2018-2019 Dec Jan

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platform allows them to easily pick up new job requests as well as to log each of the attempts on the serve, saving time and effort. PROOF hopes to provide experienced and qualified process servers with a new income model that is both flexible and incentivizing. It brings process service into the gig economy, benefitting process servers while giving legal professionals a new and much more efficient way to accomplish this necessary aspect of litigation. PROOF entered the marketplace in April of this year. Currently the company has client relationships with almost 90 law firms in Colorado and the Colorado Attorney General’s office. Voogt and his team are currently working on version 2.0, based on client feedback. The product recently expanded into Wyoming, and PROOF is working on other western U.S. markets with an eye toward rapid national expansion. D

chances that proof of service affidavits can be challenged in court. This saves time and money for law firms and their clients, and promotes the overall efficiency of the judicial system. PROOF is also unique in that it is built to attract and motivate the best process servers. It offers both base pay and a “bounty” for the successful completion of service. The app that servers use to connect with the PROOF

Eric Voogt, creator of PROOF has more than 20 years of litigation experience, including 15 years practicing in the Denver Metro Area.

December 2018/January 2019 I Docket I 13

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