2015-2016 FY Annual Report - DCNEO

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Transforming Lives

Our Mission:

social awareness, confidence and self-esteem in children through Our mission is to build

the practice of social dance. Through standards-based, inschool residencies, we use the vocabulary of ballroom

positive feelings that are inherent in every child. The maturity necessary to dance together fosters respect , teamwork , c o n f i d e n c e and a sense of j o y and accomplishment, which we hope to bring to every dance to cultivate the

child. Ballroom dance is the medium we use to nurture these qualities.

One Step at a Time

To Our Audience

Jo Jo Carcioppolo Founding Executive Director “Thank you Partner, Hello New Partner…” With respect and elegance, students in the Dancing Classrooms program are taught how to work with and accept one another regardless of their differences. In a time when we bemoan the loss of civil discourses and our society seems to become boarder by the day, Dancing Classrooms is a program that demands the children not only treat others with respect, but also encourages the children to respect themselves. Few would disagree that, as a society, we’re faced with trying times. However, through the work of this program, we’re constantly reminded that our world, including Northeast Ohio, is full of hope! Take for example the children who struggle academically. We see time and time again how, through a dance step, they experience the satisfaction of accomplishing something through their willingness to simply say, “Yes!” when presented with the opportunity to try something outside of their box. Or take the classmates who are at odds over their perceived differences and outright refuse to work together or connect in any way. Over time, through opportunities being continuously presented, these students begin to lower their barriers and gain the tools and skill set required to successfully work together toward a common goal. While working together, they learn to respect one another, and perhaps even to respect their difference. This is also seen in the students whose negative behavior has left them with a label that hinders their growth. Through Dancing Classrooms, they gain attention for their positive actions, allowing them to be seen in a different light which then extends beyond the program. The experience of Dancing Classrooms is a journey. This is the rationale for the program’s structure being implemented throughout the course of ten weeks, rather than twenty consecutive or random days. The lessons we impart and behavior changes we strive to ignite take time. Thank you for joining us on this important journey! It’s our vision to help create schools and communities where no child feels rejected, disrespected, or at a loss for hope. And with that goal in mind, we continue dancing forward…


DCNEO Team Board of Directors Sean M. Joyce, CPA Mary Lee Bowen Clint Fowler Deborah L. Gordon Hayley Schmidt Tiffany Sedlacek Tia Stathopoulos Lisa Weitzman

Founding Executive Director Jo Jo Carcioppolo

Program Manager Anna McGonigal

“My favorite thing about being a TA is being a small part of the transformation that takes place in each of the classrooms we teach. As a TA, we are able to reach the lives of so many students and the difference that we make is very tangible and obvious. I honestly think that being a TA is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding experiences of my life.” Jose Garcia

Teaching Artists Kayla Davis Jose Garcia Tori Muellauer Katy Russell Lori Simplican Jennifer Wade Darian Wilson

“Being a TA has been the greatest thing I have ever done. I love watching ladies and gentlemen achieve goals they never thought possible and watch the joy in their eyes. I had a classroom teacher tell me that my presence in the school brings the biggest joy in their day to the teachers and students, and that is a wonderful feeling knowing that your job is to bring joy.” Jennifer Wade


“Being the program manager allows me to see the true transformation of the students from beginning to end. I get to see the students on their first lesson, hesitant to connect with their peers, then twice in the middle of the residency, while they are working on teamwork and learning the steps, and finally at their Culminating Event, when they are standing taller and are proud of what they have accomplished. I enjoy going to visit each of the classes that we work with because the students are always excited to “show off” what they have learned.” Anna McGonigal

“Being a TA with Dancing Classrooms is so very rewarding. Being able to combine so many of my passions into a program that is benefitting the next generation is so fantastic. I love how this program uses dance to teach so many fundamental life lessons, many of which like respect and elegance, are often lost. Being able to watch the students transform from nervous and self-conscious boys and girls to kind, confident, and exuberant ladies and gentlemen is so amazing. I love to see how it improves morale within the entire school and begins to change the culture into something more positive and hopeful, students and teachers alike!” Katy Russell

Cleveland Clinic has been a proud, active partner with Dancing Classrooms Northeast Ohio since 2010. From the first meeting with the Executive Director, Jo Jo Carcioppolo, our staff within the Clinic’s Office of Community Outreach knew this was a special opportunity to impact the health and well-being of children, extending to their classrooms, families and communities. Since that first year we have seen this amazing program grow in all facets: curriculum enhancements to meet critical State standards; expansion to schools and neighborhoods throughout the region; improved communication and engagement among students, teachers, parents and school administrators; and most important, a documented improvement in the academic & social experience for the children at their schools. The Clinic’s role in the Dancing Classrooms partnership has expanded along with the program. Through the introduction of the “Cleveland Clinic Healthy Habits Journal” in the classroom experience, an idea born from the desire to add age-appropriate health and wellness information to DCNEO’s already strong social engagement strategy, participating students now had a daily journal for reading, writing, drawing, and sharing. In addition to the daily structured writing assignment, each page featured a healthy habit and challenge to expand on that day’s lesson. This excellent educational tool, which is updated annually, has served as a complement to the day-to-day lesson plan that the children experience with DCNEO’s Teaching Artists. And the introduction of the journal to the classroom lessons was seamless, a testament to the skill of the DCNEO staff in adding to their existing program, making it even better. It “Takes Two to Tango”, as students learn within the DCNEO program, and the Clinic’s ongoing commitment to this match is based on the strong leadership of the DCNEO staff, Board, and the results shared through numerous surveys and school feedback. Through innovation, energetic school engagement, exceptional communication and a successful track record, this program continues to be a core relationship for the Clinic. As important, this partnership collaboration has enabled our Community Outreach office to craft similar journals and educational models for other community partners, thus using a proven teaching tool to positively impact the lives of thousands of other children in Northeast Ohio. As we look to the future with Dancing Classrooms, we anticipate more school systems, from all socio-economic circles, recognizing the value of this program to affect positive change in their buildings and among their students, and signing up. We also look forward to meeting dynamic new DCNEO Teaching Artists who, along with the executive director, will take this program to higher levels of excellence. And we look forward to many more Dancing Classrooms Culminating Events in Northeast Ohio, where children in 5th and 8th grade dress like it’s Prom night and display dazzling dancing and social skills; families joyfully scream their approval while cheering for their favorites; and school leaders and their communities celebrate the significant achievement and positive growth their students experience through this one-of-a-kind, life-changing program. With best wishes for a strong future for Dancing Classrooms and thousands of young students, Kristen Morris, Chief Government and Community Relations Officer Vickie Eaton Johnson, Senior Director, Community Outreach Pamela Marshall Holmes, Senior Director, Local Government Relations Cleveland Clinic 3

2016 Commitment to Student Success

In 2016 our goal was to increase the number of Northeast Ohio students served annually by four-hundred through our “Commitment to student success”. Through her role as Event Chair, we were grateful to welcome Dr. Margaret McKenzie as our partner in support of this important effort. Beyond her many prestigious roles such as assistant professor of Surgery at Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine, the director for Medical Student Education, a clerkship director in the Department of Ob/Gyn, and a staff member in Cleveland Clinic's Ob/Gyn & Women's Health Institute, Dr. McKenzie is a mother! And not just a mother, Dr. McKenzie is the mother of two daughters who experienced the Dancing Classrooms program when they were in the eighth grade at their school. It was through their experiences that Dr. McKenzie was first introduced to Dancing Classrooms Northeast Ohio (DCNEO) and was then brought to tears at their Culminating Event (final lesson #20) as she witnessed the transformation of her own daughters and their peers. With that passion, Dr. McKenzie has helped us highlight our program’s mission to an expanded audience both within Cleveland Clinic as well as throughout the community. Whether speaking before her peers or a new audience, her message always beautifully connects the importance of our work to the general public who may have long forgotten the life of being 5th and/or 8th graders and the challenges they face. At our 2016 Celebration Gala she spoke to our attendees on the importance of taking risks. Her words and challenges mimicked the journey of our program, showing students the success they can achieve in trying something new. Through the steps of their ten week Dancing Classrooms journey, students improve in their social and emotional learning, improve their physical well-being, and as a result, influence the positive transformation of our communities. With Dr. McKenzie’s help, we’ve successfully garnered support from the community and expanded the program’s reach by 26%, serving more than 500 additional children. To date, DCNEO has now served a cumulative total of more than 12,000 Northeast Ohio children, many who fall within some of our most underserved communities. We are so thankful to those who have helped us continually grow this program in an effort to positively impact the children in our communities! Among so many wonderful supporters, thank you to the following sponsors who supported our “2016 Commitment to Student Success”.



2016 Commitment PRODUCER(SPONSOR:((

to Student Success

DANCE(CAPTAIN(SPONSORS:(( Anonymous( Fairmount(Santrol( PATRON(SPONSORS:(( Milton(&(Charlo4e(Kramer(Family(Founda8on( RPM(Interna8onal(Inc.((( Western(&(Southern(Life(

“As a parent of two children who experienced Dancing Classrooms, I witnessed first-hand the positive impact this social development program had on my children and their peers. The program brings students together, regardless of their differences, and physically connects them, in a respectful and meaningful way, and then provides an opportunity for them to work together to accomplish a common goal. The results of this experience are vast, transformational, and support student achievement. As a healthcare provider, I recognize that true wellness goes beyond the body and must also include the health of one’s social and emotional needs. The emotional health this program provides is building the future leaders of our communities. I truly believe every child should have this transformational experience as a part of their education.” ~ Margaret McKenzie, MD, FACOG Chair, 2016 Commitment to Student Success Cleveland Clinic



Schools Involved In its seventh school year, Dancing Classrooms Northeast Ohio served over 2,000 children in 78 classrooms throughout 29 schools. This outreach was spread throughout multiple districts in both Cuyahoga and Summit counties. Akron Opportunity Center Hyre Community Learning Center Schumacher Community Learning Center Harrison Elementary

Bolton School Buhrer Dual Language School Campus International Cleveland School of the Arts (Lower Campus) East Clark Wilbur Wright Arbor Elementary Bluestone Elementary Chardon Hills Magnet School Shoreview Elementary

Middleburg Heights Junior High School

Akron College Preparatory School Canton College Preparatory School Cleveland College Preparatory School Lake Erie College Preparatory School Northeast Ohio Preparatory School Ohio College Preparatory School University of Cleveland Preparatory School Ballard Brady Middle School

Warrensville Heights Middle School

Caledonia Elementary Chambers Elementary Mayfair Elementary Prospect Elementary Superior Elementary 6


Schools Involved In its eighth school year, Dancing Classrooms Northeast Ohio served over 2,400 children in 100 classrooms throughout 47 schools. This outreach was spread throughout multiple districts in both Cuyahoga and Summit counties. Crouse Community Learning Center Helen Arnold Community Learning Center Hyre Community Learning Center Portage Path Community Learning Center Schumacher Community Learning Center Adlai Stevenson Bolton Clara Westropp Fullerton Louis Agassiz Patrick Henry Scranton

Almira Buhrer Dual Language Campus International Dike School of the Arts Mary Bethune Robert Jamison Sunbeam

Anton Grdina Clark East Clark Garfield Miles Park RG Jones Wade Park Wilbur Wright

Arbor Elementary Bluestone Elementary Chardon Hills Magnet School Shoreview Elementary Ballard Brady Middle School Akron College Preparatory School Canton College Preparatory School Cleveland College Preparatory School Lake Erie College Preparatory School Northeast Ohio Preparatory School Ohio College Preparatory School University of Cleveland Preparatory School

Constellation Schools Collinwood Village Academy

Eastwood Elementary   Cleveland Montessori Middle Caledonia Elementary Chambers Elementary Mayfair Elementary Superior Elementary


Dance Marathon

One of the many wonderful benefits of Dancing Classrooms is the people it exposes us to. This sentiment couldn’t be more true when it comes to a very special community we've come to know, love and appreciate at Creative Movement Center (CMC). Over the years as we’ve gotten to know the CMC community, it has always been apparent that they wanted to do even more to support the work of DCNEO. In the 2015-2016 school year they set a very specific goal: to raise $3,000 through the 2015 Dance Marathon to enable them to "adopt" a 5th grade classroom within the Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD) to receive the 10 week social development program, Dancing Classrooms. On December 11, 2015, seventy-five participants were in attendance to enjoy an evening of master classes that spanned many genres from African to hip hop to musical theatre. It was the largest Dance Marathon we’ve hosted to date and it was not only a success with the amount of participants, but they accepted our challenge to personally fundraise $60 each. With their hard work and fundraising efforts, their goal was accomplished. CMC successfully raised enough to “adopt” a 5th grade classroom to receive the Dancing Classrooms program for the first time! The funds were directed to support Dancing Classrooms implementation with the 5th grade classroom at Sunbeam Elementary (CMSD). The opportunity was received with great enthusiasm by twenty-one fifth grade students and their teacher, Ms. Dew. Along with friends and family, representatives from CMC were able to attend the students’ Culminating Event and see their transformation! “Our school community thoroughly appreciated your support to bring Dancing Classrooms to our school,” said Josephine B. Grignon, Curriculum Instruction Specialist. “…Through participating in the Dancing Classrooms program students increase their self-confidence, social awareness, and mutual respect for their partners. Students develop character and life skills that will assist them in whatever path they choose to explore.”( Thank you CMC for your continued support of Dancing Classrooms Northeast(Ohio!(


Program Impact Through our partnership with the Cleveland Clinic, Dancing Classrooms Northeast Ohio has developed a pre- and post-residency survey that every participating student completes. We measure whether Dancing Classrooms is changing students’ perceptions: for example, does the program make students feel that their classroom behavior is important to their success? If students’ perceptions of these areas begin to shift in a positive direction, then positive actions may follow. The results below highlight that our program positively impacted the students’ perceptions in the areas of their Academic Performance, Behavioral Management, and the overall School/Classroom Culture.

In the 2015-2016 school year we measured specific elements (attendance) within our evaluation area. For example, whereas in the past we have measured student perceptions of the importance of attendance, in 2013-2014 we began taking actual attendance within our program and compiling data. The chart below illustrates that 66% of the 5th and 8th grade students had a 95% attendance rate or higher in the Dancing Classrooms program. Additionally, of that 66%, 41% of the students had a perfect 100% attendance rate in our program. Attendance is the first step to improving students’ academic performance. Dancing Classrooms is teaching students the value of showing up.






DCNEO Supporters Abington Foundation Abood, Chris & Mary Adam Friedman Advanced Health & Wellness Center Akron Community Foundation Altamira, Michael Amazon Amer Insurance Anna & Matt McGonigal Anonymous Anonymous Beadling, Troy & Erin Becher, Staci & Gary Becker, Brian & Karen Beckler, Megan & Jon Becks, Paul Bednarek, John Bell, Keith Bhuyan, Waheed Biondo, Debra Bisconti, Andrea Blanchard, Larry & Wanda Boehm, Art & Kim Boware, Theresa Bowen, Mary Lee Boykin, Roxia Brennan, Maureen & Andrew Resetar Bresler, Charles & Karen Brookins, Cynthia Brulport, Catherine & Nate Burnett, Jan & Jay Buschert, Charles Calo, Rachel Camburn, Daniel & Nancy Carcioppolo, Angelo & Jude Carcioppolo, Angelo V. & Jo Jo Carole F. Hoover Carroll, Melanie & Paul Celina C. Photography Cellura, Matt Cencic, Sonia Milton A. & Charlotte R. Kramer Foundation Church, Robert Cifani, Lisa Cleveland Clinic Cleveland Music Group Cloonan, Darlene Conrad, Linda Cooper, Karen Coyne, Susan 12

Creative Movement Center Cuyahoga Arts & Culture Cuyahoga Community College Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority Dalrymple, Robert & Linda Dancing Desserts Davis, Lois Day Star Staffing Degesys, Dan & Roma Diane & Roy Ferguson Diturno, Francis Ditzig, Frank & Michelle DMG Endowment Dollar Bank Dominion East Ohio Eichenmiller, Jacqueline Ellison, Art & Jane Embrescia, Elizabeth Ernestine’s Cleaning Service, Inc. Eva L. Joseph M. Bruening Foundation Fair, James Fairmount Minerals Foundation Falcone, Michael & Tatiana First Energy Firtha, Deb Fort, Gailmarie Fowler, Clint & Patricia Frabotta, Theresa & Sergio Fulton & Thea O’Donoghue Gaede, Gretchen GE Foundation Gee, George & Jennifer Gerber, Gregory & Beth Gertrude F. Orr Trust Gibbons, Scott & Lisa Gittinger, Steve The GPD Employees’ Foundation Graham, Geoffrey & Heather Green, Maria Grodin, Bill Gurbis, Al & Mary Kay Harry K. & Emma R. Fox Foundation Hilling, Lisa Hipp, Larry Hogan, Laura Holt, David Holtzman, Audrey & Douglas Hubert, Mary B. Hunter, DL Hutchinson, Dianne & Kirk Iacobucci, Carol

DCNEO Supporters Jeckering, Gina Johnson, Vickie Johnston, Roger & Royce Joseph, Suzanne Joyce, Mark & Renee Joyce, Sean & Terese Karpy, Theodore Kayla Davis Kenneth L. Calhoun Charitable Trust Kline, Laurence Krug, Donald Leach, Torri Lee, Dr. Amy Lerner Foundation LiPuma, Wendy Lobaza, Michael & Jessica M&G Pools Macraild, Susan & David Mallis, Mike & Jennifer Marasch, Matthew & Jaime Matas, Richard & Barbara Matthews, Brian Mazey, Mark McCafferty, Elizabeth McCoy, Matthew McKenzie, Dr. Margaret McMaster-Carr Supply Company Melaragno, Amy Merkle, Paul A. & Karen Michael J. Horvitz Molly Snavely Molnar, Gusty Molter, Barbara Morris, Craig & Kristin Mr. John Bednarek Ms. Maureen Brennan Ms. Susan Coyne Myers, George & Rita Nagy, Dr. Laura Niederkorn, Timothy & Sherry O’Callaghan, William Olman, Ryan & Kara Pamela Benn-HIll Pantic, Dan & Susan Parma Movers Pastore, Ryan & Debra Paulitzky, Barbara Pearce, Ken & Niki Pearce, Taylor Peele, Sonya

Petros, Anne-Marie Pollack, Alan Pope, Pauline Project 64 LLC Ritchie Memorial Fund Robert D. Gries Ronald McDonald House of NE Ohio RPM International Russell, Debra Santiago, Cassandra Sauer, McKinley & Laura Schmidt, Geoff & Hayley Scott, John & Tracy Sedlacek, Tiffany Seeley, Michael & Melissa John W. and Janet L. Sharp Shearer, CM & Barbara Smith Foundation Solis, Barbara Soto, Anita & Ariel Steele, Kelly Stefanek, Thomas & Martha Steinway Hall - Akron Inc. Stephan, Jennifer Stephen, Jeb & Jill Still, Valerie Stine, Justin & Jessica Summit Endodontic Specialists Svoboda, Charles & Mary Taton, Richard Tedeschi, Jennifer & Stephen Millennium Fund for Children of Akron Community Foundation Titti, Mark Tri-County Painting, Inc. Trout, Lisa Ungur, Remus & Christina Usaj, Kathleen Valenza, Patricia Vaughan, Katharine Verderber, Eric & Tanya Vernon L. Odom Fund Weiss, Michelle Weitzman, Lisa & Stuart Welty Building Company, LTD Wester & Southern Life Wey, Dr. Jane Whetsell, Larry & Amy Will, Larissa Wyllie, Robert & Elaine

This list of donors is from contributions made during both the 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 fiscal years. Every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy. If any errors have been made, please accept our sincerest apologies.


Dancing Classrooms Northeast Ohio 1085 Rockside Road, Suite #6 Parma, Ohio 44134

Phone: 440-230-5170 www.dancingclassroomsneo.org

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