Mustard Seed November 2009

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Volume XII Issue 9

November 2009

Friends, I am not in the habit of rewriting scripture, however, it occurs to me that we might add something to the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). You recall that this is a parable about a man who has entrusted his talents, his property, to his servants. He returns to see what they have done with the talents he has given to them. All the men but one doubled his money. Each was rewarded. The third man, frightened of losing what he had been given, buried the talent and returned it to his master. The master grew angry with him and threw him out. 'Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents. For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' - Matthew 25:28-30 As I read that story, I wonder what he would have done if the third man had spent the talent on himself. What kind of response would he receive from the master? To make this story more relevant, I would propose adding a fourth servant who spends everything that he has been given, saving nothing, investing nothing. Our recent past could be rightly identified with this fourth servant. As a people and nation, we have spent everything we have been given. Our national savings rate was, for a time, negative. Our government deficits are enormous, as is our spending. Investment in our aging infrastructure, economy and educational institutions have fallen. And now we are experiencing the consequences of such decisions. Our response to this economic crisis has been to become more like the servant who buried his one remaining talent, afraid of losing it. The last thing we want to do is loss our last remaining talent. Ironically, this national trend has deepened the economic down turn, as banks are no longer willing to lend and consumers to spend. The point of the parable, I believe, provides us with a general answer to this dilemma. The answer is not to consume everything or save everything. Rather, it recommends identifying that of real worth and investing in it. The Parable of the Talents advises that we invest what we have been given so that we might receive a return on our investments. I would propose that now is the time to invest, not spend, not bury, but invest in what matters most. I would also suggest that one of the greatest investments we can make is the church. Together, wisely investing, we can increase the ―return‖ of our church, increase the strength and power of our church to touch, transform and save lives. There are great returns that we can experience, if we wisely investment our talents. This month the stewardship team will be sharing with you our ―investment strategy‖ for 2010. Indeed, we believe that there is real potential for growth in our ministry. Perhaps you are beginning to see it. What we require, however, is a willingness to invest. Thus, consider the words of Matthew 25:29 concerning the willingness to invest. ―For the one who has will be given more, and he will have more than enough. But the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.‖ If we do not invest in what matters most, it will be taken from us. However, if we give to those things that provide real life and blessings, we will have more than enough. Time to invest in God,

Pastor Keck



Agape Group Christian writers have generally described agape, as expounded on by Jesus, as a form of love which is both unconditional and voluntary. Tertullian, in his 2nd century defense of Christians, remarks how Christian love attracted pagan notice: "What marks us in the eyes of our enemies is our loving kindness. 'Only look,' they say, 'look how they love one another'" (Apology 39) We are starting a new group that will extend this love to others on a weekly basis. The Agape Group will be a group of volunteers who take turns reaching out to members and visitors to our church. This group will meet on Tuesday evenings for 30 minutes to call and write letters to persons who have visited the church or members who have not been in church for some time. This is a very important outreach to people. It is an act of love (agape) that distinguishes us as a Christian community. We actively look after and love one another. This is not a weekly commitment, due to the fact that only two or three persons will be needed each week. It is also a short meeting, lasting only 30 minutes. The impact, however, will be enormous. You can become part of this group by signing up at the Welcome Center or by speaking with Pastor Mowry.

Rosebud Trip 2010 The 2010 Rosebud Mission Trip is scheduled for June 12 - 19, 2010. If you are interested in going, contact Bob Rucker (815) 568-5535.



United Methodist Women Our October get together was wonderful. A great Flatlander- catered meatloaf lunch. Wonderful sharing by two of our members as to how their families dealt with grief regarding the death of a loved one. One was a quilt made of pieces of clothing in memory of Janet and Jerry Wright's grandson Daniel who was killed in an accident. The quilt included photographs. The other was a big scrapbook filled with pictures of Brenda Rommel's late husband and his grandson. Thanks to them for sharing. We also had an informative program about Christian fiction books. Many of the books are available in the MUMC library. Looking forward: During the month of November Esther Circle will concentrate on visitations with shut-ins. Ruth Circle will meet Thursday, November 19th at the home of Audrey Anderson. Ruth Circle will once again be a participant in the Marengo Holiday House Walk with a craft bazaar held at the church. December 10th Ruth Circle will meet at the home of Betty Struckmeier for a Christmas gettogether which will include a gift exchange ($5$10 limit).

Gas Can Mission Don’t forget your aluminum cans. Drop off your aluminum cans in the Gas Can Car (different vehicle!) on Sunday mornings! The Gas Can Mission provides gas money for our mission trips.




Church Library


Fine Arts Academy

Some Christian fiction books were discussed at the UMW October meeting. Hope your interest was piqued by some of the books reviewed. One author who writes particularly compelling Christian mysteries is Terri Blackstock. A book written by Terri Blackstock entitled Breakers Reef is available in our library. A famous mystery writer moves to the town of Cape Refuge, the town where the stories often take place. Ex-con Sheila Caruso, mother to Sadie and Caleb, is thrilled to get a job working for him. But when a teenage girl is found murdered, Sheila discovers that a scene in one of the eccentric writer's novels matches the crime scene, exactly!! The suspense builds. Secrets are uncovered while lessons are learned about the sins of the fathers being visited upon their children. Will the consequences of Sheila's poor choices in life be fatal or is there redemption and mercy for her and her children? Terri Blackstock books are nail-biters. The Christian message always plays a part in the story. Enjoy!

Greeters Needed If you would be interested in being a greeter on Sunday mornings, please contact Brenda Rommel (815) 568-3501. There is also a sign up sheet at the Welcome Center table. Being a greeter is an easy way to serve and a great way to meet and say hello to MUMC members and friends.

The Fine Arts Academy will run January 4th – February 10th on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays after school until 5:00 pm. The cost for students will be $25 per week and bus transportation will be provided. We will need some volunteers one day or all three days for the entire six week time period. Aide Positions: volunteer will act as an aide to the primary instructor (following MUMC’s Safe Sanctuary Policy). Volunteer will assist with check out. Number of Volunteers Needed: Several Time Needed: 3:30-5:00 pm MWF Snack Crew: Volunteer will be available to prepare, serve and clean up snack. Number of volunteers Needed: 2 Time Needed: Approximately 2:30-3:30pm MWF, leave when you are done! Exercise Program Leaders: Volunteer to design and implement a 15 minute energy releasing program. (volleyball, etc.) Number of Volunteers: 2 Time: 3:15 – 3:30 pm MWF, leave when you are done! Thank you for considering this opportunity to serve out community. See me or call and leave a message and I will get back to you. Doris Mangano (815) 568-2932

Holiday Cleaning? Ushers Needed One usher is needed for the 10:15 am worship service for the months of November and December. If you are available for any of these months, or even part of a month, please contact the church office (815) 568-7162 or Don’t worry if you have never been an usher before, you will be ushering with an experienced usher who can help. Thank you. Pat Merritt

While you are cleaning closets, making room for new holiday clothes and toys, please consider donating your gently used clothes, house wares, toys, etc. to our PDO Program. November 20th through the end of December PDO will be collecting items and will send them to the A-Z resale shop. Proceeds from the sale of the items will go to help pay for special programs and supplies for the classroom. Call Dawn in the office for more information. (815) 568-7162. Thank you for your continued support!





Operation Christmas Child Last year, members of MUMC and the community of Marengo packed and collected 78 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child. That number was up 23 boxes from the prior year! For those of you who have not heard of OCC, the mission is to fill a shoe box full of age and gender appropriate toys, school supplies, and hygiene items. Then drop it off at the church Sunday Nov. 8th or Sunday Nov. 15th. If those Sundays don’t work, you can drop it off during office hours the week of Nov. 9th, during church office hours: 9:00am—1:00 pm. The boxes will then be taken to a relay site in Belvidere, during OCC National Collection week. From there, they are sent to one of the six regional offices across America. The boxes are then placed in a little boy’s or girl’s hands in time for Christmas. Along with the giftfilled box, they will be given a booklet telling them the good news of our Savior Jesus Christ. If you would like more information, go to our web-site,

It’s hard to believe that the Parent’s Day Out Preschool is currently in its second month of school! We’re off to a great start with good enrollment numbers, a newly organized learning center-based classroom, and several fun-filled field trips. We would like to thank each of you who have so generously donated needed supplies to our program after taking a leaf off of our giving tree located outside the classroom. Beginning October 26th and running until November 9th we will be holding a fundraiser for PDO in order to obtain some larger ticket items for our classroom. We will be selling Gold Canyon Candles, which is a company known for a great smelling, high quality product. I will personally be selling the candles between first and second service and after the second service on November 1st and November 8th. I will have scent samples available. Candles make a wonderful hostess gift, Christmas gift, or addition to your holiday décor. Thank you in advance for your continued support of our program!

Sunday School The kids seem to be having a great time gathering and singing all together downstairs before Sunday School classes. Just a reminder to please try and have your child downstairs and signed in by 10:00am so that we can get started right away. Thank you! Dawn Hoffman

God’s blessings, Jennifer Haas, PDO Director





Great New Programs for our Children! Date Nights! Dear Children age 3 through kindergarten, Invite your mom and dad or grandma and grandpa and join us for Date Night One on Tuesday, November 24th from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. As always we will have a fun-filled time of stories, crafts and snack. Kids in grades 1 through 3 keep an eye on the calendar in the New Year for more sessions of Date Night Two!

Parent’s Time Out! Parents, is this just what you have been waiting for? It’s a program designed to give parents of young children a time to have a quiet dinner or free time for your enjoyment. Your children will get to have a snack, a devotion, free play, stories, art, games, etc. Just to have a supervised fun time without their parents. The next Parent’s Time Out will be on Friday, November 6 from 6:00-7:30 pm for children ages 3 years through 3rd grade.

Fondly, Barbara & Jack Carder Gaye Anne & Richard Anderson

Bake Sale My brother Ron, has been without work and has been faced with personal and financial difficulties. I am worried about him and his three little girls. I want to help raise some money for him by having a bake sale. I will be making little loaves of bread: banana, chocolate banana, pumpkin and zucchini breads. I will have them for sale on Sunday, November 1st and 8th before and after both worship services. All of the money raised will go to my brother in Tennessee. I thank you for your help during this difficult time. God’s Blessings, Bonnie Voller

New in November children in grades 4 through 6 will have a chance to give their parents a time out! Join us on Friday, November 9th from 6:00-7:30 pm and give your parents a break. We do need to have on file an emergency form for each child prior to your participation. The form may be obtained from Dawn Hoffman in the church office (815-568-7162). We would appreciate a phone call to know if your child or children will be in attendance. This will help in our preparations. Please call your reservation to any of the following persons at least 2 days prior to the scheduled event: Dawn Hoffman (1-815-5687162), Betty Struckmeier (1-815-568-6179) or Gaye Anne Anderson (1-815-568-8806). We hope you will share your children with us and enjoy the free time yourselves. Gaye Anne Anderson Director of Children’s and Family Ministry

Anna Mangano will be performing at the Raue Center, December 19th and 20th in The Nutcracker. She has the role of Clara, in the second half. Her father Tom is also performing as one of the parents in the party scene of Act1. This will be Anna (and Tom’s) last role with the Summers Academy of Dance. Anna plans on auditioning for professional ballet companies starting in January. Tickets are $25 and $22. All seats are good at the Raue, however this was a sold out show the last two years, so if you are planning on seeing it, tickets are on sale now. This show is well choreographed and has many expensive backdrops/costumes to give it the appeal of a Chicago show, close to home. Contact for tickets





Children’s Christmas Pageant: Signs of Christmas The children will present a Christmas program during worship on Sunday, December 13th. We will have only one worship service that morning, at 9:30 AM. There will be an organization and sign-up meeting after the 10:15 worship service on Sunday, Nov. 1st in the sanctuary. Rehearsals will begin on Wednesday, November 4th at 5:30 PM, in the sanctuary for speaking parts. Speaking rehearsals are scheduled for Wednesdays at 5:30-6:00pm on 11/4, 11/11, 11/18, 12/2, 12/9 Singing rehearsals – grade 1 and up will be on Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00pm on 11/11, 11/18, 12/2, 12/9 Pre-School and Kindergarten rehearsals (singing & dancing): Sun. 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 11/29, 12/6 at 11:15-11:45 AM after Sunday School and/ or Wednesday evenings from 6:00-6:30 pm. Dress rehearsal will be Saturday, December 12th at 10:00am until Noon, lunch to follow. Helpers will be needed for many things: Costumes, Props, Scenery, Provide lunch after dress rehearsal, ―Safe Sanctuary‖ sign-in and sign-out If you have any questions, please call me. Weekdays you may call me at work 847-931-0710 Ext. 17, weekends and some evenings at home: 815-568-7502, or e-mail me at I am really looking forward to working with you and your children to make this a wonderful Christmas. Susan Gieseler

Sunday School Class Changes I want to start by saying I am so excited to see the rising number of kids in our Sunday school program. We are so excited to see more and more new faces as well as all of you that have been with us through the years. Due to the number of children this year we are making some changes to our grade levels and our meeting places. You will continue to drop off your children down in the basement for singing time by 10:00. The classes will be put together as follows: Pre School: Teacher(s) to be announced - same location K & 1st: Dyan Miller & Libby Lohff - same location 2nd & 3rd: Connie Sandman - Fellowship Hall (stage) 4th & 5th: Char Esunis - same location 6th & 7th (Pre-Confirmation): Tom Mangano -same location We hope these changes are going to benefit the children as well as the teachers. Thank you all for your patience as we work to make your child’s experience of learning God’s word most beneficial. Questions: call Kim McMenamy @ 568-7381 or Liz McGowan @ 568-0992











2 9-1:00 pm - PDO

3 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:30 am - WFG@ Judy Andrews’ 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 3:00pm - Girl Scouts 6:30 pm - Agape Group 7:00 pm - Trustees 7:00 pm-WFG @ MUMC 7:30pm - Al-Anon

4 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00pm - Jr. Choir 6:30 pm - Jr. Bells 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 pm - Cub Scouts 7:00 pm-WFG@MUMC 7:00 p.m. - Yoga

5 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00 pm - Brownie Troop Meeting 7:00 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00pm - WF@ MUMC

6 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6 pm - Parent’s Night Out

7 8 am—Men’s Breakfast 5:00 pm—Fellowship Hall Reserved

9 9-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 am -Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-WF @ Brenda Rommel’s 5:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers 6:00 pm—Disciple I 7pm - WFG @ Meinders’, Andrews’ & Nicole Misiura’s 7:30 pm - AA

10 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:30 am - WFG@ Judy Andrews’ 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 3:00pm - Girl Scouts 6:00 pm - PDO Board 6:30 pm - Agape Group 7:00 pm-Pastor Parish 7:00 pm-WFG @ MUMC 7:30pm - Al-Anon

11 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00pm - Jr. Choir 6:30 pm - Jr. Bells 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 pm- Ministry Team 7:00 pm - Cub Scouts 7:00 pm-WFG@MUMC 7:00 p.m. - Yoga

12 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00 pm - Brownie Troop Meeting 6:45 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00pm - WF@ MUMC

13 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners

14 50’s Diner—TBA

15 i8:30 am - Worship 10:00 am - Kid’s Fellowship in Song/ Sunday School in Fellowship Hall 10:15 am - Worship 10:15 am - PreConfirmation 1:00 pm - Confirmation 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth Fellowship

16 9-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 am -Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-WF @ Brenda Rommel’s 5:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers 6:00 pm—Disciple I 7pm - WFG @ Andrews’ & Nicole Misiura’s 7 pm - Stephen Ministry Supervision

17 9-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 am - WF @ Judy Andrews’ 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 3:00pm - Girl Scouts 6:30 pm - Agape 6:30 pm - LEAD 7:00pm - WF@MUMC 7:30pm - Al-Anon

18 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 6:00pm - Jr. Choir 6:30 pm - Jr. Bells 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 pm - Cub Scouts 7:00 pm-WFG@MUMC 7:00 p.m. - Yoga

19 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 7:00 pm - Ruth Circle 7:00 pm - Grateful Praise Rehearsal 7:00pm - WF@ MUMC

20 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 12:00pm - Marengo Women’s Club


22 8:00-1:00pm BLOOD DRIVE 8:30 am - Worship 10:00 am - Kid’s Fellowship in Song/ Sunday School in Fellowship Hall 10:15 am - Worship 10:15 am - PreConfirmation 1:00 pm - Confirmation 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth Fellowship

23 9-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 am -Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-WF @ Brenda Rommel’s 5:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers 6:00 pm—Disciple I 7pm - WFG @ Meinders’, Andrews’ & Nicole Misiura’s 7:30 pm - AA

24 9-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 am - WF @ Judy Andrews’ 10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners 3:00pm - Girl Scouts 6:00 pm - Kids Date Night 1 6:30 pm - Agape 7:00pm - WF@MUMC 7 pm–Pastor Parish 7:30 pm - Church Conference 7:30pm - Al-Anon

25 9:00-1:00 pm - PDO 9:00 a.m. - Yoga 10:45am-Gold Diner 6:00pm - Jr. Choir 6:30 pm - Jr. Bells 7:00 pm - Sr. Choir 7:00 pm - Cub Scouts 7:00 pm-WFG@MUMC 7:00 p.m. - Yoga




Thanksgiving Day

Church Office Closed

Church Office Closed

10:45 a.m. - Golden Diners

29 1st Sunday in Advent 8:30 am - Worship 10:00 am - Kid’s Fellowship in Song/ Sunday School in Fellowship Hall 10:15 am - Worship 10:15 am - PreConfirmation 1:00 pm - Confirmation 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth Fellowship

30 Set Up For Tea 9-1:00 pm - PDO 10:45 am -Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-WF @ Brenda Rommel’s 5:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers 6:00 pm—Disciple I 7pm - WFG @ Meinders’, Andrews’ & Nicole Misiura’s 7:30 pm - AA

8:30 am - Worship 10:15 am - Worship 10:00 am - Kid’s Fellowship in Song/ Sunday School in Fellowship Hall 10:15 am - Preconfirmation 1:00 pm - Confirmation 6:00 pm- Sr. High Youth Fellowship 8 8:30 am - Worship 10:00 am - Kid’s Fellowship in Song/ Sunday School in Fellowship Hall 10:15 am - Worship 10:15 am - PreConfirmation 1:00 pm - Confirmation 6:00pm - Sr. High Youth Fellowship

10 am - Marengo Wmn Club Board 10:45 am -Golden Diners 1:30p.m.-WF @ Brenda Rommel’s 5:00 p.m. - Weight Watchers 6:00 pm - Disciple I 7pm - WFG @ Meinders’, Andrews’ & Nicole Misiura’s




November 2009



A Senior Moment A few months ago I received a book that had been mailed to our church entitled Does Your Flame Flicker? The author was Grandpa Ed. It’s a very enjoyable book about Grandpa Ed's faith journey. I found much substance in his writing. As November is the month of Thanksgiving, I would like to share the following excerpts from his book with you: ** If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, agony of torture or the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of five hundred million people in the world. ** If you attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death, you are fortunate. More than three billion people in the world cannot. ** If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of the world. ** If you can read this, you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all. As you ponder Thanksgiving and your many blessings, take time to lift your hearts in prayers of Thanksgiving. We "oldies" have lived long lives and have a great deal to be thankful for and we know the one to thank!



by Ann Stein An English Prayer Give me a good digestion, Lord and also something to digest; Give me a healthy body, Lord, and a sense to keep it at its best; Give me a healthy mind, good Lord, to keep the good and pure in sight, Which, seeing sin is not appalled, But finds a way to set it right. Give me a mind that is not bound, that does not whimper, whine or sigh. Don't let me worry over much about the fussy thing called I. Give me a sense of humor, Lord; Give me the grace to see a joke, To get some happiness from life and pass it on to other folk. THANKSGIVING DAY PRAYER We take so much for granted of life and liberty, and think that we deserve it; that all was done "for me". think how they must have struggled, new pilgrims in this land, So many died from hardships yet still they made a stand. When all the work was finished, new crops sowed in the ground, they gathered with their neighbors, asked blessings all around. Oh, God, help us be grateful for gifts you've sent our way. For these we want to thank you on this Thanksgiving Day.

What is the Role of a Christian in our Polarized & Divisive Society? Join the Union Monday night Wesley Fellowship Group for this five-session video study on Adam Hamilton’s Seeing Gray in a Black and White World. The study features Hamilton teaching the following topics: ―Where Faith and Politics Meet;‖ ―Christ, Christians, and the Culture Wars;‖ ―How Should We Live? The Ethics of Jesus;‖ ―Spiritual Maturity and Seeing Gray;‖ and ―What Would Jesus Say to America?‖ Through this video study, Hamilton encourages all thinking person’s of faith to model for the rest of the country a richer, more thoughtful conversation on the political, moral, and religious issues that divide us. This study runs from Monday, October 26 through Monday, November 30. The group meets at Dewey and Betty Meinders’ home, 17913 Meadow Lane in Union at 7:00 pm. Call 815-923-3411 or email for more information.



An Invitation To Christmas Tea Ladies, you are invited to a Christmas Tea on Tuesday, December 1st, 7:30 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall. The Christmas Tea is an evening filled with music, conversation, and an inspirational message. Tables will be set with linen tablecloths, beautiful centerpieces, and the fellowship hall will be illuminated by candlelight. We invite you to start off your holiday season in this very relaxing, elegant, and inspiring way. Nancy Richard will provide beautiful Christmas musical selections. Renasde Cossey, the Director of Women’s Programs from the Rockford Rescue Mission, will be our speaker. Tickets, at $6.00, will be available on Sunday, November 8th from Clara Piper, or call Clara at 568-6891. We would ask that you show support and encouragement for these women by bringing to the tea one or more of the following items: feminine hygiene products, toothpaste, nail clippers, poly grip, q-tips, facial tissue, toilet paper, diapers, bath towels and wash cloths, single bed sheet sets, and pajamas. Thank you in advance for your support.



Scholarship Opportunity N.I.C. UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP (must be postmarked by Deadline of April 1, 2010) There are a number of ways to receive the application: Download a copy from the Conference web site: (Click on ―Ministries‖, then click on ―Higher Education & Campus Ministry‖) (Note that the eligible Year in School Status is as of Fall 2010) Request an e-mail attachment be sent to you. Request a copy be faxed to you. Request a copy be sent to you via snail mail. Contact: Mrs. Gladys King-Lucas Marcy-Newberry Association 1073 W. Maxwell Street, Chicago, IL 60608 312-829-7555 ext. 118 Please Note: COLLEGE STUDENTS SHOULD SEND IN THEIR APPLICATIONS NOW SO AS TO AVOID THE LAST MINUTE RUSH!

MUMC Youth Group The youth would like to thank all of you who donated to our Rosebud Welcome Center Drive in September. It’s wonderful that we can care for our local, as well as distant friends in need. Coming soon the youth will once again be selling Carol-Grams! Watch for further details!

Daylight Savings Time Don’t forget to ―Fall Back‖ at 2:00 am on Sunday, November 1st .




Anniversaries & Birthdays ANNIVERSARIES Curt & Susan Simons November, 8 Al & Jackie Beebe November, 20 John & Nancy Weberpal November 21 George & Cathryn Kasten November, 26 BIRTHDAYS Ray Richardson Tina Kohon Tom Mangano Cody Koplin Keane Paradiso Errol Alden Kevin Hillner Peter Perkins Jim Cowan Betty Pace Kim Rucker Brenda Ferreira Stacy Skow Philip Gieseler Brooklyn Elliott Ruth Brooke Joan Cowan Kalee Skow Samantha Gustafson Courtney Haas Nell Gron Vicki Loudenbeck Dennis Romine Richard Romine Stephanie Voller Jan Perkins Myles Rickerd Nichole Paradiso Anthony Gailloreto Joseph Bourke

1 2 4 5 5 6 6 6 9 13 13 15 17 18 20 22 22 22 23 24 24 24 24 26 27 28 28 29 29 30


Lifting up our church family in prayer Prayers for Health and Healing: Linda Haefner, friend of the Hoffmans; Private First Class Joshua Kerber; Elberta and David, friends of Betty Jacoby; Bev Bourke; Bruce Swonguer; Sara Mulasmajic; Freedom Epich, Susan Gieseler’s niece-in-law; Ann Locovare; Ryan Justen Prayers for Comfort and Support: Wendy, friend of Dawn Hoffman; Renee Zintz, Susan Ott’s sister; Isaiah Burnside, Pat Merritt’s grandson serving in Afghanistan; Steve Tradewell; For those facing unemployment; Our Country’s leaders; Military Men & Women and their families Prayers for the Homebound: Katie Loomis Prayers for those in Nursing/Rehab: Ann Jenne; Ann Locovare; Bev Parke; Norm Finnell; Genelle Skeels; Mildred Walters If you find your loved one was taken from our prayer list in error, please contact Dawn in the church office and this will be fixed. If you have updated status on someone on our prayer list or would like to add a loved one, you can add your request to the backside of the Connection Card (located in the pocket of our attendance book), place a note on the office desk, email to or call the church office at 815-568-7162. Thank you.

Stress Management in Difficult Times As the Holiday Season approaches, do you find your life to be more stressful? Would you like some help to deal with the stress of life’s challenges? Stephen Ministry is offering a seminar on Stress Management on Thursday, December 3, 2009, at 7:00 P.M. in the Fellowship Hall at Marengo United Methodist Church. Our speaker is Sharon Purdom, who is a Flight Nurse and E.M.S. for Centegra Memorial Medical Center. Sharon regularly presents this seminar to Centegra staff who work in very stressful situations. We all should benefit from her presentation and knowledge. Also, in February 2010, Sharon will be speaking on Compassion, a life skill so important to all of us. The exact date and time will be announced later. We hope you will join us for these two informative seminars. Gaye Anne & Richard Anderson Stephen Leaders




Holiday Housewalk MUMC’s Ruth Circle will once again be participating in the 17th annual Holiday Housewalk.

Saturday, December 5th 9:00-4:00 p.m. Sunday, December 6th 10:00-4:00 p.m.

Make sure to stop by to find fun holiday gifts and dĂŠcor.




L.I.F.E. 101 Exploring Church Membership Our goal at Marengo UMC is to help people develop a lifestyle that maximizes all the purposes for which God created us. Our L.I.F.E. Series of four four-hour classes is your roadmap to that spiritual growth. If you take all four L.I.F.E. classes, you will be on your way to being the kind of disciple God wants and the world needs. “Exploring Church Membership” is the first of the L.I.F.E. classes. This seminar will teach you about Marengo UMC’s mission, vision, and core values. You will learn what it means to be a Christian and what it means to be a member of Marengo UMC. If you are considering membership at Marengo UMC, the first step is to attend our L.I.F.E. Class 101. If you are already a member and you want to get on board with God’s mission for our church, God’s vision for your life, and a strategy for fulfilling both, we encourage you to take L.I.F.E. 101 and renew your passion for Christ and your membership vows. Exploring Church membership takes place on Sunday, November 15th from 3:00 - 7:00 p.m., with a break for supper. Sessions will be in the Conference Room or Fellowship Hall, depending upon the number of participants. Child care is available with advance sign-up. You can register by talking to Pastor Keck, calling the church office (815-568-7162), or e-mail us at



Youth Council Are you interested in being a support to our youth program? We are putting together a group of adults to assist in the growth and direction of our youth program. The first meeting will be on Sunday, November 1st. If this is something you would like to be a part of, please contact Pastor Keck.

Church-wide Christmas Cards Do you ever struggle to send out Christmas cards? Perhaps you have given up or cut back on your list. It can also be rather expensive. We have a better idea. This Christmas we are sending out a church wide Christmas card. Instead of paying to send a card to everyone in the congregation, we encourage you to contribute to a congregational card. Your name will be included in the card and your contribution will help to support our children’s ministries, such as Parents’ Time Out or Date Night. You can send a Christmas card and support the children of our church. Sign up by sending in your contribution or at our new missions table in the narthex. (Suggested donations are the amount it would have cost to send a Christmas card to the congregation.)

Sound Tech Ministry in Need Do you have an interest in electronics? Do you like it when the Pastor is clearly audible, the music is balanced, the volume is pleasing and there is no feedback? There is a ministry for you! The worship team is looking for people to serve behind the sound board during worship. This ministry is very important to offering excellent worship every Sunday morning. Training will be provided. It is not necessary to serve at both services or every week. Please contact Betty Meinders at (815) 861-2153 or (815) 923-3411 or by email at

We are on the web!





119 East Washington Street Marengo, IL 60152 815-568-7162 Fax: 815-568-7163 Email: We are a loving community of faith, offering compassionate fellowship, Bible-based teaching, Christ-centered worship, and opportunities to serve, in order to equip people with a faith that works in real life.

Thanksgiving Blood Drive Thanks to our wonderful church family, our past two Sunday Blood Drives have been a real success!! Our next blood drive is set for Sunday, November 22nd from 8:00am – 1:30 pm. What a better way to start the week of Thanksgiving than by giving!

Sunday November 22nd 8:00 am-1:30 pm Sign up TODAY!

Also, MUMC is now a part of Heartland Blood Center’s Four Season Donation Plan. What does that mean? It means MUMC will be hosting a Blood Drive at least four times a year (one per season) and in seasons three and four, you will receive a gift for your donation! In September, donors received a cuddly stadium blanket. In November, donors will receive a warm, hooded, zip up sweatshirt! Sign up at the Welcome Center in the Narthex or call the church office at (815) 568-7162 to reserve your time slot today!

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