Deadline Hollywood - AwardsLine - 06/05/19

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You seem like you’re on a tear with the show. You’ve already written Season 2?


Well, I’d say I was halfway through. I think of a first draft as being halfway through. But yeah, it’s incredible to be going into a second season with all the love for the first. You shouldn’t go into anything again if it isn’t at least watched and liked. But this has been extraordinary, I must admit.

As Netflix sitcom After Life strikes a chord with viewers, the comedian is ready to show his softer side BY J O E U T I C H I

I did finish the first so that it could be the only series. I always do that, in case I die tomorrow [laughs]. So I did it with The Office and with Extras. There’s always an ending. But as soon as you know you’re going to do another one, that’s

RICKY GERVAIS IS A PRIME PROVOCATEUR, at least if you ask the many critics he has drawn for his comedy, through shows like The Office and Extras, his stand-up, and a particularly active Twitter feed. But, as his new show After Life proves, the well of his compassion runs deep. On the surface, it’s the kind of show with which Gervais pokes at the easily offended. He plays Tony, a grieving widower who hurls insults and dabbles in hard drugs. But the show has been a hit because of what lies beneath: a sensitive, emotional, and often romantic look at what grief, depression and guilt does to us all.

not the ending anymore. It becomes a cliffhanger. That’s so lovely as well. The second series of anything should be the best. You’ve put all your eggs into one basket, you think, but how well do you know someone after three hours? Right? With a second series, you know who you’re writing for. You know what worked and what didn’t. I think I’ve also got the best cast of any comedy/drama in history. It’s incredible. And they’re all coming back. It’s just so much fun once you’ve already set up the world. It’s all set up for you.

Television and film has dealt a lot with

The scenes with Penelope Wilton’s

the sadness of grief. After Life deals

Anne are quite positive about religion,

Well, you say it did have a conclusion,

with the other emotions: numbness,

to be coming from an atheist.

and that’s true. There was a sense that

confusion, even guilt.

Well, it’s the difference between religion

Tony was on a journey and he reached

Because Tony says he feels guilty that he

and spirituality. Spirituality is a personal

the end of it.

resents going to see his dad every day,

thing that does no one any harm. If it

Right, but I’ve never been one to have it all end,

and that frustrates him. He’s frustrated

makes you feel better, good luck to you. I

“And they all lived happily ever after…” That’s

with his dad, and he feels guilty about that

don’t believe it’s true, but if you do, that’s

why I would never end a movie with a kiss.

because he knows it’s not his fault. There

great. Wherever you find it, whatever you

Because we never know if it’s happily ever after.

are so many mixed emotions with grief and

think—whether it’s a connection with

Most marriages don’t end in happily ever after.

dementia. With dementia, you try to get by,

nature, or you think there’s an Almighty,

by telling yourself, “That’s not the person I

whatever—that’s lovely.

knew,” but then you feel guilty about that.

Religion takes that and uses it as a stick

I think I’ve stolen everything for endings in everything I’ve ever done—from Ghost Town to The Office to The Invention of Lying—from [Billy

No, it is the person you knew. They just

to beat you with. Religion says, “Oh, you

Wilder’s] The Apartment. When she says, “Shut

don’t know you.

love God, do you? Well, I know Him, and He

up and deal.” I love that. They’re soulmates.

says if you give me money, I’ll get you into

They’re already friends. They know there’s more

death after a really long, terrible illness. My

People also feel guilty about the relief of

heaven.” Or, “If you do these things, then

chance of happily ever after. I’ve always tried

mum had lung cancer, and you think, Well,

you’ll get into heaven.”

to put a grownup romance in there, if I do put

she’s not in pain anymore. And then you feel guilty for thinking that. I’m quite militant about that now,

Religion’s a middleman, I suppose, for feeling good. That’s all it is. It’s a broker.

else is there but sharing your 80 years on this

You can have all the good bits of religion

planet with someone else?

because I’ve thought a lot about it. I’m

without religion. So much of it is snake

very pro-assisted suicide and Dignitas. We

oil salesmen.

know it’s a lovely thing to do to a Labra-

romance in, which I usually do, because what

I think that this is sort of like a fable along the lines of It’s a Wonderful Life. To prove to

Anne is just a good person. She just

someone that life’s worth living. There’s a bit

dor when they’re very ill. We know it. And

said the right things to Tony, and I liked

of Christmas Carol in it. He was Scrooge, and

yet we don’t want to be the person who

that intuition. I like the gut feeling she got,

kindness made him realize he was wrong. But

says, “It’s a fucking lovely thing to do to

when she said to her husband after Tony

of course, Christmas Carol ends on Christmas

your grandma if she wants it.” It’s crazy for

left, “He seems nice.” I just love that; a little

Day. What happens on Boxing Day? Or on New

people to think like that.

throwaway thing, and Tony hears it. Good

Year’s Eve? Does he keep it up?

People have asked me what my worst fear is. My worst fear is being told, “You’ve got six months to live, and it’s going to be the worst six months of your life.” Fuck.


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David Vintiner

people have good gut feelings, because

So that’s Season 2. What happens the day

they’re programmed to be compassionate.

after? Because depression doesn’t just end.

Penelope’s an incredible actress. She

“Oh good, I have a date with a nurse, I’ll never

made my lines. That’s all you can ever ask.

be sad again.” Really? Well, we’ll see. ★

D E A D L I N E .C O M / AWA R D S L I N E


5/31/19 3:38 PM

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