Edward West. “This bike represents the culmination of all the company’s learning in both electric powertrains and motorcycle engineering, and is the purest

expression of electric performance. “Racing is in our DNA,” West continued. “Mission Motors participated in the historic first Isle of Man TTXGP in 2009. Later that year, we went to the Bonneville salt flats and set an AMA speed record for electric motorcycles. With the help of our sponsors, including Texas Instruments and Pectel/Cosworth, we are excited to be returning to the track in 2011 with the Mission R.The racing

circuit is one of the key ways we advance our technology. Pushing the envelope for what is possible with electric drive shapes not only the future of motorsports, but the future of transportation.” MISSION MOTOR COMPANY San Francisco, California, USA Tel: 415 990 7852 E-mail:

Harley-Davidson and AHDRA create new Draggin’ Bagger race class HARLEY-Davidson is marking the continuation of its long-standing sponsorship of the All Harley Drag Racing Association with the launch of a new Draggin’ Bagger drag racing class for the 2011 racing season. The new Draggin’ Bagger class will feature bikes using the company’s Screamin’ Eagle 120R engine, a fully assembled performance engine designed for off-road racing use. Assembled at Harley-Davidson’s Pilgrim Road facility in Menominee Falls,Wisconsin, the

120ci V-twin is claimed to produce 135hp and 137lb-ft of torque at the rear wheel when equipped with a high-flow throttle body and injectors, tuned intake and exhaust system. Reserved for ’99 and later H-D Touring models equipped with the 120R engine, the Draggin’ Bagger class features limited performance modifications to ensure low entry cost and a high level of competition. Original equipment frame, fairings, saddlebags and other bodywork are required, and limited modifications are

permitted to the brakes, suspension, transmission and other components to maintain the externally stock appearance of the motorcycle. “This is Harley-Davidson’s first time in several decades to offer a crate racing motor, and we’re excited to work with AHDRA to launch this new racing class to support the Screamin’ Eagle 120R engine,” said Tony Nicosia, Category Manager for Screamin’ Eagle Parts & Accessories. “Together we’ve created a class that allows even a novice team to

enjoy affordable racing.We anticipate strong participation and some exciting action during the 2011 racing season.” Full details of the Draggin’ Bagger class, which debuts at the AHDRA’s Screamin’ Eagle Bike Week Nationals in Orlando, Florida, March 4-6, are available online at


Biker’s Choice marks 40 years

Vance & Hines’ catalog integrates new technology VANCE & Hines has released its 2011 American V-twin catalog. The 84page, full color publication carries details on the company’s full line of exhaust products, headers, slip-on mufflers, full systems and Roland Sands Design pipes, air intakes and Fuelpak electronic fuel injection management package. A new feature in the catalog for 2011 is the inclusion of QR Codes for use with smart phones. When the codes are read by a suitable smart phone, the users can view details of the Vance & Hines products online. VANCE & HINES Santa Fe Springs, California, USA Tel: 562 921 7461 Fax: 562 802 7466

Performance Machine gains TÜV approval for eight wheel designs PERFORMANCE Machine has a long history of in-house testing on all of its products, and has over the decades tested its wheels at its in-house facility to TÜV standard. While the Performance Machine test facility has received TÜV certification, each of the company’s wheel designs has to be tested by a European facility in order to gain TÜV approval for street use throughout Europe. The company has now received approval on eight more of its designs. In addition to several existing TÜV approvals, Performance Machine has now

been granted approval on the Gasser, Riviera, Element, Heathen, Torque, Luxe, Diesel and Turbo wheels and matching discs and belt sprockets. “No other domestic manufacturer can make this claim,” said Mark Finnie, President of Performance Machine. “We are proud of this accomplishment. Our TÜV

approval is a testament to our dedication to the industry, both domestic and abroad, our unrelenting quality standards, and our passion to provide the market with the best engineered product possible.” Alongside the TÜV certified line of wheels, the company also holds approvals for its brake systems and the Contour line of hand controls. PERFORMANCE MACHINE La Palma, California, USA Tel: 714 523 3000 Fax: 714 523 3007

BIKER’S Choice, the wholesale distribution division of Tucker Rocky Distributing, which specializes in catering for the American V-twin market, is celebrating its 40th anniversary. The company was founded in 1971 by Larry Coppola, as a Harley parts distributor in the New England area, under the name NEMPCO (New England Motor Parts Company). After ten years of growth and success behind him, he brought in Bob Kay to focus on performance and replacement parts. In 1984, to further define the company’s position in the market, they began calling the company ‘NEMPCO - The Biker’s Choice’ which then caught the attention of Tucker Rocky in 1992 when it was looking to move into the Harley market, and as a result bought NEMPCO. In late 1998, NEMPCO changed its name to Biker’s Choice, a move done to reflect the company’s philosophy. Today Biker’s Choice offers an impressive range of brands such as Dunlop, Avon and Continental Tires; Küryakyn accessories; National Cycle windshields; Rush and Cobra exhausts, along with private label items under the Biker’s Choice, Twin Power and Dominator brand names. The product selection includes replacement parts for repairs and service along with products to improve performance, handling and comfort.

BIKER’S CHOICE Fort Worth, Texas, USA Tel: 817 258 9000 Fax: 817 258 9055




MAG Connection brings Bagger Nation to Europe

Victory launches new High-Ball model VICTORY has marked the new year with the launch of a new model – the High-Ball. Described by the factory as a 2012 year model, the High-Ball is a stripped down, entry level Bobber model, which takes its inspiration from the hot rod world. Uniquely for Victory the High-Ball will only be available in a one color; flat black with a white highlight along the side of the gas tank. The blackedout theme carries through the entire bike with only the engine’s cooling fins being polished and the wheels’ spokes being left raw. The engine itself is Victory’s

Freedom 106/6 Stage 2 V-twin, which features single overhead cams and four valves per cylinder and electronic fuel injection with a 45mm throttle body. It is backed by Victory’s proprietary six-speed transmission and uses a belt final drive. Both front and rear wheels are 16in spoked, with the front wearing a 130mm whitewall Dunlop and a matching 150 on the rear. The short fender over the rear tire features a frenched taillight and the front fender is cut down too. One of the most dramatic features of the High-Ball is the use of ape hanger bars. The ones fitted by Victory are adjustable and can be set in the upright position or laid back. The controls mount on the bars in either position and the cables reach in both positions, needing only simple hand tools to adjust. At the base of the bars, mounted on the triple tree, is the single-gauge instrumentation with speedo, tach, tripmeter, warning lights and other functions all included within. While the High-Ball has been designed as a solo bike, passenger seats and footpegs from Victory’s Pure Victory Gear accessory line of parts for the Vegas can be fitted.

MAG Connection, the French aftermarket parts distributor, has announced it will be carrying the Paul Yaffe Bagger Nation line of parts. All the pieces carried in the 38page Bagger Nation catalog, which includes triple trees, fenders, gas tank, lights, footboards and many other Bagger specific parts, will be available. MAG CONNECTION Paris, FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)8 20 82 01 11 Fax: +33 (0)1 42 01 12 00

Swedish Saxon dealership appointed SAXON Motorcycles Europe is continuing its expansion plans with the appointment of BikeNord as a dealer for the company’s motorcycles in Löddeköpinge, Sweden. “Sweden has the highest motor density in Europe and it is fantastic to have a professional dealer in Sweden,” said Rinke Andringa, co-owner of Saxon Motorcycles Europe. Speaking about his shop’s appointment as a Saxon dealer, Göran Sidnor, owner of BikeNord said: “We are situated at a real motorcycle boulevard, next to the largest shopping

mall in Sweden. It’s an ideal location to present these beautiful motorcycles.” Currently Saxon Motorcycles Europe has five models available: the Warlord, Firestorm, Henchman, the Whip and the Crown. The five bikes all conform with European standards on safety, emission and sound, making them ‘road legal’ in Europe and easily registered by BikeNord.

The Henchman from Saxon is one of the five models available in Europe with full Type Approval

BIKENORD Löddeköpinge, SWEDEN Tel: +46 (0)46 29 22 22 E-mail: AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE DEALER - MARCH 2011


W r i t t e n b y A l a n C a t h c a r t - c a t h c a r t @ d e a l e r- w o r l d . c o m

Drysdale Godzilla V-twin Australian engineer Ian Drysdale is an exponent par excellence of his nation’s can-do doctrine, as exemplified by the series of Drysdale motorcycles powered by his own watercooled, 32-valve, four-camshaft V8 power plant that he’s handcrafted over the past decade. The latest of these was delivered to a customer in Melbourne just after Christmas RYSDALE is now focusing on finding a home for a very different kind of motorcycle engine that he’s been developing for the past five years, with one quarter as many cylinders, no water pump, pushrods instead of overhead camshafts, and rejoicing in the improbable name of - Godzilla! Ian Drysdale is a 21st century motorcycling maverick whom it’s impossible not to admire, an engineer of eclectic vision and infinite imagination, who asks not why, only how. As such, he’d be the prime candidate to create a leading-edge Americanstyle,air-cooled,eight-valve 50-degree V-twin cruiser motor delivering anywhere from 78hp in 1,400cc naturally aspirated guise, up to 140hp in supercharged 1,600cc form, incorporating technology derived from the ultimate Cold War radial aircraft piston engine, matched to traditional twovalve pushrod engineering so beloved of the cruiser customer. “With cruisers and naked roadsters dominating sales charts around the world, that was a good reason for us at Drysdale Motorcycle Company to set about developing a cruiser-style V-twin motorcycle engine that would stand out from the crowd, and especially head-and-shoulders above the multitude of ‘crate engines’ - those cloned Harley motors that have proliferated in the USA,” states Drysdale. Rejoicing in the in-house nickname of Godzilla, the result may outwardly appear to be a classic American-style air-cooled V-twin pushrod design, but inside those polished engine castings the Drysdale V2 cruiser motor is different, very different…

The twin-screw Autorotor supercharger used on the Godzilla motor has no external drive belts or shafts




tarting at the crankshaft, Drysdale was eager to circumvent the knife-and-fork roller-bearing conrod layout featured in any air-cooled Harley motor or any of its clones, as the traditional means of achieving the requisite in-line cylinder configuration. Drysdale wanted to achieve that


classic inline cylinder configuration without sacrificing the ability of the motor to deliver high performance, so in seeking inspiration for the design of Godzilla, Ian capitalized on his fascination with radial aircraft motors from the WW2 era, and had the idea of using the master and link-type conrods that

The ‘Corn Cob’ aero engine Drysdale used as the inspiration for his new V-twin engine design

CATHCART REPORT many of these employ, for the first time in a V-twin motorcycle engine - although as a first step, he needed a sample conrod to study. he Pratt & Whitney R-4360 Wasp Major (affectionately known as the Corn Cob) is the largest capacity aircraft piston motor ever to enter series production. It’s a 28-cylinder radial engine with a total cubic capacity of 4,360ci that entered production in 1945. The Corn Cob represents the pinnacle of piston engine airplane technology of that era.Although Drysdale only needed a connecting rod to study,he ended up importing a complete Corn Cob engine from America. The Corn Cob’s layout, consisting of four rows each of seven cylinders set at an angle of 51.43 degrees to one another, inspired the 50-degree included angle of the Godzilla motor’s cylinders. “Sceptics predicted that the master-link rod in a V-twin configuration would give wildly different TDC timing, and even different stroke specs front to rear,” says Drysdale. “But with the help of British chassis design guru Tony Foale, and after a dozen designs were evaluated, we were able to get the link pin geometry to a point where the timing and stroke came to within near perfect tolerances front to rear.” imed at the traditionally-minded cruiser market, the projected Godzilla 50-degree V-twin needed a pushrod valve train. To operate the pushrods, Drysdale drew on a relatively unknown camshaft design dating back to the 1930s. This format has the camshaft situated lengthways in the timing cover, using conical shaped cam lobes that have an angle of 25 degrees, thus allowing the roller-bearing hydraulic lifters to run in a direct line to the cylinders. One area, however, where Godzilla features more

The Godzilla V-twin package includes a five- or six-speed gearbox and gear driven primary



up-to-date design technology is in the cylinder head and combustion chamber shape. “Ever-tighter emissions rules dictate a thoroughly modern fourvalve cylinder head design, which will allow Godzilla to meet the increasingly rigorous requirements we all know are on the horizon, for years to come,” says Drysdale.“So-called ‘smog pump’ galleries have been included in the four-valve cylinder heads, to help meet the tightest exhaust emissions regulations, although these galleries have been very well hidden.”

One further concession to contemporary engine design in Godzilla is a pair of gear-driven balance shafts, to calm vibrations. “The counter balancer weights can be reduced to dial in the right feel for purists who argue that a cruiser motor needs some vibration to give it a bit of ‘character’,” says Drysdale. Both counter balancers serve a secondary purpose, with the front one carrying the starter motor clutch, while the alternator rotor is mounted on its rear counterpart. >>>



CATHCART REPORT The normally aspirated Godzilla was developed with a carb, but has now been set up to run fuel injection

Ian Drysdale with the supercharged version of his Godzilla V-twin motor

he normally aspirated version of Godzilla has been extensively dyno tested, and the results have been very promising, according to Drysdale. “We’ve seen 78hp at the gearbox from the naturally aspired 1,400cc version, with a very mild camshaft spec, and torque to match,” he declares.“The engine has significant potential in any of its three capacities, and in either supercharged or unblown guise.” Comparing the claimed 100hp delivered by the 1,602cc naturally aspirated version of the Godzilla motor to, say, the 92hp provided by Victory’s latest 1,731cc version of its Freedom 106/6 eight-valve motor, the Australian-built motor certainly seems to be competitive on paper with its potential marketplace rivals. But when will there be a direct face-off with this competition? Surely DMCo hasn’t invested all those years in producing such an innovative but apparently successful design without finding a customer to bring it to the street? “First off, we see the Godzilla project as a further showcase for our company’s proven capabilities as design and prototyping consultants,” says Drysdale. “We believe the unique features of the Godzilla design advertise that our company can think outside the square - be it for the cruiser market, sportsbike market, or for more costsensitive models such as ATV’s and scooters, where we’ve already been successful in getting engines we entirely developed in-house, into production. But we’re indeed having ongoing discussions with several parties with a view to putting the Godzilla motor into production - but nothing’s inked yet. Watch this space.”


The longitudinally mounted camshaft features conical shaped cam lobes that allow the roller-bearing hydraulic lifters to run in a direct line to the cylinders

hile in its standard configuration Drysdale’s Godzilla V-twin motor is normally aspirated, it was designed from the outset to accommodate a supercharger. The twin-screw Autorotor supercharger has no external drive belts or shafts, culminating in a very neat installation. It’s driven from the back of the clutch by an enclosed toothed belt which runs in the engine oil, a technology only recently made available. “We plan a moderate boost figure for production engines, but the design is such that the owner can increase the boost to a high-performance setting using only one new part, and a few basic tools,” says Drysdale. With an engine claimed to be capable of producing more horsepower and more torque than any production V-twin to date, Drysdale reasoned that an extra strong gearbox was required. In consequence, he claims that Godzilla has the biggest gearbox in the business with a shaft centre distance of 75mm, close to 13mm longer than a Harley gearbox. This has been designed in both five- and




six-speed configurations, each with gear primary drive, and accepting either a hydraulic or cable operated clutch. Large-capacity, narrow-angle V-twins are tall, and the Godzilla engine is no exception, it’s a dry sump design to maximize space in the chassis, states Drysdale. “On the normally aspirated engine, the oil tank will be situated above the gearbox in place of the supercharger,” he declares, “but for the supercharged option, a frame mounted oil tank will be required, as is on most cruiser style motorcycles.” While the naturally aspirated version of the engine has been produced using a 40mm carb for ease of development, Drysdale recognizes that fuel injection is a must-have, mainly for its emissions benefits but also for instant starting, and more even fuelling across the entire rev range. DMCo has thus developed a dedicated EFI for the Godzilla motor, using a Delphi throttle body, a single Honda Blackbird injector per cylinder, and an ECU from Melbourne-based MoTeC.

DRYSDALE MOTORCYCLE COMPANY Dandenong, Victoria, AUSTRALIA Tel: +61 (0)3 9562 4260 Fax: +61 (0)3 9546 8938 E-mail:



Shorai lithium batteries comparable lead acid battery. The Shorai lithium batteries are maintenance free, not requiring refills or needing trickle charging when parked for long periods of time. The company also claims that its batteries offer more cranking amps for high compression engines, and a significantly longer working life.

SHORAI is now offering a new line of lightweight highperformance lithium batteries that cater for the powersports market. Designed to replace OEM lead acid batteries, the Shorai batteries use lithium ion storage cells in a carbon fiber case to reduce weight. Shorai claims its lithium batteries weigh less than two pounds, eight pounds lighter than a

SHORAI BATTERIES Sunnyvale, California, USA Tel: 408 720 8821 E-mail:

Billet wheels from Ride Wright RIDE Wright Wheels, which is already well known for its extensive range of spoked wheels, is expanding its line of billet aluminum wheels. The Ride Wright Turbine is a seven-spoke design, CNC-machined to give a 3D finish. The second offering, the Elite, is an eight-spoke wheel offered with a contrast-cut finish a range of colors.

RIDE WRIGHT WHEELS Anaheim, California, USA Tel: 714 632 8297 Fax: 714 632 8457 E-mail:



Mikuni performance carb kits MIKUNI’S line of performance carb kits includes the HSR48 flat slide racing carburetor for use on American V-twins. The HSR48 is a smooth-bore carburetor that is claimed to offer the highest air flow possible, while providing highly accurate fuel metering, power and precision throttle response. A new extended main jet and larger fuel valve are said to assure ample fuel supply for powerful and larger displacement engines. As with the company’s HSR42 and HSR45 carburetors for stock and mildly modified Harley-Davidson, the HSR48 is designed with an eight-roller bearing flat throttle slide assembly that allows an unobstructed venturi at full throttle to flow more air, while it mixes fuel precisely at all throttle settings. Additionally it states that its adjustable accelerator pump provides instant throttle response in any riding or performance application, while a high capacity float bowl prevents fuel starvation even under full throttle applications. The HSR48 is supplied complete with rubber mounting flange, choke cable, remote idle adjuster and additional jetting.



MIKUNI AMERICAN CORPORATION Northridge, California, USA Tel: 818 885 1242 Fax: 818 993 7388


Latest additions to Drag Specialties line-up DRAG Specialties is now working with both Alloy Art and Todd’s Cycle, who have collaborated together on creating low profile Moto intake kits for touring and trike models. CNC-machined from aluminum, the Moto intake kit is claimed to increase airflow.The reusable proprietary air filter features over 130 sq in of filter element and an internal velocity stack with internal breather, breathing directly back into the venturi. The Moto intake kits are available with chrome or black-anodized.

The Roland Sands Design café gauge and headlight relocator is now in stock at Drag Specialties. The new piece has been created to move the stock XL speedometer from the top handlebar clamp to the front triple clamp, and lowers the stock headlight 2in to provide a café racer style look. The relocator, available in black anodized or chrome finishes, bolts directly to the top triple clamp using the included chrome hardware and the stock headlight visor/eyebrow mounting holes. LED warning/indicator lights are available separately to replace the OEM lights.

Drag Specialties’ rocker switches are available in black or chrome

The café gauge and headlight relocator, by Roland Sands Design relocates the speedo and headlight on XL models Moto air intake kits are a joint venture between Alloy Art and Todd’s Cycle

Carl Brouhard Designs is once again working with Drag Specialties with the introduction of custom footpegs and shiftpegs.Made from billet aluminum, they are available in two styles and two finishes;straight cut with four smooth rubber inserts or classic cut with a textured rubber sleeve, with the option of chrome or black anodized and machine-cut finishes.

Carl Brouhard pegs are offered in a choice of styles and finishes



The Python 21⁄2in slash-cut slip-on black mufflers are part of Drag Specialties own extensive line of exhaust options.The flat black, ceramic coated mufflers are said to offer increased power and bolt to the stock header pipes using the included mounting brackets.They are available to fit most late Softail, Dyna and Sportster models. Another part from Drag Specialties’ own brand products are its rocker switchs for use in handlebar controls. The latest version of the switch kit, in black or chrome, is available to fit H-D Baggers.

DRAG SPECIALITIES Janesville, Wisconsin, USA Tel: 608 758 1111 Fax: 608 758 4677 E-mail:

Drag Specialties Python mufflers finished in flat black ceramic coating are available for most late Softail, Dyna and Sportster applications


Motorcycle Storehouse extends range AMONG the range of Arlen Ness products carried by Motorcycle Storehouse is the company’s Big Sucker air cleaner kit. The Big Sucker features a backing plate with built-in carb support and built-in breather tunnels at each head. The breathers have O-ring banjo bolt seals and a radiused intake manifold that negates the need for oil hoses and fittings. The Stage I kit features a Team-Ness high-flow filter that accepts all ‘93 onward oval or round OEM outer covers, while the Stage II kit features a 20 percent larger Team-Ness high-flow filter that

The full line of products from Crane Cams can now be ordered through Motorcycle Storehouse

The Daytona is one of the many seats by Le Pera for 2011 H-Ds that can be supplied by Motorcycle Storehouse

The Robats Bars are made from 1in stainless steel by Easyriders of Japan

requires an 8in round Ness or OEM outer cover. For 2011 Motorcycle Storehouse is carrying the full line of V-twin motorcycle products produced by Crane Cams.The range includes not only cams but also ignitions, coils, firewire spark plug cables, pushrods, tappets, roller rockers, valve spring kits and valve guide seals. Motorcycle Storehouse now also carries the Robot Bars from Easyriders of Japan. The stainless steel bars, in either polished or matt finish, are all 1in diameter in standard, four, six or eight inch rise, with versions available for either pre ’82 controls or dimpled for ’82 onward controls. Motorcycle Storehouse has increased its stock of Le Pera seats and now has them available for 2011 model Harleys. Among those seats is the Daytona Sport in regular, solo, 2-up, LT and LT2up series, all in regular or ‘Biker Gel’ filling, with smooth or basket weave upholstery.

MOTORCYCLE STOREHOUSE Bedum, NETHERLANDS Tel: +31 (0)50 303 9775 Fax: +31 (0)50 303 9777 E-mail:

Motorcycle Storehouse is carrying both the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Big Suckers from the Ness line of products it has available


New air and fueling products from RC Components RC Components, as part of its new range of products for 2011, has introduced its Airstrike high velocity air cleaner. The base plate of the air cleaner incorporates a velocity stack that is claimed to improve both horsepower and torque. The faceplate, which covers a high flow K&N performance air filter, matches the company’s most popular wheel designs. The Airstrike is a bolt-on fit for Touring, Softail, Dyna and Sportster models. Alongside the Airstrike, RC Components has introduced the RCX-celerator closed loop fuel management system, which has been designed to complement and expand its exhaust brand. The fuel controller is a smart system which automatically adjusts and compensates for changes in load and riding conditions while riding, providing optimum fuel and air ratio without the need for programming, adjustments or ECU modifications. RC Components suggest that an increase in horsepower and torque of up to 20 percent is possible when the RCX-celerator is fitted to motorcycles using aftermarket exhausts and air cleaners. The plug and play unit is available for Touring, Softail, Dyna, Sportster and V-Rod models.

RC COMPONENTS Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA Tel: 270 842 6000 Fax: 270 842 9527 E-mail:

RC Components’ Airstrike air cleaner is available with faceplates which match its most popular wheel designs

The RCX-celerator automatically adjusts the bike’s fuel injection depending on riding conditions


Perse Girder front end ROOSTER Custom Cycles is continuing its reintroduction of the Perse line of components with the addition of the Girder front end. Unlike conventional telescopic front ends, the Perse Girder fork’s leg does not change length during braking, which results in a reduction of brake dive under heavy braking. The leg length of the billet aluminum Girder fork is calculated to allow 4in – 5in of wheel travel. Further billet aluminum is used for the construction of the triple trees, A-arms and axle blocks, and there is a choice of 3⁄4in, 1in or 25mm axle fitting. High strength 17-4 stainless steel is used for both the axle, and the steering stem and the left-hand threaded hidden axle is locked in place with a Perse ‘Pinch Lock’. The complete front ends are supplied with upper and lower triple trees, steering stem, fork-stop, A-arms, legs, axle blocks with brake mount(s) for Brembo calipers, axle, integrated headlight, and a Penske shock. Fork blade options include plain, recessed dimples, through and through holes, or custom ‘tattooed’ engraving. Some finishes are available at no extra charge.

ROOSTER CUSTOM CYCLES Spokane, ashington, USA Tel: 509 244 3704 Fax: 509 244 1962 E-mail:

RSD Boss wheel ROLAND Sands Design’s latest wheel introduction is the Boss. The wheel features ten spokes, each of which is divided along its length with detailing running from the hub to the rim. The wheels, which are CNC machined from aluminum forgings, are tested at the Performance Machine in-house testing facility prior to shipping and feature fully sealed, maintenance free, deep groove wheel bearings and a smooth rolled rim lip. The Boss wheels can be ordered in Contrast Cut, or the company’s new black on black finish, Black Ops. Design matched discs, pulleys and air cleaners are also available. ROLAND SANDS DESIGN La Palma, California, USA Tel: 714 228 8481 Fax: 714 228 8468 E-mail:




Sportster oil pump mounting kit JAMES Gaskets is now producing oil pump mounting kits designed specifically for use on ’91 – ‘08 Sportsters. Each kit includes a James’ durable molded rubber over steel oil pump gasket dedicated O-ring and clip. JAMES GASKETS Dayton, Nevada, USA Tel: 775 246 2220 Fax: 775 246 2235

KewlMetal seven degree rake trees KEWLMETAL designed its custom triple trees with seven degrees of rake to work on trike converted Victory Jackpot, Vegas, and 8-ball models and bikes with larger than stock front wheels or modified frames. The chromed 6061 billet aluminum trees replace the stock item and add an additional seven degrees of rake to improve handling on trikes or bikes fitted with 21in or 23in wheels. The kit comes with upper fat fork tubes and lower fork adaptor. KEWLMETAL Prescott, Arizona, USA Tel: 623 298 7181 Fax: 623 298 7754 E-mail:

Hogtunes’ ‘BIG RG’ kit HOGTUNES’ latest audio package, the ‘BIG RG’ has been created specifically for fitment to Road Glide Ultras. Each kit is made up of a Hogtunes NCA 40.4 160 watt (40 x 4) fairing mounted amplifier, a pair of 5 x 7in replacement front speakers, and 5.25in rear speakers. The 5 x 7in front speakers are over 30 percent larger than stock, and take advantage of the larger speaker opening on Road Glide models. The front speakers are supplied with replacement grills that adapt the larger speaker perfectly with no modifications required. The amplifier is mounted on a steel plate that bolts inside the fairing, and includes a plug and play wire harness. The kit is compatible with Hogtunes FL-7W 7in fairing lower kit (and Hogtunes HF2-RG Road Glide tweeter pod). Although the BIG kit is designed for 2011 RG Ultras, the kit

can be used on any ‘98-current Road Glide with a King Tour Pak which has Hogtunes rear speaker boxes or factory rear speaker boxes mounted. HOGTUNES INC Barrie, Ontario, CANADA Tel: 705 719 6361 Fax: 705 719 6323 E-mail: AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE DEALER - MARCH 2011



Latest releases from W&W W&W Cycles now stocks homologated Super E carburetor kits, which are compliant with E4 emission regulations in the European Union.The kits allow legal replacement of the stock factory fitted carb with an S&S Super E. The kits include TÜV approved carbs, which are jetted for specific models and year groups, and include the appropriate manifold, air cleaner assembly and mounting hardware for the specific engine. Kits are available for both 883 and 1200 Evolution Sportsters ’86 – ’90, ’91 – ’03 and ’04 – ’06; Evolution Big Twins ’84 – ’92 and ’93 – ’99 and the Twin Cam 88 ’99 – ’06.

The chrome Flange Shorty is 35cm long

The chromed steel is used for the Short Megaphone

The stainless steel Straight is just 30cm long Easyriders also offers Flange Shorty in stainless steel

Easyriders’ Megaton is made from chromed steel

Homologated Super E Carburetor kits, which are compliant with E4 emission regulations in the European Union, are now available through W&W

Easyriders’ universal muffler selection is now offered by W&W Cycles.The pipes, which fit 1-3⁄4in head pipes, are available as the following; chromed steel Megaton (44cm long), 35cm long Flange Shorty in either chromed steel or stainless steel, polished stainless steel Straight (30cm long) and Short Megaphone (34cm long) in chromed steel. W&W’s own ‘Hillclimb’ Springer forks are a reproduction of a trailing link design used in the ‘20s and ‘30s. Versions are being produced to fit Big Twin rigid and swingarm frames (four-speed) through to 1984 and feature a 1in fork stem for ’48 and onward Timken bearings and leg tops to accept the ’36 and onward Springer handlebars (inline). Wheel trail equates to that of standard ‘Old Style’ Springer forks. Options available are for Springer drum brake and axle, black powder-coated, 48.5cm long; for custom disc brakes and 19mm axles, black powder-coated, 48.5cm long; and both versions in 2in over-stock lengths. W&W CYCLES AG Wuerzburg, GERMANY Tel: +49 (0)931 250 61 16 Fax: +49 (0)931 250 61 20 The latest Springer fork from W&W is a reproduction of a trailing link design used in the ‘20s and ‘30s on hill climb bikes AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE DEALER - MARCH 2011



Paughco tanks and kicker pedals PAUGHCO is now producing two styles of flat bottomed gas tanks for use on Sportsters; the Standard and King. Both are designed for universal mounting with

horseshoe front mount and tab rear and fitted with bungs for late stock style screw in filler and vent and accept 22mm petcocks. Centerline hole to hole mounting measurement is 16-5⁄8in for both styles. A second new offering from Paughco is a solid brass kick start pedal. The OLD-STF pedal is cast from solid brass and incorporates ‘KICK’ lettering. Each pedal shaft is CNC machined from solid bar stock and comes with a mounting bolt and hardware.

PAUGHCO Carson City, Nevada, USA Tel: 775 246 5738 Fax: 775 246 0372 E-mail:

Exile primaries and Monster pipes EXILE Cycles has a 3in open primary drive system for both five- and six-speed twin-cam applications. The complete kit includes pulleys, belt, diaphragm clutch, starter ring-gear, starter/bearing support plate and front pulley cover. An optional centrifugal (semiautomatic) clutch is also available with the kit, which can be ordered in polished, satin finish, or wrinkle black powder-coat finishes. Exile has extended the range of models its Monster pipes are available for with the introduction of black ceramic systems for Softails. The two styles, Monster Drag and Monster Shotgun, fit ’86 – ’08 H-D Softails. Made from 16-gauge steel tubing, they feature

1-3 ⁄4in header pipes which continue inside the 21⁄2in outer body to maximize scavenging pressure for improved performance. Each set includes removable louvered-core baffles with polished billet end-tips and all necessary brackets and hardware.

EXILE CYCLES North Hollywood, California, USA Tel: 818 255 3330 Fax: 818 255 3331 E-mail:

Metalsport ‘Black N’ Machine’ 2D Series METALSPORT has introduced a new finish option on its line of 2D series wheels. The Black N’ Machine finish features a smooth black anodized surface with UV protection highlighted by machined accents.

La Lace

Lo Cash

METALSPORT WHEELS INC. Southgate, California, USA Tel: 562 776 9594 Fax: 562 776 9635 Foose flathead Foose 1969




Lorenzo Cycles launches new models HAVING worked with Eddie Trotta on the design of two models in its range, Lorenzo Cycles has again collaborated with Ralph Randolph, of Knockout Motorcycle Co., to launch two new bikes. The Reno Rocket is described as “reflecting the simplicity and styling of years-gone-by combined with today’s top components and engineering.” The rigid framed, board tracker styled bike is powered by a polished S&S engine in a choice of sizes from 80 – 113ci, fitted with a Randolph designed set of Shotgun Racer exhausts. Induction is via a Lorenzo Cycles Sidewinder air cleaner. The bike uses an Evil Engineering primary to transfer the power to a sixspeed Baker transmission. As part of the collaboration between the two companies, Ralph Randolph designed and supplies the Vintage wheels, bear trap footpegs, controls, seat pan and Reno Rocket board tracker handlebars. The final paint choice is open to customer choice. Traditional hot rods provided the inspiration for the second Ralph Randolph designed bike for Lorenzo Cycles – the Patriot. Once again S&S is the chosen motor supplier, with the option of Twin Cam engines from 80ci to 124ci capacity. The Sidewinder air cleaner is used again but the exhausts are Lorenzo Cycles Fight Dirty by Ralph ‘Patriot’ is inspired by traditional hot rods

‘Reno Rocket’ is a rigid framed board tracker styled bike

Lorenzo Lomas (owner of Lorenzo Cycles)

Ralph Randolph

Randolph. A Harley-Davidson transmission is connected to the engine by an Evil Engineering open primary, and H-D also supplies the bike’s controls. While the suspension is provided by Progressive Suspension,Ralph Randolph is responsible for the Rock Star wheels and Patriot Mini Apes handlebars. Customers also have the option of the company’s signature Drop Kick drag bars and the final paint finish.

LORENZO CYCLES Santa Monica, California, USA Tel: 310 496 4300 E-mail:

Oil additive LAT has added to its line of specialty oils a liquid friction reducer oil additive, which it says has been developed to increase levels of zinc and moly in any synthetic or petroleum based engine oil. These increases are claimed to enhance valve train protection and creates a barrier against piston scuffing. The LAT Liquid Friction Reducer is said to additionally provide engines with many of the performance benefits of the

company’s racing oils such as increased horsepower, torque and mileage while significantly reducing friction and engine operating temperatures. Each 12 ounce bottle treats up to 6 quarts. LUBEATECH PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES Orange, California, USA Tel: 888 528 6457 Fax: 714 637 6642 E-mail:




SuperTrapp 2011 H-D touring model exhausts SUPERTRAPP is offering a full line of exhaust options for the 2011 line of H-D Touring models; from slip-ons to full systems and tunable to non-tunable exhausts. The range of systems includes the SE Series slip-ons, which are said to offer horsepower gains of 10 – 12 percent, while only being 3dB louder than the stock systems.

Despite being only 3dB louder than the stock system, the SE Series slip-ons are said to offer a power increase of 10 – 12 percent

A second slip-on option is the Kerker, which offers the same increase in power but with a louder sound – 8dB louder than stock. Both options are non-tunable but are compatible with all 17 end caps designs offered by SuperTrapp.

The Kerker slip-on mufflers are compatible with 17 designs of end cap offered by SuperTrapp

a 4in, slash-cut end with a straight through 2in diameter, pillow-pack wrapped performance core. The slip-on is finished with SuperTrapp’s 4in discs and polished trim ring. By adjusting the number of discs, FatShots slip-ons have the ability to be the quietest performance muffler out there with a richer stock level sound, but enhanced performance. It performs better than stock in a soundcompliant configuration. Mean Mothers slip-ons are said to offer the same loud and throaty sound as the original Mean Mothers, but have 23⁄4in chrome-plated heatshields with a stainless steel 21⁄4in expansion chamber, with black ceramic coated billet end caps and a removable louvered core.

Mean Mothers slip-ons feature black ceramic coated billet end caps and a removable louvered core

For riders looking for a tunable muffler, the Internal Disc Series provides a 10 – 15 percent horsepower gain. These slip-ons are supplied complete with heatshields, chrome end caps and 3in tuning discs.

The SuperTrapp Internal Disc Series mufflers are available with Fishtail end caps

The Megaphone Series is the 4in diameter discbased exhaust that SuperTrapp has become known for, and along with an increase in horsepower, the mufflers feature a rebuildable core and discs.

The Kerker 2:1 SuperMegs system is available in both black and chrome finishes

Offering a sound-compliant exhaust option, SuperTrapp has the FatShots, which feature 3.5in diameter, fully chromed muffler bodies that flare out to

Both the SuperTrapp and Kerker 2:1 SuperMegs are complete systems designed to work with OEM forward and mid controls, and both are available in chrome or black finishes and feature rebuildable cores and packing.The SuperTrapp 2:1 is tunable with a claimed 15 percent bolt-on horsepower gain. The Road Legends Baffled FLH Phantom Pipe is a curvy 2:1 pipe, based on the design of the original, which is a drag pipe. The new version, however, is baffled and rather than a slash-cut end, it has a decorative billet end cap with engraved domino dots. The FLH Phantom Pipe is supplied complete with four-piece chrome heatshield.

Tuning discs supplied with the FatShots slip-ons make the mufflers tunable

SUPERTRAPP INDUSTRIES Cleveland, Ohio, USA Tel: 216 265 8400 Fax: 216 265 0130 E-mail:

The Megaphone Series slip-ons use SuperTrapp’s 4in tuning discs to alter the sound and performance of the mufflers

A claimed increase in horsepower of 15 percent is possible with the use of the SuperTrapp 2:1 SuperMegs

The Road Legends Baffled FLH Phantom Pipe is a 2:1 pipe with a baffle and billet end cap




Motorvation Engineering Spyder sidecar MOTORVATION Engineering’s range of sidecars includes the traditionally styled Spyder. The Spyder’s body is constructed from marine grade, hand-laid fiberglass finished in a choice of black or white gel coat, which is mounted over an internal steel monocoque chassis. This method of construction means there is no external frame, giving the Spyder a clean external appearance. Suspension on the sidecar uses a trailing swingarm fitted with a Progressive Suspension Magnumatic adjustable air/spring shock. The swingarm itself rides on Timken style roller bearings to provide smooth, active suspension. An independent braking system is an option for the Spyder. It uses a Performance Machine dual piston calliper mated to a 11⁄16in bore master cylinder

operated by a fully adjustable brake pedal that mounts next to the bike’s rear brake pedal. The 74in long body has an opening for the passenger of 25 x 20in and 52in of leg room. Behind the cockpit there is a lockable trunk that offers 3.5 cu ft of storage. Options available on the Spyder, in addition to the brake system, include fender and taillight choices and an optional five-gallon fuel system. MOTORVATION ENGINEERING Sibley, Iowa, USA Tel: 712 754 3664 Fax: 712 754 2654 E-mail:

One-piece two-up seats for Softails C&C Motorcycle Seats has introduced a new line of one-piece two-up seats, designed specifically for us on H-D Softails ’84 – ‘99 and ’00 – ‘07 with 150mm rear tire. Options available across the range of seats include a removable driver’s backrest, with the front driver’s seat height lowered for better bike control. A 9in high removable passenger pad and the opportunity to customize the seats in a variety of available stitch patterns with a choice of

thread color. Along with the vinyl fabric coverings, available in black, colors and textures, C&C also offers exotic hides including alligator and ostrich. C&C MOTORCYCLE SEATS Paramount, California, USA Tel: 562 531 6185 E-mail:


Copper covers from Mr Luckys MR Luckys line of H-D parts and accessories now includes a range of copper plated parts. Among them are Panhead rocker boxes and Knucklehead valve spring covers.

The Panhead rocker arm covers, which fit ’48 – ’65 motors, are manufactured for Mr Luckys by Paughco. Also available are copper plated ‘D’ rings for the same motors. Sold in sets of four, the early style Knucklehead valve spring cover sets fit ’38 – ’47 motors.

H-D Core Series paint program HARLEY-Davidson, under its Genuine Motor Accessories operation, is now offering bike owners custom paint options with its Core Series paint program, which provides a selection of designs, colors and finishes applied by professional artists and pinstripers to strict original-equipment standards, in 58 possible combinations utilizing five designs, six colors and the choice of gloss or denim finish. Customers begin by selecting one of five designs: Two-Tone, Grind, Flames, Graphics or Touring

MR LUCKYS Houston, Texas, USA Tel: 281 333 1608 Fax: 281 333 1621 E-mail:

Fine Red, Push the Boundaries Pink, Agave Blue or Iconic Orange accents. The Core Series is available as a complete set, including new factory sheet metal, for many ‘10 and ‘11 Harley-Davidson Touring, Sportster, Dyna and Softail models. Core Series designs can also be applied to customers’ undamaged sheet metal through the Sheet Metal Exchange Program, available for many models up to 10 years old, with no additional strip or prime charges. Core Series paint is available yearround and in unlimited quantities. Standard lead time is 45 days. Flames, all of which are on a black base and then detailed with Vivid Black, Shiny Side Up Silver, Real


Hyperformance 222ci motor HYPERFORMANCE has completed building a 222ci V-twin motor, which will be used to power a street legal Pro-Street bike in Thailand. The motor, built for Mario Kleff, is said to produce 290hp / 300lbs torque. The Street Pro Motor, the fourth built by the company, is based on a set of Düx crank cases which have been machined by Hyperformance to make them suitable for the large capacity of the engine, which runs 5-5⁄16in bore and 5in stroke. The bottom end held in the cases was manufactured by Paul Matyka of Riverside Cycle and features double tapered Timken bearings for the crank and CNC machined billet steel conrods. The pistons from Ross carry rings by Hastings and are in cylinders from Hyperformance. These are topped off with R&R Cycle Pro Racing heads, which have been modified by Hyperformance. In order for the motor to be used on the street the heads have had extra fins welded and bolted on to provide cooling. Inside the heads Jessel automotive rocker arms are controlled by an Andrews cam and custom

14in pushrods from Smith Brothers and act on Ferrea valves and springs. The intake ports are 2.45in and the exhaust 2in. Fuel is fed to the engine via a pair of S&S Super D carbs with 2.15in venture and there is a nitrous system installed too. To deal with the power output of the engine Hyperformance machined a special pair of cradle plates that secure the Baker five-speed Torquebox to the motor, with shifting via a Pingel electric shifter. Power transfer is taken care of by a 5in Karata open belt drive, matched to a 13-plate clutch. Additional detailing on the engine package includes a 1.9Kw Tech Cycle starter, two compression releases on each cylinder and a three-stage nitrous oxide system.

HYPERFORMANCE Pleasant Hill, Iowa, USA Tel: 515 266 6381 Fax: 515 263 8006 E-mail:

Progressive Suspension 970 Series piggyback shocks PROGRESSIVE Suspension’s latest addition to its range of high performance shock absorbers are the 970 Series piggyback shocks. The new shocks combine a highpressure gas monotube design with deflective disc damping routed through two unique circuits and adjustable for compression damping via an easily accessible knob. Both the shock body and the external piggyback coated internally to reduce friction and are capped with a forged aluminum upper. The coil spring used on the shocks can be fine-tuned via threaded preload adjusters to suit a rider’s weight and riding style. The 970 Series piggyback shocks are available to fit the XR1200 and Dyna models, and further applications are in development. PROGRESSIVE SUSPENSION La Palma, California, USA Tel: 714 523 8700 Fax: 714 523 1974 E-mail: AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE DEALER - MARCH 2011



Champion XL trike Blackberry RSD parts at mounting kit MAG Europe conversion kit MAG Europe is carrying the Roland Sands Design line of products, and among these are the Tracker grips, finished in brass. They are wrapped with Renthal rubber that is said to provide a non-slip finish. The grips, which can be used with dual cable or electronic throttle cable systems, feature RSD speed-dots CNC machined into the ends to match the RSD Tracker exhaust pipe tips.

CHAMPION Trikes has expanded its range of conversion kits with the introduction of a package to turn ‘04 onward 883 and 1200 Harley-Davidson Sportsters into trikes. Each Champion Sportster kit includes a solid rear axle, two disc brakes, 205/70 R15 tires mounted on 15 x 7in alloy wheels, new swingarm, pulley and belt, gel coat finished reinforced fiberglass fenders, all electrical components, and all mounting brackets and hardware and instructions. Options offered by Champion include single color paint on the fenders and 16in chromed wheels with 225/55 R16 tires w/16in. LEADER Motorcycle’s latest accessory mounting bracket has been created to allow using of Blackbberrys and to carry the device on their bikes. The Leader kit includes a specially -made cradle, in a choice of five different mounting styles, to ensure the Blackberry stays attached to the bike while riding. Additionally, the kit is available with or without the Otterbox Defender case.

CHAMPION Trikes Garden Grove, California, USA Tel: 714 847 0949 Fax: 714 847 1539

LEADER MOTORCYCLE ACCESSORIES St. Francis, Minnesota, USA Tel: 763 535 1440 Fax: 763 535 1442 E-mail:

A second RSD part available from MAG Europe is the company’s latest air cleaner design – the Turbine. Sands describes the design of it as taking styling cues form jet engines.

Quick release rack MOTHERWELL Products newest rack design features the company’s new ‘push button - detachable technology’, which allows the rack to easily be attached and detached from the bike. Available for all ’09 onward Touring models, the rack has been designed to follow the lines of the bike and it features tie-down hooks to secure luggage. Heavy gauge 5⁄8in tubing is used for the outer rails with the inner rails being made from 1⁄2in tubing. Finish choices are chrome or matt black.

MOTHERWELL PRODUCTS USA Ferndale, Washington, USA Tel: 360 366 2600 Fax: 360 543 9096 E-mail:

The bolt-on air cleaner, which is CNC machined from billet aluminum, features hidden internal crank case breathers and uses a K&N filter for improved performance. Finish options on the Turbine are chrome, black anodized and contrast cut.

MAG EUROPE Denton, Manchester, UK Tel: +44 (0)161 335 9955 Fax - +44 (0)161 337 4395 E-mail: AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE DEALER - MARCH 2011



Samson Decibel Killer mufflers SAMSON’S latest exhaust muffler, the Decibel Killer, has been created for use on Harley Dressers and Road Kings. The 4in diameter mufflers are said to offer a deep sound in the 83 – 85 decibel range at idle.The sound can be changed too thanks to the removable and interchangeable baffles. A direct replacement for the OEM mufflers on bikes from ‘95 – ’11, the Decibel Killers are finished with engraved chrome end caps.

SAMSON MOTORCYCLE PRODUCTS Brea, California, USA Tel: 714 518 2480 Fax: 714 518 2466 E-mail:

Sumax extreme duty battery cables SUMAX has battery cables available that have been designed to work with starter motors on high capacity engines. The two-gauge cables are said to transfer maximum cranking power with the least amount of amperage drop. Each cable features over 2,000 bare strands of copper covered with a vinyl insulation that is itself covered by a synthetic thermo-rubber jacket. Rubber mounted motor applications are available with or without ground cable. SUMAX Oriskany, New York, USA Tel: 315 768 058 Fax: 315 768 1046 E-mail:




Latest additions to Zodiac stock AMONG the lines being carried by Zodiac are clutch options that reflect company owner Ton Pels’ interest in drag racing.The first is the Zodiac Posi-Lock clutch lock-up kit.

Zodiac Posi-Lock clutch features a ball-and-ramp system for positive engagement

Designed for use on tuned engines or bikes with wide tire conversions, the Posi-Lock applies extra pressure to the clutch plates to prevent clutch slippage without an increase in lever pull effort. It features a ball-and-ramp system for positive engaging clutch and also changes the fulcrum point for reduced clutch lever effort.The Posi-Lock kit, which fits into the stock clutch basket and behind the stock primary cover, replaces the stock pressure plate, diaphragm spring and spring retainer and is available to fit all ‘98 – ‘99 Evo Big Twin and ‘99 – ‘06 Twin Cams, except ‘06 Dyna. Zodiac is also offering a high performance clutch package, which features Kevlar clutch friction discs. All parts in the package are also available individually and are fully interchangeable with OEM parts. High Performance clutches from Zodiac are offered for Evo and Big Twin applications

The complete ‘High Performance’ clutch package includes clutch basket with installed starter ring gear, clutch basket bearing and retaining rings, clutch hub, Kevlar friction discs, steel discs pressure plate, diaphragm spring and clutch adjuster plate. The High Performance clutch packages are available for all ’90 – ‘93 Evo Big Twins, ‘94 – ‘97 Evo Big Twins, ‘98 – ‘99 Evo Big Twins, and ‘99 – ‘06 Twin Cams except 2006 Dyna.

The gold anodized Sportster front pulleys from Zodiac will work with both 1in and 1-1⁄8in wide belts

For builders converting Sportsters to run wide rear wheels, Zodiac has hard-anodized, gold colored billet aluminum offset front pulleys. The 29tooth only pulleys can be used with both 1in and 1-1⁄8in wide belts. Versions available are 3⁄4in offset on ‘91 – ‘03 Sportster or 23⁄64in offset on ‘04 to present Sportster and 1in offset on ‘91 – ‘03 Sportster or 41⁄64in offset on ‘04 to present Sportsters. The Reda jerry can, now offered by Zodiac, has been designed specifically for Bagger riders and fits in the rear slopping section of the factory hard bags.The cans, which hold one-gallon, feature a spill proof pouring spout that sits under the cap inside the can, and they are EPA and CARB certified.

Reda jerry cans are designed to fit in the rear of H-D factory hard bags

ZODIAC INTERNATIONAL Mijdrecht, NETHERLANDS Tel: +31 (0)297 288 621 Fax: +31 (0)297 288 226 E-mail:

Speaker bezels from Headwinds HEADWINDS has long been known for its extensive line of lighting solutions, and now the company has moved into a new product area with the introduction of speaker bezels. Created to fit FLH models, the machined billet aluminum bezels, designed to match the gauge bezels, are available chrome plated, black and in polished aluminum.

HEADWINDS Monrovia, California, USA Tel: 626 359 8044 Fax: 626 359 6544



Rick’s House of Custom Open Day RICK’S Motorcycles, who recently announced their appointment as an authorized HarleyDavidson dealership, held its now traditional Open Day at itss House of Custom shop in October 2010 at Baden-Baden, Germany. Each year the Open House gives Rick’s customers and custom bike enthusiasts the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes at one of Germany’s top custom bike fabricators. Throughout the day the team at Rick’s was on hand to take visitors through the workshop, production facility, CNC room and polishing shop. In the motorcycle workshop the visitors had a chance to see the first option available from Rick’s for the 2011 line-up of Softails, showing how the crew at Rick’s have adapted to technical changes including ABS and CAN bus sockets. Entertainment was laid on outside the shop with a visit by Hungarian Buell riding stunter Erdös Csabas, who performed wheelies, stoppies, burnouts on two wheels and four with a quad bike. RICK’S MOTORCYCLES Baden-Baden, GERMANY Tel: +49 (0)7221 3939 0 Fax: +49 (0)7221 3939 150 E-mail:

The CNC rooms and polishing shop were both open to visitors during the Open Day

The showroom at Rick’s was busy throughout the entire day

Patrick ‘Rick’ Knoerzer, the man behind the highly successful business

Günther Sohn and the team from G&R Racing made a guest appearance at the Open Day


Motor Bike Expo Verona, Italy January 21-23, 2011

Enthusiasm for motorcycling in general, the custom market in particular, is in robust shape going into the new year in Europe, if attendance at this year’s Motor Bike Expo is anything to go by TTENDANCE this year is said to have been some 20 percent up on 2010, at over 120,000 visitors, reflecting the upward trend at motorcycle shows seen in Italy a couple of months earlier when the ‘Milan’ Show in November also saw its best crowds in a decade. In particular, the custom market in Italy has grown very quickly through the past five or seven years. It is growth that has continued throughout the downturn, and that has found expression in a number of ways, not least the increasing international custom bike show success that Italian custom bike builders such as Luciano Andreoli, Marco Cinquini, Gigi Esposito,Aldo Querio Gianetto, Gerardo Chillico, Sam Reali, Marco Scaccabrozzi and others have had in recent years. The Italian market is also proving to be home to a number of exciting volume production projects, such


'Unchangeable', a rigid 1978 Harleyengined Shovelhead (above, left) won the 'international' AMD affiliate 'Sturgis' prize for Ken's Factory/Cycle craft, and 'Stargate'(above, right) was the best Italian build and won the 'Sturgis' prize for Garage65

as Headbanger Motorcycles and Roberto Crepaldi’s CR&S programs in Milan, and the parts, accessory and performance engineering sector is also booming. Whereas once the stylish output of OMP was the single best known such manufacturer in Italy, the market now also boasts businesses such as Kustom Tech, Rebuffini, Gray Indian’s, MCJ, Free Spirits, Double Fire and Asso Special Bike. There were many great bikes at ‘Verona’ this year, not least the remarkable new aluminum framed ASB 199R by Carlo Colombo of Asso Special Bike, which was second in the LowRide Magazine awards, and ‘Apocalypsis’ by Emiliano Damia’s E-D Special in Rome, which won the Freeway Bike Magazine custom show. >>> AMERICAN MOTORCYCLE DEALER - MARCH 2011



Jonathan Kluver (left) and Kenji Nagai of Ken's Factory/Cycle Kraft;

Marco Cinquini (left) and the Garage65 team celebrate their second consecutive AMD World Championship affiliate win at Verona;


In the AMD Official World Championship affiliate event awards, which were centered on the LowRide Magazine custom show this year, the ‘Sturgis’ prize for the best International Custom award went to Kenji Nagai of Ken’s Factory/Cycle Craft for his Harley-engined 1978 Shovelhead rigid called ‘Unchangeable’. The ‘Sturgis’ prize for the best Italian-built custom bike went to Marco Cinquini’s Garage65 for the second year running with their ‘Kcosmodrive’ followup, the remarkable ‘Stargate’ – a high-tech, hand-crafted lowrider that I suspect everyone will be seeing much more of in the months ahead. Both winners receive a 5.000,00 euro expenses contribution towards going forward to compete at this year’s 8th annual official World Championship, courtesy of Motor Bike Expo organizers Francesco Agnoletto and Paola Somma. This was the sixth year that their show (formerly staged at Padua in northern Italy) has been a World Championship affiliate event, and on behalf of the program I’d like to express our thanks for their support and for the investment they continue to

"Simply stunning", that was the universal reaction at Verona to Carlo Colombo's aluminum framed ASB 99R;



make into the development of the custom motorcycle industry in Italy.

Paul Yaffe is seeing demand for his Bagger Nation program take off strongly in Europe;

Swiss customizer Christian De Kant of DK Motorrad is still in his early twenties, but is already building a solid reputation for convincing 'real-school', retro-facing daily riders;

Cory and Arlen Ness continue to invest in support for their sales in Europe as they prepare to unveil a massive new catalog for 2011 loaded with new parts and accessory offerings;


High-tech craftsmanship and outstanding engineering precision characterize the German NH Power program of belt drives. For 10 years now Swen Naber's designs have combined high strength with fit, weight savings and great looks;

Motorcycle Storehouse are reporting remarkable sales increases in much of Europe this winter, not least in Italy;

Zodiac International have seen sales increase strongly in Italy as the market there has prospered in recent years;

Custom Chrome continue to invest heavily in custom shows in Europe and elsewhere with their own international bike show series and event sponshorships - a RevTech engine awaited the winner of the LowRide custom bike show;

Danny Schneider of Hardnine Choppers in Switzerland with the trophy he picked up at Sturgis last year for his third place in the HarleyDavidson sponsored Modified Harley class at the World Championships with 'DM'X', the former stunt riders tribute to his BMX riding days. Danny had won his way to Sturgis by taking the Best in Show award at the Harley-Davidson Ride-In custom bike show at the Swiss Harley Days and European H.O.G. Rally at Lugano in Switzerland last summer;

Now in their 15th year, Gray Indian's design and manufacture billet aluminum custom grips, pegs, risers, triple trees, handlebars, forward controls, gas caps, license plates, air filters and more for Big Twin and Sportster applications; Recent new product introductions by Livio and Deanira Rebuffini include their stylish new 'Giunone' headlight, 'Stargate' air cleaner, 'Atlantis' hand controls and 'Rea' grips;

Showcasing PM and RSD product, MAG Europe presented the latest custom project from reigning Modified Harley-Davidson World Champion Shaw Harley-Davidson from the UK;;

Jose Marini's MCJ specializes in race-bred street exhausts with several proprietary sound management techniques. The company has also branched out into MCJ branded custom luggage;





Latest news from trike specialist Eurowing centers on their 883/1200 Sportster conversions featuring independent suspension and pully-mounted electric reverse and new triple tree designs;


In addition to showcasing their own parts designs and products from their trade distribution program, Battistinis UK hosted Russ Mitchell and his fast growing Exile Cycles exhaust and accessories design programs;;

Belgium based European importer Legend Motorcycle Group presented the latest EU homologated Big Dog Motorcycles line;

This aluminum body Sportster 1200 (bored out to 1,374cc) is the hand-crafted work of Bike Hospital in Italy, featuring an in-house chassis with oil reservoir in the top tube, Ă–hlins forks and shocks and a unique open primary belt drive;

Headbanger Motorcycles of Milan are one of Europe's newest but fastest growing volume builders quickly gaining market respect with their street legal, Euro 3 compliant range design and engineering input from award-winning customizer Luciano Andreoli;




Eddie Alexander Meeks

At the 2010 World Championship of Custom Bike Building there was one machine that instantly divided opinions. ‘Quantum Leap’ from Hardly Civilized takes conventional bike design and literally turns it through 180 degrees, creating a bike with front wheel drive and rear wheel steering


UANTUM Leap is a bike that is unique even in the world of custom bikes. Never before has a bike been driven by the front wheel and steered by the rear wheel.The creation of such a pioneering bike is the work of one man: Eddie Alexander Meeks of Hardly Civilized. Eddie’s name may not be familiar in the custom industry, but he is certainly not new to the custom scene, as he explains:“I quit the bike building business for 5 years because of boredom. I decided I would only build something so radical it would have to be a 180 degree turn from conventional, so swapping the drive and steering ends was my solution to end the boredom, and it worked.” The build of such a radical machine as Quantum Leap began with a series of concept drawings by Eddie, which he steadily refined until he had a scale drawing of how the finished bike would look. With those drawings complete, Eddie then went on to draw a full scale jig to enable him to build the bike’s frame.The jig itself and the fixtures needed for it were all CNCmachined in-house. The frame that he built houses a 101ci Patrick Racing motor that is matched to a Baker five-speed RSD gearbox. However, from there the drivetrain deviates from the norm, as Eddie explains: “I modified and milled the side plate of the gearbox to accommodate my own designed side plate that holds a bearing housing that holds the upper sprocket,which is attached to a custom made axle by me that goes through the bike and into a ring and pinion oil bath gearbox on the left side of the bike. “This gearbox is what takes the chain drive and reverses the drive from spinning perpendicular with the bike to spinning parallel with the bike. This splined shaft, now turning as a driveshaft, is attached to a universal joint and shaft to another universal joint which goes into another bearing housing, which is attached to the front swingarm. This universal joint is splined and O-ringed and equipped with a grease fitting because, as it turns, it also slides in and out with the movement of the front suspension. This splined shaft runs through the swingarm into a second oil bath gear box that puts the drive back to a perpendicular motion to drive the front wheel.” espite appearances, the swingarm at the front of the bike was actually designed as a single-sided unit, which carried the driveshaft. However, due to the difficulty of finding a way to mount the torque arm for




the 360 brake, Eddie was forced to create a brake arm to hold it in place on the opposite side of the wheel. Slightly more conventional is the rear ‘fork’ that is used to steer the bike. It is suspended on Custom Cycle Control System air shocks, hidden within the bodywork.When it comes to the actual steering this is taken care of by a custom-built hydraulic system. Pumps connected to each side of the handlebars work on a push/pull basis, as one side of the system pushes

the ‘forks’, the other side works to pull it. To get Quantum Leap rolling Eddie turned to RMD Billet. The rear wheel was the one that Eddie saw on display at the V-Twin Expo, sized 18 x 4.25in, but the rear had to be custom designed due to the size required; 18 x 13in, which allows it to wear a 360 Vee Rubber tire. With the rolling chassis complete Eddie then turned his talents to fabricating the bodywork, which was all hand-beaten from steel. The only exception being the two silver side pods in front of and above the motor, which he formed from aluminum. Hidden underneath the flowing bodywork are the electrics and battery box, the oil tank and two gas tanks. Indeed, the only work which Eddie didn’t complete on the bike was the upholstery of the seat, which was handled by Butch Watson. Once Quantum Leap was

completed, ownership of it was taken over by Eddie’s business partner Simon Solomon, who entered it in the World Championship of Custom Bike Building, currently the only show the bike has been entered into, where it placed seventh. Talking about finishing the build, Eddie said: “This bike I feel is absolutely radical and a stunning piece of rolling art. I feel it came out exactly as I wanted it to, and it now resides in a private collection and is the centerpiece of the collection.” HARDLY CIVILIZED Greensboro, North Carolina, USA Tel: 336 545 1004 E-mail:


AUSTRALIA East Coast Custom

CANADA Mongoose Machine & Engineering Motovan Corporation Parts Canada Winner’s Circle

NEW ZEALAND Performance Cycle Wholesale

SWEDEN Moto Speed AB

THE NETHERLANDS Zodiac International B.V.

USA Baisley Hi-Performance Bikers Choice Custom Chrome, Inc. Drag Specialties Engine Dynamics LLC Mid USA Motorcycle Parts Midwest Motorcycle Supply Newcomb Dist. Rivera Engineering Star Racing TEC Distributing







Tel: 0031(0)297 288621

East Coast Custom

Fax: 0031(0)297 288226


Tel: 07 3252 4633



Power Twins


Tel: 2 9684 1210

Tel: 403 250 6611

Fax: 2 9684 2091




Custom Chrome Europe


Tel: 0049 (0)671 88888 0

Tel: 01 45 93 10 75 Fax: 01 45 93 18 41

W & W Cycles


Tel: 0049 (0)931 2506115


Tel: 03 27 85 57 15


Fax: 03 27 85 96 50

Motorcycle Storehouse BV



Tel: 0031 (0)50 303 9771


Zodiac International

Tel: 02154 428828

Tel: 0031 (0)297 28 86 21

Fax: 02154 412715 Email:

New Zealand


Performance Cycle

Tel: 01453 758451


Tel: 0064 (0)9 308 1625

Fax: 01453 752939



Bikers Choice

Australia East Coast Customs

Tel: (800) 347 8080 Custom Chrome Inc.

Rollies Speed Shop

Contact: Al Sobel


Japan Neo Factory

Delray Beach. Florida. USA

Drag Specialties

Sundance The Netherlands Zodiac International



If not, then you need to stock and sell the U.S.A’s fastest growing line of custom helmets

Tel: (800) 729 3332

Tel: (800) 222 3400


USA Biker’s Choice

Tel. TOLL FREE: 1-888 550 3731 Tel. Intnl: 1-561 330 3700 Fax: 1-561 330 2501



Tel: (800) 352 3914


Custom Chrome



Tel: (800) 527 0501

Drag Specialties MC Advantages

Tec Dist.

Tel: (800) 356 0043

Rivera Primo

TEC Dist

Tomás Cerny Moto Classic, s.r.o Royal Enfield Pro CR a SR Tel: 00420 775 997 648 e-mail:

NETHERLANDS Bad Boy Helmets Tel: 0031 (0)653 119 597 e-mail:



Canada Parts Canada

GZM/Accessories Unlimited Tel: 0034 96 6758000 Fax: 0034 96 6758015 e-mail:


Tel: 06 30 217 1832 Fax: 06 87 480 882 Email:


Tel: 02 6472287 Fax: 02 64749555 Email:


Tel: 00800 963422 65 (Toll-free) Email:


Tel: 96 81 42067 Fax: 96 81 42068 Email:


Tel: 071 761 2678 Fax: 071 761 0678 Email:



Motorcycle Storehouse B.V. Industrieweg 22, 9781 AC Bedum, The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)50-3039775 - Fax: +31 (0)50-3039777

DISTRIBUTOR MCS Spainish agent Paloma Pinto Tel: +34 0 93 865 7427 - Fax: +34 0 93 865 7427 E-mail:

Australia East Coast Custom Tel: 07 3252 4633 Rollies Speed Shop Tel: 07 3252 2129

MCS French agent Bruno Selle Tel: +33 (0)4 90 67 76 33 - Fax: +33 (0)4 90 67 92 11 E-mail:

Canada Preston Cycle Products Tel:(800) 265 2298

MCS German agent Rasi Bayazid Tel: +49 (0)211 289 0538 - Fax: +49 (0)211 289 0532 E-mail: MCS Italian agent Marcello Fontana Tel: +39 0445 390437 - Fax: +39 0445 395539 E-mail MCS UK agent Simon Letts Tel: +44 (0)1892 668844 - Fax: +44 (0)1892 667722 E-mail:

Parts Canada/Drag Specialties

Tel:(877) 717 2858 Europe Custom Chrome Europe Tel: 0049 (0)671 88888 0 DĂœX Industries Tel: 0049 (0)40 434037 Motorcycle Storehouse Tel: 0031 (0)50 3039775 Zodiac International Tel: 0031 (0)297 288 621

NETWORK USA Bikers Choice Tel: (800) 347 8080 Custom Chrome Tel: (800) 729 3332 Drag Specialties Tel: (800) 222 3400 Kustomwerks Tel: (800) 498 4711 Midwest Tel: (800) 325 3914 MID-USA Tel: (800) 527 0501 Tedd Cycle Tel: (914) 565 2806 Win Starwest Tel: (805) 531 1000

w w w. b e l t d r i v e s . c o m




This INDEX is a complete listing of all the items in this edition. It includes all our advertisers and the product, feature and news items published this month. The INDEX will act as a quick reference guide, and will be useful when searching this and other editions either for contact details for a particular company, or for a specific item that has appeared. The INDEX appears in every edition of AMD .


TecMate (International) SA (BE) Optimate4 & Accumate Pro-5 ....................................................47

45” Parts Depot (NL) Parts and accessories..................................................................................75

The Leatherworks (US) Custom saddlebags & luggage ................................................................60

5 Ball Inc ( (US) Bikers website................................................................................76

Trask Performance (US) Bolt-on exhaust kits ................................................................................10

ACCEL Motorcycle Products (US) Self Learning Module ................................................................52

Truett & Osborn Cycle (US) Reproduction 45 flywheels ................................................................76

Advanstar Communications (US) Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Show series ................................72

TTS Motorcycles (DE) Rims & wheels............................................................................................67

AIM Corp (US) Clutches & gear kits ............................................................................................80

Twin Club MC Norrtälje (SE) 2011 Norrtelje custom bike show ....................................................64

Arlen Ness Enterprises (US) Trike Project ......................................................................................58 Avon Grips (US) Air cushioned grips ............................................................................................36 Bad Dad Custom Finishes (US) Bagger parts ................................................................................33 Barnett Performance Products (US) Performance clutches, distributor network ........................38,75

Van Bergen & Greener Inc (US) Harley Spragg drives ....................................................................76 Vance & Hines (US) Exhausts ......................................................................................................19 W&W Cycles (DE) Parts & accessories ............................................................................................9

Belt Drives Ltd (US) Clutches & kits, GMA Brakes, Distributor network ................................32,52,76

Wiseco Piston (US) Controllers for EFI engines ..............................................................................4

Big Bear Choppers (US) Bear Bones & Athena ProStreet bikes ......................................................35

Zipper’s Performance Products (US) ThunderMax EFI Module........................................................32

Biker’s Choice (US) Drop seat kits for ‘09-’11 HD Touring models ................................................51

Zodiac International (NL) Parts & accessories, Issue 38 Bikers Book, European offices ..............75,79

Black Machine s.r.o. (CZ) Euro Bike Fest ......................................................................................57 Clearview Shields (US) Windshields..............................................................................................56 Colony Machine (US) Hardware ..................................................................................................74


CV Performance (US) Carburetor & intake parts ..........................................................................74

Advanstar Communications Inc (US) Ultimate Builder Custom Bike Shows 2011 results................80

Cycle Electric (US) Charging systems ............................................................................................57

Biker’s Choice (US) 40th year anniversary ....................................................................................11

Darkhorse Crankworks (US) Crank assembly balancing & rebuilds ................................................28

C&C Motorcycle Seats (US) One-piece two-up seats for softails....................................................42

Davida UK (GB) Helmets..............................................................................................................77

Champion Trikes (US) Champion XL trike conversion kit................................................................49

Daytona Twin Tec (US) Tec Talk, upgrade from Crane HI-4 to Model 1005 ....................................48 Dead Center Cycles (US) Fairings and saddle bags........................................................................24 Designs By Novello (US) 2-tone covers ........................................................................................74 DNA Specialty (US) Stealth Trike ..................................................................................................23

Commerciale srl (IT) Motor Bike Expo 2011 preview ..............................................................61-64 Drag Specialties (US) Parts by Alloy Art & Todd Cycle, Carl Brouhard and Roland Sands ................24 Drysdale Motorcycle Company (AU) Cathcart Report - Drysdale Godzilla V-twin engine ..........16-18

DP Brakes & Clutches USA (US) Brakes & clutches........................................................................60

EAM Studios / Hardly Civilized (US) ‘Quantum Leap’ custom build................................................68

Drag Specialties (US) Vance & Hines homologated EC approved slip-ons ......................................14

Exile Cycles (US) Exile primaries and Monster pipes......................................................................34

Energy One Clutches (US) Performance clutches ............................................................................6

Harley-Davidson (US) Harley & AHDRA create new Draggin’ Bagger race class ..............................8

Ernst Fehling (DE) Parts & accessories ..........................................................................................75

Harley-Davidson (US) Core series paint program ..........................................................................43

Feuling Oil Pump Corporation (US) Reaper camshafts, distributor network ..............................75,77

Headwinds (US) Speaker bezels ..................................................................................................53

Free Spirits (IT) Street and race parts ............................................................................................31 GZM Europe/Accessories Unlimited SL (ES) Parts & accessories, distributors..................................75 Harley-Davidson Motor Company Inc (US) World Championship Modified Harley class sponsor ....66

Hogtunes Inc/Metrix Audio (CA) ‘BIG RG’ kit for Road Glide Ultras ..............................................31 Hyperformance (US) 222ci motor ................................................................................................45

Heartland USA (US) Conversion kits........................................................................................20-21

James Gaskets (US) Sportster oil pump mounting kit ....................................................................31

Helmet City Inc - HCI Helmets (US) D.O.T. & novelty helmets, distributor network ....................40,75

Kewlmetal Inc (US) Seven degree rake trees ................................................................................31

Hogtunes Inc/Metrix Audio (CA) Audio kits ..................................................................................55

Leader Motorcycle Accessories (US) Blackberry mounting kit ........................................................49

JayBrake Ent Inc (US) Brakes & controls..........................................................................................7

Lorenzo Lamas Cycles LLC (US) New model launch ......................................................................39

Jims USA (US) Big inch flywheel assemblies, cylinders, piston kits ..................................37,74,75,76

LubeATech Performance Technologies (US) Oil additive ................................................................39

Joker Machine (US) Parts & accessories........................................................................................41 K&N Engineering (US) Become an authorized K&N dealer,RK series air intake assemblies ........44,56 Kibblewhite Precision Machining (US) Valvetrain components, distributor network ............54-55,74

MAG Connection (FR) Brings Bagger Nation to Europe ................................................................15 MAG Europe Ltd (GB) Roland Sands Design grips and air cleaner ................................................49

Küryakyn USA (US) Parts & accessories ..................................................................................12-13

Metalsport Wheels (US) ‘Black N’ Machine’ 2D Series wheels ......................................................34

Kustom Tech (IT) Parts & accessories ............................................................................................59

Mikuni American Corp (US) Performance carb kits........................................................................22

Kustomwerks Inc (US) Wild Card parts range & 2011 online catalog........................................38,54

Mission Motor Company (US) Mission R electric racing superbike ..................................................8

Le Pera Enterprises Inc (US) Seats ................................................................................................30

Motherwell Products USA (US) Quick release rack........................................................................49

MAG Connection (FR) Online distribution ....................................................................................29

Motorcycle Storehouse (NL) Parts by Arlen Ness, Crane Cams, Easyriders of Japan and Le Pera ....26

MAG Europe Ltd (GB) Performance Machine’s Paramount wheels ................................................25 Mid-USA Motorcycle Parts (US) 2011 Parts and accessories..........................................................50 Milwaukee Bagger (US) Saddlebags ............................................................................................56

Motorvation Engineering (US) Spyder sidecar ..............................................................................42 Mr Luckys (US) Copper covers......................................................................................................43

Motorcycle Storehouse BV (NL) New products, International Sales Offices ........36-37,42-43,46-47,76

Paughco Inc (US) Tanks and kicker pedals ....................................................................................34

Mr Luckys (US) Brass and copper Old School finishes ..................................................................26

Performance Machine (US) Gains TÜV approval for eight wheel designs ......................................11

Mustang Motorcycle Products (US) Heated seats..........................................................................76

Progressive Suspension Inc (US) 970 Series piggyback shocks ......................................................45

NAMZ Custom Cycle Products (US) Wiring harnesses & fluid lines ................................................77

RC Components Inc (US) RCX-celerator fuel management system & Airstrike air cleaners ............27

Ocean Events (GB) California Dreamin’ Expo................................................................................73

Rick’s Motorcycles GmbH/H-D Baden-Baden (DE) Rick’s House of Custom Open Day ....................59

Paul Yaffe Originals (US) Bagger products ......................................................................................8 PB Germany (DE) AGM Motorcycle Bags & Accessories ................................................................45 Performance Machine (US) See: MAG Europe ..............................................................................25

Ride Wright Wheels (US) Billet wheels..........................................................................................22 Roland Sands Design (US) Boss wheel ........................................................................................28

Pingel Enterprise (US) Parts & accessories ....................................................................................17

RoosteR Custom Cycles Inc (US) Perse Girder front end ................................................................28

Platinum Air Suspension (US) Air suspension kits............................................................................2

Samson Motorcycle Products Inc (US) Decibel Killer mufflers ........................................................50

Renegade Wheels (US) Custom wheels ..........................................................................................5

Saxon Motorcycles Europe (NL) Swedish Saxon dealership appointed ..........................................15

Ride Wright Wheels (US) Wheel manufacturer ..............................................................................53

Shorai Batteries (US) Lithium batteries ........................................................................................22

RoosteR Custom Cycles (US) Perse Performance products ............................................................27

Sumax Cycle Products (US) Extreme duty battery cables ..............................................................50

Rowe USA (US) Valves & guides, parts & tools..............................................................................76 Rush Racing Products (US) Exhaust systems ................................................................................65 S&S Cycle (US) Crane Cams, High performance products ........................................................44,46

SuperTrapp Industries Inc (US) 2011 H-D touring model exhausts ................................................41 Vance & Hines (US) New 2011 catalog ........................................................................................11

Sinister Industries (US) Bags, parts & accessories..........................................................................74

Victory Motorcycles (US) Launches new High-Ball model ..............................................................15

Sumax Cycle Products (US) Bags..................................................................................................39

W&W Cycles AG (DE) Carburetor kits, springer fork and muffler selection ....................................33

Tech Cycle Performance Products (US) Belt drives & starters ........................................................60

Zodiac International bv (NL) New product lines ............................................................................53




Ultimate Builder custom show series winners SINCE the last issue of AMD Magazine went to press,there have been three more rounds of the World Championship of Custom Bike Building ‘Ultimate Builder’ affiliate events program staged at the Progressive International Motorcycle Show series. In Washington D.C. the Freestyle class win was taken by Washington local Alex Lucas with ‘Snake’, an Ultima engined pro street style daily rider by WEM. Second went to Frank Rutigliano of Two Wheel Mafia with a custom XS 650 bobber, with Roy Chamberlin of C&C Cycle third. The win in the Harley-Davidson sponsored Modified Harley class was taken by Jason Bochniak’s ‘Phoenix’, a 2006 Softail Deluxe, fitted with a Pro Charger supercharger, D&D ‘Boarzilla’ exhaust and Ride Wright ‘Fat Daddy’ 50-spoke wheels. In the Performance Custom class, the win was taken by William Ray with a 2006 Hayabusa. In New York George Stinsman of Chaos Cycle took the Freestyle class win with ‘Lot Lizard’, a rigid with a reengineered former drag raced panhead style engine that was bored out to 103 inches. George also took third place in the Freestyle class with ‘Coco’, with second place going to 2010 World

Washington D.C. Freestyle class winner ‘Snake’ by Alex Lucas

Championship Modified HarleyDavidson class runner-up Joe Cooper, of Cooper Smithing Co, with “The Jefferson”, based on a 1999 Harley. In the Modified Harley class Jason Bochniak backed-up his win of the weekend before at Washington D.C. by winning again with ‘Phoenix’, with second taken by Tribal Iron Choppers with a 2007 Harley-Davidson Fat Boy. The Performance Custom Class was won by a streetfighter styled bike for the first time, a 2001 955i Triumph Speed Triple entered by John Laughlin. The project is a Roman Levin, FOH Cycle Fabrication, masterpiece of bespoke custom work, with a single sided swingarm conversion and sculpted carbon fiber bodywork. Second in the Performance Custom class was Shwan Page, of Coleman

New York Freestyle class winner ‘Lot Lizard’ by George Stinsman of Chaos Cycle



Powersports, with a 2007 Hayabusa. In Cleveland, the Freestyle class win was taken by Jesse Bassett of The Gasbox (who collaborated with Huey Schwebs of Cleveland Motorcycle Manufacturing Co on their 2007 World Championship entry) with his 1965 BSA Lightning, with Bill Steele of Steele Kustoms second and fourth. Bill took his second place with ‘Fascinator’, a stunning automatic transmissioned billet springer hightech meets old-style lowrider with which he scooped fifth place in the World Championship in 2006. Cleveland Motorcycle Manufacturing Co took third with ‘Sicpup’, their World Championship Modified Harley class 4th placed bike from 2009, and were also awarded the fifth place trophy for Huey Schwebs’

board tracker. The Modified Harley class win was taken by Bob McAreavey with his daily rider, a customized 2001 Fat Boy; in the Performance Custom Class the win went to Jamie Luczak, Luczak Enterprises and Motioncraft, with a 2006 Hyabusa. As this edition of AMD went to press the ‘Ultimate Builder’ series was moving on to Minneapolis (February 46), followed by Chicago (February 11-13) and then Greenville Sc. (February 25-27) before the finals at Daytona Bike Week, March 9-12. For full details of classes, prizes and entry contact Bob Kay or Jeff Najar at Biker Pros, Tel: 919 383 0500 custom Cleveland Freestyle class winner 1965 BSA Lighting by Jesse Bassett of The Gasbox

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