Deadline Hollywood - Disruptors + Cannes Film Festival - 05/13/19

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and bathrooms as we know them. The main house,

had a nice house in San Francisco, and I said to my

he built this for himself, and all he told the architect

wife, “Let’s buy a cottage in the Napa Valley, so the

For us, it was a new dimension. Not only were

is, “I just want a terrace that we can walk about,”

kids could go to a place where there are trees and

we in love with a great Hollywood tradition—William

and he wanted a lot of wood because he was a

maybe an acre of grapes, and we’ll make wine like

Wyler, King Vidor, John Huston and all of these

captain. When we bought the place, my wife and

my grandfather did, and we’ll give it to the relatives

greats, but we were also taken by this new European

I, we had little kids and we had no intention to buy

for Christmas.” She liked the idea of a little summer

thing with the New Wave and the unbelievable

[such] a grand place.

house. So we were looking at little cheap summer

Italian movies in those days after the war, as well as

houses, and the agent said, “This isn’t for you, but

Japanese movies. So I think one of the interesting

You mentioned your grandfather…

they’re going to auction the Niebaum estate—the

things about people my age and younger is that

My grandfather, incidentally, is a man who

original house and a big hunk of the mountain.” I

we were hit by two great traditions: the American

engineered and built the Vitaphone. My father’s

said, “What’s that?”

studio tradition, which was great, and the Japanese,

father built the machine that enabled The

So we went to see it. I had no money or ability

followed us, were basically in love with movies.

European, Swedish traditions were also hitting us.

Jazz Singer, and I have pictures of him with the

to buy a place like that, but when I saw it, it was

Vitaphone. So, now that my granddaughter has

like, “This is where the rich people live.” It had a lake

made her first movie, the Coppola family is five

and 1,400 acres and this beautiful antique house.

the Godfather picture, which was not thought to

generations deep in the movie business, which

We were knocked out, so I made an offer. We didn’t

be such a winner at the time we were editing it,

is weird and amazing if you think that the movie

get it, and that ruined our plan for a little cottage

surprised everyone, most of all me. And probably

business is only 110 or 120 years old. And we have

because nothing compared to this. This is right

Paramount. It was under a lot of shadows. The point

five generations, including on the other side,

before I went to make Apocalypse Now.

I’m making is that to make Apocalypse Now I had

because my other grandfather owned a movie

We were close to going to the Philippines, and

So we were doubly in love with the movie business. I was about 30. I had three kids. Miraculously,

to put up everything I was worth to guarantee the

theater and they lived in it. He was very interested

about seven, eight months after having lost the

in movies and he imported some of the first Italian

deal, my wife heard the rumor that the people who

movies for immigrants in America to see.

bought it were financed by a group that wanted to

You bet on yourself.

put 60 homes on the mountain but ran into trouble

And in those days, when Carter was president, the

to Italy. He was dealing with a big studio that was

with the new agricultural preserve rules that said

interest rate was 25%. So not only did I have this

making these films. They said, “She’s an actress.”

the mountain couldn’t be exploited—thank God.

loan on my back in order to make the picture, but

She wasn’t an actress. But, as a pretty 16-year-old,

So, on a wild chance, I went to the people who had

it was at impossible interest. The likelihood of me

the studio wanted her to do a test, and though my

bought it and said, “Is there a chance you might

surviving that was very against me, and I was, of

grandfather was greatly against it, she did it. I’ve

want to sell it?” They said yes.

course, during Apocalypse, famously scared and

Actually, he took my mother, when she was 16,

heard that speech of her test. It’s something like,

budget, including this place that I had just gotten.

I bought it from them without even knowing

depressed. So when I got back, my wife said to me,

“Through the courtesy and so-and-so of the Caesar

where the hell I was going to get the money. It was

“We have this winery. What should we do? We have

Film Company, one of the most modern, up-to-date

about what a house cost in Beverly Hills in those

200 acres of grapes and we don’t know anything

film studios in the world, we are glad to present to

days; I think it was about $1.2 million. I arranged that

about how to run a wine business.” I said, “Well, I

you, Vittorio De Sica.” She made that speech and

and went off to make Apocalypse Now.

don’t know anything about how to make movies

I’ve heard that speech all my life. That is the extent of my mother’s experience as an actress.

I had made the successful Godfather and I

either, really, so let’s just do our best.”

think also the successful Godfather II and The Conversation. I was in the movie business, where

It is the dream to own a film like Apocalypse

She didn’t pursue it further?

you’re up and down. I was in my up period but I

Now, or a winery like this?

It was used as an introduction, I guess, on some

was astonished that nobody wanted me to make

The reason our family owns Apocalypse Now is

film, but for my grandfather... For her to be an

Apocalypse Now. I learned the big rule of the movie

because no one else wanted to finance it. When

actress then was scandalous, so he didn’t want any

business, which is, it’s not so much that you maybe

it was done it was a) long and b) weird, in most

of that.

won a bunch of Oscars or are in good favor, it’s

people’s opinion. But I was a kid who never had

also about the type of movie you want to make. If

$100 to his name, who owed $20m or $30m at

So how did you land at Inglenook—and how did

I wanted to spend my whole life making gangster

25% interest. So I was scared stiff, and also I was

Apocalypse Now factor in?

pictures, I guess I could have done that, but my

doubly scared because I now had this place and my

I had no money whatsoever to my name, much

movie aspiration was... I was young. I wanted to

little kids. I remember being on that terrace right out

less influence or connections, when I came here to

learn as much as I could and try as many different

there that Niebaum built, just depressed. “This is so

go to film school. I had not a penny. But after The

styles and understand more about the cinema,

beautiful and I’m going to lose it shortly because of

Godfather I got the first little money I ever had. We

because my generation, and the generation that

this picture.”


D E A D L I N E .C O M / AWA R D S L I N E

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