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Ex ecut i v ePr of i l eof

DwayneDi xon •T ec hnol ogySol ut i onsI nnov at or •Ent er pr i s eAc c ountSt r at egi s t •Cons ul t at i v eSal esLeader

CONTENTS •Res ume •Wor kPr oduc tEx ampl es •ThoughtLeader s hi p •I deal J obDes c r i pt i on •Val uePr opos i t i on&St r engt hs Fi nderThemes






THOUGHTLEADERSHI P I n2016,IwasaddedasaUni sysCor por at eThoughtLeader .Bel owar eexampl esofhowIl ever age var i ouspl at f or mst opr ovi det echnol ogycent r i ci nf or mat i onandcont ent .Pl easecl i ckonanyi mage t obet akent ot heappr opr i at el ocat i on.

UNI SYSCORPORATEWEBSI TE Thi si smyof f i ci alpr esenceont heUni syswebsi t e.I ti ncl udes mycor por at ebi oaswel lasl i nkst omysoci almedi aout l et s.

THEDI XONTECHREPORT Thi si smyonl i necur at ednewsl et t erf ocusedonCyber secur i t y , Fi nt ech,andDi gi t alDi sr upt i on.I ti spubl i shed3t i mesaweek.

TWI TTERFEED( @Di xonTech. com) Iam ver yact i veont wi t t erandIusemyf eedt oshar et echnol ogyand Uni sysf ocusedcont ent .

Li nkedI n Imai nt ai nan“ Al lSt ar ”pr of i l ewi t hwel lover2, 000f ol l ower sanda r obustnet wor kofconnect i ons.Iuset heLi nkedI npubl i shi ng capabi l i t i est ocr eat eandshar et echi ndust r yr el at edcont ent .

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