July 2018 Gelbvieh World

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Mid-Year Report Kelsi Christian and Megan Slater


ith many changes happening in the first part of this year, it is good to be reminded of the accomplishments made so far in 2018 and to get a glimpse of what exciting things lie ahead. As always, the focus remains on the American Gelbvieh Association’s (AGA) Meeting Modern Industry Demands long-range strategic plan. Once again this year, the AGA has put together a mid-year report and corresponding video which can be found on www.gelbvieh.org as well the AGA’s YouTube channel as a way to keep the membership and other Gelbvieh and Balancer® stakeholders informed on the happenings of the Gelbvieh and Balancer breed.

National Convention The 48th Annual AGA National Convention will be held in Nashville, Tennessee, November 28-30, 2018. The theme of the convention is “Meeting Modern Industry Demands: Raising the Bar”. The AGA encourages all its members to attend the convention and be more involved through participation in committee meetings and the annual meeting where AGA leadership is elected. Convention events will also include the 4th Annual Cattlemen’s Profit Roundup and the awards banquet, to name a few. Registration opens July 20, 2018. AGA convention updates can be found on www.gelbvieh.org, the Gelbvieh World publication, and the AGA e-news.

AGA Communications The AGA always does its best to communicate with members and keep them up to date on the latest happenings and uses several methods of communication to fit the needs of all members. The most up-to-date AGA information is found in the e-news, which is sent via email every other Friday. The Gelbvieh World publication contains not only several informative and thought-provoking articles, but also valuable information from the AGA. This spring, the AGA initiated a new automated calling service to remind members of critical upcoming deadlines such as herd assessments. The AGA also has a text messaging option that sends forthcoming deadlines and information straight to your cell phone. To sign up to receive text messages from the AGA text “Gelbvieh” to 51660. Because communication with the membership is vital to a healthy organization, the AGA asks all members to keep current contact information on their profile on the AGA Online Registry Service. If you have questions regarding AGA news or communication, please call us at 303-465-2333, and we are happy to assist you.

“The American Rancher” In February 2018 the AGA’s episode of “The American Rancher” broadcasted on RFD-TV, had just over 1 million urban household views, which is more than any other previously aired AGA episode. The AGA is excited to keep this growth coming with the October 1 episode showcasing Gelbvieh and Balancer-influenced cattle from the western half of the United States. Breeders can contact Angela Vesco at the AGA office to purchase a 30-second commercial spot in the next Gelbvieh and Balancer episode of “The American Rancher”.

AGA Social Media With more and more cattlemen and women joining the world of social media, the AGA has begun focusing more efforts on various social media platforms. The AGA has been concentrating on spreading the Gelbvieh and Balancer message to new producers and driving them to the Gelbvieh website as well as making social media more of a resource for current AGA members. The AGA has seen an increase in new users

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