2017 Newspapers in Education

Page 19



Curious and picky Dear Editor, I have a cat named Lolu. He’s a boy. He is always curious and he is a little picky. Some times he drinks out of the dogs bowl. He is a little crazy and is a little bit funny. Kuidence Darling Grade 1, Holland Elementary


ed to be a music teacher so she found something to be when she grows up. She can play infrount of people. That’s why you should learn to play an instrument. Molly Keusch Grade 2, Holland Elementary

other people. I can download more games. That’s why I need a iPhone. Kalen Denton Grade 3, Holland Elementary


Dear Editor, Trees are important because they provide oxygen. They also provide food and seeds to make more. It also helps us with our miteareals and helps build homes. Most things that you usually get is stuff like rubber, wood, and sap. That is why trees are important. Trenton Brames Grade 3, Holland Elementary

Dear Editor, I think people should go fishing. Fishing is fun. Fish is healthy for you. I like fishing. Chase O’Brien Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Dear Editor, I love cats. I love cats because their fur is soft and cozy. I also love cats because they are kind and they are so playful. If you have a toy mouse and move it around on the ground the cat mite go and catch the mouse and drag it away. Cats are useley tarafid of cucumbers. They usely run or jump away. The also jump high. I hope you like cats like I do. Reid Cox Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Laundry is work

Jobs and chores


Dear Editor, Laundry is hard work. It takes a long time. First, you have to wash dirty clothes. Next, dry them. Finally, fold the clothes and put them away. Yazenia Cordova Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Awesome dogs Dear Editor, I like dogs. They are awesome! They are very hard to take care of ! My dog’s name is Duke and he is a boy. He’s a black and brown beagle dog. Collin Harger Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Treats for pets Dear Editor, I think the vetcenter should have a bowl of treats for the pets. I think they should have lots of pets. I’m glad the vetcenter is there, because it helps my pets. Isabella Shaw Grade 1, Holland Elementary

My buddy Dear Editor, I love my mom, my dad, and my sister. My mom and dad take us fun places. We have a dog named Jaxs, he is my buddy. Gage Sherman Grade 1, Holland Elementary

Annoying sisters Dear Editor, I think sisters are the worst because once I went in the hospitle wheare my sister was born, and I could hear her screaming. Rite now the date is February 16, 2017. My sister is still annoying. Every time I play legos it ends up in a disaster. My sister brakes my legos. My favorit game is wrestling. I love to wrestle my sister she is so easy to pin. Sometimes she goes in my room and steels my legos. It feels so frustrating. I hope Mom has another baby to get Harper frusterated. Harper was born 4 years ago. Aidan Wibbeler Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Field trips Dear Editor, Schools need more field trips because we only have three field trips. I think we should have five field trips in a whole school year. Here are a couple reasons why. My first reason is we only have three and thats not enough. I think 5 because it would be so much fun! My next reason is we should have five because it would be so boring if not. That’s why I think schools need more field trips. Laney Bardwell Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Play instruments Dear Editor, I think more people shoud learn how to play an instrument like a gutiar or piano. My sister and I started piano lessons. Then I loved to play, but my sister didn’t. My piano teacher was nice. Her name was Lauren. I was making beautiful music! If your playing music it can make you happy and other people. My grandma played the piano and my cousin played the gutiar. My sister, Jill, would play on my cousin’s gutiar but she didn’t know how to really play it. Jill want-

Dear Editor, I think jobs are important to do. You help people out by doing your job. Jobs are kind of like chores. You can put your clothes away by yourself ! Do you ever remember to turn all of the lights out? That’s a chore. You can get paid for daily chores. I get paid one dollar and three pennies for each chore I do. That’s why I think jobs and chores are important. Kali Chambers Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Indiana Hoosiers Dear Editor, I like the Indiana Hoosiers. They are really good. They can slam dunk the ball. They play college basket ball and they are done this year. I was lucky. I got to watch them play at Indiana. They are from Indiana. Let’s hope they’re better next year! They better have James Blackmen! Karson Wibbeler Grade 2, Holland Elementary

Wild cow Dear Editor, Last year at Monroe County Fair, I brought my cow Abby. Abby is a beef cow. Every night we walked her until the last night everything went wrong. We were walking Abby on a path that she had never gone on. We were walking by the hog barn, and that’s when it went wrong. Abby saw a trashcan. She went toward the trashcan. She sniffed the trashcan. Then she went wild. She got scared. She reared up. I was still holding on to the lead. My dad however droped the lead. Abby kept on getting scared. She ran in different derections. Then she stopped. A few people were stairing at me. Jaylynn Goodwin Grade 3, Holland Elementary

Fun and stupid Dear Editor, I want to jump off a roof all the time, here is why. You could put on armor and not hurt anthing! It could be like your roof is a diving board! When you or me do it your exercising and risking you or my life! It would be funny, dangerous, and stupid! Wow doing something dangerous is really fun and stupid. Carson Blair Grade 3, Holland Elementary

Asking forever Dear Editor, I think my parents should get me a dog. I have been asking them forever. I’m really responsible so I know I would take very good care of it. I would feed it and give it water, I would brush it, take it for walks and it would be very healthy. I just don’t see why they won’t get me one. I’ve had a lot of animals so they know how good I am with them. One time I had a hampster that stayed alive for three years. Sometimes I think they will bring me home a dog after work but they never do. So hopefully when you read this letter I’ll have a dog by then. Kamryn Allen Grade 3, Holland Elementary

iPhone Dear Editor, This is why I need a iPhone. I need a iPhone because I can call my mom and


Turtles Dear Editor, A turtle is one of my favorite animals. I like turtles because they are green and have cool shells. I also like turtles because they are slow. Another reason I like turtles is because they have cool faces. Last is because they can go in or out of their cool shell. Keaton Allen Grade 5, Holland Elementary

Wasted trees

Dear Editor, Holland Elementary needs more classes. Like down stairs has so many rooms to use that we don’t use. One reason is that we don’t have to have a longer drive. We could make a swimming pool to use on Wednesday after gym. We might be able to have an obstical course. Alex Huffman Grade 4, Holland Elementary

Dear Editor, Have you ever taken the time to think about how many trees are cut down and wasted every day! That’s why I think all schools should have electronics so they can take tests on them and things like that without wasting paper. Things like that could save many, many trees. Also you can do reports on electronics and send it to your teacher. That saves trees. Trees give us oxygen and we need oxygen to live so if we don’t start saving and planting trees now then we may lose trees forever! Tehya Neukam Grade 5, Holland Elementary

Guinea pigs


Dear Editor, I think we should have a guinea pig in our class for a class pet. They are so loyal like dogs. They also bark like dogs. They are so cute and cuddly and so warm and soft. They have a lifespan last for 4-8 years. There are different types of guinea pigs like the Peruvian guinea pig. Laela Ronk Grade 4, Holland Elementary

Dear Editor, Commercials are the worst because when your watching a show and it gets to the good part it seems a commercial always shows up. That is one thing I don’t like about them but also some of them are pretty dumb. The only thing I like about some of them is they give me what I to put on my Christmas list. I know there trying to advertise but can’t they just let you watch your show. Also if there was no commercials your show would go faster. That is what I think of commercials. Blake Taylor Grade 5, Holland Elementary

More classes

Bus safety Dear Editor, Latley when our school bus lets us off a black car will go speeding past us. I am realy afraid it’s going to hit the bus or when it passes the bus it will hit another car because it won’t see it or have time to stop. It is against the law. That’s why I think our bus should have an extendable arm to stop cars from pasing them while there stopped. Bus safety is very important because a bus has a bunch of lives on it and I don’t think we want to lose any of them. Ayla Ring Grade 4, Holland Elementary

Spend the night Dear Editor, I’m going to tell you what I do when I spend the night at my grandpa’s house. We like to watch TV and eat snacks because my grandpa has a cabnet full of snacks, and it is crazy. Next we go out to the barn and feed the cats and we have 14 cats and one of them is my cat named Bob and then we feed the cows. The cows are scary because their tongues are so long and they feel weird. We have a lot of cows and my cow had a calf and he is black and his name is Frank and he has a big afro. Then we go check on their waters and if they are low then I have to go and turn the water on. We check on the food to and if its low my granpa will give them food and I can’t because I am not strong enough to carry it. Then I go into where Frank is and see how he is doing and if he is fine then I go back to the house. We eat and stuff and watch TV. Last it is bedtime and we just finishe our movie and we are going to bed. Avah Montgomery Grade 4, Holland Elementary

Boy cave Dear Editor, We really need a Boy Cave in this school. The reason I say that is because us boys at recess are cramed together with those gossipy girls. The Boy Cave is located in the basement in 3 classrooms. We will need an X-box 1s and 360. If in school we will get a tank from the show “Tanked.” If school lets me I will put a pool and a indoor small waterpark in the basement. Also, we need to have a few more rooms us boys would like to have a bowling alley, Rangers, and skateboards. That is all I would want in the basement. Olan Kramer Grade 4, Holland Elementary

Animal shelters Dear Editor, When animals get sheltered, it is sad. I don’t really like the pound because cats and dogs get picked up from just roaming around a city, or town. The Humain Sesiety is a good company because it is keeping animals from danger. But when animals get sheltered in the pound it is kinda sad because animals do not get fed pet brands like Meow Mix, Purina, e.t.c. I really wanted to express my feelings about animals being locked up. Kaylea Harlen Grade 5, Holland Elementary

Basketball Dear Editor, I am writing about basketball because I really, really like it! So, first you need to have at least 4 people to play a 2 on 2 game or you can just shoot. Make sure that you keep the ball at the waist or lower. Also, you should have your hand out so no one takes it. When you shoot you should flip your wrist and you will feel a very nice feeling. Also, you need to try and hit the back board or act like your hand is reaching in a cookie jar and try and swish it. These are some tips on basketball and how easy it is. Maddux Marshall Grade 5, Holland Elementary

No smoking Dear Editor, I think smoking should be prohibited because it is not only bad for you it is bad for the people around you. Actually it is worse for the people around you. It is worse for the people around you because when you are smoking you have something to exhale with but the people around you don’t have anything to exhale with, so it is worse for their lungs than yours. Also smoking can lead to cancer which is very hard to deal with. So whatever you do don’t smoke. Die your hair pink or ride a motorcycle just don’t smoke. Payton Nichter Grade 5, Holland Elementary

Letters continue on Page 21

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