Deadline Hollywood - AwardsLine - 12/13/17

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like her favorite Hollywood actress

cast. The only person she’d talk to

Bette Davis, bore straight into an audi-

was Leilo. She wanted to feel Marina’s

ence. They’re at once intimating and

alienation. During the scene where

transparent. You can see right through

Marina is forced to strip naked for the

her even when her characters are act-

cops, she struggled to keep hold of

ing tough. Learning to use them took

her emotions, in part because it was

practice—she likens it to trying to hit a

nearly 100 degrees outside, but just

high note—but once she had the idea,

steps inside the morgue, it was freez-

“I took advantage of it as best I could.”

ing cold. In the final take, she looks

Those eyes might be the key to her Academy Award chances. After all, she’s a Spanish-speaking actress in a

frozen from the inside out, her spine a column of ice. Lelio wanted to make a film about

Spanish-speaking film. Voters stuck

the social issues of modern day Chile.

reading subtitles might not be able to

But he didn’t want to make a social

catch the details in her line delivery. But

problem film, the kind of naturalistic

A Fantastic Women’s AFI premiere. So

everything Marina feels—the hurt, the

realism that can feel hectoring and

love is like yesterday’s newspaper”—

is Vega, herself. At 17, she transitioned

anger, the pride—is there on her face.

dull. He gives the worst three days

turns out to be prophetic. Fifteen

right before she graduated from high

Vega met Lelio over Skype. After fin-

minutes into the film, after dinner and

school. Her parents were supportive,

ishing his festival hit Gloria, another por-

shooting whole scenes in red and

dancing and a romantic nightcap in

but it wasn’t easy. “Latin America is

trait of a Chilean woman who refuses to

magenta. The key image of the film

his apartment, where Marina has only

very religious,” notes Vega. “The Pope is

fit in a box (which he’s currently remak-

is a shot of Marina at her absolute

recently unpacked her things, Orlando

from Argentina.”

ing in English with Julianne Moore), he

lowest; an expressionist scene where

started to think about a love story that

the actress walks headlong into a

DANCER Daniela Vega in A Fantastic Woman.

But the lyric Marina croons—“Your

dies. The panicked girlfriend rushes him

Post-transition, Vega spent that

of Marina’s life a dramatic flourish,

to the hospital where the nurses are

first year in bed. She was depressed,

starts with a death. At first, he was

hurricane-level wind that whittles her

polite and call her “miss” and “ma’am”,

and when she’d rally herself to go out-

interested in grief and goodbyes. Then,

into an unbowed diagonal line. Buster

until suddenly they stop.

side and get a job, she was continually

he considered making the lead female

Keaton would cheer.

rejected in a country with no legal pro-

transgender. Lelio didn’t think he knew

fact causes the doctors and police to

tections. (In 2016, Chile finally passed a

enough to write the character on his

its heart, a story about love. And love

demote her from grieving partner to

law prohibiting workplace discrimina-

own, so a friend introduced him to Vega

springs into view whenever it can, as in

prime suspect. Is she a prostitute? Did

tion on the basis of sexual orientation

as a cultural advisor.

a fantasy dance number where Marina

she and Orlando have a fight? Can she

or gender identity.)

Marina is transgender. That one

strip naked to prove she isn’t bruised? As for Orlando’s estranged family,

“I really love my city,” insists Vega

The two spent a year crouched over

Above all, A Fantastic Woman is, at

bursts into the air in a gold tinsel jacket.

their laptops talking about the screen-

When she and Orlando kiss at a night-

of her hometown, Santiago. Even

play, and when it was finished, Lelio

club, the image swirls with disco lights

they kick Marina out of her home, for-

so, she adds, “Trans individuals have

realized he’d written the part for her.

and rainbow colors. Yet, the film’s most

bid her from attending the funeral—for

always lived on the edge of society,”

But Vega had to think about it. Starring

emotional moment is when Marina

the grandchildren’s sakes, of course—

and despite her family’s encourage-

in this film by this major local director

goes to her third job as, yes, an opera

and steal her dog. When she demands

ment, she was in danger of slipping

would put her at the center of Chile’s

singer. She stands onstage in front of

human respect, she’s accused of

off the cliff. Then her dad suggested

conversation about LGBTQ rights. After

a paying crowd and for the first time

selfishness, pinned against walls, and

she enroll in cosmetology school, and

three days, she said yes.

in the movie, you see people treat her

worse. Even Orlando’s kindest brother,

Vega’s interest in makeup and hair

the one who takes care to call her “the

turned into to an interest in theater,

essential about making a movie where

young lady,” would rather she just go

which turned into her first film offer.

you have that time to be able to cre-

away. (Vega’s script illustrates how

A Fantastic Woman has hoisted the

ate the script,” says Vega. “That’s how

Santiago theaters for three months.

people, even the callous female detec-

28-year-old actress into a moment

the script became alive.”

“Because it was in theaters for so long,

tive assigned from the Sexual Preda-

of global recognition which brings her

She built the character from the

tors Unit who promises to “understand

closer than anyone to becoming the

center out of her own experiences, and

open a dialogue in Chile’s society sur-

and support” Marina, can say the right

first trans performer nominated for a

from pieces of women she personally

rounding transgender individuals,” says

things, but act all wrong.)

Best Actress Oscar.

knew. Vega didn’t want to model her

Vega with pride. “That’s my biggest

acting career on icons like Marilyn Mon-

desire as an artist.”

Through the trauma, Vega keeps

When Vega started acting onstage,

“There is something beautiful and

with respect. That’s Vega’s real voice. And it’s gorgeous. A Fantastic Woman played in

what the movie accomplished is to

her character’s head high. She’ll cry

an early teacher told her to find out

roe and Audrey Hepburn—she wanted

alone, crumpling to the ground in a

what made her unique—and the

to construct an original, authentic

announced that she wants to play

bathroom stall. But in public, she’s

answer had to be artistic, not biologi-

design. Marina is her own independent

every kind of character from a pregnant

polite, quiet and calm, even when the

cal. She’d started asking herself that

woman, a girl who doesn’t wear a lot

woman to a man. But now that her

dead man’s family calls her a “fucking

question years before as a child opera

of makeup and enjoys wearing casual

dreams are closer to reality, she shyly

monster” and dismisses their love as

singer—Vega has been a powerful

leather jackets. Sometimes her hair is

hedges her bets. “My ego is not as big

“perversion”. Her inner strength only

mezzo-soprano since she was 8.

messy. She’s real.

to think that I know what kind of future

makes the jerks look weak.

“Every single singer starts off imitat-

Still, the shoot wasn’t always easy.

In the past, Vega’s boldly

is going to be ahead of me.” As Marina

“She is a woman with a lot of dig-

ing other singers,” says Vega. But great

On the day Marina tracks down her

sings in her first number, “Headlines

nity, resilience, and rebellion,” says Vega

singers discover their own voice. What

lover’s corpse to say farewell, Vega

filled the front page, so you’re known

through a translator in Los Angeles for

Vega discovered was her eyes, which,

hid herself away from the rest of the

everywhere.” ★


D E A D L I N E .C O M / AWA R D S L I N E

1213 - First Take - Opener - Daniela Vega.indd 4

12/8/17 3:23 PM

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